Papers by Jesus Tresguerres
Farreras-Rozman. Medicina Interna. Metabolismo y Nutrición. Endocrinología, 2014
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020
Ubiquitous exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) has caused serious concerns about th... more Ubiquitous exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) has caused serious concerns about the ability of these chemicals to affect neurodevelopment, among others. Since endocrine disruption (ED)-induced developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) is hardly covered by the chemical testing tools that are currently in regulatory use, the Horizon 2020 research and innovation action ENDpoiNTs has been launched to fill the scientific and methodological gaps related to the assessment of this type of chemical toxicity. The ENDpoiNTs project will generate new knowledge about ED-induced DNT and aims to develop and improve in vitro, in vivo, and in silico models pertaining to ED-linked DNT outcomes for chemical testing. This will be achieved by establishing correlative and causal links between known and novel neurodevelopmental endpoints and endocrine pathways through integration of molecular, cellular, and organismal data from in vitro and in vivo models. Based on this knowledge, the project aims ...
QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, Jun 26, 2014
Previous contributions to Quarterly Journal of Medicine have drawn attention to the work of FEAM,... more Previous contributions to Quarterly Journal of Medicine have drawn attention to the work of FEAM, the Federation of European Academies of Medicine, in collaboration with others, in exploring and explaining the issues that will ensure an appropriate European Union (EU)
The International Journal of Spine Surgery, Dec 29, 2020
Background: Recently published data suggest that showing patients operated on for adolescent idio... more Background: Recently published data suggest that showing patients operated on for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis or kyphosis their preoperative and postoperative photographs may enhance their satisfaction and self-image as measured by Scoliosis Research Society Health-Related Quality of Life Questionnaire (SRS-22) scores. No data exist for adult spinal deformity (ASD) surgery. The aim of this study is to determine the effect on patient postoperative satisfaction and self-image of showing adult deformity patients their preoperative and postoperative whole body photographs. Methods: This was a nonconcurrent prospective study. Patients operated on for ASD with a minimum 2-year postoperative follow-up who had preoperative full-body photographs taken by a professional photographer were included. Two follow-up visits were arranged 7 days apart. In the first visit, patients completed the SRS-22 questionnaire, and full-body standing photographs were taken. In the second visit, patients were asked to complete again questions 4, 6, 10, 14, 19 (self-image), 21, and 22 (satisfaction) of the SRS-22 after seeing their preoperative and postoperative full-body photographs. Results: Thirty patients (28 female) were included. The median age at surgery was 50 years (26-76). The median follow-up was 51 months (24-120). SRS-22 results at first visit were: activity 2.79 6 0.75; self-image 2.71 6 0.82; pain 2.53 6 1.10; mental health 3.08 6 0.77; satisfaction 3.46 6 1.20; global 2.74 6 0.72. SRS22 results at second visit were: self-image 2.9 6 0.75; satisfaction 4.02 6 0.97. After seeing the preoperative and final follow-up photographs, patients experienced an improvement in SRS-22 self-image (P ¼ .000) and satisfaction domains (P ¼ .011). Conclusions: In patients operated on for ASD, showing preoperative and postoperative photographs improves patient satisfaction with surgery and self-image. Level of Evidence: 3. Clinical Relevance: Our results could be a starting point for introducing full-body clinical photographs as a routine clinical tool in adult deformity patients undergoing surgery.
International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, Jul 1, 2017
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of local application of growth hormone on osseoint... more The aim of this study was to assess the effect of local application of growth hormone on osseointegration of dental implants inserted in osteoporotic bones. Materials and Methods: Twenty female New Zealand rabbits were used in this study. Ten were ovariectomized and fed a low-calcium diet for 6 weeks, and the others remained intact. A titanium implant was inserted into each tibia, in both groups. In half of the rabbits, 2 IU of growth hormone was placed into the ostectomy prior to the implant insertion. Two weeks after implant surgery, all animals were sacrificed. Tibiae were dissected from soft tissues, and included in methacrylate to be studied under light microscopy. Bone-to-implant contact (BIC) and bone mineral density (BMD) were measured by morphometric and densitometric analysis, respectively. Multifactorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for statistical evaluation. P < .05 was considered to be significant. Results: Ovariectomy induced less BIC and BMD in regions closer to the implant compared with the control group. Local application of growth hormone was able to increase the BIC in the ovariectomized group, with statistically significant differences with respect to the control group (P < .01). Regarding the BMD, no statistically significant differences were found. Conclusion: Within the limitations of this experimental study, local application of 2 IU of recombinant human growth hormone at the moment of titanium implant insertion in rabbit tibiae significantly enhanced the BIC around titanium implants 15 days after the implantation in this experimental osteoporotic animal model, without affecting the BMD.
