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2015, CCIT Journal
6 pages
1 file
Blogs are a popular way to share personal journals, discuss matters of public opinion, pursue collaborative conversations, and aggregate content on similar topics. Blogs can be also used to disseminate new content and novel ideas to communities of interest. In this paper we present about the use of blogging in spreading rumors. Most blogs are interactive, allowing visitors to leave comments and even message to each other through widgets on the blogs and it is this interactivity that distinguishes them from other static websites. Topical content such as news and political commentary spreads quickly by the hour and then quickly disappears, while non-topical content such as music and entertainment propagates slowly over a much long period of time
Proceedings of the 2011 …, 2011
The aim of this study is to understand the role of bloggers in driving viral information. More specifically, we develop a new methodology that creates a map of the "life cycle" of blogs posting links to viral information. Our dataset focuses blogs linking to the most significant viral videos of the 2008 US presidential election. To do so, we gathered data on all blogs (n=9,765) and their posts (n=13,173) linking to 65 of the top US presidential election videos that went viral on the Internet during the period between March 2007 and June 2009. Among other things, our findings illuminate the importance of different types of blogs: elite, top-political, topgeneral and tail blogs. We also found that while elite and topgeneral blogs create political information, they drive and sustain the viral process, whereas top-political and tail blogs act as followers in the process.
The problem of identifying rumors is of practical importance especially in online social networks, since information can diffuse more rapidly and widely than the offline counterpart. In this paper, we identify characteristics of rumors by examining the following three aspects of diffusion: temporal, structural, and linguistic. For the temporal characteristics, we propose a new periodic time series model that considers daily and external shock cycles, where the model demonstrates that rumor likely have fluctuations over time. We also identify key structural and linguistic differences in the spread of rumors and non-rumors. Our selected features classify rumors with high precision and recall in the range of 87% to 92%, that is higher than other states of the arts on rumor classification.
Abstract Blogs are a popular way to share personal journals, discuss matters of public opinion, pursue collaborative conversations, and aggregate content on similar topics. Blogs can be also used to disseminate new content and novel ideas to communities of interest. In this paper, we present an analysis of the topological structure and the patterns of popular media content that is shared in blogs.
Social media have become part of modern news reporting, used by journalists to spread information and find sources, or as a news source by individuals. The quest for prominence and recognition on social media sites like Twitter can sometimes eclipse accuracy and lead to the spread of false information. As a way to study and react to this trend, we introduce TWITTERTRAILS, an interactive, web-based tool ( that allows users to investigate the origin and propagation characteristics of a rumor and its refutation, if any, on Twitter. Visualizations of burst activity, propagation timeline, retweet and co-retweeted networks help its users trace the spread of a story. Within minutes TWITTERTRAILS will collect relevant tweets and automatically answer several important questions regarding a rumor: its originator, burst characteristics, propagators and main actors according to the audience. In addition, it will compute and report the rumor’s level of visibility and, as an example of the power of crowdsourcing, the audience’s skepticism towards it which correlates with the rumor’s credibility. We envision TWITTERTRAILS as valuable tool for individual use, but we especially for amateur and professional journalists investigating recent and breaking stories. Further, its expanding collection of investigated rumors can be used to answer questions regarding the amount and success of misinformation on Twitter.
Proceedings of the 2011 iConference on - iConference '11, 2011
The aim of this study is to understand the role of bloggers in driving viral information. More specifically, we develop a new methodology that creates a map of the "life cycle" of blogs posting links to viral information. Our dataset focuses blogs linking to the most significant viral videos of the 2008 US presidential election. To do so, we gathered data on all blogs (n=9,765) and their posts (n=13,173) linking to 65 of the top US presidential election videos that went viral on the Internet during the period between March 2007 and June 2009. Among other things, our findings illuminate the importance of different types of blogs: elite, top-political, topgeneral and tail blogs. We also found that while elite and topgeneral blogs create political information, they drive and sustain the viral process, whereas top-political and tail blogs act as followers in the process.
