Building an eGovernment Services Portal for Local
Sotirios Koussouris, Fenareti Lampathaki, Georgios Gionis, Anastasios
Tsitsanis, Yannis Charalampidis, Dimitrios Askounis.
National Technical University of Athens,
9 Iroon Polytechniou st, Zografou-Athens, 157 73, Hellas
Two of the most active research fields in Information Technology nowadays are systems used
by governmental organizations for carrying out transactions with citizens and technologies
that facilitate the interconnection and interoperability of heterogeneous existing systems.
When referring to eGovernment systems, those two research fields are joined and the end
results are systems which can be seen as set-top boxes on the existing governmental systems.
Those new generation systems are provided by governmental organizations, such as local
administration entities and used by citizens for conducting their transactions with the state.
This paper presents the standards, the technologies and the necessary activities that guide to
the implementation of an interoperable eGovernment portal that offers automated services to
the end users.
Keywords: e-Government, Interoperability, Local Administration Systems
1. Introduction
The rapid development in Information Technology is nowadays opening new
horizons regarding the facilitation of everyday life of computer users. As the Internet
becomes a daily activity of people’s life, more and more organizations tend to offer
internet based services, replacing their traditional front-desk transactions. Following
this trend, governmental organizations, such as local governments, local
administration and various public service offices are constantly launching eGovernment portals that are not only offering information to the public, but offer
electronic flavored services as well, by promoting interoperability with the present
underlying systems that are currently serving the public [Jaeger (2003)].
Local Administration Entities, such as municipalities [Capgemini (2006)], are topping
the list of such organizations, as they have high figures of everyday transactions
numbers with citizens and also possess a large number of “clients”, which are
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naturally the inhabitants and the locally based enterprises. The benefits that rise from
such a portal are the following [Charalabidis et. Al. (2006)]:
Alternative service channels for the citizens and enterprises such as Internet,
Mobile phone access and also voice access with the use of Interactive Voice
Response (IVR) systems.
• Optimization of the service levels as the on-site presence becomes
• Exclusive services for facilitating different groups such as disabled persons,
the elderly, the youth, etc.
• Workflow optimization and automation in the highest possible degree by
standardizing processes and documents
• Effective cooperation between different in-house departments of local
administration, by intergrading and interconnecting services and processes
that take part in common transactions
This paper presents a complete methodological procedure for setting up Municipality
Service Portals which was successfully applied in a Greek urban Municipality with
almost 50,000 citizens and 3,000 enterprises.
2. Building e-Government Portals – Frameworks and Standards
Municipal e-Government Portals, which will offer automated services and would
address the public, it is essential to comply with international standards and system
design techniques that should guarantee the end system’s functionality and feasibility.
This chapter presents the most important frameworks and standards that should be
followed when designing and implementing e-Government Portals [Pavlichev et. Al.
This chapter presents an Overall Methodology for the rapid development of local
administration e-Government portals which consist of the following steps: (a) rapid
process modeling with the use of BPMN-aware enterprise modeling tools, (b) CCTSbased (Core Component Technical Specification) data modeling in XML, (c) step-bystep adaptation of Content Management, Citizen Relationship and Workflow
Systems, (d) SoA-enabled interconnections with the back-office applications and (e)
overall guidance based on Service Composition taxonomies containing more than 200
already modeled services to citizens and business.
2.1 e-Government Interoperability Frameworks
Various Frameworks are nowadays present, offering the guidelines that should be
followed when designing systems and applications seeking interoperability with
underlying systems.
Those frameworks are defining in detail:
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Certification Frameworks for Public Services web sites
Interoperability structures for interconnecting systems and developing
• Digital Authentication structures for the end-users
• Standardization Meta-Data and XML Schemas for data entities
The most known frameworks are the following:
• The UK Electronic Government Interoperability Framework (e-GIF)
• The German SAGA
• The European Interoperability Framework (EIF IDABC)
Although all the above mentioned frameworks deliver detailed information and
guidelines about central government systems, they fail to introduce specific in
information and overall rules regarding local administration portals and services
[Heeks (2003)]. In this direction, the work presented in this paper comes as a
methodology which will enlarge and complete such frameworks with typical
architectures and generic local administration patterns for achieving interoperability
at municipal level.
2.2 Standards
International Standards and state-of-the-art Modeling Languages should be used in
any e-Government portal as they preserve the feasibility, the accessibility, the
accessibility and the security of the end product which is the portal.
