Gu, D., Dupre, M.E., Sautter, J., Zhu, H., Liu, Y., & Yi, Z., (2009). Frailty and mortality among chinese at advanced ages. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 64B(2), 279–289, doi:10.1093/geronb/gbn009,
Advance Access publication on February 4, 2009
Frailty and Mortality Among Chinese at Advanced Ages
Danan Gu,1 Matthew E. Dupre,2,3 Jessica Sautter,2 Haiyan Zhu,4 Yuzhi Liu,5 and Zeng Yi2,6
School of Urban Studies and Planning, Portland State University, Oregon.
for the Study of Aging and Human Development, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina.
3Department of Sociology, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina.
4Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Dearborn.
5Institute of Population Research, Peking University, Beijing, China.
6China Center for Economic Research, Peking University, Beijing, China.
Objectives. This study investigates the factors associated with frailty and the association of frailty with mortality in a
national sample of adults aged 65–109 in China.
Methods. Using the 2002 wave of the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey, we construct a frailty index (FI)
based on 39 measures available in the data set. We use ordinal logistic regressions to examine the factors associated with the
FI and use Weibull hazard regression to examine the association between frailty and 3-year mortality from 2002 to 2005.
Results. Age, sex, ethnicity, urban–rural residence, economic condition, religious involvement, and daily exercise are
significantly associated with levels of frailty. Hazard analyses further reveal that the FI is a robust predictor of mortality
at advanced ages and that the relationship between frailty and mortality is independent of various covariates.
Discussion. The measurement and analysis of frailty have broad implications for public health initiatives designed to
target individuals with the diminished capacity to effectively compensate for external stressors and to prevent further
declines associated with aging and mortality. A key to healthy longevity is the prevention, postponement, and potential
recovery from physical and cognitive deficits at advanced ages through enhanced medical interventions and treatments.
Key Words: China—Old adults—Frailty index—Mortality.
ERIATRICIANS and gerontologists generally agree that
frailty is a physiological state of nonspecific vulnerability
to stressors resulting from decreased physiological reserves
and the deregulation of multiple physiological systems associated with advancing age (Bortz, 2002; Campbell & Buchner,
1997; Cohen, 2000; Fried, Ferrucci, Darer, Williamson, &
Anderson, 2004; Kulminski et al., 2006; Kulminski,
Ukraintseva et al., 2007; Markle-Reid, 2003; Morley, Perry, &
Miller, 2002; Rockwood, Mogilner, & Mitnitski, 2004; Yashin
et al., 2007). Conceptually, frailty is more than an association
with specific diseases or disabilities, but rather a systemic
manifestation of physical and cognitive deficits—including
signs, symptoms, illnesses, and impairments—that accumulate over the life course (Fried et al., 2004; Kulminski et al.,
2006; Kulminski, Ukraintseva et al., 2007; Markle-Reid, 2003;
Morley, Perry, & Miller, 2002; Rockwood, Mogilner, &
Mitnitski, 2004; Yashin et al., 2007). Empirically, a variety of
methods have been used to operationalize frailty, although the
most common applications are perhaps the phenotypic approach and the frailty index (FI) (Bergman et al., 2007;
Kulminski et al., 2008; Levers, Estabrooks, & Ross Kerr,
2006; Rockwood, Andrew, & Mitnitski, 2007). The phenotypic approach defines frailty based on several items, such as
weight loss, exhaustion, weakness, slowness, or low physical
activity, and considers any three conditions as an indication of
frailty (see Fried et al., 2001). Alternatively, the FI focuses less
on the specific deficits of individuals and focuses instead on
the cumulative number of health deficiencies (Kulminski
et al., 2006; Mitnitski et al., 2005). Despite the similarities between these two approaches, the choice of measurement is
often dictated by the outcome under investigation.
Accordingly, recent research shows that FI is more applicable for predicting mortality than is the phenotypic method
(Kulminski et al., 2006, 2008; Rockwood et al., 2007). In practice, most studies compute FI as the proportion of cumulative
health deficits to all possible deficits for a given individual
(Rockwood, 2005). Thus, FI quantifies the general concept of
frailty by incorporating a variety of psychological, physiological, and functional conditions and abilities that represent an
individual’s balance of health assets to deficits (Fisher, 2005;
Rockwood, Fox, Stolee, Robertson, & Beattie, 1994). In other
words, FIs characterize basic human functioning by emphasizing the aggregate (or systemic) deterioration in psychophysiological performance (Kulminski et al., 2006) rather than
focusing on the substance of the specific conditions that define
the index. The validity of the FI has been demonstrated in various populations as a proxy for biological age, as a robust predictor of health change, health care utilization, and death, and
as an effective tool among geriatricians and others for studying
the determinants of aging and its implications for public health
monitoring and intervention (Goggins, Woo, Sham, & Ho,
2005; Janssen, Shepard, Katzmarzyk, & Roubenoff, 2004;
Kulminski et al., 2006; Mitnitski, Graham, Mogilner, &
Rockwood, 2002; Mitnitski, Mogilner, & Rockwood, 2001;
Mitnitski et al., 2005; Puts, Lips, & Deeg, 2005; Song,
Mitnitski, MacKnight, & Rockwood, 2004; Yashin et al.,
© The Author 2009. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Gerontological Society of America.
