Macromol. Theory Simul. 2002, 11, 401–409
Full Paper: Investigation of semiflexible coil-like chains
in the process of partitioning with a slit in a solvent of
variable thermodynamic quality has shown two key
results. For semiflexible chains in a good solvent, the
effect of chain stiffness played a role only at low concentrations. However, the situation is different with interacting chains where the effect of stiffness is also observed at
higher concentrations. For theta chains, the partitioning
into a slit in dilute solutions is lower for semiflexible than
for flexible chains, while for higher concentrations this
order is reversed. The packing ability of semiflexible
chains at higher concentrations is enhanced in the theta
system. Interestingly, stretching of chains on penetration
into the slit is observed at higher concentrations. Decomposition of free energy change on partitioning into entropy
and energy contributions gives more information on the
details of partitioning of these systems, especially the differentiation between dilute and moderate concentration
regimes. A positive change of partitioning entropy in the
theta solvent in the semidilute regime for both flexible
and semiflexible chains is noteworthy. This is related to
breaking favorable interactions between chains on penetration into the slit.
Partitioning coefficient K as a function of concentration bE
for theta solutions of flexible (open symbols, dotted line) and
semiflexible, A = 7, (filled symbols, solid lines) chains for
slit widths D = 8, 12 and 20.
Partitioning of Semiflexible Macromolecules into a Slit
in Theta Solvent
Zuzana Škrinµrovµ, Peter Cifra*
Polymer Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dfflbravskµ cesta 9, 842 36 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
[email protected]
Keywords: partitioning; Monte Carlo simulation; semiflexible macromolecules; stiffness; theta solvent;
Partitioning of macromolecules between the small pores
and the bulk solution forms the basis for various separation and characterization processes, and applications such
as oil recovery or intercalation of nanocomposites. It is
also of interest from a fundamental viewpoint. Partitioning into micropores has been studied mainly for flexible
chains in a good solvent. There have only been a few
studies that include chain stiffness[1] or variable solvent
quality.[2–4] In this paper, we investigate both of these features together. In our previous work, we reported on the
partitioning of semiflexible chains in a good solvent.[5]
Introducing chain stiffness is part of a continuing effort to
include realistic features of macromolecules such as
excluded volume, thermodynamic quality of solvent, etc.,
in the behavior of macromolecular systems.
Macromol. Theory Simul. 2002, 11, No. 4
While representing more realistic features of macromolecules, stiffer chains also pose a challenge to both the theory and the simulations, especially when interactions
between chains and the effect of lower temperatures are
included. An example of this new complexity is the recent
studies of coil collapse and crystallization of semirigid
chains.[6 – 10] Although the collapse transition has been well
established over the last two decades for flexible chains,
new work studying the case of more rigid chains has
recently received much attention. It was found that while
the theta transition changed only slightly with chain stiffness, the globule–solid transition shifted considerably.[6, 7]
At low temperatures, a stable globular toroidal structure
was established for higher stiffness.[8 – 10] Chain dynamics
was also influenced by chain stiffness[11] and this plays a
role in processes such as chain folding and crystallization.
i WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, 69469 Weinheim 2002
Z. Škrinµrovµ, P. Cifra
The objective here is to establish the partitioning behavior of semiflexible chains which are in the theta condition
into a slit. In part, this is related to recent developments in
the liquid chromatography of macromolecules, where it
has been shown that better separation was achieved when
the theta solvent condition was approached.[2, 12] In this
respect, the whole range of solvent quality between the
good and theta solvent is interesting, but here we will concentrate mostly on the limiting case of theta solvent and
will remain in the coil-like regime, i. e., not using the highest rigidities (the rod-like macromolecules).
In what follows, we first present our model of partitioning with the slit including chain rigidity, which is variable
with the solvent quality and/or temperature. In the results
section, we first present properties of single chains of
variable rigidity over a range of solvent quality between
good and theta solvents. Then we discuss partitioning at
dilute concentration and study the penetration transition
on increasing concentration as a function of confinement,
solvent quality, and chain rigidity. A separate section is
devoted to the decomposition of the free energy change
on partitioning into thermodynamic contributions.
