Systematically Testing a Real-Time
Operating System
Testing large and complex software is an inherently difficult process that must be as
systematic as possible to provide adequate reliability and quality assurance. This is
particularly true for a complex real-timeoperating system, in which an ad hoc testing
approach would certainly fail to afA+m the quality and correctness of the requirements
specification,design, and implementation.We discuss applying systematicstrategies to the
testing of real-timeoperatingsystem RTOS under development in the Esprit IIIproject8906
Manthos A. Tsoukarellas
Vasilis C. Gemgiannis
KoJtiS 0. Economides
Advanced Informatics Ltd.
oftware testing is one of the most significant activities in the software life
cycle and must affirm the quality of
requirements specification, design,
and implementation. A company developing software spends about 40 percent of a project’s cost
on testing activities.’ In exceptional cases, such as
safety-critical real-time software, the testing phase
may cost from three to five times as much as any
other phase of the software life cycle. Usually, testing begins early in the development process, as
test planning and specification overlap, to a certain degree, with requirements specification.
Testing activities demonstrate that software is
consistent with its specifications. Therefore, as
test results accumulate, evidence indicating the
level of software quality and reliability emerges.
In particular, if testing often detects important
errors, the software’s quality and reliability are
probably inadequate and further testing is
required. On the other hand, if the discovered
errors are minor and easily correctable, then
either the level of software quality and reliability is acceptable, or the executed tests are inadequate to reveal software errors. Testing can never
assure that a program is correct because undetected errors may exist even after the most extensive testing. Therefore, the common view that a
successful test is one that reveals no errors is
incorrect, as the following general testing goals
Testing is the process of executing a program with the intent of finding errors.
A good test case has a high probability of
finding an undiscovered error.
A successful test uncovers an undiscovered
Aspects of general testing strategies and techniques also apply to real-time software.
However, additional requirements and difficulties characterize an effective testing process for
real-time software, especially real-time operating systems (RTOSs), for several reasons:*.:
The software contains several modules and
decision statements.
Many modules use the same resources
The same sequence of test cases may produce different outputs, depending on when
the test is performed.
System errors may be time dependent, only
arising when the system and controlled
environment are in a particular state that
may be impossible to reproduce.
Finally, reliability, schedule, and performance requirements are usually more critical than those for non-real-time software.
This article focuses on a well-established
methodology to test the functional behavior of
0272-1732/95/$04.00 8 1995 IEEE
an actual RTOS. The system is being developed as part of
the ESPRIT 111 project 8906 OMI/CLEAR (Open
Microprocessor Systems Initiative/Components and Libraries
for Embedded Applications in Real-time).6CLEAR RTOS is a
scalable executive for embedded applications. It supports
multiple configuration levels (from hardware and basic VO
services to higher level ones) to establish the correct balance
between efficiency (performance/size) and required services.
The strategyfollowed for testing CLEAR RTOS is systematic
and includes individual function, module, and bottom-up
integration testing, using both black-box and white-box disciplines. We chose this approach because not all modules are
available from the beginning of testing activities. A systematic way to determine test cases satisfies the requirement for
low redundancy (in test cases selection) and high reliability
(in test results). In addition, this method incorporates oftenused coverage criteria and software complexity metrics.
Issues related to RTOS timing behavior (schedule analysis and performance testing) are beyond the scope of this
article. However, Gerogiannis and Tsoukarellas discuss such
Software testing techniques
We base testing specificationon methods that guide testers
to follow a systematic approach. These methods provide criteria for determining appropriate test cases, to ensure test
completeness and guarantee a high probability of discovering software errors. Using these methods, we derive test
cases from specifications or by code examination. The test
methods corresponding to these approaches are known as
black- and white-box testing (see the box, next page).
Software testing strategies
These problems motivated the strategy adopted in the
OMKLEAR project, in which two independent groups perform development and test. The groups cooperate closely
to achieve a highquality final product. In general, the
OMVCLEAR project’stesting strategy consists of three phases: individual function, module, and integration testing!
Individual function testing. This strategy focuses on
each individual function. Testing a function in an isolated
manner means that we do not attribute operations performed
by calling other functions to the function under test. In this
case, the description of the calling function should identlfy
the called functions. In the beginnirg, we apply the blackbox technique to test each function’s interface according to
the corresponding inpuUoutput specifications. Afterwards,
we apply the white-box method to test the paths in the function’s source code. During this phase, drivers and/or stubs
may have to be constructed for each individual function test.
