Published in: N.T. Nguyen (Ed.): Transactions on CCI VIII, LNCS 7430, pp. 148–167, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
The final publication is available at
Adaptive Tutoring in an Intelligent Conversational Agent
Annabel Latham1, Keeley Crockett1, David McLean1 and Bruce Edmonds2
Intelligent Systems Group, School of Computing, Mathematics & Digital Technology, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester M1 5GD, UK
Centre for Policy Modelling, Manchester Metropolitan University, Aytoun Building, Aytoun
Street, Manchester M1 3GH, UK
{A.Latham, K.Crockett, D.McLean, B.Edmonds}
Abstract. This paper describes an adaptive online conversational intelligent tutoring system (CITS) called Oscar that delivers a personalised natural language
tutorial. During the tutoring conversation, Oscar CITS dynamically predicts and
adapts to a student’s learning style. Oscar CITS aims to mimic a human tutor by
using knowledge of learning styles to adapt its tutoring style and improve the
effectiveness of the learning experience. Learners can intuitively explore and
discuss topics in natural language, helping to establish a deeper understanding
of the topic and boost confidence. An initial study into the adaptation to learning styles is reported which produced encouraging results and positive test score
improvements. The results show that students experiencing a tutorial adapted to
suit their learning styles performed significantly better than those experiencing
an unsuited tutorial.
Keywords: Intelligent Tutoring System, Conversational Agent, Adaptive System, Learning Style
The opportunities offered by online learning, both in terms of distance-learning and in
supporting traditional classroom activities, have never been more promising. Traditional computerised learning systems which focussed on content delivery have been
extended by incorporating intelligent techniques such as adaptation to improve the
effectiveness of a learner’s experience. Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) personalise
tutoring by adapting the learning material delivered according to existing knowledge
[1] or student affect such as emotion [2]. ITS that build in some social awareness,
such as personalising tutoring to the individual, offer a more familiar and comfortable
learning experience. Most ITS are menu-based and offer student-directed study and
support at a time and pace to suit individuals, although the experience is more like a
computerised book than a classroom tutorial. Conversational Intelligent Tutoring
Systems (CITS) incorporate more human-like natural language interfaces which allow
learners to explore and discuss a topic, supporting the constructivist style of learning
used by human tutors. However, few CITS exist that can converse naturally with a
Annabel Latham1, Keeley Crockett1, David McLean1 and Bruce Edmonds2
learner [3] [4] as their development is complex and labour-intensive. Human tutors
use cues they pick up from students to adapt their tutorial content and style, for example indications of the level of existing knowledge and preferred learning styles. Learning styles describe the way groups of people prefer to learn, for example by trial and
error or by observation [5]. A CITS that can mimic a human tutor by leading an adaptive tutorial conversation offers students a familiar format that can help improve confidence and motivation, leading to a better learning experience. There are no CITS
that can predict and adapt to student learning styles during a tutoring conversation.
This paper describes the adaptation strategy developed for Oscar, a novel CITS
that dynamically predicts and adapts to a student’s learning style during a tutor-led
conversation. Oscar was designed to model a face-to-face tutorial by building in
knowledge of learning styles rather than designing an interface specifically to pick up
learning style behaviour, as in [6]. The innovative Oscar CITS adaptation algorithm is
presented, which uniquely considers both the student’s learning style preferences and
the opportunity for adaptation in tutoring questions. This approach recognises the
importance of providing a coherent learning experience as well as personalisation in
In this paper, section 2 introduces the background concepts of Intelligent Tutoring
Systems, the Index of Learning Styles, Conversational Agents, Oscar CITS and the
Oscar CITS Prediction of Learning Styles. Section 3 describes the adaptive Oscar
CITS and its architecture. Section 4 explains the methods used to incorporate adaptivity into the Oscar CITS. Section 5 outlines the experimental methodology and two
sample learner dialogues. Section 6 reports the results and discussion, and Section 7
describes the conclusions and future work.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) extend the traditional computerised learning systems ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach by capturing and modelling individual traits used to
personalise the instruction [1]. By applying intelligent systems techniques, ITS aim to
improve the effectiveness of tutorials and boost learners’ motivation and confidence.
Most ITS are menu-based and adapt the tutoring by reordering or ranking menus or
hyperlinks to recommend a particular sequence to learners [7]. Such student-directed
ITS are little different to recommending particular chapters of a book but conversational interfaces allow a more natural, teacher-led learning experience that supports
the constructivist approach favoured by human tutors [8]. AutoTutor [3] and
CIRCSIM-tutor [9] are examples of conversational ITS which help students construct
knowledge through discussion, however neither adapt to learning styles during tutoring.
There are three main approaches to intelligent tutoring [1]:
Intelligent solution analysis involves giving students detailed feedback on incomplete or erroneous solutions, helping them learn from their mistakes. In SQLTutor
Adaptive Tutoring in an Intelligent Conversational Agent System
[10] the constraint based modelling technique is used to model the syntax and semantics of SQL. Student solutions are compared to the constraint model and intelligent feedback is given on errors and omissions.
