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2014, Post-parametric Automation in Design and Construction
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Automation, a mixture of algorithms, robots, software, and avatars, is transforming all types of jobs and industries. This book responds to one critical question for the design and construction industry: "how are architects, engineers, and contractors using information technology to further automate their practices?" Addressing the use of new digital technologies, particularly parametric automation for design and construction in the building industry, this book looks at how technologically advanced architectural and engineering practices are semi-automating their design processes by using sophisticated algorithms to transform their workflows. The book also documents a set of firms that are further advancing automation by using pre-fabrication, modularization, and custom designs via robotics.
Automation in Construction, 1995
As the construction industry continues its digital journey the applications within design automation is growing, making development processes less time-demanding and more organized. Design automati ...
Engineering with Computers, 1987
The effective use of automation is one of the greatest opportunities, as well as one of the greatest challenges, facing the construction industry. The major components of an automation strategy, as considered in this paper, are computer-aided engineering and design (CAE/CAD), computerized data bases, feedback of as-built data, automated materials handling, artificial intelligence, and robotics. This paper first describes the current state of the art of robotics in construction and of artificial intelligence in its future role as the guidance mechanism in robots and its current stand-alone role in the form of expert systems. Then it discusses the central role of the computerized project data base in the integration of project design, construction, and operation. In addition, the paper examines the benefits from the increased use of information technology and automation in construction, the institutional barriers to the development and introduction of this technology by the U.S. construction industry, and the technologies that need to be developed in order to implement successfully computer technology in construction.
Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC)
The majority of work in the field of construction robotics has focussed on the adaptation of existing industrial robots to automate traditional construction processes that use basic materials. This paper introduces a new approach , that of construction based on a factory-produced 'parts-set' especially suited to a range of on-site purpose-designed robots, aimed at the provision of high-tech buildings. This approach is intended to deskill as much site-based work as possible as a countermeasure against the increasing shortage of skilled operatives and to reduce unit costs of production.
Isarc Proceedings, 2005
A large amount of design and planning knowledge is created throughout the different phases in construction projects. This information is employed within planning but is often lost in transition to the production and construction phases. Within this work an approach towards robotics as a mediator between planning and production is analyzed. The flow of information between Building Information Management (BIM), design and production is closely examined. However due to the requirements within construction new concepts for design to production and construction need to be developed. For manufacturing industries a new work flow from design to production was mainly enabled through digitized machinery and virtual commissioning of factories. The current degree of automation in the construction industry is low especially compared to industrial production. This is mainly due to the differences in the work environment, that create multiple prerequisites for construction automation. Changing tasks and environmental conditions require a fast configurability of machines. Additionally, adaptation strategies for deviations and material tolerances are required. Within this work these requirements are addressed in detail, as well as potential solutions through developments within design to production and human-machine collaboration. The main focus is a continuous information flow between design, planning and execution as well as information feedback from the production phase back to the design. This creates new possibilities for a process informed design. Furthermore, a continuous feedback for the designer leads to new insights within design to production. Previous attempts at automation were made using specialized machines for specific tasks were mostly unsuccessful, due to their low flexibility. Construction tasks can be highly complex.
Robotics and Automation in Construction, 2008
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2013
The paper discusses the advancement in the mass-customization of building components referring to Robot-Assisted Manufacturing. It is presented how the contemporary employment of Robotics offers a perspective of flexible alternative to traditional serial production system. Different Robot-Assisted fabrication methods are discussed through built experimental case studies at different scales. It is finally argued how Robotic production in architecture is significantly shifting the approach in design towards a model including material and fabrication constraints.
Deux comptes rendus de presse, qui commentent quelques extraits du discours de Vladimir Poutine en date du 21 février 2023 1 , m'ont inspiré une réflexion dont je livre l'essentiel à l'appréciation de celles et ceux qui lisent et comprennent encore les textes de la Révélation judéo-chrétienne. «Regardez ce que les dirigeants occidentaux font avec leurs propres peuples», ils veulent la «destruction de la famille, de l'identité culturelle et nationale»... De plus «la perversion et la maltraitance des enfants jusqu'à la pédophilie sont déclarées comme étant la norme, c'est la norme de leur vie». Même les prêtres «sont obligés de bénir les mariages homosexuels»… «Regardez les écritures saintes et les livres sacrés des autres religions […] Tout y est dit, y compris que la famille est l'union d'un homme et d'une femme […] Mais même ces textes sacrés sont aujourd'hui remis en question… «Père, pardonne-leur, car ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils font», « des millions de personnes en Occident comprennent qu'elles sont entraînées vers une véritable catastrophe spirituelle». «Mais c'est leur problème. Les autorités russes, quant à elles ont l'obligation de protéger nos enfants de la dégradation et de la dégénérescence».
İsi, H. (2024). Budist ve İslamî Türkçe Metinlerde Saran Sözcüğü. Avrasya Uluslararası Araştırmalar Dergisi, 12(39), 92-116.
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Japanese Journal of Religious Studies, 2014
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DELTA: Documentação de Estudos em Lingüística Teórica e Aplicada, 2005
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2004
Limite. Revista de Estudios Portugueses y de la Lusofonía, 2023
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Global Heart, 2016
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Bridging the Gap: Empowering and Educating Today’s Learners in Statistics. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Teaching Statistics
Molecular Biology Reports, 2018