Assessing the Effects of Military Expenditure on Growth
Giorgio d’Agostino,
Università degli Studi di Roma and
University of the West of England
J Paul Dunne
University of the West of England
and University of Cape Town
Luca Pieroni
University of Perugia
Military spending is an expenditure by governments that has influence beyond the resources it
takes up, especially when it leads to or facilitates conflicts. This chapter provides an overview
of the issues involved in analysing the effects of military spending on growth. It considers the
alternative general economic theories that inform the development of models to undertake
empirical analyses, and estimation issues in undertaking those analyses. The Feder-Ram
model, the modified Solow and the endogenous growth models, are discussed in detail, before
being estimated to illustrate the issues involved in estimating the models and to compare their
Keywords: Military spending; growth; panels
JEL classification: H56; O40
Preliminary draft. Comments and suggestions welcome please do not quote. Prepared for
Stergios Skaperdas and Michelle R Garfinkel (eds) ‘Oxford Handbook of the Economics of
Peace and Conflict’ Oxford University Press, 2010.
1. Introduction
Assessing the importance of military spending to the economy remains an important task,
especially given the growth in military spending in recent years and the recent financial crisis
and recession. According to SIPRI (2008) world military spending in 2007 was $1339 billion,
2.5% of world GDP, an increase from 2006 of 6% in real terms. Indeed, between 1998 and
2007 military spending increased by 45% in real terms, a trend due at least in part to the
second Gulf War and the massive intervention of the US in Afghanistan after the 9/11 terrorist
attack. As shown in Figure 1, there was a change in the trend in regional shares of military
spending in GDP at the end of the nineties, the most marked change being the growth in
United States military burden, with the declines of the nineties bottoming out and
subsequently increasing for East Asia and South America. Over this period World military
expenditure was between 2.5 and 3 percent of world GDP.
Figure 1 - World Regional Military Spending in GDP
Although the political justification of much of the growth of military spending is usually
based on the need to maintain national security, these recent dynamics have led to renewed
debate over whether the increase of the military expenditure enhances or deteriorates
economic growth and welfare. While this has been a central issue of the economic debate
during the 1980s and 1990s it was one that did not achieve a clear empirical consensus
among scholars, reflecting to a large degree the heterogeneity in the approaches used and
differences in the sample of countries covered and the time periods covered (Dunne at al.
2005). Early cross-country correlation analyses by Benoit (1973; 1978) quickly gave way to a
variety of econometric models, reflecting different theoretical perspectives. Keynesian,
neoclassical and structuralist models provided a variety of specifications for different samples
of countries. The diversity of results led to arguments for case studies of individual countries
and relatively homogeneous groups of countries (Dunne, 1996).
This chapter provides an overview of the issues involved in analysing the effects of military
spending on growth. Section two considers the alternative general economic theories that
inform the development of models to undertake empirical analyses, followed by a discussion
of the estimation issues in section 3. Section 4 then considers the alternative formal models
that are common in the literature, the Feder Ram model, the modified Solow and the
endogenous growth models and Section 5 presents some empirical results, to illustrate the
issue involved in estimating the models and to compare their performance. Finally, Section 6
provides some concluding remarks
2. General Theories of the Economic of Military Spending
To interpret the results of any empirical study it is necessary to have a theory, even though this
may not of itself be verifiable. For research on the economic effects of military spending this is
complicated by the fact that much of economic theory does not have an explicit role for military
spending as a distinctive economic activity. However, this has not prevented the development of
theoretical analyses, with three basic positions being adopted in the literature on both developed
and developing countries. The neoclassical approach sees the state as a rational actor which
balances the opportunity costs and security benefits of military spending in order to maximise a
well defined national interest reflected in a societal social welfare function. Military expenditure
can then be treated as a pure public good and the economic effects of military expenditure are
determined by its opportunity cost, with a clear trade off between civil and military spending.
This approach readily allows consistent formal theoretical models to be developed to inform
empirical work and has had a major influence on the literature. It can, however, be criticised for
being ahistoric, always able to justify observed actions, concentrating on the supply side, ignoring
the internal role of the military and military interests, implying a national consensus and requiring
extreme knowledge and unrealistic computational abilities of the rational actors (Smith, 1977).
The most influential neoclassical model was the Feder-Ram model (Biswas and Ram , 1986) but
this has recently come under intense criticism by Dunne et al (2005). This neoclassical strand of
the literature has been the most influential and the models are discussed in more detail in Section
4. Other developments saw new classical economists using military expenditure as an important
shock to the system, which can have dynamic real effects on output and more recently attempts to
introduce military spending into endogenous growth models.
