An Attractor Neural Network Model of Semantic
Fact Retrieval.
E. Ruppin
Department of Computer Science
School of Mathematical Sciences
Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences
Tel Aviv University
69978, Tel Aviv, Israel
M. Usher
Department of Physics
School of Physics and Astronomy
Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences
Tel Aviv University
69978, Tel Aviv, Israel.
October 23, 1996
This paper presents an attractor neural network model of semantic fact retrieval, based on Collins and Quillian's original semantic network models. In
the context of modeling a semantic network, a distinction is made between associations linking together objects belonging to hierarchically-related semantic
classes, and associations linking together objects and their attributes. Using
a distributed representation leads to some generalization properties that have
computational advantage. Simulations performed demonstrate that it is feasible to get reasonable response performance regarding various semantic queries,
and that the temporal pattern of retrieval times obtained in simulations is
consistent with psychological experimental data. Therefore, it is shown that
attractor neural networks can be successfully used to model higher level cognitive phenomena than standard content addressable pattern recognition.
1 Introduction
This paper presents an attractor neural network (ANN) model of semantic fact retrieval. The static structure of the model represents a Semantic Network (SN) and its
dynamics a Spreading Activation process. Both these static and dynamic constituents
are of paramount importance in arti cial intelligence and cognitive sciences for the
understanding and modeling of human memory retrieval processes. We shall therefore
demonstrate that attractor neural networks can be successfully used to model higher
level cognitive phenomena than standard content addressable pattern recognition.
Attractor neural networks are part of the more general Connectionist framework
[1], that has been developed in recent years in parallel to the classic arti cial intelligence mainstream of symbolic processing. While in the latter information is stored
at speci c memory addresses and processed by explicit rules, in the Connectionist
framework no such distinction between the information and the processing algorithm
exists [2].
The implementation of symbolic, graph-based structures such as semantic nets
using connectionist architectures, is straight forward if a local representation is utilized; i.e., every node (representing a concept) in the SN is represented uniquely by
a single processing unit (a neuron) in the NN. In accordance, every edge in the SN
graph (representing an association) is to be represented by a connection (a synapse)
in the NN, and the amount of activation of the various nodes is represented by using
continuous valued neurons. Indeed, models constructed along these lines have already
been presented [3, 4, 5, 6]. However, as noted by Ritter and Kohonen in regard with
such one-to-one semantic modeling [7], \In view of the contemporary neurophysiological data, such a degree of speci city and spatial resolution is highly improbable in
biology". Hinton [8] has claimed that an alternative approach, based on distributed
representations is more promising. According to this approach, the semantic concepts
are represented by groups (patterns) of neurons, such that each concept is distributed
over many neurons and each neuron participates in representing many di erent concepts. Following Hinton's original conceptual framework, semantically related objects
receive similar representations. A thorough discussion of the merits of distributed representation vs. a local one was presented by Hinton, McClelland and Rumelhart [1].
The speci c advantages obtained by using distributed representations for our goals
will be further described in the discussion.
In the context of modeling a semantic network, a distinction is made between associations linking together objects belonging to hierarchically-related semantic classes,
and associations linking together objects and their attributes. This is made since
we assume that hierarchically related objects receive closely related representations
with respect to a certain distance measure, while no such encoding similarity is reasonable between objects and their corresponding attributes. An association of the
rst kind is `zebra is-a mammal', while an association of the latter kind is `zebra has
stripes'. A unique characteristic of a distributed representation is that if we assume
that the encoding is a topology-conforming mapping, i.e., closely related concepts receive closely related representations, then associational linkage between such related
concepts emerges implicitly from their \geometric" proximity in the encoding space.
As opposed, the second kind of associations should be explicitly implemented into the
synaptic connections. This distinction is realized by constructing the model from two
interacting subnetworks, one storing the objects and the other the attributes. While
the semantic proximity between objects is re ected in the degree of similarity of their
corresponding encodings, the associations between objects and attributes are realized
by projections between patterns belonging to di erent subnetworks.
Out of the various existing kinds of distributed connectionist models, we have selected the ANN paradigm. According to this paradigm, cognitive events are realized
as sustained activity states of a neural net, which are attractors of the neural dynamics. These attractors are distributed activity patterns of the whole neural net, and
learning is accomplished through modifying the synaptic connections' strength via a
Hebbian-like mechanism. ANNs perform a content addressable memory retrieval and
can be used for pattern recognition since they have the ability for performing error
correction. For example, an ANN that models retrieval of information from short
term memory, demonstrated in the high speed scanning experiments of Sternberg's
type [9]. The advantage of using ANNs for such modeling results from the fact that
the error correction is ampli ed at every processing phase which is based on convergence towards an attractor. In addition, biological data supporting the hypothesis
that memory activation is achieved through sustained neural activity, has been found
Our goal is to account for semantic fact retrieval using the ANN paradigm. The
model is conceived so that response performance and retrieval times consistent with
Collins and Quillian's experimental data, can be obtained. As a consequence, several
constraints upon the model construction are imposed. The recognition and retrieval of
facts (a relation composed of several concepts) would be straight forward if they would
be stored as attractors in the network. Nevertheless, when modeling fact retrieval, in
light of economy and language-productivity considerations [11], one cannot store every
fact as an attractor on its own, and therefore another strategy should be pursued;
facts will be represented as spatial-temporal combinations of their constituents, which
themselves will continue to be represented as attractors. Subsequently, the retrieval
of facts is described by a dynamical process performed on this attractor space.
Collins and Quillian [12] have originally modeled two fundamental types of queries:
1. An Object-Attribute (OA) query; i.e., asking wherever an item (object) A has
a property (attribute) X, (e.g., does a canary sing?).
2. An Object-Object (OO) query; i.e., asking wherever an item A belongs to the
category (superset) represented by item B, (e.g., is the canary a bird?).
In addition to the modeling of these queries, which are characterized by performing an upwards motion in the semantic tree along the path leading to the
root, we have been able to demonstrate the modeling of other plausible types
of queries, (been handled previously in Fahlman's NETL system, [13]):
3. The Property intersection query; i.e., what item has the properties X,Y, and Z,
(e.g., who sings, ies, and has feathers?).
4. The Reverse Category query; i.e., what type (sub-category) of item A has property X, (e.g., what kind of bird sings?).
The network's dynamics should realize a process in which semantic queries are
responded. The queries being modeled are composed of either an item (object) and
an attribute, two objects, or two attributes. It is assumed that upon a presentation of
a query, a preprocessing state exists, by which the two components of the presented
query are distinguished and inputed into the corresponding subnetwork (items or
attributes), by means of external elds. It has already been shown that ANNs can
maintain their retrieval capabilities even if the input is applied as an external eld
[14]. It is assumed that a necessary condition for obtaining a positive response is that
a stable state with high similarity to the second input component is achieved. If such
a degree of similarity is not achieved during a certain xed time, or the network has
converged into a stable state with low amount of similarity with the second input,
then a negative response occures.
This paper is further divided into four sections; In section 2. we brie y review the
Semantic Network and Spreading Activations concepts. In section 3. we outline the
architecture of the model presented and describe its dynamical behavior. In section 4.
the results of computer simulations of the model are described and in section 5. some
computational characteristics of the model are analyzed and the model's performance
in comparison with the existing psychological experimental data is discussed.
2 Preliminaries.
In this section we brie y discuss the static and dynamic features upon which the model
is based. The model's static structure is a semantic network, originated by Quillian
[15, 16, 17] as a mode of knowledge representation. Its primary motivation was the
Economy principle stating that items are stored without redundancy, as is described
further below. Information is represented by a set of nodes, representing concepts,
connected to each other by a set of edges (pointers), which represent relationships
among the concepts represented. Di erent models of semantic nets have later been
used to represent a variety of kinds of knowledge [18, 19, 20].
The semantic network described by Collins and Quillian [12] is a directed tree
linked structure (see g. 1) where the nodes stand for concepts designating classes
of objects and the edges between them represent a special kind of relationship (designated an AKO (`a kind of') relationship in AI literature), denoting a category (or
superset) relation; For example, such a directed edge pointing from node A to B
designates that the concept represented by A (e.g., a dog) belongs to the category
represented by concept B (e.g., the mammals). In addition, every node has another
type of directed edges pointing to some properties represented by a set of nodes external to the tree structure. The existence of an edge between an object node to a
property node denotes that the object has that property, (e.g., the dog barks).
denote object (item) nodes and
A chief characteristic of such a semantic net is that if there is a property X which
is common to some of the concepts (items) de ned in the tree, it can be stored at
the highest possible concept, for which all concepts in the sub-tree spanned by it,
still have this property X in common. Thus, a large amount of memory space can be
saved, once a dynamic process is implemented characterized by motion along the path
leading from a node through its ancestors. In the model presented, such a dynamic
process has been implemented using spreading activation.
The theory of Spreading Activation [12, 21] has a major role in modeling the
various phenomena gathered in psychological experiments, concerning the dynamics
of semantic processing. It is based on the hypothesis that the cognitive activity
evoked when a memory is queried about one of its stored facts could be characterized
by a `spreading out' process. In this respect, by `facts' we mean statements about
stored items or the relations between them, (e.g., `the dog barks'). In this process,
it is hypothized that the activation originates at the nodes representing the concepts
queried about (`dog, barks', denoted the `initiating nodes') and further spreads in
parallel to all the nodes that are connected to one of the initiating nodes. If several
initiating nodes are connected to another node, then the latter could be considered as
an `intersection' node, receiving a high level of activation (above a certain threshold)
from all initiating nodes.
Since our model is based on the ANN paradigm, the spreading of activation occurs
in the concepts' and not in the neurons' space. The activity of a concept is de ned
as the overlap between the pattern representing it and the current network's state.
Therefore, although in an ANN only one attractor can be fully activated at once,
nevertheless, a restricted notion of spreading of activation can be manifested; when
moving from one attractor to another, an intermediate stage consisting of mixtures
of several (low activated) patterns, arises. This intermediate `spreading' (divergence)
of activity nally converges into an attractor. It will be further shown, that in some
cases this convergence may be viewed as expressing the intersection phenomenon. In
addition, since our model is based on two separate ANN subnetworks, objects and
attributes may be fully activated at the same moment.
3 Description of the Model.
An ANN is an assembly of formal neurons connected by synapses. The neuron's state
is a binary variable S , taking the values 1 denoting ring or resting states , correspondingly. The network's state is a vector specifying the binary values of all neurons
at a given moment. Each neuron receives inputs from all other neurons to which it is
connected, and res only if the sum of the inputs is above its threshold. This process
may include a stochastic component (noise) which is analogous to temperature T
in statistical mechanics. When a neuron res, its output, weighted by the synaptic
strength, is communicated to other neurons and as a consequence, the network's state
evolves. Mathematically this is described as follows; in the deterministic case
Si(t + 1) = sgn(hi (t))
and for the stochastic case, with temperature T by
1; with prob. 21 (1 + tanh( hT ))
Si(t + 1) = ?
1; with prob. 12 (1 ? tanh( hT ))
where Si is the state of neuron i and hi is the local eld (the postsynaptic potential)
of neuron i, which is given by:
hi =
j =i
Jij Sj
where Jij is the ij element of the connection matrix.
The network's trajectories, are therefore determined by the matrix describing the
synaptic weights, which re ect prior learning. For speci c synaptic weight matrices,
the emergent motion is characterized by convergence to stable pattern con gurations
(representing the memorized concepts) which are attractors of the dynamics [22].
Various versions of ANNs, whose attractors form an hierarchic structure, have been
developed [23, 24]: the hierarchical structure of the stored memory patterns re ects
their proximity in the pattern space according to some distance measure.
The model we propose for fact retrieval from a semantic memory is composed of
two ANN subnetworks of N neurons, (in our simulations we have chosen N = 1000).;
the rst subnetwork, denoted the items subnetwork, stores a semantic tree of items,
illustrated as circles in g. 1. The second subnetwork, denoted the attributes network,
stores the items' properties, depicted as squares in g. 1.
3.1 The items subnetwork
The stored items are organized in a three level tree. The top level consists of two
patterns representing the most general items in our semantic set, denoted by ,
where = 1; 2. Each of these two patterns is generated by selecting the value of
every neuron in the network to be 1 with probability q1 and ?1 with probability 1 ? q1
independently. The average activity h i for these patterns is therefore a1 = 2q1 ? 1.
From each of these patterns, two descendants, denoted by , (; = 1; 2) are
generated by probabilistically ipping some (1 ? q2) bits (neurons) of the ancestor
pattern m u. Formally stated, this is performed in the following way;
i = i i
where is subject to the probability distribution
P ( i) = q2( i ? 1) + (1 ? q2)( i + 1)
where (x) is the Dirac delta-function which is zero for x 6= 0 and its integral equals
q2 has to be greater than 0:5 so that a positive correlation will exist between the
ancestor and its descendant patterns. In the same fashion, a third level of patterns,
denoted (; ; = 1; 2), is generated by probabilistically ipping some of the
ancestor's bits, with a similarity parameter q3 also greater than 0:5;
i = i i
where is subject to the probability distribution
P (i) = q3(i ? 1) + (1 ? q3)(i + 1)
Subsequently, each pattern belonging to the rst level is in correlation a2 = 2q2 ? 1
with its direct descendants, while the same holds for next generation with correlation
a3 = 2q3 ? 1. It is straightforward that the correlation between a pattern in the
rst level and its descendants in the third layer is a2a3 and the correlation between
two patterns belonging to the same ancestors is a22 in the second layer and a32 in
the third one. Since we have chosen q2 = q3 = 0:75, we obtain an equal correlation
of 0:5 between each ancestor and descendant. The correlation between two patterns
at the same level, with a common direct ancestor, is 0:25. Observe that in this
structure items closely related obtain similar encoding (where the degree of similarity
is measured by the Hamming distance) which re ects the geometric proximity in the
2N space.
The connectivity matrix which embeds this hierarchic structure of attractors, is
constructed according to Feigelman and Io e [23];
i( j ? a1) + 1 ?1a 2
Jij =
( i ? a2 i)( j ? a2 j )
2 ; =1;2
+ 1 ?1a 2
( i ? a3 i)( j ? a3 j )
Using this connection matrix is can be easily shown that each of the stored patterns
is a stable state since
Jij Sj = Sj
j =1
when S is one of the patterns stored ( ; ; ), whose total number is 2+4+8 =
hi =
3.2 The attributes subnetwork
This subnetwork stores the properties (attributes) belonging to the items, as attractors. The patterns representing the attributes denoted by are uncorrelated, i.e.,
they are by generated by selecting randomly the values of each neuron to be 1 with
equal probability. This
network is therefore a Hop eld type network [22] and its conPp
nection matrix is: =1 i j Since for every item stored in the items network we
arbitrarily assign three distinct attributes, the total number of stored attributes p is
14 3 = 42.
3.3 The subnetworks interaction
The two subnetworks are weakly connected through two kinds of synapses. The rst
kind of synapses, J AI , are projecting the activation from items subnetwork to the
attributes one, while synapses of the second kind, J IA, project the activation in the
opposite direction; every item pattern projects through synapses of the rst kind to
three attribute patterns and each of those attribute patterns project their activity
backwards to it. The rst interconnectivity matrix is as follows:
J AI ij = 1 ( 1i + 2i + 3i) j
In this formula, the neuron i belongs to the attributes network, and the the neuron j belongs to the items network. denotes an attractor in the items subnetwork
so that the sum runs over all items patterns and connects each of them to its three
attribute patterns in the attributes subnetwork. 1 denotes the strength of the projection from items to attributes patterns.
The second interconnectivity matrix is:
J IAij = 2 i( 1j + 2j + 3j )
where i belongs to the item network, j to the attributes network and 2 is the
strength of the projection from attributes to items.
