Scientific Journal for Damietta Faculty of Science 5 (1) 2015, 24-32
ISSN Print 2314-8594
ISSN Online 2314-8616
Cellulase production by two Streptomyces species
Mohamed I. Abou-Dobara1*, Ahmed K.A. El-Sayed1, Amira A. El-Fallal1, and Mona A. Sauf2
1 Botany
Dept., Faculty of Sci., Damietta Univ., New Damietta, P.O. 34517, Egypt
The higher institute for comprehensive professions, Mesallata, Libya
Received: 24 May 2015 / Accepted: 20 June 2015
Corresponding author:
[email protected]
Optimization of cellulase production by two actinobacterial species, identified as Streptomyces
auranticus and Streptomyces minoensis, was studied on Hutchinson medium containing cellulose as
carbon source. The optimal incubation period, temperature and initial pH recorded for maximum
enzyme yield of Streptomyces minoensis were 6 days, 35oC and 8.0 respectively. Meanwhile,
Streptomyces auranticus showed different conditions for maximum enzyme production (8 days,
35oC and pH 7.0). The best growth for the two isolates was recorded at 30 oC. The maximum
cellulase production was observed in a medium containing carboxy-methylcellulose (CMC) and
xylan as carbon sources for Streptomyces auranticus and Streptomyces minoensis respectively. The
addition of tryptone as a nitrogen source exhibited a maximum cellulase activity for the two
identified Streptomycetes species.
Keywords: Cellulase, Streptomyces minoensis and Streptomyces auranticus, Optimization
United States and Europe each consume 30% of
the world output of enzymes. Approximately 75%
of industrial enzymes are used for hydrolysis and
depolymerization of complex natural substances
(Kirk et al., 2002). Cellulase enzymes are
produced from plant, animal and microbial
sources. For commercial production, microbial
enzymes have the enormous advantage of being
scalable to high-capacity production by
established fermentation techniques (Tahtamouni
et al., 2006).
Industrial applications of cellulases are in
the textile polishing named "biopolishing" of
fabrics such as production of the stonewashed
look of denims, and in household laundry
A wide variety of bacteria are known for their
streptomycetes being the best known enzyme
producers (Vinogradova and Kushnir, 2003).
They are capable of secreting an array of different
extracellular enzymes including cellulase,
chitinases and xylanase.
Cellulases are one of the most important
industrial enzymes. They have attracted interest
because of the diversity of their applications. In
2001, the world market for enzymes was over 1.5$
billion; this was doubled by the year 2008. The
Cellulase production by two Streptomyces species
Scientific Journal for Damietta Faculty of Science 5 (1) 2015, 24-32
previous medium, and incubated at 30°C for up to
21 days. At the end of the incubation, the filter
paper was examined if degraded and if any dark
patches of growth are found in the filter paper.
detergents to improve fabric softness and
brightness (Hill et al., 2006). Moreover, they are
used in animal feeds to improve nutritional quality
and digestibility, in processing of fruit juices, and
in baking; de-inking of paper is yet another
emerging application (Ponnambalam et al., 2011).
In addition, cellulase enzymes are involved in
enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose, one of the most
abundant organic materials that can be converted
to products with significant commercial interest.
Bioconversion of cellulose to monomeric sugars
has been intensively studied as researchers seek
to produce bioethanol and biobased products,
food and animal feeds, and many valuable
chemicals (Barros et al., 2010).
The present work aims to isolate and identify two
cellulase producing actinobacteria and optimize
the conditions required for maximum cellulase
Growth condition and enzyme production
Two starch-nitrate agar discs of each Streptomyces
5-7 old days culture grown at 30oC were
inoculated in flasks containing 50ml of
Hutchinson medium supplemented with 0.5 %
(w/v) cellulose. The cultures were incubated under
150rpm shaking at 30oC for 14 days. The enzyme
activity of the medium filtrate was assayed.
Enzyme assay
Cellulase activity was quantified according to
Miller (1959) with some modifications. A reaction
mixture composed of 0.2mL crude enzyme
solution and 1mL of 1.0% cellulose dissolved in
distilled water and an aliquot of diluted enzyme
preparation. The mixture was incubated at 50°C in
water bath for 15min. The determination of
reducing sugar released during the incubation
mixture was detected by the dinitrosalicylic acid
method of Miller (1959). One ml of
dinitrosalicylic acid reagent was added to 1ml of
the clarified reaction mixture and standards. After
mixing the mixtures were boiled in a water bath
for 5min. After cooling to room temperature, the
optical density of the coloured product at 550nm
was recorded. Calibration curve constructed using
D-glucose standard in the range of 0-5μmol ml-1
were used. One unit of cellulase activity was
defined as the amount of enzyme that released
1μmol of glucose per minute under the above
assay conditions. Enzyme and substrate controls
were included routinely.
