Chapter 4
Overview of Methods Applied
in Karst Hydrogeology
Nico Goldscheider
4.1 The Duality of Karst Aquifers and Investigation Methods
Karst aquifers have a different hydraulic structure and behavior than porous media
and therefore require specific investigation methods (Goldscheider and Drew
2007). As discussed in Chap. 3, they are characterized by a high degree of heterogeneity and discontinuity, resulting in a duality of recharge, infiltration, porosity, flow, and storage (Bakalowicz 2005; Ford and Williams 2007). Recharge either
originates from the karst area itself (autogenic) or from adjacent non-karst areas
that drain toward the karst aquifer (allogenic). Infiltration occurs diffusely through
soil and epikarst or concentrated via dolines or swallow holes. Karst aquifers show
double or triple porosity, consisting of intergranular pores and fractures (often
summarized as matrix porosity), and solutional conduits. Flow in the network of
conduits and caves is often rapid and turbulent, while flow in the matrix is generally slower and laminar (Fig. 4.1). Storage occurs in the matrix and conduits, but
residence times in the matrix are several orders of magnitude longer than those in
the conduits (Kovacs et al. 2005).
The heterogeneity and duality of karst systems have to be considered while
choosing appropriate investigation methods. Most methods used in karst are not
fundamentally different than those used in porous media hydrogeology, but specific adaptations are required concerning the application and combination of adequate methods, as well as the interpretation of the results.
The duality of karst aquifers (matrix vs. conduits) also results in a duality of
investigation methods: Artificial tracer tests are the ideal methodological tool to
N. Goldscheider (*)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Applied Geosciences (AGW),
Division of Hydrogeology, Kaiserstr. 12, 76131, Karlsruhe, Germany
[email protected]
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
Z. Stevanović (ed.), Karst Aquifers – Characterization and Engineering,
Professional Practice in Earth Sciences, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-12850-4_4
N. Goldscheider
Fig. 4.1 View of a karst
spring illustrating the duality
of karst: Rapid and turbulent
flow in the conduits, while
porosity and permeability
in the adjacent rock matrix
are much lower. This duality
also requires a duality of
investigation methods.
Karst spring at Cirque de
Consolation, French Jura
study the rapid flow components in the conduit network (Goldscheider et al.
2008), whereas natural tracers, such as stable or radioactive isotopes, can be used
to obtain information on the slow-flow and long-storage components in the matrix
(Geyer et al. 2008; Maloszewski et al. 2002).
The hydraulic structure of karst systems results in a high degree of variability.
Karst systems often react quickly and strongly on precipitation events or snowmelt. The water table or hydraulic head in conduits can vary by tens of meters
or even more than 100 m. Flow velocities in conduits were reported to vary by
a factor of 10 or more, and the discharge of karst springs is also highly variable.
Discharge variations by several orders of magnitude within a few hours or days
are common at karst springs. Along with water table and discharge, the physical,
chemical, and microbial compositions of karst groundwater and spring water also
show marked variations (Ravbar et al. 2011).
This variability represents a major challenge in the exploitation and management of karst water resources, but also requires methodological adaptations.
Isolated measurements and observations are never adequate to characterize a karst
system. Continuous monitoring of water levels, spring discharge, and water quality is crucial in karst research. The dynamics of karst can only be captured on the
basis of continuous, long-term, and event-based observations (Pronk et al. 2006;
Savoy et al. 2011). Therefore, adapted monitoring and sampling techniques are
crucial in studying karst systems. For the same reasons, tracer tests, water balances, and other methods should ideally be applied repeatedly, during different
flow conditions, to capture the variability of flow velocities, flow directions, and
drainage divides (Göppert and Goldscheider 2008).
The following sections present an overview of methods used to study karst
aquifer systems, their structure, hydraulic duality, and dynamics. Numerical models and other mathematical approaches are not described in this section, but presented in Chap. 10 as well as in several review articles (Hartmann et al. 2014) and
book chapters (Kovacs and Sauter 2007). The focus of this chapter is on experimental and field-based methods, methodological adaptations, and combinations of
methods that are most specific for karst. More general, hydrogeological methods
are described in various other textbooks, such as Fetter (2001).
