M. F. Teodoro
International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Methods
Numerical Approach of a Nonlinear Forward-backward Equation
CINAV, Portuguese Naval Academy, Base Naval de Lisboa, Alfeite, 1910-001 Almada and
CEMAT, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1, 1048-001 Lisboa
[email protected]
Abstract: This paper contains a computational approximation for the solution of a forward-backward differential
equation that models nerve conduction in a myelinated axon. We look for a solution of an equation defined in R,
which tends to known values at ±∞. Extending the approach introduced in [5, 10, 6] for linear case, a numerical
method for the solution of problem, is adapted to non linear case using a continuation method 1.
Key–Words: Mixed-type functional differential equations, Non linear Boundary Value Problem, Nerve Conduction,
Collocation, Continuation Method, Numerical Approximation, Method of Steps.
posed for the solution of such MTFDEs.
The main interest of this article is the construction of a mumerical scheme to solve numerically a
first order BVP, the non dimensional MTFDE given
by equation (1)
This work takes into account a nonlinear mixed type
functional differential equation (MTFDE) with deviating arguments from nerve conduction theory that describes the potential propagation along a myelinated
nerve axon, where the membrane has a coat of myelin
(Fig. 1) with spaced holes denominated the nodes of
Ranvier. In [2] is presented some work about the be-
v ′ (t) = f (v(t)) + v(t − τ ) + v(t + τ ) − 2v(t),
where −∞ < t < +∞ and τ the non dimensional
time delay. We look for a solution defined in R, which
satisfies the nonlinear MTFDE (1) with boundary conditions (2)
v(−∞) = 0,
Figure 1: Myelinated nerve axon.
havior of myelinated axons models. The mathematical modeling of nerve conduction implies the construction of a numerical method to solve of a nonlinear
In last century, in the aim of mathematical theory of optimal control, the author of [8] made an important contribution for the analysis of MTFDEs. At
eighties, in [9] is presented a significant analysis of
linear autonomous MTFDEs. In[1], one can found
an interesting research on computation of boundary
value problems (BVPs) with MTFDEs, where a problem defined on entire real axis is transformed in a
BVP defined on a limited interval. The authors of
[10, 11] introduced some numerical methods for linear autonomous case. The same authors extended
these methods for non-autonomous case in [5], using collo-cation. This numerical approach for linear
was 2367-895X
further developed in [6], where a numerical scheme, using the finite element method, was pro-
v(+∞) = 1.
These boundary conditions correspond to rest potential and maximum activated potential, respectively.
The unknown v(t) represents the transmembrane
action potential at a node of a myelinated axon, in
nerve conduction model. f is related with the currentvoltage model as it will be discussed below. τ is the
inverse of the wave potential speed propagation down
the axon, it is unknown. A detailed derivation of the
model (1) (2) can be found in [3]. This mathematical
model is formulated from an equivalent electric circuit model which assumes pure saltatory conduction
(PSC). When compared with the membrane, myeline
has higher resistance and lower capacitance. If the
membrane is depolarized at a node, the action potential tends to jump to the next node and excite the
membrane there. It is supposed that nodes have the
same length µi and are equally spaced and electrically
similar, the potential cross-sectional variations in axon
are negligible and the axon is infinite in extent. Several models can be obtained using different currentvoltage expressions. Here it is used Volume
the FitzHugh1, 2016
Nagumo dynamics for the nodal membrane, without
M. F. Teodoro
International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Methods
a recovery term. It is also assumed that a suprathreshold stimulus begins a propagated axon potential
which, consequently, travels down the axon from node
to node. The nerve impulse travels the axon one way
only, until reach the axon terminal (place where signals in a axon link with other axons). In present case,
the function f is given by f (v) = bv(v − a)(1 − v)
where a is the threshold potential in the non dimensional problem (0 < a < 1) and b is a parameter
related with the strength of the ionic current density
(b > 0). The solution at any node should be monotone increasing. This arises from the current-voltage
relation f (v): once a node is turned on, it cannot return to the rest potential v = 0. To specify a particular
solution to this problem, we need to impose an additional condition. Following the authors of [3], we will
set v(0) = 0.5 to guarantee the uniqueness of solution.