An alternative Keynesian approach saw a proactive state using military spending as one aspect of
state spending to increase output, through multiplier effects in the presence of ineffective
aggregate demand. Military spending can then lead to increased capacity utilisation, increased
profits and hence increased investment and growth (eg Faini et al. (1984)). It has been criticised
for its failure to consider supply side issues, leading many researchers to include explicit
production functions in their Keynesian models (eg Deger and Smith, 1983). More radical
Keynesian perspectives have focused on the way in which high military spending can lead to
industrial inefficiencies and to the development of a powerful interest group composed of
individuals, firms and organisations who benefit from defence spending, usually referred to as the
military industrial complex (MIC). The MIC increases military expenditure through internal
pressure within the state even when there is no threat to justify such expenditures (Dunne and
Sköns, 2010 ).
The Marxist approach sees the role of military spending in capitalist development as important
though contradictory. There are a number of strands to the approach which differ in their
treatment of crisis, the extent to which they see military expenditure as necessary to capitalist
development, and the role of the MIC in class struggle. One offshoot of this approach has
provided the only theory in which military spending is both important in itself and an integral
component of the theoretical analysis, the underconsumptionist approach. Developed from Baran
and Sweezy (1966) this sees military expenditure as important in overcoming realisation crises,
allowing the absorption of surplus without increasing wages and so maintaining profits. No other
form of government spending can fulfil this role. While this approach has been extremely
influential in the general economic development literature, empirical work within this approach
has tended to be limited to developed economies (Smith, 1977; Coulomb, 2004).
Moving beyond a broad stroke theoretical understanding towards an empirical analysis it
becomes necessary to be more specific about the questions to be addressed and the way in which
they are to be analysed. There are choices to be made many of which will be conditioned on the
theoretical perspective adopted and the data availability. The level of level of abstraction at which
the empirical analysis should operate needs to be determined; the theory needs to be
operationalised, identifying the concrete concepts to be used in the empirical analysis guided by
the theory; the type of empirical analysis has to be decided, qualitative, quantitative, historical,
institutional or some combination of these; the time period has to be chosen, restricted by
available data and the sample of countries has to be chosen; the empirical method has to be
chosen. If individual country case studies are undertaken they provide the opportunity for more
detailed study, but are providing different information to cross country studies. It is also possible
that military spending may have a different effect at different times, providing a boost to
industrialisation but in the end providing a drag on further development. Results of empirical
studies will be sensitive to the measurement and definition of the variables, to the specification of
the estimated equations (especially the other variables included), the type of data used and the
estimation method (Dunne, 1996).
3. Estimation Issues
In the applied work on the economic effects of military spending a number of econometric
approaches have been used. Firstly, single equation analyses which use economic growth as the
dependent variable and military spending (burden, per capita or absolute value) as the, or one of
the, independent variables, based on or informed by a structural model reflecting the approaches
discussed in the previous section. Other studies took an alternative path and investigated the
causal links (using statistical definitions of causality referred to as "Granger causality" to
distinguish the concept from theoretical causality) between military expenditure and economic
growth without developing a structural model. Using dynamic regression or Vector
Autoregressive (VAR) models has the advantage that they are dynamic specifications, free of
economic assumptions imposed a priori. Researchers, such as Kinsella (1990), Kinsella and
Chung (1998) and Dunne and Vougas (1999), Dunne et al (2001), began to develop the
analysis to allow for long run information in the data and more recent literature has used
Johansen’s cointegrating VAR framework. This led to a number of cross country and case
studies, recent examples of which are Abu Bader and Abu Qarn (2003), Kollias et al (2004)
and Tang et al (2009). Some have a structural model in mind when the start determining the
VAR, others do not. A recent critical and comprehensive review of these studies, Dunne and
Smith (2010), suggests that having a structural model is important in determining the direction
of causality. Other empirical studies focus on threshold analyses (eg Reitschuler and Loening,
2005) and non linearities
Berthelemy et al (1994) used models of endogenous growth based on Romer's work to analyse
the impact of military spending on growth for India and Pakistan This led to further endogenous
growth models used to simulate (Sheih et al, 2007) and estimate the impact of military spending
on growth and to consider non linearities a recent example being Pieroni (2009). These models
have also been developed to account for the allocation of public spending and complementarities
(d’Agostino et al, 2010).
A second approach adopted simultaneous equation systems, which emphasise the importance of
the interdependence between military spending, growth and the other variables, including Smith
and Smith (1980), Deger and Smith (1983), Deger (1986), Gyimah-Brempong (1989)
Mohammed (1992) and Scheetz (1991). The studies did vary in their use of data. Some deal with
cross section averages (eg Deger and Smith, 1983), others with time series estimates for
individual countries (eg Scheetz, 1991; Dunne and Nikolaidou, 2001), while others are more
comprehensive (eg Dunne and Mohammed, 1995). Use of these models has diminished though a
recent example is Atemoglou (2009).