Material and Methods
Isolation technique
Soil samples collected from different localities in
Egypt and Libya were subjected for
actinobacteria-cellulase producers.
dilution plate technique was applied. Isolates were
purified by streak-plating on starch nitrate agar
plates following the method of Waksman, 1959.
Colonies of actinobacteria were selected, isolated,
purified and maintained as spore suspensions in
20% (v/v) glycerol at -20°C for subsequent
investigation (Hopkins et al., 1985). The medium
used for isolation, cultivation and stock
maintenance of isolated strains was starch nitrate
agar medium (Waksman, 1959). It contained
(g/L): soluble starch, 20; KNO3, 2; K2HPO4, 1;
NaCl, 0.5; MgSO4.7H2O, 0.5; FeSO4.7H2O, 0.01;
CaCO3, 3; agar, 20; and distilled water up to 1L.
Identification of the selected Streptomyces
Screening for cellulase producing actinomycetes
The streptomycetes isolates used in this
investigation was identified according to
International Streptomyces Project (Shirling and
Gottlieb, 1968a; 1968b; 1969; 1972; Pridham and
Tresner, 1974a; 1974b; Bergey’s Manual of
Systematic Bacteriology, 1989).
A preliminary analysis of cellulolytic activity was
conducted using grown strains on Hutchinsonmedium has the composition (g/L): Ca (NO3)2,
2.5; K2HPO4, 1; MgSO4.7H2O, 0.3; NaCl, 0.1;
FeSO4.7H2O, 0.01; CaCl2, 0.1 and distilled water
up to 1L, containing filter paper strip (1.0 X
10.0cm) as carbon source. The pH was adjusted to
7.0 with 1.0 N NaOH. A loopfull of
streptomycetes cultures from agar plates was
inoculated into glass tubes containing 5ml of the
Electron microscopy studies
Electron microscopy was performed using the
cover slip technique. The cover slip was cut with
a glass file and a suitable fragment with growth on
Cellulase production by two Streptomyces species
Scientific Journal for Damietta Faculty of Science 5 (1) 2015, 24-32
surfaces of starch nitrate agar cultures was chosen.
It was mounted on a specimen-tube, coated with
gold-palladium under vacuum and examined with
a scanning electron microscope (Joel ISM-5300)
operating at 10KV.
Statistical analysis
Analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) was used
to identify statistically significant differences in
cellulase activity and culture growth with
incubation period, temperature, pH, carbon source
and nitrogen source. All statistical analyses were
performed using SPSS 18.0 software (SPSS,
Optimization of culture conditions
An attempt was also made to determine the
optimal culture conditions such as pH,
temperature, incubation period and carbon and
nitrogen source requirements for their maximum
growth and activities. The biomass yield and
cellulase production of the selected isolate was
recorded. Microbial growth under different
growth factors was assayed. Cell pellets were
dried in hot air oven at 80°C to a constant weight.
The dry cell weight per 50ml of culture broth was
used to determine microbial growth.
Effect of incubation period: To determine the
optimum incubation period of the isolates for
maximum enzyme production, the supernatants
were collected after 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 days of
incubation and assayed as before. The growth was
also recorded.
Effect of initial pH: To determine the optimum
medium pH, for maximum enzyme production,
selected medium of different pH (4, 5, 6, 6.5, 7,
7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, and 9.5) was inoculated with the
isolate. The growth and cellulase production were
assayed as before.
Effect of temperature: To determine the
optimum temperature for enzyme production the
culture medium was incubated at 25°C, 30°C,
35°C and 40°C, at optimum pH and incubation
period. The effect of temperature on growth and
cellulase production was recorded as before.
Effect of carbon source: Different carbon
sources; cellulose, CMC, xylan, glucose, maltose,
sucrose, starch and xylose (5g/L) was added
separately as a sole carbon source. The effects of
these carbon sources in the production of
cellulase, biomass yield, were recorded.
Effect of nitrogen source: For this purpose, a
range of different nitrogen sources includes,
(NH4)2SO4, Ca(NO3)2, NaNO3 and KNO3, were
added in equimolecular nitrogen weights
equivalent to the nitrogen content of 2.5 gL-1
Ca(NO3)2 of Hutchinson medium.. Other nitrogen
source like peptone (14% N), tryptone (13.5% N),
yeast extract (09% N) and beef extract (12.5% N)
were added separately. The effects of these
nitrogen sources in the production of cellulase,
biomass yield, were recorded.
