Energy & Fuels 2007, 21, 2481-2488
Investigation of Reforming Catalyst Deactivation by Exposure to Fly
Ash from Biomass Gasification in Laboratory Scale
Jessica Einvall,† Simone Albertazzi,‡ Christian Hulteberg,§ Azhar Malik,† Francesco Basile,‡
Ann-Charlotte Larsson,† Jan Brandin,§ and Mehri Sanati*,†,|
School of Technology and Design, Växjö UniVersity, 351 95 Växjö, Sweden, Dipartimento di Chimica
Industriale e dei Materiali, Bologna UniVersity, 40136 Bologna, Italy, Catator AB, Ideon,
223 70 Lund, Sweden, and DiVision of Ergonomics and Aerosol Technology, Lund UniVersity,
Box 118, SE-22100 Lund, Sweden
ReceiVed December 12, 2006. ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed May 11, 2007
Production of synthesis gas by catalytic reforming of product gas from biomass gasification can lead to
catalyst deactivation by the exposure to ash compounds present in the flue gas. The impact of fly ash from
biomass gasification on reforming catalysts was studied at the laboratory scale. The investigated catalyst was
Pt/Rh based, and it was exposed to generated K2SO4 aerosol particles and to aerosol particles produced from
the water-soluble part of biomass fly ash, originating from a commercial biomass combustion plant. The noble
metal catalyst was also compared with a commercial Ni-based catalyst, exposed to aerosol particles of the
same fashion. To investigate the deactivation by aerosol particles, a flow containing submicrometer-size selected
aerosol particles was led through the catalyst bed. The particle size of the poison was measured prior to the
catalytic reactor system. Fresh and aerosol particle exposed catalysts were characterized using BET surface
area, XRPD (X-ray powder diffraction), and H2 chemisorption. The Pt/Rh catalyst was also investigated for
activity in the steam methane reforming reaction. It was found that the method to deposit generated aerosol
particles on reforming catalysts could be a useful procedure to investigate the impact of different compounds
possibly present in the product gas from the gasifier, acting as potential catalyst poisons. The catalytic
deactivation procedure by exposure to aerosol particles is somehow similar to what happens in a real plant,
when a catalyst bed is located subsequent to a biomass gasifier or a combustion boiler. Using different
environments (oxidizing, reducing, steam present, etc.) in the aerosol generation adds further flexibility to the
suggested aerosol deactivation method. It is essential to investigate the deactivating effect at the laboratory
scale before a full-scale plant is taken into operation to avoid operational problems.
1. Introduction
The objective of having a 5.75% share of biofuels in the
transportation sector1 has led to a series of interesting project
initiations in the field of renewable energy; one of them is
CHRISGAS (Clean Hydrogen-Rich Synthesis Gas, IP-project
within FP6). The project focuses on modifying an existing
integrated gasification combined-cycle (IGCC) pilot plant
situated in Värnamo, Sweden, in order to produce synthesis gas
by catalytic upgrading of product gas from the biomass gasifier.
A detailed description of the process, with emphasis on the
difficulties identified within the proposed catalytic treatment,
has already been published.2 The produced synthesis gas is to
be used in the production of, e.g., Fischer-Tropsch diesel,
dimethyl ether, methanol, or hydrogen.3
* To whom correspondence should be addressed: Phone: +46-470708943. Fax: +46-470-708756. E-mail:
[email protected].
† Växjö University.
‡ Bologna University.
§ Catator AB.
| Lund University.
(1) Directive 2003/30/EC of the European parliament and of the council,
May 8, 2003.
(2) Albertazzi, S.; Basile, F.; Brandin, J.; Einvall, J.; Hulteberg, C.;
Fornasari, G.; Rosetti, V.; Sanati, M.; Trifirò, F.; Vaccari, A. Catal. Today
2005, 106, 297-300.