3.4 Characteristics of the uni ed network
The behavior of the network as a whole depends on the values of the couplings 1 and
2. In the extreme case when 1;2 1, every combination of attractor pairs (of the
two subnetworks) is an equally stable attractor. Therefore, the uni ed network can
practically be regarded as two separate modules. On the other extreme, if 1;2 = 1
and every item is coupled to a single attribute then the uni ed network reduces to
a simple ANN in which every attractor is composed of the correspondingly coupled
subnetworks attractors as substrings. For in between values of 1;2, an intermediate
behavior is obtained; every combination of subnetwork attractors is an attractor of
the uni ed network, but not with equal stability. The most stable attractors of the
uni ed network (with the largest basin of attraction) are the ones composed of coupled
subnetwork attractors. This is illustrated by the following examples; if two mutually
coupled patterns are queried about, e.g., S A = 2 and S I = , then the local eld
in the items subnetwork is
hi = (1 + 2)
while if the queried patterns are not mutually coupled, e.g., S A = 1 and S I = ,
(where 1 is an attribute of object ), we get
hi = + 2
This means that in the rst case the attractor is strongly stable while in the
latter, it is less stable since for neurons at which 6= the local eld is (1 ? 2).
Therefore, for such intermediate values of 1;2, the uni ed network is characterized
by weak modularity.
3.5 Input { output strategy
The need to account for the various experimental results of Collins and Quillian,
has imposed several methodological constraints guiding the input{output strategy
used in the model. In order to account for the fact that the response times to the
various queries are graded, a uniform motion upwards the tree structure had to be
implemented. This imposes a rst constraint on the input to the objects subnetwork:
the external eld representing this input must decay fast enough so that the upward
motion is not disturbed. Second, a criterion for discriminating between true and false
queried facts is needed. Using only the network's convergence into a stable state
is not sucient, since even for false facts such convergence could occur, therefore
leading to a false response (a false fact positively answered). Thus, the identity of the
stable state arrived should be examined. In the case of an Object-attribute query,
this examination cannot be performed upon the Objects subnetwork, since in cases of
property inheritance, (e.g., does the canary y?) the identity of the ancestor pattern
to which the queried attribute is linked to, is not known in advance. Therefore, this
examination should be performed upon the attributes subnetwork. This, in turn,
leads to the conclusion that the input to the attributes subnetwork cannot decay too
fast. This input has to last for sucient time such that the upwards motion upon
the objects tree structure reaches the object to which the queried attribute is linked.
Otherwise, when this object is reached, no memory of the queried attribute is left.
In conclusion, the input-output strategy used is not symmetric: An input is realized by a local external eld applied to the appropriate subnetwork. In particular,
the rst input is applied as an external eld which is initially strong and then decays,
(this is equivalent to initializing the network in the corresponding input state), while
the second input is applied as a constant external eld. Naturally, the subnetwork
upon which the response is examined depends upon the type of query; In the case
of an Object-attribute query, it is assumed that a necessary condition for obtaining
a response is that the attribute subnetwork remains in a stable state for a sucient
duration; a response is considered positive if during this period a high degree of similarity between the stable state and the second input component is achieved. If such
a degree of similarity is not achieved during a certain xed time, or the network has
converged into a stable state with low amount of similarity with the second input,
then a negative response occures. Similarly, In the case of an Object-object query,
the second component of the query is applied as a non-decaying external eld to
the Objects subnetwork where convergence is examined. The initial state of both
subnetworks is a \neutral" attractor, with no semantic assignment.
3.6 Expected network behavior
Four types of queries are de ned and the following scenario are expected accordingly:
1. Object-attribute query: when a query is presented, the items network is
initialized by a strong external eld with the attractor representing the queried
object, (ultimately, this eld will decay as explained above). The equivalent
external eld applied to the attributes network is weaker but of constant value.
By itself it is not sucient to drive the attribute subnetwork out of its neutral
attractor, nevertheless, due to the projection from the items to the attributes
subnetwork, two scenario can occur:
(a) In the case of a positive query (a query about a truly stored relationship
(denoted ,q) such as `does a canary y ?'), the local eld in attribute
subnetwork will initially be
hi = 0i + 1( 1i + 2i + 3i) + 3q i + Ri
where 0 represents the neutral attractor, 1 2 3 represent attributes assigned to the queried item , q stands for the pattern representing the
; ;
queried attribute, and 3 denotes the strength of the external eld caused
by the queried attribute. Ri is a \cold" noise eld originated by the projection from other attractors in the items network which overlap . Most
of these projections will be negligible, except of the term originated by the
direct ancestor, since a pattern's strength of projection is proportional to
its overlap with the actual state of the network. Two cases are further
i. If the queried attribute is directly associated with the queried item
(e.g., `does the canary sing ?') then q is one of the three attribute
patterns 1 2 3 , for example 1. Therefore, for certain values of the
parameters , since the component of 1 in the eld hi is 1 + 3,
the subnetwork's state will be attracted into the pattern representing
the queried attribute 1. Consequently, the reverse projection towards the items subnetwork will be directed toward the queried item
enhancing its stability. Therefore, the uni ed network will remain in a
stable state (composed of the two queried inputs) which is interpreted
as a positive response.
