Cluster-based Monte Carlo simulation of ferrofluids
S. W. Davis, W. McCausland, H. C. McGahagan, C. T. Tanaka, and M. Widom
Department of Physics, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213
~Received 4 September 1998!
We demonstrate a Monte Carlo algorithm for efficiently simulating ferrofluids. By identifying particle
clusters and evolving them as single units, we reduce correlation times by more than two orders of magnitude.
This method enables accurate calculations of ferrofluid thermodynamics in the limit of strong magnetic coupling that would be impossible by conventional means. We apply the method to study magnetic anisotropy in
dilute thin films. @S1063-651X~99!05702-5#
PACS number~s!: 02.70.Lq, 61.20.Ja, 75.50.Mm, 75.70.Ak
Ferrofluids @1# are colloidal suspensions of nanometerscale magnetic particles. When the magnetic interactions between particles are stronger than thermal energy, the particles aggregate into chains @2#, with the magnetic moment of
each particle pointing towards a neighbor along the chain
~see Fig. 1!. Theoretical analysis of liquid state thermodynamics in this interesting state is difficult. Weak magnetic
coupling expansions are not accurate because particle pairs
are tightly bound @3#. Virial expansions @4–6# in low particle
density are not adequate either, because chain formation is
inherently a many-particle correlation. While there is hope
for analytic progress using concepts of ‘‘living polymers’’
@5,7#, it is important to test such approximate theories with
computer simulation.
Traditional Monte Carlo computer simulation, likewise, is
difficult when particle chains form @8#. The problem is that
the strong attraction of particles within a chain requires very
small particle steps to achieve a reasonable ratio of accepted
steps. Large-scale translations, rotations, and undulations of
the chains, which are an important factor in determining such
important thermodynamic quantities as the magnetic susceptibility, are poorly simulated using only independent small
displacements of each particle. Evidence of the difficulty is
evident in Table I, showing the growth of correlation times
as temperature drops.
This paper explores cluster-based enhancements to the
traditional Monte Carlo technique that identify particle clusters and evolve them as entire units. Similar ideas have previously been employed in simulations of strongly interacting
ionic fluids @9#. We describe how to combine traditional
single-particle steps with multiparticle steps, while maintaining detailed balance. We employ cluster moves for speeding,
to speed magnetization reversal and chain translation. Our
results show that cluster-based algorithms are of substantial
utility, speeding equilibration of internal energy by a factor
of 2 ~in CPU time!, and speeding equilibration of magnetization by a factor of 360. As a result we achieve quick,
accurate calculations of susceptibility that are difficult with
conventional techniques.
After establishing the utility of cluster-based Monte Carlo
simulations, we apply the method to examine magnetic anisotropy in ferrofluid thin films. Macroscopic thin films exhibit effective anisotropy due to demagnetization effects. Mi1063-651X/99/59~2!/2424~5!/$15.00
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croscopic thin films exhibit dramatically enhanced
anisotropy ~see Table I! due to confinement of clusters
within a plane.
We model the ferrofluid as a gas of dipolar hard spheres
@10#. Each sphere has diameter a and magnetic moment m .
One defines a reduced temperature T ! 5k B Ta 3 / m 2 and a reduced density r ! 5 r a 3 . The dipole moment of particle i is a
three dimensional vector mi , and the dipole interaction falls
off as 1/r 3 . To avoid the difficulty of summing the dipole
interaction in three-dimensional space @11#, we choose to
confine our particle positions ri to a two-dimensional plane.
Ewald summation and special boundary treatment is therefore not needed. We employ the ‘‘minimum image’’ convention for periodic boundary conditions so that each particle
interacts with the nearest image of every other particle. In
addition to simplifying our treatment of the long-range dipolar interaction, this pseudo-two-dimensional geometry allows
us to test a theory of magnetic anisotropy in thin films @5#. A
related model, in which the dipole moment also is constrained to the plain, has been examined by Weis @12#.
We use the Metropolis Monte Carlo method @13#, following a Markov chain through configuration space. Each Monte
Carlo step is accepted with probability 1 if the resulting energy change DE,0, and accepted with probability
exp(2DE/kBT) otherwise. This method produces the correct
equilibrium ensemble in the limit of infinite simulation time
when certain conditions are met: the simulation must be ergodic, so all configurations can be reached, in principle; attempted steps obey detailed balance, so no bias other than
energy influences the distribution of configurations.