Model and Monte Carlo Simulations
In order to understand the effect of chain stiffness while
investigating a large-scale phenomenon, equilibrium
between a multichain solution and solution in the slit, we
use a simple lattice chain model. Previously we investigated semiflexible chains in a good solvent and their partitioning with narrow slits.[5] This amounts to using selfavoiding walks on a cubic lattice with an extra energetic
penalty, eg, for a kink (“gauche” bond) in the chain,
which determines the stiffness of the chain and is defined
as a nonlinear two-bond sequence in the chain. Within
this approximation if the chain flexibility, eg = eg /kT F 0
(or if the temperature equivalently), is varied, the quality
of solvent remains in the good solvent regime.
When introducing variable thermodynamic quality of
solvent one has to introduce molecular interactions, other
than the basic volume exclusion based on the site occupancy. This is done effectively using an attractive interaction energy, es, between non-bonded nearest neighbour
chain segments (either inter- or intra-chain) on the lattice.
This effective interaction includes the effects of polymer–polymer, polymer–solvent and solvent–solvent
interactions. It should be noted that the temperature of the
system is also related to molecular interactions in the
case of stiff chains and thus is related to the ratio, es = es /
kT F 0. After defining the two variables, es and eg, we
have two choices for their use: (1) es = es /kT = variable,
eg = constant; (2) es = variable, eg = constant. The first
case represents chains with a constant persistent length
independent of temperature while the second case represents chains which become stiffer with decreasing tem-
Table 1. Characteristics of the chains used in the simulation. f:
flexible; sf: semiflexible.
sf, A = 7
sf, A = 10
perature. The first model was used for modelling of the
collapse of semiflexible chains.[8, 9] For our study of semiflexible chains in a solvent of variable thermodynamic
quality, this model is not suitable because it provides a
positive temperature coefficient of coil dimensions in
contrast to the common behavior of semiflexible chains
in solution. In this study, we make use of the second case
with the additional condition of a correlation between
temperature/interactions and chain flexibility, eg = A es,
where A is a constant characterizing chain stiffness and es
is an independent variable here. This correlation leads to
a decrease in flexibility with temperature, and in concentrated systems also to an orientation correlation between
chains which is in accordance with previous studies.[6, 7, 13]
The total energy of the system is given as:
U = –nii es + ng eg
where nii is number of segment–segment contacts and ng
is the number of “gauche” bonds. This parameterization
allows for a rich behavior at low temperatures, in which
there is a tendency towards a maximal number of contacts
for more rigid chains. This, together with local barriers
between microstates, creates frustration in the system.
We will consider here, however, a coil-like regime at and
above the h-temperature. Thus, the use of biased sampling techniques is not required,[6, 7] although close attention has to be paid to the phase diagram kT/es vs. A.[6, 7]
While the h-temperature increases only slightly with the
chain rigidity, A, the theta state for larger rigidities comes
very close to the crystallization temperature. It was
shown[7] that the globular phase between the good solvent
solution and the crystal disappears at rigidities around
A l 13. These states require the configurational bias sampling in simulation.[6, 7] Here, we used A = 7 and 10, for
multichain systems only A = 7 was used (Table 1). The
choice of these two values was led by the intention to use
higher rigidities in a region of the phase diagram with a
significant difference between theta and crystallization
Simulation of partitioning of macromolecules between
a slit and bulk solution in a twin box system was
described previously.[4, 14] Confined and free systems of
chains are in direct contact with a free exchange of
chains. The simulations provide the equilibrium concentrations of chains in the bulk and in the slit without a
Partitioning of Semiflexible Macromolecules into a Slit in Theta Solvent
need to calculate the confinement free energy from the
respective chemical potentials. The partitioning coefficient K was obtained from the equilibrium concentrations, bI and bE, in the interior (I) of the slit and the bulk
solution in exterior (E) after equilibration of chains
between the twin box compartments. Confinement free
energy used further is given by the formula DF/kT =
–ln K. The distance of the walls in the slit was in the range
D = 8–50 of lattice spacing units. The confinement was
characterized by the ratio, k = 2Rg0 /D, where Rg0 is the
radius of gyration of unconfined coils. We used the
Metropolis Monte Carlo method with reptation updates of
chains, as many as 7 6 109, with the number of chains
ranging up to 616. Most of the results are obtained for a
chain length of N = 100 beads, only in Figure 4 b values
of N = 20–200 were used.
Figure 1. Fraction of “gauche” bonds xg0 and mean-square
radius of gyration pR2g0 P as a function of interaction energy es for
flexible (A = 0, triangles) and semiflexible (A = 7, squares),
(A = 10, circles) chains. Points with highest interaction energy at
each curve represent the respective h-state.
