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IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts. PPPS-2001 Pulsed Power Plasma Science 2001. 28th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science and 13th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference (Cat. No.01CH37255), 2001
The 3D finite-element gun and collector modeling code, MICHELLE, has been under development at SAIC in collaboration with industrial partners and national laboratories (ref. 1). This development program has been designed to address the shortcomings of current beam optics simulation and modeling tools for vacuum electron devices. The program specifically targets problem classes including gridded-guns, sheet-beam guns, multi-beam devices, and anisotropic collectors, with a focus on improved physics models. The code includes both structured and unstructured grid systems for meshing flexibility. Advances have been made in the areas of accurate particle tracking through the mesh and beam emission methods, including new models for thermionic, temperature-limited, Child's law and secondary emission.
The APEX electron source at LBNL combines highrepetition-rate and high beam brightness typical of photoguns, delivering low emittance electron pulses at MHz frequency. Proving the high beam quality of the beam is an essential step for the success of the experiment. It would enable high repetition rate operations for brightness-hungry applications such as X-Ray FELs, and MHz ultrafast electron diffraction. A full 6D characterization of the beam phase space at the gun beam energy (750 keV) is foreseen in the first phase of the project. Diagnostics for low and high current measurements have been installed and tested, measuring the performances of different cathode materials in a RF environment with mA average current. A double-slit system allows the characterization of beam emittance at high charge and full current (mA). An rf deflecting cavity is being installed, and a high precision spectrometer allow the characterization of the longitudinal phase space. Here we present the latest re...
Physical Review Special Topics-accelerators and Beams, 2015
Photocathode RF gun has been widely used for generation of high-brightness electron beams for many different applications. We found that the drive laser distributions in such RF guns play important roles in minimizing the electron beam emittance. Characterizing the laser distributions with measurable parameters and optimizing beam emittance versus the laser distribution parameters in both spatial and temporal directions are highly desired for high-brightness electron beam operation. In this paper, we report systematic measurements and simulations of emittance dependence on the measurable parameters represented for spatial and temporal laser distributions at the photocathode RF gun systems of Linac Coherent Light Source. The tolerable parameter ranges for photocathode drive laser distributions in both directions are presented for ultra-low emittance beam operations.
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2005
Recent developments to the MICHELLE electron gun and collector design tool are reported in this paper. The MICHELLE code is a new finite-element (FE) two-dimensional and three-dimensional electrostatic particle-in-cell code that has been designed to address the recent beam optics modeling and simulation requirements for vacuum electron devices, ion sources, and charged-particle transport. Problem classes specifically targeted include depressed collectors, gridded-guns, multibeam guns, sheet-beam guns, and ion thrusters. The focus of the development program is to combine modern FE techniques with improved physics models. The code employs a conformal mesh, including both structured and unstructured mesh architectures for meshing flexibility, along with a new method for accurate, efficient particle tracking. New particle emission models for thermionic beam representation are included that support primary emission, with an advanced secondary emission model. This paper reports on three significant advances to MICHELLE over the past year; hybrid structured/unstructured mesh support, a time-domain electrostatic algorithm, and an ion plasma model with charge exchange.
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2002
The development of a new three-dimensional electron gun and collector design tool is reported. This new simulation code has been designed to address the shortcomings of current beam optics simulation and modeling tools used for vacuum electron devices, ion sources, and charged-particle transport. The design tool specifically targets problem classes including gridded-guns, sheet-beam guns, multibeam devices, and anisotropic collectors, with a focus on improved physics models. The code includes both structured and unstructured grid systems for meshing flexibility. A new method for accurate particle tracking through the mesh is discussed. In the area of particle emission, new models for thermionic beam representation are included that support primary emission and secondary emission. Also discussed are new methods for temperature-limited and space-charge-limited (Child's law) emission, including the Longo-Vaughn formulation. A new secondary emission model is presented that captures true secondaries and the full range rediffused electrons. A description of the MICHELLE code is presented.
