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Encyclopedia of Strategic Leadership and Management, 2017
Those who are more committed to their organizations are assumed to be more productive persons and behave with a higher sense of responsibility and loyalty (Ulrich, 1998). Several different definitions of commitment exist in the literature. Buchanan's (1974) definition is typical: "Commitment is viewed as a partisan, affective attachment to the goals and values of an organization, to one's role in relation to goals and values, and to the organization for its own sake, apart from its pruly instrumental worth" (p. 533). In the definition of Wiener (1982) commitment is conceptualized as a normative motivational process clearly distinctive from instrumental approaches to the explanation of work behavior. Tsui, Egan, and O'Reilly (1992) defined it as an employees' psychological and behavioral attachment to a social group. Scheldon's (1971) definition combines commitment with identification words. He viewed commitment as a psychological attachment
Invitation to apply for a Postdoctoral Fellowship under my supervision linking the politics of nuclear energy and technology, with any one or more of the following niche areas: 1. Marine Studies 2. Aviation and Aeronautical studies 3. Automotive 4. Energy 5. Space study and Square Kilometer Area 6. Fourth Industrial revolution and Digitalisation 7. Natural Sciences (Biotechnological studies) 8. Health Studies/Medicine 9. Feminist, Womanist, Bosadi Theorizations 10. Student Support and Co-Curricular activities The call has been issued by the College of Human Sciences of the University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. For more information on the call and the application form, please contact me via my website.
ls am 9. November 1989 die Grenzübergänge in Berlin knapp drei Jahrzehnte nach dem Mauerbau geöffnet wurden, war das nicht nur ein weltpolitisches Ereignis, sondern auch eine historisch offene Situation. Es war keineswegs absehbar, dass die Siegermächte des Zweiten Weltkriegs einer Wiedervereinigung zustimmen würden. Die Sorge vor einem wiedererstarkenden Deutschland war vor allem bei den europäischen Nachbarn groß. Nicht einmal in der Bundesrepublik selbst waren die politischen Mehrheiten für ein solches Vorhaben ohne Weiteres gegeben.
A different understanding of the issues involved in tax avoidance and why it should not be portrayed as bad. Companies being the best vehicles to carry out tax avoidance!
Oltre a Leon Dumont, a Giorgio Arcoleo, a Enrico Nencioni o a Francesco De Sanctis estimatore di Heine, giusto per fare solo alcuni nomi fra quelli piu vicini a Carlo Collodi (Firenze, 1826-1890) o agli ambienti da lui frequentati, sono tanti gli studiosi, i teorici e gli artisti dell'Ottocento che, in Italia e all'estero, hanno riflettuto sugli umoristi e l'umorismo, oppure hanno praticato quest'ultimo in modi vari, che risultano ancora oggi stimolanti. Il colto Collodi era ritenuto il maestro della scrittura umoristica del suo tempo, e non a caso i suoi testi figuravano nei giornali umoristici molto spesso in prima pagina, nella posizione di maggior risalto. L'intervento delineera una mappatura di alcune concezioni e pratiche dell'umorismo, piu e meno note, tentandovi un percorso critico, che prende Collodi e la sua opera letteraria a specchio riflettente, e a prismatica cartina di tornasole, di un universo di pensiero e creazione artistica straordinariamen...
En las siguientes páginas nos ocupamos de presentar tres cuestiones centrales del derecho de contratos. La primera de ellas es la importancia del propósito práctico para determinar la fisonomía de la regla contractual. La segunda es una especie de incumplimiento –el cumplimiento imperfecto– y sus matices. En tercer lugar, nos ocupa considerar la articulación de los remedios del acreedor frente a tales incumplimientos. Para presentar estas cuestiones nos servimos de tres recientes sentencias de la Corte Suprema.
Journal of Design, Planning and Aesthetics Research
Architect candidates must undergo a qualified aesthetic and cultural education in a professional field such as architecture that outweighs the artistic side. This idea originates from the belief that architectural projects and designs by architects with a profound artistic-cultural education enriched by global culture would enhance aesthetics and liveability. Understanding great works of art is pivotal to reshape societal and architectural aesthetics. The relationship between architecture and cinema starts primarily with the spaces.Thus, exploring the interplay between architecture and cinema within spatial designs is crucial. This article aims to establish an evaluation set uncovering the original architectural and artistic elements in movies that heavily rely on architecture. Our objective is to equip architects, interior designers, urban planners, industrial designers, and landscape architects with the tools to analyze films referencing architectural art and derive insights. The ...
La place 123 de Lattara, recherches pluridisciplinaires sur un espace urbain du IVe s. av. n. è., Lattara 16, Lattes, 2003, p.9-66.
This summary provides a comprehensive overview of HereAfter AI, touching on its key aspects and implications.
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Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements, 2018
Revista de Historia Naval nº 164, 2024
İmparatorluklar Çağına Veda, ed. Bülent Bakar, Okan Yeşilot, Süleyman Beyoğlu, Mehdi Genceli, Ötüken Neşriyat, 2019
ROVI. Repositorio de Organizaciones Vinculadas a la Investigación (Biblio-Web), V-6, 2023
Boukhris, F. et al. (eds.), Mélanges en hommage au Professeur Ahmed Boukous, 111-142. Rabat: IRCAM and FLHS- Rabat., 2019
Hitchcock Anatomía del suspense. Espacios y lugares, 2020
Anuario de Derecho Civil, 2019
Personality and Individual Differences, 2001
Physical Review E, 1997
Transplantation Proceedings, 2000
Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA)
International journal of recent technology and engineering, 2019
Acta Dermato Venereologica, 2010
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2001
Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika dan IPA
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment