Artificial Immune Systems - ICARIS
Accelerating Immunos 99
Paul Taylor1,2 and Fiona A. C. Polack2 and Jon Timmis2,3
BT Research & Innovation, Adastral Park, Martlesham Heath, UK, IP5 3RE
Department of Computer Science, University of York, UK, YO10 5DD
Department of Electronics, University of York, UK, YO10 5DD
[email protected], {fiona.polack,jon.timmis}
inspired by the Immunos family, which incorporates additional immune-inspired techniques such as cell proliferation and hypermutation. A complete specification for Immunos 99 can be found in (Brownlee, 2005, Section 5). The
only publicly-available implementation of the algorithm is a
plugin for the Weka data mining toolkit (Hall et al., 2009;
Brownlee, n.d.).
Immunos 99 is a classification algorithm based upon the principles of Artificial Immune Systems (AIS). AIS algorithms
can provide alternatives to classical techniques such as decision trees for classification tasks. Immunos 99 provides one
alternative however the algorithm and implementations have
some room for performance improvement. This paper discusses improvements made to Immunos 99 and its reference
implementation to improve runtime performance. The new
algorithm/implementation results in an approximate 40% reduction in run time on test data. The paper closes with a
proposal for an implementation of the Immunos 99 algorithm
that is suitable for use on map/reduce clusters.
Motivation & Experimental Environment
We are working on monitoring data for business processes
relating to provision of service and customer interactions.
The ability to predict and prevent the failure of business processes in these areas would enable organisations to perform
more efficiently, achieving improved levels of customer service and customer satisfaction. There is little research on
the automated analysis of such business processes, not least
because of the poor quality of data available. However, if
classification is to be useful industrially, it has to be achieved
fast enough to allow timely intervention in failing business
In small-scale trials, we tested a range of classifiers, seeking effective prediction of the outcome of a business process is considered; since the business process outcome can
be only SUCCESS or FAILURE, based on some business
condition, the problem is a two-class classification task. We
find that Immunos 99 can be trained to handle classification
of the real data, which is noisy and of low quality.
We next trained Immunos 99 with a typical dataset from
BT process monitoring. The proprietary dataset comprises
observations on 65,000 business processes, over 46 variables; 74% of the business processes were identified as belonging to the class SUCCESS, and the remaining 26% were
classified as FAILURE. The trial performed 10-fold crossvalidation on the dataset, for each classifier under test. However, the execution of the training runs was infeasibly long,
with typical executions taking around 40 hours to complete
classification of a day’s test data.
Since Immunos 99 was the most successful classification technique in small-scale trials, we decided to improve the implementation of the algorithm, exploiting multi-
The classification of large data sets is increasingly important
in a wide variety of applications. Many classification techniques are available, with varying applicability. The need
to apply classification techniques to large datasets has motivated research on improving the efficiency or running time
of algorithms. For example the AIRS classifier (Watkins,
Timmis, & Boggess, 2004) has been successfully parallelised, reducing execution time while retaining classification performance (Watkins & Timmis, 2004).
Our interest in the classification of large data sets relates
to the automation of business process analysis. A business
process is a set of activities that are required in a specific order, to provide a product or service. Efficient organisation of
business processes is essential to the efficient running of the
business itself. The data collected by monitoring of business
processes is not clean, which limits the range of applicable
classification techniques (Taylor, Leida, & Majeed, 2012).
Techniques which are both resistant to noise in training data
and applicable across a wide variety of input data are therefore of particular interest in this endeavour.
In initial small-scale experimentation on samples of poor
quality data from real business processes, the Immunos 99
algorithm, proposed by Brownlee (Brownlee, 2005), showed
promising performance. However the runtime performance
of this (and other) classifier made its use infeasible for
large data sets. Immunos 99 is a classification algorithm
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Artificial Immune Systems - ICARIS
threading, with the goal of reducing execution time. What
constitutes an appropriate execution time in this work is dependent on business context – the execution must complete
in time to be able to intervene in a business process that may
take hours, or may take weeks to complete. Our initial goal
was to reduce execution time so that training on one day’s
data takes hours rather than days.