Results and Discussion
A. Single Rigid Chain Properties
The parameters used in the simulation and the respective
single-chain properties in terms of radius of gyration, Rg,
and persistence length, lps, are collected in Table 1. The
persistence length was calculated exactly from the average of all bond projections on the first bond of a chain:
lps ¼
a1 ai
and is indistinguishable from the approximate evaluation
for the used range of rigidities.[5] Figure 1 and 2 depict the
temperature dependence of the fraction of “gauche” bonds
xg0, mean-square radius of gyration, pR2g0 P and persistence
length, lps, of flexible and semiflexible chains with A = 7
and 10. The data are presented in the range between the
high temperature limit and the respective h-state, which
has been shifted slightly due to the introduction of chain
rigidity. Chain dimensions decrease with temperature and
result from a delicate balance between interactions and
chain rigidity. Doye et al.[6] reported for the same chain
model that the temperature coefficient of coil dimensions
changed sign above the h-temperature at a certain rigidity.
For lower rigidities, A a 5, dimensions started to increase
with temperature, which is the opposite trend to what happens at higher rigidities, including those used here.
Insight into the structure of coils formed by these semiflexible chains can be obtained by estimation of the single
chain structure factor defined as:
SðqÞ ¼
1 X
sinðqrij Þ=qrij
N i¼1 j¼1
Log-log plots of S(q) vs. wave number, q, are depicted
in Figure 3 a and b. Figure 3 a shows the behavior of flex-
Figure 2. Variation of persistence length lps with interaction
energy es for flexible and semiflexible chains.
ible chains in the good solvent and in the h-state. Inserted
lines with respective slopes next to the curves represent
the theoretical exponents, which predict that S(q) scales
to lq–2 for ideal chains, and lq–1.69 for good solvent conditions. One can recognize a good match for theta and
good solvent situations with the predicted exponents. Figure 3 b shows the structure of coils for semiflexible
chains. Interestingly, these are composed of two different
regions. In the limit of high q, or smaller dimensions, the
slopes of more rigid chains become very close to the
slope –1 of the curve for a rigid chain. At lower values of
q, or larger dimensions, the macromolecules become
coil-like approaching the slopes of flexible chains either
in good or theta solvent. It is clear that observation of the
Z. Škrinµrovµ, P. Cifra
the theta conditions for partitioning with the slit. For
more rigid macromolecules, the theta state is the limiting
condition for use of these solutions. As explained above,
this is caused by the proximity of theta and crystallization
temperatures. Of course, for poor solvents, which are
above the theta temperature, we can reach higher rigidities. Though relatively small rigidities are used here it
will be shown further that they considerably affect the
partitioning with the slit. It should also be noted that a
previous study[5] showed that for rigidity eg = 2.5, close to
the one used here, the exponent in the scaling of –ln K0
vs. k was already close to 1, which is characteristic of
rigid rods, while the exponent for flexible chains was
B. Partitioning in Dilute Solutions
Figure 3. (a) Structure factor S(q) vs. wave number q, plotted
for flexible chains in good and theta solvents. (b) Structure factor S(q) for semiflexible chains in good (eg = 2.5) and theta solvents (A = 7 and 10) and for the rigid rod, for comparison.
Inserted lines with indicated slopes are theoretical scaling predictions discussed in the text.
semirigid macromolecules reveals a bimodal pattern. On
a larger scale a coil-like behavior, and on a smaller scale
a rod-like behavior. This behavior was reported recently
in the simulation of amorphous polymer melts[15] or in the
experimental scattering of solutions.[16] Though the pattern in S(q) on large and small scales is different, it does
not mean that the coils are inhomogeneous. We also
investigated the distribution of the end-to-end distance
and found no effect of bimodality in the shape of this distribution except for an almost negligible shoulder for
theta chains at A = 10.
