From Plant Compounds to Botanicals and Back:
A Current Snapshot
Alessandra Durazzo *, Laura D’Addezio ID , Emanuela Camilli, Raffaela Piccinelli, Aida Turrini *,
Luisa Marletta, Stefania Marconi, Massimo Lucarini, Silvia Lisciani, Paolo Gabrielli,
Loretta Gambelli, Altero Aguzzi and Stefania Sette
CREA-Research Centre for Food and Nutrition, 00178 Rome, Italy;
[email protected] (L.D.);
[email protected] (E.C.);
[email protected] (R.P.);
[email protected] (L.M.);
[email protected] (S.M.);
[email protected] (M.L.);
[email protected] (S.L.);
[email protected] (P.G.);
[email protected] (L.G.);
[email protected] (A.A.);
[email protected] (S.S.)
* Correspondence:
[email protected] (A.D.);
[email protected] (A.T.);
Tel.: +39-065-149-4430 (A.D.); +39-065-149-4440 (A.T.)
Academic Editor: Derek J. McPhee
Received: 4 July 2018; Accepted: 21 July 2018; Published: 24 July 2018
Abstract: This work aims at giving an updated picture of the strict interaction between main plant
biologically active compounds and botanicals. The main features of the emerging class of dietary
supplements, the botanicals, are highlighted. Focus is also on the definition of actual possibilities of
study approach and research strategies. Examples of innovative directions are given: assessment of
interaction of bioactive compounds, chemometrics and the new goal of biorefineries. Current models
of existing databases, such as plant metabolic pathways, food composition, bioactive compounds,
dietary supplements, and dietary markers, are described as usable tools for health research. The need
for categorization of botanicals as well as for the implementation of specific and dedicated databases
emerged, based on both analytical data and collected data taken from literature throughout a
harmonized and standardized approach for the evaluation of an adequate dietary intake.
Keywords: dietary supplements; botanicals; bioactive compounds; antioxidants; study approach;
integrated food research; dedicated databases; dietary assessment.
1. The Emerging Class of Dietary Supplements: A Mini Overview of Botanicals Features
The field of food supplements appears varied and growing: a wider spectrum of new products
appears on the market every year. This reflects a new reorganization of the market for dietary
supplements, resulting from new strategies, technologies and also the changes in the regulation
applied to nutrition and to health claims. The growth of this sector is encouraged by greater consumer
interest in improving physical and mental wellbeing and health status, often to compensate for an
incorrect lifestyle [1–3]; as reported by Ekor, [4], over four billion people of the world’s population
use herbal supplements as products of medical care; there is a great and widespread growth in the
consumption of herbal remedies [5], related generally to their easy availability, but also to the easy and
false perception or idea, that many people feel that what is “natural” is supposed to be healthful and
safety, never toxic or side effects.
With the term botanicals is here indicated herbal remedies, herbal drugs, herbal medicinal
products, herbal medicines, botanical drugs as synonyms; numerous are the definitions of the
term botanicals in relation to the different fields (i.e., pharmacy, botany, medicine, nutrition) [6–8].
Herbal medicinal products are referred to “any medicinal product, exclusively containing as active
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ingredients one or more herbal substances or one or more herbal preparations, or one or more such
herbal substances in combination with one or more such herbal preparations” as introduced in 2004 by
Directive 2004/24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 [9].
Here the definition by the World Health Organization (WHO) is also reported as follows
“Herbal medicines include herbs, herbal materials, herbal preparations and finished herbal products,
that contain as active ingredients parts of plants, or other plant materials, or combinations” [10].
Botanicals are made of single herbs or by mixing different herbs, from raw material of whole plants
or parts of them, and include flowering herbs, leaves, leaf exudate, fruits, berries, roots, rhizomes,
fungi, microorganisms, algae.
Starting from these materials, numerous and different techniques and procedures i.e., extraction,
distillation, purification, fractionation, concentration, fermentation, etc. are used to obtain
botanical substances (single active compounds or more compounds of a chemical class) and
preparations/formulation (i.e., extracts, tinctures, powders). Botanicals are prepared through a
complex, specific and detailed procedure of preparation process, and on this matter reference and
regulation books are available [6,11–13].