The purpose and goal of our work on the Immunos 99
algorithm is to enable training and classification of large,
noisy data sets, at an appropriate speed for the business context. We do not include rigorous algorithmic analysis, as this
is not appropriate for our business context.
The improvements discussed here have been tested across
large proprietary datasets, and the improvement in execution
time has been shown throughout. Results from one of the
proprietary datasets is included, to show improvements in
execution time are achievable on the real datasets. However,
owing to the proprietary nature of the data, the paper illustrates performance by application to a public dataset (Section ), allowing detailed discussion and analysis, as well as
presentation of reproducible results.
Algorithm 1: Original Immunos 99 Training Algorithm,
from (Brownlee, 2005)
1 Divide data into antigen groups (by classification label)
2 foreach group do
Create initial B-Cell population
foreach generation (to parameter limit) do
Expose all B-cells to all antigens from all
Calculate fitness scoring
Perform population pruning
Perform affinity maturation
Insert randomly selected antigens of the same
11 end
12 Perform final pruning for each B-cell population
13 return the final B-cell population as the classifier
ies in pool, where ac is the number of antibodies for class
c. The approximate complexity of the training phase of Immunos 99 is formed of the three parts: the initial generation
of antibodies in equation 1 (line 3); the generation and mutation phase in equation 2 (lines 5-9); and the final pruning
phase in 3 (line 12). The complexity of the overall training
implementation is the sum of the three phases – the function
shows a typical quadratic relationship, plotted against size.
Analysing the Original Immunos 99
Immunos 99 is an immune-inspired classifier originally described by Brownlee (Brownlee, 2005) (Algorithm 1). It
utilises a number of immune system features, and analogues
of immune system components in its design. In an immune
system, an antigen is something that provokes a response
from the immune system; in this case, an antigen is analogous to an observation from the input data. In an immune
system, the B-cells are recognisers that bind to specific antigens with a particular affinity; here the analogy is of recognisers with an affinity represented as a numerical value.
Here, we use complexity functions to reason about relative execution times, independent of implementation variations. Assuming that each operation in the function takes 1
unit of time, the estimated runtime for a sequential execution of the algorithm is equal to its complexity. Changes to
the defined functions to account for the expected reduction
in runtime caused by the application of multi-threading and
parallelism are discussed in the following section. The complexity functions are derived from examination of the original implementation of the algorithm in (Brownlee, n.d.).
To calculate the complexity function, let g represent the
number of generations to use and n represent the number
of observations in the input data, which is also the size of
the initial B-cell pool. The algorithm performs g ∗ n2 affinity calculations. After each B-cell has been exposed and
the affinity calculated, fitness is determined by the B-cell’s
rank position in the B-cell pool. To determine the rank position requires a sort operation, of complexity in the order of
O(n log(n)).
To train the algorithm, n is the size of the training set.
There are c classification classes, and a total of a antibod-
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2n + a + c
g(c(ac + n(7ac + 2(ac log(ac )))))
c(ac + n(3ac + ac log(ac )))
Parallelising the Algorithm
A number of changes have been made, to improve training
times for the Immunos 99 algorithm. These improvements
fall into 2 categories, first partial threading of the algorithm
itself, and second changes to the Java implementation (published in (Brownlee, n.d.)). Partial threading is introduced
using the Fork-Join paradigm which is supported by the core
Java library in Java 7.
The first opportunity for parallelism, training of each
group of B-cells in parallel, is identified by Brownlee
(Brownlee, 2005), but not included in the Weka implementation.
The most time consuming part of the algorithm is the
affinity calculations across all antibodies and all antigens.
Each affinity calculation (the affinity of one antigen to one
B-Cell) is independent of all the other affinity calculations.
This is a significant opportunity for further parallelism to
be introduced. The nested loops running the affinity calculations in series (lines 5-6 of Algorithm 1) can be replaced
with a construct that distributes the individual calculations
Artificial Immune Systems - ICARIS
to the available thread pool, and then collects the results as
each thread completes. Once all calculations are complete,
the normal sequence of the algorithm is resumed.
An example of the fork-join construct is shown in figure
1. The modified algorithm is summarised in Algorithm 2.
The fork-join construct is used for the blocks between lines
7-13 and lines 22-30, with the worker threads performing
lines 10 and 25 only.
