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2001, An-Najah University Journal for Research - Humanities
28 pages
1 file
The crude density of the northern part of the West Bank according to the 1997 census was 321.6 persons/Km2. This density varies from one district to another, while it is the lowest in Tubas District, it was the highest in Tulkarem District. Measures of population concentration show that there is a kind of regularity of population distribution in the northern part of the West Bank. Many physical, human, and economic factors affected the population distribution in the study area. 31 variables that may affect the shape of the population distribution were considered in this study. By using stepwise regression, the factors of: local topography, number of artesian wells, area cultivated with fruit tress (including olive tress), percentage of urban population and the annual average of rainfall explained most of the differences in the population distribution in the study area.
Association of Arab Universities Journal of Engineering Sciences
The riverbank is an effective component of the city-river interconnection, and any damage that occurs to it affects its natural structure and particularly its ecological values. Most of these problems are diagnosable and observable in the riverside space, and many studies have focused on them. The emergence of these problems may appear in varying proportions in the riverbank environment depending on the type of human intervention, both in urban and non-urban spaces, which may have a negative impact on the riverbank space. In light of this, studies have been directed towards exploring different ecological strategies that should be applied on the urban riverbank space, which work in an integrated manner with many other values to restore the natural characteristics of landscape and riverbank space and reduce the impact of negative human intervention in them. The main research problem is defined in the loss of the ecological value of riverbanks in cities in general and Baghdad city in p...
Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 2013
المستخلص أهتمت الدراسة بمتغيرين رئيسين هما ابعاد التوزيع، وولاء الزبون واختارت الباحثة اجراء دراستها على عينة من الصحف العراقية متمثلة بصحف (الصباح، المدى، والبينة الجديدة ) لطبيعة هذا المنتج الذي لا يتجاوز عمره الساعات الاولى من الصباح واعتماد نجاحه كلياً على قاعدة جماهيرية رصينة، وبعد ان تمت دراسة ابعاد المتغيرين المتمثلة بـ (الكلفة، المرونة، ووقت التسليم) ابعاداً للتوزيع و (تسويق العلاقة، تصور الزبون، تجربة الزبون، العلامة التجارية، وجودة المنتج) ابعاداً لولاء الزبون على وفق المشكلة التي تم تحديدها في تساؤلات عدة مطروحة تلخصت في مدى وعي الادارة بأهمية التوزيع ووقت التسليم بالذات في نجاحها، ومدى اهمية ولاء الزبون في استمرار الصحيفة مستهدفة بذلك الوقوف على واقع واليات التوزيع في الصحف المبحوثة، توصلت الدراسة الى ان وقت التسليم هو البعد الاكثر تاثيرا في بناء ولاء الزبون، وعلى الرغم من وعي الادارة بذلك الا ان هناك تلكؤ في ضبط اوقات تسليم الصحف، اضافة الى ضعف في اليات بناء ولاء الزبون لها والمحافظة عليه ، بناءً على ذلك وضعت الباحثة بعض التوصيات لتحسين الواقع العملي .
مجلة إدارة المخاطر والأزمات, 2019
The study aimed to focus on the suffering of the people of Umm al-Nasr village by studying the impact of disasters on water and soil in the village of Umm al-Nasr، and to identify the levels of pollution that hit the groundwater in the village، And analysis of reports of samples of the soil that was bombed by the Israeli occupation in the northern Gaza Strip during the war in 2014 with the concentration on the soil and water of the village of Umm al-Nasser، and then to clarify the situation in which the agricultural land that was polluted in the village. The researcher followed the descriptive analytical approach to the sources and reports issued by the ministries and official bodies related to the effects of the environment and scientific studies in the northern Gaza Strip، The results of the analysis of 14 samples of the soil in the northern Gaza Strip، which focus a report on contamination with heavy metals (Ni، Cr، Cu، Mn، Co، Pb) by comparing the standard of the World Health. A...
مجلة کلیة الآداب . القاهرة, 2020
The Present study aims at collecting and documenting folk songs that embody natural phenomena to show their symbolic signs in the light of the researchers' vision for identifying the beliefs and practices related to rain songs, the moon, the sun and the wind. To achieve the research objectives, the research sample is selected according to the ice ball style; individuals' age exceeds sixty years. The study focuses on a number of Beni-Suef villages as well as it adopts an anthropological approach through which a fieldwork manuals and interviews are conducted.