A driver accepts the test case data as input and passes it to
the function. A stub, which we place in the code because
some functions are not yet available, simulates functions that
are immediately subsequent (lower level) in the control flow
to the tested function.
Module testing. Next, we combine the already tested
functions to compose modules (tightly coupled functions),
using either the top-down or bottom-up method. These two
approaches (described in the following Integration testing
section) apply to module testing if we exchange the term
function for module, and module synthesis for integration
process. That is, the integration of functions into modules is
similar in concept to the integration of modules into larger
ones to construct the entire program.
In module, and subsequently, integration testing, we use
the black-box technique because the main purpose of module and integration testing is to uncover interfacing errors.’
In addition, the code to be tested tends to be very large as
we form and integrate modules, so white-box testing
becomes extremely complicated.
The essential difference between testing the individual
function and testing the module of a function that calls other
functions is that in the first strategy, testing extends only to
the calls to other functions; it does not account for the operation of those functions. On the other hand, the second strategy checks the module as a whole, all the way to the
operations performed by the called functions.
Integration testing. Third, we integrate the already tested modules into larger ones. There are two approaches to
merging modules during this phase: nonincremental and
The nonincremental or “big bang” approach tests a program by testing modules independently and then combines
all the modules together to test the program as a whole. This
approach does not facilitate revisions since we cannot easily isolate errors.
A strategy for software testing incorporates a set of activ-
ities organized into a well-planned sequence of steps that
finally affirms software quality. The initial important decision in the process is determining who will perform testing.
Pressmarl’ discusses the various inherent problems associated with allowing software developers to test the product.
From a psychological point of view, software analysis,
design (along with coding) are constructive tasks.
However, when testing commences there is a subtle,
yet definite, attempt to ‘break what the software engineer has built. From the point of view of the builder,
testing can be considered destructive. So, the builder
designs tests that will demonstrate that the program
works. The role of an independent test group (ITG) is
to remove the inherent problems associated with letting the builder test his own product. However, the
developer and the ITG have to work closely throughout a software project to ensure that thorough tests
will be conducted.
October1995 51
Black-box (Functional) testing does not consider the
internal structure and behavior of the prosramp but examines only its input-output behavior. Black-box testing
methods are based on the functional requirements specification of the software and determine whether the software behaves as specitled. We construct test &ta fiom the
specifications and, in general, there are three methods for
deriving the appropriate test cases.
The equivalence partitioning method divides the input
space of a program into equivalence classes to minimize
the number of possible test cases.Test cases are considered adequate even when choosing only one value from
each class, since all the values of a class exercise the same
hnctionalities and are considered equivalent. A good test
case reveals a class of errors that might otherwise require
execution of many cases before observing the general
error. Therefore, this method achieves a low level of d u n dancy in test case selection.
Boundary value analysiscomplements equivalence partitioning and leads to the selection of test cases that exarise
boundary values; that is, values on and near the boundaries
of input equivalence classes. h many cases. thesevalues are
responsible for emneow program behavior.
Random testing selects test cades either randomly or by
sampling the distribution of all possible input values. It is
usually used during the final testing stages.
White-box (structural) testing examines the program
structure and derives test cases from program logic.’ We
observe the procedural detail closely and test logd+aths
(decisions and loops, for example) throughoutthe sdiwmz.
Unlike black-box testing, which identifies mostly interfirr
errors, white-box testing produces test casesthat guaranoe
A flow graph depicfs all theoretically possible paths in the
program, even if some of them cannot be traversed
b u s e of the specific combinations of conditions in the
decision statements.
A flow graph consists of a single start node and one or
more end nodes. Any other node lies on at least one path
between the start node and at least one end node. A flow
graph Mers from a standard low-level flowchart in that it
emphasizes decision and branch statements as the graph
nodes--the critical points in a program’s control logic.
White-box testing determines a h t e number of paths
(white-bax test cases). Aftetwards, the successfulexecution
of h s e paths accordmg to the appropriate test inputs d
c~mrtheflawgraph. It is important to detffmine the degree
ofgnph coverage that ahcts the global testing coverage.
