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Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Historica, 2009
viXra, 2015
Despite the last decades' growing interest in discussing Cicero's philosophical works there is still no consensus among scholars regarding the purposes these works were written for. In this article, by focusing on some fragments from works like the ‚Hortensius‛ and ‚Consolatio‛, I will try to offer new grounds for reading and interpreting Cicero not only as a philosopher of public and political affairs, as he is usually seen by modern scholars, but also as a philosopher of the theoretical life.
Dr. Gabriela Rusu-Păsărin este conferenŃiar la Facultatea de Litere a UniversităŃii din Craiova, unde susŃine cursuri de comunicare audiovizuală, comunicare politică, comunicare şi persuasiune. A publicat cărŃi, articole şi studii în domeniile: comunicare în spaŃiul public, jurnalism cultural, etnografie şi folclor. Este realizator-coordonator la Radio Oltenia Craiova (post public regional al SocietăŃii Române de Radiodifuziune), promovând astfel o perspectivă aplicată a jurnalismului cultural şi a comunicării audiovizuale. Rezumat Prima carte de legi în limba română (1640), Pravila de la Govora, sau Mica Pravilă este totodată un corpus referenŃial de tradiŃii şi credinŃe populare referitoare la ceremonialul existenŃial. Scopul este de a realiza o analiză comparativă a celor două nivele de referinŃă, mentalul tradiŃional românesc şi rigoarea bisericească, cea din urmă funcŃionând sub influenŃa stravechilor legi bizantine şi a canoanelor stabilite de sinodul Bisericii Orientale. Cred...
Logistica a avut, incă din cele mai vechi timpuri, un rol fundamental in dezvoltarea globală pentru aproape 5.000 de ani ai umanităţii, in ansamblul ei. De la construirea piramidelor din Egiptul Antic, logistica a făcut progrese remarcabile. De nenumărate ori, soluțiile logistice geniale au format baza pentru trecerea de la o eră istorică la alta. Pentru forțele armate, logistica este un cuvânt relativ nou folosit pentru a descrie o practică foarte veche: furnizarea, circulația și intreținerea forțelor armate atât in timp de pace, cât mai ales in condiții de război. Datorită rolului covârsitor al logisticii, planificatorii militari și comandanţii iau in considerare impactul logisticii asupra pregătirii operaționale. Considerațiile logistice reprezintă unul dintre factorii fundamentali luaţi in calculul planurilor de luptă incă din cele mai incipiente stadii ale confruntărilor armate, fără de care forţele luptătoare pot reprezenta doar insemne și numere pe o hartă. Acest articol este...
Nicola Nicolau: an Intellectual with an Unfair Posterity: This is the first in a series of three articles discussing the life and work of Nicola Nicolau (1762-1837), a Romanian merchant and scholar from the Transylvanian town of Brașov (Kronstadt, in the Habsburg Empire). Its chapters deal with Nicolau’s family and life, the books published by him, the question of their authorship, their sources, their circulation, and, finally, with Nicolau’s teaching activity. While settling, on the basis of primary sources, a number of earlier hypotheses and debates, it proposes some new hypotheses, which should be checked against further primary evidence.
Geography and encyclopaedism. Revisiting Gheorghe Lazăr: Between 1810 and 1822, Gheorghe Lazăr (1779/82-1823) composed or compiled four geography textbooks for the use of the Romanian schools of Transylvania and Walachia: a mathematical geography (1810), a geography of Transylvania (1815), an astronomical geography (1820), and a world geography (1822), respectively. The first two were destined for publication in Transylvania, but his superior blocked all attempts. The last two were used in the St. Sava College of Bucharest, and – according to a 1822 manifesto – the world geography was being prepared for publication. Like most of Lazăr’s Nachlass, they have been lost after his death. The present article discusses all the available information about these books and attempts to identify their sources on the basis of contextual data. It also underlines Lazăr’s long lasting interest for the subject matter of geography, which has been neglected by both his biographers and the historiography of geographical studies in Romanian culture. My thesis is that it should be understood as part of Lazăr’s encyclopaedicism, another dimension of his intellectual formation and academic profile which has been neglected. The last section, which places Lazăr in the context of the geographical textbook production during his mature life and the decades following his death, shows that many other manuscript textbooks have met with the same fate: they failed to reach the printing press and – sooner or later – have been lost.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Nr. crt. Numele şi prenumele Anul de studii ObservaŃii
Revista de istorie și teorie literară, 2023
A lost manuscript book. The world geography copied by Sava Popovici from Rășinari (1785): The paper discusses a manuscript book – known in a copy made by the priest Sava Popovici (1735-1808) from Rășinari in the year 1785 –, which was described in 1912 and 1915. Its trace was completely lost afterwards and it attracted attention only once, in a marginal way. Our research has led to the identification of the original – a Russian introductory book for the students of the Saint Petersburg academic gymnasium – and to a plausible proposal for its anonymous author: the Prussian astronomer Christian Nicolaus von Winsheim (1694-1751), who was teaching after the famous schoolbook of Johann Hübner. We are also proposing the most probable author of the translation: the schoolmaster Radu Duma (174?-1791) from Brașov. Its final sections discuss the image of India as described in its chapter on Asia and, respectively, its probable use as a textbook in a number of schools from the South-Eastern part of Transylvania: Brașov, Rășinari, and Sibiu.
Vientos de guerra. Apogeo y crisis de la Real Armada, 1750-1823, J. Marchena y J. Cuño, (eds.), 3 vols. Sevilla, Editorial Doce Calles, 2018
Palgrave Communications, 2017
Lugares, Monumentos, Ancestros. Arqueologías de Paisajes Andinos y Lejanos, 2018
Resisting Domination in Palestine: Mechanisms and Techniques of Control, Coloniality and Settler Colonialism, 2024
"Isaiah’s Love Song: A Reading of Isa 5:1-7" in Close Readings: Biblical Poetry and the Task of Interpretation (eds. J. B. Couey and E. T. James; Cambridge: Cambridge University, 2018), 149-66
Sound Stage Screen, 2023
Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, 2019
Bulletin of Economic Theory and Analysis, 2021
Texas Heart Institute journal / from the Texas Heart Institute of St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Texas Children's Hospital, 2012
Strategies for Preventing Terrorism, 2013
Risk Management and Healthcare Policy
Focus on Health Professional Education: A Multi-Professional Journal
Electrochimica Acta, 2007
Tạp chí Khoa học và công nghệ nông nghiệp Trường Đại học Nông Lâm Huế