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2010, Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology
10 pages
1 file
The Mann-Whitney U test, which is also known as the Wilcoxon rank sum test, tests for differences between two groups on a single, ordinal variable with no specific distribution (Mann & Whitney, 1947; Wilcoxon, 1945). In contrast, the independent samples t-test, which is also a test of two groups, requires the single variable to be measured at the interval or ratio level, rather than the ordinal level, and to be normally distributed. We accordingly refer to the Mann-Whitney U test as the nonparametric version of the parametric t-test. Both ...
This paper proposes to develop a ties adjusted or corrected approach to the usual Mann-Whitney U test that structurally makes provision for the correction of the U statistic and its variance for the possible presence of ties observation between the two sampled populations. The modification makes it unnecessary as is the case with the ordinary Mann-Whitney U test for the populations to be continuous with this method data analysis may precede without any problem when the populations are measurements on as low as the ordinal scale and may not be numerical. The method which is based on both magnitude and direction enables the estimation of the probabilities that a randomly selected subject from one population performs or scores higher, as well as or lower than a randomly selected subject from the other population. The procedure is illustrated with some sample data and shown to be at least as powerful as the modified median test and the usual Mann-Whitney U test.
Mann-Whitney (Unrelated) A. When to use there test? The Mann Whitney U test is a common nonparametric test for comparing results between two independent groups. To determine if two samples are likely to come from the same population, researchers employ the Mann Whitney U test, also known as the Mann Whitney Wilcoxon Test or the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test (i.e., that the two populations have the same shape). According to some researchers, this test compares the medians of the two populations.
The Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test, as well as modern improvements, are based in part on an estimate of p = P(D < 0), where D = X−Y and X and Y are independent random variables; a common goal is to test H0: p = 0.5. This corresponds to testing H0: ξ0.5, where ξ0.5 is the 0.5 quantile of the distribution of D. If the distributions associated with X and Y do not differ, then D has a symmetric distribution about zero. In particular, ξq + ξ1-q = 0 for any q ≤ 0.5, where ξq is the qth quantile. Methods aimed at testing H0: p = 0.5 are generalized by suggesting a method for testing H0: ξq + ξ1-q = 0, q < 0.5
International Journal of Advanced Academic Research
The median test and Mann-Whitney U test are nonparametric methods designed to handle two samples problem, their data are continuous which consist of two mutually independent random samples. They are used to test whether two (or more) independent samples have been drawn from populations with the same median. In this paper, we discussed and analyzed these two methods using the same illustrative example, testing the null hypothesis at 5 percent significance level and it was observed that both the median and Mann-Whitney U test were statistically significant indicating that the two samples of scores earned by students in Statistics department were drawn from populations with equal median scores in the course.
Canadian Journal of Statistics, 2000
The authors present an improved ranked set two-sample Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test for a location shift between samples from two distributions F and G. They define a function that measures the amount of information provided by each observation from the two samples, given the actual joint ranking of all the units in a set. This information function is used as a guide for improving the Pitman efficacy of the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test. When the underlying distributions are symmetric, observations at their mode(s) must be quantified in order to gain efficiency. Analogous results are provided for asymmetric distributions. RÉSUMÉ Les auteurs décrivent une adaptation de la statistique de Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon permettant de tester si deux lois F et G sont identiquesà un paramètre de localisation près, lorsque chacun des deuxéchantillons est composé de certaines statistiques d'ordre d'un ensemble aléatoire de données classées subjectivement. Ils définissent aussi la quantité d'information associéeà chaque observation des deux lois,étant donné les classements subjectifs préalables. Ils montrent alors qu'un choix judicieux du sous-ensemble des données qui seront mesurées objectivement permet d'accroître l'efficacité du test au sens de Pitman. Lorsque les lois sous-jacentes sont symétriques, c'est en incluant leur(s) mode(s) dans ce sous-ensemble que l'on réalise des gains. Le cas des lois asymétriques est aussi traité.
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2013
The main idea behind the proposed class of tests is rooted on an extension of the technique used in the derivation of the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test. Just like the case of two-sample rank-based tests, the new class consists of tests defined through score functions. When properly selected, these score functions lead to consistent and often more powerful tests compared with classical goodness-of-fit tests. Theoretical results are supported by an extensive simulation study.
Open Science Framework (OSF) Preprints, 2018
This report is the brief survey of nonparametric hypothesis testing. It includes four main sections about hypothesis testing, one additional section discussing goodness-of-fit and conclusion section. Sign test section gives an overview of nonparametric testing, which begins with the test on sample median without assumption of normal distribution. Signed-rank test section and rank-sum test section concern improvements of sign test. The prominence of signed-rank test is to be able to test sample mean based on the assumption about symmetric distribution. Rank-sum test discards the task of assigning and counting plus signs and so it is the most effective method among ranking test methods. Nonparametric ANOVA section discusses application of analysis of variance (ANOVA) in nonparametric model. ANOVA is useful to compare and evaluate various data samples at the same time. Nonparametric goodness-fit-test section, an additional section, focuses on different hypothesis, which measure the distribution similarity between two samples. It determines whether two samples have the same distribution without concerning how the form of distribution is. The last section is the conclusion. Note that in this report terms sample and data sample have the same meaning. A sample contains many data points. Each data point is also called an observation.
The Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon (MWW) test is frequently used for comparing two independent populations. However, a common problem in applying this test is that the researcher does not verify the standard assumptions for the MWW procedure. In particular, the assumption of equal variances is usually not fulfilled. In this paper, for the class of uniform continuous distributions with unequal variances and small
Journal of Counseling & Development, 1988
A common question in comparing two sets of measurements is whether to use a parametric testing procedure or a non-parametric procedure. The question is even more important in dealing with smaller samples. Here, using simulation, several parametric and nonparametric tests, such as, t-test, Normal test, Wilcoxon Rank Sum test, van-der Waerden Score test, and Exponential Score test are compared.
Critical Care, 2004
This review introduces nonparametric methods for testing differences between more than two groups or treatments. Three of the more common tests are described in detail, together with multiple comparison procedures for identifying specific differences between pairs of groups.
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