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2014, International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science
8 pages
1 file
This work shows a practical way to design satiating new products by a real interaction of science and cooking. From the initial idea of the chef, a highly aerated product was designed to prove that the feeling of fullness starts before food is eaten, at the point when the food is just being viewed by the consumer. Mixtures of food-grade silica particles, methylcellulose (MC) and ovalbumin (OA) were used to get better distribution of air and to increase volume. Silica particles at a concentration of 0.3 wt% , mixed with MC (0.5 wt%) and OA (1 wt%) showed higher surface activity and viscoelasticity at the surface than the isolated ingredients. This mixture also showed the highest foam capacity and foam stability compared to the mixtures with none or 0.4 wt% of silica. Highly aerated structures were made by using the mentioned results. To verify the idea of having higher expected satiety with a highly aerated product, consumer study was performed. Subjects reduced their intake when a moreaerated sample was served compared to a less aerated sample.
Bubbles impart a very unique texture, chew, and mouth-feel to foods. However, little is known about the relationship between structure of such products and consumer response in terms of mouth-feel and eating experience. The objective of this article is to investigate the sensory properties of 4 types of bubble-containing chocolates, produced by using different gases: carbon dioxide, nitrogen, nitrous oxide, and argon. The structure of these chocolates were characterized in terms of (1) gas hold-up values determined by density measurements and (2) bubble size distribution which was measured by undertaking an image analysis of X-ray microtomograph sections. Bubble size distributions were obtained by measuring bubble volumes after reconstructing 3D images from the tomographic sections. A sensory study was undertaken by a nonexpert panel of 20 panelists and their responses were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis (QDA). The results show that chocolates made from the 4 gases could be divided into 2 groups on the basis of bubble volume and gas hold-up: the samples produced using carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide had a distinctly higher gas hold-up containing larger bubbles in comparison with those produced using argon and nitrogen. The sensory study also demonstrated that chocolates made with the latter were perceived to be harder, less aerated, slow to melt in the mouth, and having a higher overall flavor intensity. These products were further found to be creamier than the chocolates made by using carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide; the latter sample also showed a higher intensity of cocoa flavor.
Bolus matters: the influence of food oral breakdown on dynamic texture perception Marine Devezeaux de Lavergne, a,b Fred van de Velde a,c and Markus Stieger* a,b This review article focuses on design of food structure, characterisation of oral processing by boli characterisation and dynamic texture perception. Knowledge of the food properties governing bolus formation and bolus properties determining temporal changes in texture perception is of major importance. Such knowledge allows academia to better understand the mechanisms underlying texture perception and food industry to improve product texture. For instance, such knowledge can be used for developing foods with desired texture perception that fit in a healthy diet or that are customized to specific consumer groups. The end point of oral processing is the formation of a safe-to-swallow bolus. The transitions of solid and soft solid foods into bolus are accompanied by tremendous modifications of food properties. The review discusses dynamic changes in bolus properties resulting in dynamic changes of texture perception during oral processing. Studies monitoring chewing behaviour are discussed to complement the relationships between bolus properties and dynamic texture perception. We conclude that texture perception evolves over mastication time and depends on food properties, such as mechanical properties, mainly in the beginning of oral processing. Towards the middle and end of oral processing, bolus properties depend on food properties and explain texture perception better than food properties.
Polish Journal of Public Health
All human senses participate in the sensory evaluation of food, which means that such features as taste, flavour, appearance, or texture determine the acceptance and choice of a dish. Seeking to satisfy consumer requirements and offer a dish or food with the desired organoleptic features, the food industry initially used a wide range of food additives compensating for the loss of colour, taste or flavour of the dish. At present, with an increase in consumers’ awareness and nutrition knowledge, departure is observed from the use of food additives to the benefit of using modern technologies in the food industry. The progress in food science, concerning especially, the phenomena taking place during the storage or processing of food, gives direction to the application of modern technical solutions or materials, and also provides guidelines within the area of gastronomic technology concerning the shaping of not only organoleptic features of the dish, but also activities aiming at the pre...