Overview of Methods Applied in Karst Hydrogeology
4.2 The Karst Hydrogeology Toolbox
Available methods in karst hydrogeology include geological, geophysical and speleological methods, hydrologic and hydraulic techniques, the use of natural tracers, such as isotopes and hydrochemical parameters, as well as the application of
artificial tracer tests (Goldscheider and Drew 2007). The choice of appropriate
methods and the sequence of methods applied depend on the practical or scientific
research questions, but also on the level of previous knowledge and on the available time, money, staff, and instrumentation. The following sections briefly present
the most important methods of the “karst hydrogeology toolbox” and discuss the
advantages, fields of applications, and limitation of the individual methods (condensed in Table 4.1).
Table 4.1 Summary of methods available in the “karst hydrogeology toolbox” (modified after
Goldscheider and Drew 2007)
Group of methods
Geological methods
Geophysical methods
Speleological methods
Hydrological methods
Hydraulic methods
Applications and advantages
External and internal geometry
of the aquifer system
Orientation and characteristics
of potential flow paths
Potential hydraulic properties,
e.g., karstifiability and porosity
Determining geologic structures
and overburden thickness
Locating fracture zones and
other preferential flow paths
Low costs compared to drilling
Data can be obtained over wide
areas (site coverage)
Locating and mapping of the
past and active conduit network
Direct observations and
experiments inside the aquifer
Understanding the temporal
evolution of the karst system
Establishing dynamic water
balances (input, output, storage)
Spring hydrographs to
characterize system behavior
and properties
Determination of hydraulic
parameters and boundary
Determination of flow directions
and water table variations
Limitations and drawbacks
Not always direct relations
between geological data and
groundwater flow
Limited data availability in deep
and confined settings
Generally, no direct and clear
information on groundwater
Non-uniqueness of all results
The greater the investigation
depth, the lower the resolution
Noise problems and various
technical limitations
In many cases, only a limited
and unrepresentative part of the
conduit system is accessible
Water budgets are often
problematic, because of
unknown and complex catchment
Scale-dependency of hydraulic
properties results in limited
representativeness of data
Conventional hydraulic methods
assume laminar (Darcian) flow
N. Goldscheider
Table 4.1 (continued)
Group of methods
Isotopic methods
Artificial tracer
Applications and advantages
Information on water quality
and contamination problems
Natural tracers for the origin,
movement and mixing of water
and for water–rock interactions
Natural tracers for the origin,
movement and mixing of water
and for water–rock interactions
Determination of residence
times and water ages
Determination of connections
and linear flow velocities
Delineation of catchment areas
Information on contaminant
Usually highly reliable, precise,
and unambiguous information
Limitations and drawbacks
Temporal variability requires
event-based sampling or continuous monitoring
Spatiotemporal input function
often not known precisely
Ambiguities (non-uniqueness)
in interpreting data
Ambiguities in interpreting
negative tracer results
Limited applicability in regional
systems with long transit times
Visible coloring or toxicity
concerns for some tracers
4.3 Geologic and Geophysical Methods
A detailed understanding of the geologic setting is always required for the characterization and management of karst water resources, because the stratigraphic
sequence and geologic structure define the external boundaries and internal geometry of the karst aquifer system. Fractures and fold axes often predetermine cave
patterns and karst water flow paths. Every conceptual and numerical hydrogeological model requires a geologic model as a basis. Therefore, geologic maps and
sections are indispensable bases for karst hydrogeology. In most cases, existing
geologic information has to be complemented by purpose-specific geologic fieldwork. Geologic methods in karst terrains are similar to conventional geologic
methods and are not further described here. The reader is referred to Goldscheider
and Andreo (2007) and geologic textbooks.
Box 4.1: KARSYS—Method for the conceptualization of karst systems
Jeannin et al. (2013) have proposed an approach (KARSYS) for the hydrogeological conceptualization of karst aquifer systems, based on geological information and other available data, such as data on springs and caves
(Fig. 4.2). KARSYS is based on several generalized but defensible assumptions that make it possible to predict flow directions, delineate spring catchments, and determine the extensions and dimensions of the unsaturated
and saturated zones. KARSYS is most suitable for mountainous and shallow karst systems, such as the Swiss Jura Mountains and Alps for which the
Overview of Methods Applied in Karst Hydrogeology
Fig. 4.2 Illustration of the KARSYS approach for the conceptualization of karst systems
(Jeannin et al. 2013). The approach uses geological maps and other data as a basis to establish a 3D conceptual model of the karst flow system. The 3D model is then used to generate
a set of maps that can be applied for a wide range of hydrological and engineering questions
approach was initially developed, but has also been applied for other karst
systems, related to various applied and research questions, such as groundwater protection zoning, flooding, and engineering problems.
