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A PC based temperature monitoring and alarm system has been designed, constructed and tested. The system uses a linear and highly sensitive temperature transducer whose analog output is converted to digital format using an 8 bit analog to digital converter (ADC) before the digital signals are fed to the personal computer (PC) through the parallel port for display on the monitor. A program was written using Visual C++ which provides a user interface through which a predefined temperature limit can be set so that the threshold alarm is triggered when this limit is exceeded. A database to record the temperature readings for a certain period of time is also incorporated in the program. The device was tested within a temperature range of 25 C to 150 C while varying the threshold temperature. From the results obtained the alarm was triggered at ± 0.1 C of the selected threshold temperature. The system finds application in power plants, laboratories, workshops and domestic kitchens. The system can also be adopted for multiple zone temperature sensing such as the simultaneous temperature measurement of automobile radiators and engines and measurement of boiler temperatures in power plants.
The storage of many drugs, serum and vaccines at specified temperature limit is very important. Therefore, it is necessary to read and record the ambient temperature and control the refrigerating device according to the limiting values specified by the user. Taking into account these requirements, a new PIC microprocessor-based temperature monitoring system that triggers the DS18B20 temperature sensor and controls the running of the refrigerator system is designed and developed. At the controlling operation, performed by this system, temperature limits are specified by the user. In case these limit values are exceeded, a warning message is sent to the user through GSM module. Furthermore, the temperature values that are read between the time intervals specified by the user are sent to a GLCD screen and presented in a graphical form. The temperature readings can be transferred to the computer environment as text file through a Visual Basic based interface with using a serial port. At...
This project aims at controlling the temperature of an aluminum plate which is being heated by a 50 watt heating element. For controlling the temperature of the metal plate the current through the heating element is controlled. The thermal energy produced by the heater is directly proportional to the square of the current passing through the heater coil. Hence, by controlling the current through the heater coil ,the heat produced by the heater is controlled. The target is to control the temperature of the plate between room temperature and 100 °C with the optimal control range being from 44°C to 63°C. Following this significance of temperature control in processes, a temperature sensor and control system using the AD590 IC as the temperature sensor is designed. The main scheme of the project is to control the temperature of the plate via a feedback control loop. The system consists of a plate heated by an electrical heater, temperature sensor IC – AD590, a signal conditioning unit, ...
This essay was inspired by the large number of people who die every year from high fever illnesses. The temperature detection system is typically used to measure an object's temperature based on the infrared waves that the object emits without actually touching it. It also calculates the environment's average temperature. The development of dependable and affordable monitoring systems that can be used by businesses, organizations, institutions, schools, and individuals to identify patients with higher temperatures and stop the spread of disease are now possible thanks to recent advancements in microelectronics and electronic gadgetry. In this study, a temperature detecting system is used to identify individuals who may have high body temperatures, which could lead to high fever or perhaps COVID-19. There are two LEDs in the system. The second led will glow green if you place your hand or an object in close proximity to the temperature sensor, indicating that the sensor is scanning the thing. Instantaneously, it turns crimson. It indicates that the object has reached a higher temperature than was necessary. The second led, who is constantly lit in red, indicates that everything is fine with the system. The system's status is constantly displayed on the LCD.
Global Journal of Research in Engineering & Computer Sciences, 2021
This paper comes in response to the high rate of the dead in the world nowadays as a result of high fever sickness. The main purpose of this paper is to review literature related to temperature detection systems, their challenges faced, and the impact of deploying them in our houses or organizations for preventive measures against the spread of diseases or sickness. The temperature detection system is usually used to measure the temperature of an object depending on the emitted infrared waves of the object without touching the object needed to be tested. It also measures the average temperature of an area or environment. The recent improvements in microelectronics and electronic gadgets permit the development of reliable and low-cost monitoring systems used by organizations, industries, companies, institutions, schools, and individual peoples for detecting patients with higher temperatures which may be signs of any kind of high fever diseases and preventive measures against the spread of the disease
The paper describes the development of distributed temperature monitoring system using DS80C400 microcontroller. The system is capable of monitoring the temperature through Ethernet. The 1-wire temperature sensors have been used in the system for the simplicity as no glue logic is required for converting this analog parameter in to digital form. An appropriate GUI environment has also been developed so that temperatures could be monitored remotely using any web browser.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2012 This project aims at controlling the temperature of an aluminum plate which is being heated by a 50 watt heating element. For controlling the temperature of the metal plate the current through the heating element is controlled. The thermal energy produced by the heater is directly proportional to the square of the current passing through the heater coil. Hence, by controlling the current through the heater coil ,the heat produced by the heater is controlled. The target is to control the temperature of the plate between room temperature and 100 °C with the optimal control range being from 44°C to 63°C. Following this significance of temperature control in processes, a temperature sensor and control system using the AD590 IC as the temperature sensor is designed.
SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, 2022
Technology has been moving towards automation for a long time. The basic principle of technology is to make life easier by explicitly leaving fewer things to a man. There is no doubt that automation is the future; most importantly, it takes place directly in the environment. It makes life easier and easier in all aspects. Globally, automated systems are preferred to manual systems. The increasing number of Internet users over the past few decades has made the Internet an integral part of life, and IoT is the latest and emerging Internet technology. Arduino is a newly developed open-source hardware and software system. Still, it has caught the attention of a large tech community. Its less technical design and affordable cost are fundamental features that widen its wide range of uses, being the compatibility with many other electronic devices and the possibility of expansion being interesting features that widen the range of uses. Arduino hardware is simply a motherboard that, with appropriate computer programming (IDE-Integrated Development Environment), can be used to create interacting objects. This project aims to build an Arduino-based embedded temperature monitoring device. The device is built using Arduino, a temperature sensor and an LCD display. The device could sense temperature and provide information in a liquid crystal display. Out of many clones and various microcontroller boards available, Arduino Uno was used in this project. The project is divided into two parts: theoretical and experimental. The project is successful and meets the pre-established objectives. The implementation is possible with the help of magazine articles downloaded from the internet, previous work by other students on Arduino projects and related websites where most information is available.
Los conflictos familiares, especialmente cuando involucran a un hijo adulto joven, pueden ser emocionalmente intensos y desafiantes. Esta presentación explora diversos escenarios de conflicto familiar, ofreciendo enfoques terapéuticos y principios bíblicos para abordar estas situaciones difíciles. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar herramientas prácticas para promover la comprensión mutua, la sanación y la reconciliación en el contexto familiar. El Hijo Incomprendido: Reacción con Ira 1 Situación El hijo de 20 años siente que sus padres no lo entienden o no apoyan sus decisiones de vida, lo que lo lleva a reaccionar con gritos e insultos. Reconocimiento de Emociones El terapeuta invita al hijo a expresar sus sentimientos más allá de la ira, explorando las raíces de su frustración o dolor. Reformulación Se guía a los padres para reformular lo que escuchan, ayudando a desescalar la situación y promover la comprensión mutua.
Carlos Gregorio Hernández, Roberto Villa García y Jorge Álvarez Palomino (coords.), Cánovas del Castillo en el siglo XXI, Madrid, CEU Ediciones, 2024
Canadian Journal of Public Health
Scientific Reports
History in Africa, 2018
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Research on ageing and social policy, 2023
Cluster Computing
Politics, Society and Culture in Orthodox Theology in a Global Age, 2023
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2004
Ancient Textiles, Modern Science, 2013
General Hospital Psychiatry, 2017
Ideas Y Valores Revista Colombiana De Filosofia, 2008
Frontiers in Endocrinology, 2021
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