Screening of cellulase producers
Screening of actinomycetes was conducted using
the filter paper if degraded and if any dark patches
of growth are found on the filter paper as a
preliminary study for choosing the best cellulase
producers. After 21 days of incubation, two
isolates out of five actinomycetes were selected
for the highest rupture and dark patches on filter
paper. The cellulolytic activity of the selected
strains was confirmed under submerged
fermentation indicating the highest cellulose
Isolates identification
The selected two actinobacterial isolates were
identified as Streptomyces auranticus and
Streptomyces minoensis according to their
morphology, under light and scanning microscope
(Fig. 1), and biochemical characteristics (Table 1).
Factors affecting the growth and cellulase
Different effects, such as the incubation period,
pH, temperature, and different sources of carbon
and nitrogen, were studied on growth and
production of cellulase activities of S. minoensis
and S. auranticus in Hutchinson medium
containing cellulose (0.5%).
Effect of the incubation period
The time course for the production of cellulase
activity is shown in Figure 2 for both S. auranticus
and S. minoensis, respectively. The cellulase
activity was highly significantly increased (P<
0.0001) during the growth of the organism, with
the maximum production of enzyme detected at 8
days and 6 days (0.3286 U/ml and 0.2189 U/ml)
and the maximum growth (0.329 g/50ml and
Cellulase production by two Streptomyces species
Scientific Journal for Damietta Faculty of Science 5 (1) 2015, 24-32
0.349 g/50ml) for S. auranticus and S. minoensis,
respectively. After 8 days, cellulase activity was
significantly declined by S. minoensis (0.0796
U/ml), while it reached the minimal level (0.15
U/ml) after 10 days by S. auranticus.
Table 1. Cultural, morphological and physiological characteristics of S. auranticus and S. minoensis
S. auranticus S. minoensis
Aerial mass color
Melanoid pigment on:
tyrosine, peptone yeast
Colour and pigmentation
and synthetic media
Reverse side pigment
Pale yellow
Soluble pigment
Spore chain
Spore morphology
Spore surface
Carbon source utilization
Potassium nitrate
Nitrogen source utilization
Hydroxy proline
Milk coagulation
Milk peptonization
Starch hydrolysis
Urea utilization
Physiological properties
Gelatin liquification
Cellulose degradation
Esculin degradation
(+) good, (±) Little, (-) nil.
Fig 1. Scanning electron micrograph showing the two isolated streptomycetes growth after 7 days at 30°C. (A) S.
auranticus and (B) S. minoensis isolates.
Cellulase production by two Streptomyces species
Scientific Journal for Damietta Faculty of Science 5 (1) 2015, 24-32
minoensis (0.266 U/ml). The arrangement of
different carbon sources in descending order
according to its effect on cellulase production for
S. auranticus was CMC, cellulose, maltose,
glucose, xylan, starch, xylose and then sucrose,
with activity ranging from 0.207 U/ml to
0.0278U/ml. In contrast, the carbon source
arrangement for S. minoensis was xylan, cellulose,
maltose, CMC, glucose, xylose, starch and
sucrose, with activity varying from 0.266 U/ml to
0.0259 U/ml.
Effect of different nitrogen sources
The nitrogen sources effect on the production of
cellulase by S. auranticus and S. minoensis
isolates was investigated (Figure 6). The highest
cellulase activity and growth (0.292 U/ml-0.0852
g/50ml for S. auranticus and 0.412 U/ml - 0.119
g/50ml for S. minoensis) were recorded with
highly significantly (P< 0.0001) when tryptone
was used as the nitrogen source. The arrangement
of different nitrogen sources in descending order
according to its effect on cellulase production by
S. auranticus was tryptone, yeast extract, beef
extract, peptone, potassium nitrate, sodium nitrate,
calcium nitrate and finally ammonium sulphate.
The descending order of the different nitrogen
sources effect on cellulase production by S.
minoensis was tryptone, beef extract, peptone,
yeast extract, sodium nitrate, calcium nitrate,
ammonium sulphate and then potassium nitrate.
Fig 2. Effect of different incubation periods on
cellulase production and growth of S. auranticus (A)
and S. minoensis (B).
