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The objective is identify potential areas of clinical intervention in family with a chronically ill elderly with a qualitative approach through in-depth interview. Using GenoPro ® 2011; Version family genogram was elaborated. We recommend working to change patterns of unhealthy behavior that keeps the elderly, organize equally responsible for the care to bring greater feeibility in modes of interaction and family confguration, training in assertive communication for the appropriate eepression of emotions and feelings impact on the proper verbal confict management, rather than resorting to symptoms. Strengthen ties with eetended family, intergenerational infuence leisure activities, strengthen interaction not based on disease care.
El GENOGRAMA es una representación gráfica de una constelación familia generacional (por lo menos tres generaciones), que registra información sobre los miembros de esa familia y sus relaciones. Su estructura en forma de árbol proporcionada una rápida "gestalt" de las complejas relaciones familiares y es una rica fuente de hipótesis sobre cómo un problema clínico puede estar relacionado con el contexto familiar y su evolución a través en el tiempo.
Ciencias Psicológicas, 2020
Los cambios socioculturales de las últimas décadas han posibilitado mayor permeabilidad a modelos familiares diversos y a la incorporación de integrantes no humanos. En occidente, el 90% de las personas tiende a considerar a sus animales como miembros de sus familias. Pese a la relevancia de esta configuración familiar humano-animal, en la práctica clínica, hasta recientemente, los animales parecen haber sido pasados por alto, por ejemplo, en la confección del genograma familiar. Si bien algunos autores han comenzado a incorporar a los animales a esta representación gráfica, la misma se ha mostrado problemática o poco estructurada. Fundamentándonos en las investigaciones previas, proporcionamos una guía para la inclusión de animales en el trazado de la estructura familiar, el registro de la información relacionada a estos, y de las relaciones familiares que los implican. Finalmente, realizamos una propuesta de incorporación de los animales en los talleres terapéuticos ligados al genograma.
La epistemología sistémica en su aplicación a la terapia familiar cuenta con más de cuarenta años de historia y con una complejidad conceptual y aplicada imposible de abarcar con detalle en un trabajo de las características de éste. Por ello hemos enfocado este capítulo como una introducción a la concepción sistémica de la familia, centrándonos en las principales innovaciones que representó (y en cierto sentido aún representa) en el contexto psicológico/psiquiátrico clásico. El capítulo concluye con una revisión de los datos procedentes de la investigación en Terapia Familiar Sistémica (TFS) en cuanto a eficacia y proceso y una aproximación prospectiva al futuro de la TFS a la luz de las tendencias actuales.
Ementa da disciplina Princípios e normas constitucionais relativos aos direitos políticos, nacionalidade e aos partidos políticos, de que tratam os Capítulos III, IV e V do Título II da Constituição de 1988 em seus art. 12 a 17. Código Eleitoral (Lei nº 4.737, de 1965, e respectivas atualizações, inclusive Lei n.º 9.504, de 1997): Dos órgãos da Justiça Eleitoral. Do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral. Dos Tribunais Regionais Eleitorais. Dos juízes eleitorais. Das juntas eleitorais: composição e atribuições. Resolução TSE n.º 21.538, de 14 de outubro de 2003. Resolução nº 803, de 03 de dezembro de 2009, e alterações posteriores: Regulamento dos Juízos e Cartórios Eleitorais da Circunscrição de Minas Gerais.
De género, obra escrita, microempresas, milagros y fútbol, 2021
The Stone Age Conference in Bergen 2017 (University of Bergen Archaeological Series 12, ed. D.E.F. Olsen), 2022
A chronological outline of the Mesolithic in southeast Norway was published by Egil Mikkelsen in 1975, dividing the Mesolithic period into four succeeding phases. Since then, this chronology has remained the main framework for arranging Mesolithic settlement finds, although with slight later adjustments. However, when Mikkelsen published his study, very few settlement sites had been excavated. This has now changed, as a large number of sites have been investigated in recent years. The data from these sites have dramatically raised the potential for studies into the chronological development in the region. However, the newly unearthed assemblages are in some cases difficult to fit into the established chronology. In this paper, the empirical foundation of the established Mesolithic chronology is reassessed, and it is concluded that the chronological scheme is due for a revision. Based on a high number of recently excavated sites and associated radiocarbon dates, a revised chronology of the Mesolithic in southeast Norway is suggested. It is claimed that six Mesolithic phases can be distinguished – three main phases (Early, Middle and Late Mesolithic), with each of them, in turn, divided into two sub-phases.
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Horse (Equus caballus) training utilises operant and classical conditioning frequently, yet there have been few studies investigating training methods that are reflective of how horses are trained in practice. This study compares two training techniques; negative reinforcement and positive reinforcement when teaching rein back, focussing on the horses behavioural response to the task and handler. Five daily sessions, consisting of a two minute habituation period followed by a five minute training session, were carried out. All sessions were recorded, and behavioural analysis was carried out using an ethogram. Behavioural responses, the number of responses, latency to respond and the type of cue responded to were recorded for each session. Some significant results were found, including a higher incidence of evasive behaviour in the negative reinforcement group, and a higher incidence of behaviour indicative of attentiveness in the positive reinforcement group. Horses in the positive reinforcement group reached a more advanced stage of training, with a higher number of horses achieving rein back with verbal stimulus control. Attention to the task and handler, as well as light responses are valuable to the equine industry, and further investigation into equine learning and motivation that is applicable to the equine industry will enhance welfare.
The Arts in Psychotherapy, 2013
Human Rights Education Review, 2024
Contrastes, 2020
Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Biochemical Technology, 2015
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2018
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2011
The Thinker, 2023
Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences, 2016
EPJ Web of Conferences, 2016
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019