published: 18 April 2019
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00865
Personal Values and Innovative
Behavior of Employees
Ewelina Purc and Mariola Laguna*
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland
Edited by:
Igor Portoghese,
University of Cagliari, Italy
Reviewed by:
Francesco Montani,
International University of Monaco,
Juan Antonio Moriano,
National University of Distance
Education (UNED), Spain
Mariola Laguna
[email protected]
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Organizational Psychology,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Psychology
Received: 26 November 2018
Accepted: 02 April 2019
Published: 18 April 2019
Purc E and Laguna M (2019)
Personal Values and Innovative
Behavior of Employees.
Front. Psychol. 10:865.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00865
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Innovations are based on the good ideas of individuals; therefore, it is very important to
better understand the role that individuals and their personal characteristics play in
innovative initiatives. The aim of the current study was to test the relationships between
employees’ personal values and their innovative behavior. It was hypothesized that these
relationships are mediated by an employee’s job autonomy. We integrated Schwartz’s
basic human values theory with the notion that job autonomy is an important job
characteristic that can be redesigned to better fit employees’ preferences. The study
results (obtained from 263 employees in different branches) showed that openness to
change and self-enhancement values are positively related to job autonomy, whereas
conservation and self-transcendence values are negatively related to job autonomy, which
confirms that personal values are important in explaining autonomy in the workplace. In
addition, employees’ self-enhancement values are positively related to their innovative
behavior, while conservation and self-transcendence values are negatively related to
innovative behavior. Mediation analysis with a bias-corrected bootstrapping method
showed that job autonomy is a significant mediator of the relationships between employees’
personal values (except for openness to change) and their innovative behavior. Our
research extends the theory of basic human values, showing that values serve as a
personal basis for innovative behavior. Our results also contribute to the innovation research
by demonstrating the importance of personal values and job autonomy for innovative
behavior in organizations.
Keywords: values, innovation, innovative behavior, job autonomy, employees
Innovation is widely recognized as important for the effectiveness and success of organizations
(Yuan and Woodman, 2010; Anderson et al., 2014; Razmus and Laguna, 2018). Due to the
growing demands and expectations of customers and the global expansion of markets, innovation
has become important for companies (Anderson et al., 2018). The importance of innovation
has also been noted by scientists, and research concerning innovation and creativity has garnered
much attention from scholars in the last 20–30 years (de Jong and den Hartog, 2010). Although
there is a significant amount of empirical evidence regarding the antecedents of innovative
behavior in organizations, there is still a need for more research on predictors (Hammond
et al., 2011). It is particularly important to better recognize the psychological mechanisms
that are conducive to employee innovation, extending the knowledge gained from management
April 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 865
Purc and Laguna
Values and Innovative Behavior of Employees
daily challenges at work (Amabile, 1988; Camisón-Zornoza
et al., 2004; Weinberger et al., 2018). The small-scale innovations
manifesting themselves in everyday innovative behavior are
based on creative ideas (Weinberger et al., 2018). However,
innovative behavior includes not only generating ideas (which
is specific for creativity; Amabile, 1988) but also implementing
them in organizations (Scott and Bruce, 1994). As creativity
is considered a first step toward innovation (West and Farr,
1992; Amabile, 1996; Anderson et al., 2014), in the subsequent
sections, we utilize both the creativity and innovation literature
to build our arguments and hypotheses concerning the
relationship between employees’ personal values and
innovative behavior.
The theory of basic human values proposed by Schwartz
(1992) is currently considered to be the most comprehensive
and empirically grounded approach to human values (Sagiv
et al., 2011a; Cieciuch, 2013). Schwartz argued that values are
“desirable transsituational goals, varying in importance, that
serve as guiding principles in the life of a person or other
social entity” (Schwartz, 1994, p. 21). Values have motivational
power by providing direction and emotional intensity to action
and by being acquired through socialization, in the context of
dominant group values, as well as through individual learning
(Schwartz, 1994). The central assumption of the theory is that
basic values form a universal, circular continuum and are
organized in accordance with the motivation that they express.
Relationships between motivations can be compatible, conflictual,
or irrelevant to one another (Schwartz, 1992). Due to its structure,
the value continuum can be partitioned in different manners
(Sagiv and Roccas, 2017). Ten initially described basic values
can be structured into the following two bipolar dimensions:
(1) openness to change (self-direction and stimulation) versus
conservation (tradition, conformity, and security) and (2) selftranscendence (universalism and benevolence) versus selfenhancement (power and achievement); hedonism values share
aspects of both dimensions (Schwartz, 1992). A distinction
between the four higher-order values representing the endpoints
of these two dimensions (i.e., openness to change, conservation,
self-enhancement, and self-transcendence) is frequently used in
research (e.g., Vecchione et al., 2015; Cieciuch et al., 2016) and
will be applied in our study.
Personal values are closely related to motivation and thus
help explain behavior (Cieciuch, 2017). Behavior, which expresses
people’s individual values, enables them to attain their goals and
personal aspirations (Sagiv and Schwartz, 2000; Bardi and Schwartz,
2003). People are motivated to behave in accordance with their
values because they look for a sense of consistency between
their beliefs and actions (Rokeach, 1973). Employees are therefore
willing to rely on their personal values in making decisions,
choosing actions, and justifying their behavior (Arieli and TenneGazit, 2017). The inability to implement and realize individual
values in the workplace has been found to be positively related
to job burnout (Retowski and Podsiadły, 2016) and negatively
related to job satisfaction (Amos and Weathington, 2008).
Personal values, being guiding principles in life, can also
affect people’s creativity and innovative behavior (Anderson
et al., 2014). Indeed, some studies have shown such relationships
research investigating organizational variables. In their recent
review, Anderson et al. (2018) called for more research to
broaden our understanding of individual innovation in
organizations. Addressing this gap in the literature, we explain
employees’ innovative behavior in our study.
Employees are the individuals who create and implement
innovative solutions in organizations; therefore, their behaviors
are critical to organizational innovation. The literature provides
evidence of some individual innovation antecedents (for a
review, see West, 2002; Anderson et al., 2004, 2014, 2018;
Hammond et al., 2011); however, only recently has research
started to investigate the role of personal values in explaining
innovation. Because personal values are the guiding principles
in people’s lives, affecting their goals and actions (Schwartz,
1992), it is important to study their roles in employees’
innovation (Anderson et al., 2014). It is particularly promising
because values are postulated as being important drivers of
actions in organizational settings (Meglino and Ravlin, 1998;
Sagiv et al., 2011a). However, empirical studies concerning
these relationships are scarce.
Responding to this literature gap, the present study applies
Schwartz’s theory of basic human values (Schwartz, 1992) to
explain which factors foster innovative behavior in employees.
We also postulate the potential mechanism, testing job autonomy
as a mediator in the relationships between personal values
and innovative behavior. In addition, we propose a new approach
to job autonomy as an individual perception of a workplace
setting that can be fostered by an employee’s personal values.
In the subsequent sections, detailed explanations concerning
all relationships that are considered in this study will
be presented.
The study contributes to the literature by providing new
insight into Schwartz’s theory of basic human values (Schwartz,
1992), job characteristics theory (Hackman and Oldham, 1976),
and the innovation literature. Namely, it extends these theories
by testing whether personal values motivate people to shape
their work conditions and stimulate their innovative behavior
in the workplace. Moreover, whereas most of the previous
research has focused on the organizational level of innovation
(see meta-analyses: Damanpour, 1991; Rosenbusch et al., 2011),
our research proposes a conceptual model of a mechanism
stimulating employees’ workplace innovation, combining both
individual and contextual factors. Based on this approach,
we answer the recent call in the innovation literature to reveal
the mechanisms through which innovation can be driven
(Hammond et al., 2011; Anderson et al., 2014, 2018).