ii. If the queried attribute is directly associated with an ancestor of the
queried item, (e.g., `does the canary have feathers ?', which is answered positively in light of the semantic inheritance), the external
eld caused by the queried attribute is directed towards an attribute
of the queried item's ancestor. Therefore the external eld in the attribute subnetwork will be as in equation 14, where q is now a pattern
representing an attribute belonging to the queried item's ancestor. At
rst, since all the above terms are distinct (pseudo orthogonal) attractors, the attribute subnetwork is expected to arrive at a mixed
stable state. We have chosen 3 > 1 and therefore the major component of the mixed state is q , but the other components 1 2 3 and the
attribute attractor associated with the queried item's direct ancestor
(present in Ri) exist. Consequently, the reverse projection is di use,
but its major component is directed towards the queried item's ancestor because of the large relative weight of the q component. Hence,
the items subnetwork state will be destabilized and a transition toward
the ancestor corresponding to q will occur. In turn, the projection
towards the attributes subnetwork is directed towards the ancestor's
attributes containing q , and therefore the uni ed network will be
stabilized in a state composed by the queried attribute and its corresponding item. Thus a positive response is attained, however, the
response time is larger due to the transition process. When the attribute queried belongs to a second level ancestor (a \grandfather")
; ;
; ;
of the queried item, the transition passes (at least partially) through
the direct ancestor and the response time will be even longer. This
happens due to the direct ancestor's component in the noise term Ri
and to the geometric proximity between the queried item and its direct ancestor (i.e., from the geometric aspect, the direct ancestor lies
in between the item queried and the item corresponding to the queried
attribute). Therefore we expect to obtain a cascade of response times,
increasing with the semantic distance between the queried item and
the item corresponding to the queried attribute.
(b) In the case of a negative query, (a query about a non-stored relationship
(denoted , r ) such as `does a canary bark ?'), the external eld caused
by the queried attribute is not directed towards one of the attractors projected by the queried item. The external eld is as in equation 14 and
since all the terms are distinct (pseudo orthogonal) attractors the attribute
subnetwork is expected to arrive at a mixed stable state. The major component of the mixed state is the r , but the other components 1 2 3 and
the attribute attractor associated with the queried item's direct ancestor
(present in Ri) also exist. Consequently, the reverse projection is di use
and the state of the items subnetwork either remains in the initial state
corresponding to the queried item or a transition towards the state corresponding to the queried item's direct ancestor occurs. The latter occurs
when the queried attribute belongs to a direct sibling of the queried item,
since the local eld in the items subnetwork contains the major components
pointing to 111; 112 and 11, where for example, 111 denotes the queried
item, 112 the item pointed by the queried attribute, and 11 their direct
ancestor. In light of the geometric structure, (the ancestor is in between
its descendants) and using the majority rule we obtain a local eld similar
(with the same sign) with the ancestor pattern for most (N (1 ? q3 2)) of its
neurons. This can be viewed as an instance of the spreading activation notion of intersection. However, also the above transition will not attract the
attribute subnetwork into the state corresponding to the queried attribute,
since using equation 14, all the terms continue to be orthogonal. Since the
component of the queried attribute in the mixed state is not suciently
large (we have chosen a threshold of 0:9), a negative response will be generated after a xed amount of time. However, since the coecients of these
major components are unequal (they depend on the attribute subnetwork
state) the situation is more complex; for the case when the coecient of
112 is large (this occurs when 3 is large), the items subnetwork may be
attracted into the 112 pattern, leading the attributes subnetwork into the
attractor r representing the queried attribute, and an error is generated.
; ;
the behavior of the network for the case of an objectobject query evolves in similar lines to the previous description, therefore we
present only a brief overview of its main aspects; both inputs are introduced into
the items subnetwork, as explained above, while the rst input is initializing
the items subnetwork, the second input is introduced as an external eld of
strength 4. In the case of a positive direct query (e.g., `is a canary a bird ?')
the external eld will enhance the stability of the network's initial state. For
the case of positive query in general, a transition towards the ancestor occurs
due to the external eld. When the second input is a two levels higher than the
rst, the transition passes through the rst item's direct ancestor. Therefore,
a cascade of retrieval times is expected in accordance to the semantic distance
between the inputs. In these cases a positive response is obtained since the
stable states reached have a high degree of similarity (overlap) with the second
In the case of negative queries (e.g., `is a canary a mammal ?'), if the second
input is a sibling of the rst input, the network performs a transition towards
the state corresponding to the common ancestor, (an intersection). This state is
interpreted as a negative response since its overlap (similarity) with the second
input is below the threshold previously de ned. If the second input is semantically far apart (and not an ancestor of) the rst input, a mixed state is achieved
and again a negative response is produced. As in the Object-attribute case, an
error may be produced since for large values of 4 the items subnetwork may
be attracted to the pattern representing the second input.
Object-object query:
(what kind of bird sings ?) This query requires an
explicit answer (which is not a yes/no response). The response will be achieved
upon the convergence of the items subnetwork to a stable state. As in the
previous case, the rst input initializes the items subnetwork while the second
one is introduced as an external eld to the attribute network. However, in order
to obtain a correct response, note that a downwards traverse should proceed on
the tree structure.
Reverse category query:
(who sings, ies and has feathers ?) As in the
previous case, this query also requires an explicit answer. The query gains
signi cance when there are attributes such that each belongs to several items,
(otherwise the item can already be retrieved by presenting a single attribute).
The query is modeled by presenting the queried attributes as external elds
applied to the attributes subnetwork and the items subnetwork is initialized by
a random pattern. As in g. 4., when the queried attributes are 1 and 2,
the attributes subnetwork reaches a mixed state whose projection to the items
subnetwork leads to convergence into 111 (since 111 receives projection from
Reverse property query:
both attributes while 112 from only one of them). In this way an intersection
process is used in order to retrieve the requested information.
