Chapter 14
The State of Open and Distance
Adnan Qayyum and Olaf Zawacki-Richter
This book is the second of two volumes. However, these books do not represent
an exhaustive portrait of the state of open and distance education (ODE) in the
world. Important ODE developments in Indonesia, France, Spain, Mexico, Argentina,
Nigeria, Tanzania and many other countries are not covered. However, Australia,
Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, India, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey,
United Kingdom, and the United States represent 51% of the world’s population.
As such, the two volumes about these 12 countries provide a portrait of open and
distance education in a large part of the world today. The books also provide an
opportunity to compare the trends, challenges and opportunities in ODE based on
common points of reference (Raivola, 1985). In this chapter, we compare and analyze
ODE enrollments, the relationship of ODE to higher education systems, the growing
competition within ODE, the acceptance of ODE, the use of ICTs, and important
barriers, challenges and opportunities in these twelve countries.
Growing Enrollments
The overall trend is one of continued growth in ODE enrollments for higher education
students. Based on the data provided by the authors, there are over 23 million higher
education students taking a distance education course from institutions in the twelve
countries (see Table 14.1). This is likely low calculation of total enrollments. It has
been hard to tally the precise number of students enrolled in ODE, as countries count
A. Qayyum (B)
Penn State University, State College, PA, United States
[email protected]
O. Zawacki-Richter
Carl Von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany
[email protected]
© The Author(s) 2019
O. Zawacki-Richter and A. Qayyum (eds.), Open and Distance Education in Asia,
Africa and the Middle East, SpringerBriefs in Open and Distance Education,
Table 14.1 Enrollment in
open and distance education
A. Qayyum and O. Zawacki-Richter
Enrollment in ODE
South Africa
South Korea
United Kingdom
United States
a For
India as for other countries, there are different enrollment
numbers provided. The ones included here are a more
conservative calculation provided by the Government of India’s
post hoc five-year plan analysis
ODE differently. In Turkey, for example, there is precise data for open education
enrollments. Open education is mainly self-paced learning using educational media.
But open education is a specified, if dominant, form of DE in the country. However,
there is also DE in Turkey that is delivered via synchronous ICTs. In Australia and
the UK, the data does not consistently include ODE enrollments on conventional
campus-based institutions.
The year over year enrollments in distance education have been growing in most
countries. Enrollment has been growing most rapidly in emerging economies. In
Brazil, China, and Turkey, ODE enrollments have been increasing dramatically. In
Brazil, ODE enrollments grew at 63.8% per year from 2003 to 2009, before tempering
to average annual growth rate of 9.9% from 2009 to 2014. In China, ODE enrollments
have grown by an average of 8.8% per year from 2004 to 2016. In Turkey, open
education enrollments have grown by 20.1% from 2008 to 2014. In these countries,
ODE growth is important to meet the increased demand for education that is occurring
in tertiary education, and likely all levels of education.
There has been steady growth in ODE enrollments in Australia, Canada, Germany,
India and United States for many years. Demand for ODE is growing because of
conventional higher education students seeking more flexibility, and adult learners
regularly returning to higher education. In South Africa and South Korea enrollment
levels have been fluctuating. In South Africa, enrollments at the University of South
Africa, by far the biggest DE provider, have been mainly increasing for most of this
decade, with the exception of 2014. In South Korea, enrollment numbers have been
14 The State of Open and Distance Education
steady but flat for the past six years from the 17 cyber-universities, while enrollment
has been declining at the Korean National Open University.