(3) Tijmensen, M. J. A.; Faaij, A. P. C.; Hamelinck, C. N.; van Hardeveld,
M. R. M. Biomass Bioenergy 2002, 23, 129-152.
The plant modification of the Värnamo gasifier includes a
reforming and water gas shift system. The reforming and water
gas shift reactors are however preceded by a hot-gas filter for
removal of ashes. This filtration procedure is however not
sufficient to totally eliminate impurities present in the flue gas,4
and as the impurities are potential poisons for most reforming
and shift catalysts, they can cause deactivation of the catalyst.5
Inorganic particles can also be formed during cooling of the
flue gas via condensation, via nucleation,6 and by chemical
surface reactions. The steam reforming catalyst in biomass
gasification systems will be affected by gaseous sulfur compounds as well as by the emitted inorganic submicrometer
compounds present in the flue gas originating from the biomass
fuel. The latter kind of compounds have shown a deactivating
effect on selective catalytic reduction (SCR) catalysts for
abatement of NOx in the flue gas from biomass combustion
(4) Strand, M.; Pagels, J.; Szpila, A.; Gudmundsson, A.; Swietlicki, E.;
Bohgard, M.; Sanati, M. Energy Fuels 2002, 16, 1499-1506.
(5) Forzatti, P.; Lietti, L. Catal. Today 1999, 52, 165-181.
(6) Hinds, W. C. Aerosol Technology. Properties, BehaVior, and
Measurement of Airborne Particles; John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: New York,
1999; pp 283-292.
(7) Moradi, F.; Brandin, J.; Sohrabi, M.; Faghihi, M.; Sanati, M. Appl.
Catal., B: EnViron. 2003, 46, 65-76.
(8) Rostrup-Nielsen, J. R. Steam reforming catalysts; Teknisk Forlag
A/S: Copenhagen, 1975; pp 35, 45-46, 63-76.
10.1021/ef060633k CCC: $37.00 © 2007 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 08/22/2007
2482 Energy & Fuels, Vol. 21, No. 5, 2007
EinVall et al.
Figure 1. Experimental setup for catalyst exposure to the aerosol particles at 800 °C.
Figure 2. Experimental setup for aerosol particle characterization by the SMPS at 150 °C.
An early study on reforming catalysts has shown that Ni
catalysts are sensitive to sulfur,8 and that sulfur in the flue gas
can poison the catalyst, leading to decreased catalyst lifetime.
H2S in the gas phase will react with Ni in the reforming
catalyst, and NiSO4 and NiS will be formed. Rostrup-Nielsen
reported that H2S is dissociatively adsorbed on the surface and
found a correlation between H2 and S adsorption on Ni where
H and S competitive adsorb on the same sites.8 If the hydrogen
content is low in the gas, hydrogen desorbs into the gas phase,
leaving NiS as product. The formation of H2S can be favored
if the hydrogen concentration is high, and sulfur will then
readsorb on the nearest unoccupied nickel surface. RostrupNielsen also reported the difficulty of regenerating sulfur
deactivated Ni catalyst in the presence of alkali.8 If a sulfurcontaining catalyst is oxidized, sulfur dioxide is formed, which
reacts with alkali and forms sulfates. In reducing conditions
sulfur will be reduced into H2S and readsorbed on the catalyst.
The regeneration procedure for the Ni catalyst will thus be very
The sulfur effect on noble metal reforming catalysts is slightly
different compared to the effect on nickel-based catalysts, and
it has been reported that Ni catalysts are more sulfur-sensitive
than Pt catalysts.9 Noble metal catalysts do not form nonregenerable bulk sulfur; they are however affected by the presence
of sulfur, but the effect is reversible.9 The hydrocarbon species
to be reacted in the reformer are of two general categories:
short-chain alkanes and alkenes (C1-C4) and tar-type compounds (aromatic compounds).2 Rioche et al.10 reported that
supported Rh and Pt catalysts were more active for steam
reforming of acetic acid, phenol, acetone, and ethanol than other
(9) Petersen, E. E.; Bell, T. A. Catalyst deactiVation; Marcel Dekker:
New York, 1987; pp 83, 151-152.