Algorithm 2: Parallelised Immunos 99 algorithm
1 Create the thread pool, p
2 Divide data into antigen groups (by classification label)
3 foreach group do
Create initial B-Cell population
foreach generation (to parameter limit) do
begin Expose all B-cells to all antigens from all
Antibodies for this class/generation
Worker 1
Worker 2
Worker 3
Worker 4
Wait for completion
Process calculation results and continue
Figure 1: Example fork-Join construct for antibody affinity
The parallelised algorithm uses the same number of operations to train the classifier as the original Immunos 99 algorithm, so the complexity function is the same. If we assume
that each computation takes a single time unit, the expected
runtime of the modified algorithm is reduced, since affinity
calculations occur simultaneously. For the three phases of
the algorithm described for the original, and a thread pool
of size t, the estimated runtime of the initial setup phase is
unchanged (equation 1). The estimated runtime of the modified generation and mutation phase, and of the modified final
pruning phase are given by equations 5 and 4, respectively.
The runtime of the algorithm is primarily influenced by the
number of classes in the training data (since each group of
antibodies can be trained in parallel with enough threads)
and by the number of execution threads available (reducing
the time required to complete the affinity calculations by allowing more to be performed in parallel).
foreach Antigen, ag, in the training set do
foreach Antibody, ab in the generation
begin on a thread from p
Calculate the affinity between
ag and ab
Calculate fitness scoring
Perform population pruning
Perform affinity maturation
Insert randomly selected antigens of the same
begin final pruning for each B-cell population
foreach Antigen, ag, in the training set do
foreach Antibody, ab in the last generation do
begin on a thread from p
Calculate the affinity between ag and ab
abbest = ab with best affinity to ag
increment score of abbest
Prune antibodies with score below threshold
return the final B-cell population as the classifier
lem – using more than c threads has only a small additional
benefit. Figure 3 illustrates the effect of increasing the number of classes, where the thread pool size is equal to the number of classes.
Other Parallelisation: the AIRS Approach
Watkins, Timmis, and Boggess report parallelisation of
the AIRS algorithm (Watkins, Timmis, & Boggess, 2004;
Watkins & Timmis, 2004), which we look to for inspiration.
In the AIRS parallelisation the training data is partitioned
and sent to thread,s which train independently before merging the resulting memory cells into a single pool for classification. The AIRS approach is more pervasively parallel that
ac + n( atc + (6ac ) + 2(ac log(ac )))
min(c, t)
c(ac + n(2( ) + ac + ac log(ac )))
Figure 2 shows the effect of additional threads on the
complexity of the algorithm for a hypothetical 4 class prob-
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Number of Observations
Artificial Immune Systems - ICARIS
Number of Observations
Figure 2: Effect of additional threads on the estimated runtime of modified Immunos 99 on 4 class data.
Figure 3: Impact of number of classes on estimated runtime
of modified Immunos 99 (with t = c).
the Immunos 99 parallelisation, as it distributes large, intensive, independent units of work. In contrast, the Immunos
99 parallelisation approach attempts to gain the largest increase in performance possible without extensive redesign
of the original code – the modified Immunos 99 implementation only minimally changes the serial version to distribute
the large number of computationally simple affinity calculations.
implementing a sort function that directly modifies the array behind each collection without any copying. A simpler
modification to reduce copying is achieved by refactoring
the Weka code to avoid unnecessary use of methods that rely
on copying, such as Instance.toDoubleArray().
The profiler analysis showed extensive use of
LinkedList objects. LinkedLists are inefficient
when used in conjunction with random access operations,
as in the original code, since every index request requires
traversal of the list (average complexity O(n/2)). To
improve efficiency, the LinkedList objects were replaced with ArrayList objects, which provide the same
interface but have complexity of O(1) access to contents.