ODE enrollment numbers have been declining for several years in Russia and
the United Kingdom, but for different reasons. Earlier in this book, Zawacki-Richter
et al., state that in Russia, ODE enrollments have bifurcated. Demand for online education is growing while demand for correspondence education is declining. Online
education includes e-learning, blended learning and flexible learning. It is called
distantsionnoe obrazovanie to distinguish modern ODE from correspondence education. The latter still connotes the Soviet system of DE and sometimes has a negative image. Educational institutions are growing their offerings distantsionnoe obrazovanie and moving away from correspondence education. Despite the growth in
distantsionnoe obrazovanie, the overall enrollments in all DE formats have been
declining in Russia. The substantial ongoing decrease in the country’s population
has resulted in less demand for education at all levels. Correspondence education
seems to be particularly affected by this population decline. In the United Kingdom,
a decrease in distance education enrollments is likely attributable to government economic austerity policies in 2011 and 2012 that resulted in increased fees for students
since 2012. Gaskell points out, in volume 1, that since those policies, fewer adult
students and part-time students, important ODE constituents, have been enrolling.
Across the world, there may be other cases like Russia and the UK. But overall, the
trend seems to be more ODE enrollment growth than decline.
ODE Growth as Part of Education Growth at All Levels
Education as a sector has seen increased demand for decades (see Fig. 14.1). In
primary, secondary and tertiary (or higher) education the number of people enrolled
has continued to increase for 50 years. This is due to several factors including: global
population growth (in 1965 the global population was 3.3 billion and by 2014 was 7.2
billion people); international efforts encouraging educational participation, like the
Millennium Development Goals in 2000 and Sustainable Development Goals from
2015; government educational policies; and a growing general belief that education
is important for the (knowledge) economy. However, tertiary education has been
growing especially quickly in the past twenty years.
In 1995, only 12.5% of students who finished primary education persisted to
higher education (see Table 14.2). Two decades later nearly 30% of people who
enroll in primary education enroll in higher education. It is not just that education
enrollments are growing but students in education are persisting to higher levels of
This has led to increased demand for higher education in countries. In 1992, five
countries had more than 50% of their student-aged population attending university.
By 2012, 54 countries had more than 50% of their student-aged population attending
university (The Economist, 2015). This does not include the demand for higher
education by adult learners. This global growth in tertiary education has put pressure
A. Qayyum and O. Zawacki-Richter
Number enrolled (in millions)
Fig. 14.1 Global gross education enrollment
Table 14.2 Gross education enrollment growth 1965–2014
to tertiary
to tertiary
Source Figures from, and calculations based on, UNESCO Statistical Yearbook 1979, 1998, 2016
14 The State of Open and Distance Education
on educational providers to keep pace with demand as more of the world wants to go
to university. DE is seen as a way to meet demand for higher education more quickly
while requiring less physical infrastructure and less cost. DE is growing perhaps as
an alternative to face-to-face education, but also because education as a whole is
growing. DE may have a bigger share of the education pie, but the pie itself is getting
Globally, enrollments in higher education have been growing faster than any other
level of education. From 1995 to 2014, enrollments have grown in primary education by 9.5%, in secondary education by 34.3% and in higher education by 60.9%
(UNESCO, 2016). This is partly because of the success of primary and secondary
education. For the past two decades, there has been a global push to have more
students enter and complete education (e.g. Universal Primary Education initiative,
the second goal in the United Nations Millennium Development Goal from the year
2000). This has led to an upward push in persistence, completion and demand in
education. As more people complete primary education, the demand for secondary
education and later tertiary education has increased. Combined with the growing economic and social importance of higher education credentials, demand is so robust,
many countries cannot build conventional tertiary education spaces quickly enough
to keep apace. In countries like China and India, distance education offerings are
expanding to meet this growing demand.
ODE as Part of Higher Education
It is not just the enrollment figures that matter. In several countries, ODE enrollments
are a sizable portion of higher education. Figure 14.2 indicates the percentage of
higher education students enrolled in open, online and distance education courses.
The percentage ranges from 5.5% of higher education students in Germany taking
ODE courses to nearly 50% of all higher education students in Russia taking ODE
courses. An average of 21.3% of higher education students were taking ODE courses
among the 12 countries.
