no longer supports Internet Explorer.
To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser., 2023
বিখ্যাত সব বইয়ের সফটকপির তালিকা বা লিস্ট
De toevalsvondst gebeurde bij het uitgraven van een kelder voor een appartementsgebouw ten zuidoosten van de Sint-Martinuskerk in het midden van de historische kern van Herk-de-Stad (Kaart 1 en 2; Fig. 1). Een alerte buur merkte in de bodem van de uitgegraven put de restanten van een houten waterput op. Herk-de-Stad ligt in het westen van Limburg in vochtig Haspengouw, vlak langs de rivier de Herk, een zijrivier van de Demer. De stad, net ten zuiden van de Demervallei en op de rand van de Zandleemstreek en de Kempen, is gelegen in een hoger gebied dat langzaam afdaalt naar de depressie van de vallei (Kaart 3). De bodems rond de stad (Kaart 4) bestaan vooral uit natte zandleemgronden in meerdere variaties waaronder volgende bodems: Lhcz; natte zandleembodem met sterk gevlekte, verbrokkelde textuur B horizont en Ldcz; matig natte zandleembodem met sterk gevlekte, verbrokkelde textuur B horizont. * Een summiere beschrijving van het onderzoek dat voorafgaand aan het onderzoek op de site werd uitgevoerd: In 1986 werden aan de westzijde van de stad bij het uitgraven van kelders voor een groot warenhuis twee bakstenen waterputten uit de 16 de eeuw opgegraven 3. Een derde waterput, daterend van het einde 15 de-16 de eeuw, bestond uit een vrij grote trechter Met dank aan de bouwfirma SOM project uit Hasselt voor de vlotte samenwerking. De naam hebben we op dat ogenblik niet genoteerd.
Interview with Professor Carl Ruck of Boston University, discussing his work in Classics and entheogens, a chemical substance, typically of plant origin, that is ingested to produce a nonordinary state of consciousness for religious or spiritual purposes.
Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Purpose This study aims to examine the effect of entrepreneurial skills, market orientation, sales orientations and networking on entrepreneurial competency and performance of micro-enterprises in Kelantan, Malaysia. Design/methodology/approach Adopting a cross-sectional design, this paper collected data through structured interviews from 403 micro-entrepreneurs from “Majlis Amanah Rakyat,” Kelantan and “Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Istiadat,” Kelantan. Findings The findings reveal that entrepreneurial skills, market orientation and networking have a positive effect on entrepreneurial competency. Then, entrepreneurial competency, entrepreneurial skills and networking have a positive effect on enterprise performance. The findings show a significant mediation effect of entrepreneurial competency on the relationships between entrepreneurial skills, market orientation and networking and enterprise performance. Originality/value Addressing the understudied “human factor” in entrepreneursh...
Berg, R.C., Kessler, H., MacCormack, K.E., Russell, H.A.J., and Thorleifson, L.H. 2019. Future of 3D geological mapping and modelling at geological survey organizations; Chapter 29 in 2019 Synopsis of Current Three-Dimensional Geological Mapping and Modelling in Geological Survey Organizations, K.E. MacCormack, R.C. Berg, H. Kessler, H.A.J. Russell, and L.H. Thorleifson (ed.), Alberta Energy Regulator / Alberta Geological Survey, AER/AGS Special Report 112, p. 302–305.
Analele Universităţii Spiru Haret,, 2003
The starting point for embarking upon this endeavor was our desire to understand the very statusa paradoxical onethat wine holds within Islam. On the one hand, wine is prohibited under the Islamic law, but on the other hand, wine represents an outstanding element pertaining to the Islamic mysticism.
Sustainability is one of the most important challenges of our time. As the role that projects play in sustainable development is still developing, the integration of the concepts of sustainability into project management is an important trend in project management today. However, despite the conceptual understanding of this integration, the literature still provides little practical guidance on how to apply sustainability to project management. This article aims to contribute to the integration of sustainable development and project stakeholder management by developing practical tools and frameworks that enable project managers to identify stakeholders, assess stakeholders, and plan stakeholder engagement activities with a consideration of sustainable development. The study takes a pragmatic design science approach in developing these tools and frameworks. The resulting frameworks build upon the concepts of sustainable development and form an elaboration of the documented practices of project stakeholder management.
Sistem endokrin adalah sistem kontrol kelenjar tanpa saluran (ductless) yang menghasilkan hormon yang tersirkulasi di tubuh melalui aliran darah untuk mempengaruhi organ-organ lain. Hormon bertindak sebagai "pembawa pesan" dan dibawa oleh aliran darah ke berbagai sel dalam tubuh, yang selanjutnya akan menerjemahkan "pesan" tersebut menjadi suatu tindakan. Sistem endokrin tidak memasukkan kelenjar eksokrin seperti kelenjar ludah, kelenjar keringat, dan kelenjar-kelenjar lain dalam saluran gastroinstestin.
InterGovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization (now IMO) 2 The official text of the Convention (together with the Final Act of UNCLOS, introductory material on the Convention and the Conference, and a used index) is published in The law of the Sea. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UN Publication, Sales N.E.83.V.5) 3 John N.Moore, Protection of Navigation Freedom and the Problem of Vessel Source Pollution, published in New Trends in Maritime Navigation by Ocean Association of Japan, 1980 10 See, for example the statement that the LOS Convention is "the strongest comprehensive global environmental treaty negotiated to date" in "United States Interests in the Law of the Sea Convention". A report of the Panel on the Law of Oceans Uses, Bernard Oxman, Rapporteur; reproduced in (1994) 88
El problema que presento aquí no consiste en aquello que la humanidad debe realizar en la serie de las criaturas (el hombre es un fin), sino en el de tipo de hombre que se debe educar, que se debe querer como el de mayor valor, como más digno de vivir, como más seguro del porvenir.
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Romanian Cyber Security Journal
ServDes.2023 Entanglements & Flows Conference: Service Encounters and Meanings Proceedings, 11-14th July 2023, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2023
Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, 2024
LOSARI: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2019
Molecules, 2022
Neuropharmacology, 1997
Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 2002
Humanidades Medicas, 2013
Journal of African Earth Sciences, 2018