In deep and confined hydrogeological settings, but also in many lowland areas with
insufficient natural rock outcrops, direct geological information has to be obtained
from drillings. However, drillings are expensive and a large number of drillings
would be necessary to localize linear elements, such as conduits or fracture zones.
In such cases, geophysics comes into play.
Exploration geophysics is the science of seeing into the earth without digging
or drilling (Bechtel et al. 2007). Geophysical methods can help to establish the
N. Goldscheider
geological setting of a karst system, but can also be used to identify hydraulically
relevant structures, such as fracture zones or large conduits.
Different geophysical methods measure different physical properties, such as
gravity, electrical resistivity, or acoustic wave velocities. Geophysical methods can
be grouped into active and passive ones. Passive methods use existing geophysical
fields, such as the natural gravity field of the earth, while active methods introduce
a signal into the earth, as it is done in explosion seismic.
Observed geophysical anomalies can be interpreted as geological heterogeneities and structures. This so-called data inversion represents the major work step
and challenge of all geophysical investigations. Non-uniqueness is a key problem
of geophysical data inversion: Different geological heterogeneities can cause the
same geophysical anomaly, which means in turn that any observed anomaly can
be interpreted in many different ways. Non-uniqueness can be partly overcome by
combining different geophysical methods (Fig. 4.3) and/or by checking geophysical interpretations by a limited number of well-selected drillings. Another general
problem of geophysics is the trade-off between depth of investigation and resolution: The greater the depth, the lower the resolution.
The major advantages of geophysics include relatively rapid and inexpensive
site coverage compared to detailed drilling campaigns. While drillings deliver precise but expensive data for selected points, geophysics can generate less expensive
but less precise data for larger areas. In karst terrains, geophysics is particularly
useful for identifying suitable locations for drilling of wells and for mapping overburden thickness, but also for geotechnical investigations, such as the identification of potential sinkhole hazards below building land (Bechtel et al. 2007).
A wide range of methods is available in karst geophysics, summarized by
Bechtel et al. (2007). Seismic methods involve measuring and evaluating the travel
time of different types of acoustic waves. Seismic refraction is particularly useful
for mapping overburden thickness. Seismic reflection is commonly used in gas and
oil exploration and delivers the most detailed picture of deep subsurface structures.
Gravity methods required precise location control and various corrections.
Microgravity is suitable for karst applications, such as the detection of cavities in
the subsurface, which generate negative anomalies (Fig. 4.3), or bedrock pinnacles
covered by sediments, which generate positive anomalies.
Electrical and electromagnetic methods include a wide range of techniques
that are based on very different operational principles but are all sensitive to the
electrical and/or magnetic properties of the subsurface (Bechtel et al. 2007). In the
context of karst and groundwater studies, these methods are particularly suitable
to detect differences in porosity, water saturation, and water chemistry, which all
generate anomalies of electrical resistivity. Application examples include the identification of the saltwater–freshwater interface in coastal aquifers or mapping of
fracture zones or cavities (Fig. 4.3).
Overview of Methods Applied in Karst Hydrogeology
Box 4.2: Advantage of combining different geophysical methods
Figure 4.3 presents a combined depiction of two geophysical images of
Port Kennedy Bone Cave in Pennsylvania, USA. The cave is a major site
for Pleistocene fossils that was initially discovered in the nineteenth century. Later on, the cave was filled with waste material, and the cave location
got lost. In 2005, the cave was rediscovered by an interdisciplinary research
effort including the application of microgravity and electrical resistivity
tomography. The combined application of different geophysical methods
helps to overcome the problem of non-uniqueness that is inherent to all geophysical investigations.
Fig. 4.3 Geophysical images of Port Kennedy Bone Cave (PA, USA) that has been rediscovered by microgravity and electrical resistivity tomography (courtesy of Tim Bechtel,
Enviroscan Inc.)