In this regard, as described by Alamgir, [14], in a recent 2017 work, it is important to distinguish
between pharmacopoeia reference books for the preparation of quality medicines, and herbal and
therapeutic compendium, an accurate description of botanicals, as Materia Medica [14].
Moreover, the WHO has developed a portal [15], that contains 5845 medicines and health
product-related publications taken from WHO, other United Nations (UN) partners, global
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), development agencies and their partners, countries and
academics, and is updated monthly [16]. It is important to mention the guidance document formulated
by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) with a science-based approach, on how to assess
the safety of botanicals and of botanical preparations/formulations to be used in the food sector; in
particular, a list of the main categories of botanicals and safe botanical preparations/formulations was
established [6,7].
The recent study of Breemen et al. [17] summarized and well described the main steps
for the development of botanical dietary supplements, underlying how these steps should be
similar to those of pharmaceuticals: definition of action mechanism of main bioactive compounds,
chemical standardization related to the main compounds and biological standardization linked to
pharmacological activity, bioavailability studies, toxicity evaluation, preclinical evaluation, clinical
studies of safety and efficacy.
2. Study Approach about Botanicals and Their Main Plant Compounds: Up-to-Date, Current and
Innovative Directions
In this paragraph examples of actual possibilities and innovative directions of research strategy
are given: assessment of interaction of bioactive compounds; chemometrics; new goal of biorefinery.
2.1. Main Plant Compounds and Their Interactions Assessment
Plants are the source of a magnificent spectrum of compounds and, in this order, are defined as
one of the most efficient chemical systems known [18]: 200,000–1,000,000 different metabolites are
estimated to be synthetized in the plant kingdom [18].
The diversity of plant compounds derived from the infinite combinations of fundamental
functional groups such as hydroxyls, alcohols, aldehydes, alkyls, benzyl rings, steroids that originate
compounds with peculiar chemical and physical characteristics (i.e., solubility, melting point,
and reactivity) [19].
The combined and concerted action of phytochemicals, (i.e., polyphenols, carotenoids,
glucosinolates, lignans, etc.) gives the potential beneficial properties of each plant matrix [20,21];
these concerted interactions are responsible for a large spectra of physiological and biological functions
(i.e., anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-allergic, antimicrobial, anti-atherogenic, etc.) [22]. Many original
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researches and reviews are present in literature on the relationship compound-activity [23,24] as
well as chemical class and related bioactivity, i.e., alkaloids [25,26], saponins [27], terpenoids [28],
polyphenols [29,30], etc.
As defined by Biesalski et al. [31], “bioactive compounds” are compounds that occur in nature,
part of the food chain, that has the ability to interact with one or more compounds of the living tissue,
by showing an effect on human health.
The identification, isolation and quantification of bioactive compounds as well as the assessment
of their interactions, in the specific case the definition of herb-drug ones, could be considered as the
main steps in the study of the potential beneficial plants’ properties.
In this regard, it is important to underline how the quantification of bioactive compounds present
in the plant extracts is required as starting point. This output involves the applications of a large
spectra of techniques as described by several authors [32–35]. As instance, Sasidharan et al. 2010 [32]
summarized the main analytical techniques for the ingredient characterization in herbal preparations,
by highlighting the relevance of extraction procedures. Ingle et al. [34] categorized in a detailed
manner the main techniques of extraction and analysis for botanicals. Ganzera et al. [33] focused on
recent perspectives and application in botanicals of HPLC/MS. Pandey and Tripathi, [35] defined and
exploited the standardization in drug analysis.
The concerted actions of compounds bioactivity and the related activities of food extracts, were
clearly studied and discussed by Durazzo, [20]; the author underlined how two complementary
approaches can be applied: either the evaluation of bioactivities of pure compounds and/or their
mixtures or the isolation of different biologically active compound-rich extracts and how these fractions
contribute to the total activity of food extract.
2.2. Integrated Research, Emerging Technologies and Chemometrics
Among recent approaches with rapid and green procedures, direct analysis such as fluorescence,
near infrared (NIR), mid infrared (MIR), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopies, infrared
spectroscopy, multi-elemental analysis, isotopic ratio mass spectrometry, etc. produce large datasets
representing the input for multivariate data analysis methods. Therefore, studies on the evaluation of
bioactive components are generally integrated into a multidisciplinary system of detection and analysis,
generating data matrices for the application of statistical methods like in the chemometrics science.