Effect of different initial pH
The optimum pH for cellulase production (Figure
3) was 7 and 8 with the maximum level of enzyme
activity 0.2049 U/ml and 0.297 U/ml for S.
auranticus and S. minoensis, respectively. On the
other hand, the maximum growth (0.3139 g/50ml
and 0.356 g/50ml) occurred highly significantly
(P< 0.0001) at pH 7 and pH 8 for S. auranticus and
S. minoensis, respectively. Cellulase activity was
completely inhibited at pH 9.5 for S. auranticus.
Effect of temperature
The production of cellulase by S. auranticus and
S. minoensis was highly affected by raising
temperature of 25oC up to 40oC (Figure 4). The
optimum temperature for the enzyme production
was 35oC (0.1568 U/ml and 0.233U/ml), while the
maximum growth was at 30oC (0.4866 g/50ml and
0.4502 g/50ml) by S. minoensis and S. auranticus,
respectively. Cellulase production was gradually
increased significantly (P< 0.0001) with
increasing temperature for both S. auranticus and
S. minoensis.
Effect of different carbon sources
The effect of a range of carbon sources on the
growth and production of cellulase by S.
auranticus and S. minoensis was varied (Figure 5).
The best carbon sources for enzyme activity were
found to be carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) for S.
auranticus (0.207 U/ml) and xylan for S.
Fig 3. Effect of different pH on the cellulase production
and growth of S. auranticus (A) and S. minoensis (B).
Cellulase production by two Streptomyces species
Scientific Journal for Damietta Faculty of Science 5 (1) 2015, 24-32
Fig 6. Effect of different nitrogen sources on the
cellulase production and growth of S. auranticus (A)
and S. minoensis (B).
Fig 4. Effect of different temperatures on the cellulase
production and growth of S. auranticus (A) and S.
minoensis (B).
Streptomyces species have always been a source
of thousands of bioactive compounds. Enzymes
are one of the important products of this unusual
group of bacteria. Streptomyces sp. with potential
cellulolytic activity is subjected to produce
cellulase in liquid culture (Chellapandi and Jani,
2008). S. auranticus and S. minoensis strains
exhibited the highest ratio of dark patches or
rupture to filter paper strip compared with the
isolates, indicating a higher level of cellulose
Cellulase production by Streptomyces
auranticus and S. minoensis increased during the
growth of the cultures in Hutchinson medium with
the maximum production that detected after 8 and
6 days incubation, respectively. After this period,
the activities of the enzymes decreased. The
observed peaking and troughing of the production
of extracellular enzymes might be attributed to the
differences in the timing of induction of separate
components of the cellulase system, the products
of action of one component inducing the synthesis
of another, differential inhibition by products of
substrate hydrolysis, differential inactivation by
proteases, or variation in the pH during cultivation
conditions (Tuohy and Coughlan, 1992; Wang et
al., 1993).
Prolonged incubation periods (7, 8 days) required
to obtain maximum enzymatic production by the
studied Streptomyces isolates were in agreement
with Arunachalam et al. (2010). Also, the
maximum yield of endoglucanase activity was
Fig 5. Effect of different carbon sources on the
cellulase production and growth of S. auranticus (A)
and S. minoensis (B).
Cellulase production by two Streptomyces species
Scientific Journal for Damietta Faculty of Science 5 (1) 2015, 24-32
found to be CMC and xylan for S. auranticus and
S. minoensis, respectively. The highest CMC-ase
activity (233.56 U mL-I) was recorded with the
crude enzyme when CMC used as a carbon source
and the lowest CMC-ase activity (11.11 U mL-I)
when sawdust and rice bran used as a carbon
source reported by (Alam et al., 2004). The
cellulase productivity by S. auranticus and S.
minoensis was on maximum level when tryptone
was used as the nitrogen source. This was in
correlation with the findings of many other
workers who found that maximum cellulase
productivity was obtained by Bacillus pumilus
BpCRI 6, Pseudomonas flourescens, Monascus
purpureus and Streptomyces sp. BRC2 when
tryptone was added as an organic nitrogen
source to the production medium (Bakare et al.,
2005, Chellapandi and Jani, 2008; Daniel et al.,
2008). Also Bacillus subtilis KO strain gave
maximum cellulase productivity when tryptone
was added to the production medium (Shabeb et
al., 2010).
The cellulases identified by both isolates would be
fully characterized in a future work in order to
investigate their usefulness in the industrial
obtained after 7 days (Azzedine et al., 2013). On
the other hand, the production of the CMCase by
E. coli JM109/DL-3 in submerged fermentations
took only 3 days, which resulted in an increase in
productivity of CMCase and decrease in its
production cost (You-Jung et al., 2012). However,
our results for S. minoensis are in agreement with
that obtained by Streptomyces griseorubens
which exhibited high cellulase production
after 6 days (Prasad et al., 2013).
