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Interpersonal communication consists of verbal components and nonverbal symbols. It is believed that gender differences exist for both communication components. This research attempts to obtain a description of the students’ verbal and nonverbal communication patterns concerning gender and to find out how male and female students interact with each other. Employing DeVito’s model of communication patterns, this study was conducted through a descriptive method. The results show that male students tend to use oral verbal communication instead of nonverbal communication. It indicates that male students prefer to interact with their friends directly in the face to face interaction. While female students tend to use both verbal and nonverbal communication, but more nonverbal communication compared to male students. It can be said that female students prefer to use various patterns to communicate, and they are able to share their opinions in the media. Concerning the difference in communi...
Responsible Education, Learning and Teaching in Emerging Economies
Objective: Interpersonal communication is an essential element of communication that creates meaningful social relationships in the academic environment. Students who have good interpersonal communication skills will be capable of interacting with others. However, it was reported that some students still have a low capacity for interpersonal communication caused by various factors, and one of them is gender. This research attempts to investigate the students’ interpersonal communication concerning gender and to find out whether there is a difference between male and female students in terms of interpersonal communication. Methodology: This study was conducted through a descriptive method. The subject of this study includes 88 students consisting of 66 male and 22 female students at one state polytechnic in Bandung, Indonesia. The data were collected in terms of interpersonal communication and gender. Results: The results show that male students had a slightly higher score of interpe...
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
The communication style is an indicator of a pattern of a person organises his interpersonal relationships. In fact, the style of communication is a way which shows how the pupils see and judge the information around them. According to these, the teachers, families can improve their interactions. The art of effective communication should not just stop at the correct use of language, but also at other forms of communication. We have proposed to present a theoretical and practical approach about how the gender of pupils influences communication, with the objective of preventing conflicting style. The method used is a questionnaire of the Romanian psychologist Solomon Marcus. It includes four styles -aggressive, assertive, persuasive and passive. The participants are 60 pupils, equal numbers of girls and boys, 12-14 years old, from schools in Bucharest. We used statistical t test to see the differences between boys and girls. We also wanted to see if preadolescents already have a pattern of aggresivity or passiveness. The research findings coming according to recent studies, there is a need among students to create an orientation towards interpersonal communication for success in the future and for the formation of human society. The teacher must realize the importance of communication in their relationships with students and encourage the development of quality communication skills to help children communicate better in the future. Communication skills are very important for the future personality of the young person.
In addition to poor communication, the teacher is still differentiate between male and female students. If the communication behavior of the teacher in the learning process is not gender responsive, it will affect the successful of the learning process. Gender responsive teacher communication behavior will improve the quality of learning.The objective of this research were to analyze the communication behavior of male and female teacher in urban and rural areas. The research was conducted in the city of Padang and Padang Pariaman District began in August to December 2013. Total sample of 200 people consisting of 100 male and 100 female were scattered in cities and in villages. Data analysis using Spearman rank, Chi Sguare correlation. The research results showed that verbal communication behaviors that include snarl words, purr words, degrading words, confirmation, taboos and euphemisms including the high category is spoken by male and female the teacher in both urban and rural, com...
With the existence of language and gender studies emphasizing the male and female dichotomy in interactional strategies, this study aimed to investigate the verbal communication behaviors of language classroom mixed-gender and same-gender group conversations involving the same interlocutors. The transcribed data obtained from the three fifteen-minute recorded group interactions indicated that questions and expressions of agreement were the typical behaviors employed by the interlocutors. The results showed that aside from the gender of the interlocutor and the gender composition of the group, the nature of talk and the group size influence the use of particular behaviors. The findings have implications on providing a locally-acquired data on classroom peer talks in the field of language and gender.
People use communication to express their feelings, emotions, value and to present themselves to others. Communication is therefore very important in any environment, whether it's communication between parents, employees, family or even husband and wife. Good communication is extremely important and sometimes gaps in communication may give arise to misunderstanding if messages are not interpreted correctly. This misunderstanding could be due to different style of communication between genders and some aspect of non verbal communication. It is growing fact that non verbal communication method between gender i.e. men and women are different in many aspects. I will be explaining these different aspects on non verbal communication difference between gender and at the same time will address some of the beliefs of non verbal communication between genders.