On the demand side, these figures suggest that open and distance education is
increasingly a part of higher education in most countries. In Australia, Brazil, Canada,
China, India, Russia, South Africa, Turkey and the United States nearly one fifth or
more of all higher education students are taking some online or distance education
courses and programs. In the United States, the only growth in higher education
enrollments is due to growth in distance education enrollments. On the supply side,
distance education is not only being offered by open access, or low-selectivity institutions. In Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Russia, South Korea the United Kingdom
and the United States, high profile institutions are offering distance education. They
are providing distance education not only for adult learners, but for younger conventional higher education students wanting flexibility. Both from a student and
institutional perspective, distance education is increasingly seen as part of higher
A. Qayyum and O. Zawacki-Richter
Higher Education Students in ODE
South Africa
South Korea
United Kingdom
United States
Fig. 14.2 Percentage of higher education students taking open, online or distance education courses
The Ascendance of Online Education
The book chapters reveal that there is a substantial movement towards online education by ODE providers. This is not universal. Distance education is not the same
as online education. Forms of DE, other than online education, are still important.
One can draw a spectrum of the type of ICTs used to deliver ODE based on the
descriptions provide for each country in the books.
As Fig. 14.3 indicates, several countries like South Korea, Australia, Canada and
the United States have moved heavily into online education, almost to the exclusion
of correspondence education. Other countries like India, China and South Africa are
still strongly committed to correspondence education and the use of broadcast radio
and television for distance education. Some DE providers continue to be committed
to correspondence education not because they are opposed to online education or
because they are risk-averse. First, it is not feasible to move towards online, mobile
or other digital-based distance education delivery. Uneven access and use of the
internet persist, despite increased connectivity in most countries. As indicated in
Fig. 14.4, the internet is used regularly by nearly 80% of people in Europe and by
over 20% of people in Africa.1
1 For
details about definitions of internet use, developed and developing countries and methodologies for determining use see:
14 The State of Open and Distance Education
Fig. 14.3 Spectrum of ICT use for open and distance education, by country
On aggregate, nearly 84% of people in developed countries were using the internet
and 41% of people in developing countries were. Access to the internet varies in
important ways that make it a poor choice, and at times prohibitive, for distance
education provision in many countries.
Second, many ODE institutions have long running infrastructure that supports
correspondence and broadcast education. The challenge is how to decide what formats to use for course production and delivery when there are so much sunk costs for
existing formats. For example, the University of South Africa, the largest DE provider
in South Africa, has huge buildings for printing course materials. Any financial calculation about future programs needs to include these legacy infrastructures that
may make it more financially beneficial to continue with correspondence education.
But sunk costs are also an issue for online education. There is a prohibitive cost of
transferring to, for example, a new learning management system.
The Americas Arab States
CIS (former
Soviet states)
Fig. 14.4 Percentage of people using the internet. Source International Telecommunications Union
Facts and Figures (2016)
A. Qayyum and O. Zawacki-Richter
The Mainstreaming of Distance Education
With the advent of online education in particular, distance education programs have
more legitimacy from larger educational institutions, governments and employers. In
countries like Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom, a degree or diploma
or other credential does not indicate if it was done via distance education. This has
been the case for decades in some institutions. Increasingly, employers and other
educators recognize the parity of ODE, or at least do not diminish the legitimacy
of learning via distance education. There is no important economic opportunity
difference between getting a degree or diploma via ODE or on campus. The output
is the same. But the flexibility, time savings, and sometimes, costs savings, make
ODE the preferred option for many students. Indeed, in the United States, distance
education is seen to be adequately important that the National Center for Education
Statistics Integrated Postsecondary Education System is now collecting data about
it. This is not the case in all countries. In the United Kingdom and Australia, there is
increasing awareness that not tracking online enrollments and providers is a gap in
data. In most developed countries, distance education has become an important part
of higher education. DE has gained mainstream acceptance.
