Videos by Yasmine Kellou
الطالب الأجنبي في الجزائر 2018/2019
الترجمة و التكنولوجيات الحديثة 2016
حصة مواسيم
الإذاعة الدولية الجزية
الترجمة بين المهنة و ا... more الترجمة و التكنولوجيات الحديثة 2016
حصة مواسيم
الإذاعة الدولية الجزية
الترجمة بين المهنة و التعليم حصة راديو بتاريخ 11/02/2018
Entrepreneurship and the translation industry
Conference Presentations by Yasmine Kellou
Comprehension norms from pragmatic perspective and its relationship with translation Samples from... more Comprehension norms from pragmatic perspective and its relationship with translation Samples from the Novel " الحزن بسمة يا "دمشق and its translation «Sabriya: Damascus Bitter Sweet» ABSTRACT: All theories and approaches in translation have taken linguistics as a theoretical basis. At the outset, translation studies emphasized on the linguistic aspects of any statement, whereas, the translation operation opts for an interpretation of linguistic structures to understand its meaning. This is possible only by considering that these linguistic structures are expressed in spatio-temporary contexts directly related to their meaning. This article aims to define the comprehension norms from pragmatic perspective that the translator must implement in order to be able to determine and understand the extra linguistic aspects of the source text as well as the limits of its interpretation. The study focuses on the relationship established between the source text and the different contexts in which it was created and the relationship with its receiver.
From his categorization, we retain only those categories that are already implemented in our rese... more From his categorization, we retain only those categories that are already implemented in our research environment, in order to present a pragmatic paper instead of an axhaustive one, that will not make necessarily sense for the moment with our students, specially that the presentation of their proposals is to be done very shortly.
From the 'who-kills-who ?' to 'let's kill them all together!': The narratives of the algerian cou... more From the 'who-kills-who ?' to 'let's kill them all together!': The narratives of the algerian counter-terrorism war. Yasmine KELLOU 20 th , 21 st and 22nd March 2014 University of Balamand Lebanon Research Content: • Within new paradigms of translation studies, translation scholars are relying on social theories and indentifying themselves more as intercultural specialists. • I-How is translation related to identity? Translator visibility • II-Translation Studies Shift What is a narrative within TS (Translation Studies)? • III-Case Study: The Algerian counter-terrorism war. Translator Visibility Interpreting in times of conflict Analysis of the film shows that the question of the identity of the interpreter is inseparable from the practise of interpreting as interpreted by other protagonists in the film. Thus, raising questions of visibilty vs. Invisibility of the interpreter/translator.
Papers by Yasmine Kellou
In this paper, we shed light on the challenges and factors constraining the media translator's wo... more In this paper, we shed light on the challenges and factors constraining the media translator's work, particularly the ones related to the translation of the media text in digital context, underscoring the significance of media knowledge and digital knowledge. This research mainly aims at helping discern how media translators play many roles and recourse to different disciplines in order to understand the specificity of the media text nature, more particularly, the online news articles published on the news agencies websites. It also highlights the professional competences and skills they must learn and practice to achieve the required tasks and attain the underlined objectives.
When learning or teaching any foreign language, text content represents the foundation and the fu... more When learning or teaching any foreign language, text content represents the foundation and the fundamental building blocks. Learners must understand text to increase their ability to understand foreign language acquisition and production. The current study focuses on the requirements of using subtitled videos as an efficient technique in audiovisual text learning by English foreign language (EFL) learners, where they concur on the significance of using subtitled videos to learn foreign languages and build up their comprehension about the subject. The findings of the interview reveals that watching videos with English subtitles helps learners build their learning process in motivating context by easing the way of learning more the process of acquisition in the language.
Videos by Yasmine Kellou
حصة مواسيم
الإذاعة الدولية الجزية
الترجمة بين المهنة و التعليم
Conference Presentations by Yasmine Kellou
Papers by Yasmine Kellou
حصة مواسيم
الإذاعة الدولية الجزية
الترجمة بين المهنة و التعليم