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“Mathematics is logical enough to be able to detect the internal logics of poetry and crazy enough not to lag behind the poetic ineffable” (Solomon Marcus). The author of this article aims a statistical investigation of a recently published volume of poetry [3], which will make possible some more general conclusions on the evolution of poetry in the XXth century (either the literary current hermetism, surrealism or any other).
This is a collection of linguistic-mathematical approaches to Romanian rebus, poetical and juridical texts, and proposes fancies, recreational math problems, and paradoxes. We study the frequencies of letters, syllables, vowels in various poetry, grill definitions in rebus, and rebus rules. We also compare the scientific language, lyrical language, and puzzles’ language, and compute the Shannon entropy and Onicescu informational energy.
Quantitative Analysis of Poetic Texts, 2015
The book presents itself as a contribution to the study of language and text, with a clear emphasis on text. As is obvious from its title, it focuses exclusively on poetic texts; in particular, it analyses a corpus of 150 Romanian poems (not all of them serve as research material for all questions asked) written by Mihai Eminescu (1850-1889). In the Introduction, a short discussion on the aim and methodology of text studies is presented. With respect to the methodology, the authors explain advantages of quantitative methods. They also provide refutations of some (still relatively common) objections against the use of the mathematical modelling and statistical testing in linguistic research. There are infinitely many aspects of texts (and other objects of research as well). Even within a restricted research area there are many possible points of view, which highlight different unsolved problems, lead to different approaches, require applications of different methods, reveal new interrelations, etc. Therefore, a choice must be made what to investigate and where to start. The choice of the authors, who limit themselves to two (broadly defined) aspects of the poetic texts, is reflected in the structure of the book. It consists of four chapters; in addition to the Introduction there are Phonic phenomena, The word, and The control cycle. The second and the third chapter are divided into several sections and subsequently into subsections. The chapter on Phonic phenomena contains five sections. The first of them, Occurrence without pattern, begins with an exposition of the Romanian phonemic system. Then it deals with a phonemic transcription of Romanian written texts, where the approach from Altmann and Fengxiang (2008) is followed. Ranked frequencies of phonemes in one particular poem are modelled; not, however, in the text considered as a whole, but in each of its four strophes separately. It is shown that phoneme frequencies, and also ranks of particular phonemes, differ among individual strophes. Attention is paid also to euphony in verses, which is in this book defined as a significantly frequent (i.e. higher than random) occurrence of a phoneme in a verse. The phenomenon is
Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Informatica, 2019
Quantitative stylistic methods aim to express certain aspects of a text in numeric form, thus allowing the introduction of fast, powerful and accurate computational approaches for analysis. While in the case of literature, the validity and usefulness of such studies is highly controversial, one cannot deny the opportunities brought forward by computational methods: first, the exploration of large sets of documents in search of patterns otherwise difficult to discover by human readers; second, the possibility of opening up new perspectives by uncovering latent features of texts. In this study, we investigate the poetic work of one of the most important Romanian poets, Mihai Eminescu, through a variety of quantitative methods addressing lexical, morphological, semantic and emotional aspects of text. We propose a comparison between the results of the computational approach and established interpretations of Eminescu's work in order to assess the viability of computational methods in poetic style studies.
Sci, 2020
This paper presents a quantitative approach to poetry, based on the use of several statistical measures (entropy, informational energy, N-gram, etc.) applied to a few characteristic English writings. We found that English language changes its entropy as time passes, and that entropy depends on the language used and on the author. In order to compare two similar texts, we were able to introduce a statistical method to asses the information entropy between two texts. We also introduced a method of computing the average information conveyed by a group of letters about the next letter in the text. We found a formula for computing the Shannon language entropy and we introduced the concept of N-gram informational energy of a poetry. We also constructed a neural network, which is able to generate Byron-type poetry and to analyze the information proximity to the genuine Byron poetry.
Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, 2012
The article is focused on the analysis of the frequency structure of texts. Specifically, a geometric characterization of the rank-frequency sequence, which is determined by relationships among the highest word frequency, a number of particular word forms in a text, and the so-called h-point, is analysed. We observe that the geometric characterization of the rank-frequency sequence correlates strongly with the other frequency-based text property called the golden section of text which seems to be a result of a universal mechanism controlling one's language usage. These findings can be viewed as a result of self-organization of text.