It should be noted that we do not reach the high stiffness values common for many semiflexible chains characterized by lps A 10. This is because we concentrate on
We determined the partitioning coefficient K0 from the
simulation of the system which consisted of a twin box
with an open exchange of macromolecules between the
free solution and the solution in the slit. These results are
presented in Figure 4. The usual reduced plot used for
plotting this type of results K0 vs. k, not shown here,
exhibits relatively small differences for variable chain
stiffness in this range of chain rigidities. This emphasizes
the usefulness of such universal plot for representation of
partitioning data as it was observed previously for the
case of variable solvent quality.[4] Larger chain stiffness,
however, leads to significantly larger increase of K0 for a
given k, as reported by Davidson et al.[17] To show the differences in the curves we make a semi-logarithmic plot,
Figure 4 a. Results were collected for D = 8–50 and
N = 100. The curves for semiflexible h-chains with two
flexibilities A = 7 and 10 are between the curves for
chains of good solvent with eg = 0 and 2.5. Data for flexible chains in theta solvent are situated in this reduced
plot along the data for flexible chains in a good solvent.[4]
As seen in the case of a good solvent,[5] the stiffness shifts
K0 to higher values for a given k. To avoid the possible
conclusion from the reduced plot stating that the more
rigid chains enter the slit more easily than the flexible
ones, we also estimated K0 for D = 12 and N = 20–200
for the same model chains as in the reduced plot. In Figure 4 b we plot K0 for these results as a function of the
contour length of chains, Lc = (N – 1) a. The order of the
curves is now reversed showing that the flexible chains of
the same length enter the slit more readily.
C. Partitioning in Semidilute Solutions
It has already been reported[2] that there is a delayed
weak-to-strong penetration transition of macromolecules
to the slit with an increasing concentration in theta solutions. In a good solvent, the partitioning of chains into the
slit starts to increase at low concentrations (depending on
Partitioning of Semiflexible Macromolecules into a Slit in Theta Solvent
Figure 5. Partitioning coefficient K as a function of concentration bE for theta solutions of flexible (open symbols, dotted line)
and semiflexible, A = 7, (filled symbols, solid lines) chains for
slit widths D = 8, 12 and 20.
Figure 4. (a) Partitioning coefficient K0 in dilute solution
plotted as a function of k for flexible and semiflexible chains in
the good solvent and semiflexible chains in the theta solvent. (b)
Partition coefficient K0 as a function of the contour length Lc /D
for D = 12 and N = 20–200 for chains as in (a), defined in insert.
the slit width), whereas chains in the theta solution penetrate to the slit only at higher concentrations due to less
repulsive interactions between the macromolecules. Zero
initial slope of the concentration dependence of K in the
theta solution is related to the zero second virial coefficient. At higher concentrations, higher order interactions
become important and repulsion between chains drives
the macromolecules into the slit.
The concentration dependence K vs. bE of flexible and
semiflexible chains at theta conditions is shown in Figure 5 for comparison. For three slit widths D = 8, 12, and
20 (representing confinements k = 1.33, 0.89, 0.53 for
A = 0, and k = 1.88, 1.25, 0.75 for A = 7), the concentration dependence of the partitioning coefficient for theta
flexible and theta semiflexible chains is presented. All
the concentration dependent curves start with a zero
slope. A small change in es shifts the system away from
the h-state, resulting in a positive or negative initial slope
in the case of a higher or lower thermodynamic quality of
solvent, respectively (not shown here). Partitioning coefficients for more rigid chains start at lower values in the
dilute solution because of the larger size of more rigid
coils. On increase of the concentration, the partitioning of
these semiflexible chains into the slit starts to increase at
a rate that is interestingly, higher than for flexible macromolecules. At a certain concentration, the respective
curves for flexible and semiflexible coils cross and at
higher concentrations, we observe a reversed order in partitioning characterized by easier partitioning of semiflexible chains into the slit. Furthermore, this difference at
higher concentrations is influenced by the confinement k,
one can observe for more narrow slits a stronger penetration in comparison to flexible chains.
It should be noted that for athermal semiflexible systems the effect of stiffness played a role only at low concentration.[5, 18] With interacting chains close to the theta
point, we observe the effect of stiffness also at high concentrations as described above. It seems that this has to
do with the ability of chains to fill the depletion layer at
the walls. In the case of a good solvent, it was already
concluded by Yethiraj[19] that there was an increased
packing ability of more rigid chains, which was well
demonstrated especially close to the wall. In the case of
favorable interactions between chains near the theta
point, additional packing ability is probably contributing
to a higher penetration to the slit. This stems from the
orientation correlation between chains that forces chains
to line up locally. Our results may lead to a modification
Z. Škrinµrovµ, P. Cifra
This represents a larger sensitivity of K to the solvent
change near the theta point for the more rigid chains.
Common behavior of flexible and semiflexible chains
at high temperatures (es approaching zero), Figure 6 b, is
characteristic for the model used here. The rigidity introduced in the model does not survive higher temperatures.