The paper addresses a method for spreading messages in social networks through an initial acceleration by Spreading Groups. These groups start the spread which eventually reaches a larger portion of the network. The use of spreading groups creates a final flow which resembles the spread through the nodes with the highest level of influence (opinion leaders). While harnessing opinion leaders to spread messages is generally costly, the formation of spreading groups is merely a technical issue, and can be done by computerized bots. The paper presents an information flow model and inspects the model through a dataset of Nasdaq-related tweets.
ArXiv, 2020
Nowadays, a significant portion of daily interacted posts in social media are infected by rumors. This study investigates the problem of rumor analysis in different areas from other researches. It tackles the unaddressed problem related to calculating the Spread Power of Rumor (SPR) for the first time and seeks to examine the spread power as the function of multi-contextual features. For this purpose, the theory of Allport and Postman will be adopted. In which it claims that there are two key factors determinant to the spread power of rumors, namely importance and ambiguity. The proposed Rumor Spread Power Measurement Model (RSPMM) computes SPR by utilizing a textual-based approach, which entails contextual features to compute the spread power of the rumors in two categories: False Rumor (FR) and True Rumor (TR). Totally 51 contextual features are introduced to measure SPR and their impact on classification are investigated, then 42 features in two categories "importance" ...
La Grande chaîne de la conscience 1 Par Mohammed Rustom Dans son Essai sur l'homme 2 , le poète britannique Alexander Pope proposait au XVIIIè siècle une formulation succincte d'une ancienne doctrine philosophique de la réalité. Cette doctrine, à laquelle Arthur Lovejoy a donné le nom de "grande chaîne des êtres," soutient que l'existence est une structure organique, entremêlée et hiérarchisée, reposant sur les degrés décroissants d'états de l'existence. La réalité vient de Dieu et elle part de Lui, l'Être Suprême; et elle vient trouver sa fin dans la plus infinitésimale des formes d'existence. Chaque élément du cosmos, y compris le cosmos lui-même, nourrit un lien vital avec les autres éléments qui en composent la grande chaîne. Pour citer Pope: Par Dieu commence la chaîne de l'être, et l'atome, Ô, natures éthérées, humain, ange, homme, Bête, oiseau, poisson, insecte! Ce que nul oeil ne saurait voir, Ni nul miroir atteindre! De l'infini à toi, De toi au néant!-Si nous devions nous arroger Les puissances supérieures, Sur nous prendraient leurs droits les puissances inférieures: Ou bien, dans la pleine création, laissant une brèche béante, Là où, d'une seule rupture, la grande balance s'ébranle. Et la chaîne de la nature! peu importe lequel, Le dixième, le dix-millième maillon, peut tout autant la rompre. L'objet de Pope dans son Essai n'était pas tant d'établir un argument philosophique sur la grande chaîne de l'être, que de produire une rhétorique en vue de persuader ses lecteurs de la finalité de l'existence humaine, la relativité du mal, l'incapacité de l'homme à sonder les voies divines, et in fine, la justice et la bonté absolues de Dieu. Mais alors, à quoi ressemblerait un argumentaire qui soutiendrait la théorie de "la grande chaîne de l'être"? On peut expliquer cette fresque cosmique de maintes façons, et la tradition intellectuelle islamique fournit un exposé philosophique sophistiqué sur le sujet.
New Explorations, 2024
Abstract: The objective of this article is to analyze how the disinformation industry, understood as organized and systematic practices aimed at disseminating false information with the aim of manipulating public perception, has eroded trust in information, especially with the collaboration of socio-digital networks and artificial intelligence (AI). Technological advances amplify the speed and sophistication with which disinformation spreads, making it difficult to identify and counteract false information, which could be identified with adequate digital literacy. With the use of algorithms and big data analysis, AI is used to personalize political messages, segment audiences and predict electoral trends, seeking not only to persuade voters, but also to create an immersive and emotionally attractive narrative. To do this, the article shows cases of deceiving the audience by presenting false information in a realistic way. Thanks to the formidable development of AI and the advent of synthetic humans, we are witnessing the profound transformation of the entertainment industry and, shortly, political marketing. Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, misinformation,Internet, socio-digital networks, government, fake news, entertainment, synthetic humans
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