N. Goldscheider
Borehole geophysics (Logging) is an indispensable supplement to the analysis of
drilling cores. Drilling cores allow detailed lithological, mineralogical, geochemical,
and paleontological analyses, while borehole geophysics makes it possible to study
a wide range of physical underground properties in situ. Temperature logs are a simple type of borehole geophysics and an example of a relevant underground property
that cannot be obtained from drilling cores. Bechtel et al. (2007) summarize available borehole geophysical methods and their uses in karst and hydrogeology studies.
4.4 Speleological Methods
Caves make it possible to access the karst system and directly observe and study flow
and transport in the unsaturated zone and in the aquifer (Jeannin et al. 2007). Many
accessible caves represent older parts of the drainage network that are no longer active
today, while large parts of the active flow system are often developed in deep phreatic
conduits that can only be accessed by divers or that are too narrow to be entered by
humans (Palmer 1991). Nevertheless, caving has revealed great knowledge on karst
systems and is increasingly recognized as a valuable asset to karst hydrogeological
investigations. Speleologists can produce detailed cave maps that illustrate the geometry
of karst conduit networks—although with the important restrictions mentioned above.
Box 4.3: Using caves as natural laboratories and visualizing conduit systems
Caves can be used as natural laboratories for monitoring and experimental
methods and are particularly useful to gain insights into the hydrology of the
vadose zone, e.g., by monitoring cave drip waters (McDonald and Drysdale
2007; Pronk et al. 2009) (Fig. 4.4).
Fig. 4.4 Example illustrating the utilization of a shallow cave as a monitoring site for tracer
tests to study flow and transport in the unsaturated zone (Pronk et al. 2009, slightly modified)
Overview of Methods Applied in Karst Hydrogeology
The combination of tracer tests, speleology, and hydrology makes it possible
to obtain a more detailed picture of the underground drainage system than one
of these methods alone (Lauber et al. 2014; Smart 1988). Figure 4.5 represents
a classical example of this approach.
Fig. 4.5 Representation of a karst conduit drainage network that has been obtained by the
combined application of speleological investigations (mapping of accessible caves), surface hydrology (mapping of springs, swallow holes, and estavelles), and artificial tracing
technique (characterization of inaccessible conduits) (Smart 1983; Copyrights Arctic and
Alpine Research journal, Alberta, Canada)
4.5 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Methods
Hydrologic methods often focus on the establishment and quantification of dynamic
water balances (Groves 2007). The general form of any water balance is:
Input = Output ± Storage.
Concerning the quantification of input into karst aquifer systems, the described
duality of recharge requires monitoring of both diffuse recharge via the soil and
concentrated infiltration via swallow holes. The former depends on rainfall and
N. Goldscheider
snowmelt, but intermediate storage in the soil or snowpack and evapotranspiration losses have to be considered. The latter can be determined by continuous flow
monitoring at sinking streams. Quantification of the output requires continuous
discharge monitoring at karst springs. However, in many case, not all groundwater
flows to monitored springs but may drain toward adjacent surface waters or other
aquifers. In these cases, water balances are more difficult and require sophisticated
hydrogeological methods (as discussed in Chap. 6). Water storage can occur at
many places in the hydrologic system, such as the soil, the unsaturated zone, or
the aquifer, thus requiring a wide range of different methods. Differences in aquifer storage can be observed by water-level measurements at observation wells and
piezometers (hydraulic methods, see below).
Continuous discharge monitoring at karst springs is not only required to
establish dynamic water balances, but also delivers hydrographs that are invaluable tools in karst hydrogeology, particularly in combination with chemographs,
i.e., time series of various physicochemical or chemical parameters (Grasso and
Jeannin 2002; Hartmann et al. 2013). Spring hydrographs and chemographs can
be used for the overall characterization of karst systems (Kovacs and Perrochet
2008) and to better understand the system behavior during floods (Winston and
Criss 2004) or droughts (Fiorillo 2009).
Flow nets are two-dimensional representations of groundwater flow and consist of equipotential lines and flow lines. Real groundwater flow is always a threedimensional phenomenon and can be described by equipotential surfaces and flow
lines (Fetter 2001). Equipotential surfaces are locations of equal hydraulic head,
which can be measured at piezometers. However, the construction of meaningful flow nets or flow fields in karst aquifers is complicated by their heterogeneity,
hydraulic discontinuity, and anisotropy. Therefore, the interpretation of piezometer
data and the construction of flow nets in karst aquifers need to be done with care
and caution, and predicted flow directions must be checked with tracer tests and
compared with geological and speleological information.