In order to introduce an entropic rigidity, except the energetic rigidity (coming from rotational isomerization), we
would have to introduce a certain amount of fixed rigid
structures into chain, which would not surrender to temperature increase.
We can compare the above results to the experimental
results on partitioning by Satterfield et al.[20] (polystyrene
in porous glass) or by Tong and Anderson[21] (poly(ethylene glycol) in polyacrylamide gels), both in good solvent
conditions. They also observed an increase of partitioning
with the concentration of the solute and a decrease with
the confinement. Likewise, Lal, Sinha and Auvray[22]
showed for polystyrene in the Vycor porous glass that the
penetration of chains in the porous medium is almost
complete for a concentration of 20% over a broad range
of molecular weights. A detailed comparison of our
results for variable chain flexibility, however, is hampered by the experimental problem to vary the chain stiffness in a single set of experiments. Experiments at the
near theta solvent condition, while having the potential
for an improved separation in liquid chromatography[12]
are still rare.[23]
D. Contributions to Free Energy Change on
Partitioning into the Slit
Figure 6. (a) Comparison of penetration transition of flexible
chains in good and theta solvent (dotted lines) with that of semiflexible chains (A = 7) (solid line) in the theta solvent at D = 8.
(b) Sensitivity of the partitioning coefficient K to the change of
solvent quality from a good to theta solvent for flexible and
semiflexible chains as indicated by arrows in (a).
of the conclusions of Dickman[18] that there is no effect of
stiffness on pressure at higher concentrations for the case
of favourably interacting chains.
Since the weak-to-strong penetration transition is very
different in athermal and theta chains, Figure 6a, an
important question arises on how K is changing with this
change of solvent quality for flexible and semiflexible
chains. In Figure 6 b we compare these changes in partitioning in a narrow range of concentrations bE = 0.355–
0.399 chosen to be in the range of a large difference in
the weak-to-strong penetration transition between the
good and the theta solvent. Figure 6 b shows variations of
K with es for flexible and semiflexible chains. In the range
of good solvents for both flexible and semiflexible chains
(A = 7) the partitioning changes only slightly. When
approaching the theta solvent conditions, the partitioning
into the slit decreases more rapidly for more rigid chains.
Decomposition of the free energy change DF on partitioning of the coils into entropy and energy contributions
gives new information about this process. In the case of
good solvent, the whole penalty is of entropic nature. For
the theta solvent, the zero concentration dependence of K
(or DF), (Figure 7 a) at low concentrations is a result of
opposite tendencies in entropy and energy changes. Surprisingly, in comparison to the good solvent situation, a
positive DS appears on the transition of the coil into the
slit in theta solvent over a broad range of concentrations
in semidilute solution. This behavior can, however, be
Flexible Theta Chains
DU: At small concentration bE, individual coils entering
the slit are bent when confined and form more favorable
contacts within the coil, DU a 0 (Figure 7a). With an
increase of bE, on penetration into the slit the average
number of favorable contacts for a single chain decreases.
This is because more of the chains are in the presence of
the noninteracting walls as chain numbers increase in the
slit, and because of the breaking of clusters of chains pro-
Partitioning of Semiflexible Macromolecules into a Slit in Theta Solvent
theta solution. As we know from the dimensions of flexible coils in theta solution the effect of clusters increases
approximately up to the coil overlap concentration
b* = 0.207 (for N = 100). On further increase of bE, the
conditions I/E are balanced and DS steadies. But even at
the highest concentration both DU and DS do not
decrease to zero (while DF does) because of the presence
of walls in the slit, which restrains mutual contacts
between chains relatively to the situation in bulk.
Semiflexible Theta Chains
Figure 7. (a) Decomposition of the free energy change in partitioning with the slit into energy and entropy contributions for
flexible chains in theta solvent. (b) Decomposition of the free
energy change in partitioning into energy and entropy contributions for semiflexible chains (A = 7) in the theta solvent. D = 12
for (a) and (b).
duced by favorable contact on penetration into the narrow
slit, thus DU A 0. Relatively low concentration in the slit
also contributes probably to a smaller possibility of forming favorable contacts in the slit. On further increase of
bE, conditions I/E become closer and DU settles. At high
concentrations, a smaller proportion of the chains in the
slit experience a change in the environment from the bulk
and the energy penalty decreases further.