This is not universally the case. In India, it is still a struggle to get distance
education programs and degrees recognized as being of equal value as on-campus
programs and degrees. In India, this is expressed by Panda and Garg, in their chapter,
as concerns about “parity of esteem”. The esteem accorded distance education is not
on par with that of residential degrees. This view comes from government bodies like
the University Grants Commission, the Indian higher education regulator, that deems
DE lacks quality programs for both correspondence and online education. Since
2009, this regulator has banned M.Phil. and Ph.D. programs via distance learning.
Distance education providers in India have not been able to offer or grow their
graduate programs, programs that have proved very successful for distance education
providers in other countries. Kondakci, Bedenlier and Aydin state that in Turkey, there
is technically equality of status between open and distance education degrees, and
residential degrees. But most employers, especially in white-collar professions, still
give priority to conventional residential programs. DE programs still struggle with an
image of offering low-prestige degrees. Still, ODE is now an integral part of higher
education in most countries.
The Digital Transformation of Education
The growth of ODE enrollments, increased number of ODE providers, and growing
acceptance of ODE in most countries is part of a larger digital transformation of education. Certainly, in many countries, ODE growth is partly attributable to increased
persistence of students from primary and secondary onto tertiary education. However, in most countries, the growth of ODE is strongly connected to the growth of
14 The State of Open and Distance Education
online education. And online education is part of digital transformation of higher
To varying degrees, all countries are encountering social and economic change
due to digitization. In education, digitization has become a part of most educational
functions, especially in higher education (Altbach, Reisberg, & Rumbley, 2009).
Selwyn (2014) argues that most functions in tertiary educational institutions are
deeply digitized, including research (i.e. gathering, storing and analyzing research
data, writing and publishing reports and articles), administration (i.e. promotion and
marketing, registering, enrolling and managing students, etc.), libraries (i.e. online
journals and books) and, of course, communication among students, instructors,
administrators and researchers. Countries differ in how much education in general
and ODE in particularly have been changed by digitization. In some countries, the
digital transformation of higher education is well under way while other countries
are still early in their use of ICTs and its impact on higher education. The digital
transformation of education is strongest in South Korea, the United States, Canada,
Australia and the United Kingdom. Countries like India and South Africa are moving
in this direction at a slower pace, but definitely have increased digitization of educational processes. In China and Russia, there are concerted efforts by governments
and higher education institutions to digitize more educational functions, including
teaching. In all countries studied, the teaching function is not immune to the digitization of education. Teaching is increasingly digitized both for on-campus and
off-campus students. The growth of distance education is another instantiation of
digital processes and practices in education, manifest in the growth of online education. The growth and acceptance of distance education seems to be a symptom of
this digital transformation of all education.
Growing Competition in ODE
Competition for providing ODE has been growing. In most countries in the world,
an increasing number of institutions are providing online and distance education.
Provision of open and distance education courses and programs are available from
three major types of institutions: existing institutions, new dual-mode institutions,
and new institutions.
Institutions that have historically offered ODE are still important providers. In
most cases, they have been growing the number of programs and courses being
offered. In the Australia chapter in volume one for example, Latchem stated that
almost 75% of all online enrollments are from six universities: Central Queensland
University, Charles Sturt University, Deakin University in Melbourne, University of
New England, University of Southern Queensland, and the University of Tasmania.
In Turkey and South Africa, Anadalou University and UNISA, respectively, are by far
the largest providers of distance education. In India, open universities like the Indira
Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) and Yeshvantrao Chavan Maharashtra
Open University each have more than half a million students, while four other open
A. Qayyum and O. Zawacki-Richter
universities continue to be growing providers with well over 100,000 students each
(CEMCA, 2016).
