Ellu Saar
I am a Professor in Sociology at Tallinn University (Estonia). My PhD thesis was about social mobility of young people with secondary education. My main research topics are education, lifelong learning, ethnic stratification, social mobility. I have extensive experience in coordinating large scale complex projects including EU FP 6 project Towards a Lifelong Learning Society in Europe: The Contribution of the Education System (LLL2010) (13 partners). Ellu Saar has led the Estonian team in several international projects connected to education, lifelong learning and labour market transitions. For example TECHEQUALITY (Horizon 2020), FamilyPlatform (FP 7), TransEurope Research Network Transnationalisation and Changing Life Course Inequality in Europe (funded by European Science Foundation), Education as a Lifelong Process – Comparing Educational Trajectories in Modern Societies (eduLIFE) (EU funded), Educational Systems and Labour Markets in Central and Eastern European Transformation Countries (funded by Volkswagen Foundation) and EQUALSOC (FP 6). I have published articles in the International Journal of Lifelong Education, Journal of Education and Work, East European Politics and Societies, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Higher Education, European Societies, European Journal of Education, Ethnic and Racial Studies and European Sociological Review. My expertise is in the comparative quantitative and qualitative analysis of data on education, labour market and lifelong learning.
Papers by Ellu Saar