These conditions are met by a conventional algorithm
consisting of two types of Monte Carlo steps: randomly
choose a particle, and attempt to move it through a randomly
chosen small displacement; randomly choose a particle and
attempt to rotate it by a randomly chosen angle about a randomly chosen axis. The difficulty with this technique is the
rate at which thermodynamic properties converge to their
long time limit. Consider a particle within a chain at a temperature such that T ! !1. In order for steps and rotations to
be accepted with probability near 0.5 ~as is the case for the
runs in Table I! their size must be very small at low temperatures: step sizes fall off proportionally to T ! , while rotation
©1999 The American Physical Society
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TABLE I. Temperature dependence of conventional Monte
Carlo correlation times. All runs with N5100 particles at a density
of r ! 50.3. Correlation times t are 1/e times. L is the mean number
of particles per cluster, and x xy and x z are the in- and out-of-plane
susceptibility, respectively.
x xy
110 000
angles fall off like AT ! . Such small displacements and rotations do not significantly alter the positions and orientations
of chains, or the distribution of chain lengths.
In the following we shall refer to correlation times in units
of Monte Carlo steps ~MCS’s!. One MCS in the conventional algorithm denotes N attempted particle moves and N
attempted particle rotations; i.e., the typical time in which
each particle has a chance to move and rotate once. Note that
it takes a time of order N to evaluate potential energy for a
single particle, so the CPU time for one MCS grows like N 2 .
Algorithms exist @14# that reduce this exponent but they are
not efficient for the numbers of particles considered in this
paper. For N5100 particles one conventional MCS takes
time t'0.2 sec on a 50 MHz SPARC 10 work station. We
find correlation times ~see Table I! in excess of 105 MCS at
low temperatures, meaning it requires over 5 h to generate
each independent configuration.
We supplement this conventional method with additional
Monte Carlo steps designed to accelerate motion through the
configuration space. Because we only seek thermodynamic
information from our simulation, we may exploit nonphysical dynamics provided the proper equilibrium ensemble is
maintained. This possibility is an advantage that Monte
Carlo simulation may enjoy that is not possible within molecular dynamics @15#, another important simulation method.
Thus, we introduce a move that reverses the magnetic moment of each particle within a chain, and a move that translates an entire cluster in a single step. Because interactions of
a chain with the remainder of the system are weak compared
to interactions within the chain, each of these moves will be
more easily accepted than if we attempted the same move
one particle at a time.
The requirement of detailed balance dictates that the probability to make a move, relative to the probability to make its
inverse, should depend only on the relative probability of
finding the system in the initial and final configurations. In
equilibrium this equals exp(2DE/kBT) where DE is the energy difference between the two configurations. We choose
to identify our clusters based on proximity of particles to
each other. Particles i and j are in proximity when u ri 2r j u
,a1 e . Typically we choose e 50.2a, corresponding to a
broad minimum in the pair distribution function.
Having identified a cluster, we must ensure that any move
the cluster makes will not prevent finding the inverse move
at a later time. Particle connectivity must not be altered.
There are several ways to enforce this. One possibility is to
leave positions unchanged when acting on a cluster. Fortu-
FIG. 1. Typical chaining configuration. N5300, T ! 50.2, and
r 50.3. Because clusters extend across boundaries of the simulated
cell, a 2 3 2 supercell is shown.
nately, reversal of cluster magnetization is an important process that needs to be accelerated but does not alter particle
connectivity. This is the process by which we accelerate
equilibration of the magnetization. A second possibility is to
move clusters subject to the condition that the new cluster
position is at least distance e from any other cluster or particle. This type of cluster move is important for the equilibration of particle positions and it accelerates the equilibration of energy. We have checked that our cluster Monte
Carlo method correctly reproduces the thermodynamic properties calculated by the conventional Monte Carlo method to
within our calculated uncertainties.
We identify clusters by comparing all particle positions
pairwise. When a connected pair is found, cluster assignments of particles are updated, and then the pairwise comparisons are continued. The time for this algorithm is dominated by the N(N21)/2 required comparisons because we
have no a priori knowledge of particle proximity. More efficient algorithms are possible at the cost of more complex
programming. This algorithm suffices because it remains
within the bound of N 2 time required by the conventional
Having paid a cost to identify clusters, we attempt many
cluster moves and reversals to take maximum advantage of
our work. Thus we attempt N translations and N reversals of
randomly chosen clusters in each Monte Carlo step of our
modified program. This is in addition to the N attempted
moves and rotations of individual particles, which we still
must preform since our cluster method is not by itself ergodic. Recall that the cluster moves are purposely nonergodic because we forbid cluster attachment in order to preserve detailed balance. The time for a full Monte Carlo step
still varies as N 2 , but with a larger coefficient.