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2000
1. '3.~0 aql JO lsadse KJaAa ,QJoau II! pwamnr~su! SBM Ia,vc!ah\ UI!~ aIs1 aqL 'Jalsaq3ox Jo Ll!sJaA!un ayL pm2 sa[a%uv so? le e!u~oy[e3 JO Ll!sJayun aql 'JaluaB JoleJa,aasv 'OS[V '266, U! aaJ8aa SIJV JO SJalS\?m aql paA!aaaJ p"E '36 [ q%OJql E,j(j, SJFJaA aql ~04 d!qsMoI[ad uoyeanpg 40 luauJl,Jedaa aql paA!aaaJ aH w!slqd u! sa!pnis avmpeJ8 ue8aq put! ~351 JO [Ied aql u! Jalsaqaoa JO Xl!sJagJn aql 01 sum aH w!sdqd u! '8.~ ue ql!M palenpeJ8 pue '~661 01 8861 ~0~4 AalayJaa Ie e!uJoglea JO Ll!sJah!un aql papuam aH '0~61 'LJenuef JO qigz aqi uo 7~0~ MaN 'olega u! uJoq seti Joqlne aqA !!! aq 01 paJnsea"l SBM tueaq uoJjaa[a aq) JO aauelj!wa [etuJaql aql '"o!l!ppe uI ~suo~l~puo3 [el"auqJadra Je[!m!s JO, suo!~e,nuqs "eql Jaq%q ~~08-0~ uaamiaq aJe si"auJaJnseaw asaqL 'asea sd 8 aql u! hop pue asea sd 5 aql u! oboz r([alem!roJdde paseaJaap asue]-I!rua paJnseauJ aql 3" 5.0 1~ ,sas[nd Jase[ Buoy sd 8 pue sd s JOJ peJWtum Y E [-aq 01 puno~ SBM aauen!ura aql 3" [ 1~ 'ae"![ pue un% aql qloq u! l"a!peJ8 pue aseqd ~u~~s"oa 18 lueaq "OJlaa[a aql JO ai?Jeqr, aql se [,%A se Jaw, aql)o a[yoJd asJaAs"eJ1 pue ql%"a, as,nd ("e!ssnef)) aq] JO "o!la"n~ e se paJJodaJ aJe Aam SE le uwaq uoJlaa,a aql JO sl"aukaJnseam aa"eal+us 'SUIJ sd s'z "eql ssa[ s! Ja)]$aqi vc?qi smoqs un% aql u! aseqd JJ aql pue Jase[ aql uaatilaq Pu+l a+le,aJ aql JO IualuaJnsealu paA[ohuoa v 'JLt) aql le uwaq "oJlaa,a pue Jase[ aql JO "O!wZ!Jal3EJt?q3 [eg!"! aql saq!Jasap s!saql s!qL 5]uamaJ!nbaJ ~731 aql slaam leql lueaq p! aanpoJd "~3 seuq u! pazJJa[aaae JaqlJnJ pus 'p!o"a[os aql ql!rn pasnao, d[ale!JdoJdde 'Jaw, a+p padeqs b[[e!leds pue A[[eJodmal e 6q uan!Jp "aqM un% s!ql)eql moqs suoge,nung '~J~KXUIS apoqwaoloqd 'aJn]eJaduIa] ulooJ ']ua!peJ% qS!q 'pueq-s '[,a2 g', paz!Jlammds e s! 1102 JJ aqL weaq aq3 aJnseam 01 saysou%e!p pue 'Jase, a+Jp '(sew,) 303eJa[a33e Jsauq u1 c 'p!oua,os uo!lesuad~oa-aa"on!~a '"II% JJ apoqleaoloqd I! 40 s~s!s"oa 3.~9 aqL 'L,J""q JalJOqS JO sd ,,, t2 "I asJI?qa)O 3" , ]STJa, le ql!M aauen!wa SUIJ pazgewo" pk?Jru-mui u , X[aleur!xoJdde q]!M lueaq "oJ]aa,a "e aanpoJd "e3 leql ~olaa~u! uoJlaa[a "e saJ!nbaJ ~737 aq) 'y 5.1 JO q13ua[aMJM 12)I? 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S! mse, ,e"o!,"a*"o3 aq, la.0 seq 7zJ.J aq, SaselueApe .@eul aq, ,o aug 'sa3,"os Jq%[ Sno!,en JO qJ%UalaAeM pue ,amod yEad : 1.1 Wl6!j 0, "0'3!W-q"S 'X,1 U! SXU"OS Jl{%[ SllO!,t2h JO q18uapeem pue ,aMod aqJ30 uo!Jdymp e ,03,., %d aa~ (a&m, qJ%alamm J,oqs aq, "! afdurexa '03) ,amod JndJno pue LJ![!qeUnJ u! aJadruos "83 saamos ,aqJo ma3 a,aq~ 'wnmads aq~ 30 Uo!J,od h-x OJ ~\n aqJ pue x~-ng aql u! Bu!s!wo,d Jsow aq [I!,% '&J!w!J aql oJ saJe[aJ s!ql moq 30 UO!SSWS!p B SE ,,aM Se kJ![!',elS %!UJ!J aqJ JO SJ"aL"a1"Seam 'paq!JXap OS[e S! I(J![!XJ 9 SH3SV-l NOkI13313 33Hj 'Z'C 9 SkI3SWl NOt113313 33&l 'Z'l su!eJqo au0 'uo!ss~iua snoaueluods '0~ qlp!maug aql q3Jwu o~'[pz] ("Nz/I) qJp!m-l[eq Cl lWNttH33W 133 'E'l
This paper outlines the experimental techniques Photocathode Characteristics used to validate a photoemission model applied to metals Metrics of photocathode performance are quantum with sub-monolayer alkali coatings. Essential features of efficiency, robustness, and lifetime. Bare metal the model are highlighted and its results are compared to photocathodes (e.g., Copper) are rugged, prompt, and longexperiment. Cesium was deposited in-situ on tungsten and lived emitters but (for high power FEL's) place unrealistic silver polycrystalline substrates while quantum efficiency demands on current laser technology as their low QE (QE) was measured as a function of surface coverage and requires high power and short wavelengths. Conversely, other parameters. Good qualitative agreement with theory higher QE cathodes operate at longer wavelengths and less is demonstrated and significant differences in quantitative power, but are generally short-lived, complex to build, and comparisons are addressed. sensitive to the vacuum environment. QE can be improved through a judicious modification of the work function at the Keywords: QE, dispenser cathode, photoinjection cathode surface, accomplished by adding a fractional monolayer coating of alkali-metal(s).
El mal de nuestro tiempo consiste en la pérdida de la conciencia del mal.
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