However, more campus-based institutions are offering ODE, mainly as online
education. Over 80% of higher education institutions in Europe offer online courses
to distance students (Gaebel, Kupriyanova, Morais, & Colucci, 2014, p. 7). The
numbers are similar in the United States. Of the institutions with more than 1000
students, more than 80% of them offer distance education courses (Seaman, Allen,
& Seaman, 2018). In Canada and the United States, on-campus institutions are the
largest providers of distance education, in the form of online education. As Li and
Chen state earlier in this book, in China, high profile campus-based institutions
like Peking University, Nanjing University, Sun Yat-Sen University, Beijing Normal
University and the Harbin Institute of Technology all offer online education programs. Similarly, in South Africa, the University of Cape Town, which regularly
ranks first among universities in all of the African continent, has moved into offering
online distance education since 2014. For decades in Russia, most higher education
institutions have had distance education units, next to their “direct departments”,
historically offering correspondence courses. These universities are now some of the
main providers of online education. In India, while there are 15 open universities,
there are more than 100 dual mode universities, that offer on campus and distance
education. Distance education is firmly ensconced in an increasing number of conventional higher educational institutions. Indeed, the term “dual-mode” institutions
may now be unnecessary.
There are two major types of new institutions offering online and distance education: institutions created by universities, and institutions created by companies. The
emergence of online spin-off institutions, from existing higher education providers,
is likely most well known in the MOOC world, with Stanford University spin-offs
Coursera and Udacity, and EdX as an MIT initiative. However, it is not a recent or
MOOC idea. This practice has been occurring for decades. Lim, Lee and Choi inform
us in the South Korea chapter that cyber-universities were established after 2000 and
were accredited by South Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.
Cyber-universities are institutions providing online education that are affiliated with
a campus-based university. Most are administratively distinct from the campus-based
institutions but maintain ties, often being a subsidiary. For example, the Kyung Hee
Cyber University is independent but based on the Kyung Hee University in Seoul
which has been around since 1949. The Daegu Cyber University was established
in 2002 and has close ties with Daegu University, which has been around for over
60 years in Gyeongsang province. The Korea National Open University, the main
provider of distance education in the country, has seen enrollments affected by competition from the 17 cyber universities. As Table 14.3 indicates, their enrollments have
been increasing most years, while KNOU enrollments have been steadily decreasing
for several years.
Private companies are also institutions providing distance education. There are
private non-profit and private for-profit educational companies. Private universities
usually do not receive public funding from the government. While the University
of Phoenix is well known to many western audiences, it is certainly not the largest
14 The State of Open and Distance Education
Table 14.3 Student population of KNOU and cyber universities
Korea National
Open University
private provider of online and distance education courses. Litto states in volume 1
that private for-profit distance education provision is particularly important in Brazil.
In 2002, the Ministry of Education approved 25 institutions that were allowed to offer
distance education courses. Of these 25, 16 were public institutions and 9 were private
institutions. In 2012, 150 institutions that were allowed to offer DE courses –80 public
and 70 private. By 2016, 331 institutions were authorized to offer DE courses, 74
public and 257 private institutions. By 2016, public institutions constituted 22.4% of
all institutions offering DE in Brazil and 77.4% were private. This growth in private
providers of DE is reflected in the enrollment patterns. In 2009, public providers
had 20.6% of online and distance education enrollments. By 2014 they had 10.4%
of enrollments. Conversely, private institution enrollments grew from 79.4% of DE
students to 89.6% during that same time frame. The net effect is that competition
has increased substantially and enrollments in DE offerings from public institutions
are decreasing as a percentage of enrollments. Four groups, UNOPAR, Anhanguera,
Estácio, and UNIP (Universidade Paulista), have over half of all distance education
enrollments in Brazil. Private sector distance education enrollments make up nearly
90% of all DE enrollments, and the four major organizations constitute nearly 60%
of the private-sector distance education enrollments in Brazil. Even in Russia, there
are more students enrolled in correspondence courses from private institutions than
from state universities. Private educational institutions emerge and grow when they
are able to meet a demand that public institutions may not be able to.
All of these existing and new providers amount to increased competition in the
distance education sector. As enrollments have been growing for distance education
in most countries, so has the number of providers. The pie is getting larger and
there is more competition for it. However, the nature of the competition also matters.