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2012
In the context of increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity in societies worldwide, enhancing the satiating capacity of foods may help people control their energy intake and weight. This requires an integrated approach between various food related disciplines. By structuring this approach around the new product development process, this paper aims to present the contours of such an integrative approach by going through the current state of the art around satiety enhancing foods. It portrays actual food choice as the end result of a complex interaction between internal satiety signals, other food benefits and environmental cues. Three interrelated routes to satiating enhancement are (1) change food composition to develop stronger physiological satiation and satiety signals, (2) anticipate and build on smart external stimuli at moment of purchase and consumption, and (3) improve palatability and acceptance of satiety enhanced foods. Key research challenges in achieving those routes in the field of nutrition, food technology, consumer, marketing and communication are outlined.
International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2009
The sensory perception of fat-free model foams with a consistency between pourable (liquid; xanthan thickened) and spoonable (semi-solid; gelled; carrageenan thickened) and varying level of aeration was studied. At low air contents (5, 10% v ⁄ v) perception is largely determined by the matrix properties; the presence of air is hardly experienced. On the other hand, at high levels of aeration (80% v ⁄ v) perception is determined by bubble characteristics and the matrix plays a negligible role in perception. Bubbles were better noticeable in a semi-solid, i.e. carrageenan matrix, than in liquid, i.e. xanthan-based foams. In semi-solid sucrose-ester carrageenan foams, large bubbles were perceived as more airy and less creamy, compared with the same compositions with smaller bubbles.
Journal of Food Science, 2002
We studied the synergistic effect of surfactants on aeration characteristics and long-term stability of aerated mesophase. It was observed that bubble size and volume of air incorporated (overrun) depend to a small extent on the dynamic film tension and to a greater extent on the viscosity of the mesophase, both properties being functions of surfactant chemistry and concentration. The overrun of the aerated product decreased over time due to the diffusive transport of air to the atmosphere, leading to its destabilization. The relative rate of destabilization of the aerated mesophase (as function of surfactant composition) has been correlated with the diffusion rate of air from the bulk to the surface.
Third World Quarterly, 2024
In a manner almost reminiscent of the Ottoman Empire’s frantic search (late nineteenth to early twentieth century) for müstemlekat (colonies) in Africa, modern Turkey seems to have revived its imperialist dreams in contemporary Africa. Following the elaboration of a proactive African foreign policy strategy, Turkey declared 2005 the Year of Africa, and established diplomatic relations with a raft of Muslim-majority African countries (MMACs). While Ghana is not an MMAC, Turkey re-established diplomatic ties with Accra in 2010, heralding a burgeoning relationship. Drawing on the theory of sub-imperialism in tandem with the diplomacy of architecture (DoA) framework, this work will argue that Turkey has cleverly utilised the symbolism and siting of the Ghana National Mosque Complex (GNMC) to make the most visible and audacious broadcast yet of its imperial intentions in Africa, and in record time. In unpacking the argument my primary interest will be to canvass the view that architectural imprints have become a powerful cultural weapon in the geostrategic soft-power arsenal of recent rising powers.