Data Related Standards and Technologies: These standards are focusing in the data
entities which are included and transferred within the portal. The standards to be
considered are:
Unified Modeling Language (UML), for modeling data components and
forming widely accepted formatted documents.
• eXtensible Markup Language (XML), for modeling document data.
• XML Schema, for forming the XML Documents and introducing their
generic formats
• The Core Component Technical Specification (CCTS), for building up the
data structures from baseline and elementary data components
• Dublin Core Metadata Initiative for metadata description
Process Related Standards and Technologies: As the portal will provide automated
services to the public, it is essential to identify and to model the underlying processes
which will be inserted during the implementation phase to the portal. The end
solution should be based on:
Service-oriented Architecture (SoA) [Kreger (2001)] for enabling
interoperability between the e-Government portal and the underlying backoffice local administration systems.
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Web Services, with their respective underlying specific standards like Simple
Object Access Protocol (SOAP) for data encapsulation and transport, Web
Service Definition Language (WSDL) for service description Universal
Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) [18], Web Services Flow
Language (WSFL) Business Process Execution Language (BPEL), for
modeling, orchestrating and implementing transaction flows using Web
Services [Stojanovic et. Al. (2005].
Security and Authentication Standards and Technologies: Security is at outmost
importance for such a system, as the transferred data are quite sensitive and the
services offered should be defended from malicious users and intrudes. Therefore,
cutting-edge technologies are considered, that guarantee the data integrity and the
fraud-free operation of the system. Those technologies include:
• Cryptography, (symmetric cryptography, asymmetric cryptography, Public
key cryptography (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) algorithm), Digital
Signatures) [Blanchette et. Al. (1998)]
• Internet Protocol Security, a developing OSI-Layer protocol which includes
protocols like Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), TLS (Transport Layer Security)
• S/MIME (Secure Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions)
• Firewalls
• HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure – HTTPS
• Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
Other Standards: Apart from the above mentioned standards, an e-Government
portal should also respect other standards as well, mainly for the presentation of the
context, based on the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) specifications. The Web
Accessibility Initiative (WAI) is such a standard which aims at disabled people
facilitation for accessing internet based systems.
The presented approach is demonstrating the application of the above standards in the
local / municipal level. This specific effort, in Greece and in other developing
countries, where internet penetration and information technology’s application is still
in low figures, is a very demanding context, due to lack of resources and technical
expertise in public administration which are small or medium governmental
organizations [Charalabidis et. Al. (2005)]. Therefore it is essential to provide a
complete solution, using cutting edge technologies and standards, which will ensure
the proper and less demanding function of such systems in terms of maintenance and
administrative operation.
3. Portal design, implementation and support
As with any information system, the work structure for deploying an e-Government
portal does not differ a lot from similar projects. However, there are some work
packages which should be considered of highest importance, as they are the ones
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offering the added-value to the system and are essential for the fruitful operation of
the portal. Those deal with the selection of the processes which will be offered
electronically, the data and process modeling, the implementation of the
interoperability layer and the interconnection of the various subsystems and the
developed applications.
3.1 Service Analysis, Categorization and Selection
Prior to the process modeling study it is essential to establish a way for analyzing and
selecting the Local Administration Entity’s services towards the citizens and
enterprises, in order to allocate in a complete and definite way the processes that are
going to be automated through the portal [Lee et. Al. (2005)].
As a start, the 4-level model adopted by the European Commission was adopted,
stating four different levels for electronic services [Layne et. Al. (2005)]. Those l are:
Level 1 - Information: This level contains only information about the
corresponding service.
• Level 2 - One-way interaction: A 2nd level service provides to the end user
downloadable material, such as .pdf forms or similar documentations which
have to be filled in by the user and handed to the corresponding office.
• Level 3 - Two way interaction: This level provides on line tools where a
user can fill in his request and initiate the process of the transaction. For
completing the transaction, the end user must appear at the service office and
collect his receipt. Services offered in level 3 require the authentication of the
• Level 4 - Transaction: Services in the 4th level are fully automated and the
end user gets the service’s output in electronic format, after imitating the
transaction. Such services include steps as authentication, decision,
notification and delivery of receipt.