(10) Rioche, C.; Kulkarni, S.; Meunier, F. C.; Breen, J. P.; Burch, R.
Appl. Catal., B: EnViron. 2005, 61, 130-139.
catalysts tested in this study. This finding has further been
confirmed by Kolb et al.11 in investigating Pt/Rh catalysts for
the steam reforming of propane. Rh has shown exceptional
ability of aromatic degradation and is therefore a suitable choice
as an active phase for this type of gas composition.12,13 The
choice of a Pt/Rh catalyst seems to be able to handle both types
of hydrocarbons that need to be reacted in this type of reforming
Earlier studies of particles emitted from biomass combustion
in small grate type boilers4,14 showed a fine particle mode of
around 100 nm and the main elements in the fine mode to be
K, S, and Cl with the main components being K2SO4 and KCl.
In the present work, the effect of generated submicrometer
aerosol particles of K2SO4 salts and salt derived from fly ash
on reforming catalysts was investigated. In the latter case, the
fly ash from a commercial biomass combustion plant was
dissolved in boiling water, and the catalyst was exposed to the
generated particles from the dissolved fly ash solution. This fly
ash sample contains a realistic mixture of compounds, which
the reforming catalyst is assumed to be, at least to some extent,
exposed to in a commercial plant. A new approach for
deactivating reforming catalysts in the laboratory scale by
aerosol particle deposition is proposed in order to simulate the
decay processes, prior to initial operation in full scale. The
proposed catalyst deactivation experiment by deposition of
aerosol particles at the laboratory scale has previously been
verified for deactivation of commercial SCR catalysts in earlier
(11) Kolb, G.; Zapf, R.; Hessel, V.; Löwe, H. Appl. Catal., A: Gen.
2004, 277, 155-166.
(12) Duprez, D. Appl. Catal., A: Gen. 1992, 82, 111-157.
(13) Duprez, D.; Miloudi, A.; Delahay, G.; Maurel, R. J. Catal. 1986,
101, 56-66.
(14) Pagels, J.; Strand, M.; Rissler, J.; Szpila, A.; Gudmundsson, A.;
Bohgard, M.; Lillieblad, L.; Sanati, M.; Swietlicki, E. J. Aerosol Sci. 2003,
34, 1043-1059.
Reforming Catalyst DeactiVation by Exposure to Ash
Energy & Fuels, Vol. 21, No. 5, 2007 2483
Figure 3. Schematic view of experimental setup for activity measurement.
2. Experimental Section
Figure 4. Number size distribution of generated submicron aerosol
particles from K2SO4 and salt leached from fly ash measured by the
2.1. Catalyst. A catalyst with a Pt/Rh active phase dispersed on
a heat-treated Al/Mg spinel was prepared. A slurry comprised of
the sintered material, a binder (Boehmit), and water was dried at
150 °C for 24 h. The dried mixture was calcined for 2 h at 800 °C,
and the residue oxide was crushed. The crushed catalyst was
fractioned, and the fraction of about 0.1 mm was used for catalyst
preparation. The chosen fraction was impregnated with a Pt(NO3)2
solution, dried at 150 °C, and calcined at 800 °C for 2 h. The
platinated catalyst was impregnated by RhCl3 and again calcined
as previously. The resulting catalyst contained 4.5% noble metal
by weight, and had an atomic ratio Pt/Rh equal to 4. The prepared
catalyst was compared to a commercial, Ni-MgAl2O4, steam
reforming catalyst, having a nominal Ni content of 13 wt %.
work.15 A bimetallic catalyst of Pt/Rh has been evaluated as it
can provide qualities suitable for steam reforming, and a
commercial Ni catalyst was used as comparison. The fresh and
aerosol particle exposed catalyst samples were characterized
using different techniques, such as BET surface area, XRPD
(X-ray powder diffraction), and H2 chemisorption, in order to
comprehend the induced catalytic deactivation in biomass
gasification system. The effect of the deactivation was also
investigated by measurement of the catalyst activity in the steam
methane reforming reaction of the Pt/Rh catalyst, before and
after K2SO4 aerosol particle exposure.