Whitebox testing “ d o l o g y consists of four phases.
First, we construct the flow graph directly from the
s~llcecode. secorpd,we’select a finite set of paths of the
flowgraph accordingto one or more coverage criteria. The
most commonones (hwn the weakest to the strongest) are
Statement coverage requires all statements in the
graph to be execut$ at least once.
* Node coverage requires the test to encounter all decision node entry points.
Branch coverage requires the t e s to encounter all exit
branches of each decision node. This criterion is con-
traversal of all independent paths within a module at
least once;
exercise of all logical decisions on their true and false
execution of all lqps at their boundaries and within
their operational bounds; and
exercise of internal data structures.
The flow graph’” is a common graphical representation
of the control flow. A flow graph consistsof nodes representing one or more program statcmentd that execute in
sequences and arcs (called edges) that repexmt the flow
of control. These edges are analogous to flow chart 111~ws.
The incremental approach tests a module in combination
with the set of previously tested ones. This constructs and
tests the final program incrementally and systematically.Such
sidered to provide the lowest acceptable confidence
level for the white-box approach. It includes the previous two criteria, since it reqyires executing every
statement and encountering every node by exercising each branch in a program.
Path coverage requires all possible paths to be executed. This is the strongest but least practical criterion since the combination of all indi+idual paths
increases exponentially with the number of decision
statements. In addition, infinite loops make the number of possible paths unbounded, so the method considers equivalent all paths that differ only in the
number of loops.
Third, we generate test cases.This is the most compIicat& phase and concerns the determination of the test
inputs that awe execution ofthe previously selected paths.
we execute the program using the test cases‘- compare the actual output to the expected (specified) output.
an approach emphasizes testing the interfaces among the
combined modules. The main incremental-integration
approaches are top down and bottom up.
Top down. We integrate modules by moving downward
through the control hierarchy, beginning with the main control module (main program). The integration process takes
five steps:
Host, target and bahavioral testing
1. We use the main control module as a test driver and
substitute stubs for all modules directly subordinate to
the main control module.
2. Depending on the integration approach selected (that is,
depth or breadth first), we replace subordinate stubs
one at a time with actual modules.
3. We conduct testing.
4. After completing each set of tests, a real module replaces
another stub.
5 . Testing continues with regression testing (that is, conducting all or some of the previous tests) to ensure that
the testing process has not introduced new errors.
The process continues from step 2 until we have built the
entire program structure. This strategy should be used with
top-down design. Strict top-down testing can be difficult
because it may be virtually impossible to produce a program
stub that accurately simulates a complex function.
Bottom up. This method involves testing modules starting
at the lower levels of modules and moving upward in the
hierarchy.As we integrate modules from the bottom up, processing required for modules subordinate to a given level is
always available, eliminating the need for stubs. On the other
hand, we must construct drivers to present lower level modules with appropriate input. Bottom-up integration calls for
1. combining low-level modules into clusters that perform
a specific software subfunction;
2. writing a driver to coordinate test case input and output;
3. conducting cluster testing; and
4. removing the drivers and then moving upward in the
program structure (by combining clusters).
The advantages of top-down testing constitute the disadvantages of bottom-up testing and vice versa. In general, the
lack of stubs in bottom-up testing makes test case design
We discuss other aspects of real-time softwaretesting in the
Host, target, and behavioral testing box.
CLEAR RTOS description
Usually. real-time software testing involves host and
target computem." The latter is the real-time system controlling the activities of an ongoing process, while the
former constructs programs for the target and is usually a commerciallyavailable computer. Such a computer
usually contains a cross compiler and/or cross assembler, a linking loader for the target, and an instruction
level simulator.The characteristic phases of typical realtime software testing are host and target testing.
Host testing's goal is to meal error^ in software modules. Most of the techniques we b e for testing on a host
computer are the same as for non-real-time applications.
The full systemis rarelytestedon the host, as wecandiscover only logical, and not timing,errors. A n instruction
level simulator may detect some target-dependent errors
and errors in support software (for example, in the compiler t a r g e t d e generator or assembler) on the host.
In target testing, we conduct individual function testing first, followed by module and integration testing,
which is sometimes performed using an environment
simulator to drive the target computer. An environment
simulator is an automated replication of the external system world and is of most use Ih testing real-time applications in which a specific environment exists and has
been specified.