A review of the logic of the Weka implementation revealed an inefficiency in the final pruning step (Algorithm
1 line 7). At this step, only the antibody with the best affinity is required, so it is unnecessary to sort all the antibodies
by affinity. By replacing a call to Collections.sort
with a call to Collections.min, the complexity is reduced from O(n log(n)) (for sorting) to O(n) (to scan the
Reducing Implementation Inefficiencies
The original implementation of the Immunos 99 algorithm
is part of the Weka Classification Algorithms project on
SourceForge (Brownlee, n.d.). We analysed the execution
of the original Weka code using the VisualVM profiler (Oracle Corporation, n.d.). VisualVM identifies the hot spots
in the code where improvements are most likely to have an
impact. The profiler analysis was used both to guide the
algorithmic changes in the previous section and, in conjunction with code reviews, to identify inefficiencies in the use
of Java and its libraries. These implementation-specific improvements affect the runtime of the Immunos 99 modified
algorithm, but are not factored into the general complexity
analysis in Sections and , as they pertain to specific versions
of the implementation, Java library and virtual machine.
A significant time overhead in the Weka implementation
is the use of array copy operations. For instance, each time
the algorithm calls Collections.sort from the Java library sorting functions, the collection is copied into a temporary array, sorted, and copied back, rewriting the original collection. We reduce the time to sort a collection by
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Experimental Results
We illustrate the difference in execution time between the
original and modified implementations using the Chess
(King-Rook vs. King-Knight) Data Set (kr-kk) from the
UCI machine learning repository (Frank & Asuncion, 2010).
Each test is a 10-fold cross validation of the kr-kk dataset,
which is repeated 10 times, with the time for each run
recorded. Tests are performed on an otherwise-idle Win-
Execution Time (Seconds)
Artificial Immune Systems - ICARIS
Execution Time (Hours)
Correctly Classified %
Correctly Classified %
Figure 4: Box plots showing execution times and accuracy
for 10-fold cross-validation of each implementation on the
chess data set
Figure 5: Box plots showing execution times and accuracy
for 10-fold cross-validation of each implementation on the
proprietary data set
dows Server 2008 box with 16 Cores (4x Intel Xeon E7340
CPUs) and 32GB of RAM. Tests are run under the 64-bit
Java 7 JDK (version 1.7.0-b147).
Figure 4 shows the time and classification performance of
the implementations. The box plots show the median value
as the centre bar; the outer limits of the box are the first and
third quartiles, and whiskers show the highest and lowest
value within 1.5 ∗ InterquartileRange of the box edge.
Any outliers are shown as points.
The results for execution time (upper plot in Figure 4)
shows that the improved algorithm has a mean execution
time that is approximately 58% of the execution time for
the original. Both implementations exhibit very low levels
of variation in execution time. The outlier in the plot for the
modified algorithm is thought to be due to the influence of
the operating system scheduler on the server performing the
The lack of overlap between the result ranges of the two
implementations indicates a significant improvement in execution time with the modified implementation. A nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test for significance was performed, with H0 of no significant difference between the
performance of the original and modified implementations.
The test p-value is 0.0001806, so H0 is rejected with greater
than 99% confidence.
To increase confidence that the classification ability of the
algorithm has not been compromised by the modifications,
the overall classification accuracy was also recorded for the
10 runs (lower plot in Figure 4). In the results, the modified algorithm has a slightly lower median accuracy, but less
variation in classification performance than in the original
implementation. Performing the Mann-Whitney U test for
significance, with H0 that there is no significant difference
between the performance of each algorithm yields a p-value
of 0.6305 so H0 is accepted.
In the motivation for this work (Section ), we describe
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Artificial Immune Systems - ICARIS
the training phase execution of the original algorithm on a
proprietary dataset, which took in the order of 40 hours to
complete. Performance of the modified algorithm was also
tested on this proprietary dataset. The experimental setup
was identical to that for the kr-kk dataset. The mean execution time was reduced from 38.86744 hours for the unmodified algorithm to 3.29218 hours for the modified algorithm. A Mann Whitney U Test for significance was again
performed, with H0 that the execution time for the two implementations is the same. The p-value of 0.00001083 determines that H0 is rejected with greater than 99% confidence. The mean accuracy of the algorithms is almost identical: 60.274% and 60.276% for the unmodified and modified implementations, respectively (Mann Whitney U Test
p-value of 0.9092). The results (following the same format
as before) are plotted in figure 5.