(15) Larsson A.-C.; Einvall, J.; Andersson, A.; Sanati, M. Energy Fuels
2006, 20, 1398-1405.
Figure 5. Mass size distribution of generated submicron aerosol
particles from K2SO4 and salt leached from fly ash calculated from
SMPS measurement using the salt bulk density of potassium sulfate.
2484 Energy & Fuels, Vol. 21, No. 5, 2007
EinVall et al.
Figure 6. Calculation of the stability of potassium at aerosol particle generation. (A) Solid phase in N2/H2O environment; (B) potassium in gas
phase in N2/H2O environment.
2.2. DeactiVation Species. As K2SO4 is one of the most abundant
compounds present in biomass combustion gases, this compound
was used to study the effect of emitted biomass associated
submicrometer aerosol particles on reforming catalysts. To investigate the influence of other impurities present in fly ash, another
case was investigated. The fly ash from a commercial biomass
combustion plant was dissolved in boiling water, and the catalyst
was exposed to the generated aerosol particles. This fly ash sample
contains a realistic mixture of compounds, which the reforming
catalyst might be exposed to in a commercial full-scale plant. The
collected fly ash from a commercial boiler (circulating fluidized
bed, 104 MW) is assumed to contain the most abundant elements
emitted from biomass burning. The ash salt solution was prepared
by boiling fly ash with deionized water, which was then filtered.
The main compounds, oxygen aside, in the ash salt were potassium
(38%), sulfur (16%), sodium (5.6%), and calcium (1.9%) analyzed
using an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer
(ICP-AES) and high-resolution inductively coupled plasma mass
spectrometry (HR-ICP-MS).
One of the major components in the ash salt is K2SO4. The sulfate
is stable in an oxidizig environment, i.e., combustion with sulfur
present in the gas phase, and it has a relatively high melting point
(1067 °C). The stability of K2SO4 was investigated by thermodynamic equilibrium calculations with HSC 5 (manufactured by
Outokumpu Research Oy) in N2/H2O (aerosol particle experiment)
and in reducing (synthesis gas) environments, respectively.
Table 1. Gas Flow during Activity Measurement Experiment
S:C ratio
50 000 h-1
50 000 h-1
100 000 h-1
100 000 h-1
92.6 Ndm3/h
157.4 Ndm3/h
250 Ndm3/h
500 Ndm3/h
74.6 Ndm3/h
178.6 Ndm3/h
250 Ndm3/h
500 Ndm3/h
185.2 Ndm3/h
314.8 Ndm3/h
500 Ndm3/h
1000 Ndm3/h
149.2 Ndm3/h
357.1 Ndm3/h
500 Ndm3/h
1000 Ndm3/h
Reforming Catalyst DeactiVation by Exposure to Ash
Energy & Fuels, Vol. 21, No. 5, 2007 2485
Table 4. Deposited Amount of Potassium after Aerosol Particle
Exposure Analyzed by AA
catalyst samples
K concn (wt %)
Ni catalyst
K2SO4 exposed
ash salt exposed
Pt/Rh catalyst
K2SO4 exposed
ash salt exposed
not detected
Table 5. H2 Chemisorption of Fresh and Particle Exposed Catalysts
Figure 7. Possible mechanism for clogging of a porous catalyst surface
at K2SO4 aerosol particle exposure.
Table 2. Characteristics of Generated K2SO4 and Ash-Salt Aerosol
bulk densitya (g/cm3)
concn in reactor (mg/m3N)
mean particle mass size (nm)
concn in reactor (number/cm3N)
mean particle number size (nm)
ash salt
7.4 × 106
6.5 × 106
a The bulk density of potassium sulfate was used in the mass concentration calculation.