Homo-journal of Comparative Human Biology, 2003
Les alteracions vasculars i degeneratives del sistema nerviós central (SNC) són dues de les cause... more Les alteracions vasculars i degeneratives del sistema nerviós central (SNC) són dues de les causes més comunes de malaltia i de mort entre la gent gran; ambdues es correlacionen amb l'edat, amb la deficiència en GH, i poden afectar les funcions fisiològiques de la població d'edat avançada. Amb la finalitat de clarificar els efectes de la GH en el metabolisme, en els vasos i en el SNC, hem dut a terme un estudi in vivo utilitzant rates velles Wistar tractades crònicament amb GH. Les rates velles varen presentar un augment en el pes de greix i una disminució de l'índex específic de gravetat (SGI) (p < 0,05) en comparar-les amb les rates adultes no tractades. La GH va reduir el pes en greix (p < 0,05), i va mostrar també una tendència a augmentar l'SGI. Es va analitzar també la resposta de diverses substàncies vasoactives en els anells aòrtics, i es va demostrar una disminució de la vasodilatació per acetilcolina i isoprenalina (p < 0,05) en els animals vells. La contracció induïda per acetilcolina+L-NAME era més alta en els animals vells que en els adults. L'administració de GH millorava les respostes vasodilatadores (p < 0,05) mentre que tendia a reduïr les respostes vasoconstrictores. L'àrea aòrtica mitja augmentava també en les rates velles, mentre que la GH reduïa aquest paràmetre (p < 0,05). Les poblacions neuronals es reduïen en els hipocamps de les rates velles en comparar-les amb les joves. Aquesta reducció estava asociada a un augment dels nucleosomes i a una reducció de Bcl2 en el cervell. Les caspases 3 i 9 també varen augmentar. El tractament amb GH va augmentar significativament el nombre de neurones i va reduir els nucleosomes i les caspases i augmentar el Bcl2. En conclusió, el tractament per GH indueix l'aparició d'efectes beneficiosos en la composició del cos i ha restablert també les funcions cerebrals i vasculars en les rates velles.
Springer eBooks, 2019
The process of ageing is due among other things to the oxidative damage exerted by both oxidative... more The process of ageing is due among other things to the oxidative damage exerted by both oxidative or nitrosative free radicals. These damages are also due to inflammation and cause as a final consequence programmed cell death or apoptosis. The tissues of young persons have antioxidant defences by scavenging free radicals, to decrease oxidative damages. Loss of these defences with age enhances oxidative damage and contributes importantly to the ageing process and to the pathogenesis of many age-related diseases. There are several regulatory elements that play a role in the control of the production of free radicals and also in the modulation of the antioxidant capacities. These include hormones such as GH, melatonin and oestrogens but also antioxidants like phytoestrogens or resveratrol. This chapter reviews all the process of ageing and its components as well as the antioxidant capacities of both the mentioned hormones and antioxidants.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Jul 16, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Rejuvenation Research, Jun 4, 2021
Aging induces changes in bone. Growth Hormone is reduced by aging, and age-related changes observ... more Aging induces changes in bone. Growth Hormone is reduced by aging, and age-related changes observed in old bones might be due to a decrease in the Growth Hormone/Insulin-like Growth Factor-I axis. Growth Hormone administration on aged individuals is controversial. This study aimed to assess the effect of systemic Growth Hormone treatment on bone properties, bone metabolism, and bone mineral density in long bone of old rats. METHODS Aged Wistar rats were treated with Growth Hormone at a dose of 2 mg/kg/day during 10 weeks. Plasma osteocalcin, Insulin-like Growth Factor-I, and Carboxy-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen levels were measured. Cross-sectional bone areas and bone mineral density were measured by morphometric and densitometric analysis, respectively. Femora were analyzed by three point-bending testing. T-test was used for statistical evaluation. p<0.05 was considered to be significant. RESULTS Significantly enhanced bone area, at the expense of the cortical area, was found in treated rats. The densitometric analysis showed 11% higher bone mineral density in the experimental group. Significantly higher bone flexural modulus, stiffness, and ultimate load were observed in the treated rats. Plasma osteocalcin and Insulin-like Growth Factor-I levels were significantly increased in the treated group, while the resorption marker concentration remained unchanged. CONCLUSION Within the limitations of this experimental study, systemic Growth Hormone administration has shown to enhance biomechanical properties, bone mineral density, cortical mass and plasma IGF-I and osteocalcin in old treated rats, when compared to the control group; consequently, Growth Hormone could be considered as an alternative therapy against age-related changes in the bone.