All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
[email protected].
2007). We argue that FIs also provide unique insight into
age-related processes such as mortality because frailty is independent of chronological age and incorporates so-called
“mild-effect traits” that are typically ignored due to their limited individual effects (Kulminski, Yashin, et al., 2007).
Although there is a growing body of literature on frailty
in developed countries, research is scarce in developing
countries. Perhaps the most apparent lack of research on
frailty is in mainland China (hereafter China), which has the
world’s largest oldest-old population. Compared with many
Western nations, China has a rapidly aging population and a
burgeoning health care system that has recently weakened
despite the nation’s economic growth (Yip & Hsiao, 2008).
In the coming decades, China will face dramatic population
aging; it remains unknown how China’s unique social and
cultural makeup will respond to the challenges of caring for
frail elders and enhancing healthy longevity.
To our knowledge, the associations among frailty, its risk
factors, and mortality have not been examined in China. Also
unclear is how mortality risks are associated with levels of
frailty across age. This study uses the 2002 and 2005 waves of
the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey (CLHLS)
to examine the factors associated with age-related frailty
and its association with prospective mortality. Unlike most
studies, which lack adequate samples of older adults (for
exceptions, see Kulminski et al., 2006; Yashin et al., 2007),
we employ longitudinal data from a large national sample of
adults aged 65 to 109 that includes more than 4,200 octogenarians, 3,700 nonagenarians, and over 3,000 centenarians.
We conclude by discussing the implications of our results and
what they mean for China’s unique sociopolitical landscape
and the promotion of exceptional aging for all populations.
Data and Measurement
This study utilizes the 2002 and 2005 waves of the CLHLS.
Initiated in 1998 as a multidisciplinary study, the CLHLS is the
first nationwide longitudinal survey on the determinants of
healthy longevity with the largest sample of oldest old from a
developing country. The survey was conducted in half of the
randomly selected counties/cities in 22 out of 31 provinces in
China and interviewed all known centenarians in the sampled
counties/cities with informed consent. For every centenarian
with a predesignated random code, interviews were conducted
for nearby adults with a predesignated age and sex who were
randomly selected from the following age ranges: 65–79, 80–
89, and 90–99. The term “nearby” refers to the same village or
street or the same town, county, or city, where applicable. The
sampling strategy is designed to include comparable numbers
of randomly selected men and women at ages 65–99. Our
analyses are restricted to the third and fourth waves of the CLHLS (2002 and 2005) because the first two waves of the CLHLS (1998 and 2000) recruited only adults ages 80 and older.
Of the 15,919 participants sampled in 2002, 4,845 were ages
65–79 and 11,074 were ages 80–109, with 3,747 nonagenarians and 3,088 centenarians. Of the total participants (N =
15,919), 8,108 (50.9%) were reinterviewed in the 2005 wave,
5,753 (36.1%) died before 2005, and 2,058 (12.9%) were lost
to follow-up.
Extensive data were collected on demographic characteristics, family and household characteristics, lifestyle, diet, psychological characteristics, economic resources, family
support, self-reported health, self-reported life satisfaction,
lower and upper extremities performance, instrumental activities of daily living (IADL), activities of daily (ADL), cognitive functioning, and chronic diseases suffered and their
impacts on daily life. All information was obtained through
in-home interviews. The dates of death for deceased respondents were collected from various sources including death
certificates, next of kin, and neighborhood committees. All
dates were validated, and the dates reported on death certificates were ultimately used when available—otherwise the
next of kin’s report was used, followed by neighborhood registries. Systematic assessments of the CLHLS regarding the
accuracy of age reporting, the randomness of attrition, and
the reliability, validity, and consistency of numerous measures show that data quality in the CLHLS is high (Gu, 2008;
Gu & Dupre, 2008; Zeng & Gu, 2008).
Frailty Index and Covariates
To capture the cumulative health deficits of an individual
(Cohen, 2000; Markle-Reid, 2003; Mitnitski et al., 2005), most
studies calculate FI using multiple variables that encompass
various dimensions of health and limitations (Kulminski,
Ukraintseva et al., 2007; Kulminski et al., 2008; Mitnitski
et al., 2005). Although studies using this approach often do not
include the same number or type of indicators to estimate
frailty (Rockwood et al., 2007, p. 742), it is shown that a
random selection of variables yields comparable results
(Rockwood, Mitnitski, Song, Steen, & Skoog, 2006); however,
it is necessary to include the same indicators over time to
evaluate individual change (Mitnitski et al., 2005; Rockwood
et al., 2007).
Following established research (Kulminski, Yashin, et al.,
2007; Mitnitski et al., 2001), we defined FI as an unweighted
count of the number of deficits divided by the total number of
possible deficits for a given person. We used 39 indicators of
various dimensions of self-reported health status, cognitive
functioning, disability, auditory and visual ability, depression, heart rhythm, and numerous chronic diseases that were
collected in the 2002 CLHLS (see Appendix for all items).
The items comprising our FI are similar to those used in studies from Canada (Mitnitski et al., 2005), the United States
(Kulminski et al., 2006), and Hong Kong (Goggins et al.,
2005). Individual items were dichotomized and coded 1 when
a deficit is present. Consistent with prior research (Goggins
et al., 2005), we assigned a score of 2 if the respondent had a
Table 1. Relative Frequency Distributions of the 2002 Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey Variables
Total % (N)
FI (mean)
% Non-Han ethnicity
% Urban residence
% 1+ years education
% White collar occupation
% Economic independence
% Good family economic standing
% Currently married
% High proximity to children
% Religious involvement
% Regularly exercise
% Smoked in the past 5 years
Total % (N)
FI (mean)
% Non-Han ethnicity
% Urban residence
% 1+ years education
% White collar occupation
% Economic independence
% Good family economic standing
% Currently married
% High proximity to children
% Religious involvement
% Regularly exercise
% Smoked in the past 5 years
100% (2,438)
100% (2,128)
100% (1,584)
100% (655)
100% (2,407)
100% (2,111)
100% (2,163)
100% (2,433)
serious illness that caused him/her to be hospitalized or
bedridden two or more times. The FI was then computed by
summing all deficits and then dividing by the total number of
possible deficits (range = 0–1). To assess the validity and sensitivity of our FI, we also analyzed FIs based on different
combinations of the individual indicators. We found that the
results are consistent as long as the major domains of health
are included in the index (i.e., ADLs, IADLs, chronic diseases, and cognitive functioning). For analytical purposes,
the FI is categorized into quartiles to minimize skewness.
Table 1 lists the covariates and their frequency distributions. Based on the well-established literature on the health
and mortality of older adults, we include covariates for
basic demographic factors (ethnicity and urbanicity), socioeconomic status (SES) (education, primary lifetime occupation, economic independence, and family economic
condition), family/social support (marital status, proximity
to children, and religious participation), and health practices
(regular exercise and smoking in the past five years) (see
Ferrucci et al., 2003; Liang, Bennett, Sugisawa, Kobayashi,
& Fukaya, 2003; Strawbridge, Shema, Cohen, & Kaplan,
2001; Stuck et al., 1999). All covariates are coded dichotomously and include non-Han ethnicity (vs. Han), urban
residence (vs. rural), one or more years of education (vs. no
schooling), white-collar occupation (vs. all other occupations), economic independence (coded 1 if the primary
financial source for daily expenses, excluding medical
costs, comes from the respondent’s own work income or
pension, as opposed to children, government subsidies, or
other sources), good family economic standing (coded 1 if
the familial economic status is reported to be “rich” or “very
rich” compared with others in their community), currently
married (vs. no), high proximity to children (coded 1 if coresiding or in the same neighborhood, town, or village),
religious involvement (vs. no), regularly exercise (vs. no),
and whether the respondent smoked in the past five years
(vs. no). Although associations between these covariates
and health are well established in the literature, there is the
possibility of endogeneity between some covariates and the
FI. For example, frailty can lead to reduced economic independence, exercise, and religious participation; therefore,
interpretations of these associations should be cautious.
All measures come from the 2002 interview, and less
than 2% of data are missing for all variables. Following recommendations by Landerman, Land, & Pieper (1997), we
use modal and mean values to impute missing data for the
categorical and continuous variables, respectively. Further
details of the variable coding are available upon request.
The analyses involve two sets and are stratified by age
and sex due to the well-documented sex differences in disability and mortality (e.g., Crimmins, Hayward, & Saito,
1996; Lamb, 1997) and recent evidence of sex differences
Frailty Index
Figure 1. Observed and fitted mean frailty levels by age and sex.
in frailty (Yashin et al., 2007). First, we estimate ordinal
logistic models to examine the factors associated with
frailty. A test of the proportional odds assumption—that
the odds ratios are proportional across the FI quartiles—
indicated a violation for age and exercise variables. Although these two variables had small p values in the
sensitivity testing, there was evidence to suggest that the
proportional odds assumption was not necessarily invalid
(Contractor & Kundu, 1998; Peterson & Harrell, 1990).
In practice, the assumption is frequently violated, and alternative models often induce more stringent assumptions
(Long & Freese, 2006). To be sure, we used quintile regression methods (Buchinsky, 1998) to compare estimates from
various quintile intervals, and we found similar results; we
also found consistent results from binary logistic models
(see Bender & Grouven, 1998).
