State Portal Steering Committee Meeting Summary Minutes


State Portal Steering Committee Meeting Summary Minutes Meeting Date: May 13, 2005 Meeting Time: 1:00 – 3:00 pm Meeting Location: OPR Room 202 Attendees: Committee members: Dave Dawson, Tom Dolce, Davood Ghods, Dale Jablonsky, John Jewell, Michael Kassis, J. Clark Kelso, Kelvin Pye, Larry Toliver, Charlene Zettel Alternate members: Kristine Ogilvie, Pam Harris Others: Denise Blair, Paul Benedetto, Claudina Nevis, Deborah Schwartz, John Kriege Absent members: Ann Barsotti, Joan Borucki, Vince Brown, Will Bush, David M. Carlisle, M.D., Gary Clark, Daniel Gullahorn, Pat Henning, Robert Quigley, Bernard Soriano, Wayne Strumpfer Topic Discussion Highlights Action Action Assignment I. Approved Meeting 4/15 Minutes committee minutes II. California State Portal II. DMV Portal project update Page 1 of 2 John Jewell reported for the California Research Bureau (CRB). Survey to be conducted via interviews with state leaders to support the Portal Framework document. Denise Blair reported BT&H wants FSR Focus Groups & DMV staff are traveling to 7 cities to gather public input. DMV vendors are willing to pay for enhanced existing services and new business transactions. Claudina Nevis to develop list of Portal vendors and contact them to enable Framework document information gathering 1. DMV to send draft FSR to Clark Kelso on 5/27. 2. Claudina Nevis send DMV the architectur e document from Child Support project. Topic Discussion Highlights III. Enterprise Architecture (EA) Clark Kelso reported: 1. Portal lines of business will determine how to populate the EA teams. 2. Clark is drafting some language for Portal Committee with perhaps a Portal Revolving Fund. Dale Jablonsky and the committee discussed the 3 EA visual documents distributed: 1. EA governance 2. EA Federated Model 3. Enterprise Architecture These documents are available at: IV. Executive Council V. Portal Governance VI. Common Service Components VII. Next steps VIII. Adjourn Page 2 of 2 Clark Kelso gave a high level overview of the Executive Council just convened in support of the IT Strategic Plan Goal 2. No time for discussion To be discussed in a couple of weeks with some departments Future committee meetings will be scheduled monthly Next meeting: June 10 at 1 to 3:00 P.M. Location: to be determined because of additional members Meeting adjourned @ 2:50 P.M. Action Action Assignment 1. DCA to join DMV and reach out to Fish and & Game. 2. EA documents to be updated and posted to the CIO web site.