Relationships Between Employees’
Personal Values and Innovative Behavior
Innovation, defined as the generation or adoption of useful
and novel ideas that are effectively introduced in organizations
(Amabile, 1988; Verhees and Meulenberg, 2004; Rosenbusch
et al., 2011), is important for their business success (Rosenbusch
et al., 2011). Innovation in organizations includes the introduction
not only of big ideas that significantly change existing practices
but also of small, incremental improvements in coping with
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April 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 865
Purc and Laguna
Values and Innovative Behavior of Employees
(Rice, 2006; Dollinger et al., 2007; Kasof et al., 2007; Lipponen
et al., 2008; Sousa and Coelho, 2011). Nevertheless, this evidence
is relatively scarce and is partially derived from student samples
(e.g., Dollinger et al., 2007; Kasof et al., 2007). Therefore, there
is a need to systematically examine how exactly personal values
are related to innovative behavior in the workplace, a point
that has been recently emphasized by scholars (Anderson et al.,
2014, 2018). Bardi and Schwartz (2003), p. 5, stated that “the
natural way to pursue important values is to behave in ways
that express them or promote their attainment.” Therefore,
we expect some values to foster innovative behavior in employees
and others to be negatively related to it. As very little empirical
research investigating such relationships has been conducted,
our hypotheses are based mostly on theoretical assumptions
derived from Schwartz’s values theory (Schwartz, 1992) and
on research findings concerning creativity.
The higher-order value of openness to change comprises
self-direction and stimulation (Schwartz, 1992). According to
the theory of basic human values, the motivational goals of
openness to change are a willingness to choose, create, and
explore and a preference for novelty (Schwartz, 1992) and
change (Ros et al., 1999). Self-direction has been argued to
be the value that is the most important for creativity for at
least two reasons (Dollinger et al., 2007). First, creativity was
one of the specific values used by Schwartz (1992) to capture
self-direction. Second, because the motivational goal of selfdirection involves independence in thought and action, selfdirection can be reflected through exploration and free choice
in following individual interests, which are perceived to be crucial
for creative individuals (Helson, 1990; Barron, 1997). Because
self-directed people prefer to be independent both in thought
and in action, this value seems to be conducive not only to
the generation of creative ideas but also to innovation
implementation. The motivational goal of stimulation in
Schwartz’s theory (Schwartz, 1992) involves seeking novelty,
excitement and challenges in life. Therefore, the value of
stimulation also seems to promote innovative behavior as a
method of attaining these goals. These characteristics allow us
to suppose that openness to change values will be the most
favorable to innovative behavior among all other higher-order
values. Indeed, researchers have reasoned that due to their
motivational meanings, openness to change values are associated
with innovation and creativity (Arieli and Tenne-Gazit, 2017),
and previous empirical research has confirmed the relationships
between these constructs. Kasof et al. (2007) found that both
self-direction and stimulation are positively related to individual
creative performance. Another study showed that openness to
change values positively predict creativity (Dollinger et al.,
2007). Employees who ranked low on openness to change
were found to be less creative (Sousa and Coelho, 2011), and
self-direction was positively related to employee creative behavior
(Rice, 2006). Based on Schwartz’s (1992) theory, we can expect
that when employees strongly value novelty, experimentation,
and exploration (typical for people with openness to change
values), they will be willing to behave innovatively. Because
of these theoretical assumptions and previous research findings,
we developed the following hypothesis.
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Hypothesis 1a. Employees’ openness to change values
are positively related to their innovative behavior.
In contrast, conservation values, which include conformity,
security, and tradition (Schwartz, 1992), seem to have a negative
effect on employees’ innovativeness. Such values predispose an
individual to accept customary behavior and established
procedures and ideas, which are undoubtedly not conducive
to innovativeness (Schwartz and Bardi, 2001; Schwartz, 2006;
Sousa et al., 2012). Because the motivational goal of conformity
is to restrain actions, inclinations, and impulses to avoid
upsetting or violating social norms and expectations (Schwartz,
1992), employees who attribute high importance to this value
may avoid undertaking innovative initiatives because it may
produce changes that are not easily welcomed by others in
their organizations. Employees’ security values also do not seem
to be favorable for innovative behavior because they focus on
stability, safety, and harmony, whereas implementing innovations
in companies often requires breaking the status quo and
disrupting established organizational conventions, norms, and
procedures. Tradition values emphasize the acceptance of
imposed, traditional customs and ideas (Schwartz, 1992).
Innovative activities are not congruent with such an approach,
and employees who want their innovative ideas to
be implemented in organizations should definitely take the
initiative on their own and strive for idea realization, which
sometimes requires substantial effort. These theoretical
expectations are somewhat supported by previous research
findings. Dollinger et al. (2007) confirmed the negative
relationship between conservation values and creative
accomplishments. A study conducted by Lipponen et al. (2008)
revealed that employees who emphasized conservation versus
openness to change values suggested fewer new initiatives for
change in the workplace. In addition, employees who ranked
high on conservation values tended to be less creative than
those who ranked high on openness to change values (Sousa
and Coelho, 2011), and employees who prioritized conformity
were less creative than those who instead preferred self-direction
(Rice, 2006). Moreover, Kasof et al. (2007) found that all three
conservation components – tradition, conformity, and security –
were negatively related to creative performance. Based on these
premises, we expect that an employee who is not willing to
introduce novelty and rejects alternative, unfamiliar methods
and new perspectives (which is typical for those who hold
conservation values) will not be willing to behave innovatively
(including idea generation, promotion and implementation)
because it may potentially disturb the status quo. Thus,
we developed the following hypothesis.
Hypothesis 1b. Employees’ conservation values are
negatively related to their innovative behavior.
Self-enhancement values are reflected in power and
achievement (Schwartz, 1992), both of which focus on social
esteem. Power reflects the goals of prestige, social status
attainment, and control or dominance over people and resources.
Implementing innovative ideas in the workplace can be a
April 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 865
Purc and Laguna
Values and Innovative Behavior of Employees
Although there is some empirical evidence concerning the
relationship between self-transcendence and creativity, we do
not consider it to be sufficient to postulate a specific hypothesis
about how these values are related to innovative behavior in
the workplace as an activity that includes idea generation,
promotion, and implementation. The lack of sufficient evidence
is due to some inconsistencies in previous research and –
above all – the lack of clear theoretical premises on the potential
relationship direction between these variables.
potential method of attaining such goals because employees
who behave innovatively can be appreciated by managers who
strive for innovative performance at their firms (Janssen et al.,
2004). An employee can also perceive innovative behavior as
a means to obtain social prestige in an organization and to
have a leading, distinguished position among others. Furthermore,
the central goal of the value of achievement is personal success,
which is accomplished by demonstrating competence, in
accordance with social standards (Schwartz, 1992). Innovative
activities can help to achieve such a goal because an innovative
employee may attain a distinguished position among co-workers
and can be perceived as being successful. An employee’s
innovative behavior may also be appreciated by supervisors,
leading to benefits such as financial bonuses or promotions,
which may indicate prestige and status. Nevertheless, previous
research findings concerning relationships between selfenhancement values and creativity are not consistent. On the
one hand, Dollinger et al. (2007) found that power values had
a negative effect on creativity. On the other hand, Sousa and
Coelho (2011) found that bank employees who attributed high
importance to self-enhancement values were more creative in
their work. In addition, Taştan and Davoudi (2017) demonstrated
that both power and achievement values had a positive effect
on organizational innovativeness among employees in managerial
positions. These results seem to correspond with the finding
that power motivation is important for creative personality
(Helson, 1996), and the notion that strong achievement
orientation is demonstrated by creative people (Mumford, 2000;
Sousa and Coelho, 2011). Attaining goals related to power
and achievement values may be possible when people promote
and implement their creative ideas. These activities can help
employees gain prestige, increase their organizational status,
and be perceived as successful by co-workers and supervisors.
In conclusion, we postulate that employees who attribute high
importance to self-enhancement values are more willing to
behave innovatively.
Relationships Between Employees’
Personal Values and Autonomy
Personal values are considered to be the core of personality,
affecting attitudes, evaluations, and decisions (Feather, 1988)
and acting as a guiding force to peoples’ perceptions and
actions (Schwartz, 1994). Therefore, values can also be related
to employees’ job autonomy. We propose that a specific set
of values can predispose people to proactively strive for
autonomy in their work, while other values may not motivate
such a pursuit.
Autonomy is known to be one of the most frequently studied
phenomena in work and organizational settings (Morgeson and
Humphrey, 2006). It is a motivational tool (Sarros et al., 2002;
Biron and Bamberger, 2010) leading to positive work outcomes,
such as innovation and creativity (Hammond et al., 2011; Liu
et al., 2011; De Spiegelaere et al., 2014), job satisfaction, internal
work motivation (see Humphrey et al., 2007) and work
engagement (Halbesleben, 2010). In most of these studies,
autonomy is conceptualized, following Hackman and Oldham’s
(1976) job characteristics theory, which classifies autonomy as
one of the core job characteristics and defines it as the degree
of freedom and independence provided by a job. Such freedom
can be reflected in making decisions, scheduling work, and
determining work methods and procedures applied in an
organization. Another meaningful theoretical approach is selfdetermination theory (Ryan and Deci, 2000), which considers
autonomy as one of the three basic psychological needs and
suggests that the satisfaction of these needs is necessary for
people to flourish (Deci and Ryan, 2000). In this context,
autonomy is known to be supported by supervisors and their
human resource practices (Park and Jang, 2015), whereas in
job characteristics theory (Hackman and Oldham, 1976, 1980),
autonomy is acknowledged as an objective task characteristic
that can also be provided by the job itself. To integrate these
approaches and to extend them using insights from new theories
explaining employees’ proactive functioning (Wrzesniewski and
Dutton, 2001; Tims and Bakker, 2010), we propose another
perspective to capture employee job autonomy. We suggest that
(1) job autonomy is, to some extent, dependent on the work
environment and supervisor actions, such as human resource
practices, as postulated by the job characteristics theory (Hackman
and Oldham, 1976, 1980); however, (2) to some extent, job
autonomy can also be shaped by the employee on his/her
own. This argument aligns with the conception of proactive
actions as “the physical and cognitive changes individuals
make in the task or relational boundaries of their work”
Hypothesis 1c. Employees’ self-enhancement values are
positively related to their innovative behavior.
Self-transcendence values consist of universalism and
benevolence (Schwartz, 1992). They reflect an individual’s basic
need to establish social relations with other people (Arieli and
Tenne-Gazit, 2017). Being the most abstract among values,
they seem to be the most unrelated to the work context (Sousa
et al., 2012). However, there is some empirical evidence showing
that they can be related to creativity. Gump (2007) found that
universalism positively predicts creativity among college students.
Similarly, Kasof et al. (2007) showed that universalism is
positively correlated with undergraduate students’ creative
performance. In the study conducted by Dollinger et al. (2007),
higher self-transcendence values predicted both higher creative
accomplishments and more creative products. Nevertheless,
these studies were conducted using student samples. Conversely,
Sousa and Coelho (2011) found that frontline bank employees
who attributed high importance to self-transcendence were less
creative than those who had stronger self-enhancement values.
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April 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 865
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Values and Innovative Behavior of Employees
(Wrzesniewski and Dutton, 2001, p. 179). Employees make
such self-initiated changes in their job features to customize
them to fit their strengths, passions, and motives (Berg et al.,
2008). Traditional job design theories, such as job characteristics
theory (Hackman and Oldham, 1976), consider managers as
job crafters because they design tasks for their subordinates
and, therefore, can change their motivations and satisfaction
(Wrzesniewski and Dutton, 2001). However, employees are able
to proactively redesign their jobs on their own, and such selfinitiated changes made in an employee’s own job demands
and job resources are postulated to help them attain or optimize
their work goals (Tims et al., 2012). Indeed, research has shown
that employees who participated in job redesign initiatives
experienced increases in job autonomy after 2 months (Tims
et al., 2013). Therefore, there is support for the theoretical
postulates that job autonomy can be influenced not only by
managers through top-down processes but also by employees
on their own. In this manner, we define job autonomy by
integrating existing theoretical conceptions.
As noted by Morgeson and Humphrey (2006), autonomy
has a central place in motivational work approaches. In addition
to being the most widely studied job characteristic, it is also
the most influential (Humphrey and Morgeson, 2008). Moreover,
job autonomy is the job characteristic related to innovative
behavior (e.g., Liu et al., 2011; De Spiegelaere et al., 2014;
Orth and Volmer, 2017), and it also seems to be related to
personal values. Thus, we concentrate on job autonomy in
our study.
We assume that an individual can strive to have more
autonomy at work when it is congruent with his/her personal
values. As personal values have been proven to develop in
the early stages of life and then be relatively stable across
time (Vecchione et al., 2015, 2016; Cieciuch et al., 2016), and
as job autonomy is more likely to change in relation to the
organizational context, the job itself, and the relationship between
the supervisor and the subordinate (Hackman and Oldham,
1976, 1980), we treat values as predictors of job autonomy.
Based on Schwartz’s (1992) theory, we expect that employees
can be more or less disposed toward seeking autonomy in
their work based on the basic personal values they prefer. A
person can be highly motivated to have an opportunity to
make decisions and feel independent at work because it is of
central significance to him/her, while another person might
focus on other attributes of the job and not strive for autonomy
because he/she does not consider it to be important for his/
her work functioning. As noted by Sagiv and Roccas (2017),
p. 4, values “represent desirable goals and reflect what people
consider important and worthy.” For instance, when an employee
attributes high importance to openness to change values, which
focuses on autonomy in thought and action, novelty, and
challenge, we can expect that he/she will pursue the highest
possible job autonomy. However, when an employee emphasizes
conservation values, the core of which is to maintain the status
quo and to follow norms and rules, he/she will be not as
motivated to strive for autonomy at work. Certainly, the fact
that a job is autonomous is also, to some extent, determined
by other factors, such as the nature of the job itself
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(e.g., artistic professions will be naturally more autonomous
than receptionist or cashier jobs), or by managers, who may
or may not allow their subordinates to make decisions, schedule
their work, or choose work methods on their own. Nevertheless,
drawing on the basic human values theory (Schwartz, 1992),
we expect job autonomy to be predicted by employees’ personal
values. Below, we formulate hypotheses related to each of the
four higher-order values.
Schwartz’s (1992) theory characterizes openness to change
values, which includes self-direction and stimulation, as being
focused on “independent action, thought and feeling, and
readiness for new experience” (Schwartz, 2003a, p. 269). The
central goal of self-direction is the person’s independence, both
in thinking and in acting. Schwartz states that self-direction
is based on the organismic needs for, on the one hand, control
and mastery and, on the other hand, requirements of autonomy
and independence (Schwartz, 1992). Stimulation is described
as being focused on novelty, challenge, and excitement. This
value type is derived from a need for stimulation and variety
to maintain an optimal level of activation (Schwartz, 1992).