A commonly used practice in testing a real-time system is to examine the system's reaction to a single event
(behavioral testmg). Mer testing a slngle execution path,
we can then introduce multiple events of the same dass
without introducing events of any other class. The
process continues to test a single class at a time, and
then progresses to more than one class of events occurring simultaneously,in random order and with random
frequency. At this stage, we should introduce new event
tests gradually so that we may localize system errors.
To describe the basic characteristics of CLEAR RTOS,6 we
first logically divide the system into two parts:
The high-level part is independent of underlying hardware and consists of two layers (system calls, which are
accessible by the user, and internal functions).
Applications may interact with RTOS through different
profiles, according to specific required services and size
limitations. These profiles are the basic system and
Posix-compliant profiles.12(Posix refers to IEEE Std
1003.1, Portable Operating System Interface for
Computer Environments.)
The common, low-level part consists of hardwaredependent functions on which we can implement the
high-level machine-independent ones as a library.
This scheme allows RTOS to run over a variety of processors
as only the common low-level functions have to be ported to
each target. Example processos are the m 6 , ARM (Advanced
RISC Machines) Limited's general-purpose, 32-bit RISC micrcprocessor, and SGS-Thomson's Sl-9, a 8416-bit microcontroller.
October 1995 53
The architecture of the OMVCLEAR real-time libraries supports two execution modes: urcer modeswhich does not
allow access to the hardware, protected memory areas, or
registers; and system or supervisor mode, which the system
uses to perform all crucial operations.In the double-execution mode,tasks are only allowed to access the system in a
controlled way through a system call, which involves a trap,
a change in the processor’s priority, and a stack switch. This
method increases system security but affects execution
speed. On the other hand, application programmers may
select a single-mode scheme in which all parts of the application (even system-independent ones) execute in system
Finally, RTOS offers a variety of services for scheduling
(including conventional, real-time, priority-based, and preemptive scheduling algorithms such as FIFO, round robin,
and rate monotonic), task management, synchronization
(using semaphores or events), memory management, intertask communication (via signals or ports), input/output, and
interrupt handling, to name a few.
Each group of services supports different configuration
levels, which allows the user to customize services and avoid
wasting space and time, as the system does not allocate
memory or link code for unwanted resources. For example,
if an application does not require buffer pools, selecting the
corresponding configuration level and rebuilding the system
will exclude all code related to buffer pools. Users can follow the same procedure to select scheduling services; five
configuration levels are available:
JumpStart development environment). We have also tested
the Posix functions on a DOS-based host wider simukttion,
as the S T 9 was unavailable at the time of test. As a result, we
have not tested certain Posix and common low-level functions specific to the ST9.
The checklists we produced contain explicit references to
different configuration levels and options with different
expected program behaviors only when the specifications
contain such references. In all other cases, we selected the
most complete system configuration to test all of the source
code applicable to the ARM6 target processor. In the sourcecode listings for the white-box tests; boxes enclose sections
of code corresponding to a particular configuration option.
The strategy for testing CLEAR RTOS includes individual
(unit) function testing, as well as incremental bottom-up
module and integration testing. We first identlfy all functionalities from the specificationsand form checklists,b.8then
classlfy each function and consequ.ently all its functionalities
into one of the following functional areas: system management, scheduler, task management, interrupts, memory
management, semaphores (Posix mutual-exclusion mechanisms), message queues (Posix mailboxes), input/output,
time management, signals, or events.
Module and integration testing~followstest case design
and the individual testing of each function. Every module is
integrated into the system when ready. Meanwhile, a module’s functionalities (if needed) are temporarily replaced by
an appropriate stub or driver to ensure correct coordination
among modules. Our method adopts an incremental bottom-up approach because the development is bottom-up,
from low- to high-level parts, and testing and development
activities must proceed, to a certain degree, in parallel. This
strategy makes test case design easier and finds errors in critical modules earlier.
We have not considered the pure top-down approach suitable since our project’s timing constraints require proving
the feasibility and practicality of the most critical modules
(the scheduler, for example) early. Sometimes, a lower level
module is not available when we are testing higher level
ones that need it. This is why we use a modified bottom-up
technique, when deemed necessary, to minimize delays.