Problem solving support involves intelligent assistance to help learners reach a
solution. This approach adopts the constructivist style of teaching, as used by human tutors, to prompt learners to construct their own knowledge and encourage a
deeper understanding of a topic. In CIRCSIM-tutor [9], hints are given to help students diagnose physiology problems.
Curriculum sequencing involves adapting the tutoring to deliver learning material
in a sequence and style best suited to an individual’s needs. Personalised tutoring
was originally based on existing knowledge, aiming to improve learning by focussing on topics that are unknown or require improvement [1]. More recently personalisation has been extended to include other individual characteristics that might
affect learning, such as the learner’s emotions [11], personality [12] or learning
style [4], [7]. D’Mello et al. [2] mimicked human tutors in encouraging engagement by adapting to learner’s emotions such as boredom or frustration. In order to
implement curriculum sequencing, ITS must capture and represent student characteristics in a student model and then use that information as a basis for adaptation.
A minority of ITS incorporate all three techniques as they are complicated and timeconsuming to develop, but the Oscar CITS presented in this paper incorporates all
three intelligent technologies by personalising learning material according to learning
style and intelligently discussing problems and solutions with students.
The Index of Learning Styles
The Index of Learning Styles (ILS) model [5] was developed to describe the learning
styles in engineering education and their associated teaching styles. There are four
aspects of learning styles, called dimensions, which correspond to steps in the process
of receiving and processing information, as shown in Fig. 1. A student’s learning
styles are represented as a point on each of the four dimensions to indicate the
strength and nature of their learning style preference. Learning style is measured using a 44-question forced-choice self-assessment questionnaire with 11 questions per
learning style. For each dimension, answers are compared to result in a learning style
and a strength score. The strength score indicates the strength of preference for that
learning style, and is used to place the learner on the learning style dimension axis.
Low scores place the learner at the centre of the axis and indicate a low preference for
that learning style, called neutral preferences. The ILS has 16 (24) combinations of
learning styles, for example intuitive/visual/active/global.
For each learning style, the ILS model details typical learner behaviours and preferred teaching styles. This information is beneficial when developing a CITS that can
adapt its teaching style to individual learner preferences.
The ILS model was incorporated into the Oscar CITS as engineering students will
make up the initial experimental groups. However the flexible modular structure of
the Oscar CITS does not restrict the choice of learning style model to the ILS.
Annabel Latham1, Keeley Crockett1, David McLean1 and Bruce Edmonds2
INPUT Dimension
Preferred type of information
Preferred method to receive external
Learning Style
Method of converting information into
Progression towards understanding
continual steps
big jumps
Fig. 1. ILS dimensions.
Conversational Agents
Conversational agents (CAs) are computer programs that allow people to interact with
computer systems intuitively using natural language dialogues [13]. CA interfaces
have been used effectively to add a ‘friendly face’ to many applications, such as webbased guidance [14], database interfaces [15] and tutoring [3]. However, CAs are
difficult and time-consuming to develop, requiring expertise in the scripting of conversations, and consequently are rarely found in ITS. Intelligent systems such as
Oscar CITS which aim to mimic a human tutor need CA interfaces to support the
construction of knowledge through discussion [8].
CAs conduct a conversation by accepting natural language user input and producing an appropriate response. Responses usually consist of predefined ‘canned text’
that can be changed to reflect the conversation context using variables. For example,
variables can be used to include a name, e.g. ‘How are you feeling today, Bob’. Textbased CAs usually adopt a pattern matching [16] or semantic based [17], [18] approach. Semantic-based CAs seek to understand the meaning of the input by studying
the constructs and meanings of natural language [18] or by comparing the semantic
similarity of phrases [17]. Pattern-matching CAs rely on a knowledge base containing
a set of pattern-based stimulus-response pairs [16] rather than attempting to understand the input.
In the case of Oscar CITS, the pattern matching method was adopted as it can cope
with grammatically incomplete or incorrect phrases, as are commonly found in textbased chat by students. The pattern matching approach requires the development of
conversation scripts, a similar idea to call centre scripts, which match key input words
and phrases to suitable responses. Scripts usually contain numerous patterns, leading
to many hundreds of stimulus-response pairs in the CA’s knowledge base, which
demonstrates the complexity and time required to script a CA. Scripts are initially
developed by anticipating user utterances and writing stimulus-response pairs to
Adaptive Tutoring in an Intelligent Conversational Agent System
match them. CA scripts require considerable maintenance, needing continuous improvement by reviewing incorrect CA responses from conversation histories and
modifying or adding stimulus-response pairs to address the problem. This requires
considerable language expertise, and is labour intensive and time consuming. During
a conversation user utterances are matched to stimulus-response pairs in the knowledge base, with the best fitting stimulus-response pair (selected by an algorithm) firing to produce a natural language response.
