In this paper, the author reviewed several empirical research studies targeted towards understand... more In this paper, the author reviewed several empirical research studies targeted towards understanding the processes by which innovative information diffuses to and among farmers and the potential impact of such diffusion. The challenges and prospects in the information diffusion process as described by the authors were clearly articulated to provide a blue print for policy makers and other stake holders in the industry to identify hurdles to innovative information diffusion and their possible solutions. The potential of mobile phones (waiting to be exploited) in enhancing the diffusion process is also highlighted. A road map that facilitates the establishment of an efficient mobile phone based farm information diffusion structure in Nigeria was developed. This review provides information that will facilitate easy selection of the best farm management practices which will enhance information transfer to and among farmers for improved production agriculture, environmental quality and agricultural health and safety. Target intervention programs can thus be appropriately channeled to farmers through paths of least resistance to information diffusion.
Temperature, cardiac arrest, emergency, therapy,control system Cardiac arrest with widespread cer... more Temperature, cardiac arrest, emergency, therapy,control system Cardiac arrest with widespread cere-bral ischemia frequently leads to severe neurologic impairment. Recovery without residual neurologic damage after cardiac arrest with global cerebral ischemia is rare.Researchers have shown thattherapeutic hypothermia reduces brain damage and increases survivability in certain cases of cardiac arrest. Rapid infusion of cold intravenous fluid has been identified as the most effective means of inducing hypothermia. This work is targeted towards providing a device that is capable of inducing hypothermia on-spot and managing it automatically. An analogue to digital converter is used to monitor the output from a transducer depending on the patient's body temperature and give out digital outputs used to control when the thermoelectric module cools or heats the intravenous fluid and when it stays off. The system is designed to maintain the patient's temperature between 34 C and 36 C. A knob provided selects other temperature ranges. Different temperatures were generated to mimic body temperature being sensed by the transducer and the thermoelectric module's action was monitored. The intravenous fluid was heated when sensed temperature was greater than 34 C, cooled whenit was less than 36 C and neither heating nor cooling took place when it was between 34 C and 36 C. Although the system satisfied the fundamental operating principles, the rate of heat transfer to and from the intravenous fluid was poor. The intravenous tube also melted. These issues are being addressedin addition to making the system embedded. Biological life was not used for the test. KEYWORDS o o o o o o Indian J.Sci.Res.3(2) : 41-46, 2012
A PC based temperature monitoring and alarm system has been designed, constructed and tested. The... more A PC based temperature monitoring and alarm system has been designed, constructed and tested. The system uses a linear and highly sensitive temperature transducer whose analog output is converted to digital format using an 8 bit analog to digital converter (ADC) before the digital signals are fed to the personal computer (PC) through the parallel port for display on the monitor. A program was written using Visual C++ which provides a user interface through which a predefined temperature limit can be set so that the threshold alarm is triggered when this limit is exceeded. A database to record the temperature readings for a certain period of time is also incorporated in the program. The device was tested within a temperature range of 25 C to 150 C while varying the threshold temperature. From the results obtained the alarm was triggered at ± 0.1 C of the selected threshold temperature. The system finds application in power plants, laboratories, workshops and domestic kitchens. The system can also be adopted for multiple zone temperature sensing such as the simultaneous temperature measurement of automobile radiators and engines and measurement of boiler temperatures in power plants.
An Electric Water Pump Controller and Level Indicator (EWPCLI) has been designed, constructed and... more An Electric Water Pump Controller and Level Indicator (EWPCLI) has been designed, constructed and tested. The EWPCLI exploits the electrical conductivity of water to give indication of water level in a storage tank and ultimately, the automatic control of the water pump. The EWPCLI employs a number of metallic conductors or probes, each positioned at separate levels along the tank height to act as sensors. Comparators monitor the presence of water at the probes (utilizing the conductivity of ionized water due to its impurities) and give out corresponding digital outputs which are used by the microcontroller to drive digital outputs which turn on visual display LEDs that indicate various water levels in the tank. The microcontroller also controls a switch to turn the water pump on (when water goes below the preset minimum level) or off (when water goes above the chosen maximum level). EWPCLI when tested turned the water pump on or off depending on the water level in the tank as designed. The required visual LEDs were also turned on at the corresponding water level. The system will help to eliminate the cost and inefficiency of human interference associated with monitoring and controlling the pump while maximizing the performance and life span of the electric water pump.
A solar water heating system for domestic use has been designed and constructed using locally ava... more A solar water heating system for domestic use has been designed and constructed using locally available materials. Solar energy is received by a flat-plate collector consisting of a thin absorber plate, integrated with underneath grids of fluid carrying tubes, and placed in an insulated casing with a transparent glass cover having a cold and a hot water tank integrated in the system. The radiation emitted by the absorber plate cannot escape through the glass, thus increasing its temperature. The water gets heated and flows into a storage tank through thermosyphon principle. Maximum fluid output temperature, the collector temperature, and insolation of 55°C, 51°C, and 1,480 W/m 2 , respectively, were obtained on a sunny day. This solar water heating system finds useful application and acts as a renewable energy resource in regions where there is abundant and consistent sunlight.
In this paper, the author presents and emphasizes massive deployment, diffusion and use of Inform... more In this paper, the author presents and emphasizes massive deployment, diffusion and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Nigeria as a necessary tool to enhance national development. A brief description of ICTs and the level of their adoption, diffusion and use in Africa and specifically in Nigeria were given. ICT's relationship with national development as well as roles of stake holders in creating an enabling environment (so that ICTs will be massively deployed, diffused and used in Nigeria to enhance national development) were analyzed. Technical solutions to foster an enabling environment in Nigeria as well as the implication of achieving this feat were also considered and relevant recommendations were made to position Nigeria strategically so as to benefit from the numerous advantages that massive deployment, diffusion and use of ICTs present to any nation.