These theoretical assumptions concerning self-direction and
stimulation, which constitute the openness to change values,
suppose that these values are particularly conducive to job
autonomy in employees. Sagiv and Schwartz (2004) argued
that among career counseling clients, self-direction is relevant
to initiating actions, self-reliance, and independence of thought
in making career decisions. Indeed, their findings confirmed
that the priority clients gave to self-direction was positively
correlated with their independent behavior, as assessed by career
counselors. There is also some evidence concerning the role
of personal values in professional choice. A stronger emphasis
on openness to change values predicts artistic and investigative
careers (Sagiv, 2002; Knafo and Sagiv, 2004) and entrepreneurial
career intentions (Gorgievski et al., 2017). Based on these
theoretical and empirical premises, we expect that the importance
that employees attribute to openness to change values is positively
related to their work autonomy.
Hypothesis 2a. Employees’ openness to change values
are positively related to their job autonomy.
Conservation values, which include the values of conformity,
security, and tradition, are in conflict with openness to change.
Conformity values are focused on self-restraint, including selfrestraint of actions, impulses, and inclinations, which are reflected
in everyday interactions with close others (Schwartz, 1992).
Valuing security motivates the maintenance of harmony, stability,
and safety of the self and relationships with others and society.
The tradition value emphasizes the respect and acceptance of
imposed traditional ideas and customs. Together, the conservation
values encourage status quo maintenance, resistance to change
and self-restriction to avoid violating social norms (Schwartz,
2003a). These characteristics do not seem to be conducive to
pursuing autonomy in the workplace. An employee who attributes
high importance to conservation values may accept the existing
situation and not strive to enhance his/her job autonomy
because it can be harmful for organizational rules and norms.
April 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 865
Purc and Laguna
Values and Innovative Behavior of Employees
He/she may be afraid that attempts to increase work autonomy
could be negatively perceived by superiors or other co-workers.
There is some empirical evidence that can shed some light
on the potential relationship direction between an employee’s
conservation values and his/her work autonomy. In a study
conducted by Sagiv and Schwartz (2004), clients’ emphasis on
conformity values was found to be negatively related to their
independent behavior, which they expressed in the career
counseling process. Moreover, an emphasis on conservation
values predisposes individuals to engage in rather conventional
professions, such as accountants, administrative managers, or
receptionists, and to hold vocational interests that demand
following well-defined instructions and rules, systematic
operations, and obeying norms (Sagiv, 2002; Knafo and Sagiv,
2004). Because peoples’ professional choices affect the types
of behavior in which they are willing to engage in the workplace
(Holland, 1997; Arieli and Tenne-Gazit, 2017), we expect that
people who attribute great importance to conservation values
do not strive to enhance their job autonomy because it is not
congruent with their values. Therefore, we developed the
following hypothesis.
the welfare of all people, as well as nature (Schwartz, 1992).
The motivational goal of benevolence involves concern for
people who are relatively close, and this concern is expressed
in everyday interactions. As previously stated, selftranscendence is the most abstract higher-order value, and
it has been argued that it is not as strongly related to work
context as other values (Sousa et al., 2012). Nevertheless,
there is some empirical evidence concerning the effects of
the self-transcendence values on work-related issues. These
values were found to be positively related to altruistic and
pro-social behaviors at work, in contrast to the self-enhancement
values (Sosik et al., 2009; Schwartz, 2010). Moreover, in a
study that used social dilemma games, Sagiv et al. (2011b)
found that the participants who attributed high importance
to self-transcendence were more willing to cooperate with
others than those who emphasized self-enhancement. However,
there is no empirical evidence on the relationship between
self-transcendence and work autonomy. Based on theoretical
assumptions, we can expect that striving for autonomy is
not highly important to employees who emphasize selftranscendence. Instead, these employees are likely focused
on cooperating with co-workers, showing their concern for
others and being tolerant of all people. Nevertheless, theoretical
and empirical evidence does not seem to be sufficient to
postulate a direct relationship between employees’ selftranscendence and autonomy.
Hypothesis 2b. Employees’ conservation values are
negatively related to their job autonomy.
The higher-order value of self-enhancement includes power
and achievement (Schwartz, 1992). Power is focused on attaining
prestige, social status, dominant position, and control over
people and resources. The value of achievement is concentrated
on personal success, which can be attained through competence
demonstration. The theoretical assumption is that employees
who attribute high importance to self-enhancement values
will strive to have more autonomy in their workplaces. Feeling
autonomous and independent at work seems to be crucial to
attaining dominance and control over other co-workers and
to developing self-interest goals. An employee who is selfconfident and autonomous can express his/her competence
in the workplace. Thus, the motivational goals of selfenhancement can be attained. A highly autonomous job is
more challenging and creates feelings of personal responsibility
and control of outcomes at work (Hackman and Oldham,
1980; Sousa et al., 2012). Mumford (2000) argued that power
and achievement are strong motives for people who tend to
be independent. In addition, career counseling clients’
achievement values were found to be positively related to
their independent behavior (rated by counselors) (Sagiv and
Schwartz, 2004), and higher self-enhancement values predicted
entrepreneurial career intentions in students from different
countries (Gorgievski et al., 2017). Based on these premises,
we expect that employees’ self-enhancement values are positively
related to their autonomy at work.
Job Autonomy and Innovative Behavior
Job autonomy is known to be an important contextual antecedent
of creativity and innovation (Amabile et al., 1996; Hammond
et al., 2011; Anderson et al., 2014). In the meta-analysis
conducted by Hammond et al. (2011), job characteristics,
including job autonomy, were found to be the strongest predictors
of creativity and innovation among all predictors evaluated
in their study. Having freedom in performing their work,
employees are able to find and develop working methods that
fit them optimally (De Spiegelaere et al., 2015). Such “space”
is necessary for creativity and innovative behavior because
these actions are focused on experimenting and developing
the best approaches to solve problems (De Spiegelaere et al.,
2015). Accordingly, Dierdorff and Morgeson (2013), p. 694,
argued that “by having freedom in the work role (autonomy),
individuals are able to take the initiative and perform in a
creative manner because they are less constrained in their
role performance.”
A number of studies have confirmed that autonomy is
positively related to creativity and innovation. Job autonomy
was found to be positively related to employees’ innovative
behavior at work (Axtell et al., 2000; Ramamoorthy et al.,
2005; De Spiegelaere et al., 2014, 2015, 2016) and to job
creativity (Liu et al., 2011). In line with job characteristics
theory (Hackman and Oldham, 1976, 1980) and the selfdetermination theory (Deci et al., 1989; Ryan and Deci, 2000),
which emphasize the motivational role of job autonomy, and
based on the previous research findings, we postulate that job
autonomy is positively related to employees’ innovative behavior.
Hypothesis 2c. Employees’ self-enhancement values are
positively related to their job autonomy.
The higher-order value of self-transcendence encompasses
universalism and benevolence. Universalism is focused on
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April 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 865
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Values and Innovative Behavior of Employees
Hypothesis 3. Employees’ job autonomy is positively
related to their innovative behavior.
Hypothesis 4. Employees’ job autonomy mediates the
relationships between openness to change (H4a),
conservation (H4b), self-enhancement (H4c), selftranscendence (H4d) values, and innovative behavior.
Job Autonomy as a Mediator Between
Personal Values and Innovative Behavior
Although personal values have been examined as predictors of
creativity and innovation in several studies (Dollinger et al.,
2007; Kasof et al., 2007; Sousa and Coelho, 2011), it is still
uncertain exactly how these relationships occur. For example,
in a study conducted by Choi (2004), there was no confirmation
of the mechanism proposing that innovative organizational
culture is related to innovation-use behavior through innovative
values. Therefore, it is necessary to seek other mechanisms
explaining individual innovation. Hence, responding to this
need, we not only postulate direct relationships between employees’
personal values and their innovative behavior but also propose
that job autonomy can mediate these relationships (Figure 1).