Hydraulic borehole methods, such as pumping tests and slug tests, are key
methods to quantify the hydraulic properties of alluvial aquifers, such as transmissivity and storage capacity, and to identify the hydraulic boundary conditions.
Specific methodological adaptations are required, concerning both the implementation and interpretation of hydraulic tests (Kresic 2007). For example, the timedrawdown curves of pumping tests in karst aquifers often display characteristic
steps that result from the consecutive dewatering of discrete karstified fractures
or bedding planes. Water-filled karst conduits near the pumped well can induce
quasi-stationary conditions, similar to an equipotential boundary of an alluvial
aquifer, such as a lake or a river (Fig. 4.6).
Overview of Methods Applied in Karst Hydrogeology
Fig. 4.6 Examples of characteristic time—drawdown curves obtained from pumping tests in
karst aquifers (not to scale). a The consecutive drainage of three discrete karstified fractures or
bedding planes creates a stepped curve. b A nearby water-filled karst conduit causes quasi-stationary conditions (modified after Kresic 2007, Copyrights Taylor and Francis/Balkema, London)
4.6 Hydrochemical and Isotopic Methods
Hydrochemical and microbiological methods are either applied to characterize
water quality and contamination problems, or the obtained parameters are used
as “natural tracers” to determine transit times, the origin and mixing of different
water types as well as hydrologic or biogeochemical processes in the aquifer system. Due to the high degree of variability of karst systems, continuous monitoring or event-based high-frequency sampling is generally preferred. Hunkeler and
Mudry (2007) group the available parameters into (i) precipitation-related parameters, (ii) soil-related parameters, (iii) carbonate-rock-related parameters, (iv)
parameters related to other rock types, and (v) compounds of anthropogenic origin.
The primary result of detailed physicochemical and hydrochemical monitoring
at a karst spring is a so-called chemograph. As described above, chemographs can
be combined with hydrographs in order to gain insights into the behavior of the
karst system, particularly in response to intense precipitation events or droughts
(Grasso et al. 2003; Raeisi et al. 2007).
N. Goldscheider
Box 4.4: Understanding the behavior of a karst system from hydrographs
and chemographs
The primary increase of discharge at a karst spring, documented in a hydrograph, is often the result of a hydraulic pressure pulse in the conduit system,
while the arrival of freshly infiltrated water occurs later and can be observed
by means of physicochemical, hydrochemical, and/or microbiological parameters (Fig. 4.7).
Fig. 4.7 Variability of discharge, fecal bacteria (Escherichia coli), total organic carbon
(TOC), and turbidity observed at a karst spring following an intense precipitation event
during a high-flow period. Discharge increases first, as a result of a hydraulic pressure
pulse in the aquifer. The three “soil-related parameters” increase about 12 h later and
indicate the arrival of freshly infiltrated water. This example also illustrates the extreme
variability of contamination at karst springs and the potential usefulness of continuous
monitoring of TOC and turbidity as “early warning system” for fecal bacteria contamination (Data Pronk et al. 2006, 2007)
Stable and radioactive isotopes are often used as natural tracers in karst hydrogeology (Criss et al. 2007). Deuterium (D or 2H) and oxygen-18 (18O) are the
most important precipitation-related parameters. The comparison of the seasonal
variation of D and 18O in rainfall with the observed variability in karst spring
waters allows to quantify mean transit times (Maloszewski et al. 2002). Tritium
with its half-life time of 12.3 years can be used to determine groundwater ages.
Other radioactive isotopes, such as Radon, can be used to quantify mixing processes in discharge areas (Eross et al. 2012) or for various other purposes, similarly as described above for the different hydrochemical parameters.
Overview of Methods Applied in Karst Hydrogeology
4.7 Artificial Tracer Methods
Tracer techniques using artificial tracers, such as fluorescent dyes, are a major technique for the investigation of karst aquifer systems. They can be used, among others, to
identify underground connections, for example, between swallow holes and springs or
within cave systems, to delineate karst spring catchments, to quantify linear flow velocities and other relevant parameters, and to obtain information on the processes of contaminant transport and attenuation (Benischke et al. 2007; Goldscheider et al. 2008).