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
The concept of “aging” is defined as the set of gradual and progressive changes in an organism th... more The concept of “aging” is defined as the set of gradual and progressive changes in an organism that leads to an increased risk of weakness, disease, and death. This process may occur at the cellular and organ level, as well as in the entire organism of any living being. During aging, there is a decrease in biological functions and in the ability to adapt to metabolic stress. General effects of aging include mitochondrial, cellular, and organic dysfunction, immune impairment or inflammaging, oxidative stress, cognitive and cardiovascular alterations, among others. Therefore, one of the main harmful consequences of aging is the development and progression of multiple diseases related to these processes, especially at the cardiovascular and central nervous system levels. Both cardiovascular and neurodegenerative pathologies are highly disabling and, in many cases, lethal. In this context, melatonin, an endogenous compound naturally synthesized not only by the pineal gland but also by m...
Clinical Spine Surgery: A Spine Publication, 2020
Study Design: This is nonconcurrent prospective study approved by the Institutional Research Ethi... more Study Design: This is nonconcurrent prospective study approved by the Institutional Research Ethics Committee Objective: The purpose of this study is to determine if the cranial sagittal vertical axis (Cr-SVA) measured in full spine standing radiographs is a better predictor of clinical results than the C7 sagittal vertical axis (C7-SVA) in adult patients operated on spinal deformity with a minimum 2-year follow-up after surgery. Summary of Background Data: The Cr-SVA has recently been described as a better predictor of health-related quality of life outcomes than the C7-SVA for patients with adult spinal deformity (ASD) before undergoing surgery. This has not been confirmed in patients after ASD surgery. Methods: Inclusion criteria were age at surgery more than 25 years and a minimum 2-year follow-up after a ≥5 level fusion for ASD. Full-length standing lateral radiographs (including nasion-inion line, spine, and femoral heads) and Scoliosis Research Society 22 Questionnaire and SF...
Biogerontology, 2018
Aging is associated with a chronic oxidative stress (increase of oxidants and decrease of antioxi... more Aging is associated with a chronic oxidative stress (increase of oxidants and decrease of antioxidants), which contributes to immunosenescence and therefore shorter longevity. Nevertheless, a positive social network has been related to the adequate maintenance of health and deceleration of aging. Adult prematurely aging mice (PAM) are characterized by their inadequate stress response to a T-maze, showing premature immunosenescence and oxidative stress establishment. These impairments contribute to shorter life spans in comparison to exceptional non-PAM (ENPAM). However, it is not known whether these characteristics of PAM could be prevented by a positive cohabitation. Therefore, the aim of the present work was to determine if the premature immunosenescence and oxidative stress shown by PAM could be avoided by the cohabitation with ENPAM, increasing their life span. Female CD1 PAM and ENPAM were divided into three experimental groups: PAM controls, ENPAM controls and a social environment experimental group, containing in the same cage ENPAM and PAM (proportion 5/2, respectively). After 2 months, mice were sacrificed and spleen, thymus, liver and heart removed. Later, several immune functions as well as oxidative stress parameters were assessed in spleen and thymus leukocytes. Also, several oxidative stress parameters were analyzed in liver and heart. The results showed that PAM, after co-housing with ENPAM, had improved immune functions and redox balance in spleen and thymus leukocytes. This improvement of redox state was also observed in liver and heart. Furthermore, all these positive effects seem to be related to the increased life span of PAM.
International journal of molecular sciences, Jan 19, 2018
Aging is associated with an increase in stroke risk. Melatonin, a potent free radical scavenger a... more Aging is associated with an increase in stroke risk. Melatonin, a potent free radical scavenger and broad spectrum antioxidant, has been shown to counteract inflammation and apoptosis in brain injury. However, little is known on the possible protective effects of melatonin in aged individuals affected by brain ischemia. Also, using melatonin before or after an ischemic stroke may result in significantly different molecular outcomes. The objective of the present study was to compare the effects of pre-ischemia vs. post-ischemia melatonin administration in an ischemic lesion in the cortex and hippocampus of senescent Wistar rats. An obstruction of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) to 18-month-old animals was performed. In general, animals treated with melatonin from 24 h prior to surgery until 7 days after the surgical procedure (PrevT) experienced a significant decrease in the levels of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-1β (IL-1β), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), Bc...
Reproduction Nutrition Development, 2003
In a first experiment, embryo viability was estimated after recovery in the uterus or the oviduct... more In a first experiment, embryo viability was estimated after recovery in the uterus or the oviduct of 70 Manchega ewes following a treatment of superovulation with decreasing doses of OVAGEN TM. Fewer viable embryos (5.6 ± 0.9 vs. 8.3 ± 0.8, P < 0.05) and more degenerative embryos (31.3% vs. 6.8%, P < 0.005) were obtained from the uterus than from the oviduct respectively. In a second experiment performed on 14 ewes, embryo viability was analyzed in relation to the follicular population estimated by ultrasonography (follicles ≥ 2 mm) at the first FSH administration. Progesterone (P4) and oestradiol 17β (E2) concentrations were also determined from the beginning of the superovulation treatment to the recovery of the embryos. The number of viable embryos (4.3 ± 1.4) was positively correlated (r = 0.824) with of 2-4 mm diameter follicles (P < 0.05), and with E2 concentrations at-12 h (r = 0.891, P < 0.01) , 0 h (r = 0.943, P < 0.0001) and +24 h (r = 0.948, P < 0.05) from estrus detection. Prolonged high levels of E2 up to 72 h with low levels of P4 on days 3 and 4 after estrus had a negative (P < 0.05) effect on embryo viability. These results indicate that ovarian response to superovulatory protocols is related to the individual variations in the number of follicles of 2-4 mm at the start of FSH treatment, and that embryo viability is conditioned by the steroid patterns during the time spent in the genital tract of the super-ovulated ewes.
Rejuvenation research, 2014
Previous studies have indicated that resveratrol, a natural phytoestrogen, can act as an anti-agi... more Previous studies have indicated that resveratrol, a natural phytoestrogen, can act as an anti-aging therapy to resist age-related changes of several body tissues. However, the anti-aging effects of resveratrol on bone have been poorly investigated in this natural aging population. Accordingly, this study was design to evaluate the effects of resveratrol on bone mass and biomechanical properties in old rat femora. Twenty 22-month-old male Wistar rats were divided into two randomly assigned groups (n=10). The first group was treated for 10 weeks with resveratrol (10 mg/kg per day) and the second group was left untreated (control). Rat femora were collected. Bone mass and bone microestructure were investigated by microcomputed tomography and histomorphometry. Biomechanical properties were determined by a three-point bending test. Plasma levels of CTX (carboxy-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen) and osteocalcin were also determined. Statistical analyses were performed by a Student ...
Rejuvenation Research, 2014
Spine Deformity, 2020
The aim of this study is to determine the correlation between photographic sagittal parameters an... more The aim of this study is to determine the correlation between photographic sagittal parameters and patient-reported outcome measures (PROM) results in adult patients operated on spinal deformity. Methods Non-concurrent prospective study. Inclusion criteria: age at surgery older than 25, minimum 2-year follow-up after a 5 or more level fusion for adult spinal deformity (ASD). Full body lateral standing photographs were taken with adhesive markers placed on ten bony landmarks. SRS-22 and SF-36 questionnaires were completed for every patient. The following photographic parameters were measured: lumbar angle, lumbar curve, thoracic inclination (TI), trunk angle, pelvic tilt, head angle, neck angle, cervicothoracic angle, lumbar vector angle (LVA), dorsal vector angle (DVA), cervical vector angle (CVA), cranial pelvic angle (CrPA), cranial sacral angle (CrSA), fibular inclination angle (FIA) and cranial sagittal vertical axis measured to sacrum (Cr-S), greater trochanter (Cr-GT), knee (Cr-K) and ankle (Cr-A). Results 65 patients (58 female) operated on ASD in a single institution were included. Age at surgery was 61 years (26-67). Postoperative follow-up was 53 months (24-120). Spearman rank order test showed several significant (p ≤ 0.01) correlations. After multivariate linear regression analysis age, LVA and TI remained as predictors for SRS image scores (corrected r 2 0.41), LVA for SRS satisfaction (corrected r 2 0.27), CrPA and age for SRS total scores (corrected r 2 0.33), FIA and age for SF36 physical functioning (corrected r 2 0.36) and CrSA for SF36 role physical (corrected r 2 0.14). Conclusions Some sagittal photographic parameters may predict mid-term clinical results after ASD surgery.
Peptides, 2012
Cardiotrophin-1 induces sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca-2 leak and arrhythmogenesis in adult rat ventri... more Cardiotrophin-1 induces sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca-2 leak and arrhythmogenesis in adult rat ventricular myocytes.
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2011
Sirtuins are deacetylases involved in metabolic regulation and longevity. Our aim was to test the... more Sirtuins are deacetylases involved in metabolic regulation and longevity. Our aim was to test the hypothesis that they are subjected to redox regulation by the [NADH]/[NAD + ] ratio. We used NIH3T3 fibroblasts in culture, Drosophila fed with or without ethanol and exercising rats. In all three models an increase in [NADH]/[NAD + ] came up with an increased expression of sirtuin mRNA and protein. PGC-1a (a substrate of sirtuins) protein level was significantly increased in fibroblasts incubated with lactate and pyruvate but this effect was lost in fibroblasts obtained from sirtuin-deficient mice. We conclude that the expression of sirtuins is subject to tight redox regulation by the [NADH]/[NAD + ] ratio, which is a major sensor for metabolite availability conserved from invertebrates to vertebrates.
The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 1995
Glucocorticoids (GCs) play a key role in the physiology of the hypothalamic-somatotroph axis, sin... more Glucocorticoids (GCs) play a key role in the physiology of the hypothalamic-somatotroph axis, since these steroids enhance growth hormone (GH) gene transcription and increase GHRH receptor synthesis. However, GC excess inhibits normal growth in all species studied. This is mainly due to the impaired GH secretion observed during hypercortisolism, a situation in which GH responses to a number of stimuli, including GHRH, are blunted. The inhibitory effect of GCs on GH secretion seems to be dependent on enhanced hypothalamic SS secretion. Since SS release is stimulated by beta-adrenergic agonism we tested the possibility that GC inhibition of GH secretion would depend on increased beta-adrenoceptor activity in SS-producing neurons. The experimental design consisted in evaluating the GH response to GHRH in normal subjects after having induced hypercortisolism, with DEX, and blocking beta-adrenoceptors with propranolol (PRO). Moreover, to investigate the specificity of this mechanism, GHRH-induced GH release was tested after inducing hypercortisolism and enhancing alpha 2-adrenergic or muscarinic cholinergic tone, by giving clonidine (CLO) or pyridostigmine (PD), respectively. As expected, nocturnal DEX administration inhibited the GH response to GHRH. In this situation of hypercortisolism, both PRO and CLO, but not PD, were able to reverse the inhibitory effect of DEX on GHRH-elicited release. However, the potentiating effect of these drugs on the GHRH-induced GH secretion was only observed for PRO. These data confirm that GC excess inhibits GH release by increasing hypothalamic SS secretion, and that the mechanism is mediated by GC-induced enhanced beta-adrenergic responsiveness. Therefore, the defective GHRH secretion observed in chronic hypercortisolism must be a consequence of the continuous blockade that SS excess exerts on GHRH-producing neurons. Our postulate agrees with other data in the literature showing that GCs modulate the secretion of some hypothalamic peptides by changing the responsiveness of the producing neurons from alpha 2-adrenoceptors to that of beta-adrenoceptors.
Papers by Jesus Tresguerres