In next section are explained some details about
the mathematical model, the asymptotic behavior of
solution and presented a test problem with known solutions. It is also described how to apply the method
of steps and the continuation method. In last section
is described the numerical scheme to solve, the results
are discussed and some conclusions are presented.
= 1 − ǫ+ eλ− (t−L) − ǫ2 B1 (e2λ− (t−L) − eλ− (t−L) )
−ǫ3+ (B2 e2λ− (t−L) + B3 e3λ− (t−L)
−(B2 + B3 )eλ− (t−L) ) + O(ǫ4+ ).
Notice that ǫ+ = 1 − v(L), B1 , B2 , B3 and λ− are
constants depending on Taylor expansion of f and
characteristic equation, when t ≥ L.
Test Problem
To analyse the convergence of the numerical scheme
we take into account some test problems with known
There is one test problem with known solution
which can be solved exactly and belongs to the class
of problems in study (1), (2). Let θ be a known positive constant and define fθ (v) by
fθ (v) =
1 + 2θ(2v − 1) − (1 + θ)(2v − 1)2 − θ(3 − 2v)(2v − 1)3
2(1 − θ(2v − 1)2 )
with −∞ < t < +∞. Then the solution of (1, 2)
τ = tanh−1 ( θ),
is given by
v(t) =
1 + tanh(t)
The solution of the test problem can then be used
as an initial approximation for the numerical solution
of the target problem using the continuation method.
This means that we have to solve a sequence of equations of the form (1). In the right-hand side of the first
equation, f is replaced by fθ . Then, is each subsequent equation, f is replaced by fα defined by
fα (v) = αfθ (v) + (1 − α)ftarget (v), 0 ≤ α ≤ 1.
When α = 1 we get the exact solution of the test problem; when α = 0 we get the approximate solution of
the target problem. So, we compute numerical solutions for the problem starting with an initial approximation taking α = 1, and decreasing α from 1 until
0. For each considered problem (each α), the correspondent initial approximation is the one obtained in
the previous problem, with the previous value of α.
Asymptotic behavior of solution
In problem (1), (2) f is C 1 [0, 1] and verifies f (0) =
f (1) = 0, f ′ (0) < 0 and f ′ (1) < 0. The deviation τ
and the monotone increasing solution v(t), satisfying
0 < v(t) < 1 are computed at the same time.
The study of the asymptotic behavior of solution
at −∞ and +∞ and on right is essential to proceed
and implement the numerical scheme. We follow an
approach similar to the one considered in [3].
After some computations taking into consideration the boundary conditions, the asymptotic expansionISSN:
, when
t ≤ −L with L being a positive constant,
takes the form
Notice that ǫ = v(−L), b1 , b2 , b3 and λ+ are constants
depending on the Taylor expansion of f and characteristic equation.
The asymptotic expansion, when t ≥ L, takes the
In this section we will present and discuss some properties of BVP (1), (2) which will be needed for its
numerical solution.
This is not an easy problem to solve numerically:
the equation contains both retarded and advanced arguments and the deviation τ is unknown. Moreover,
boundary conditions are given at infinity.
We shall begin by introduce some details about
the asymptotic analysis of the solutions of the problem (1), (2). We will present an alternative approach
to compute a numerical solution, starting from an
asymptotic expansion.
= ǫeλ+ (t+L) + ǫ2 b1 (e2λ+ (t+L) − eλ+ (t+L) )
+ǫ3 (b2 e2λ+ (t+L) + b3 e3λ+ (t+L)
−(b2 + b3 )eλ+ (t+L) ) + O(ǫ4 ).
Method of steps
In this section, the method of steps (formula (7) presented in Section 2 of [5] for linear case) is adapted
to nonlinear case. It uses the ideas Volume
based 1,
Bellman’s method of steps for solving delay differential
International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Methods
M. F. Teodoro
equations and some work introduced in [4] where the
method of steps is applied to an autonomous linear
forward-backward differential equation. In the linear
case, one solves the equation over successive intervals of unitary length. In the case of equation (1),
we present the same idea with sequential intervals of
length τ .
v(t + τ ) = v ′ (t) − v(t − τ ) + g(v(t)),
where g(u) = 2u − f (u).
In principle, we can use formula (9) to construct
a solution for equation (2) on an interval [a, a + kτ ]
(where k is an integer), a ∈ R, starting from its initial values on [a − 2τ, a]; these starting values can be
obtained from the asymptotic expansion (3).
Supposing that all derivatives of f and v exist in
(a − 2τ, a], we may obtain the following expressions
for the solution in the first two intervals (a, a + τ ]and
(a + τ, a + 2τ ] respectively:
v(t + τ )
v(t + 2τ )
= v ′ (t) − v(t − τ ) + g(v(t));
= v ′ (t + τ ) − v(t) + g(v(t + τ ))
= v ′′ (t) − v ′ (t − τ ) + g(v(t + τ ))
+gv′ (v(t))v ′ (t) − v(t).
If in first formula of (10) we set g(v) = 2v (which
corresponds to f (v(t)) ≡ 0) and τ = 1 then we obtain
formula (7) in Section 2 of [5], with a(t) ≡ 1, b(t) ≡
−1, c(t) ≡ 2.
Continuing this process, we can extend the solution to any interval, provided that the initial functions
in the first two intervals with length τ are smooth
enough functions and satisfy some simple relationships.
Numerical Scheme
The asymptotic analysis of the solutions (as t → ±∞)
allows us to transfer the boundary conditions and to
reduce the present problem to an equivalent problem
on a finite interval [−L − τ, L + τ ], where L is a sufficiently large number. Instead of model (2), (1) we
propose a BVP on [−L, L], with the boundary conditions given at [−L − τ, −L] and [L, L + τ ], for some
positive large enough integer L. Using the asymptotic
properties of the solutions, for large values of |t|, formulae (3),(4), we obtain approximations of the solution on certain intervals [−L − τ, −L] and [L, L + τ ].
Hence, instead of solving equation (1) on the real
line, we will solve it for t ∈ [−L, L]; in this case
boundary conditions (2) are replaced by
v(t) = φ0 (t),
v(t) = φ1 (t),
t ∈ [−L − τ, −L];
t ∈ [L, L + τ ],
where φ0 and φ1 correspond to the truncated forms of
the asymptotic
formulae given by (3) and (4) respecISSN: 2367-895X
Moreover, we recall that the solution must satisfy
the condition v(0) = 0.5.
We shall now describe a numerical scheme to
solve problem (1), (2), where this problem is first reduced to the form (1), (11). A feature of proposed algorithm, which makes it substantially different from
the methods proposed before ([1]),([3]) is that it is
derived in two stages: stage 1-Compute the shift τ
and define the asymptotic behavior of the solution as
t < −L or t > L; stage 2-Computed the value of τ
we solve numerically the problem (1), (11), using the
Newton’s method (NM), and determine each linear iterate by the collocation method.
First stage: (i) In order to compute the solution on
interval [−L − τ, −L], we must fix a certain initial value
for τ and solve the characteristic equation . Notice that
we impose L = Kτ , where K is an integer; (ii) Knowing
the characteristic values λ+ and λ− we compute the approximate solution at [−L − τ, −L], using formula (3), and
[L, L + τ ], using the asymptotic expansion (4). Moreover,
we can compute the first k derivatives of solution (where
K = Lτ ), which will be needed to apply the method of
steps. In order to compute these values we must fix certain
initial guesses for ǫ and ǫ+ ; (ii) Using the estimated values of v and its first K derivatives at −L − τ and −L, we
compute the solution values v(−L + τ ), v(−L + 2τ ), . . .,
v(0), recursively, using formula (9). Then, we compute ǫ
from the condition that v(0) = 0.5; (iv) In the same way,
we compute the values of v(L − τ ), v(L − 2τ ), . . ., v(0),
starting the values of v and its K derivatives at v(L + τ )
and v(L). In this case, we have to apply the formula (9)
backwards. The correct value of ǫ+ is determined from the
condition that v(0) = 0.5; (v) Finally, we have to compute
the value of τ , from the condition v ′ (o− ) = v ′ (o+ ) (differentiability of the solution at t = 0). The left and the
right-hand sides limits of v ′ , at t = 0, are computed using
again formula (9), from −L to 0 and from L to 0, respectively. More precisely, differentiating both sides of (9), we
obtain a recursive formula that can be used to compute the
derivative of v; (vi) At the end of this process, we know
that the values of τ , ǫ and ǫ+ , as well as the values of the
solution and its first derivative at t = −L, t = −L + τ ,. . ..