In the second set of analyses, we use hazard regression
models to examine the relationship between frailty and
mortality. A Weibull model is selected for the hazard analyses based on model fit and because the estimates are consistent with other full- and semiparametric hazard functions
(e.g., Gompertz and Cox). To account for nonlinearity
between the FI and mortality (Yashin et al., 2007), we again
use FI quartiles and include two groups of covariate adjustments. Because all analyses are stratified by age group and
sex, the first group of purely demographic controls includes
single year of age and ethnicity (Model I); the second group
further adds the remaining covariates described above
(Model II). Survival time in the regression analyses is measured in days from the 2002 interview until death or the
time of the 2005 interview. Additional sensitivity analyses
using other percentile cut-points of the FI were conducted
and the results were essentially identical. Those who were
lost to follow-up in the 2005 survey were dropped from the
hazard analyses because their survival status (dead or alive)
was not known. Although persons lost to follow-up are more
likely to be women, urban residents, have higher SES, live
alone, and be in poor health (Gu, 2007), the inclusion of
these individuals’ estimated survival status using multiple
imputation—based on their characteristics—yielded minor
differences and suggested that the exclusion of those lost to
follow-up introduced little bias in the estimates. Therefore,
the analytic sample consists of 13,861 respondents (7,929
women and 5,932 men) with 8,108 survivors and 5,753
All analyses are performed using Stata version 10.1
(StataCorp, 2007). The sampling weight in the publicly
released CLHLS data set is calculated based on the age–sex–
urban/rural residence-specific distribution of the population
and does not capture other important compositional variables
(e.g., marital status, economic status); therefore, we do not
use weights in our multivariate analysis. Previous research
shows that results from unweighted regression models produce unbiased coefficients when including variables related
to sample selection (i.e., age, sex, and urbanicity) (Winship &
Radbill, 1994) and that weighted regressions will unnecessarily increase standard errors (see Preliminary analyses
confirmed that the overall patterns and conclusions were similar between the weighted and unweighted data.
Table 1 presents sample distributions by age and sex.
Several distinguishing features are evident; for instance,
frailty increases with age for both women and men, and
women are frailer than men at all ages. Men tend to have
higher SES than women, and with the exception of family
economic condition, SES declines steadily with age. As
expected, the proportion of respondents who are currently
married is higher for men than women but decreases
dramatically with age for both sexes. The proportion of
respondents with a high proximity to children is relatively
stable across age, and the difference between older men and
women is marginal. More women are involved in religious
activities than men, although religious activity and the sex
difference decrease with age. Not surprisingly, the prevalence of regular exercise and smoking in the past five years
is much higher among men than women and declines
steadily with age.
Figure 1 presents the observed and fitted logistic curves
of the mean FI by age from 65 to 109 for men and women
in 2002. Analyses (not shown) indicated that a logistic distribution describes the data better than exponential, linear,
or quadratic specifications. The calculated R2s for the fitted and observed FIs in Figure 1 are 0.95 for men and 0.98
for women, which are comparable to results among older
Americans (Kulminski et al., 2006) and from grouped data
from Australia, Canada, Sweden, and the United States
(Mitnitski et al., 2005, p. 2187). The mean FI value for
Age 65-69
Age 80-84
Age 90-94
Age 90-94
Age 100-105
Age 65-69
Age 80-84
Density %
Density %
Age 100-105
Frailty index
Frailty index
Figure 2. Observed density distributions of frailty by selected ages and sex.
women is approximately 0.10 at age 65, 0.15 at age 80,
and about 0.40 by ages 100 and older. Men have lower
overall levels of frailty compared with women, although
they exhibit a similar pattern across age. Figure 2 illustrates the density distributions of the FI by sex and shows
that frailty levels become less skewed across age. This
suggests that the absolute heterogeneity in frailty (i.e.,
standard deviation of the FI) increases with age, and the
relative heterogeneity in frailty (i.e., the inversion of the
square root of the shape parameter of the curve) decreases
with age. This age pattern is not unexpected given that
younger elders on average are healthier than their older
counterparts—a pattern similar to that observed in the
U.S. and Canada (Kulminski, Ukraintseva et al., 2007;
Rockwood, Mogilner, & Mitnitski, 2004).