3.7 An auxiliary bias mechanism.
A possible mechanism by which performance can be improved and the number of
erroneous responses reduced (see section 3), is a dynamic bias eld, introduced into
the items subnetwork. It was shown [24, 25] that bias can enhance the performance
of an ANN. This is done by introducing the additional eld:
hi = ?b ( N1 Sj ? a)
where a denotes the average activity of a group of learned patterns. This additional
eld tends to weakly constraint the activity of the network`s state around a. If the
patterns in the tree structure are generated so that every level l is characterized by
a distinct average activity al, then by modifying al in equation 15 we can enhance
the stability of the pattern in the respective level. We have chosen the value of the
parameter q1 to be 0:25 and therefore the activity of the di erent levels is a1 = ?0:5,
a2 = ?0:25 and a3 = ?0:125. In equation 15, the rst term results from a constant
decrement of the synaptic matrix values while the second is a constant eld which
can be interpreted as a uniform threshold. Thus, by controlling this external eld
the network's state motion can be guided upward or downward the tree structure.
Such an external control mechanism can be psychologically motivated as involving an
`attention' process required in accordance with the speci c query; for some kinds of
queries (e.g. queries 1,2) the processing is characterized by upward motion while for
others (e.g.query 3) a downward motion is required.
4 Computer Simulation of the Model
4.1 Technical details
Each of the two simulated sub-networks is composed of a 1000 neurons. The subnetworks were constructed according to the prescriptions presented in the model's
description. Their attractor states were randomly generated before every new simulation run to ensure the independence of the results obtained of a speci c set of
attractors. The dynamics were characterized by an asynchronous, stochastic process;
within one update cycle, the units are updated sequentially in random order. After
all units have been updated the next update cycle begins.
We have run the simulations with and without the bias mechanism. An improved
performance was found in the latter case, in the sense that a more uniform motion
on the tree structure was achieved. In addition, the No. of retrieval errors was
signi cantly decreased, as will be described further on. The bias was implemented by
modifying the parameter a of equation 15, so that every 10 iterations it equals the
mean activity of the patterns in the following level, e.g., for an upwards motion a is:
8 t < 10
a = -0.125
: 10 t < 20 a = -0.25
t 20
a = -0.5
The values of the various parameters used are as follows;
1, the strength of the projection from items to attributes was chosen equal to
2, the strength of the projection from attributes to items was chosen to be
0:55. 2 was chosen greater than 1 since the latter constitutes an important
component of the force driving the activity in the items sub-network along
the path leading from a queried item through its ancestors to the root of the
semantic tree.
The parameters denoting the strength of the external elds representing queried
attributes and items 3 and 4 in correspondence are 3 = 0:35 and 4 = 0:2.
4 is relatively smaller since it acts directly on the items subnetwork. The bias
parameter was set to b = 5.
The Temperature is T = 0:15. Since the dynamics of the network include
stochastic noise, the networks' state is characterized by uctuations even when
a stable state is achieved. Therefore, a concept was considered to be activated
if the the network's state S overlap with the pattern representing this concept
is larger than a threshold of 0:9 for at least 5 consecutive iterations.
4.2 Illustration of a typical query run.
The dynamics of the uni ed network in response to the presentation of a query is
exempli ed graphically by the following gures, where item patterns are represented
by circles connected by solid lines (corresponding to semantic relations) while the
attribute patterns are represented by squares each of them connected by a dashed
line to the item to which it belongs. The size of the various items and attributes
presented is proportional to the amount of overlap between the current sub-network's
state and the patterns representing them.
Fig. 2 describes the case when an item is queried about an attribute belonging to
its `grandfather' in the semantic tree; The initial state is depicted in g 2a. where
in the items subnetwork the pattern representing the queried item is dominant and
the activity of the attributes subnetwork is dispersed among many patterns. Fig. 2b.
(after 15 iterations) illustrates a transition of the items subnetwork to a state with
high degree of overlap with the queried item's direct ancestor. In correspondence the
activity of attributes belonging to it is increased. Fig. 2c. describes the situation
(after 22 iterations) where a transition to the pattern representing the queried item's
`grandfather' has taken place and shortly afterwards (after 24 iterations) the attribute
networks is seen to converge into a stable state of high overlap with the queried
attribute. Consequently, a correct positive response is generated.
Fig. 3 describes the case when an item is queried about an attribute belonging to
its direct ancestor; The initial state ( g 3a., after 3 iterations) is as in the previous
query. Fig 3b. (after 10 iterations) illustrates a transition of the items subnetwork
to a state with high degree of overlap with the queried item's direct ancestor. In
correspondence the activity of attributes belonging to it is increased. This trend is
strengthened as can be seen in g. 3c., (after 13 iterations) where the network has
converged and remains at a state with high overlaps with the patterns representing
the queried components.
attribute belonging to
The dynamics of the network in response to a negative query are presented in
g. 4; observing the initial state ( g 4a., 3 iterations) one can see higher activity in
the patterns corresponding with the query`s components. Since both inputs drive
the items subnetwork to the queried item's ancestor ( g 4b., after 14 iterations) it
converges to its corresponding pattern, however the attributes network remains in a
mixed state and the query is answered with a negative response ( g 4c., 22).
attribute which neither
The dynamics of the network's response towards Object-Object queries follows
similar lines; for example, when an input is introduced pointing to a second level
ancestor, a two stage transition (passing through the direct ancestor) will occur.
When a a Reverse Category query is presented, a downwards motion should be
performed and in order to implement such motion the direction of the bias modi cation was inverted. Best performance was achieved when in addition the parameters
4 and b were now set to the values of 4 = 0:4 and b = 7.
Fig 5. illustrates the case of a Reverse Property query. It can be seen that the the
activity of the item corresponding to the intersection of all three inputed attributes
presented grows.