Second stage: (vii) Solve the problem (1), (11),
for a known value of τ , using the NM. With this purpose, we must solve a sequence of linearized equations,
using the collocation method derived in [5, 10, 11]. When
we solve each iterate we search a solution which satisfies boundary conditions (11). Notice that these equations
correspond to the non-autonomous linear equation considered in [5, 11] (viii) When is computed the first iterative
v1 (t), for the test problem (where f is given by (5)), we
take as v0 the function (7); (ix) Then, we determine a sequence of iterates v1 (t), v2 (t),. . .,vn (t), until the condition
tol is
77 kvn (t) − vn−1 (t)k ≤ tol is satisfied, where
1, a2016
enough positive constant; (x) Since the exact solution for
M. F. Teodoro
International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Methods
tion (1) will be affected by changing the parameters of
the problem.
Acknowledgements: This work was supported by Por-
the test problem is known we can compare the numerical
results with the exact ones.
Results and Conclusions
In this section, we discuss some numerical results
which illustrate the performance of the numerical
scheme proposed in the previous section, for the solution of (1), (2). First, the algorithm was tested using a problem with known solution, the test problem
(5), where we take f = fθ . There were computed
different iterates of the numerical solution for the test
problem described in Section 2.2, taking θ = 0.35,
for t = −1.2 and t = −0.2. Once the exact solution has τ = 0.680136, the initial value taken for τ
was τ = 0.680. The initial guess, in iterative Newton process, is given by v(ct), where is computed by
(7) and c is a certain constant. We calculated the estimates of convergence order p = log2 ǫ2N /log2 ǫN and
the absolute error of the numerical solution ǫN , considering the test problem with θ = 0.35. The results
are accurate and the estimates of convergence order p,
using 2-norm, agree with the expected value, p = 2,
taking into account the analysis of the linear case (see
Section 2 in [5]). The absolute error of the numerical
solution is about 4.89 × 10−11 and 2.02 × 10−9 when
L is close to 2 and 2.7 respectively (K = 2, 3) and
N = 128.
For the target problem, taking the tolerance parameter tol = 10−6 , the number of NM iterates (until
the process stops) were determined for each value of
α in the continuation method. Taking into account the
number of iterates, the process behaved correctly in
the sense of convergence.
The graphics of numerical solutions on [−2, 2]
obtained by continuation, for α = 0, . . . , 1 were built.
The case α = 0 corresponds to the numerical solution
of the target problem, α = 1 corresponds to the numerical solution of the test problem. In the test problem we use θ = 0.35. The target problem was considered with a = 0.05, b = 15. When α decreases from
one to zero, the curves became more stiff. Also, at the
neighborhood of t = 0, the slope became greater and
the graphics approaches to vertical. In all graphics we
have got v(0) = 0.5.
First, the algorithm was tested using the test problem (5), where we have taken f = fθ . We analyzed
both the convergence of the method and the accuracy
of the obtained results. We propose a scheme to solve
numerically a nonlinear mixed type functional differential equation arising which models the nerve conduction in myelinated axons The convergence of the
numerical scheme is verified solving numericaly some
test problems with known solutions. Numerical resultsISSN:
are 2367-895X
in accordance with the results presented in
[3]. A question in study is how the solution of equa-
tuguese funds The Portuguese Foundation for Science and
Technology (FCT) through the Center for Computational
and Stochastic Mathematics (CEMAT), University of Lisbon, Portugal, project UID/Multi/04621/2013, and Center
of Naval Research (CINAV), Naval Academy, Portuguese
Navy, Portugal.
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Volume 1, 2016