A third approach used macroeconometric and other forms of world models. A pioneering study
by Leontief and Duchin (1980) used a macroeconometric model of the world economy to analyse
the global effects of disarmament in the major powers and a transference of the resources to low
income countries. Cappelen et al (1982) made similar analysis findings, while Gigenhack et al
(1987) use the Systems Analysis Research Unit Model (SARUM) and an arms dynamics
equation, of the action reaction type, to simulate the effects of different security scenarios. Other
world models introduced forward looking expectations mechanisms eg McKibbin (1995). There
are a number of studies using macrodels in Gleditsch et al (1996), but few individual country
studies for developing and middle income countries using relatively large macromodels for
obvious reasons. Exceptions are Adams et al (1992) and Marwah et al, (2002), using Keynesian
macroeconometric models and Athanassiou et al (2002) and Ozdemir and Bayar (2009) using
CGE models. A further literature has developed on the opportunity cost of military spending, or
the trade off between military spending and other forms of welfare expenditure (eg Ozoy, 2002).
While this approach is somewhat problematic, as it suggests that if money was not spent on
military spending it would be spent elsewhere and it often does not allow for the fact that it is
possible to have more of both with economic growth (Dunne and Uye, 2009)
A major problem in estimating growth models has been the lack of independent exogenous
variation in the data. One way of overcoming this has been by pooling cross section and time
series data for a relatively homogenous group of countries (Murdoch et al, 1997). There is a
problem that the cross section and time series parameter may be measuring different things.
The former could be picking up the long run effects and the latter the short run and the pooled
relation is then a weighted average of the two. Growth equations have been most successful in
cross sections, because of the difficulties of distinguishing the cyclical demand side effects
from medium term supply side growth effects. More recently the growing length of the data
series and the availability of reliable cross country data and developments in panel data
estimation methods have led to a marked increase in the analysis of economic growth in
panels (Smith and Fuertes, 2010) and its relation to military spending (Dunne et al, 2005).
The available methods provide a variety of approaches to attempt to deal with some of these
issues. The pooled OLS approach:
yit = a + b xit + uit
assumes all parameters are the same for each country and invariant across time, while the
fixed effects estimator:
yit = ai + b x it + u it
allows the intercept to differ across countries which ignores all information in the cross
sectional relation. Time fixed effects can also be allowed for separately or together with
country fixed effects in a two-way fixed effect model:
y jt = at + ai + b x it + u it
In dynamic models of the form
yit = ai + b xit + lit −1 + u it
the fixed effect estimator is not efficient, because of lagged dependent variable bias, which
biases the OLS estimator of λ downwards. It is, however, consistent in the limit when the
number of time periods goes to infinity, and for samples of the size used here the bias is small.
Thus a dynamic fixed effects specification can provide a useful starting point (Dunne et al,
2002). Other dynamic approaches developed for large N studies difference to remove the fixed
effects and then estimate using instrumental variables for the lagged dependent variable –often
using GMM rather than regression methods (a recent example is Yildirim et al, 2005). If the
parameters differ over groups there is a further heterogeneity bias, which can be dealt with by
estimating each equation individually and taking an average of the individual estimates (Smith
and Fuertes, 2010).
4. Modelling the Economic Effects of Military Spending
For empirical analyses on the effects of military spending on growth operationalise the theory
to form an applied model. This leads to a variety of empirical work from applied econometric
to more focussed institutional case study analyses. When statistical analysis is undertaken, it is
generally based on the Keynesian or neoclassical approaches, as these are most amenable to
the creation of formal models (Dunne, 1996). One interesting feature of the debate has been
the popularity of what was called the Feder-Ram model, despite a number of deficiencies
identified in Dunne et al (2005). The major alternatives have been a modified Solow growth
model and increasingly endogenous growth models. This section reviews these models.
The Feder-Ram Model
This supply-side model was originally developed to analyse the impact of the export sector on
economic growth in developing economies. Using it for military spending allows the military
sector to be treated as one sector in the economy and the externality effect of the sector and its
differential productivity effect to be distinguished within a single-equation model. These
apparent advantages have led to it having a profile within the defence economics area well
beyond what it has achieved in other areas.
The basic two-sector version of the model distinguishes between military output (M) and
civilian output (C ) , with both sectors employing homogeneous labour (L) and capital ( K ) ,
and military production affecting civilian production activity while θ represent the elasticity
of C with respect to M :
M = M ( Lm , K m ) , C = C ( Lc , K c ) = M θ c( Lc , K c ) .
with constraints:
and domestic income:
Li ,
Ki ,
S = {m, c}
Y =C+M .
As Dunne et al (2005) point out the summation of "butter" and "guns" in (7) is only admissible
if C and M are understood to represent monetary output values rather than output quantities.
Making the implicit price normalisation in (7) transparent by re-writing it in the equivalent
Y = PcCr ( Lc , Kc ) + Pm Mr ( Lm , Km ) ,
where Pm and Pc denote the (constant unitary) money prices associated with the real output
quantities Mr and Cr . The model allows the values of the marginal products of both labour
( M L , CL ) and capital ( M K , CK ) to differ across sectors by a constant uniform proportion,
M L M K Pm MrL Pm MrK
= 1 + µ.