`intersect' and their corresponding
4.3 Performance
In order to examine the performance of the network the simulations were run 30 times
for each query. For every run, the patterns representing the items and attributes, are
randomly generated. The results of the overall performance without introducing bias
are presented in table 1, where for example, a zero-level object-attribute (OA) query
denotes that the queried attribute directly belongs to the queried item, a one-level
object-object (OO) query denotes that the rst component of the query is a direct
descendant of the second one, etc. Best performance rate was achieved with parameter
values of 1 = 0:35, 2 = 0:75, 3 = 0:5, 4 = 0:4 and T = 0:15.
The query % of CR MT
Positive zero-level OA query
100 2.7
Positive one-level OA query
86.5 9.4
Positive two-level OA query
63.5 15.2
Negative OA query
Positive zero-level OO query
Positive one-level OO query
83 4.5
Positive two-level OO query
47 6.5
Negative OO query
Table 1: Performance and response times for the various queries.
CR denotes correct response and MT the mean-time of correct response counted by
the No. of iterations.
It can be seen that for positive object-attribute queries a gradual linear cascade
of retrieval times exists; i.e., the larger the semantic distance between the queries
components, the longer it takes for a stable state to be reached. For object-attribute
negative queries, no correlation was found between the semantic distance between
the query's components and the time a stable state was reached in the attribute
subnetwork. Several possibilities for determining the response time of negative queries
exist and will be discussed in the next section.
For object-object queries the network's performance is considerably deteriorated
as can be seen in table 1; depending on the value of 4, either we obtain good
performance for positive queries and poor performance for the negative ones, or vice
versa. It seems that the di erence originates from the non-symmetric modeling of the
two queries.
The addition of an auxiliary bias mechanism improves the performance of the
network with regard to its response accuracy while retaining the cascade of retrieval
times described above. The results of the statistics performed on such runs are
presented in table 2.
We have found that the network implicitly exhibits the Priming phenomenon; a
fundamental characteristic inherent to the spreading activation theory [26]; Priming
designates the phenomena by which cognitively active concepts cause the memory
retrieval of related concepts to be faster. According to SA theory this is explained
by the nodes representing the latter concepts receiving a certain amount of baseline
activation from the former node representing the cognitively active concept and thus
rendering it more prone for further sub-threshold activation. In the model presented,
The query % of CR MT
Positive zero-level OA query
100 3.1
Positive one-level OA query
100 9.1
Positive two-level OA query
100 15.3
Negative OA query
Positive zero-level OO query
Positive one-level OO query
100 15.3
Positive two-level OO query
96.5 22.7
Negative OO query
Table 2: Performance and response times for the various queries | Auxiliary bias
mechanism is incorporated.
CR denotes correct response and MT the mean-time of correct response counted by
the No. of iterations.
when an input is presented to the network its retrieval time depends on the residual
state of the network. When the network was initialized with the pattern a and
subsequently another pattern b is presented (as an external eld, with 4 = 0:6 ),
the convergence time of the network towards the latter pattern is proportional to
the semantic distance between them. For example, for the patterns 111 and 112 we
observe a convergence time of 9 iterations and for the case that the second pattern is
222 a convergence time of 13 iterations is observed.
5 Discussion
In this section we discuss several computational aspects of the ANN model presented
and examine the t between simulation results and the psychological data regarding
fact retrieval.
Several advantages originate from using a distributed representation and ANN
dynamics, in comparison with classic symbolic or local connectionist models:
1. Models based on distributed representations function well as content addressable memories since they are capable of performing error correction and are
fault tolerant.
2. As have been described, the network `ascends' the concept hierarchy in a distributed way, by having its state become more like the pattern for a higher level
concept. In this way, it does not necessarily go through discrete steps corresponding to particular higher concepts, (as a symbolic program would do), but
sort of `mushes' its way up or down the hierarchy. This process seems to us less
rigid and more `brain-like'. A further speculation is to view stored patterns with
low amount of overlap with the network's current activity state as representing
`sub-conscious' concepts awaiting for their turn to become `conscious', i.e., with
high overlap with the network's activity state.
3. Distributed systems automatically give rise to generalizations; i.e., when presented with a non-familiar pattern the network can still relate to it according
to its relative similarity with the various familiar patterns. In our model, when
a new semantic concept is presented, the pattern representing it is stored in
the items subnetwork and its correct placing in the semantic tree, regarding
its inheritance path and semantic relatedness to other concepts, is determined
implicitly by the representation encoding without any need of explicit instructions. In general, the semantic structure follows directly from the assumption
that the encoding has such `semantic geometry' conservation. There is no need
to speci cally denote and learn pointers between items of the semantic tree.
4. The network has the ability to learn new concepts that were not anticipated
at the time the network was constructed; while in classic symbolic models, or
connectionist models entailing local representations, one has to add new nodes
to the network every time a new concept is learned, in the model presented simply a new pattern is memorized. Our model has the characteristic that when
a new concept is added, it becomes more and more signi cant as its de nition
gets more precise; i.e., if a new concept is added but it is not known yet to
contain any properties then no attribute patterns project to this concept's pattern and thus its basin of attraction would be very small. Only when a pattern
in the item's subnetwork receives considerable projection from the attributes
subnetwork, it gains a suciently deep and wide basin of attraction, so that its
corresponding item becomes signi cant.