It should be mentioned that some previous studies have
treated job autonomy as a moderator, rather than a mediator,
of relationships between personal values and work outcomes
(e.g., Sousa et al., 2012; Sousa and Coelho, 2013). However,
we propose to go beyond this pattern and verify whether job
autonomy can play a mediating role. We base our expectation
on an understanding of job autonomy as not only “given” by
managers or derived from the job itself, as postulated by the
traditional job design framework (Hackman and Oldham, 1976,
1980), but also strengthened by employees on their own, which
is consistent with the proactivity conceptions (Wrzesniewski
and Dutton, 2001; Berg et al., 2008; Tims and Bakker, 2010).
Morgeson and Humphrey (2008) admit that managers are often
responsible for designing or redesigning their subordinates’
work and frequently must even customize the work design to
their employees’ individual competencies. Nevertheless, they
stress that workers also play the role of proactive ‘crafters’ of
their work, dynamically redesigning work to be more suitable
to their specific capabilities, interests, or to the situation
(Morgeson and Humphrey, 2008). We agree with this argument
and expect that employees’ pursuit of job autonomy is predicted
by their personal values, which are cognitive representations
of their basic motivations and, therefore, affect their choices,
decisions, and behaviors (Arieli and Tenne-Gazit, 2017; Sagiv
and Roccas, 2017). Thus, we propose testing whether job
autonomy mediates the relationship between personal values
and employees’ innovative behavior.
Private sector employees who worked in micro-, small-, and
medium-sized enterprises operating in Poland that employ
1–250 employees were invited to participate in the study.
Employees working for larger companies or corporations and
in the public sector were not asked to participate, as their
work may be regulated by stricter company rules (Frant, 1993).
The data were gathered through direct contact with the
participants using a paper-and-pencil questionnaire. Participation
in the study was voluntary, and the participants did not receive
any reward. Confidentiality and anonymity were ensured.
A total of 263 employees (including 138 women) participated
in this study. They ranged in age from 19 to 74 years (M = 33.88,
SD = 10.62). Concerning work contracts, 155 (55.6%) of the
participants were employed under full-time permanent contracts,
49 (18.6%) had temporary contracts, and 59 (25.8%) had
another type of work contract. Concerning education, 44.1%
of the respondents had a master’s degree, 10.3% had a bachelor’s
degree, 34.6% had finished high school, and only 8.7% had
graduated from vocational school; six participants (2.3%) did
not provide information about their education. The participants’
overall work tenure ranged from 2 months to 46 years
(M = 11.43 years, SD = 10.22). Their tenure in their present
company ranged from 1 month to 32 years (M = 5.63 years,
SD = 6.51). The companies at which they worked employed,
on average, approximately 56 people (M = 54.94, SD = 61.73,
Me = 20.00). The participants represented seven types of
occupations classified according to the International Standard
Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08, 2012): professionals
(36.9%), craft and related trade workers (19.8%), service workers
and shop sales workers (18.3%), technicians and associate
professionals (13.7%), clerks (4.9%), plant and machine operators
and assemblers (3.0%), and elementary occupations (1.9%).
Personal Values
To measure the personal values of the employees, the 21-item
Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ-21) was used (Schwartz,
2003a). The measure is not cognitively challenging and is
appropriate even for people with little or no formal schooling
(Cieciuch, 2013; Roccas et al., 2017). The measure includes
21 statements that provide a verbal portrait of different people
(i.e., their goals, aspirations, or wishes), implicitly indicating
the significance of different value types (Schwartz, 2003a).
Sample items include the following: Thinking up new ideas
and being creative is important to him. He likes to do things
FIGURE 1 | Conceptual model of the relationships tested in the study.
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April 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 865
Purc and Laguna
Values and Innovative Behavior of Employees
Job Autonomy
in his own original way; It is important to him to show his
abilities. He wants people to admire what he does. Using a
6-point scale ranging from 1 = very much like me to 6 = not
like me at all, for each item, the participants answered the
question, “How much like you is this person?” The participants’
responses were recoded so that a higher score reflected a
greater importance of the value. Particular items reflect basic
types of values, which can be structured into four higherorder values, namely openness to change, conservation, selfenhancement, and self-transcendence. Because hedonism is
a component of both self-enhancement and openness to
change values (Schwartz, 2003a), we decided to exclude it
from all further analyses, following previous research (e.g.,
Huysentruyt et al., 2015). Schwartz (2003a) claims that people
can differ in their tendencies to respond to value measures
when using the response scale (e.g., some people are likely
to use only one part of the response scale). Therefore, in
most statistical analyses, it is critical to control for such
individual differences (Schwartz, 2003b). Following this
recommendation, we centered raw scores by computing each
person’s mean score for all 21 items (i.e., the MRAT), and
then, we calculated the corrected scores by subtracting the
MRAT from the individual mean score for each value. In
the current study, the internal consistency of the scale was
evaluated using Cronbach’s alpha, with the following results:
0.56 for openness to change, 0.67 for conservation, 0.68 for
self-enhancement, and 0.72 for self-transcendence. Such
relatively low reliability results are typical for this measure
because of the structure of the questionnaire (i.e., different
components of the values are included in each higher-order
value) and because every higher-order value was composed
of a relatively small number of items (Schwartz, 2003a).
Therefore, the reliability results should not be treated as a
measurement weakness nor should they be considered
problematic for the research results. To verify the factorial
structure of the measure, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA)
using AMOS software (Arbuckle, 2005; Brown, 2006) was
performed. When assessing the model fit, CFI values higher
than 0.90 indicate an acceptable model fit, and for the RMSEA
and SRMR indices, values below 0.05 indicate a good model
fit and values below 0.08 (and up to 0.10) indicate an acceptable
fit; the lower the AIC index is, the better the model fits the
data (Brown, 2006). According to previous recommendations
(Cieciuch and Davidov, 2012), a one-factor model was tested
separately for each of four higher-order values. Concerning
openness to change, the factorial model showed good fit to
the data (χ2(2) = 0.089, p = 0.956, CFI = 1.00, AIC = 16.089,
RMSEA = 0.000, SRMR = 0.005). In the case of conservation, the
model also showed good fit to the data (χ2(9) = 23.666,
p = 0.005, CFI = 0.922, AIC = 47.666, RMSEA = 0.077,
SRMR = 0.047). When testing the self-enhancement model, the
analysis revealed that it had acceptable fit (χ2(8) = 6.343,
p = 0.042, CFI = 0.975, AIC = 22.343, RMSEA = 0.088,
SRMR = 0.032). Finally, when we analyzed the selftranscendence model, it also showed acceptable fit to the
data (χ2(5) = 16.039, p = 0.007, CFI = 0.954, AIC = 36.039,
RMSEA = 0.089, SRMR = 0.038).
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The autonomy experienced by employees at work was measured
with four items of the autonomy scale from the Work Design
Questionnaire (Morgeson and Humphrey, 2006). Each item of
the scale is a statement (e.g., My job allows me to make a lot
of decisions on my own; The job gives me a chance to use my
personal initiative or judgment in carrying out the work) to
which the participants should respond using a five-point answer
scale that ranges from 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly
agree. In the present study, Cronbach’s alpha for the autonomy
scale was 0.90, which implies very good scale reliability.
We conducted CFA, and the one-factor model showed good
fit to the data (χ2(1) = 0.249, p = 0.617, CFI = 1.00, AIC = 36.039,
RMSEA = 0.000, SRMR = 0.003).
Innovative Behavior
The participants’ innovative behavior was measured using the
Innovative Behavior Questionnaire (Scott and Bruce, 1994).