Forum der Psychoanalyse, 2020
Das Berufsfeld Psychotherapie erfährt gegenwärtig große Veränderungen. Für die Forschung stellt sich unter anderem die Aufgabe, angeben zu können, welche praxisrelevanten Kompetenzen in einem Studium und einer Weiterbildung erworben werden sollen. Qualitative Zugänge bieten dabei besondere Möglichkeiten, den Anforderungen an eine Forschung, die klinische Praxis abbildet, gerecht zu werden. Der Beitrag gibt Hinweise zu qualitativen Gütekriterien und zur Idealtypenbildung, die beide dazu beitragen können, Untersuchungsdesigns zu entwerfen, die sich nicht in einer falschen Unterscheidung zwischen „qualitativ“ und „quantitativ“ oder „Einzelfall“ und „Gesamtpopulation“ in der Prozessforschung verlieren. Ferner werden Anregungen für das Vorgehen in der konzeptuellen Forschung und für die Darstellung ihrer Ergebnisse gegeben. Eine knappe Skizze der Bedeutung und Methodik der Konversationsanalyse schließt sich an. Alle diese Einzelaspekte illustrieren die Möglichkeiten, wie psychodynamische Prozesse im Besonderen ablaufen und erforscht werden können. Presently, psychotherapy, as a professional field of clinical practice and training, faces tremendous changes. Scientific research needs to pinpoint areas of (practice-oriented) competence in psychotherapists to be acquired during university courses and postgraduate training. Qualitative approaches to scientifically assessing the field bring with them opportunities to meet the demands of doing justice to clinical practice. This article provides indications on quality criteria for trials and on ideal type formation as two ways of overcoming a false distinction between qualitative and quantitative or between single case and total population in process research. Also, proposals on how to conduct conceptual research and present the results are provided. Finally, a brief outline of the premises and methodology of conversation analysis is presented. Highlighting these different aspects follows the aim to present a general model of what happens in specific psychotherapeutic interactions and processes.
Secuencias. Revista de historia del cine, 2023
Campos Rabadán, M. (2024). Novísimos cines latinos: las claves de dos décadas de ficción en América Latina. Secuencias, (58), 34–56. . . . RESUMEN La hipótesis principal de este trabajo es que, desde el año 2000, buena parte del cine de ficción latinoamericano de mayor recorrido y éxito en festivales internacionales coincide en sus dinámicas de producción y circulación y, siendo heterogéneo, pre-senta una serie de motivos temáticos, narrativos y estéticos recurrentes. El artículo se apoya en las dinámicas de la industria global que han contribuido en la emergencia y consolidación de estas propuestas —en las que los festivales han tenido un peso fundamental—. A partir de los títulos y cineastas de mayor circulación en este con-texto, identifica similitudes y líneas de fuerza en los temas y formas que conectan a los novísimos entre ellos. Para visibilizar estas sinergias entre los temas y su cons-trucción cinematográfica el trabajo considera tres ejes: 1) el minimalismo relacionado con el tiempo lento y lo cotidiano, 2) las identidades frecuentes asociadas a las y los intérpretes que ponen el cuerpo y 3) la estética realista apoyada en los escenarios dominantes de estas ficciones. Define un corpus amplio y transnacional a partir de ellos y analiza en detalle tres casos: Hamaca paraguaya (Paz Encina, 2006), Parque vía (Enrique Rivero, 2008) y Los viajes del viento (Ciro Guerra, 2009). Por último, el estudio atiende a elementos (personajes, temas, enfoques, dispositivos, estéticas) que se han ido incorporando en los últimos años a este corpus creciente de películas de América Latina. . . . ABSTRACT This paper argues that fiction films produced in Latin America after the year 2000 that have been notably successful within the international festival arena concur in essential aspects of their production and circulation dynamics. In spite of being a heterogeneous corpus, they share some characteristics related to their themes, narratives and aesthetics. This paper considers global industry dynamics as they have been essential in the raise and consolidation of these cinemas, with special attention to the determining role of festivals. Focusing on this common background, the paper goes beyond and identifies recurrences in the stories and the way they are filmed that connect the novísimos. To make visible the synergies between the themes and their cinematographic construction, the work considers three axes: 1) minimalism related to slow time and the everyday life, 2) characters’ identities and their performers and 3) the realistic aesthetics supported by the main scenarios of these fiction films. This article defines a broad and transnational corpus based on them and it analyses three case studies: Hamaca paraguaya (Paz Encina, 2006), Parque vía (Enrique Rivero, 35Minerva Campos Rabadán Novísimo cine latinoamericano: claves...2008), and Los viajes del viento (Ciro Guerra, 2009). Finally, this paper also iden-tifies new trends that have appeared more recently within this growing film corpus
RADIO VATICANA - Radiogiornale Anno, XLIX n. 135 - Testo della trasmissione di Domenica 15 maggio 2005, Solennità di Pentecoste.
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