Pc CrL
Pc CrK
Dependent on the price relation used in the evaluation of sectoral outputs. Differentiating (7)
with (5) and (6) yields the growth equation
Yˆ = L Lˆ + CK +
+ CM M Mˆ ,
where hat notation is used to indicate proportional rates of change and I = dK denotes net
investment. Using the fact that the far RHS of (1) entails a constant elasticity of C with
respect to M , (9) can be restated in the form
Yˆ = L Lˆ + CK +
− θ M Mˆ + θ Mˆ
1+ µ
which permits - at least in principle - the separate identification of the externality effect and
the "marginal factor productivity differential effect". As Dunne et al (2005) show the notion of
a marginal factor productivity differential between sectors in the model is a source of
interpretational pitfalls. A non-zero µ is interpreted one sector is "less efficient" or "less
productive" in its factor use than the other due to the presence of some sort of organisational
slack or X inefficiency and that such interpretations are not consistent with the underlying
theoretical model.
In addition to these theoretical issues, there are a number of econometric problems in
estimating the Feder Ram model. In early studies the model was estimated using cross
sectional data. In this case the main problem was multicollinearity between the final two terms
in the estimating equation and a concern with using possibly insignificant coefficients to
compute the externality effect. Expanded versions of the model added to this problem. When
the model was estimated using time series data the multicollinearity problem remained and
others were added. Firstly, there was often a lack of independent exogenous variation in the
data, though this has been overcome to some degree by the use of the panel data methods
discussed below. Secondly the model is specified in growth rates which limit the dynamics to
a single lags. Attempts to provide a more general specification increased the problems of
multicollinearity and identification of the composite coefficients. All of these problems go
some way to explain the variation in the results encountered in the empirical analyses and
when combined with problems of interpretation led to a sense of dissatisfaction in a number of
studies (Dunne et al, (2005) provide a survey.
Neoclassical Growth Model
Dunne et al (2005) argue that problems with the Feder-Ram model are serious enough to limit
its value in empirical work and suggest an alternative model based on a modified Solow
growth model with Harrod-neutral technical progress as operationalised for cross-country
analysis by Mankiw, Romer and Weil (1992). The starting point for the model is the aggregate
neoclassical production function featuring labour-augmenting technological progress
Y (t ) = K (t )α [ A(t ) L(t )]1−α
where Y denotes aggregate real income, K is the real capital stock, L is labour, and the
technology parameter A evolves according to
A(t ) = Ao e gt m(t )θ ,
where g is the exogenous rate of Harrod-neutral technical progress and m is an index of
military expenditure such as the share of defence spending in GDP. Taking the standard Solow
model assumptions (constant saving rate s; constant labour force growth rate n; constant rate
of capital depreciation d), gives the dynamics of capital accumulation:
∂ ln ke
ke = skeα − ( g + n + d )ke ⇔
= se(α −1)ln ke − ( g + n + d ) ,
where k e := K / [ AL ] denotes the effective capital-labour ratio and α is the constant capitaloutput elasticity. The steady-state level of ke is
k =
1/(1−α )
and linearizing (14) via a truncated Taylor series expansion around the steady state1 and using
(15), gives
∂ ln ke
= (α − 1)( g + n + d )[ln ke (t ) − ln ke* ] .
The steady-state level of output per effective labour unit is
α /(1−α )
y =
g +n+d
∂ ln ye
= (α − 1)( g + n + d )[ln ye (t ) − ln ye* ] .
In order to operationalize (18) for empirical work, we integrate the equation forward from t-1
to t and get
ln ye (t ) = e z ln ye (t − 1) + (1 − e z ) ln ye* , z ≡ (α − 1)( n + g + d ) .
Using (13), (17) and (19), ye is related to observable per capita income y:= Y/L via
ln y(t ) = e z ln y(t − 1) + (1 − e z ) ln Ao +
[ln s − ln(n + g + d )]
1− α
+ θ ln m(t ) − e zθ ln m(t − 1) + (t − (t − 1)e z ) g
Equation (20) suggests the dynamic panel data model
ln y i ,t = γ ln y i ,t −1 +
β j ln x j ,i ,t + η t + µ i + ν
j =1
where x1= s = gross investment/GDP, x2 = n+g+d = labour force growth rate + 0.05, x3 = m =
military expenditure/GDP and x4 = mt-12. Following Knight et al (1993; 1996) and Islam
(1995) s and n are treated as varying across countries and time, while g and d are taken to be
uniform time-invariant constants and Ao is country-specific but, by construction, timeinvariant.