Table 2 presents the results from the ordinal logistic models. Consistent with Table 1, age is strongly related with
increased levels of frailty for both men and women. NonHan ethnic minorities have less frailty than the Han majority, and this finding is more pronounced among women
Table 2. Odds Ratios of the Factors Associated With Frailty by Age and Sex: Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey, 2002
Age groups
Non-Han (ref.: Han)
Urban (ref.: rural)
1+ years education (ref.: 0)
White collar occupation (ref.: others)
Economic independence (ref.: dependence)
Good family economic standing (ref.: no)
Currently married (ref.: no)
High proximity to children (ref.: no)
Religious involvement (ref.: no)
Regularly exercise (ref.: no)
Smoked in the past 5 years (ref.: no)
-Log pseudo-likelihood
Non-Han (ref.: Han)
Urban (ref.: rural)
1+ years education (ref.: 0)
White collar occupation (ref.: others)
Economic independence (ref.: dependence)
Good family economic standing (ref.: no)
Currently married (ref.: no)
High proximity to children (ref.: no)
Religious involvement (ref.: no)
Regularly exercise (ref.: no)
Smoked in the past 5 years (ref.: no)
-Log pseudo-likelihood
1.08 (0.01)***
0.53 (0.10)**
1.04 (0.10)
0.68 (0.07)***
1.24 (0.15)†
0.99 (0.10)
0.89 (0.10)
0.90 (0.09)
0.87 (0.10)
0.79 (0.10)†
0.70 (0.06)***
0.87 (0.07)
1.12 (0.02)***
0.73 (0.14)
1.17 (0.12)
0.92 (0.09)
1.36 (0.18)*
0.80 (0.08)*
0.76 (0.08)**
1.04 (0.09)
0.94 (0.10)
0.66 (0.09)**
0.37 (0.03)***
1.00 (0.09)
1.12 (0.02)***
0.45 (0.10)***
1.42 (0.17)**
0.94 (0.10)
1.19 (0.24)
0.86 (0.13)
0.65 (0.09)**
0.81 (0.10)*
0.95 (0.13)
0.56 (0.09)***
0.25 (0.03)***
0.84 (0.09)
1.10 (0.06)
0.60 (0.27)
0.82 (0.15)
1.02 (0.18)
1.71 (0.75)
1.32 (0.35)
0.80 (0.18)
0.69 (0.19)
1.13 (0.27)
0.39 (0.10)***
0.23 (0.04)***
0.69 (0.13)†
1.10 (0.01)***
0.51 (0.10)**
1.11 (0.11)
0.98 (0.11)
1.11 (0.26)
0.77 (0.08)*
0.52 (0.07)***
0.87 (0.08)
1.05 (0.16)
0.80 (0.08)*
0.66 (0.07)***
1.10 (0.16)
1.12 (0.02)***
0.68 (0.13)*
1.31 (0.12)*
1.03 (0.13)
1.09 (0.27)
0.69 (0.11)*
0.66 (0.08)**
0.78 (0.10)†
1.07 (0.12)
0.63 (0.06)***
0.36 (0.04)***
0.99 (0.14)
1.06 (0.02)***
0.50 (0.08)***
1.23 (0.11)*
0.98 (0.13)
1.51 (0.39)
0.76 (0.18)
0.59 (0.07)***
0.68 (0.16)
0.84 (0.10)
0.54 (0.06)***
0.28 (0.03)***
1.03 (0.14)
1.08 (0.03)**
0.45 (0.10)***
1.21 (0.11)*
1.22 (0.21)
3.41 (1.85)*
0.42 (0.13)**
0.65 (0.08)***
0.35 (0.14)*
0.80 (0.09)*
0.52 (0.07)***
0.28 (0.03)***
0.92 (0.15)
Notes: Odds ratios are from ordinal regression models predicting frailty quartiles. Numbers in the parentheses are standard errors.
†p < 0.1; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.
Age 80-89
Age 100-109
Age 65-79
Age 90-99
% 50
% 50
Age 80-89
Age 100-109
Age 65-79
Age 90-99
Frailty index by quartile
Frailty index by quartile
Figure 3. Observed proportion of deaths and 95% confidence intervals over a 3-year period by frailty, sex, and age.
across age. Urban residents have higher frailty levels than
rural residents, particularly among women. With few exceptions, the effects of education and occupation on frailty are
generally weak; however, economic independence and good
family economic conditions reduce frailty for men and even
more so for women. The effects of having a spouse and high
proximity to children on the FI also are marginal, whereas
the association between religious participation and frailty
is negative and significant. We also find a robust negative
association between regular exercise and frailty across age
for both women and men. The relationship between smoking and frailty is not significant.
Figure 3 presents the observed proportion of deaths over
three years (2002–2005) by frailty, age, and sex in 2002. As
expected, the oldest old have a much higher rate of death
than their younger counterparts, and elderly men are more
likely to die than women at comparable levels of frailty.
However, the difference in mortality across frailty quartiles
is especially large within the same age groups for men and
women. For example, persons aged 65–79 in the third and
fourth FI quartiles have the same (or higher) proportions of
death than those aged 80–89 in the first or second quartiles.
In other words, healthy individuals aged 80–89 appear to
exhibit mortality risks as low as persons less than age 80.
The age-graded findings between frailty and mortality,
though not surprising, are consistent with previous evidence
(Rockwood et al., 2006).
Table 3 presents the relative risks of mortality from the
Weibull hazard models. For both men and women, Model I
shows that frailty levels in the upper two quartiles are related to higher mortality across all age groups. This pattern
is also found in the lower two FI quartiles, with exceptions
among young elders aged 65–79 and a few cases for the
oldest old. Although the differences in relative hazards
across frailty levels vary by sex and age, these differences
increase substantially across each quartile. For example, the
relative risks for the fourth FI quartile are about five times
greater among men and four times greater among women
compared with the first quartile. Model II shows that con-
trolling for SES, family/social support, and health practices
reduces the relative risks only slightly and suggests only a
modest mediating effect of the covariates on the associations between frailty and mortality. Thus, Models I and II
both show that the FI is a strong predictor of mortality at
late ages and is independent of chronological age and other
Frailty is an important concept for both scholars and
health practitioners studying morbidity and mortality at advanced ages. However, there are few studies of the distributional patterns of frailty among the oldest old, particularly
in developing countries. The lack of research is primarily
due to limited data representing older populations and comprehensive measures of psychophysiological functioning.