The services that the Local Administration Entities provide to citizens and businesses
shall be evaluated, aiming at the plotting of a map containing those services that are
going to be provided to the public through the portal. During the evaluation, after
being categorized in the four-level model, the services are sorted by the life events
towards the citizens, by the business episodes towards the enterprises and by several
other parameters, such as the nature of each service (information, transaction,
declaration, print of certificates), the targeted audience (citizens, enterprises, disabled
persons, Local Administration Entity staff) and the way in which a service is provided
(automated services and level of automation, support by other information systems).
The parameters that are used for the sorting and the evaluation of the services are:
Frequency of use , meaning the total request made to the corresponding office
for the specific service
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Effort, describing the inter-organization work-effort which is required for
completing the services life-cycle
Importance (following European directives)
Input Independence, which points out the required input documents for
executing the service
Support by Information Systems, describing whether the specific service is
operated by using information systems
Independence of Execution Frame, pointing out whether the service is
provided within the “authority borders” of the municipality or whether
contact and information flow between other organizations is required
Reliance on other Services, pointing out whether the service includes the
execution of other services offered by the organization.
Demand for onsite presence
Figure 1. The service workflow, organized in the 4-Level model
The above criteria are applied and scored for each of the 200 services. The sorting
and the evaluation of the scoring, which are done by applying multi-criteria methods,
such as the ELECTRE TRI [Mousseau et. Al.] method, result to a classification table
of those services, based on their potential of becoming electronic, the respective
automatic transaction level they can reach and their overall importance – thus
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providing for a service-driven overall guidance and prioritization of the portal
3.2 Process Modeling
State-of-the-art modeling notations and methodologies have been selected for the
process modeling phase. Namely, the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)
has been used in order to extract executable code from the designed models using the
Business Process Execution Language (BPEL).
The process modeling captures the flow of the steps, inputs and outputs for every
service described, resulting in a coherent representation of:
The Local Administration internal processes followed for each service.
The communication with other entities that provide accompanying services or
support processes for the completion of a service.
• The input documents, the output documents and the service-internal
documents generated and exchanged.
• The various document exchange flows between the involved entities
The target of the above process modeling is the analysis of the existing situation (asis) but mostly to drive the transformation of manual or lower-level electronic
processes towards the implementation of level-3 and level-4 processes by the
Municipal Portal.
3.3 Data Modeling
Unified governmental data models for facilitating the seamless exchange of
information and the deployment of interoperable systems in Central, Regional and
Municipal Government appear today as critical yet less touched issues that deserve
more in depth exploration [Janner et. Al. (2006)]. None of the current European or
National e-Government Interoperability Frameworks – often characterized as the eGovernment Bibles – has developed a universal language to describe the semantics of
governmental data in unambiguous terms. Second, the development of repositories of
XML schemas for the exchange of specific-context information throughout the public
sector, albeit recognized as the most significant achievement in data modeling, is
observed in isolated cases, like United Kingdom’s e-GIF Registry.
The UN/CEFACT Core Component Library (UN/CCL) represents the repository for
generic business data components, the so called Core Components. Based on the
experiences gained in previous data standardization efforts, the CCL does not provide
pre-determined, static or industry-specific data definitions, but comprises a huge set
of context-agnostic, generally valid data templates (e.g. postal address, personal
information) that are syntax-independent and represent the general business data
entities which are commonly used in today's business processes. The Core
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Component Technical Specification (CCTS) is the associated method comprising
meta-models and rules for the semantically unambiguous definition of business
information on a syntax-independent level. The UN/CEFACT Naming and Design
Rules (NDR) define a set of guidelines for transforming CCTS based artifacts into
XML Schema and XML based instances.
The methodology for the data modeling follows the next five steps:
Study of the map of services to be automated
Record of all the necessary documents (service inputs or service outputs)
Elaboration of the documents in order to recognize the most frequent used
structures, such as the citizens’ personal data
Creation of core components, according to the Core Components Technical
Specification (CCTS) methodology, for the most frequent used structures
Creation of standard input and output documents
Creation of generic pan-European documents by merging the different
standard documents of the various national levels
Figure 2. Creation of Standard e-Government Documents using a CCTS-compliant
3.4 System Architecture
The system architecture is based on n-tier architecture (data layer, application layers,
presentation layer). This particular approach allows the scalability of modules
according to the portal needs, as the portal size and its functional requirements will
guide the total implementation. Moreover, the sorting of operations in distinctive
levels in order to avoid unequal burdens of particular sources, or of the whole system
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is also guaranteed by the n-tier architecture chosen and last but not least this
architecture offers the option of selective expandability.