High profile, prestigious, institutions are now offering online education like Beijing
Normal University in China, Lomonosov Moscow State University in Russia, the
University of Cape Town in South Africa, and some Ivy League institutions in the
United States like Columbia University and Harvard’s extension school. Existing
distance education providers now have to consider “brand” and institutional trust as
a part of the competitive landscape.
A. Qayyum and O. Zawacki-Richter
Meeting the Challenges for ODE
Past and current trends in ODE in the 12 countries analyzed indicate that enrollment
growth and digital changes in ODE will likely continue. Globally the appetite of
ODE is robust, as the demand and acceptance for distance education grows in most
countries. While the future of ODE seems strong, not all current providers of ODE
may have a future. The current changes are not inevitable and there are many important issues for countries and institutions to address, including competition, strategic
responses, and regulations.
The competition for ODE offerings is from current providers, new entrants, and
also possible substitutes from current offerings. In most countries, current providers
of ODE are visible or at least readily identifiable. Orr, Weller and Farrow (2017) identify three important dimensions of provision in online, open and flexible higher education by current providers: the delivery of learning, content development, and recognition of learning. Most existing ODE organizations are making ongoing changes to
their delivery formats in response to changes in demand, and the digital transformation of education. There are many examples of this in all of the 12 countries analyzed.
In Australia, for example, Latchem points out that the boundaries between conventional higher education and distance education are blurring. This is in response to a
common theme from all countries studied: the strong demand by students for more
flexibility because most students, not just conventional ODE students, want more
convenient and accessible offerings. This is increasingly achieved by offering more
blended formats of educational programs using digital technologies. This will likely
continue to be an expansion area from current providers of ODE.
Many educators seem to be fond of thinking of online education as having the
potential to be a “disruptive innovation”, based on Harvard University business professor Clayton Christensen’s work (2011). A disruptive innovation is an innovation
that disrupts and overtakes existing organizations and products. Indeed, Christensen
himself has written about online education, and been involved with online education
initiatives, in this vein. But current educational institutions providing ODE, need to
ask if they are the disruptors or the disrupted. In each country, there are new entrants
to ODE, both from within countries and, in some cases, international initiatives. In
many cases these new entrants are private for-profit educators or partnerships between
conventional educational organizations and private companies. As Li and Chen state,
Peking University has partnered with Alibaba Group, the largest e-commerce retailer
in the world to create Chinese MOOCs. FutureLearn is a for-profit division from the
UK Open University. They function as an international distance education provider
by partnering with “local” universities to deliver existing and new content in countries.
Increased competition is bringing not just more competitors but also more types of
distance education offerings. Among the most successful practices by ODE providers
is the provision of different types of credentials. While degrees are still the focus of
most institutions, many ODE providers are offering an increased number of certificates. These are often specializations in a subject area, but require far less course
14 The State of Open and Distance Education
work for students than a degree. Micro-credentials are also growing. The highest
profile online education micro-credentials are the ones offered by MOOCs. These
include badges, statements of accomplishments, and verified certificates. They are
often competency-based assessments of learning. Credentials other than degrees are
promising for many ODE audiences as they require less time and financial commitment. In some countries, such as teacher training certificates for in-service teachers
in Brazil, these certificates have educational and economic value for students.
All types of ODE providers, current and new, are subject to government regulations
to varying degrees. In Brazil, all distance education courses must be approved by
the Ministry of Education. The documents submitted for approval are used to assess:
the curriculum, student admission numbers and student selection policy, ongoing
student evaluation, attendance control, qualifications of the teaching staff, library and
laboratory facilities, and partnerships with other groups. These have to be approved
every five years. In China, government regulations are administered by different
levels of national and local educational authorities, and include access regulations,
price regulations, quality regulations, and information regulations. These barriers
can slow the provision of distance education. Or as seen in India, they can stop any
provision for graduate programs via distance education.
The major advantage that existing ODE providers have is that they are known
and generally trusted. This is extremely important. New providers of online and
distance education can be met with resistance, as students want to know that the
institution where they got their degree will still be in existence in 10 and 20 years.