Oscar Conversational Intelligent Tutoring System
Oscar is an online CITS [19-22], [25] that models a human tutor by dynamically predicting and adapting to each individual student’s learning style during a tutoring conversation. Oscar CITS attempts to mimic a human tutor by leading a two-way discussion and using cues from the student dialogue and behaviour to predict and adapt to
their learning style. Oscar’s intelligent approach includes presenting learning material
in the sequence and style most suited to the individual’s knowledge and learning style
(curriculum sequencing), analysing and giving feedback on incomplete and erroneous
solutions (intelligent solution analysis) and giving intelligent hints and discussing
questions (problem solving support). Like human tutors, Oscar CITS promotes a
deeper understanding of the topic by using a constructivist style of tutoring, giving
intelligent hints and discussing questions with learners rather than presenting the answer straight away. Oscar’s natural language interface and classroom tutorial style are
intuitive to learners, enabling them to draw on experience of face-to-face tutoring to
feel more comfortable and confident in using the CITS. Oscar CITS is a personal tutor
that can answer questions, provide hints and assistance using natural dialogue, and
which favours learning material to suit each individual’s learning style. The Oscar
CITS offers 24-hour personalised learning support at a fixed cost.
In summary, the main features of the innovative Oscar CITS are:
Oscar mimics a human tutor by adopting a tutor-led, conversational approach.
Oscar’s natural language interface is intuitive to use and enables learners to actively discuss problems and solutions.
Like human tutors, Oscar supports constructivist learning by incorporating problem
solving support and intelligent solution analysis techniques.
Oscar implicitly predicts an individual’s learning style by capturing and modelling
learner behaviour during a tutoring conversation.
Oscar aims to improve the learning experience by intelligently adapting its tutoring
style to match individual’s learning styles.
Oscar CITS is generic, allowing the free choice of learning styles model and subject domain.
Oscar CITS’ Automatic Prediction of Learning Styles. The Oscar CITS was initially implemented to deliver a Sequential Query Language (SQL) revision tutorial
suitable for undergraduate computing students. The ILS learning styles model was
adopted as it describes the learning styles of higher education engineering students.
Annabel Latham1, Keeley Crockett1, David McLean1 and Bruce Edmonds2
Due to the complexity of the design, development and experimental analysis involved
in creating Oscar CITS, the functions of learning style prediction and adaptation were
developed separately in two stages. The first implementation (for clarity known hereafter as the Oscar Predictive CITS) incorporated the prediction of learning styles during a tutorial conversation [19]. This paper will describe the implementation of Oscar
CITS to incorporate the dynamic adaptation of the conversational tutoring to student
learning styles.
The implementation of Oscar Predictive CITS and several initial studies conducted
are described in [19-21]. A formal methodology for developing an Oscar Predictive
CITS to automatically predict learning styles is detailed in [19] and summarised here.
The methodology involves three key phases:
In phase 1, the learning styles predictor agent is created by analysing a learning
styles model, mapping typical behaviours to a conversational tutorial style and then
representing this knowledge as logic rules that are used to predict learning styles.
In phase 2, the tutorial conversation is designed by capturing a tutorial scenario
from human tutors, determining the conversational structure and style by applying
templates and then creating CA scripts that are used to conduct the tutorial conversation.
In phase 3, the Oscar Predictive CITS architecture is constructed, and the components (described in section 3.1) are implemented.
For the initial studies investigating the automatic prediction of learning styles, Oscar
Predictive CITS delivered an online tutorial in the domain of the database Structured
Query Language (SQL). Oscar Predictive CITS draws on knowledge bases of learning styles (the ILS model), tutor material and conversation scripts to deliver a real
time conversational tutorial to a student. To support the tutoring conversation, Oscar
Predictive CITS may display diagrams, images and interactive movies to aid the student’s learning. A number of aspects of the student’s behaviour and understanding,
such as reading time and the student’s approach to answering compound questions,
are used to dynamically predict learning style. A report of the detailed process used
by Oscar Predictive CITS to model learning styles is given in [19] and [23]. During
tutoring the Oscar Predictive CITS records and logs information about each student’s
behaviour, the tutoring conversation and the student’s knowledge of the topic being
Several experiments were conducted to investigate the success of the Oscar Predictive CITS conversational tutoring and dynamic prediction of learning styles. The experiments involved real undergraduate and postgraduate students in a real educational
setting. The results show that Oscar Predictive CITS successfully predicted all eight
learning styles in the ILS model with accuracies ranging from 61 to 100% [19-21].
The first implementation of Oscar Predictive CITS successfully incorporated human-like intelligence into a conversational tutorial which improved student test results and dynamically predicted their learning styles [19]. The remainder of this paper
will outline the extension of Oscar Predictive CITS to include the ability to adapt a
tutorial to an individual student’s learning styles.
Adaptive Tutoring in an Intelligent Conversational Agent System
Oscar: An Adaptive Conversational Intelligent Tutoring
Studies in computer-based education systems have shown that adapting the teaching
style to student learning styles can enhance learning [24]. Conversational ITS (CITS)
are less common than menu-based ITS, and there are no CITS that adapt their teaching to suit an individual’s preferred learning styles. Previous work summarised in
section 2.4 described Oscar Predictive CITS which leads a real-time tutorial conversation whilst implicitly predicting an individual’s preferred learning styles. The contribution of this paper builds on the strengths of Oscar Predictive CITS by incorporating
automatic adaptation to each student’s learning styles. By adapting the tutoring style
to suit individual learners, Oscar Adaptive CITS aims to provide the most appropriate
learning material for their learning style, leading to a more effective learning experience and a deeper understanding of the topic.
The following sections describe how the achievements of the Oscar Predictive
CITS are used as a basis for designing a CITS that dynamically adapts its teaching
style to match student learning styles. The Oscar Adaptive CITS construction is based
around delivering preferred teaching styles for individual learners during tutoring. An
original generic adaptation algorithm is proposed which takes into account both the
strength of each learner’s preference and the availability of adaptations to select the
best adaptation for each tutorial question.
Oscar CITS Architecture
Typical adaptive educational systems contain student, domain, pedagogical and presentation components [25]. A CITS additionally requires a conversational agent component that can manage a natural language dialogue. The Oscar CITS is independent
of a particular learning styles model and of the subject domain being taught. A modular architecture was adopted for Oscar CITS (see Fig. 2) which keeps the system
knowledge separate from the functionality, thus allowing the learning styles model
and tutoring domain to be changeable. Alternative tutorial knowledge bases and CA
scripts developed can be simply ‘plugged in’ to adapt the tutoring to new subjects.
Similarly, different learning styles models may be applied by replacing the Learning
Styles Predictor and Learning Styles Adapter agents. The Oscar CITS architecture
allows individual components to be reused and replaced as necessary, thus minimising tutorial development time.
In the Oscar CITS architecture illustrated in Fig. 2:
the Controller component is the central manager which is responsible for communicating with all components and managing the learner interaction. All communication and information passed between components passes through the controller.
the Graphical User Interface is responsible for display, managing events (such as
clicking of buttons etc.) and sending communication to and from the user. As
shown in Fig. 3, the display consists of a webpage that provides instructions, displays questionnaires, tests, images, documents, interactive movies and a chat area
Annabel Latham1, Keeley Crockett1, David McLean1 and Bruce Edmonds2
that is used to communicate with the user. As Oscar CITS directs the tutoring conversation, no navigation buttons are included as there is no menu system.
Learning Styles
Predictor Agent
Knowledge Base
Learning Styles
Adapter Agent
Graphical User
Student Model
Fig. 2. Oscar CITS architecture.
the Student Model component is a database which maintains all information about
individual students, such as their identifier and password, level of knowledge, topics visited, test scores and learning styles. The student model component receives
and sends information from and to the controller about the student. The details of
the implemented student model structure are given in [23].
the Conversational Agent component is responsible for accepting natural language
text and information about topic and learning style from the GUI, tutorial knowledge base and learning styles adapter agents via the controller, and generating a
natural language response. The CA accesses a database of conversation scripts (related to but not linked to the tutorial knowledge base) in order to match the input to
rules that generate a response. The CA records the dialogue in log files that can be
accessed by the controller.
the Tutorial Knowledge Base component is a database which is responsible for
managing course information, such as topics and their breakdowns, related tests
and teaching material. All tutor information is related to a particular tutorial module and is categorised according to teaching style (related to learning style). The tutorial knowledge base receives information and instructions from the GUI, learning
styles adapter and CA components via the controller, and sends information to the
GUI and CA via the controller. The details of the implemented tutorial knowledge
base structure are given in [23].
the Learning Styles Predictor Agent is responsible for analysing information about
a student’s dialogue and behaviour received from the CA, GUI and student model
and predicting the student’s learning style. This involves accessing information
about learning styles and related teaching styles, held in a learning styles database.
The methodology for creating this component was summarised in section 2.5.
Adaptive Tutoring in an Intelligent Conversational Agent System
the Learning Styles Adapter Agent receives information from the CA, GUI, tutorial
knowledge base and student model to select the best adaptation for a student’s
learning style. Information about learning styles and related teaching styles is accessed from the learning styles database. Given learning style values from the student model and tutorial question scores from the tutorial knowledge base, this
agent applies an algorithm to determine the most appropriate adaptation for a student for each individual tutorial question. The methodology for creating this component will be described in section 4.
Movies pop up
in new window
Main chat box for
tutoring conversation
Relevant images,
diagrams, examples
Fig. 3. Oscar CITS.
The implementation of the adaptive Oscar CITS will now be described.
Methods for Including Adaptivity
The Oscar Predictive CITS was extended to incorporate the dynamic adaptation of the
conversational tutoring style to suit an individual’s learning style. Oscar CITS’ modular architecture enabled the components developed for previous studies (described in
section 3.2) to be reused. A formal three phase methodology for creating an Oscar
Adaptive CITS was developed [23]. The methodology is similar but not the same as
the methodology for creating the Oscar Predictive CITS that was described in section
2.5. The methodology for creating an Oscar Adaptive CITS is described in [23] and
[26] and will now be summarised.
In phase 1 the Learning Styles Adapter Agent is created. First, the Index of Learning Styles model [5] was analysed and a table of learner behaviour for each learning
style drawn up. The characteristics were evaluated to establish whether they could be
incorporated into a CITS. The subset of learner behaviour considered to be most im-
Annabel Latham1, Keeley Crockett1, David McLean1 and Bruce Edmonds2
portant for an adaptive CITS was then mapped to the appropriate teaching styles described in the ILS model. The breakdown of behaviour and teaching styles was examined further to develop several domain-independent categories of tutor material required for developing an adaptive CITS, as shown in Table 1. Each tutor material
category was mapped to the appropriate learning style, for example, Category 4: Practical Examples maps to the Sensor, Active and Sequential learning styles. The standard categories were designed from the point of view of the tutor and intend to make
the development of tutoring material for an adaptive CITS as simple and consistent as
possible. The standard organisation of tutor material also facilitates reuse and modular
development, as additional materials can be expanded and added without the need for
a total redesign of the tutoring session.
Table 1. Teaching material categories mapped to ILS learning styles.
Teaching Material Category
1. Introductions and overviews
2. Textual explanation – theories and principles
3. Explanation – bullet points and hyperlinks
4. Practical examples
5. Practical exercises
6. Graphics – movies, pictures, diagrams
7. Verbal – movies & sound clips
8. Visual demonstrations (walkthroughs etc)
9. Discussion scripts – explanation, FAQs and help
for each subtopic
ILS Learning Styles
Sensor, Sequential, Global
Intuitor, Verbal, Reflective, Sequential
Intuitor, Global
Sensor, Active, Sequential
Active, Sequential
Intuitor, Visual
Sensor, Verbal, Active
The final stage in phase 1 was to consider how the Oscar Adaptive CITS would
adapt its tutoring according to a student’s learning style. The ILS model indicates that
students who have no strong learning style preference in a dimension (i.e. they are
placed at the centre of the ILS scale with a score of 1 or 3) should be given learning
material including a mixture of styles. An additional Neutral learning style category
was introduced to group those students and a Neutral adaptation style included.
There are a number of possible ways to adapt to learning styles, the simplest of
which would be to adapt to the student’s strongest learning style. However, a tutorial
is made up of a number of tutorial questions, and this approach would require incorporating every category of tutor material into every tutorial question. This may not be
possible in real life, as it is important to construct a coherent tutorial and learning
experience. Consequently the adaptation strategy needed to consider not only the
strength of the student’s learning style but also the strength of adaptation available for
each individual tutorial question. This strategy ensures that students are presented
with the most appropriate tutoring material to suit all aspects of their learning style
and the available adaptations for each question in the tutorial. This method was
adopted and a complex, domain-independent adaptation algorithm was developed that
combined the strengths of the student’s learning style with the tutorial adaptations to
Adaptive Tutoring in an Intelligent Conversational Agent System
select the best fitting adaptation for each question in the student’s learning path. The
novel Oscar CITS adaptation algorithm is described in detail in [23], but a pseudocode representation is shown in Table 2. In Table 2, it is assumed that:
1. each tutorial question is assigned a score (q) for each ILS learning style (8 scores)
depending on the strength of adaptation available;
2. each student is assigned a learning style class (c) and score (s) for each ILS dimension based on the results of the ILS questionnaire. As defined by the ILS, students
with a score of 1 or 3 are assigned a Neutral learning style class for that dimension.
Table 2. Oscar CITS adaptation algorithm.
Assuming that:
Each question is assigned a score q for adaptation to each learning style (LS) (8
scores: 2 scores per ILS dimension), based on the number of opportunities in the
question to adapt to that learning style.
Each student is assigned a learning style class c and score s for each dimension (4
classes, 4 scores) based on the results of the ILS questionnaire. Students with
scores of 1 or 3 are assigned the Neutral learning style class.
FOR each question
IF all learning style classes c == Neutral
THEN SELECT Neutral adaptation.
Calculate 4 student question scores as the product of matched LS question score q and
student LS score s (if neutral, score=0).
SELECT c with MAX student question score for question adaptation.
IF no MAX student question score, SELECT c with MAX student LS score s for
question adaptation.
IF no MAX student LS score s, SELECT c with MAX question score q.
SELECT random c with MAX question score q.