The basic principle of a tracer test is simple: A specific substance (i.e., an artificial tracer) is injected into the hydrogeological systems at a particular place
and time, while other sites, usually springs or pumping wells, are monitored for
the arrival of this tracer. Unlike most other hydrogeological methods, tracer tests
deliver not just hints and indications, but clear and quantitative evidence on underground connections. Tracer tests can be applied in all types of hydro(geo)logical
environments, but they are particularly useful in karst aquifers, where underground
flow paths are often long, complicated, and unexpected, whereas flow velocities in
the conduit network are fast, thus limiting the required duration of the sampling
period (Benischke et al. 2007; Goldscheider et al. 2008).
A wide range of substances can be used as artificial tracers (Käss 1998), but
some specific fluorescent dyes are by far the most important hydrogeological tracers,
because of their favorable properties: Extremely low detection limits and absence
in natural waters, thus requiring limited injection quantities; highly water soluble;
non-toxic to humans and the environment; and largely conservative behavior, i.e.,
microbiologically and chemically stable and mobile. The best and most important
fluorescent dyes include Uranine (=Sodium-Fluorescein), Amidorhodamine G,
Eosin and Sodium-Naphthionate; Sulforhodamine B is also a good water tracer, but
with some ecotoxicological limitations. The detection limit of Uranine is as low as
0.005 µg/L. This means that injection quantities of 100 to 10 g are generally sufficient even for large-scale tracer tests with flow distances of many kilometers
(Goldscheider et al. 2008).
Salts can also be used as artificial tracers. However, there is always some natural
background in the water and the detection limits are much higher than those of fluorescent dyes, so that tracer tests over large distances would require enormous injection quantities (>100 kg). Different types of particles, colloids, and microbiological
substances (e.g., bacteriophages) can also be used as water tracers (Goldscheider
et al. 2007), but this section focuses on the application of fluorescent dyes.
Box 4.5: Where and how to inject the tracers?
Tracer tests are powerful tools, but the preparation and operation of tracer
tests is rather expensive and laborious. Therefore, tracer tests usually require
careful preliminary investigations, such as geological mapping, hydrological
N. Goldscheider
measurements and water balances, and the application of hydrochemical and
isotopic methods to obtain first indications on aquifer properties, catchment
areas, flow, and mixing processes. On this basis, tracer tests can be used to
check research hypotheses and obtain clear evidence on underground connections and catchments.
Simple tracer tests require one single injection site, while multi-tracer tests
involve the injection of several different tracers into different injection sites.
Successful tracer injections require flowing water. Therefore, sinking surface waters (i.e., swallow holes), cave streams, or water wells are favorable
injections sites. When no naturally flowing water is available, large quantities
of flushing water need to be used, but this injection technique has a lower
chance of success. Usually, the tracer powder is dissolved in an appropriate
container (plastic bottle, canister, and barrel) and then slowly released into
the injection site, along with naturally or artificially flowing water (Fig. 4.8).
Fig. 4.8 Tracer injection into Blauhöhle cave, Germany (photo courtesy of A. Kücha).
The tracer powder was transported to this hard-to-reach injection site in a plastic canister,
mixed with water from the cave stream, and directly released into flowing water to ensure
optimal tracer transport. In-cave dye tracing makes it possible to obtain spatially resolved
information on conduit flow (Lauber et al. 2014)
Box 4.6: Estimation of required trace injection quantities
Two groups of methods are available to determine appropriate injection
quantities. Several authors have suggested purely empirical methods, based
on experience and requiring a minimum of prior knowledge, such as the formula by Käss (1998):
M =L×K ×B
Overview of Methods Applied in Karst Hydrogeology
M is required tracer mass (kg),
L is relevant distance (km),
K is a coefficient for the tracer type (e.g., one for Uranine, two for Amidorhodamine G, 15 for Naphthionate, and 20,000 for NaCl), and
B is a coefficient for the hydrogeological framework conditions (e.g., 0.1–
1.0 for karst conduits)
According to this formula, a tracer test in karst over 10 km distance
would require 1–10 kg of Uranine (or 2–20 tons of salt!).