Drawing from the world’s largest aging population, we use
data from a nationwide longitudinal survey in China to examine a 39-item index of frailty and its associations with
age- and sex-specific mortality. Consistent with studies
from other countries (Kulminski et al., 2006; Mitnitski
et al., 2005), our data show that the nonlinear relationship
between frailty and chronological age also is observed
among older adults in China. Overall, we find that these
nonlinear changes in frailty across age mark the inherent
value of a valid and systemic indicator of the cumulative
aspects of aging (Kulminski et al., 2006).
Results from the density distributions of the FI demonstrate significantly increasing levels of frailty across age
that generally plateau at later ages among men and women.
Although intuitive, these findings also shed light on the heterogeneity of health in older populations who face an accumulation of functional deficits and organ decline with
advancing age (Kulminski et al., 2006). For example, our
findings suggest that chronological age does not necessarily
lead to an accumulation of deficits and that low FI values
are not exclusive to younger elders. Rather, we find evidence that concurs with existing research showing the diversity of individuals within and across age groups
Table 3. Relative Hazards of Mortality by Frailty, Sex, and Age: Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey, 2002–2005
Age 65–79
FI first quartile
FI second quartile
FI third quartile
FI fourth quartile
Age 80–89
FI first quartile
FI second quartile
FI third quartile
FI fourth quartile
Age 90–99
FI first quartile
FI second quartile
FI third quartile
FI fourth quartile
Age 100+
FI first quartile
FI second quartile
FI third quartile
FI fourth quartile
Model I
Model II
Model I
Model II
1.18 (0.19)
2.05 (0.37)***
5.17 (1.03)***
1.18 (0.20)
2.01 (0.36)***
4.56 (0.96)***
1.37 (0.22)†
2.56 (0.50)***
4.16 (1.10)***
1.34 (0.22†
2.34 (0.47)***
3.84 (1.01)***
1.40 (0.19)*
1.99 (0.26)***
4.14 (0.54)***
1.39 (0.19)*
1.94 (0.26)***
3.99 (0.53)***
1.38 (0.18)*
2.33 (0.30)***
3.72 (0.49)***
1.38 (0.18)*
2.20 (0.29)***
3.52 (0.48)***
1.41 (0.23)*
1.69 (0.25)***
2.75 (0.39)***
1.35 (0.22)†
1.55 (0.23)**
2.41 (0.36)***
1.84 (0.29)***
2.37 (0.36)***
4.47 (0.67)***
1.84 (0.29)***
2.38 (0.36)***
4.44 (0.69)***
2.45 (0.96)*
2.66 (0.99)**
4.62 (1.68)***
2.12 (0.84)+
2.28 (0.85)*
3.86 (1.41)***
1.50 (0.30)*
2.11 (.40)***
3.17 (.60)***
1.44 (0.29)†
2.01 (0.38)***
2.94 (.56)***
Notes: Relative hazards are from Weibull hazard models. Model I controls for age and ethnicity. Model II further controls for urban–rural residence, SES, family/
social connection and support, and health practices. Numbers in the parentheses are standard errors.
†p < 0.1; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.
(Kulminski, Yashin, et al., 2007), suggesting that frailty and
bodily damage are not inevitable features of aging and that
healthy longevity is an achievable goal for many older
adults (Evert, Lawler, Bogan, & Perls, 2003). In fact, a recent study by Yashin et al. (2007) showed that U.S. life expectancy at age 65 would increase by nearly 10 years for
men and women respectively if every individual were given
the same fixed level (i.e., average population level) of frailty
and spent the rest of their lives with that fixed frailty level.
We show significant differences in frailty according to ethnicity, urban–rural residence, SES, participation in religious
activities, and regular exercise. Ethnic minorities exhibit
relatively lower FI levels compared with the Han majority.
We speculate that this finding is due to higher mortality
among minorities before reaching older ages (i.e., selection),
leaving more robust minorities among those surviving to advanced ages. According to Chinese census data (National
Bureau of Statistics of China [NBSC], 2003), the mortality
rate of minorities is higher than Han adults before age 80
but reverses thereafter.
The finding that urban elders have more frailty than rural
elders also can be attributed to mortality selection, as well
as different lifestyles, support networks, and other environmental factors (see Dupre, Liu, & Gu, 2008; Gu & Zeng,
2004). Indeed, research suggests that older adults in developing countries—who predominantly live in rural areas—
have increased levels of ADL functioning compared with
older adults in developed nations (Lamb, 1999). We also
identify other psychosocial factors that are associated with
frailty that are presumably not due to mortality selection.