Re-writing (3) in the form
=ez >0;
du/dt=f(u),u:=ln(ke) , the linearized form is f(u*)+f'(u*) [ u(t)-u*]
= (1-e z ) / (1-
=g ( t- ( t-1) ez ) ;
) >0;
=- 1 <0;
= ;
=-e z =-
= (1-ez ) A o
Dunne et al (2005) show how this model can be augmented to deal with human capital,
following Mankiw, Romer and Weil (1992) and re-specifying the aggregate production
function as3
Y (t ) = K (t )α H (t ) β [ A(t ) L(t )]1−α − β ,
Giving the equation for income per actual worker which provides the basis for the empirical
analysis as
ln y (t ) = e ln y (t − 1) + (1 − e ) ln A +
ln s +
ln s −
ln( n + g + d )]
o 1−α − β
k 1−α − β
h 1−α − β
+ θ ln m (t ) − e θ ln m (t − 1) + (t − (t − 1)e ) g
and suggesting the dynamic panel model specification
ln y i ,t = γ ln y i ,t −1 +
β j ln x j ,i ,t + η t + µ i + ν
j =1
where x1 = s = gross investment / GDP ,
x 2 = n + g + d = labour force growth rate + 0.05 ,
x 3 = m = military expenditure / GDP , x 4 = m t −1 ; x 5 = human capital investment / GDP 4.
This model represents an improvement over the Feder-Ram and has been used in a number of
recent studies (eg Yakovlev, 2007) . It provides a consistent specification, with testable
hypotheses for coefficients and when estimated is easy to interpret.
While theses exogenous growth models provide a valuable explanation of convergence in
growth between countries, they came under criticism for failing to explain the observed
growth in living standards. Endogenous growth models were developed to allow for
divergences in growth rates and income and to allow for constant or increasing return to
Endogenous Growth Model
Within the literature the alternative approach that has been gaining popularity in the literature
uses the endogenous growth models originally developed by Barro (1990). In principle this
provides a more general framework for the analysis, but at the cost of increasing complexity
and difficulties of interpretation.
The basic model starts by assuming that a representative agent produces a single commodity
using a generic production function by the amount of private capital, k, and total public
spending, g
Temple(2001) provides some critical reflection on the plausibility of this specification.
=ez >0;
= (1-ez ) / (1- - ) >0;
= (1-ez ) / (1- -
) >0;
= -( 1+
= g ( t- ( t-1) ez ) ;
) <0;
= (1-ez ) Ao .
= ;
= -ez = -
y = Af
where A is the exogenous rate of technology and f is a generic function formalized as a
constant elasticity function (CES), Cobb-Douglas or a logarithmic function. The growth of
private capital is modelled as:
k&= (1−τ ) y − c
in which k&is growth rate of private capital, τ is the flat rate of income tax and c is private
consumption. The agent chooses the amount of private consumption to maximize the flow of
future utility functions:
U (c) = e− ρt u(c)
where ρ is the rate of time preferences. If the utility function is specified as a CES function,
u (c ) =
c1−σ − 1
1− σ
Since σ > 0 , the marginal elasticity is −σ . Government expenditure G is determined by the
amount of collected taxes of the private sector
G =τ y
The agent then maximizes the utility function (28) subject to a private capital accumulation
constraint (26) and a government budget constraint (29) to choose the optimal growth rate,
γ = (1 −τ ) f '
Which can be written as:
(1 −τ ) f
(1 −η ) − ρ
where η is the elasticity of γ with respect to g (for given values of k ), so that 0 < η < 1 .
Government spending can have two effects on the growth rate. First, an increase in τ can
reduce γ and second an increase of g / y can raises ∂y / ∂k , which raises γ . Typically, the first
of these dominates when government spending is large and the second when the government
spending in GDP is small.
To illustrate consider the production function of Cobb-Douglas rather than CES form. The
elasticity of y with respect to g is constant and η = α , such as the conditions τ = g / y and
g / k = ( g / y)φ ( g / k ) imply that the derivative of γ with respect to g / y is:
= φ
d ( g / y) σ
(φ '− 1)
Hence, the growth rate increases with g / y if g / k is small enough such that φ ' > 1 and
declines with g / y if g / k is large enough such that φ ' < 1 . In the Cobb-Douglas technology,
the optimal size of government that maximises the growth rate corresponds to the condition
for productive efficiency, that is φ ' = 1 . Since α = η = φ '( g / y ) , it follows that α = g / y = τ .
This implies that their will exist an inverse hump-shaped relationship between government
spending and the growth rate and so an optimal level of government spending.
Military spending can be introduced by extending (3.1) to give:
y = Ak 1−α − β g1α g 2β
0 < α, β <1
where k is the private capital stock, g1 , military government spending, and g2 non-military
government spending. The growth of private capital is then:
k = (1 − τ ) Ak 1−α − β g1α g 2β − c
The representative household now chooses the optimal amount of private consumption subject
to the government spending constraint:
G = g1 + g2 = τ y
Taking ϕ and 1 − ϕ as respectively the fraction of resources allocated to military and nonmilitary spending, the flows of government spending are allocated by using the following
g1 = ϕτ y
g2 = (1 − ϕ )τ y
By solving the model, the corresponding steady-state growth rate can be written as:
= γ = (1 − α − β )(1 − τ )φ α (1 − φ ) β A
(α + β )
By rearranging (38) in terms of φ , such as G / k = τ Aφ α (1 − φ ) β
1−α − β
, and, differentiating it
with respect to φ , we obtain:
∂γ 1
jφ 1−α − β (1 − φ )1−α − β αφ −1 − β (1 − φ ) −1
∂φ θ
1−α − β
α +β
1−α − β
in which j = (1 − α − β )(1 − τ ) A
(τ ) .