The objective of the study was identification the effect of the physiographic position on how suitable the land is for cotton cultivation within Mesopotamian, three Agricultural projects were selected and they are 7 Nessin, North kut and Al-Majar Al-Kabeer within Baghdad, Kut and Messin Provinces respectively, with consideration In the selection, the situation of all projects within Tigris river sediments ecology. Morphological and some soil physical and chemical properties for represented pedons of every secondary physiographic unit within the projects above were studied. The land agro-ecological characteristics which directly affect the land suitability for Barley cultivation were circumscribed, which included Ecoclimatological characteristics, the evaluation of these characteristics was carried out by interconnection between parametric method and limitation method which was suggested by (20), according to the results the lands were classified according to their suitability for barely cultivation
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2020
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يُعتبر كتاب "التّاريخ المظفّري" مصدرا مهمّا من مصادر التّاريخ الإسلامي، ألّفه القاضي شهاب الدّين إبراهيم بن أبي الدّم الحموي في فترة عصيبة كان يمرّ بها العالم الإسلامي، من غزوات المغول من الشّرق والصّليبيّين من الغرب، فكتب فيه أحداث هذه الفترة وما صاحبها من تَقَلُّبَات واضطرابات في الممالك الإسلامية، ولسوء الحظّ لم يصلنا من هذا الكتاب إِلّا الجزء الأوّل الذي حُقّق قسم منه ينتهي إلى قصّة مقتل مروان بن محمّد آخر الخلفاء الأمويّين، ولم يحظ هذا الكتاب بالعناية اللّازمة من طرف الباحثين، ربّما لأنّ بقيّة أجزائه فُقدت، أو لكونه مختصرا، أو لأنّه ظلّ حبيس خزاناتِ حفظ المخطوطات إلى عهد قريب، وقد حاولنا في هذه الدّراسة إماطة اللّثام عن هذا المصدر من خلال إلقاء الضّوء على شخصيّة بن أبي الدّم ومكانته العلمية، ثمّ التّعريفِ بكتابه "التّاريخ المظفّري" وبيان أهميّته، كما خصّصنا جزءا كبيرا من هذه الدّراسة لبيان منهجية بن أبي الدّم، وأهمّ الموارد التي اعتمدها في تاريخه، وحجم تناوله لتاريخ الغرب الإسلامي. Abstract: āl-tārīẖ al-muẓafarī book, is considered an important source of General Islamic History , written by the judge “Shihab Eddine Ibn abī al-dam al-ḥamawy” in a difficult era when the Islamic world witnessed the Mongol invasions from the east and the Crusaders from west, so he mentioned in it the events that happened on that period including the disturbances and fluctuations that accompanied them in the Islamic kingdoms. Unfortunately, we have received the first chapter that only a part of it has been investigated, and it ends with the murder of “Marouane Ibn Muhammed“ the last of the Umayyad Caliphs, this book did not receive that much of necessary care and needed interest from researchers, maybe as result of losing the rest of its parts, or because of its shortcut or perhaps because it was kept for a long period of time in the preservations of manuscripts? until recently. So for this, we tried in this dissertation to uncover this source by shedding lights on the personality of Ibn Al-Dam and his scientific standing, therefore, introducing his book ˮāl-tārīẖ al-muẓafarīˮ with the indication of its significance, we have also dedicated a huge part of this study to highlight the writer's methodology and the main resources he relied on throughout his history and the volume of his discussion to the Islamic West history.
Advances in Nursing & Midwifery, 2015
Background and aim: Seasonal variations in incidence of diseases can be reason of effect of environmental factors on health. Since the seasonal pattern in preterm birth varies across countries and because of importance of preterm births and unknown causes of it, this study was designed to investigate the frequency of preterm births in different seasons. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study used data of all 5,860 infants born in the Rafsanjan Nik-Nafs hospital in 2011-2012. Inclusion criteria included live birth more than 20 weeks gestational age and birth weight more than 500 grams. Gestational age was determined according to mother's last menstrual period date. The criterion for preterm birth was gestational age less than 37 weeks gestation. Data was collected through delivery records of hospital medical documentary unit. For data analysis, chi-square and Fisher's exact tests was used. Results: The prevalence of preterm birth in this study was 6.96% (408 cases)...
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