Moving from bioactive components to botanicals, chemometrics opened a new scenario for
herbal drugs [36]; the chemometric approach represents a valid tool in the following actions:
authentication of individual herbs, monitoring of the quality of herbs and herb medicines, identification
of chemical constituents, detection of adulteration or contamination of herbs, production of
standardized formulations.
In the past, two were the main approaches for quality control of herbal medicines, the
‘component-based’ and ‘pattern-based’ ones [37,38]. The first approach was focused on the study of
specific compounds with defined properties (i.e., marker approach and multi-compound approach),
whereas the latter one studied all detectable compounds (i.e., the pattern approach and the
multi-pattern approach).
Considering the complexity of herbal ingredients used for testing, the markers do not allow an
adequate evaluation of the quality assurance of the herbal materials in all cases; generally, one or
two markers are necessary for quality control and authenticity of herbal medicines. The lack of a
unique marker did not allow a total overview of an herbal product representing a real problem when
qualitatively differentiating them.
An emerging intervention strategy is given by the fingerprint analysis and chemometric technique
that make feasible the comparison of compositions in nutrients and bioactive compounds in numerous
and different samples, i.e., using all the components detected through their whole chromatograms
acquired from spectroscopy, liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, and
so on. Indeed, this new approach allows the workflow for chemistry, manufacturing, the quality
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assessment and controls of botanical drugs. In this regard, the recent work of Harnly et al. [39] provided
an overview on how to detect the transition of chemical composition from botanical ingredients to
resulting products by using chemometrics, differentiating them quickly.
In this context, the identification and formulation of innovative types of quality markers is
required and, in this direction, multi-compound, multi-target and multi-pathway studies are being
carried out.
In a recent work, Yang et al. [40] proposed the use of bioactive chemical markers, a cluster of
chemo-markers showing similar pharmacological activities and comparable to the whole botanical
drug: bioactive chemical markers based strategy was formulated and applied to Xuesaitong Injection.
As another example in this direction, Zhang et al. [41] gave a general prototype combining the
chromatographic fingerprint of bioactive compounds and bioactivity assay to elucidate the relationship
spectrum–effect, in a traditional Chinese plant, Acalypha australis Linn.
Also Abubakar et al. [42] in an effective research have proposed and discussed DNA barcoding
in combination with chromatography fingerprints for the authentication of botanical ingredients in
herbal medicines.
The current review of Sánchez-Vidaña et al. [43] emphasized how novel advanced technologies in
the field of traditional Chinese medicine research are required for the implementation of separation
methods, standardization techniques, quality control, the understanding of the action mechanism
of single compounds, clinical validation assays; in this order, the application of omic technologies
represents a promising approach in phytotherapy [38,39,43,44].
2.3. Food Waste as Source of Bioactive Compounds: A New Goal of Circular Bioeconomy and Biorefinery
Another innovative direction concerning the botanicals research is given by the diffusion of use of
food waste as a sustainable alternative source of biologically active compounds. The “Universal
Recovery Strategy” for the commercial recapture of valuable compounds from food wastes is
a new goal of the circular bioeconomy and the biorefinery concept [45–49]. The bioactive
compounds are nowadays recycled inside food chain from field to fork [50,51]: they are extracted,
recovered and reutilized from food byproducts to formulate functional foods and nutraceuticals [52].
The agro-industrial field gives a great opportunity when considering the large quantities of waste and
by-products generated every year in the processing of fruit and vegetables. In particular, by-products
of plant food processing represent a promising source of biologically active compounds, which may be
used for their favorable technological or biological properties; moreover, the use of new technologies
is utilized to reinforce and increase the “Green Economy” in agriculture and agro-industry [53,54].