Figure 3 describes the logical architecture of the system which contains
parameterisable Common Off-the Self Components (COTS), open source components
and be-spoke components. The core platform is an open source Content Management
Platform System (CMS). This system handles the presentation of the information and
offers out-of-the-box tools for the implementation of services belonging to levels 1
and 2. Moreover, the open source character enables the incarnation of various
modules which offer services beyond level 2. Other systems are Workflow Engines –
mostly responsible for managing the level-3 and level-4 services flow, Citizen
Relationship Management Systems and IVR Systems for enabling voice access.
Figure 3. Logical Architecture of the System
The Content Management Platform the Citizen Relationship Management System
(CRM) and the Workflow Engine all cooperate as the core transactional components
of the system. The CRM serves the user authorization and identification and tracks
down all user activities, namely from simple queries or questions asked, to current
status of an online submitted application. This way, the end-user is constantly aware
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of his opens issues and on the other hand, the administration authority is able to
generate the end-users profile in order to target the most needed services, an
important issue in e-Government portals [Medjahed et. Al. (2003)].
Finally, the Workflow Engine offers the flexibility of adding, replacing and updating
working processes, without requiring great code-writing efforts. Such engines can be
used in order to tune each process actions by assigning roles, rules and necessary
actions. Thus, the process flow is constantly managed and the system guarantees the
flow of documents to the appropriate users even at heavy loads, surpassing the
operation of manual systems in Local Administration [Vassilakis et. Al. (2003)].
3.5 Interoperability Layer
The interoperability layer is essential for the e-Government Portal, if services of level
3 and 4 are offered to the public. The portal will operate as a front-end interface for
the internet users, in order to be served by the Local Administration back-office
systems. As those systems are of different technologies and of different generation,
interoperability is the key which adds value to the e-Government portal by achieving
the interconnection and the cooperation between heterogeneous systems. This layer is
designed in such a way that future enhancements are possible and that system and
platform independence is preserved. It contains “Encapsulation Software Components
(Wrappers)” that are responsible for the data transportation between the Back Office
systems and the Portal, through specific interfaces.
Web Services
Web Services
1. Send Output
1. Send Input
2. Send Output
Figure 4. Interoperability Layer Architecture
As depicted in Figure 4, from each back-office system only the required input and
output interfaces, that became active during a transaction, are selected in a purely
“follow the service” approach. Those interfaces are connected with the Wrappers
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which facilitate the information flow to and from the portal with the use of Web
Services [Soon et. Al. (2002)]. This approach enables the interconnection of the
different subsystems and guarantees the high performance as only the required
interfaces are used.
In order to implement this architecture, the following steps are needed:
Discover the inputs and the outputs of the back-office systems.
Modeling the data that is transferred within the system using XML.
Protocol and Communication channels development. This refers to the
wrappers and the web services development by defining the communication
ways with the back-office systems (.Net Calls, RPC Calls, Intermediate
Tables, Direct DB Calls) and the portal (XML Schemas, Service Calls)
Definition of workflow and application calls. The application call can either
be triggered by the portal (in case of a request submission) where the portal is
initiating the call and waits for a reply but can also be trigger by the backoffice system itself (in case of a notification for a fee payment)
Development of Security and Authentication mechanisms.
4. Conclusions
The paper presents an overall methodology which is aiming at the automation of the
complete set of services offered by a governmental administration in local
administration level. The whole methodology was piloted in the Greek urban
Municipality of Agia Paraskevi with very positive initial results, both from the
employees and the citizens. Reusable patterns and methods springing from this
holistic approach are:
The real problem definition, based on the formal description of almost 200
services to citizens and businesses, using process and data modeling tools,
assisting in the creation of Pan-European e-Government Services (PEGS) at
local and municipal level.
• Prioritisation of services, based on their impact on citizens and businesses.
• The construction of a Generic a Reference Architecture for Public
Administration Portals including parameterisable systems (CMS, CRM,
WFMS, Security Infrastructures) and be-spoke components.
• Utilisation of the CCTS methodology for defining the needed XML
• Service-driven components for the interoperable operation of the portal with
back office systems
Moreover, the methodology will be further developed by its inclusion within the
Greek e-GIF (the municipality will also be a pilot municipality in eGIF).
Furthermore, as the current Greek e-Government strategy targets a wide area of
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public administration organizations, the presented approach will be extended in order
to satisfy all uprising requirements as portals are built for larger municipalities.
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