That trust and familiarity is important but not enough. The digital transformation
of education is an opportunity for ODE providers to rethink what their core value
proposition is. In all countries, there are more providers of distance education, but
there are not necessarily more providers of open education. Distance education has
benefited from, and benefited, the digital transformation of education. It is more
complicated for open education, an area that has been contested, appropriated and at
times marginalized by the digital transformation of education (Weller, 2014).
Overall Changes
Overall, the changes taking place in ODE seem to be driven by four sets of factors,
summarized by the acronym VEDI (Latin for “see”):
1. Values—the values and vision of educational institutions and policymakers for
ODE. There seem to be two major sets of visions among ODE providers: offering
open access to potential students who may not otherwise have ready access to
education; or providing flexible access to students. Many of the changes taking
place for ODE seem to be driven by providing more flexibility for students. But
the historical mission and vision of distance education, particularly single-mode
institutions, has been about providing openness. These two sets of visions need
not be opposed. However, there is certainly concern about the future of openness
and single mode ODE universities (Tait, 2018). Open education is still important
A. Qayyum and O. Zawacki-Richter
for many students served by ODE providers. However, providing flexibility, not
openness, seems to be more prioritized by many institutions offering ODE across
the globe.
2. Environment—the historical, political and policy environment for open and distance education affects the provision, growth and changes to ODE offerings in all
countries. In some countries a highly centralized approach to educational policy
regulation continues to define how ODE is allowed to develop. In other places,
where education policy regulation is more decentralized, the development and
innovation within ODE is emerging at the institutional and local level. Indeed, in
many countries, the regulatory environment can seem invisible as local educators
and administrators are making key decisions about the development and growth
of ODE.
3. Demand—the demand for ODE is emerging from different sources. In some
countries, all educational demand is growing and ODE is part of the trend. In other
countries, the demand for ODE being driven by demand for flexibility, for lifelong
learning, and for different types of certification. ODE growth is benefiting from
existing educational demand and partly fostering growing educational demand
from lifelong and adult learners.
4. ICTS—the types and level of ICT access that potential students have. In some
countries, ICT access is extensively digital, via computers and mobile phones.
In these settings, the digital transformation of education has been extensive. Distance education has substantially become online education in these countries, and
they are relatively, what Bates (2018) calls, mature markets for online education.
In other countries, digital ICT access is growing but not extensive. Online education is still emerging, but other forms of ICTs for ODE continue to be important.
Current Approaches
In this context, educational providers have been both re-active and pro-active in
their approach to dealing with increased competition and the changing landscape for
ODE. Re-active approaches include, what Orr et al. (2017) have called, “defenderlike” competitive strategies. Here, institutions focus on providing ODE to their main
constituent of students. They may update and innovate their offerings for, and relationships with, the core student audiences. But the focus is on serving these core
audiences that have historically been the priority. Pro-active approaches include
what Orr et al. (2017) have called, “prospector-like” competitive strategies. Here,
institutions take a more entrepreneurial approach and try to innovate in all areas of
their ODE provision. This includes innovating in the delivery and design of offerings
(e.g. modules, courses, programs) and certifications. But it also includes new target
audiences of students and trying to be revenue generating and profitable.
It can be tempting to advocate that ODE providers need to use only or mainly
pro-active approaches in the current ODE landscape. However, the decision to use
re-active or pro-active strategies depends not just on the demand for ODE, the policy
14 The State of Open and Distance Education
environment, or the type of ICT access available. It also depends on the values
and visions of educators. As the chapters in these volumes indicate, ODE has been
changing in a digital age. However, open and distance education has a strong history
of being education for those who may not otherwise have an opportunity to education.
There is a risk that these values and visions may become secondary priorities or nonpriorities, with the strong move globally to online education. Fifty years ago, distance
education was transformed by the beginning of the open university movement. This
transformation was based on the values and vision of educators. These values and
visions need to be just as important as the policy environment, demand, and ICT
access, for open and distance education in a digital age.
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