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Histoplasmosis is a dimorphic fungus which is widely distributed among western countries like America and in some parts of the tropical region. It is acquired by inhaling microconidia. Depending on the immune status patient may develop acute or chronic pulmonary diseases or disseminated infection. The disseminated form of nasopharyngeal region can present as ulceration, rhino sinusitis, nasal obstruction, dyspnoea, hoarseness of voice and clinically it can mimic carcinoma. Microscopically, the differential diagnosis of histoplasmosis includes Leishmaniasis, Cryptococci neoformans, Candida glabrata, Pneumocystis jiroveci and Penicillium marneffei infections. The diagnosis of histoplasma is dependent on histopathological examination and demonstration by special stains, where the latter serves the gold standard in demonstrating organism on light microscopy. Keywords: Fungal infection, Histoplasmosis, Nasopharyngeal lesion, Paediatric age.
Romanian Journal of Rhinology
Histoplasmosis is a rare type of fungal infection which may manifest as a respiratory disease or as a disseminated infection. It is common in immunocompromised patients and, in recent times, seen in association with COVID-19. On histopathological examination, many intracellular and extracellular yeast forms are seen, which can be confirmed by fungal stains. Histoplasmosis involving the nasopharyngeal region is quite rare. Till date, only less than 100 cases of pharyngo-laryngeal histoplasmosis have been reported. Such cases are clinico-radiologically easily and frequently mistaken for malignancy. Here, we report a case that initially had COVID-19-like symptoms and later presented with a nasopharyngeal mass clinico-radiologically mistaken as a nasopharyngeal malignancy. The diagnosis was established on histopathological examination and the patient recovered completely with anti-fungal treatment. A high grade of suspicion and thorough histopathological examination, especially in immun...
International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
Isolated nasopharyngeal candidiasis in an immunocompetent host, has not been reported in literature. This is a case of a 48 year old lady with no comorbidities who presented with a mass in the nasopharynx mimicking nasopharyngeal malignancy. Endoscopic debridement and biopsy revealed necrotic tissue with fungal ball composed of filamentous hyphae suggestive of aspergillus and budding yeast form of Candida. A diagnosis of fungal nasopharyngitis was made and started on antifungal therapy for 6 weeks following which patient is relieved of symptoms.
Histoplasmosis is a rare tropical disease caused by Yeast-like dimorphic fungus Histoplasma capsulatum. Granulomatous diseases caused by infectious agents are being encounted more frequently nowadays. Infection by histoplasma capsulatum is one such granulomatous disease. In non-endemic areas, histoplasmosis poses a diagnostic challenge, especially since the presenting lesions can mimic carcinoma. The clinician should keep in mind histoplasmosis as a differential diagnosis when dealing with granulomatous lesions of oral cavity, oropharynx and larynx in both immunocompetent and immunocomparised patients. The histopathologist must be informed about the possibility of histoplasmosis, because special dyes have to be used to confirm this diagnosis. The treatment is mainly medical with Amphotericin B which remains the gold standard for treatment of this disease. The rarity of this disease in this part of country and variable clinical presentation prompted the authors to report this case.
Laryngeal histoplasmosis is a fungal infection that is frequent in Colombia. Laryngeal histoplasmosis usually occurs in immunocompromised patients through the dissemination of the fungus from the lungs to other organs. Histoplasmosis isolated laryngeal (primary) is rare. If a patient presents with a history of immunosuppression by renal transplant, primary laryngeal histoplasmosis with supraglottic granulomatous inflammation that was treated with amphotericin B and Itraconazole, with complete resolution of laryngeal lesions.
The proportion ofCandida and non-Candida species in the clinical material from patients. with respiratory-tract diseases was determined.C. albicans was isolated in 102 cases. An additional 89 strains of yeasts, isolated in association with respiratory diseases, belonged to 10 non-albicans Candida spp. andCryptococcus spp. The prevailing species, which occurred in 47 cases, wasC. parapsilosis. C. tropicalis, C. glabrata, andC. guilliermondii were isolated in 12, 10, and 9 cases, respectively. Four strains ofC. krusei and three strains ofC. lusitaniae and one strain each ofC. freyschussii, C. robusta, C. zeylanoides, andCryptococcus neoformans were also isolated.
Histoplasmosis is a systemic fungal mycosis caused by Histoplasma capsulatum. It is a dimorphic fungus which lives as a saprophyte in the environment and occasionally infects immunosuppressed people. H capsulatum is a ubiquitous fungus present throughout the globe and is more common in the temperate world. Human infection with H capsulatum occurs through respiratory route by inhalation of spores present in the air as droplet nuclei. Pulmonary histoplasmosis is difficult to diagnose, more so in the regions where tuberculosis is endemic, and many infected patients remain asymptomatic. In the case of immunosuppression, clinical symptoms of pulmonary infection may be seen along with chances of dissemination. We report a case of chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis in an immunocompetent individual.
… Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & …, 2004
The incidence oJ fitngal rhinosinusitis has increased to such extent in receat years that ]hngal infection should be considered in all patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. In lndOtthaugh the disease was reported earlier only Jrom northern regions of this country, nowadays the di~e~e is increasingly diagno~ed from other part.s as well. The disea~se has been categorized with po~tst~i) five types: acute neerotizing (fnlminant), chronic invas4ve, chronic graaulomatous invasive, fnngal ball (sinus mycetoma), allergic. The jirst three types are tis sue-inva,~ive and the lint two are nou-invasive f n n g a l rhinosinu~iti~. However, the categorization is still controversial and open to discussion. Chrottie fongal rhino~inu~iti~ can occur in otherwLse healthy host and Aspergillus flavns is the common etiological ageut in Indian scenario. The pathophy~ iologie mechanism of the disease remains unclear. It may represent an allergic I~E response, a cell-mediated reaction, or a combination of two. Early diagnosi~ may prevent multiple surgical procedures attd lead to effective treatment. Histopathology and radto,,imaging techniques help to distinguish dif[ereut types and delineate extension of di~sea,se process. Culture helps to identiJ)' the re~pons'ible etiological agent. The presence or absence oJ precipitating atttibody correlates well with disease progression or recovery. The most Immediate need regarding management is to establish the respective roles o f surgeo~ and antifungal therapy. Non-invasive disease requires surgical debridement and sinus ventilation only, though additional oral or local cortico,~terotd therapy may be beneficial in allergic type, For invasive disease, ~he adjuvant medical therapy is recommended to prevent recurret~ee and f u r t h e r extensiot~, ~i~raconazole has been ]buud as an effective drug in such situation. Patients with acute necrotlzing, type require radical surgery and amphotericin B therapy.
Diagnostic Cytopathology, 2011
Histoplasmosis has emerged as an important opportunistic fungal infection in immunocompromised patients. Histoplasma is a dimorphic fungus that primarily involves lung and the environmental reservoir is soil. Although several cases of histoplasmosis have been reported in India but cytological diagnosis was made in a few cases. We are presenting two cases of histoplasmosis diagnosed on fine-needle aspiration cytology. In the first case, pulmonary histoplasmosis was diagnosed on transbronchial needle aspiration of lung in a 41-year-old immunocompetent male, while second case was of disseminated histoplasmosis in 40-yearold immunocompromised female diagnosed on cytology of cervical lymph node. FNAC is a simple, safe, and rapid technique to establish the initial diagnosis, thus promoting early treatment and favorable outcome especially in the immunocompromised patients.
Histoplasmosis, a highly infectious fungal disease of public health concern, is caused by Histoplasma capsulatum var. capsulatum, a dimorphic fungus that occurs in mycelial and yeast form. The respiratory tract is recognized as the primary site of H. capsulatum var.capsulatum and the infection is acquired by inhalation of fungal spores from the saprobic environment. Disease can occur in sporadic as well as in epidemic form causing morbidity and mortality in susceptible individuals. Sporadic cases of histoplasmosis are reported from over 60 countries of the world including India. In USA, 25,000 cases of histoplasmosis are diagnosed every year. Certain groups of people who are associated with the soil related activities are at greater risk for developing the severe forms of disease. The fungus has the potential to infect every organ of the body including the skin, lung, brain, eye, adrenal gland, heart, liver, spleen, nose, gastrointestinal tract etc. The infection remains asymptomatic in over 90% of cases. The clinical presentation is varied and the affected person shows fever, headache, dry cough, dyspnea, chest pain, profuse sweating, lymphadenopathy, lesions in the mouth and skin etc. histoplasmosis in immune compromised patients, especially suffering from AIDS has poor prognosis. Mycological, immunological, and molecular techniques are employed to confirm an unequivocal diagnosis of disease. However, the isolation of H. capsulatum var. capsulatum from the clinical specimens still considered the gold standard of diagnosis. Antifungal drugs like liposomal amphotericin B and itraconazole are recommended for the management of disease. The disseminated histoplasmosis can be fatal if left untreated. It is imperative that immune compromised persons must avoid visiting the heavily contaminated sites that are inhabited by bats excreta and avian droppings.
—Fungal organisms are ubiquitous. A common location for these organisms to enter the human body is through the external acoustic canal, oral cavity, and pharynx and sino-nasal cavity. A study was conducted with clinical and mycological analysis of various fungal infections in ENT. Patients suspected for having fungal infections attending at Department of ENT were interrogated and analysed. Swabs collected from these cases were sent for direct microscopy by KOH mounts for fungal examination and fungal culture. Microbiological confirmed 100 cases were finally included in the study Histopathological examination of nasal mass and polyposis was also done. It was observed in this present study otomycosis was most common and accounted for 84% of the total cases followed by candidiasis in oral cavity and pharynx in 9%, allergic fungal rhinosinusitis in 4% and rhinosporidiosis in 3%. Aspergillus niger was that most common fungus isolated in 61% cases, followed by Candida albicans in 24% cases, Aspergillus flavus in 9% cases, Aspergillus fumigatus and Rhinosporodium seeberi in 3% cases each. All the cases of fungal infection of oral cavity and oropharynx were due to Candida albicans.
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Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2016