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Since the acceptance of the theory of plate tectonics in the late 1960’s, much of Earth’s volcanism has been understood as an inherent by-product of the processes of plate tectonics. At convergent plate boundaries the subducting plate releases water (previously held in hydrous minerals: biotites, amphiboles) as it sinks deeper into the mantle and undergoes metamorphism. Introduction of H20 lowers the melting temperature resulting in partial melting in the mantle wedge, generating buoyant magma which through a process of magmatic differentiation rises upwards to create and feed an overlying silicic volcanic structure. At divergent plate boundaries, characterised by mid-ocean ridges, the plates moving apart create an upwelling of basaltic magma as a consequence of adiabatic
Special Paper 430: Plates, Plumes and Planetary Processes, 2007
Recent seismological studies demonstrate the presence of strong deep-mantle elastic heterogeneity and anisotropy, consistent with a dynamic environment having chemical anomalies, phase changes, and partially molten material. The implications for deep-mantle plume genesis are discussed in the light of the seismological findings. Nearly antipodal large low-shear velocity provinces (LLSVPs) in the lowermost mantle beneath the Pacific Ocean and Africa are circumscribed by high-velocity regions that tend to underlie upper-mantle downwellings. The LLSVPs have sharp boundaries, low V S /V P ratios, and high densities; thus, they appear to be chemically distinct structures. Elevated temperature in LLSVPs may result in partial melting, possibly accounting for the presence of ultra-low-velocity zones detected at the base of some regions of LLSVPs. Patterns in deep-mantle fast shear wave polarization directions within the LLSVP beneath the Pacific are consistent with strong lateral gradients in the flow direction. The thermal boundary layer at the base of the mantle is a likely location for thermal instabilities that form plumes, but geodynamical studies show that the distribution of upwellings is affected when piles of dense chemical heterogeneities are present. The location of lowermost mantle plume upwellings is predicted to be near the boundaries of the large thermochemical complexes comprising LLSVPs. These observations suggest that any large mantle plumes rising from the deep mantle that reach the surface are likely to be preferentially generated in regions of distinct mantle chemistry, with nonuniform spatial distribution. This hypothesis plausibly accounts for some attributes of major hotspot volcanism.
Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 2021
The existence of mantle plumes was first proposed in the 1970s to explain intra-plate, hotspot volcanism, yet owing to difficulties in resolving mantle upwellings with geophysical images and discrepancies in interpretations of geochemical and geochronological data, the origin, dynamics and composition of plumes and their links to plate tectonics are still contested. In this Review, we discuss progress in seismic imaging, mantle flow modelling, plate tectonic reconstructions and geochemical analyses that have led to a more detailed understanding of mantle plumes. Observations suggest plumes could be both thermal and chemical in nature, can attain complex and broad shapes, and that more than 18 plumes might be rooted in regions of the lowermost mantle. The case for a deep mantle origin is strengthened by the geochemistry of hotspot volcanoes that provide evidence for entrainment of deeply recycled subducted components, primordial m an tle domains and, potentially, materials from Earth's core. Deep mantle plumes often appear deflected by large-scale mantle flow, resulting in hotspot motions required to resolve past tectonic plate motions. Future research requires improvements in resolution of seismic tomography to better visualize deep mantle plume structures at smaller than 100-km scales. Concerted multi-proxy geochemical and dating efforts are also needed to better resolve spatiotemporal and chemical evolutions of long-lived mantle plumes.
Keywords: subduction mantle plume analog modelling mantle flow slab rollback We present three-dimensional deep-mantle laboratory models of a compositional plume within the vicinity of a buoyancy-driven subducting plate with a fixed trailing edge. We modelled front plumes (in the mantle wedge), rear plumes (beneath the subducting plate) and side plumes with slab/plume systems of buoyancy flux ratio spanning a range from 2 to 100 that overlaps the ratios in nature of 0.2–100. This study shows that 1) rising side and front plumes can be dragged over thousands of kilometres into the mantle wedge, 2) flattening of rear plumes in the trench-normal direction can be initiated 700 km away from the trench, and a plume material layer of lesser density and viscosity can ultimately almost entirely underlay a retreating slab after slab/plume impact, 3) while side and rear plumes are not tilted until they reach ∼600 km depth, front plumes can be tilted at increasing depths as their plume buoyancy is lessened, and rise at a slower rate when subjected to a slab-induced downwelling, 4) rear plumes whose buoyancy flux is close to that of a slab, can retard subduction until the slab is 600 km long, and 5) slab– plume interaction can lead to a diversity of spatial plume material distributions into the mantle wedge. We discuss natural slab/plume systems of the Cascadia/Bowie–Cobb, and Nazca/San Felix–Juan Fernandez systems on the basis of our experiments and each geodynamic context and assess the influence of slab downwelling at depths for the starting plumes of Java, Coral Sea and East Solomon. Overall, this study shows how slab/plume interactions can result in a variety of geological, geophysical and geochemical signatures.