Congruent with the previous findings related to physical
functioning and self-reported health, we find that the association between economic condition and frailty is stronger than the associations between education and occupation
and frailty (Nordstrom, Diez Roux, Jackson, & Gardin,
2004; von dem Knesebeck, Lüschen, Cockerham, &
Siegrist, 2000). This suggests that older adults with greater
economic resources can purchase treatments and other
medical services that benefit health and delay or alleviate
symptoms of frailty. We also find that religious participation
appears to protect against frailty perhaps because of reduced
psychological distress and improved spiritual coping, social
support, or a more generalized and positive belief system
(see Maselko & Kubzansky, 2006). Regular exercise likely
maintains good physical mobility and organ functioning
that also help postpone or relieve health deficits (Bortz,
2002). However, these speculations, as well as issues of endogeneity and causal order, should be evaluated with longer
follow-up data. For example, it is possible that increased
frailty reduces individuals’ economic independence and
keeps them from exercising or participating in religious activities, whereas low levels of frailty help maintain and encourage economic independence, exercise, and religious
participation. Nonetheless, we believe that endogeneity is
likely minor given the context of our measures. For example, economic independence as measured in this study (i.e.,
the primary financial source for daily expenses comes from
the respondent’s own work income or pension) is less likely
to be influenced by health conditions than medical costs or
family economic conditions. Furthermore, many religious
Chinese worship at home (Fowler, 2005, p. 246) and thus
religious involvement is not necessarily determined by
health conditions.
Proximate mechanisms notwithstanding, our findings
demonstrate that psychosocial factors play some significant role in the severity of frailty and should remain an
important consideration in medical practice and public
health interventions. Moreover, this knowledge will become especially useful for initiating and evaluating public health efforts to promote healthy longevity and
ameliorate frailty in China, a country which is facing
dramatic population aging in a context of fewer family
caregivers, greater mobility, rising health care expenditures, and lack of a national social security system (Yip
& Hsiao, 2008).
Our analyses corroborate the finding that frailty is
highly correlated with the risk of death. Not surprisingly,
frail older adults are more likely to die, and the patterns
are similar for men and women across age. These findings are consistent with the general argument that frailty
represents accumulated deficits that deplete redundant
systems and make individuals more vulnerable to disability and death (Gavrilov & Gavrilova, 2001; Mitnitski
et al., 2002; Rockwood et al., 2004). Overall, the FI is a
strong predictor of mortality; the relationship between
frailty and mortality is independent of chronological age
and differs little when adjusting for various covariates.
This suggests that the association between adaptive regulation (e.g., exercise, lifestyle change) and mortality at
advanced ages is largely reduced at higher frailty levels
and eventually reaches levels that are clinically inconsequential. To some extent, these results also reinforce the
validity and utility of our frailty measure based on the
assessments of accumulated health deficits among the
Chinese elderly. Our findings also replicate the age- and sexgraded associations between frailty and mortality found
in previous research (Mitnitski et al., 2005; Rockwood
et al., 2006; Yashin et al., 2007).
An interesting finding is that although women exhibit
higher FI levels than men at all ages, women have lower
age-specific mortality than men for every given FI level.
In other words, women appear to accumulate more deficits over their life course than men of the same age, but
men are also dying at a higher rate. We suspect that the more
pronounced levels of frailty among women might be due to
a combination of higher incidence, longer durations (i.e.,
low recovery), and lower severity of illnesses (Hardy, Allore, Guo, & Gill, 2008). This seemingly contradictory
finding is similar to findings in previous studies from
other populations (Kulminski, Ukraintseva et al., 2007;
Mitnitski et al., 2002; Puts et al., 2005). The aging literature has long recognized a gender paradox in health and
mortality, and it is argued that gender differences in genetic
and acquired risks, immune system responses, hormones,
disease patterns and prevention, and health-reporting be-
haviors may explain the lower mortality of women (Bath,
2003; Deeg & Kriegsman, 2003; Idler, 2003; Oksuzyan,
Juel, Vaupel, Christensen, 2008; Spiers, Jagger, Clarke, &
Arthur, 2003). For example, some studies show that men
exhibit higher baseline levels of muscle mass and neuroendocrine and hormonal measurements (testosterone)
that may delay the onset and/or accumulation of frailty
(Walston & Fried, 1999). Similarly, men are shown to
possess greater positive affect than women (Nolen-Hoeksema, Larson, & Grayson, 1999), which also is shown to
significantly lower the risks of frailty (Ostir, Ottenbacher,
& Markides, 2004). Moreover, research shows that men
are more likely to die suddenly, whereas women are more
likely to experience a gradual progression of physical degeneration (Puts et al., 2005). Taken together, our findings provide further evidence of the fundamental processes
associated with sex differences in frailty and its association with mortality (Kulminski, Yashin et al., 2007).