Initial configurations for our simulations are created by
placing particles on a hexagonal lattice with dipole moments
randomly oriented. Prior to accumulating thermodynamic
FIG. 2. Energy autocorrelation functions for conventional
Monte Carlo ~solid curve!, Monte Carlo with cluster flips ~dashed
curve!, and Monte Carlo with cluster flips and moves ~dotted
curve!. T ! 50.2 and r ! 50.3 as in Fig. 1.
and correlation function data the system is equilibrated for a
time large compared to both the duration of the initial transient in internal energy and the largest 1/e time of fluctuations in equilibrium. The system may be regarded as well
equilibrated by this time.
Figure 2 displays time-correlation functions for energy
defined as
g E~ t ! 5
T sim 2t
T sim 2t
@ E ~ s1t ! 2Ē #@ E ~ s ! 2Ē # ,
where E(t) is the total energy of the configuration after t
Monte Carlo steps and Ē is the mean over the entire simulation time T sim . Data are shown for the conventional simulation ~solid line!, a run including magnetization reversals but
not cluster translations ~dashed line!, and a run including all
types of Monte Carlo moves ~dotted line!. Figure 3 shows
the same for magnetization M (t). Both figures correspond to
the density and temperature ( r ! 50.3, T ! 50.2) for which
Fig. 1 shows a typical configuration.
Correlation times and run times are tabulated in Table II.
We list the 1/e time, rather than the rate of exponential decay
at long times, because this can be calculated more accurately.
Inspection of Figs. 2 and 3 confirms that trends in 1/e times
reproduce trends in conventional correlation time obtained
from slopes of the logarithm of the correlation function.
Examine first the energy data. The conventional simulation requires 2500 MCS to reach its first 1/e decay of g E .
The magnetization reversal improves matters slightly in units
of MCS, but when the relative run time is factored in, it does
little good. On the other hand, the cluster translations greatly
speed equilibration. The 1/e time drops by a factor of 14 in
units of MCS and 2.4 in CPU seconds. Cluster moves also
speed up the approach to equilibrium of configurations initially far removed from the equilibrium state. At densities
PRE 59
FIG. 3. Magnetization autocorrelation functions for the same
runs as in Fig. 2. Note that the conventional Monte Carlo method
~solid line! does not decay appreciably over the time scale shown.
such that the typical interchain distance is large compared to
the size of a chain the speedup of energy equilibration can
exceed an order of magnitude measured in CPU seconds.
The improvement is even more dramatic for the magnetization. In this case, the magnetization reversal and cluster
translation together lower the 1/e time by a factor 2000 in
MCS and 360 in CPU seconds. This is because magnetization of a cluster may be entirely reversed in a single Monte
Carlo step, while it may be nearly unachievable in the conventional approach. Acceptance ratios for magnetization reversal not very low, about 0.15, indicating that the typical
energy cost of a cluster reversal is significantly less than the
energy cost of reversing a single particle magnetization. This
is expected because different clusters interact only weakly
with each other. As a consequence of the reduction in t M ,
accurate calculation of magnetic susceptibility becomes
practical, even in the presence of chain formation when conventional methods require absurdly long runs.
With reliable values for the susceptibility in hand, what
can we do with the results? Table I reveals growing magnetic
anisotropy as temperature drops. Particle clustering enhances
the in-plane susceptibility x xy and diminishes the out-ofTABLE II. Comparison of simulation methods: C denotes conventional; F denotes cluster flips; T denotes cluster translation. t mcs
is time on 50 MHz SPARC 10 in units of CPU seconds per Monte
Carlo step. Simulation temperatures all at T ! 50.2. All other parameters as in Table I.
t mcs
PRE 59
FIG. 4. Magnetic susceptibility per particle vs density at T !
50.2. Data points are simulated, with error bars shown where appropriate. Solid and dashed curves are, respectively, second-order
and third-order virial expansions. Values greater than x 1 51.67 correspond to x xy while values below correspond to x z . Inset: mean
chain length L vs density.
plane susceptibility x z . This behavior is also evident in Fig.
4 which displays the variation of magnetic susceptibility
with density r ! at fixed temperature T ! 50.2. We can explain this effect as a result of chain formation. The following
discussion presents a semiquantitative analysis.
Isolated, noninteracting, particles exhibit Langevin behavior with each particle contributing
x 15
3k B T
to the susceptibility in any direction. One factor of m arises
from the coupling of each moment to an applied field, while
the other factor represents the magnetization arising from the
aligned moment. The factor of 3 comes because each moment rotates in a three-dimensional space. For particles in a
straight chain of length L, the chain behaves like an effective
particle of dipole moment L m and contributes
(L m ) 2 /(2k B T) to x xy . The factor of 2 replaces the factor of
3 because the chain is constrained to lie in the xy plane.