To predict the sign of the impact of the military burden on growth rate, (39) is differentiated
with respect to the share of military government expenditure, φ . It follows that:
φ 1−φ
φ 1−φ
This means that the impact of military spending on growth depends the productivity
parameters related to its initial share of total spending. If φ is higher than its optimal level, the
military burden has a negative impact on the growth rate.
Barro (1990) introduces government expenditure as a public good into the production function
which means the rate of return to private capital increases, which can stimulates private
investment and growth. A simplified estimable version of the model, distinguishes military
expenditure from general expenditure and assumes that it may indirectly affect economic
growth by providing security from external threat and helping to protect property rights, which
increases the probability that an investor will receive the marginal product of capital (Barro
and Sala-i-Martin, 1992).
This basic model has spurred a number of developments. Devarajan et al. (1996) developed an
intertemporal-optimizing endogenous growth model to examine the components of
government’s resource allocation and, as a specific case, considers the defence and nondefence sectors. A straightforward extension of the model was carried out by d’Agostino et al.
(2009a) in which non-military government spending was shared by public investments and
current government consumption with the respective potential productivity. Although Stroup
and Heckelman (2001) does not explicitly formalize an endogenous growth model, they
extend the Barro-type specification to include military spending and to evaluate a non-linear
form of the relationship, which is supported by their data. The task of identifying
nonlinearities in the military spending-growth nexus, was then taken up in Aizemann and
Glick (2006), which uses an endogenous growth model in which the effects of military
spending are augmented by an interaction variable that measures the external threat. However,
the model fails to take into account for the competitive allocation with each other public good.
In fact, as shown by Pieroni (2009), the partial effect of military expenditure on growth can
vary according to the different initial shares of government expenditure on non-military
categories even when a proxy of threat is included in the estimations. The results obtained
nonparametrically by the same sample of Aizemann and Glick (2006) indicate that the
marginal effect of a change military burden is not constant both across different levels of the
variable and across economies and can lead, in the extreme case, to the existence of multiple
growth regimes.
Recently the literature addressed to extend the endogenous growth model by recognizing a
prominent role for the quality of governance of a country arisen from growth literature (see,
for example Mauro (1995) and Gupta et al. 2000). Its role is to directly affect the economic
performance of a country and, indirectly, the allocation of military spending. d’Agostino et al.
(2010) consider the complementarities between military spending and corruption, with
corruption to shifting resources to the military sector, subtracting more efficient public sectors
(civilian investments). The relevance of the extended endogenous model is the possibility to
include other ingredients of the cited relationship and to evaluate interaction effects of the
impact of military spending on economic growth.
5. Applications
To illustrate the application of the Feder-Ram and modified Solow models and the issues
involved in a panel data context we use data are for 28 countries over the period 1960-1997
for GDP, GDP per-capita, and gross domestic fixed capital formation as a measure of
investment. These are measured in constant price US dollar values at 1990 exchange rates and
price levels (Source: World Bank). In addition, there are data on military expenditure as a
share of GDP from SIPRI. The sample consists of two groups: 17 OECD countries (Germany,
France, Italy, Netherland, Belgium, UK, Denmark, Spain, Greece, Portugal, USA, Canada,
Japan, Australia, Norway, Sweden, Turkey) and 9 other countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile,
Venezuela, South Africa, Malaysia, Phillipines, India, Israel, Pakistan, and South Korea).
To operationalise the Feder-Ram model for empirical application the instantaneous rates of
change of the variables in are replaced by their discrete equivalents giving
∆Yt / Yt − 1 = α 0 + α1 ∆L t / L t −1 + α 2 I t / Yt −1 + α 3 ∆M t / M t −1 ( M t / Yt −1 )
+ α 4 ∆M t / M t −1
Estimating this equation for the 28 countries give the results reported in Table 1 for the one
and two-way fixed effects and the Swamy random coefficient estimator.
Table 1: Feder-Ram Model
∆L t /Lt −1
I t /Yt −1
∆M t /M t −1 M t /Yt −1
∆M t / M t −1
θ Size effect
µ Externality
Fixed effect
Fixed effect
The one-way fixed effects model provides poor results for a growth equation with the labour
and capital variables insignificant and the trend term significant but negative. The military
spending terms are also insignificant. Moving to a two-way fixed effects model improves the
significance of the variables and gives both size and externality effects as positive. The
random coefficient estimates differ with only the capital term significant and significantly
larger in magnitude. Neither of the military expenditure terms is significant.