Our study identifies several avenues for future research
and highlights some important implications. Limited
samples of the very old are a critical obstacle for researchers studying healthy longevity. To date, there are
few surveys with samples of centenarians that exceed
1,000 individuals (Koenig, 2001). Our study overcomes
this limitation by utilizing a large-scale sample of oldestold adults to investigate patterns of frailty across age for
men and women. We believe that our analysis provides
some of the strongest evidence of the distribution of
health deficits among exceptionally old adults. However,
we also acknowledge that more research on this topic
from other population-based studies is clearly warranted.
Undoubtedly, as our understanding of physiological pathways increases, future studies will continue to refine
measures of frailty and move beyond the limitations of
the current research that assumes equal item weight and
excludes important indicators of immune function and
In addition to determining risks of mortality, frailty
also reflects individual risks of functional loss and vulnerability (Campbell & Buchner, 1997) and is a useful
indicator of the general health burden within the elderly
population (Goggins et al., 2005). Furthermore, significant differences in frailty across a variety of sociodemographic characteristics indicate that numerous factors
play a role in determining cumulative deficits at old ages.
Therefore, the measurement and analysis of frailty have
broad implications for public health initiatives designed
to target individuals with diminished capacity to effectively compensate for external stressors and prevent further declines associated with aging and mortality
(Goggins et al., 2005; Yashin et al., 2007). It is plausible
that individuals may live to age 100 and older and remain
relatively healthy by adhering to healthy lifestyles and
avoiding identifiable risks (Zeng, Crimmins, Carriere, &
Robine, 2006).
The remarkable differences in frailty among octogenarians, nonagenarians, and centenarians suggest that the oldest old—especially centenarians—are not a homogeneous
population with comparable health reserves. Considering
such heterogeneity in frailty and the ongoing dynamics of
health change in late ages (Gill, Robison, & Tinetti, 1997;
Gu & Zeng, 2004), one key to healthy longevity is the prevention or delay of frailty and the facilitation of recovery
from frailty via medical interventions or treatments.
grant R01 AG023627 when he was at Duke. J.S. was supported by an NIA
T32 Traineeship in the Social, Economic, and Medical Demography of
Aging. Work of Z.Y. and Y.L. was supported by NIA grant R01 AG023627.
Conflict of interest: None.
List of Items Included in the Frailty Index
Correspondence should be directed to D. Gu, PhD, Nohad A. Toulan
School of Urban Studies and Planning, Portland State University, 506
SW Mill St. 570M, Portland, OR 97207. Email:
[email protected]
IADLs: Unable to visit neighbors by oneself
IADLs: Unable to shop by oneself if necessary
IADLs: Unable to cook meals by oneself if necessary
IADLs: Unable to wash clothing by oneself
IADLs: Unable to walk continuously for 1 kilometer
IADLs: Unable to lift a weight of 5 kg (such as a heavy bag of groceries)
IADLs: Unable to continuously crouch and stand up three times
IADLs: Unable to use public transportation
Functional limitations: Unable to put hand behind neck
Functional limitations: Unable to put hand behind lower back
Functional limitations: Unable to raise arm upright
Functional limitations: Unable to stand up from sitting in a chair
Functional limitations: Unable to pick up a book from the floor
ADLs: Needs assistance bathing
ADLs: Needs assistance dressing
ADLs: Needs assistance toileting
ADLs: Needs assistance in indoor transferring
ADLs: Needs assistance eating
ADLs: Incontinence
Cognitively impaired (based on the Mini Mental State Examination)
Poor self-rated health
Health worsened in the past year
Poor interviewer-rated health
Hearing loss
Vision loss
Abnormal heart rhythm
Symptom of psychological distress (based on loneliness, usefulness,
and fearfulness)
Number of serious illnesses in the past 2 yearsa
Suffering from hypertension
Suffering from diabetes
Suffering from tuberculosis
Suffering from heart disease
Suffering from stroke/cerebrovascular disease
Suffering from bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, or pneumonia
Suffering from cancer
Suffering from arthritis
Suffering from bedsores
Suffering from gastric or duodenal ulcers
Suffering from Parkinson’s disease
Notes: IADLs = instrumental activities of daily living; ADLs = activities of
a Persons reporting two or more illnesses are assigned a value of 2.
The data used in this study are from the 2002 and 2005 waves of the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey, funded by the National Institute
on Aging (NIA) (R01 AG023627, Principle Investigator: Z.Y.) awarded to
Duke University, the China Natural Science Foundation, China Social
Science Foundation, the United Nation Population Funds (UNFPA), and
Hong Kong Research Grant Council. D.G.’s work was supported by NIA
D.G. initiated and designed the study, drafted the paper, prepared and
analysed the data, and revised the paper. M.E.D. was involved in the analysis design, revised the manuscript, and assisted in interpreting the results.
J.S. and H.Z. drafted parts of the discussion, revised the paper, and assisted
in interpreting the results. Y.L. assisted in preparing the data. Z.Y. raised
funding for the data collection and revised the paper.
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Received February 26, 2008
Accepted September 22, 2008
Decision Editor: Kenneth F. Ferraro, PhD