Our method treats every function of RTOS as a black box.
Thus, its aims,are to construct tests for each independent entity according to its specifications and determine whether the
inputloutput behavior of each function meets its specifications. Black-box testing alludes to tests we conduct at each
function interface, and demonstrates that all functions are
operational (meaning that input is pioperly accepted, and
output, both in the form of actual returned values and side
effects, is produced correctly). A point of interest in blackbox tests of individual functions is that many RTOS functions
perform certain operations not by themselves, but by calling
other functions. This stems from the highly modular nature
Explicit scheduling-The running task explicitly reactivates another task. This option does not support the system clock.
Priority scheduling-The scheduler works on a priority basis, handling tasks residing in multiple priority
queues, and is activated by explicit calls to resume and
suspend. This option also does not support the system
Complete scheduler-This option supports a complete
time slicing and round-robin scheme.
Special behaviors--Users can dynamically define scheduling policies, even on a per-task basis (preemption can
be disabled, for example).
Task accounting-An accounting mechanism traces the
number of times a task has been scheduled and the
number of clock ticks it has been running
RTOS testing methodology
Our methodology uses the single-mode scheme to allow
direct access to the whole system. Tests cover the basic system and common low-level functions on both the ARM6 and
a DOS-based host computer (using the emulator from the
54 IEEEMicro
of RTOS, which is necessary to provide added flexibility and
suppofi for multiple targets. As a result, we have to enhance
the aforementioned generic definition of a function’s interface to address this type of function. So,the presence of function calls in black-box individual function tests is justified.
For white-box testing, we selected the branch coverage
criterion to handle the size and complexity of RTOS. Ideally,
we would use the white-box approach to test both individual functions and modules. However, as modules get more
complex, white-box testing becomes impractical because it
requires defining all logical paths inside each function, exercising them, and evaluating the results. So the white-box
technique is only for the individual function tests of all basic
system, Posix, and common low-level functions (except
those coded in assembly language).
We perform the test of each individual function or module both positively (testing on normal inputs) and negatively (testing the system’s reaction to abnormal inputs).
Furthermore, if we can identify input cases not reported in
the specifications, we design unspecified test cases.
For unspecified test cases, we should make a distinction
between system calls and internal (kernel) functions, as there
is a different approach between the design and testing points
of view. Although it may be a design decision that RTOS performs no parameter checking for internal functions, it is important for testing to remain consistent and exercise every function
using incorrect input, including functions that the user may
not directly call. It is safer to check each function independently, without making any assumptions as to whether it is
called by another function with correct or incorrect parameters. Bearing this in mind, the unspecified test cases for internal functions do not infer an omission by the design group,
but only reflect a design decision. Therefore, we should dis-
Table 1. Checklist for sys-create-semaphore function.
If count is illegal, set error-number t o
BAD-ARGUMENT-1 and return
Get the index of the first free entry. If no
semaphore is currently available, set
error-number t o
Save the index of the next free semaphore.
Initializethe semaphore counter with count.
Mark the semaphore table entry as used by
a user semaphore and return its
identification number.
tinguish these two categories of unspecified test cases.
Thus, a carefully selected and systematic combination of
black- and white-box testing maximizes test coverage while
keeping test complexity at an acceptable level.
Examples of individual function testing
We present examples of both black- and white-box individual function tests of the same function (sys-create-semaphore). These examples show that the methods discussed
earlier are not alternative ones, but investigate different
aspects of the tested function.
Black-box testing. To test each function, we construct a
checklist and test specification table (see examples in Tables
1 and 2). The checklist contains the function operation, iden-
Table 2. Black-boxtest specificationtable for sys-create-semaphore function.
Given input
Count = -32768/-1
Count = 0/32767
(no free semaphore slots)
Count = 0/32767
(free semaphore slots,
first free semaphore id = 5)
Expected output
(error-number should .
change to
(error-number should
change t o
(created semaphore’s counter
should be set to count; the
semaphore should be
marked as user semaphore)
Actual output
OWnot OK
(error-number has changed
(error-number has changed
(created semaphore’s counter
has been set to 0/32767;
the semaphore has been
marked as user semaphore)
October1995 55
tification, arguments, return value, and a table of functionalities (functionality numbers and descriptions). The test
specification table lists tested functionalities, given input,
type (positive, negative, or unspecified), expected output,
real output, OK or not OK.