Following the Oscar CITS adaptation algorithm in Table 2, if the student is classed
as Neutral for all learning style dimensions they follow the Neutral adaptation learning path for every tutorial question. Otherwise, a student question score is calculated
for each learning style dimension by multiplying the question score (q) for the student
learning style class (c) with the student learning style score (s). The learning style
class c with the highest student question score is selected for adaptation. Additional
rules are included for conflict resolution, i.e. selecting an adaptation when there is
more than one maximum student question score, as follows:
Annabel Latham1, Keeley Crockett1, David McLean1 and Bruce Edmonds2
Adapt to the student’s strongest learning style, i.e. the class c with the highest student learning style score s.
If the student has more than one learning style with the maximum score s, adapt to
the strongest adaptation available for the student’s preferred learning styles, i.e. the
class c with the highest question score q.
Finally, if there is more than one maximum question score q, randomly select one
of the maximum question scores q and adapt to its learning class c.
The implementation of the Oscar CITS adaptation algorithm completes the first phase
of developing the Oscar Adaptive CITS, the creation of the Learning Styles Adapter
In phase 2, the adaptive tutorial conversation is designed. Rather than capturing a
new tutorial scenario, it was possible to reuse much of the SQL revision tutorial already developed for the previous implementation of the Oscar Predictive CITS. The
adaptive SQL learning material thus extended the tutorial delivered in previous experiments [19-21]. This was achieved by adding different resources covering the
standard categories of tutoring material (see Table 1). This involved creating several
versions of the learning material, each suited to a different learning style. Next, each
tutorial question was assigned a score for every learning style which represented the
number (or strength) of opportunities for adaptation to that learning style. Where no
adaptation existed for a learning style, the question score was zero.
The final step in phase 2 involved creating the conversational agent scripts to conduct the tutoring conversation. The Convagent Ltd. InfoChat CA [27] was adopted as
it is a pattern-matching CA that allows information to be captured using variables,
and that allows scripts to be organised into different contexts [28]. This ability to
organise scripts into contexts is important as to incorporate the adaptation to learning
styles, multiple copies of conversation scripts are required which must be organised
by learning style adaptation. The CA scripts developed for the SQL revision tutorial
were reused and amended to incorporate distinct teaching styles. For example for the
Active learning style, CA scripts were amended to replace any detailed explanations
of theory with hints based on practical examples and exercises. Overall there were 95
CA contexts (i.e. scripts), containing around 1000 pattern-based stimulus-response
pairs written using the InfoChat PatternScript language [29], which demonstrates the
complexity of the task of adaptive conversational tutoring. More detail on scripting
the CA and an example rule from one of the CA scripts is given in [19] and [23].
The final phase of development (phase 3) involved constructing the Oscar Adaptive CITS architecture in Fig. 2 and described in section 3.1. This involved reusing
and amending the components from the Oscar Predictive CITS, as follows:
The GUI was reused without change.
The controller was amended to include additional functionality relating to dynamically selecting adaptations.
The student model component was extended to record adaptations applied for each
Adaptive Tutoring in an Intelligent Conversational Agent System
The conversational agent component was reused without change, although the CA
scripts were different, as described in phase 2.
The tutorial knowledge base was extended to record the adaptation details for each
tutorial question, including for each learning style a score and a CA script name.
The learning styles adapter agent was developed as described in phase 1.
The initial study investigating the success of the Oscar Adaptive CITS adaptation to
learning styles will now be described.
Experimental Methodology
An empirical study was conducted using real undergraduate students in a real teaching/learning environment. The study evaluated the success of Oscar Adaptive CITS in
adapting its tutoring to individuals’ learning styles. The hypothesis was that students
who are presented with learning material matched to their learning styles perform
better than students presented with learning material which is unsuited to their learning styles. Additionally, a pre-test/post-test approach [24] was adopted to measure
whether participants have increased their knowledge at the end of the tutorial.
The Oscar Adaptive CITS was implemented to deliver an SQL revision tutorial as
described in section 4. Oscar Adaptive CITS is at present installed on a web server
and is available via the Internet to Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) students. The Oscar Adaptive CITS conducts its conversational tutorials in real time and
is currently being used in a real teaching/learning environment to support a number of
undergraduate and postgraduate computing modules within MMU.
70 final year undergraduate science and engineering students who had previously
studied SQL were asked to refresh their SQL knowledge by completing the Oscar
Adaptive CITS SQL revision tutorial.
Fig. 4 illustrates the stages involved in the participant interaction with Oscar Adaptive CITS during the study. This involved each participant registering with the Oscar
Adaptive CITS anonymously and completing the formal ILS questionnaire before
beginning the tutorial. Next, participants completed a pre-tutorial multiple choice
question (MCQ) test to assess their existing knowledge before starting the conversational tutorial. The tutorial was led by the Oscar Adaptive CITS tutor which conversed in natural language with participants and guided them through the ten tutorial
questions, showing images, movies and examples as necessary. The conversational
SQL revision tutorial took on average approximately 43 minutes, with each participant following an individual learning path depending on their knowledge and learning
styles (see section 5.1 for example dialogues). After the tutorial conversation, participants completed the same MCQ test and were then presented with a comparison of
their test results to indicate learning and some feedback from Oscar. Finally, participants were asked to complete a user evaluation questionnaire.