Table 3. BET Surface Areas of Fresh and Aerosol Particle Exposed
catalyst samples
Ni catalyst
K2SO4 exposed
ash salt exposed
Pt/Rh catalyst
K2SO4 exposed
ash salt exposed
surf. area (m2/g)
a The reference samples have been exposed to the same conditions as
the aerosol particle exposed samples but with no salt present.
2.3. DeactiVation by Exposure of the Reforming Catalysts to
Generated Potassium and Ash Salt Particles in Laboratory-Scale
Experiments. The generation and deposition of aerosol particles was
carried out in a setup shown in Figure 1.
The aerosol particles were generated by a pneumatic atomizer
(Palas GmbH, AGK-2000). The atomizer was connected to pressurized nitrogen with a gauge pressure of 1 bar, and the flow rate
from the atomizer was 4 Ndm3/min. The atomizer reservoir
contained the salt solution. The concentration of the K2SO4 solution
used for aerosol generation was 50 g of salt/dm3 of deionized water,
and the mass of salt in the ash solution was 16.5 g/dm3 (originating
from 665 g of fly ash). The flow of nitrogen and generated aerosol
particles passed through an inertial impactor separating large liquid
droplets before entering an electrically resistance heated oven. A
catalyst bed consisting of 5.5 g of approximately 0.1 mm diameter
catalyst pellets was placed in the center of a tubular reactor, which
was heated to 800 °C at atmospheric pressure. A continuous flow
of 0.5 Ndm3/min containing the generated aerosol particles was
forced through the catalyst bed for 2 h. The relative humidity at
deposition was less than 1% measured with a TH-Calc 8720 (TSI
The generated aerosol particles were physically characterized
according to their electrical mobility using a scanning mobility
particle sizer (SMPS; TSI Inc.) consisting of a differential mobility
analyzer (DMA; TSI Inc. Model 3081) and a condensation particle
counter (CPC; TSI Inc. Model 3010), shown in Figure 2.
The SMPS measures the particle number size distribution, and
from the bulk density, the mass size distribution can be calculated.
The number size distribution for a size range of 20-478 nm of the
aerosol particle flow was measured, and the flow led through the
catalyst samples
Ni catalyst
K2SO4 exposed
ash salt exposed
Pt/Rh catalyst
K2SO4 exposed
ash salt exposed
dispersion (%)
metallic surf. area (m2/gsample)
instrument was 0.3 Ndm3/min. Particle characterization was carried
out at 150 °C in order to avoid losses of particles during sampling.
Particle sampling was carried out isokinetically using a glasssampling probe. To decrease the temperature, the particle concentration, and the relative humidity prior to analysis, the sample was
diluted with particle-free, dry pressurized air (20 °C) to give a ratio
of 1/27. The relative humidity after dilution was measured with a
TH-Calc 8720 (TSI Inc.) to 4%.
2.4. Chemical Characterization of Fresh and Aerosol Particle
Exposed Catalyst Samples. A Perkin-Elmer 4100 atomic absorption
spectrometer (AA) was used to determine the potassium content
of the catalyst. For this purpose, the catalyst was partially dissolved
in boiling HNO3 and water, and the sample was diluted with water
before the measurement.
Adsorption of N2 at the temperature of liquid nitrogen (the BET
method) was measured on a Sorpty 1750 instrument, to give the
surface area of fresh and particle exposed catalyst samples. A fresh
catalyst was also exposed to the steam and nitrogen without the
presence of poison, in order to investigate the stability of the
catalyst. In the remainder of this paper this catalyst is designated
The metallic surface area, dispersion, and metal particle size were
measured by H2 chemisorption (Micrometrics, ASAP 2020). Before
adsorption of H2 the Ni catalyst was preheated at 750 °C in He
and then in H2. The Pt/Rh catalyst was preheated at 350 °C in He
and then in H2. The measurement of H2 adsorption for both catalysts
was made at 35 °C.
The metal crystallite size was determined by XRPD by a Philips
Analytical X-Pert Instrument with Cu KR radiation at 35 kV and
35 mA using the peak broadening in conjunction with the DebyeScherrer equation.