An actual test, which is represented by a row in the test specification table, proceeds as follows: We examine the function’s
operation with the given input. Whatever is found in parentheses in the given input column corresponds not to an actual argument of the function, but to either a variable or a
condition that affects the functionalities under test. Thus, its
definition is necessary for test execution. The equivalencepartitioning approach has identified two equivalence classes for the input argument count, one in which count is
greater or equal to zero and one in which it is negative. Since
count is an integer (and represented by 2 bytes), the first
equivalence class ranges from 0 to 32,767 and the second
from -32,768 to -1. In these ranges, we selected the two
boundary values (instead of using random ones) to account
for the boundary value analysis complement to the equivalence-partitioningapproach.
The expected-outputcolumn presents the expected results
sys-create-semaphore(int count)
of the function’sexecution with the given input. These results
consist of the function’s return values (if any) plus certain
actions (enclosed in parentheses) that have taken effect. The
table does not present variables appearing inside the funcset-error(BAD-ARGUMENT-1);
tion’s code because the black-box approach does not conreturn SYSTEM-ERROR;
sider them. However, a variable. altered by side effects,
according to the specifications, may appear in parentheses
(as it is not an actual return value). The examples in Tables
1 and 2 show that black-box testing cannot check the third
set-error(N0-MORESEMAPHORES); 4
functionality “save the index of the next free semaphore,”
since variables inside the function code are not monitored.
Function sys-create-semaphore creates a semaphore. The
argument count represents the semaphore counter, and the
semaphores [index].counter= count;
semaphores [indexlstate = USER-SEMAPHORE;
function returns either the semaphore identification number
return index;
or SYSTEM-ERROR if the creation fails.
White-boxtesting. In white-box testing, the only difference in the structure of the test specification table is in the first
Figure 1. Source code for sys-create-semaphore.
column, now called tested paths because the focus is on exercising control-flow paths instead of specific functionalities.In
addition. the contents of such a table differ because we must
observe all variables inside the function’s code and the table must present
their values. From the function’s
source code (Figure 1) we construct
the correspondingflow graph (Figure
2). Next, we select the test paths
according to the branch coverage criterion. In this simple example, the
selected paths are actually all possible ones. We monitored the execution of the function on the test cases
using the ARM6 debugger to deterset-enor (NO-MORE-SEMAPHORES);
mine the exact path traversed.
We used the McCabe metric v
measure) to determine
firs-semaphore = semaphores[index].counter;
RTOS complexity and consequently
semaphores[index].counter= count;
semaphores[index].state = USER-SEMAPHORE;
the complexity of testing? The metric’s
return index;
formisv(f3 = d+ 1,where Fisthe p n
gram’s flow graph and dis the number
of binary decision nodes in F. This
Figure 2. Flow graph for sys-create-semaphore.
measure is an upper bound on the
56 /€€€Micro
Table 3. White-box test specification table for sysrreate-semaphore function.
Given input
Count = -3276W-1
Count = 1132767
(no free semaphore slots)
Count = 1132767
(free semaphore slots;
first free semaphore id = 5)
Expected output
(*error-pointer t
(*error-pointer t
(semaphores[5].counter t
(first-semaphore t 6)
(semaphores [5].state t
Actual output
OWnot OK
(*error-pointer =
(*error-pointer =
(semaphores [5].counter =
(first-semaphore = 6)
(semaphores [5].state =
number of paths (that is, white-box
test cases) and satisfies the branch
coverage criterion. The cyclomatic
complexity metric of the following
example, according to the above definition, is v ( F ) = 3. So, the maximum
number of paths to examine is 3.
Table 3 demonstrates that whitesys-suspend-task()
box testing provides different results
for variables inside each function,
such as the variable first-semaphore,
which corresponds to the third functionality of the Table 1 checklist.