The questionnaire includes six items (e.g., I generate creative
ideas; I develop adequate plans and schedules for the
implementation of new ideas). For each statement, the participants
answered how frequently they behaved as described in the
statement, using a five-point scale ranging from 1 = never to
5 = very often. In the present study, the scale reliability was
0.85, which indicates good internal consistency. CFA, which
was conducted following Purc and Laguna’s (2017)
recommendations, confirmed the one-factor structure of the
measure. The present study confirmed that such a model fits
well with the data (χ2(6) = 7.089, p = 0.313, CFI = 0.998,
AIC = 37.089, RMSEA = 0.026, SRMR = 0.015).
Data Analysis Strategy
The first step was to examine whether the data suffered from
the common method variance problem. Therefore, Harman’s
single factor test was employed (Podsakoff et al., 2012). This
technique is currently considered to be the most effective and
simplest method of testing common method variance (Fuller
et al., 2016). It can be applied by conducting exploratory factor
analysis (Razmus and Mielniczuk, 2018). If the one-factor
solution reveals that the percent of its explained variance
exceeds 50–60%, then the results suffer from the common
method variance (Fuller et al., 2016).
In the next step, descriptive statistics and correlations between
study variables were analyzed. Previous studies have suggested
that creativity and innovative behavior can be affected by sex
and age (Slagter, 2009; Alsos et al., 2013; Smith et al., 2016;
Hollanders and Es-Sadki, 2017). Therefore, we conducted a
hierarchical multivariate regression analysis to test whether
there were statistically significant effects of sex and age on
innovative behavior and, consequently, whether it was necessary
to control for these variables in further analyses.
The fundamental part of the data analysis was testing
the postulated hypotheses. To test the hypotheses, particularly
to verify whether job autonomy mediates the relationships
between personal values and innovative behavior, Model 4 in
the PROCESS macro (Hayes, 2013) for SPSS was applied.
April 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 865
Purc and Laguna
Values and Innovative Behavior of Employees
The use of this macro allows the estimation of an indirect
effect by using a bootstrapping technique. Bias-corrected and
accelerated bootstrapping with 5,000 repetitions (5,000 samples
randomly generated from the whole sample) was applied in
the present analyses. In terms of interpreting the results, if
the confidence interval does not include zero, it indicates a
statistically significant mediation (indirect) effect. The hypotheses
concerning direct relationships were also verified based on the
PROCESS macro results.
behavior. Sex was coded as a dichotomous variable (0 = male
and 1 = female). The regression analysis results showed that
neither sex nor age was significant predictors of innovative
behavior (β = 0.04, p = 0.531; β = −0.02, p = 0.785, respectively).
Thus, we did not control for these variables in further analyses.
Hypotheses Testing
Mediation analyses were performed using the PROCESS
macro (Model 4, Hayes, 2013). All direct and indirect effects
were estimated based on these bootstrapped samples. For
each of the analyses, direct effects (a, b, and c, as shown
in Figure 1), an indirect effect (c′) with the bootstrapped
standard error (SEB), and 95% confidence intervals (CIs)
are reported in Table 2.
First, direct effects were examined to verify hypotheses
H1a–H1c. The analysis showed that two of the four higherorder values were related to innovative behavior. Openness to
change values were not found to be a significant predictor of
employee innovative behavior (B = 0.08, SEB = 0.06, p = 0.187).
Therefore, hypothesis H1a is rejected. Conservation values
showed a significant negative effect on innovative behavior
(B = −0.20, SEB = 0.07, p = 0.004), which supports hypothesis
H1b. Self-enhancement values were also revealed to be directly
related to innovative behavior. As expected, the higher the
importance that employees attributed to self-enhancement
values, the higher their innovative behavior (B = 0.17,
SEB = 0.06, p = 0.005). Thus, hypothesis H1c is supported.
When investigating the relationship between self-transcendence
values and innovative behavior, no statistically significant effect
was detected (B = 0.002, SEB = 0.07, p = 0.973). We also
examined whether employees’ personal values have a direct
relationship with their job autonomy, which was postulated
in hypotheses H2a–H2c. The results showed that all four
higher-order values were statistically significant predictors of
employees’ job autonomy. Openness to change values were
found to be a positive predictor of autonomy (B = 0.18,
SEB = 0.09, p = 0.046), which allows hypothesis H2a to
be accepted. Conservation values were negatively related to
perceived employees’ job autonomy (B = −0.22, SEB = 0.10,
p = 0.024), confirming hypothesis H2b. Self-enhancement values
were also shown to be a significant predictor of job autonomy,
and this effect was positive (B = 0.30, SEB = 0.09, p < 0.001).
This result indicates that hypothesis H2c is supported. Selftranscendence values were found to negatively predict employees’
Common Method Variance Test
To examine whether the data gathered in the study suffer
from the common method variance, Harman’s single factor
test was applied (Podsakoff et al., 2003; Fuller et al., 2016).
All items of all measures used in the study were loaded into
an exploratory factor analysis. An unrotated solution was used.
The results showed that a single factor that accounted for
most of the covariance among measures did not appear. A
three-factor solution was obtained, and the first factor explained
43.93% of the variance, which did not exceed 50% of the
variance explained (Fuller et al., 2016). Therefore, it was not
necessary to control for common method variance in
further analyses.
Descriptive Statistics and Correlations
Between the Study Variables
Descriptive statistics and Pearson’s correlations are reported in
Table 1. In terms of personal values, the correlations between
both bipolar dimensions are statistically significant and negative,
which reflect their opposite positions on the motivational value
continuum and aligns with Schwartz’s values theory (Schwartz,
1992). Openness to change values were negatively correlated
with conservation (r = −0.69, p < 0.001), and self-enhancement
values were negatively correlated with self-transcendence values
(r = −0.54, p < 0.001).
Control Variables
A hierarchical multivariate regression analysis was applied to
test whether there was a statistically significant effect of sex
and age on innovative behavior. Therefore, these two variables
were entered into the model as predictors explaining innovative
TABLE 1 | Means, standard deviations, and correlations between study variables (N = 263).
Openness to change
Innovative behavior
Note: Pearson’s r correlations are reported. Openness to change, conservation, self-enhancement, and self-transcendence were centered. ***p < 0.001; **p < 0.01; *p < 0.05
(two tailed).
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April 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 865
Purc and Laguna
Values and Innovative Behavior of Employees
TABLE 2 | Results of mediation analyses.
Direct effects
Indirect effect
Openness to change
95% CI
−0.01, 0.16
−0.17, −0.01
0.04, 0.18
−0.21, −0.05
Note: a = personal values – autonomy direct effect; b = autonomy – innovative behavior direct effect; c = personal values – innovative behavior direct effect; c′ = indirect effect of
autonomy. SEB = bootstrapped standard error; 95% CI = 95% confidence interval. For a, b, c and c′ effects, unstandardized B coefficients are reported. ***p < 0.001; **p < 0.01;
*p < 0.05.
job autonomy (B = −0.33, SEB = 0.10, p = 0.001). Therefore,
we can conclude that there is a significant negative relationship
between self-transcendence values and job autonomy in employees.
Hypothesis H3 aimed to test the potential positive relationship
between employees’ job autonomy and their innovative behavior.
The examination of a direct effect of autonomy on innovative
behavior confirms this hypothesis; job autonomy was a significant
predictor of innovative behavior, and this relationship was
positive in each of the four equations, including different
personal values (for openness to change, B = 0.37, SEB = 0.04,
p < 0.001; for conservation, B = 0.36, SEB = 0.04, p < 0.001;
for self-enhancement, B = 0.35, SEB = 0.04, p < 0.001; and
for self-transcendence, B = 0.38, SEB = 0.04, p < 0.001).
