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2009, Journal of Natural …
6 pages
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Ethanolic extract of the Mitragyna parvifolia was evaluated for antiinflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial activities. The extract showed very significant analgesic and anti-inflammatory potential. The analgesic activity was significant at the dose of 500 mg/kg (P<0.01) while ...
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research, 2009
The present study was designed to evaluate the analgesic and antimicrobial activities of ethanolic extract of leaves of Mitragyna parvifolia plant (Rubiaceae) family. The analgesic activity was carried out on swiss albino male mice by Eddy’s hot plate and Acetic acid induced writhing test. The extract showed only moderate analgesic potential in acetic acid induced writhing test at all the test doses while the extract at the dose of 500 mg/kg (P less than 0.01) showed strong analgesic activity comparable to standard drug Diclofenac sodium (50 mg/Kg, i.p.) in hot plate method. The extract in different concentrations was also tested for antibacterial activity using agar well diffusion method. The extract significantly inhibited S. aureus and showed some degree of inhibition against P. aeruginosa and E. coli.
Ethanolic leaves extract of Mitragyna parvifolia was screened for anti-inflammatory activity using Carrageenan-induced paw edema at various doses (100, 250 and 500 mg/kg) and the results were compared with standard drug Diclofenac sodium (50 mg/kg). It showed significant ...
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP), 2019
Stress is something that causes anxiety or depression, it comes from schooling, church, or even at home. It is the reaction of one's body and mind to something that causes a change in the balance. Although senior high school students may encounter common stressors in secondary level, perceptions of what are considered as academic stressors may differ. The study is entitled; "Stress Levels of Senior High School Students in Practical Research 2." This study was in a quantitative design. This study aimed to know the level of stress experienced by senior high school students in Practical Research 2. For the purpose of the study, all grade-12 students in Jagobiao National High School are required to answer the questionnaires in rating scale form. Results indicates that causes of these stress levels is correlated with the three categories the researchers created-gender, strand and economic status of students. It can be inferred that there is a significant association of stress levels between gender and the content of students. It was also found that there is no significant association of stress levels between gender and the skills and attitude of students. Moreover, there is no significant association of stress when students are categorized according to strand by content, skills/performance and attitude. Lastly, with regards to economic status, content and attitude was found to be significant among students. However, skills has no significant association with economic status of students. Confounding factors, such as sample size, are addressed. Suggestions for the future research are provided.
IOSR Journals
Gideon Wandabwa1 , Solomon Mutava2 Background: Advances in information and communications technology have aided government agencies at all levels in expanding and improving their ability to provide citizens with information and services online. Eservices have the potential to benefit both governments and citizens by lowering service costs while increasing service accessibility. The objective of this study was to determine how e-Government initiatives contribute to Good Governance among Public Sector Organizations in Developing Countries. The specific areas under focus were; efficiency and Effectiveness, transparency and accountability and consistency with the rule of law. The study was anchored on the good governance theory and Unified Theory of Acceptance. Materials and Methods: The study adopted a descriptive research design and the target population comprised of Kenya civil servants drawn from various public sector organizations ranging from national government, County governments, government parastatals and Kenyan Citizens who are customers of these government institutions. The researcher adopted stratified simple random sampling where the target population comprised of Civil servants and non-civil servants in Kenya. Questionnaires with open and close-end questions and Likert scales were used as the research instruments which were administered through various channels and collected after due completion by the respondents. The collected data was cleaned, coded and analysed using Jeffreys's Amazing Statistics Program (JASP) and Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS). Frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviations, t-tests and ANOVA analysis were done. Results: The study results indicated that efficiency and Effectiveness, transparency and accountability and consistency with the rule of law were significant factors of governance. Conclusion In overall, the study findings confirmed that e-government has a positive influence on good governance in public sector organizations. Key Words: Accountability, e-Government, Good Governance, Efficiency, Effectiveness Rule of Law
Мелітополь, 2019
Підручник призначений для методичного забезпечення навчальної дисципліни «Основна іноземна мова», що вивчається студентами 4 курсу освітнього рівня «бакалавр» спеціальностей «Філологія. Германські мови і літератури (переклад включно)» та «Середня освіта. Мова і література (англійська)». Його метою є формування у студентів англомовної комунікативної компетентності завдяки розвитку навичок усного та писемного мовлення. Підручник складається з 7 основних та 2 додаткових розділів. Тематика підручника відповідає типовій навчальній програмі. В кожному основному розділі подано автентичні англомовні тексти та систему авторських практичних завдань до них, що сприяють утворенню у студентів здатності тлумачити у процесі спілкування соціальні, політичні, культурні та освітні мовленнєві реалії, розвитку культури спілкування англійською мовою на рівні, достатньому для здійснення комунікативних актів як у навчальному середовищі, так і за його межами, формуванню толерантності, поваги до звичаїв і традицій інших народів. Додаткові розділи містять тематичні статті з англомовної преси, план для роботи з ними, кліше та спеціальну лексику для їх подальшого аналізу, а також три категорії узагальнюючих тестів з граматики. Підручник стане у пригоді студентам і викладачам філологічних факультетів, а також усім, хто бажає вдосконалити свої знання з англійської мови.
OpenAI の ChatGPT や Anthropic の Claude といった大規模言語モデル(LLM)は、言語生成能力において人間に匹敵する性能を持つようになってきている。本発表では、そのような大規模言語モデルの振る舞いを、言語哲学上の理論の一つである推論主義に基づき解釈、記述することを試みる。本発表における主要な主張は次の3点である。(i)大規模言語モデルは本質的に反表象主義的かつ言語観念論的である。(ii)大規模言語モデルを解釈するためには、真理条件意味論よりも推論主義的意味論のほうが適切である。(iii)推論主義の中核である規範的語用論を言語モデルがどのように表現するかは未解明であるが、推論主義の論理的表出主義および反合成原理性は大規模言語モデルを説明するために有力である。
Concepts like finite, infinite (∞) and zero (0) are discussed. Numbers are the birth of mathematics. Mathematics is a language that is used in connection with the creation of models of the physical observations of our environment, the universe. The concepts of absolute and time-varying coordinate systems are discussed. The dimension of the universe is discussed. Space and time are discussed. Einstein's coupling of space and time is questioned. Do we understand these concepts? Commenti del cabalista Leon: Interessante discussione di Erik Lindberg che ammette che forse 0 / 0 = 1 e che anche gli atei credono in qualcosa: che Dio non esiste!
For the Left, it’s easy to hate the media, with its entrenched centrist biases and loyalty to the status quo. But a world without high-quality news is a world where meaningful democracy is impossible. That’s the message of media scholar Victor Pickard, who argues for a transformation of our media system away from the model of commercial news and toward a “public option.”
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science , 2013
The purpose of this paper is to explore the strategic role of Corporate Sustainability(CS) and the stakeholder‟s value in the emerging markets (EM). This study investigates how a strong stakeholder reputation is widely acknowledged to be the most valuable asset of a firm (Peloza, et al, 2012) and why sustainability has become an important component of corporate reputation. This research was conducted using quality content analysis procedure of the surveys, interviews, and case studies. This study examined three main questions: (1) howCS satisfies the needs of both the direct and (Faupel and Schwach, 2010) indirect stakeholders, (2) how achieving consistency in corporate identityand reputation (Vallaster et al, 2012) strengthens Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and (3) what are the strategic managerial and profit implications of these findings for the corporations and researchers. This paper concludes that holistic integration of CS maximizes stakeholder value (MSV) in the EM. Key words:Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Identity, Corporate Marketing, Corporate Sustainability, Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Social Value, Emerging Market.
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