We perform module and integration
testing in an analogous way using the
black-box technique. Although the
tables are larger, the test table structure
remains the same, since each module
consists of several functions. We consys-sleep-tas k()
sider functions to form a level when
called by other functions. An RTOS
characteristic that affects module and
integration testing is that even the
largest modules are not more than four Figure 3. Task state diagram.
levels deep, while most of them are
only two to three levels deep. In fact,
functions that call other functions form all of the modules. As a
not matter what the specific tasks are or their priorities, as
result, the module test of the function at the top of a module
long as task 2’s priority is greater than task 1’s.This is because
may appear,at first, quite similar to the function’sindividual test.
all these events belong to the same class.
As we discussed earlier, this is not true.
Figure 3 shows the possible states of a task in RTOS, as
well as the system calls used for the transitions between
Behavioral testing example
states. We describe the expected behavior of RTOS as a conIn a typical class of events, a new task with a higher prisequence of this event in Figure 4 (next page). We must introority (task 2) may preempt an earlier one (task 1). It does
duce the event to test whether RTOS reacts as expected and
mind that all errors are not of the
same importance. The following
tables and graphs present the cumulative results of testing for the total
number of functions, functionalities,
and paths tested. Of the functions we
tested, 18 percent were low-level
functions, 30 percent Posix support,
and 52 percent basic system. Table 4
presents the results of RTOS testing.
Figure 5a shows the testing results
for the number of tested functions.
We considered a function not OK
even when one of its functionalities
or paths is not performed correctly.
Figure 5b presents the results of
Table 4. Results of CLEAR RTOS software tests.
testing black-box functionalities.The
functionality types (positive or negBasic
Lowative) are' in parentheses.
Figure 5c presents the outcome of
black-box test cases. These results
All functions
are not the same as in Figure 5b, as
we test certain black-box functional10
Not OK
ities in more than one test case.
Figure 5d presents the results of
testing white-box functionalities.
These functionalities differ from
Black-box functionalities
black-box ones in that they considNot OK
6(1P, 5N)
er the internal operation of each
2 (2P)
56 (12P, 44N)
48 (9P, 39N)
21 5
function and thus are more detailed
and greater in number.
Black-box test cases
Finally, Figure 5e shows the results
227 (94P, 133N)
86(58P, 28N)
18(18P) 331 (170P, 161N)
of executing white-box test cases, in
Not OK
6(1P, 5N)
2 (2P)
60 (15P, 45N)
which each test case corresponds to
52 (12P, 40N)
a different path. The test cases must
exercise at least all the paths'accordWhite-box functionalities
ing to the selected coverage criterion
(branch coverage), and in simple
cases we selected all possible paths,
Not OK
1 (IP)
lO(9P, 1N)
according to the most-complete path
coverage criterion.
White-box test cases
In individual function testing, the
243(126P, 117N) 115(76P,39N) 12(12P) 370(126P, 50N)
average value of the McCabe metric
Not OK
16(11P, 5N)
we have encountered is about 5,
1 (1P)
12(llP, 1N)
while its maximum value is 10.
These values reveal only part of the
effort devoted to testing activities,
then use the U 6 debugger to monitor the actual behavior
and we must consider the total si& of the tested code (in
of RTOS, as in white-box testing.
this example, 720 Kbytes of C source code).
In general, discovering few errors does not imply inadeResults
quate testing, but just that CLEAR RTOS runtime is very staThe test result assessment provides evidence of the softble. This is especially true of its basic system profile, because
ware's quality and reliability. Of course, we should bear in
we can identfy most of the discovered errors as specification
58 IEEE Micro
rather than inipleinentation error.
Nor does this fact imply that the
Posix code is of lower quality. We
tested early versions of Posix functions, and certain argument checks.
although specified, had not been
implemented.'1The low percentage of
erroneous white-box test cases
(Figure Se) supports the quality of
Posix code. White-box test cases are
tiased on coded operations rather
than on those that are specified hut
unimplemented. In addition. the code
structure was not final l~ecausethere
is the option of omitting certain functions to save space.
Low level
An independent group should
Low level
is an ongoing
activity, and we will present a more
complete evaluation soon. Until now.
experience from the application of
our testing methodology confirms
some general assertions:
No. of functions (percentage)
NO.of functionalities
Low level
No. of test cases (percentage)
perform testing since it is not
Low level
Low level
easy for the development group
to perform objective and highly
error-revealing tests.