2.5. ActiVity Measurements of the Pt/Rh Catalyst. The activity
was measured for fresh and K2SO4 exposed Pt/Rh catalyst in the
steam reforming reactions of methane, eqs 1 and 2.
CH4 + H2O T CO + 3H2
CH4 + 2H2O T CO2 + 4H2
The main parts of the catalytic system consist of an oven, mass
flow controllers, and gas mixing equipment (Figure 3).
All flows are presented at normal conditions: 0 °C and 1.01 ×
105 Pa. The reaction gases are mixed and preheated in a vessel
and then led into a tubular reactor, where the reaction takes place.
The gas composition at different gas hourly space velocities
(GHSVs) is reported in Table 1.
Ten milliliters of catalyst pellets was used in the experiments,
and the temperature was varied between 600 and 800 °C. The
conversion has been calculated as X ) (CO + CO2)out/CH4,in.
2486 Energy & Fuels, Vol. 21, No. 5, 2007
EinVall et al.
Figure 8. XRPD of fresh Pt/Rh catalysts and catalyst exposed to K2SO4 and ash-salt aerosol particles.
Table 6. Average Metal Crystallite Size of Fresh and Exposed
Catalyst Samplesa
catalyst samples
Ni catalyst
K2SO4 exposed
ash salt exposed
Pt/Rh catalyst
K2SO4 exposed
ash salt exposed
relative metal
crystallite size
size (nm)
a The results for the Ni catalyst are reported as relative values compared
to the fresh sample.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Salt Exposed Samples at Laboratory Scale. The number
concentration of the generated particles was measured by the
SMPS, and the mass concentration was calculated. The number
and mass size distributions are presented in Figures 4 and 5.
All obtained results are presented at normal conditions: 0 °C
and 1.01 × 105 Pa. The mean number particle size was 0.1 µm
and the calculated mass concentration was 37 mg/m3 for the
K2SO4 aerosol particles. The mass concentration of the aerosol
particles generated from the ash salt was lower due to the lower
salt concentration in the solution. The mean number particle
size was also 0.1 µm, and the calculated mass concentration
was approximately 18 mg/m3. The bulk density for the ash salt
was estimated to be 2.66 g/cm3 (the bulk density of K2SO4) in
the calculation of mass concentration. The results are presented
in Table 2.
In the thermodynamic calculations an amount of 1 kmol of
K2SO4 was calculated to be in contact with a total gas flow of
1 × 106 kmol. The sulfur content (SO2 respectively H2S) in the
gas phase in the reducing environment was calculated to 100
ppm, while in the N2/H2O calculation no sulfur in the gas phase
was present. In the N2/H2O environment, potassium sulfate is
the only stable solid phase up to 750 °C, and above this
temperature the solid K2SO4 is in equilibrium with a melt KOH
phase and gas phase containing SO2 and KOH(g). The results
are presented in Figure 6.
In the reducing environment, as during biomass gasification,
the calculations were made on synthesis gas: H2O (33 vol %),
CO2 (20 vol %), CO (24 vol %), and H2 (23 vol %). There is
no solid phase present, only a melt KOH phase which is in
equilibrium with H2S and KOH(g) in the gas phase.
From the equilibrium calculations it can be concluded that,
in the model deactivation experiments with K2SO4 aerosol
particles in N2/H2O atmosphere, potassium sulfate will be
present and deposited on the catalyst mainly as a solid phase,
which differs from the synthesis gas environment where the
equilibrium calculation reveals a melted phase KOH(l), or at
least a state where the aerosol particles move toward formation
of a melted KOH(l) phase. A proposed mechanism is that
solid K2SO4 in equilibrium with liquid KOH deposits on the
catalyst surface, while KOH(g) and H2S(g) are released; see
Figure 7.
Reforming Catalyst DeactiVation by Exposure to Ash
Energy & Fuels, Vol. 21, No. 5, 2007 2487
Figure 9. Conversion as a function of S:C ratio, 1.7 ([) and 2.5 (9), for fresh Pt/Rh catalyst at GHSV 50 000.