During the experiment, after completing the ILS questionnaire, participants were
unknowingly assigned to one of three experimental groups, as follows:
Annabel Latham1, Keeley Crockett1, David McLean1 and Bruce Edmonds2
Participants whose learning styles were at the centre of all ILS scales (i.e. there
was no strong preference) were assigned to the Neutral-Adapt group. These participants followed the neutral adaptation learning path, with tutor material including different aspects of all learning styles (e.g. describing theory as well as examples).
Participants who had at least one preferred learning style were randomly assigned
to either the Adapt or Mismatch groups using a 2:1 ratio. The restricted randomisation approach was adopted with a 2:1 ratio to attain a balance of participant learning style characteristics as the sample of participants would be small [30]. The participants in these two groups followed an adaptive learning path assigned by the
algorithm, and were given tutor material favouring particular learning styles (e.g.
containing explanations of theory rather than practical examples). Participants in
the Mismatch group were deliberately presented with learning material unsuited to
their learning styles, e.g. if a participant was Sequential, they were presented with
material suited to a Global participant.
Anonymous Registration
Formal ILS Questionnaire
Pre-tutorial MCQ Test
Conversational Tutoring
Post-tutorial MCQ Test
Test Results Comparison
and Oscar’s Feedback
User Evaluation
Fig. 4. Stages in the Tutorial Interaction during the Experiment
A match/mismatch approach [31] was chosen rather than an approach where one control group experiences a basic unadapted tutorial. This approach was concluded to be
a better test of the adaptation as an experimental group experiencing additional learning material to the control group is likely to show better learning.
Adaptive Tutoring in an Intelligent Conversational Agent System
For the purpose of the experiment, log files that recorded the dialogue, timings,
knowledge and other behavioural factors were analysed for each completed tutorial to
assess each participant’s performance during the tutoring session. During the SQL
Revision tutoring session, ten questions were posed, requiring eighteen answers (as
some questions incorporated multiple steps or questions). To test the hypothesis,
learning gain was calculated by counting the number of correct answers given to tutorial questions, and an average score was calculated for each experimental group. The
experimental group averages were then compared to determine whether there was any
difference in learning gain related to the type of adaptation to learning style. In addition, Oscar Adaptive CITS’ ability to tutor effectively was evaluated by analysing the
user feedback questionnaires and test score improvements.
Results and Discussion
Of the 70 participants, 54 fully completed the tutoring session. Table 3 shows the
results of the experiment. The group of 8 Neutral-Adapt participants had learning
style results that showed no strong preference for a particular learning style (i.e. their
styles were balanced in the centre of the scale), and followed a neutral adaptation
learning path. The Adapt group contained 32 participants who followed a learning
path containing learning material in a style adapted to their individual learning styles.
The Mismatch group of 14 participants followed an adaptive learning path of tutor
material that was mismatched to their learning styles.
Table 3. Experimental results.
Mean Correct Answers
Participants in the Neutral-Adapt and Adapt groups have similar averages of correct answers given during the tutoring, of 72% and 73% respectively. However, the
Mismatch group has a much lower average of only 61% correct answers, which is
12% less than the Adapt group average. The Kruskal-Wallis statistical test [32] was
applied with a 95% significance level as it indicates whether or not distributions are
the same, but does not require normality. The Kruskal-Wallis test results gave a
Kruskal-Wallis statistic of 7.03 and a p-value of 0.03, showing that there is a significant difference in the Mismatch group. The results support the hypothesis that participants who are presented with learning material matched to their learning styles perform significantly better than participants presented with learning material that is not
matched to their learning styles.
Annabel Latham1, Keeley Crockett1, David McLean1 and Bruce Edmonds2
In general, the user evaluation results showed that the Oscar Adaptive CITS was
well received, with 95% of participants finding the tutoring helpful and 89% agreeing
that Oscar helped them to revise. 91% of the sample said that they would use the Oscar Adaptive CITS resource, with 86% stating they would use Oscar to support classroom tutoring and 77% saying they would use Oscar instead of learning from a book.
A surprising 50% of the sample said they would use Oscar in place of attending faceto-face tutorials. There was an overall mean test score improvement after tutoring of
19%, showing that participants did learn from the tutoring.
A comparison with other CITS is not possible, as no other CITS can adapt their tutoring style to match an individual’s learning styles.
Examples of Adaptive Learner Dialogues
Examples of the Oscar Adaptive CITS tutoring style adaptation can be seen in the
dialogue snippets logged during the experiment (Tables 4 and 5). Both snippets are
taken from the same tutorial question where participants are asked to write an SQL
query, and both participants were assigned to the Adapt experimental group (i.e. the
adaptation matched their learning style). The participant dialogue in Table 4 is an
example of the tutoring style adapted to a Global learner, where the participant writes
a query without initial guidance and learns from the feedback given about errors in
their solution. Table 5 in contrast shows a participant dialogue for the same question
with tutoring adapted for a Sequential learner, where Oscar Adaptive CITS guides the
participant through the steps of the query.