Elements, 2005
Keywords: mantle plumes hotspot volcanism LLSVPs Hawaii mantle structure and dynamics thermochemical convection It has been proposed that the spatial variations recorded in the geochemistry of hotspot lavas, such as the bilateral asymmetry recorded at Hawaii, can be directly mapped as the heterogeneous structure and composition of their deep-mantle source. This would imply that source-region heterogeneities are transported into, and preserved within, a plume conduit, as the plume rises from the deep-mantle to Earth's surface. Previous laboratory and numerical studies, which neglect density and rheological variations between different chemical components, support this view. However, in this paper, we demonstrate that this interpretation cannot be extended to distinct chemical domains that differ from surrounding mantle in their density and viscosity. By numerically simulating thermo-chemical mantle plumes across a broad parameter space, in 2-D and 3-D, we identify two conduit structures: (i) bilaterally asymmetric conduits, which occur exclusively for cases where the chemical effect on buoyancy is negligible, in which the spatial distribution of deep-mantle heterogeneities is preserved during plume ascent; and (ii) concentric conduits, which occur for all other cases, with dense material preferentially sampled within the conduit's centre. In the latter regime, the spatial distribution of geochemical domains in the lowermost mantle is not preserved during plume ascent. Our results imply that the heterogeneous structure and composition of Earth's lowermost mantle can only be mapped from geochemical observations at Earth's surface if chemical heterogeneity is a passive component of lowermost mantle dynamics (i.e. its effect on density is outweighed by, or is secondary to, the effect of temperature). The implications of our results for: (i) why oceanic crust should be the prevalent component of ocean island basalts; and (ii) how we interpret the geochemical evolution of Earth's deep-mantle are also discussed.
Hotspots are regions of intraplate volcanism or especially strong volcanism along plateboundaries, and many of them are likely caused by underlying mantle plumes – localizedhot upwellings from deep inside the Earth. It is still uncertain, whether all plumes or justsome of them rise from the lowermost mantle, and to what extent and where theyentrain chemically different materials. Also, large uncertainties exist regarding their size.Some plumes (such as Hawaii) create linear hotspot tracks, as the plate moves overthem and can therefore serve as reference frames for plate motions, whereas others(such as Iceland) show a more complicated distribution of volcanic rocks due to variablelithosphere thickness and plume-ridge interaction. Plumes may also weaken plateboundaries and hence influence plate motions. They may influence surface features suchas ice sheets, and therefore climate, but we are just beginning to study and understandprocesses jointly involving solid earth, hydrosphere and ...
Astronomy and Geophysics, 2002
W e know little about the deep interior of Earth, but because it is the key to understanding surface geology, volcanism and earthquakes, there is much speculation about its composition and the processes that occur within it. Perhaps the most fundamental question is the depth extent of those structures and processes that influence the surface. Opinion is divided regarding whether the mantle, at depths exceeding~1000 km, has little to do with surface processes, or whether it is actively involved, down to the outermost core at~3000 km depth, in the mass transport system associated with plate tectonics. The latter view would imply that material from the deepest mantle can be sampled at volcanic provinces on Earth's surface. The former would imply that it cannot. An important contribution to this debate came hot on the heels of the newly accepted plate tectonic theory. Morgan (1971) suggested that Hotspots 6.19 December 2002 Vol 43 A mantle plume under Iceland is taken for granted as the cause of the volcanism there. But Gill Foulger argues that the evidence does not stand up. 1: Numerical simulation of a deep mantle plume. The red, mushroom-like feature represents a hot upwelling from the core-mantle boundary. Blue, linear features are cold downwellings. (From Kiefer and Kellogg 1998.
Geophysical Research Letters, 2008
Density heterogeneities in the mantle influence the dynamics of mantle upwellings and therefore modify plume characteristics. Using analog laboratory experiments, we explore the dynamics of ''thermo-chemical'' plumes containing both thermal and chemical density anomalies inherited from a stratified boundary layer at the base of the mantle. Because all plumes cool by thermal diffusion as they rise, a chemically composite thermal plume will eventually attain a level of neutral buoyancy, at which it will begin to ''fail''. Separation within the plume will occur, whereby the chemically denser material will start to sink back while the heated surrounding mantle keeps rising. It more generally implies that 1) mantle plumes are not necessarily narrow and continuous throughout the mantle but can be fat and patchy such as Iceland, 2) a hot mantle region may not be buoyant and rising, but on contrary may be sinking, and 3) mantle plumes dynamics are strongly time-dependent.
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