Figure 10. Conversion of fresh (9) and K2SO4 ([) particle exposed Pt/Rh catalyst at GHSV 100 000, S:C ) 1.7.
The effect of aerosol particles on reforming catalysts is of
interest, and thus K2SO4 serves as an aerosol particle model
compound in the total evaluation of the impact of aerosol
particles on deactivation of reforming catalysts.
3.2. BET Measurement. The surface area measured by BET
for the fresh, aerosol particle exposed, and reference catalyst
samples are shown in Table 3. The BET surface area decreased
for both the Pt/Rh catalyst and the Ni catalyst because of the
conditions during exposure. The decrease in surface area was
64% for the Ni catalyst and 25% for the Pt/Rh catalyst. The
Pt/Rh is less affected by the environment probably because of
the calcination procedure when manufactured.
For both catalysts the surface area after K2SO4 aerosol particle
exposure decreases to the same magnitude as the reference
sample. For the Pt/Rh catalyst, the surface area was slightly
increased after ash salt particle exposure, which can be due to
formation of needle-shaped crystals. On the other hand, no
potassium was detected by AA for the Pt/Rh catalyst exposed
to ash salt. The increase in surface area may be contributed
from other compounds present in the ash salt. It has previously
been reported that the surface area can increase after aerosol
particle exposure, at least for solid particles.7
For the Ni catalyst the surface area decreased to a magnitude
similar to the reference sample after exposure to ash salt. A
decrease in surface area after steam and hydrogen exposure has
been reported for a MgAl2O4-based Ni catalyst due to sintering,8
but in the current measurement, no sintering of the Ni or Pt
crystallites was observed due to the aerosol particle exposure
according to the XRPD measurement.
2488 Energy & Fuels, Vol. 21, No. 5, 2007
3.3. Chemical Characterization of the Samples. The bulk
concentration of potassium measured by AA is presented in
Table 4. The concentration of accumulated potassium in the
exposed Ni catalysts was 0.0088 wt % after K2SO4 aerosol
particle exposure and 0.0023 wt % after ash-salt aerosol particle
exposure. The accumulation of potassium in the Pt/Rh catalyst
was 0.0036 wt % potassium after K2SO4 aerosol particle
exposure, while in the case of ash-salt aerosol particle exposure,
no potassium deposition was detected. The ratio of the deposited
potassium concentration to the active metal concentration is a
little higher for the Ni catalyst (7 × 10-4) compared to Pt/Rh
catalyst (5 × 10-4). The measured deposition of potassium in
the catalysts exposed to K2SO4 aerosol particles compared to
the amount forced through the catalyst bed is 45% and 18% in
the Ni and Pt/Rh catalyst, respectively. The deposited amount
of potassium from the ash-salt aerosol particles is 30% in the
Ni catalyst, while no deposition of potassium in the Pt/Rh
catalyst was detected. The lower mass deposited of the ash salt
in both catalysts may be attributed to the lower mass concentration of the salt solution used for aerosol particle generation.
The reason for the lower deposition in the Pt/Rh catalyst could
be a slightly larger size of the Pt/Rh catalyst particles. The
deposition of aerosol particles is affected by the catalyst particle
size, and the difference in deposition could also be attributed
to different catalyst particle shapes, particle densities, and surface
The mass deposition is lower than compared to previously
reported aerosol deposition experiments by an electrostatic field
on the SCR catalyst,15 which were in compliance with a fullscale exposure. No data for a full-scale steam reforming plant
to upgrade gas after biomass gasification are available, but the
low weight percent of deposited material indicates that a longer
deposition time is required in order to achieve results close to
conditions in a full-scale reforming plant.
3.4. H2 Chemisorption. The metallic surface area and dispersion were measured with H2 chemisorption for fresh and aerosol
particle exposed catalysts. The results from the H2 chemisorption
are presented in Table 5. The metallic surface area measured
by H2 chemisorption for both the Ni and Pt/Rh catalysts exposed
to K2SO4 and fly ash salts decreased compared to fresh catalyst.