The results are in line with expectation: the quadratic
complexity of the Immunos 99 algorithm means that performance gains from the modified implementation should be
higher for larger datasets. We have also informally observed
increased improvements for larger datasets in other work on
proprietary datasets.
The final pruning step could be implemented using a similar series of map and reduce tasks, which would further reduce execution time.
The map-reduce approach would allow a refactoring that
can efficiently exploit a large number of compute resources
to process in a much shorter time than either the original implementation in Section , or the improved variant in Section .
A caveat to this is that the time spent administering and distributing the map and reduce tasks over a compute cluster is
not insignificant, so for smaller datasets the single machine
approach from Section is likely to be faster.
This paper has assessed the practical performance of the Immunos 99 classification algorithm (Brownlee, 2005), considering some performance deficiencies of the algorithm and
its publicly-available implementation (Brownlee, n.d.). We
present modifications to the existing source code that enable Immunos 99 training to run in an acceptable time (according to the business context) on large, noisy datasets,
by effective exploitation of multi-core processors are discussed. We outline additional modifications using the mapreduce paradigm (Dean & Ghemawat, 2008; The Apache
Software Foundation, n.d.) which have the potential to support massively-parallel execution.
Further Work: Proposed Map-Reduce
In working on the Immunos 99 algorithm, it became apparent that a map-reduce variant of Immunos 99 would support
massively-parallel execution. This should lead to feasible
training times for very large datasets. The outline is presented here as an opportunity for further work.
Map-reduce (Dean & Ghemawat, 2008; The Apache Software Foundation, n.d.) allows tasks to be broken down into
an arrangement of map and reduce tasks. Map tasks are responsible for splitting the incoming data into chunks that can
be independently processed. Reduce tasks are responsible
for processing a chunk of data and then returning a result to
the next task in the chain. The most time consuming part of
the Immunos 99 algorithm (exposing all B-cells to all antigens) could leverage these constructs as follows.
Watkins, A., Timmis, J., & Boggess, L. C. (2004). Artificial Immune Recognition System (AIRS) : An Immune Inspired
Supervised Machine Learning Algorithm. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 5(3), 291–317.
Watkins, A. & Timmis, J. (2004). Exploiting parallelism inherent
in AIRS, an artificial immune classifier. In G. Nicosia, V.
Cutello, P. J. Bentley, & J. Timmis (Eds.), Artificial immune
systems (Vol. 3239, pp. 427–438). Lecture Notes in Computer
Science. Springer.
Taylor, P., Leida, M., & Majeed, B. (2012). Case study in process
mining in a multinational enterprise. In K. Aberer, E. Damiani, & T. Dillon (Eds.), Data-driven process discovery and
analysis (Vol. 116, pp. 134–153). Lecture Notes in Business
Information Processing. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Brownlee, J. (2005). Immunos-81, The Misunderstood Artificial
Immune System (Technical report No. 1-02, Swinburne University of Technology, Austrailia).
Hall, M., Frank, E., Holmes, G., Pfahringer, B., Reutemann, P., &
Witten, I. H. (2009). The WEKA data mining software: an
update. SIGKDD Explorations, 11(1), 10–18. doi:10 . 1145 /
Brownlee, J. (n.d.). WEKA Classification Algorithms. Retrieved
Oracle Corporation. (n.d.). VisualVM. Retrieved from http : / /
Frank, A. & Asuncion, A. (2010). UCI machine learning repository. Retrieved from
Dean, J. & Ghemawat, S. (2008, January). MapReduce. Communications of the ACM, 51(1), 107. doi:10 . 1145 / 1327452 .
The Apache Software Foundation. (n.d.). Apache Hadoop. Retrieved from
1. Scoring of each antibody within a generation can be performed independently of any other antibody.
2. Each antigen/antibody affinity comparison used to calculate the antibody score can be mapped out as a separate
3. Ranking the antibodies by affinity for scoring could be a
subsequent reduce task that merges the antibody scores
into a sorted list for the calculation (cf. merge sort).
4. Rank scoring of the antibodies for each instance can be
done as a reduce task on the sorted antibody scores.
5. Final pruning and other finalising tasks can be performed
in serial by a final reduce task.
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