These results are rather poor as might be expected and illustrate the problems and limitations
of using and interpreting consistently results from the Feder Ram model. Despite these
problems and limitations applications of the Feder Ram model provided numerous
contributions to the guns-and-butter debate5. Examples include Antonakis (1997), Sezgin
(1996), Batchelor, Dunne and Saal (1999), Mintz and Stevenson (1995), Antonakis (1999)
and Atesoglu and Mueller(1990). Variants have been estimated using cross-country data (e.g
Biswas and Ram (1986)), time series data for individual countries (e.g. Huang and Mintz
(1991), Ward et al. (1993), Sezgin (1997)), and pooled cross-section time-series data (e.g.
Alexander (1990), Murdoch et al. (1997)). In the past such results have led to suggestions of
expanding the model to introduce more sectors, including Alexander (1990), Huang and Mintz
(1991), Murdoch et al (1997), or attempting to improve the dynamics, as in Birdi and Dunne
(2001) and Yilirim and Sezgin, 2002. However, given the criticisms in Dunne et al (2005)
outlined above, the best response is to consider an alternative model.
The modified Solow growth model developed in the previous section suggests the dynamic
panel data specification
ln yi ,t = γ ln yi ,t −1 +
β j ln x j ,i ,t + ηt + µi + ν i ,t
j =1
where x1= s= I/Y; x2 = n+g+d = L/L; x3 = m =M/Y; x4 = mt-1
From the development of the theory we have a number of expectations for the signs and
magnitudes of the coefficients: γ = ez should be in the range 0< <1 and should be close to
unity for the empirically relevant range of z = ( -1)(n+g+d)<0; β1 = (1-ez)α/ (1- α) > 0, and
the value for jointly identified by and 1 should be within the typical range for the capital
share in GDP of around 0.3 to 0.5; β2 = - β1 < 0; β3 = θ measures the elasticity of long-run percapita income with respect to the military expenditure share, and β4 = - ez θ = - γβ3.
Estimating the model gives the results in Table 2 below, for one and two-way fixed effects and
the random coefficient models.
See Ram (1995) for a survey up to the early 1990s and Dunne and Uye (2009) for a later one.
Table 2: Modified Solow-Type Model
Fixed effect
Fixed effect
log Yt-1
log (M/Y)t
log (M/Y)t-1
These results provide estimates that are entirely consistent with the expectations developed
from the theory. The coefficient on lagged log output γ is positive and close to unity as we
would expect, and the coefficient on the investment share, β 1, has likewise the expected sign.
The value for the capital-output elasticity implied by the estimated coefficients for and 1
is 0.5 for the fixed effects models and thus broadly in line with observable capital share
figures, while the implied of 0.73 for the ECM regression is rather high. The coefficient on
the labour force growth term, β2, is both negative and close in absolute value to 1 and
significant for the fixed effects models. The coefficient on the log of the military share 3 is
negative and significant for the fixed effects models, suggesting that a permanent one percent
increase in m reduces long-run per-capita income permanently by 0.03 to 0.04 percent.(or that
a permanent increase in m lowers the steady-state growth path of per-capita income
permanently by 0.03 to 0.04 percent). As expected, 4 has the opposite sign to 3 and is of
similar magnitude with significant estimates for the fixed effects models. The trend parameter
ηt represents the impact of the rate of technical progress, which is assumed to be the same
across all countries. This is significant and positive for the RCM model and while positive for
the one way fixed effects model is not significant.
Clearly both the size and the significance of the coefficients vary between the fixed and the
random coefficient models. The existence of heterogeneity will bias γ towards one, and so we
might expect a decrease in the coefficient with the RCM, but in fact the estimate is the same
for all models. Certainly the results are rather encouraging, giving a sensible specification and
seem a big improvement on the Feder Ram. Other recent studies illustrate the value of the
model including Yakovlev(2007) and Heo(2009).
To illustrate the application of the Barro model a cross country panel of 53 African countries for
the period 2003-2007 developed for d’Agostino et al (2010) is used6. To provide an
empirically tractable model from equation (28), the panel specification with fixed effects
assumes that technological parameter A accounts for the initial level of GDP (in logs). The
other variables are the annual growth rate of per-capita GDP at constant prices (γ ) and
military spending (mil) and consumption and investment expressed as percentages of GDP. T
Table 3: Endogenous Growth Model
log GDPt-1
Pub investment
Gov consumption
Priv investment
-0.982 **
0.453 ***
0.372 **
6.332 *
*, **, *** significant at 10, 5, 1 percent
The first column in Table 3 reports the fixed effects estimations after that we shared nonmilitary spending by public investments and current government spending7. The results are
consistent with theoretical expectations, showing a negative impact of the military sector on
growth. As a policy implication, a high share of military spending in GDP appears, therefore,
responsible for lower performances of economic growth. The second column shows the results
of a two-step GMM estimation of the growth equation 28 using a dynamic panel data
approach (see Arellano and Bond (1991); Arellano and Bover (1995), Blundell and Bond
(1998). Adjusted standard errors of the second step by using the finite-sample correction are
used for inference (Windmeijer, 2005). While the lagged dependent variable is not significant,
the results are similar to the fixed effects model. There is a significant impact of military
spending on growth rate, with the estimate suggesting an elasticity of -0.6 for the effect of
military burden on economic growth, consistent witht eh findings of recent studies Recent
studies include Yakovlev (2007) and Mylonidis (2008).