The decrease can be attributed to poisoning by particle coverage
of the catalyst surface. Rostrup-Nielsen has previously reported
a decrease in Ni surface area measured by H2S chemisorption
after steam and hydrogen streaming of a MgAl2O4-based Ni
catalyst,8 while Pt and Rh catalysts are stable in inert and
reducing environments.9
3.5. XRPD of the Catalyst Samples. The XRPD spectra of
the Pt/Rh catalysts are presented in Figure 8, the Ni catalyst
(commercial) is not presented due to the secrecy agreement with
the catalyst supplier. The average metal crystallite size calculated
by the Scherrer equation from the XRPD patterns is presented
in Table 6. Only relative values are shown for the Ni catalyst.
Neither the Pt/Rh nor the Ni catalyst crystallite size was
affected by the aerosol particle exposure as measured using
XRPD. This proves that the reduction of metallic surface area
in Table 5 is due to poisoning by pore blockage by the aerosol
particles and not due to active phase crystallite sintering during
the experiment.
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EinVall et al.
3.6 ActiVity Measurements of the Pt/Rh Catalyst. The activity
measurement of the fresh Pt/Rh at different steam to carbon
(S:C) ratios indicated an increased conversion at increased S:C
ratio. The results at different S:C ratios are presented in Figure
9. The deactivation with aerosol particles of K2SO4 is demonstrated in Figure 10. The results show that exposing the catalyst
to the aerosol particles decreases the activity of the catalyst.
The conversion of the catalyst decreased from around 8% to
5% at 700 °C after particle exposure, thus showing that the
particle exposure had a negative effect on the catalyst activity.
The decrease in metallic surface area measured by H2 chemisorption after K2SO4 aerosol particle exposure is 88%, while
the decrease in activity is about 50%. This might be explained
by an oversizing of the initial noble metal concentration and
thus the initial decrease in metal surface area is not proportional
to the loss of activity.
4. Conclusion
Catalyst deactivation after exposure to aerosol particles on
reforming catalysts has been investigated. The AA analysis
showed potassium accumulation caused by particle deposition
of 0.0088 wt % in the Ni catalyst after exposure to generated
K2SO4 aerosol particles, thus verifying the deposition of aerosol
particles. The deposition of potassium on the Ni catalyst is 45%
of the exposed amount, which confirms that the method is
applicable for aerosol particle deposition in a catalyst bed.
The conversion of methane in the steam reforming reaction
decreased for the Pt/Rh catalyst exposed to K2SO4 aerosol
particles compared to fresh catalyst, showing that aerosol particle
exposure had a negative effect on the catalyst activity. This
decrease is probably due to coverage of the catalyst active sites
by the deposited aerosol particles. This is further emphasized
by the decrease in metal surface area measured by H2 chemisorption after the aerosol particle deposition despite the fact
that the active phase crystallite size is unaltered as measured
by XRPD.
The deactivation method can be applied to further evaluate
the impact of inorganic salts and carbon compounds expected
to be present in the product gas fed to a catalytic steam reformer
unit following a biomass gasifier, as well as for the investigation
of other parameters that influence process conditions. Further
investigations can lead to a better understanding of the mechanism of deactivation related to steam reforming catalysts when
exposed to a combination of soot and ash compounds from
biomass gasification. This developed decay study of catalytic
processes has been shown, in conformity with previous studies,7,15,16 to assist in predicting the influence of emitted aerosol
particles on catalytic deactivation in a full-scale experiment in
thermochemical conversion of biomass.
Acknowledgment. Financial support through the EC 6th
Framework Program (CHRISGAS Project Contract No. SES6CT2004-502587), the Swedish Energy Agency, and the Swedish
Research Council is gratefully acknowledged.
(16) Larsson, A.-C.; Einvall, J.; Sanati, M. Aerosol Sci. Technol. 2007,
41, 369-379.