It is worth mentioning the work of Pfaltzgraff et al. [55] that described and schematized well the
components (i.e., pectin, sugars, starch, collagen, amino acids, polyphenols) present in food supply
chain residues (i.e., tomato pomace, wheat straw, rice husks, spent Brewer’s grain) and their uses in
common consumer applications. Another interesting review is the work of Baiano et al. [56], that gave
detailed and updated description of the type and amounts of food wastes and their legislation as well
as conventional and innovative techniques for the extraction of bioactive compounds; also the future
trends in nutraceutical, cosmetic, pharmaceutical sectors were discovered [56].
3. From Metabolic Pathways to Bioactive Compound Databases: Tools towards Health
Current models of specialized databases represent effective tools to study the relationship between
plant natural compounds and botanicals. In this paragraph, an updated description and a shot of
the current state are given and discussed: plant metabolic pathways databases; food composition
databases; bioactive compound databases; dietary supplements databases; dietary markers databases.
Several and different tools are being developed for secondary metabolic pathways, biological activities,
chemical structures, ethnobotanical uses, content in foods, and pharmacology; they represent open
source and queryable that can serve as updated sources of information [57].
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As starting point, recent examples of plant metabolic pathway tools are given by KEGG
Bioinformatics Resource [58]—a tool for interconnection between Plant Genomics and Metabolomics
data—and by Plant Reactome [59]—a database that gives bioinformatics tools for visualization, analysis
and interpretation of plant metabolic pathways—all aiming to support modelling, systems biology,
genome annotation and analysis, basic research and education.
Moving into the nutrition scenario, food composition databases represent the main tools for
numerous interventions: elaboration of food consumption data, allowing to convert them into nutrient
intake; evaluation of the nutritional and health status of a population; carrying out of epidemiological
studies; formulation of diets at the individual and/or population level; epidemiological and clinical
research; nutritional education; support industrial and handicraft companies for the labeling [60–62].
The European Food Information Resource (EuroFIR) Network of Excellence and Nexus projects
(2005–2013) put the basis of harmonization of Food Composition Databases through standardized
protocols and food description system i.e., LanguaL™ [63]. The EuroFIR-AISBL, an international
non-profit Association, provides a widespread resource at European level for compilers and users of
food composition data throughout a large set of online tools, i.e., FoodEXplorer, Food Basket, eBAsis,
PlantaLibra [64]. FoodEXplorer online tool is a virtual platform that combines 30 national standardized
and specialized food composition databases (Europe, the United States, Canada Australia, Japan),
including more than 40,000 foods [60]. The International Network of Food Data Systems (INFOODS)
by FAO, contributes to improve the accessibility, reliability and management of food composition data
at worldwide level [65].
For bioactive compounds, the major public, core comprehensive databases are: the United
States Department of Agriculture (USDA) databases [66]; the Phenol-Explorer database [67,68];
Bioactive Substances in Food Information Systems (eBASIS) [69–71]; ePlantLIBRA database [72].
The USDA database was developed in 2004 and it is based on a compilation of data from literature
and expanded in recent years to include flavonoids, proanthocyanidins and isoflavones [73–75].
Phenol-Explorer represents the first comprehensive open access database on content of
polyphenols in foods; several updates on pharmacokinetic and metabolites, effect of food processing
and cooking were carried out [76,77]. Five steps—literature search, data compilation, data evaluation,
data aggregation, data exportation to the MySQL database (used by the web interface)—were carried
out during the procedure of development of the Phenol-Explorer database. Composition data were
taken from the peer-reviewed scientific publications and evaluated, then they were aggregated to
obtain mean values.
The eBASIS, the first EU harmonized database, combines composition data and biological effects
on over 300 major European plant foods of 24 compound classes, e.g., glucosinolates, phytosterols,
polyphenols, isoflavones, glycoalkaloids, xanthine alkaloids [70,71]. EuroFIR eBASIS resource
represents a collection of data from peer-reviewed literature evaluated critically by experts and
inserted as raw data.
Nowadays, there is the need to include extractable and non-extractable phytochemicals in
bioactive compounds databases [78] for a better dietary intake assessment: extractable compounds
are those that are present in free forms and are solubilized by aqueous–organic solvents, whereas
non-extractable compounds are bound forms, remaining in the residue of aqueous-organic extract.
In this direction, development and expansion of eBasis structure was addressed [79].
