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The concept of sociability (in Latin sociabilitas, a characteristic of the social doctrines of the Christian churches) The term sociability-Geselligkeit-enjoys a distinct semantic weight of its own which distinguishes it decidedly from that of socialization, this term, expresses, in fact, the following concept: both the generic ability of human beings to establish some kind of social relationship with others, which, depending on circumstance, may be spontaneous or organized, supportive or conflicting, instrumental or simply gratifying, and the manifold concrete forms this inclination assumes as groups, associations, communities, crowds, on the basis of certain types of needs and interests. In a nutshell, contrary to the external action of the social control proper to socialization, sociability indicates an internal tendency on the part of people. At the same time, this concept is also distinguishable from that of association, the one closest to it, because, being more comprehensive than the latter, it also includes the dynamics both of "approaches between subjects" and of "dissociation, separation and distance".
The literature on sociability takes one through a wide range of fields and disciplines: from human evolution and child development, over computer technology, moral education, urban planning, to sociology, anthropology, history, and moral and political philosophy. Such broad application suggests that sociability matters. And yet the concept is undertheorized, often treated as if all are familiar with and agreed upon its meaning and application (e.g. Ericsson 1989). Much usage relies on intuitive understandings of sociability as "the tendency to seek the company of others, to be friendly" (Flanagan 1999: 9). Moreover, one finds sociability and sociality used interchangeably, both concepts being applied to 1) human and animal behavior, 2) fraternizing with non-kin, 3) civil encounters with people beyond one's personal and professional network, and 4) gatherings in voluntary associations, societies, and clubs.
Naval, C. (2002). «On Human Sociability». En L. Moreva (ed.), Ontology of Dialogue: Historical and Existential Experience. International Readings on Theory, History and Philosophy of Culture (pp. 9-18), vol. 14. San Petesburgo: Eidos. , 2002
There is a tension between our need for associative control and our need for social connections. This tension creates ethical dilemmas that we can call each-we dilemmas of sociability. To resolve these dilemmas, we must prioritise either negative moral rights to dissociate or positive moral rights to social inclusion. This paper shows that we must prioritise positive social rights. This has implications both for personal morality and for political theory. As persons, we must attend to each other’s basic social needs. As a society, we must adopt a sufficientarian approach to the regulation of social resources.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1981
Sociability was examined in relation to the trait, setting, and interaction controversy. Sociability, measured behaviorally as verbal participation in an unstructured conversation, was expected to be greater for participants who were affiliative and exhibitionistic but not defensive (traits); for "sociopetal" seating arrangements and for greater environment-elicited pleasure, arousal, and dominance (settings); and for interactions among and between these trait and setting measures. Sociability did, as hypothesized, increase with the traits of affiliativeness and exhibitionism, the setting variables of pleasure and arousal, one Person X Person interaction, and one Setting X Setting interaction. However, seating arrangements and 12 Person X Setting interactions were notably unrelated to sociability; assertions that Person X Setting interactions account for large portions of variance in behavior are unsupported. Instead, the results suggest that more attention should be paid to the predictive utility of interactions among person measures and among setting measures.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2010
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Introduction to Simmel's "Sociology", 2008
Introduction to the most widely read book by Georg Simmel, usually known under its original German title SOZIOLOGIE. The translation was edited by Anthony Blasi in 2008
Las jefaturas de las Cátedras de Derecho Constitucional y de Derecho Administrativo de la Universidad Central de Venezuela se pronunciaron sobre la violación general de derechos políticos de los venezolanos, vinculada a la convocatoria del proceso electoral presidencial que tiene una culminación prevista para el 28 de julio de 2024. Los profesores que integran las cátedras sostienen que no existen condiciones electorales mínimas en las actuales circunstancias y que, de persistir la situación que impide la inscripción de la candidatura presidencial de la ciudadana Corina Yoris, el proceso que culminaría el 28 de julio de 2024 no calificará como una elección. Sostienen que la endeble situación política de Venezuela deriva de una crisis de legitimidad por el irrespeto de la voluntad popular, producto del absoluto control institucional que ejerce el Gobierno sobre la rama judicial del Poder Público (Tribunal Supremo de Justicia, TSJ) y el Poder Electoral (Consejo Nacional Electoral, CNE), por lo que no existe un órgano imparcial que pueda dirimir las controversias políticas. Esta ha sido la razón fundamental por la que, en las actuales circunstancias, el diseño autoritario contrario a un Estado Constitucional de Derecho no se pueda desmontar con la sola convocatoria electoral. Por tales razones, han decidido dirigirse a la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos para que tome en consideración un completo informe que elaboraron sobre el ejercicio de derechos políticos en Venezuela, para comprobar la “violación grave de los elementos fundamentales y las instituciones de la democracia representativa previstos en la Carta Democrática Interamericana, que son medios esenciales para la realización de los derechos humanos, entre ellos: i. si hubiera acceso discriminatorio o un ejercicio abusivo del poder que socave o contraríe el Estado de Derecho, tales como la infracción sistemática de la independencia del Poder Judicial” y las “violaciones masivas, graves y sistemáticas de los derechos humanos garantizados en la Declaración Americana y la Convención Americana”. Asimismo, solicitan a la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos para que de conformidad con el artículo 59.6.d. del Reglamento de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos califique la violación de los derechos políticos de los venezolanos como una situación estructural de inconvencionalidad ante “la presencia de otras situaciones estructurales que afecten seria y gravemente el goce y disfrute de los derechos fundamentales consagrados en la Declaración Americana, la Convención Americana o los demás instrumentos de derechos humanos aplicables”. Señalan como factores que determinarían tal declaratoria: i. la grave crisis institucional que infringe el disfrute de derechos políticos; y ii. Las omisiones graves en la adopción de disposiciones necesarias para hacer efectivos los derechos fundamentales y cumplir las decisiones de la Comisión y la Corte Interamericana. También presentaran el informe a la Secretaría General de los Estados Americanos a los efectos de transmitir a la Asamblea General, como máximo órgano político del Sistema Interamericano, el carácter recurrente de la violación de derechos políticos de los venezolanos por parte del Estado y el crónico desconocimiento de las decisiones de los órganos del Sistema Interamericano y los principios que le dan fundamento.
The Early Modern in South Asia: Querying Modernity, Periodization and History, Eds. Meena Bhargava & Pratyay Nath, 2022
Systematic and Applied Acarology, 2020
in : F. Neveux et B. Bodinier (dir.), Les Normands et la science, Fédération des sociétés historiques et archéologiques de Normandie, Louviers, 2023, p. 27-40.
Journal of Vertebrate …, 2010
Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, 2018
The AAG Review of Books
Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan, 2019
Advances in Difference Equations, 2020
American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2017