Table 4. Dialogue snippet logged during the experiment adapting to a Global learner.
64. Oscar>
65. Student>
66. Oscar>
67. Student>
68. Oscar>
Now let's see if you can remember how to write a query which chooses
values between a range. Look at the employees table. Please type in a query
which displays the first and last names of all employees hired between 1
January 1994 and 1 January 1995.
select First_name, last_name from Employees where Hire_date between 1JAN-1944 and 1-Jan-1995;
I'm afraid your WHERE clause is not quite right. Check your spelling and
type in the last part of our query which displays the first and last names of
all employees hired between 1 January 1994 and 1 January 1995.
select First_name, last_name from Employees where Hire_date between 1JAN-1994 and 1-Jan-1995;
No. Excluding date conversion functions, ORACLE recognises dates in 3
basic formats: '01-JAN-94', '01-January-94' and '01-January-1994'. The
picture shows two different ways in which the WHERE clause could have
been written to give the right results.
Adaptive Tutoring in an Intelligent Conversational Agent System
Table 5. Dialogue snippet logged during the experiment adapting to a Sequential learner.
87. Oscar>
88. Student>
89. Oscar>
90. Student>
91. Oscar>
92. Student>
93. Oscar>
94. Student>
95. Oscar>
96. Student>
97. Oscar>
Now let's see if you can remember how to write a query which chooses
values between a range. Look at the employees table. We need a query
which displays the first and last names of all employees hired between 1
January 1994 and 1 January 1995. The first step in writing a query is to state
the information you need. For our query to display the first and last names
of all employees hired between 1 January 1994 and 1 January 1995, which
columns do we need?
dont know
Look again at the columns in the EMPLOYEES table. If we want to display
the first and last names of all employees hired between 1 January 1994 and
1 January 1995, which columns do we need?
first_name, last_name, hire_date
That's right, we need FIRST_NAME and LAST_NAME, so the first part of
our query is shown in the picture. The next step in writing a query is to state
which table the information is retrieved from. For our query to list the first
and last names of all employees hired between 1 January 1994 and 1 January 1995, type in the name of the table our information will be taken from.
That's right, the table is EMPLOYEES. The last part of writing a query is
the WHERE clause, which lets us restrict the rows selected to only those
satisfying one or more conditions. We want to restrict the employees displayed to only those hired between 1 January 1994 and 1 January 1995.
There are a number of ways to write this restriction in ORACLE SQL as
dates can be represented in different formats. Type in the WHERE clause
which limits the employees in this way.
where hire_date in('01-01-1994' && '01-01-1995')
One way to tackle this query is to use the BETWEEN keyword to specify a
range. Complete the last line of the query shown - type in the WHERE
clause to limit the employees displayed to those hired between 1 January
1994 and 1 January 1995.
'01-01-1994' and '01-01-1995'
OK, excluding date conversion functions, ORACLE recognises dates in 3
basic formats: '01-JAN-94', '01-January-94' and '01-January-1994'. The
picture shows two different ways in which the WHERE clause could have
been written to give the right results.
Conclusions and Further Work
In this paper a new version of Oscar CITS has been described, which is a novel conversational intelligent tutoring system that implicitly adapts to an individual’s learning style. The research built on previous work in which Oscar Predictive CITS can
implicitly predict a person’s learning styles based on their behaviour during a tutoring
conversation [19-22]. The Oscar Adaptive CITS described here imitates a human
tutor by conversing with students and delivering learning material adapted to their
learning styles, individualised problem solving support and intelligent solution analysis. A CITS that personalises tutoring by dynamically predicting and adapting to
Annabel Latham1, Keeley Crockett1, David McLean1 and Bruce Edmonds2
learning styles could improve the effectiveness of a student’s learning experience and
help to boost confidence. Effective, personalised online tutoring can flexibly support
class-based courses and also widen access through distance learning.
This paper describes how the adaptation to learning styles was introduced into
Oscar CITS, and presents the Oscar CITS adaptation algorithm. Unlike other adaptive
tutoring systems, the Oscar CITS algorithm considers both the strength of an individual’s learning style preferences and the availability of adaptive tutor material.
A study is presented, which investigates the success of the Oscar CITS adaptation
algorithm. The results of the study showed that participants whose learning path
adapted to their learning styles performed significantly better, achieving on average
12% more correct answers, than those participants presented with learning material
not matched to their learning styles. Additionally, participants valued Oscar’s conversational tutoring, which seemed to help learning with test scores improved by 19% on
average. It can therefore be concluded that using Oscar CITS has helped provide students with a positive learning experience.
In future, it is planned to incorporate the tutor material categories into a development toolkit to speed up the scripting of an adaptive CITS.
Acknowledgement. The research presented in this paper was funded by EPSRC. The
authors thank Convagent Ltd for the use of the InfoChat conversational agent and
PatternScript scripting language.
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