Temperature and pH values were found to
be important parameters that influenced enzyme
activities and production (Odeniyi et al., 2009).
Cellulase enzyme from S. auranticus and S.
minoensis was found to be active over a pH range
of 7-9 with maximum activity at pH7 and pH8,
respectively. This result is considerably similar to
previous results reported by Azzedine et al. (2013)
who found that cellulase enzyme from
Streptomyces sp. (B-PNG23) was active over a
pH7, also enzymatic activity was observed at
alkaline pH (8-9). Similar results were reported by
Rahna and Ambili (2011); Immanuel et al. (2006);
GoKhan-Coral et al. (2002); Akiba et al. (1995);
Prasetson and Doelle (1987); and Garcia-Martinez
et al. (1980). However Solingen et al. (2001)
studied the alkaline novel Streptomyces species
isolated from east African soda lakes which
showed an optimal pH of 8, while the
Cellulomonas sp isolated by Irfan et al. (2012)
recorded optimum activity at pH 7.5. Trichoderma
viridae which produces cellulase presented an
optimum activity at pH 8.0 as reported by Iqbal et
al. (2011). Cellulase activity between pH 6.0 and
10.0 is useful in the textile industry (Kochavi et
al., 1990) and in detergents (Suominen et al.,
1993). The temperature has a great effect on the
enzyme activity. S. auranticus and S. minoensis
showed a maximum cellulase activity at 35°C
within an optimum range 30°C-40°C. Alam et al.
(2004) recorded a heavy growth and high cellulase
activity by S. omiyaensis at 35°C-40°C. The
maximum growth of mesophilic organisms at
35oC was reported by Shibli (2002). The enzyme
CMCase showed a good production between 20°C
to 40°C with maximum activity at 35°C for
Streptomyces sp. strain NEAE-D by El-Naggar
and Abdelwahed (2012). The optimum
temperature recorded for maximum cellulase
productivity at 35°C for Bacillus subtilis CBTK
106; Bacillus spp. B21 (Amritkar et al., 2004;
Krishna, 1999) and Pseudomonas fluorescense
(Bakare et al., 2005).
The best carbon sources of the enzyme
activity and the growth of the organism were
It can be concluded that the two isolates S.
auranticus and S. minoensis can be used for the
production of useful substances by degrading
cellulosic agro-wastes. Consequently, two goals
would be achieved; getting rid of the continuously
added agricultural wastes and recovery of
bioenergy from degraded cellulose.
Mona AS was supported by a Libyan Government
Scholarship at Botany Department, Faculty of
Science, Damietta University. The SPSS
statistical analysis was manipulated by the aid of
Prof. A.A. Khedr at Damietta University.
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الملخص العربي
إنتاج إنزيم السليوليز من نوعين من اإلستربتوميسيس:عنوان البحث
مني علي مصطفي،1 أميرة علي الفالل،1 أحمد قاسم عبدالصمد السيد،1محمد إسماعيل أبو دبارة
مصر- دمياط الجديدة- جامعة دمياط- كلية العلوم- قسم النبات1
المعهد العالى للمهن الشاملة – مسالتة – ليبيا2
يهدف البحث الي عزل اكتينوبكتريا لها القدرة علي انتاج انزيم تحلل السليوليوز و دراسة تﺄثير ظروف
وتمت الدراسة بﺄستخدام العوامل المدروسه من.النمو وتركيب الوسط الغذائي على إنتاج هذا اإلنزيم
درجات حراره و حموضة وغيرها علي بيئة هتشينسون الغذائية التى تحتوى على مادة السليلوز كمصدر
فترة: أظهرت النتائج أن الظروف المثلى إلنتاج إنزيم السليوليز للساللتين كانت كاألتى.وحيد للكربون
لكل من إستربتوميسيس أورانتيكس8 ،7 أيام واألرقام الهيدروجينية كانت8 و6 التحضين المثلى هى
. هى المثلى إلنتاج اإلنزيم للكائنينoم35 و كانت درجة الحرارة.وإستربتوميسيس مينوينسيس على التوالى
أفضل المصادر الكربونية إلنتاج إنزيم السليوليز كان مادة الكربوكسي ميثيل سليلوز للساللة
استربتوميسيس اورانتيكس ومادة الزيالن للساللة واستربتوميسيس مينوينسيس كمواد كيميائية نقية
. أما مادة التربتون كانت أحسن مصدر نيتروجيني إلنتاج إنزيم السليوليز لكال الكائنين.3.5% بتركيزات