5. The various attributes are implicitly dynamically reallocated to the items to
which they belong. This is however a virtual process with no pointers been
actually modi ed; observe for example a part of the semantic tree containing
an item 11 and his two sons 111 and 112. When the attribute l is rst
introduced, for example when the fact `item 111 has the attribute l' is rst
stored, then its projection is directed only to this item 111. However, if the
fact stating that `l belongs to 112' is subsequently stored, then the projection
from l to the items subnetwork is now 2l(111 + 112). Hence, in light of the
geometric construction, if the attributes subnetwork will be at the state l it
will contribute a local eld aligned with the ancestor 11 pattern in N (1 ? q32)
of its neurons, and therefore can now practically be considered as belonging to
this ancestor. Such a scenario is illustrated in g. 6. where after introducing a
property belonging to two sibling items the items subnetwork converges into the
pattern representing their direct ancestor, though no such fact was explicitly
stored by the network. By the same mechanism, if subsequently some of these
stored facts will be deleted then the situation will be reversed accordingly. This
generalization property is expected to be enhanced in a network where a pattern
can have more than just two direct descendants.
6. By using a speci c form of encoding representing di erent amounts of activity at
di erent layers of the semantic tree, we were able to use the bias mechanism in
order to model a general tendency of motion upon this tree. We do not have to
perform a costly search process upon all the trajectories de ned in the tree but
move in a general direction till the network converges to the correct attractor.
Thus, by modeling such an external `attention' mechanism we were able to
improve much the performance of the network. It may be that modifying the
external bias according to some oscillatory function can create such continuous
upwards and downwards motion until correct convergence is achieved.
The ANN paradigm is used to model the concept of `intersection' underlining
spreading activation theory; As shown, intersection is achieved when the integrated
action of projections from some patterns leads to convergence to a stable state, not
achievable by the activation of only one of the patterns solely. Thus, intersection is
modeled without any need for explicitly implementing a labelling procedure as in the
original spreading activation models.
The model presented is constrained by the assumption that hierarchical associations are implicitly implemented by the geometric similarity solely. Under this
constraint, several additional strategies for modeling fact retrieval phenomena have
been tried, unsuccessfully; we have found that introducing a fatigue component into
the dynamics of the items subnetwork was not sucient to create the requested motion upwards or downwards the semantic tree. The same applyes to increasing the
temperature T . In both cases, most of the time the network would converge to various mixed states, not assumed to be of cognitive signi cance. Another conclusion
of our work is that without bias the network's behavior is sensitive to small variations in the values of the model parameters presented, and we have performed quite
a number of simulations in order to nd the parameters leading to best performance.
However, when bias is introduced performance becomes much more reliable and more
robust via parameter values modi cation. However, the above mentioned strategies
were successful when, removing the geometric constraint, the connections between
the various patterns in the items subnetwork were explicitly implemented by pointers
between the patterns.
Let us now compare the retrieval times (RT) of queries obtained in our model,
with Collins and Quillian's psychological data [12]:
1. The main similar feature is the cascade of RTs obtained for positive queries. As
with the psychological data, when the RT's are plotted against the level of the
query, straight lines are obtained. While using the bias mechanism, the slope
of the lines can be controlled mainly by changing the bias. If a constant rate of
bias increase is assumed, the lines representing the RT of OA and OO queries
are predicted to be parallel.
2. The zero level OO query has a shorter RT than predicted by straight line extrapolation. This is explained by Collins and Quillian by assuming that this query
is treated by pattern recognition and not by semantic retrieval. According to
our model, this phenomena is expected since when the two inputs are identical
the network is initialized to the desired stable end-state and no convergence
time is needed.
3. According to the psychological experimental data, OA and OO queries are represented by two parallel lines, with the OA line translated upwards relative to
the OO line by t = 225ms. This shift time, which is three times larger than
the time of a one-level ascendancy in the tree structure, is explained by Collins
and Quillian as the time needed for performing a search process for the queried
attribute. While ANN implementations of this scheme are possible in principle, they were not realized in our model since no search process is explicitly
de ned. The relatively longer (OA) RT's mentioned above are explained using
our model by the additional time needed to allow for the convergence of the
attributes subnetwork. However, this leads to a shorter expected shift than
the one experimentally observed. Yet, since we assume weak modularity, it is
plausible that processes involving both subnetworks entail a constant delay due
to the ow of information between the subnetworks and thus the actual value
of the observed shift t can be larger.
4. As described, no correlation was found between the RT of a negative query
and the semantic distance between its components. However, it should be
noticed that besides the strategy used in the model presented, there are several
other plausible strategies for determining the time when a query is considered
`unretievable' and a negative response is generated;
(a) The negative response is generated upon convergence of the item subnetwork into an attractor which is the root of the structure tree and whose
semantic meaning is `negative response'. However, according to such a
strategy negative RTs for patterns closer to the root are expected to be
shorter, which was not observed experimentally.
(b) Negative facts could be directly stored in the network. This strategy is
compatible with our model since projections from items towards the respective attributes (and vice versa) may be negative, and it could be interesting to investigate it in the future.
Considerable simpli cations have been made in the construction of the model
presented. It would be interesting to perform further research focused on modeling
semantic networks not limited to simple tree structures and to investigate the dynamics of the model when associations between concepts that are not hierarchically related
nor is one the property of the other (e.g., between a zebra and a crossroad), would be
entered. We have shown that constructing a model for semantic fact retrieval using
a distributed ANN approach is indeed feasible and enables a quite fair simulation of
the corresponding psychological experimental results. Using such an approach, we
have demonstrated that some properties of the cognitive dynamics predicted by the
model are obtained implicitly without any need for their explicit formulation.
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