NO.of functionalities
No. of test cases (percentage)
A method should use both black(d)
and arhite-box techniques, at
least in the unit testing phase.
since they reveal different kinds Figure 5. Graphical representation of results in Table 4: all functions (a), btackbox functionalities (b), black-box test cases (c), white-box functionalities (d) , and
o f errors.
We should give special emphasis white-box test cases (e).
to selecting the appropriate coverage criterion. which assures an
projects in Lvhich several partners rely on each other's results
adequate confidence l e ~ while
~ l limiting testing effort
and time constraints are strict. P
to an acceptable level.
Following an incremental tmtton-up integration stfateAcknowledgments
gy is best. since the deveIopment phase is also ImttoniThis project received 50 percent o f its funds from the
up and proceeds in parallel with testing.
Commission of the European Union.
A test strategy also requires behavioral testing to exmiine a real-time operating system's reaction to events
from as many event classes as possible.
Finally. following a systernatic testing approach not only
ensures a predefined reliability level, but also permits the
best possible organization of work from the project management point of view. This is particularly important for large
R.S. Pressman,Software Engineering:A Practitioner'sApproach,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1992
2. R S. Freedman, "Testability of Software Components," I€€€
Trans. Software Eng., Vol. 17, No. 6, June 1991, pp. 553-564.
October 1995 59
3. G.J. Myers, TbeArtof Software Testing, John Wiley & Sons, New
York, 1979.
4. I.Sommerville, Software Engineering,Addison-Wesley, Reading,
Mass., 1992
5. 1.A Wise, V D. Hopkin, and P. Stager, eds., "Verification and
Validationof Complex Systems: Human Factor Issues," NATOAS1
Series F, Vol. 110. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1993.
6. C. Farris and P. Petit, "Final Specification for the Real Time
Runtime Support for Deeply Embedded Applications," Esprit
Project 8906-OMIKLEAR, Tech. Report 4.1.2-01, Etnoteam
S p A., Milan, Italy, Dec. 30, 1994.
7. V.C. Gerogiannisand M.A. Tsoukarellas, "SAT-A Schedulability
Analysis Tool for Real-Time Applications," Proc. Seventh
Euromicro Workshop on Real-Time Systems, IEEE Computer
Society Press, Los Alamitos, Calif, 1995, pp. 155-159.
8 R.A. DeMillo et al., Software Testing and Evaluation,
Benjamin/CummingsPublishing Company, Reading, Mass., 1987.
9. J.P. Myers, Jr., "The Complexity of Software Testing," Software
EngineeringJ., Jan 1992, pp. 13-24.
10. V.C. Gerogiannis, K.D. Economides, and M.A. Tsoukarellas,
"Runtime Validation Report," Esprit Project 8906-OMVCLEAR,
Tech. Report 6.1.1 -01, Advanced InformaticsLtd., Patras, Greece,
June 29, 1995.
11 R.L. Glass, "Real-Time: The Lost World of Software Debugging
and Testing," Comm ACM, Vol 23, No.5, May 1980, pp. 264271.
12. /E€€ Std 1003 1b-1993, Standards for InformationTecbnologyPortableOperatingSystem Interface (POsixkPart I : Application
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Manthos A. Tsoukarellas is a professor
of informatics at the Patras and Mesologi
Technological Education Institute in
Greece. He is also founder, president, and
executive director of Advanced Ipformatics Ltd. His research interests include the
monitoring and performance evaluation
of real-time systems.
Tsoukarellas served as an evaluator of the Esprit proposals for the European Commission and has been involved in
several Esprit projects.
Vasllps C. Gtpo$lbaLds is a PhD student
at W U m &f W a n d also works
for Advanced *-I
SLtd. Specifica-
tion mechanism for real-time systems,
real-time scheduling, and software testing are his special interests.
Gerogiannis holds an MS in computer
nformatics from the University of Patras.
Kostis D. Economides is currently with
Advanced Informatics Ltd., where he is
responsible f o r b e Esprit I11 OMI/CLEAR
project's testing activities. His current
research interests include software testing, broadband networks, and networking interconnectivity.
Economides graduated from thqJJniversity of Patras, with
a BS in computer engineering and informatics.
Direct questions concerning this article to Manthos A.
Tsoukarellas, Advanced Informatics Ltd., 35 Gounari Ave.,
26221 Patras, Greece;
[email protected].
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