Collecting N particles into N/L chains of length L the resulting susceptibility per particle is
x xy 'L
2k B T
revealing the enhancement of x xy due to particle chaining. In
contrast, the out-of-plane susceptibility x z is reduced by particle clustering because particles in clusters point towards
each other in the xy plane and cannot easily rotate out of this
plane. We may estimate the susceptibility per particle as
x z'
N 1
where N 1 is the number of isolated particles not belonging to
Both approximations ~3! and ~4! provide excellent approximations to the data in Fig. 4 at low density, below r !
50.01. At higher densities, chain lengths begin to grow large
compared with the persistence length of the chains. Loops
and branched networks begin to form reducing the susceptibility below the values suggested by Eq. ~3!. Likewise, Eq.
~4! breaks down when so few particles remain unbound that
the residual x z contributed by bound particles dominates, and
x z becomes independent of density. Above r ! '0.05 the inplane susceptibility x xy reaches a maximum and begins to
decrease with increasing density. This may be related to formation of gel-like connected networks or to phase coexistence. Further study is needed to clarify this behavior.
The solid and dashed curves are predictions of the magnetic virial expansion @4–6#. The noninteracting Langevin
value x 1 , given by Eq. ~2!, is indicated on the vertical axis.
The solid lines include the contributions of the second virial
coefficients, and the dashed lines include the contributions of
the third virial coefficients @4–6#. Virial coefficients are calculated in their strong coupling limits. Like the approximations @Eqs. ~3! and ~4!# discussed above, the virial expansion
is valid only at sufficiently low densities that particle chains
remain short. When particle chains exceed a length L equal
to the order of the virial expansion ~e.g., L53 in this case!
the virial expansion cannot account for their influence on
thermodynamic properties.
We have developed and tested a cluster-based method for
Monte Carlo simulation of ferrofluids. While we demonstrate
this method for dipolar hard spheres confined in a plane, it
should also be applicable to three dimensions and in the
presence of softer short-range interactions. The method is of
greatest utility, compared to conventional Monte Carlo,
when chain formation is prevalent. In the strong coupling
limit our method permits accurate calculation of magnetic
susceptibility that is impossible to achieve in reasonable time
with conventional Monte Carlo or molecular dynamics methods.
Further enhancements of the method may be possible.
Note that we reduced magnetization correlation times more
substantially than energy correlation times. We believe that
energy correlation times are governed by the difficulty of
breaking and reconnecting tightly bound clusters. At present
the only means of breaking or reconnecting clusters is by
single-particle motion — we purposely prevent changes in
cluster connectivity during cluster translation due to the requirements of detailed balance. Conventional Monte Carlo
steps mainly add or remove particles at cluster ends, resulting in only modest changes in cluster identity. If clusters
could be deliberately broken into shorter segments by multiparticle moves, or joined together into larger clusters, the
energy correlation time could be further reduced. Because
the energy cost of any break is dominated by a single-nearneighbor particle bond, the acceptance rate for such moves
should be about as large as it is for single particle moves.
One possible scheme to incorporate cluster breaking and
reconnection is to use proximity to identify clusters, then
PRE 59
tibility may be calculated in the limit of strong coupling. We
applied this simulation technique to calculate magnetic
anisotropies in ferrofluid thin films. Our results show that a
model of magnetic anisotropy based upon clusters confined
within the film suffices to explain the anisotropy provided
clusters are short and well isolated from each other. Both this
approximation, and the virial expansion, fail at high densities
when loops and branched networks form. In this circumstance, computer simulation is the only method known to
calculate magnetic susceptibility. The cluster-based Monte
Carlo simulation described here is needed to magnetic fluctuations in a reasonable amount of time.
execute many cluster translations during which proximity
may change, but always using the initial cluster identifications when executing translations. Because cluster breaking
is provided subsequent to cluster attachment, detailed balance can be satisfied. However, because cluster identifications are based on past history rather than the instantaneous
configuration, the simulation becomes non-Markovian.
Nonetheless, in the limit when cluster identity is maintained
over long time intervals, the simulation should recover the
equilibrium statistics of a genuinely Markov process @16#.
Another possible improvement upon the present method
would be to explore more general types of cluster moves
than translation and magnetization reversal. Inspecting Fig. 1
it is apparent that undulations of chains are an important type
of fluctuation, which we have not explicitly accelerated using
our technique. Such Monte Carlo steps may indeed be devised @17# and included in our simulation, in principle.
In conclusion, our development of a new simulation
method enhanced the accuracy with which magnetic suscep-
This research was supported by NSF Grant No. DMR9221596 and REU supplements. We thank H. Zhang and S.
Banerjee for useful discussions.
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