PLoS ONE , 2022
Recent advances in cultural analytics and large-scale computational studies of art, literature and film often show that long-term change in the features of artistic works happens gradually. These findings suggest that conservative forces that shape creative domains might be underestimated. To this end, we provide the first large-scale formal evidence of the association between poetic meter and semantics in 18-19th century European literatures, using Czech, German and Russian collections with additional data from English poetry and early modern Dutch songs. Our study traces this association through a series of unsupervised classifications using the abstracted semantic features of poems that are inferred for individual texts with the aid of topic modeling. Topics alone enable recognition of the meters in each observed language, as may be seen from the same-meter samples clustering together (median Adjusted Rand Index between 0.48 and 1 across traditions). In addition, this study shows that the strength of the association between form and meaning tends to decrease over time. This may reflect a shift in aesthetic conventions between the 18th and 19th centuries as individual innovation was increasingly favored in literature. Despite this decline, it remains possible to recognize semantics of the meters from past or future, which suggests the continuity in meter-meaning relationships while also revealing the historical variability of conditions across languages. This paper argues that distinct metrical forms, which are often copied in a language over centuries, also maintain long-term semantic inertia in poetry. Our findings highlight the role of the formal features of cultural items in influencing the pace and shape of cultural evolution.
The relations' functional durability is given by their repeatability. A major purpose in science is to allow natural phenomenal prediction. This goal is attained by discovering the systematic relations between predictive variables and outdoor variables, and obtained as a result effects, reactions. In analyzing the Poem we'll use Inferential Statistics, experimental plans with three factors at two levels and Informational Statistics (Shannon/Onicescu).
This doctoral thesis is an examination of the relationship between poetry and mathematics, centred on three twentieth-century case studies: the Polish poets Czesław Miłosz (1911-2004) and Zbigniew Herbert (1924-1998), and the Romanian mathematician and poet Dan Barbilian/Ion Barbu (1895-1961). Part One of the thesis is a review of current scholarly literature, divided into two chapters. The first chapter looks at the nature of mathematics, outlining its historical developments and describing some major mathematical concepts as they pertain to the later case studies. This entails a focus on non-Euclidean geometries, modern algebra, and the foundations of mathematics in Europe; the nature of mathematical truth and language; and the modern historical evolution of mathematical schools in Poland and Romania. The second chapter examines some existing attempts to bring together mathematics and poetry, drawing on literature and science as an academic field; the role of the imagination and ...
Studia Metrica et Poetica
The article deals with the relationship between semantics and poetic meter in the works of Czech post-symbolist poets and their predecessors. We access the phenomena by means of a machine-driven meter recognition on one hand and LDA topic modelling on the other. We first show how the poetic groups differ in their general preferences for particular topics. Next we analyze the topic distributions in two dominant metres (i.e. iamb and trochee) across the poetic groups.
Das letzte noch unausgegrabene steinerne Heiligtum aus der griechisch-römischen Zeit, der Tempel von Athribis bei Sohag in Mittelägypten, blieb bis Anfang dieses Jahrhunderts teils verschüttet. Im Mittelpunkt der vom 7. bis 9. Juni 2022 in Tübingen abgehaltenen Tagung Athribis (Atripe) im Kontext standen die Vielzahl bereits erzielter Forschungsergebnisse aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen sowie zukünftige Forschungsstränge. Der von Marcus Müller und Carolina Teotino-Tattko herausgegebene zugehörige Tagungsband widmet sich diesen Ergebnissen und behandelt in 19 Beiträgen ein breites Spektrum an Themen, das auf archäologischen, philologischen, technischen und religionsgeschichtlichen Ansätzen beruht. Die Untersuchungen befassen sich mit den ausgegrabenen Tempelräumen, Inschriften sowie den geborgenen Einzelfunden und stellen diese in den regionalen und überregionalen Kontext. Studien der Architektur, Kunstgeschichte sowie diverser Materialgruppen aus den materiellen Hinterlassenschaften ergeben eine große Vielfalt an Erkenntnissen zum Tempelbau, seiner Chronologie und schließlich zum Lebensalltag der damaligen Bewohner. Das Heiligtum in Athribis ist ein veritabler Zeuge seines facettenreichen Schicksals, das nicht nur in seinen Räumlichkeiten, an Wänden und Decken, sondern auch in den archäologischen Befunden und Erkenntnissen spürbar ist.
Rivista Italiana di Linguistica e di Dialettologia, 2023
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 1999
ijetrm journal, 2023
Farm Machinery and Processes Management in Sustainable Agriculture, IX International Scientific Symposium, 2017
Jornal de Pneumologia, 2003
Kırklareli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
Acta Physica Polonica A, 2014
Revista Española de Cardiología, 2011
Nurse Education Today, 2016
British Educational Research Journal, 2019