The main source of our data is the "African Development Indicators" (ADI), available from the World Bank
The current government spending is obtained as a residual component of total government spending.
There is another strand of literature focused on the case studies with time series of the impact
of military spending on growth rate, in which nonlinearities are explicitly accounted for. For
example, Gerace (2002) testing for counter-cyclical interaction between the growth rates of
US military expenditures and GDP found no support for the hypothesis that these expenditures
are negatively related to the GDP growth rate. Although the importance of external events in
the US may influence the results, Cuaresma and Reitschuler (2004; 2006) test this relationship
arguing that the main issue is the presence of non-linearities in the data. By using a threshold
value for the military sector, they estimate the impact of military spending on per-capita
growth rate above and below this value. In line with the prevalent theory, they find that for
low levels of military spending there is a positive effect on growth rate and, vice-versa,
whether the estimations are performed for higher level of military spending.
The use of endogenous growth models allows us to consider the impact of technology on
growth and provides a more general framework. It gives flexibility in the treatment of some
aspects of the processes at work, but at a cost. The models can quickly become complex and
difficult to operationalise for econometric analysis and interpret. It is likely that modified
Solow model will still have an important role to play in future work.
7. Conclusions
Military spending is an expenditure by governments that has influence beyond the resources it
takes up, especially when it leads to or facilitates conflicts. While countries need some level of
security to deal with internal and external threats, these have opportunity costs, as they prevent
resources being used for other purposes that might improve the pace of development. Such
issues are clearly important for the poorest economies. With the present growth in military
spending internationally it is important to understand the economic implications. In addition,
there are developments that aid the researchers. Longer data series are available, helping the
application of the rapidly developing panel data series estimation methods, and there is more
post cold war data available, increasing the signal noise ratio.
Within this increasingly data rich environment theoretical developments have also taken place.
The Feder-Ram model which was the model of choice for a large number of past studies, has
been shown to have a number of weaknesses and misinterpretations and the emphasis is
shifting to other theoretical models. While there are important heterodox approaches, the main
developments have been the use of exogenous and endogenous growth models. As this chapter
has seen a simple modified Solow model, where military spending has an impact on growth
through its effects on technology, performs well and is certainly preferable to the Feder Ram
model. The use of endogenous growth models has some advantages in providing some
flexibility in the treatment of aspects of growth, but at the cost of complexity.
The use of panel data methods for the relatively long time series available have been shown to
be a potentially important new development for research in the area. Estimating the models
using panel panel data, rather than simple cross-sections on averages, produced poor results
for the Feder-Ram model, more promising results for the new growth model and illustrated the
value of an endogenous growth approach. Both the exogenous growth model study of 28
countries and the endogenous growth model study of Africa suggest a negative effect of
military spending on growth.
To put these results in context, Chan’s (1985; 1987) surveys of the military spending growth
literature, found a lack of consistency in the results, while Ram (1995) reviewed 29 studies,
concluding little evidence of a positive effect of defence outlays on growth, but that it was also
difficult to say the evidence supported a negative effect. Dunne (1996) covering 54 studies
concluded that military spending had at best no effect on growth and was likely to have a
negative effect, with certainly no evidence of positive effects and Smith (2000) argued the large
literature did not indicate any robust empirical regularity, positive or negative, but suggested
there probably is a small negative effect in the long run, but one that requires considerably more
sophistication to find. Dunne and Uye (2009) summarise the results of 103 studies, finding for
developing countries that almost 39% of the cross country studies and 35% of the case studies
find a negative effect of military spending on growth, with only around 20% finding positive for
both types of studies. They also add that as Hartley and Sandler (1995) pointed out, if we
distinguish between the supply side models and those which have a demand side, there is more
consistency in the results. Models allowing for a demand side and hence the possibility of
crowding out investment tend to find negative effects, unless there is some reallocation to other
forms of government spending, while those with only a supply side find positive, or positive but
insignificant, effects. Thus the fact that the supply side models find a positive effect is not a
surprise as the model is inherently structured to find such as result (Brauer, 2002).
This does seem strong evidence against there being a positive impact of military spending on the
economy. This suggests that cuts in military spending are unlikely to have the negative economic
effects that are often heralded in the media. A finding that is consistent with the experience of
most major economies in the post Cold War period, that seem to have dealt with the downturn
in military spending without economic problems.
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