Next, indirect bootstrapped effects were analyzed to
verify hypotheses H4a–H4d. Hypothesis H4a postulated that
the relationship between openness to change values and
innovative behavior is mediated by job autonomy. The mediation
analysis showed that the indirect effect was nonsignificant
(B = 0.07, SEB = 0.04, 95% CI [−0.01, 0.16]) because the
95% CI included zero. Therefore, hypothesis H4a is not accepted.
The indirect effect of job autonomy on the relationship between
conservation values and innovative behavior was found to
be significant (B = −0.08, SEB = 0.04, 95% CI [−0.17, −0.01]),
thereby confirming hypothesis H4b. Hypothesis H4c is
supported as well – job autonomy was found to be a
significant mediator of the relationship between selfenhancement values and innovative behavior (B = 0.10,
SEB = 0.03, 95% CI [0.04, 0.18]). Finally, there was also a
significant indirect effect of job autonomy in the relationship
between self-transcendence values and innovative behavior
(B = −0.13, SEB = 0.04, 95% CI [−0.21, −0.05]). Thus, this
result indicates that hypothesis H4d is also confirmed. In
summary, three of the four specific mediation hypotheses are
supported. We can conclude that job autonomy is a significant
mediator of the relationships between personal values (i.e.,
conservation, self-enhancement, and self-transcendence, but
not openness to change) and employees’ innovative behavior.
their innovative behavior, on the one hand, and their job
autonomy, on the other hand. We also expected that job
autonomy mediates the relationships between values and
innovative behavior. The study results confirmed most of
our expectations.
Regarding the relationship between personal values and
employees’ innovative behavior, our results revealed the effects
of two of the four higher-order values, namely conservation
and self-enhancement values. As expected, employees who
attributed high importance to conservation values, which
involve maintaining the status quo and being resistant to change,
are less willing to behave innovatively at work. This result
supports the postulates derived from Schwartz’s (1992) theory,
which states that accepting established procedures, norms,
and customary manners of behavior, which are typical for
conservation values, is not conducive to innovative behavior
(Schwartz and Bardi, 2001; Schwartz, 2006; Sousa et al., 2012).
This result is also consistent with previous research demonstrating
negative relationships between conservation values and creativity
(Rice, 2006; Dollinger et al., 2007; Kasof et al., 2007; Lipponen
et al., 2008; Sousa and Coelho, 2011).
Our results also showed that self-enhancement values
positively predict employees’ innovative behavior. We postulated
that being innovative can help to attain personal success and
achieve a dominant position among other co-workers, which
are the central goals of self-enhancement values (Schwartz,
1992). Employees who strongly preferred this set of higherorder values were found to be more innovative, which is
consistent with previous research findings obtained by Sousa
and Coelho (2011) and Taştan and Davoudi (2017). Nevertheless,
our results are contradictory to those found by Dollinger
et al. (2007), who found that power is negatively related to
creativity. However, in their study, creativity was measured
by applying methods, such as drawing creative products,
developing creative stories or photo essays, which focused
on the artistic aspect of creativity of university students.
Therefore, the research context of this previous study differs
substantially from that in the present study, in which the
sample consisted of employees, and aims to investigate not
creativity but innovative behavior, which is strongly grounded
in the work context.
Our results also showed that there is no significant relationship
between employees’ self-transcendence values and innovative
behavior. This result aligns with the notion suggested by
The present study aimed to investigate the relationships between
personal values, job autonomy, and innovative behavior of
employees. We tested whether employees’ personal values predict
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April 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 865
Purc and Laguna
Values and Innovative Behavior of Employees
Sousa et al. (2012), who argued that self-transcendence values
do not seem to be more strongly related to the work context
than other higher-order values. However, Arieli and TenneGazit (2017) recently proposed that universalism can be related
to creativity and innovation, and other research findings showed
that prosocial motivation may encourage idea development in
employees (Grant and Berry, 2011). Therefore, more research
concerning this issue is needed. Future research should
particularly test such relationships among employees and explain
not only idea generation (creativity) but also idea implementation
(innovative behavior). It may also be valuable for future research
to take into account prosocial motivation and include the
context of social relationships in organizations.
Job autonomy was found to be predicted by all four higherorder values. As we expected, employees who attribute high
importance to openness to change values (self-direction and
stimulation) experience more autonomy in their work. This
result aligns with Schwartz’s theory, which postulates that
openness to change values are focused on independent action
and thought and willingness to new experiences (Schwartz,
2003a). Our results confirmed that such motivation in employees
is accompanied by striving for more autonomy in their workplace.
Similarly, when employees value highly self-enhancement (power
and achievement), they also experience more autonomy in
their work. This result corresponds with the theory of basic
human values because people who attribute high importance
to self-enhancement values aim to attain success, prestige, and
a dominant position over other people and demonstrate
competence (Schwartz, 1992). These goals seem to be impossible
to attain without having a substantial level of autonomy at
work. This result is also consistent with Mumford’s arguments
that power and achievement are strong motives of independent
people (Mumford, 2000).
Employees’ conservation values were found to be negatively
related to job autonomy, which supports our expectations
[derived from Schwartz’s value theory (Schwartz, 1992)]. This
result also aligns with the results obtained by Sagiv and Schwartz
(2004), who demonstrated that career counseling clients who
attributed high importance to conformity values behaved less
independently during the counseling process. In sum, people
who attribute high importance to conservation values (conformity,
security and tradition), which focus on maintaining the status
quo, self-restriction, and resistance to change, are not strongly
predisposed to strive for job autonomy because it is potentially
disturbing to established social organizational norms.
Our results also revealed that employees’ self-transcendence
values are negatively related to their autonomy at work. It
seems that people for whom these values are of great importance
are not as focused on themselves but instead care about other
people and the environment (Schwartz, 1992). They are more
concentrated on pro-social and altruistic behaviors at work
(Sosik et al., 2009; Schwartz, 2010) and on cooperating with
others (Sagiv et al., 2011b) than on increasing their own job
autonomy, which can be harmful for the autonomy of their
co-workers or managers.
In summary, the results of the present study confirmed
our expectations that employees’ personal values are important
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predictors of their job autonomy. The results seem to support
the argument that jobs may be proactively redesigned by
employees to be more convergent with their preferences and
characteristics, such as their personal values (Wrzesniewski
and Dutton, 2001; Berg et al., 2010). Nonetheless, it should
be noted that, according to the traditional approach to job
design (Hackman and Oldham, 1976, 1980), employee
job autonomy is usually treated as a rather objective job
characteristic, which depends on the nature of the job itself
and on supervisors (Park and Jang, 2015). Thus, job autonomy
is often considered to be a contextual moderator in explaining
organizational phenomena (e.g., Molleman and van den Beukel,
2007; Sousa et al., 2012). However, we conducted an additional
analysis of differences between various occupations1, and
no significant differences in job autonomy were revealed
(F(6, 251) = 1.29, p = 0.261). Therefore, the level of job autonomy
does not depend on the occupation type. This result supports
our approach and suggests that the fact that different people
have different levels of job autonomy may be a result of
their own efforts; some people are motivated to strive for
job autonomy (because it is congruent with their personal
values), whereas others are not (when their values do not
foster being autonomous). It is not only the nature of a job
(assuming that some jobs are more autonomous than others)
but also the personal characteristics of an employee that can
shape the level of job autonomy that he/she experiences at
work. This notion is in line with job crafting theory, which
emphasizes that employees are proactive crafters of their work
environment – their role is not reduced to working under
the conditions imposed by their managers, as they can also
actively shape their jobs to make them better fit their
expectations and preferences (Wrzesniewski and Dutton, 2001;
Berg et al., 2010). Future studies may examine behaviors that
help to craft a job in terms of job autonomy to fit employees’
personal value preferences.