Concerning the specialties of food supplements, ePlantLIBRA database [80], developed within
the PlantLIBRA (PLANT food supplements: Levels of Intake, Benefit and Risk Assessment)
project, represents a comprehensive and searchable database, with up-to-date information on
bioactive compounds specific for plant food supplements, reporting health benefits, adverse effects,
contaminants and residues. In order to search, extract, and export the data, ePlantLIBRA database
was structured as user-friendly, efficient and flexible interface, by including also links to the original
references [72]. As reported by Plumb et al. [80] in ePlantLIBRA, data from over 570 publications have
been evaluated for quality, by covering seventy plant food supplements or their botanical ingredients.
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Considering the importance of dietary supplements in the evaluation of dietary intake, as revealed
during the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, NHANES, a dietary supplement label
database [81,82] was developed and launched in 2013 by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in
the United States: now it contains supplement label information (brand name, ingredients, amount
per serving, and manufacturer contact information) of about 50,000 dietary supplements present in
the U.S. marketplace and consumed [11,83]. Browsing options were developed and organized to
search by product, ingredient or contact of manufacturer, by representing a useful tool for consumers,
professionals, researchers [83,84].
In this context, recently, at European level, within the PD Manager Project [85], information
on the composition of dietary supplements taken from labels, and according to the Italian market
were collected and updated for the development of a Dietary Supplement Label Database [86]:
212 items were inserted, by trying to give a uniform and representative picture of the main classes of
dietary supplements consumed in Italy, and 82 descriptors were included, in addition to nutritional
information: Brand name, Food group, Distributor, Producer, Packaging sizes, Unit weights, Data
source, Additional remarks [86]. It is important to underline that for each item a code was assigned
following the food classification system FoodEx2 developed by EFSA [87], to allow the standardization
and harmonization of data among different countries; feedbacks and proposal for FoodEx2 revision
2 implementation, with focus on dietary supplements, [88] as well as a constant update and
implementation of Dietary Supplement Label Database are ongoing [89].
At the same time the understanding of activities and benefits of bioactive compounds in humans
is essential; however, the evidence derived from human intervention gave limited and conflicting
results, partly due to differences in absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion between
individuals [90]. The recent work by Dragsted et al. [91] underlined the importance of databases for
dietary biomarkers for the main food groups and new data on non-nutrients compounds and their
metabolites. The Human Metabolome Database or HMDB 4.0 [92] is a web metabolomic database
on human metabolites [93]. PhytoHub is a freely electronic database containing detailed information
about all phytochemicals commonly ingested with diet and their metabolites [94,95].
4. Conclusions
During the last decade botanicals, the newest class of dietary supplements, have emerged and
their use is spreading among consumers, although they should not replace a correct lifestyle and/or
a healthy diet. The scientific community is addressing towards the development and assessment
of methodologies to isolate and standardize fractions with specified bioactivities from medicinal
plants. Emerging technologies combined with chemometrics are being applied to medicinal plants
in an innovative and integrated research approach, also in the directions of circular economy
and biorefineries.
In addition, studies on the description and exploitation of bioactive compounds in medicinal
plants as well as on physiological mechanism and bioaccessibility of compounds are being carried out.
The overall goal is the categorization and classification of botanicals as well as the development
and implementation of dedicated databases, based on specific analytical and collected data, and
achieved throughout a harmonized and standardized approach in order to evaluate a correct
dietary intake.
It is important to underline how nowadays the “botanicals” class is expanding from herbs and
medicinal plants to also include some foods, i.e., artichoke, garlic, etc. This suggests enhancing the
value of foods by also investigating their functional/nutraceutical characteristics, in order to integrate
intrinsic nutritional properties.
Author Contributions: A.D., L.M., A.T., S.S., L.D., E.C., R.P. have conceived and designed the work. All authors
have made a substantial contribution to the revision of work, and approved it for publication.
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Funding: The present work has been performed within the sub-contract agreement ‘ITALIAN AND GREEK
VALUES FOR ITALY AND GREECE’ (PD_manager) awarded by EuroFIR.
Acknowledgments: The authors thank Romana Roccaldo for the linguistic revision and the editing of this paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or
financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
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