Alternatively, the required tracer injection quantity can be determined
on the basis of quantitative transport equations, such as the Advection–
Dispersion Model (ADM) described further below. This approach requires
more input data (that are usually not available prior to the tracer test) but also
represents a more objective and defensible basis of estimation (Field 2003).
Three groups of methods are available for sampling and monitoring the arrival
of the injected tracers at springs or other observation sites: integrative sampling,
discrete sampling, or continuous monitoring. In the case of fluorescent dyes, integrative sampling can be done by means of charcoal adapters that are placed in the
water, usually for a time period of several days. Fluorescent dyes accumulate in
the charcoal and can later be eluted and analyzed in the laboratory. This technique
is cheap and timesaving but delivers only qualitative results (basically Yes or No).
It can thus be used for a large number of minor sampling sites, such as small and
rather unimportant springs.
Discrete sampling means to take water samples at given time intervals, either
manually (grab sampling) or by means of automatic samplers. The samples can
then be analyzed quantitatively in the laboratory thus generating a series of timeconcentration data. This sampling method is highly reliable and reproducible, but
also requires sufficient staff and/or auto-samplers.
Continuous monitoring of fluorescent tracers involves the application of field
fluorimeters. Different models are available, such as downhole or flow-through
fluorimeters with up to four optical channels that make it possible to monitor several fluorescent tracers and turbidity at the same time (Schnegg 2002). The UV
channel can also be used for organic carbon monitoring (Pronk et al. 2006).
The primary result of a tracer test is a breakthrough curve (BTC), where tracer
concentrations are plotted versus time (Fig. 4.9). A well-documented BTC is a much
more convincing evidence for an underground connection than an isolated result from
a single charcoal bag or from scarce water samples. Furthermore, several relevant
flow and transport parameters can be directly obtained from the BTC, such as the
time of first arrival, the peak time, and the maximum concentration. Concentrations
are either plotted as absolute values (e.g., in µg/L) or normalized by the respective
injection quantity to allow better comparison of BTCs from multi-tracer tests.
N. Goldscheider
Fig. 4.9 Breakthrough curves of two tracer tests carried out in the same conduit system during
low- and high-flow conditions, demonstrating the variability of flow velocities and dilutions in
karst aquifers. Concentrations (c) are normalized by the injection mass (M) to allow unambiguous comparison [Data Göppert and Goldscheider (2008)]
Linear flow velocities can be calculated by dividing the linear distance between
injection and sampling point by the corresponding transit time. Tracer recovery
can be calculated as follows:
MR =
(Q · c)dt
is recovered tracer mass,
is discharge or pumping rate,
is concentration, and
is time
More advanced transport parameters can be obtained by different analytical, stochastic, or numerical modeling approaches. The usual procedure consists
of fitting a theoretical BTC to the measured data (best-fit approach and inverse
modeling). The most conventional approach is the one-dimensional ADM
(Kreft and Zuber 1978). This model can also be used for the prediction of tracer
transport (forward modeling) and thus for the determination of optimal injection quantities and sampling strategies (Field 2003). Several computer codes
are available for direct and inverse tracer transport modeling, such as CXTFIT
(Toride et al. 1999).
Overview of Methods Applied in Karst Hydrogeology
Box 4.7: Repeated tracer tests to capture hydrologic variability
Repeated tracer tests during low-flow and high-flow conditions are rarely
done but are highly useful, as they make it possible to quantify the variability of flow velocities and contaminant transport processes (Göppert and
Goldscheider 2008) as well as the shifting of catchment boundaries (Ravbar
et al. 2011) as a function of the hydrologic condition. Flow velocities
obtained from such repeated tracer tests can vary by a factor of 5 (Fig. 4.9;
Göppert and Goldscheider 2008) or even 10 or more (Pronk et al. 2007). This
type of information is also important for the delineation of protection zones.
Bakalowicz M (2005) Karst groundwater: a challenge for new resources. Hydrogeol J 13:148–160
Bechtel TD, Bosch FP, Gurk M (2007) Geophysical methods. In: Goldscheider N, Drew D (eds)
Methods in karst hydrogeology. International Contribution to Hydrogeology, IAH, vol 26.
Taylor and Francis/Balkema, London, pp 171–199
Benischke R, Goldscheider N, Smart CC (2007) Tracer techniques. In: Goldscheider N, Drew D
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