In the present study, we did not find a significant relationship
between employees’ openness to change values and their
innovative behavior. Schwartz’s (1992) theory allows us to
postulate that these values are positively related to creativity
and innovation. Motivational goals of openness to change
(i.e., the willingness to create, choose, explore, preference
for novelty, and change) seem to encourage people to behave
in innovative ways. Indeed, previous research findings have
shown that there are positive relationships between openness
to change values and creativity (Rice, 2006; Dollinger et al.,
2007; Kasof et al., 2007; Sousa and Coelho, 2011). However,
in the present study, the relationship between openness to
change and innovative behavior was not statistically significant.
We consider several potential reasons for this result. First,
some previous studies that found a positive association between
openness to change values and creativity were conducted
with student samples (Dollinger et al., 2007; Kasof et al.,
2007). Second, because of a lack of research examining the
role of individuals’ personal values on their innovative behavior,
Occupations were differentiated according to the International Standard
Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08, 2012).
April 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 865
Purc and Laguna
Values and Innovative Behavior of Employees
our expectations were primarily based on theoretical
contributions and previous research on creativity. However,
although creativity and innovative behavior are similar
constructs, they are not equivalent (Anderson et al., 2014;
Purc et al., 2015). Innovative behavior includes not only idea
generation but also seeking support for the idea and its
implementation (Scott and Bruce, 1994; Amabile, 1997; West,
2002; Anderson et al., 2004; Hammond et al., 2011), which
demands cooperation with others within an organization.
This again raises the issue of social relationships between
managers and employees as well as among employees, which
may be considered in future studies.
The present study aimed to explain the mechanism through
which the personal values of employees relate to their innovative
behavior. Our results revealed that job autonomy was a significant
mediator of the relationships between three among four higherorder values (conservation, self-enhancement, and selftranscendence) and innovative behavior. The relationship between
openness to change and innovative behavior was not mediated
by job autonomy. Future research is needed to find other
mechanisms through which such a relationship may occur.
The mediation analysis results generally support our postulations
that personal values not only motivate the pursuit of job
autonomy but also are indirectly associated with innovative
behavior. In addition, our study supports other findings indicating
that job autonomy predicts innovative behavior (Axtell et al.,
2000; Ramamoorthy et al., 2005; De Spiegelaere et al., 2014,
2015, 2016). We can conclude that employees’ personal values
serve as a predisposition for functioning in the workplace
and, together with other variables, such as job autonomy, relate
to innovative behavior.
Another limitation that should be addressed is that we used
self-reports to measure study variables. Self-report measures
seem to be the most appropriate solution to assess personal
values because values are subjective motivational goals (Roccas
et al., 2017). Similarly, the measurement of job autonomy seems
to be necessarily subjective because the most important aspect
is how an employee perceives autonomy in his/her work, not
how others observe it. Objective measures of autonomy are
difficult to obtain and may not refer to an employee’s actual
feeling of being independent at work. Thus, self-report measures
seem to be the best solution to capture perceived job autonomy.
Innovative behavior was subjectively rated by employees as
well, which may not reflect their actual behavior, and responses
can be biased due to social desirability (Zacher et al., 2016).
However, it was found that there is a significant positive
correlation between the self-ratings of innovative behavior and
the objective measure of invention disclosures (Scott and Bruce,
1994). In addition, Janssen (2000, 2001) found that employees’
self-ratings of innovative behavior were correlated with their
supervisors’ ratings. Some researchers have also argued that
employees are a good source of information about their own
creativity and innovative performance (Organ and Konovsky,
1989; Janssen, 2000, 2004; Shalley et al., 2009) because it is
a rather discretionary behavior, and the ratings of other people
(e.g., managers or co-workers) may miss subtle, less visible
innovative activities, capturing only those that are designed
to make an impression. Future research should consider such
problems, and researchers may use other measures.
Our study was performed in a single country, namely Poland.
Because cultural differences at the societal level (Hofstede,
1980) have been considered important with respect to innovation
(Rosenbusch et al., 2011), these differences may also influence
the relationships between values and innovative behavior.
Therefore, future cross-cultural research and/or research in
other cultural contexts is encouraged.
When testing the mediation mechanism, we should remember
that the present study is cross-sectional, and thus, no causal
conclusions can be drawn, which constitute a limitation of
this study. Nevertheless, as personal values develop in childhood
(Vecchione et al., 2015, 2016; Cieciuch et al., 2016), job
autonomy is relatively changeable because it is dependent
on the organizational context (Hackman and Oldham, 1976,
1980) and because innovative behavior based on creative
ideas is performed during daily work duties (Weinberger
et al., 2018), which justifies the direction of variables included
in our model. However, further research concerning the
relationships between employees’ personal values, job autonomy,
and innovative behavior employing a longitudinal or
experimental design is needed to discover the interplay
between these variables over time.
In the current study, we concentrated on the role of job
autonomy as a central motivational work characteristic
(Morgeson and Humphrey, 2006). However, job autonomy is
only one of the job features described by Hackman and
Oldham’s (1976) job characteristics theory. Therefore, future
studies should investigate the role of other job characteristics
in relation to personal values and in stimulating innovative
behavior in organizations.
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Practical Implications
The results of the study have some practical implications, which
can be useful for managers or human resource specialists.
First, it is very important to better understand the predictors
of innovative behavior in organizations because innovation is
one of the sources of organizational success and competitiveness
(Woodman et al., 1993). Personal values are relatively stable
characteristics (Schwartz, 1992), and as such, it is not easy to
adapt them to specific situations. Therefore, knowing which
of employees’ values are positively related to their innovative
behavior, human resource departments can use this knowledge
in the selection and recruitment process as well as in job
design initiatives. Employing and retaining employees with high
levels of self-enhancement values may increase the innovativeness
of an organization. Moreover, entrepreneurs and managers may
support employees’ innovative behavior by providing them with
more autonomy at work and, in this way, building a more
innovation-friendly job environment. It is also possible to
develop innovativeness through training programmes stimulating
creativity and teamwork that increase competencies to shape
April 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 865
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Values and Innovative Behavior of Employees
an environment that promotes innovation and cooperate in
introducing changes (Białoń, 2010).
values perspective to examine antecedents of job autonomy
brings new insights to both basic human values theory and
job design theory.
Despite some limitations, our study offers valuable empirical
evidence that allows for theory development. The results provide
insight into the relationships between employees’ personal
values, job autonomy, and innovative behavior, which have
not been studied to date. Thus, they constitute a new perspective
in innovation research, extending insights from Schwartz’s
(1992) theory of basic human values to a new context. Namely,
our results show that personal values can stimulate innovative
behavior in the workplace. In addition, the present study
investigated not only the direct relationships between personal
values and innovative behavior but also the mediation
mechanism. Thus, we attempted to respond to the call to
reveal the mechanisms through which innovation can be driven,
which was recently emphasized in the innovation literature
(Hammond et al., 2011; Anderson et al., 2014, 2018). Moreover,
we also addressed suggestions that personal values, as well as
contextual factors, can explain behavior (Sousa et al., 2012;
Arieli and Tenne-Gazit, 2017), considering job autonomy as
an indicator of work context. Therefore, applying a personal
All procedures performed in this study were in accordance
with the ethical standards. Informed consent was obtained
from all individual participants included in the study.
Participation in the study was voluntary and the participants
did not receive any reward. Respondents were asked to fill in
a set of questionnaires. They were able to withdraw from the
study at each moment. The confidentiality and anonymity were
ensured. The study received the approval from the Ethical
Committee of The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin,
Institute of Psychology.
EP and ML were involved in formulating the research question,
designing the study, writing the article, and drafting and
approving the final manuscript. EP was responsible for collecting
and analyzing the data.
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April 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 865