Monograph, 1987
Every day, observations and predictions are made about people's gender on the basis of their communicative behaviors and the roles individuals play in their culture. Although interest in the relationship between biological sex and communication may be traced to the beginning of this century, much of the research on gender and communication has been produced over the past 15 years. Examining the history of gender and communication reveals how these topics are related. Communication is related to gender because communication identifies roles and encourages or discourages the internalizing of predispositions that relate to masculinity and femininity. Gender also relates to communication because it influences the specific use of verbal and nonverbal codes, languages of the masculine and feminine subcultures. Two major problems account for the difficulty in effective and appropriate communication across these subcultures: (1) it is assumed that gender and sex are synonyms; and (2) perceptions of behavior are often confused with actual behavior. The dilemmas in this area can be solved if people are willing to separate their perceptions of themselves or of others from the behaviors that they or others exhibit, and if gender and sex are viewed as distinctive constructs. Sex refers to biological differences between people; gender refers to internalized predispositions about masculine and feminine roles. (Twenty-two references are attached.) (MM) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document.
Humanities and Social Sciences quarterly
What does it mean to be female or male, a woman or a man? The idea of gender has become a battleground, with scientists, philosophers, writers and activists clashing over its definition, and its usefulness as a category. Where is the line where "man" becomes "woman", and vice versa? Is it to do with having the "right" genitals, or a particular kind of brain? Are there fundamental differences between the two? Historically, the terms "sex" and "gender" have been used interchangeably, but, in modern society, their meanings are becoming increasingly distinct. Being clear on the differences between the two concepts is more important than ever. So while your sex as male or female is a biological fact that is the same in any culture, what that sex means in terms of your gender role as a 'man' or a 'woman' in society can be quite different cross culturally. "Gender" is more difficult to define but can refer to the role of a male or female in society (gender role), or an individual's concept of themselves (gender identity). In this article, we will look at the meaning of "sex", "gender" and "communication". In the context of the distinction between verbal an nonverbal communication will be shown the differences between men and women in the process of communication.
Language and communication are considered acquired behaviours that develop through a combination of nature and nurture, genetic predisposition and environmental stimulation. Human beings have different styles while communicating with one other. Style depends on a number of things such as where we are from, how and where we are brought up, our educational background, age, and gender. In recent years, communication styles of men and women have been studied scientifically. Linguists have documented these perceived differences. The primary purpose of these intensive investigations is not to determine which communicative style is best or to motivate others to change completely, but to identify differences for the purpose of understanding and adaptation.
Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, 2016
This paper is aimed at investigating the types of communication strategies employed by male and female students of Electronic engineering study program. Communication strategies are strategies applied by learners to assist them overcoming problems during communication. The subjects of this research are 20 students of second grade Diploma III Electronic engineering study program. The students were given task to do presentation about electronic home appliances. The presentations were recorded and later the communication strategies will be analyzed. This research uses Dornyei classification of communication strategies. Faerch and Dornyei divides communication strategies into two kinds, namely avoidance and compensatory strategies. Avoidance strategies employed when learners avoid some topic areas or leave a message unfinished. While compensatory strategies employ when a learner does effort to deliver a message.The result of this research is in the form of words which classify this research into qualitative research. Dalam proses belajar mengajar, salah satu keterampilan berbahasa yang diajarkan adalah keterampilan berbicara, khususnya berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. Dalam berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris, pebelajar tentunya menemui hambatan selama berkomunikasi dan mereka menggunakan strategi dalam mengatasi hambatan tersebut. Strategi ini yang disebut sebagai strategi komunikasi. Strategi komunikasi merupakan objek yang diteliti dalam artikel ini, khususnya untuk menemukan perbedaan strategi komunikasi yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa dan mahasiswa. 17 mahasiswa dan 3 mahasiswi digunakan sebagai subjek dalam penelitian ini. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa dan mahasiswi menggunakan strategi komunikasi avoidance dan compensatory. Dalam avoidance mereka menghindari topik dan aturan grammatika tertentu, sementara dalam compensatory mereka melakukan berbagai cara untuk menyampaikan pesan seperti misalnya dengan cara alih kode, approximation dan literal translation. Kata Kunci: strategi komunikasi, mahasiswa dan mahasiswi
The new concept in masculinity and femininity research began in 1974. The early 1970’s view of gender role orientation held that masculinity and femininity were at opposite ends of the same continuum. S. L. B e m (1974) challenged this concept by suggesting that masculinity and femininity were actually separate continuums, allowing individuals to endorse both characteristics. As mentioned above, gender schema theory of S. L. B e m (1974, 1981) represents a variation of the traditional bipolar model of masculinityfemininity. According to this theory sex-typed, gender-schematic men and women have developed a strong role indentification that has led them to acquire and display the diverse traits, attitudes and behaviours expected of their gender according to their’s society expectations. Moreover, gender serves as an organizing principle for sex-typed individuals that they use in processing information about themselves and the external world. Non-sextyped men and women, described as ge...
Kimberly Czajkowski and Benedikt Eckhardt, with Meret Strothman, eds., Law in the Roman Provinces. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020, 2020
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Microbiology Australia