–TDS: At small bE we obtain the classical picture,
DS a 0, in which individual chains are constrained in possible conformations when entering the slit. As the concentration is increased, the entropy must reflect breaking
of favorable contacts between chains when they penetrate
into the slit. Already at bE = 0.1 the entropy change
becomes favorable, DS A 0. Apparently, this has to do
with interruption of the transient cluster network in the
In the theta solution of semiflexible chains, the energy
change DU on penetration into the slit consists of two
contributions: chain flexibility, DUg, and contacts interaction, DUii, Figure 7 b. We can see similar behavior of
components to the one of flexible chains, with the exception of high concentrations. DU and –TDS at high concentration not only compensate but both approach zero.
Again, there is a remarkable positive change of entropy
on confinement in the semidilute regime, a marked difference from the usual situation in the dilute regime for
good solvent. DUii is negative in the dilute regime and
positive in the whole range of semidilute concentrations
as in the previous case. DUg is positive except at very
high concentrations and reflects the bending of chains on
entering the slit. Interesting is DUg a 0 for the highest
concentrations, which points to a surprising stretching of
chains on entering the slit. Figure 8 shows the meansquare end-to-end distance pR2P and the fraction of
“gauche” bonds xg in regions E and I at equilibrium with
increasing bE for D = 12. External dimensions do not
change with the concentration. This is in contrast to flexible chains, which exhibit a slight maximum.[3] Thus,
semiflexible theta chains are closer to ideal behavior than
flexible theta chains. In our previous study on semiflexible chains in good solvent[5] the coil size decreased with
concentration in both regions E and I. Respective dimensions in the slit are smaller but increase at highest concentrations. This is consistent with the direct experimental
observation of chains in the Vycor porous glass by Lal,
Sinha and Auvray[22] showing that the radius of gyration
of the confined chains is always smaller than the radius
of gyration of the free chains in an equivalent bulk solution. The large decrease of xg with concentration (especially in region I) while the coil dimensions do not
increase considerably is interesting. This indicates “prefolding” with formation of parallel trans-sequences that
enable the decrease in the number of “gauche” bonds
while the overall size of coils does not change.
The small value of DU at high concentration, in contrast to the situation in flexible chains, is the result of
compensation between the two contributions to energy.
The transition to negative DUg at high concentrations is
related to the packing of chains and the theta state. As
Z. Škrinµrovµ, P. Cifra
Figure 8. Concentration dependence of the mean-square endto-end distance pR2P and the fraction of “gauche” bonds xg in
bulk solution and at respective concentration in the slit at equilibrium.
was shown in theta solution,[2] because of favorable contacts between chains, the depletion layer is broader compared to the good solvent and filling of depletion layer
appears only at higher concentrations. Here, at filling of
the more and more narrow depletion layer at high concentrations the chains also stretch. The reluctance of theta
chains to fill the depletion layer thus disappears at high
concentration and the profile resembles that of the good
solvent where the chains are able to approach the walls
more closely.
Recently there appeared tendencies to physically
include the solvent molecules[24] instead of modelling the
solvent conditions effectively as used here. Solvent molecules included in the model can probably bring more
insight to the subtle effects described above.
E. Concentration Profiles
The concentration profile between the slit walls presents
useful additional microscopic information about chains
partitioning into the slit. A comparison of the profiles in
good and theta solvents at similar concentrations
showed[2] that there was an extensive depletion layer in
the theta solution. This behavior was attributed to the formation of chain clusters in theta solution. A comparison
of the profiles formed by flexible and semiflexible chains
in the good solvent was presented elsewhere,[5] and
showed similar profiles at dilute solutions and the
enhanced ability to fill the depletion layer at the wall by
more rigid chains at higher concentrations. This was
attributed to the better packing ability of the more rigid
chains. In Figure 9, we present concentration profiles for
theta chains, which are either flexible (A = 0) or semiflexible (A = 7). Referring to the curves of K vs. bE, Figure 5,
we present profiles below and above the penetration transition for D = 12. At lower concentrations, we observe a
Figure 9. Concentration profiles bI(x) in the slit at two average
concentrations for theta chains that are more rigid (A = 7)
(bI = 0.0426 and 0.302, solid lines) or flexible (bI = 0.0484 and
0.287, dotted lines).
higher concentration of flexible chains in the slit, while
above the transition there are more rigid chains in the slit.
From the shape of the profile it is clear that especially at
higher concentrations there is an enhanced ability of
more rigid chains to fill the depletion layer at the slit
It is natural to compare also all four profiles of flexible
and semiflexible chains either in good or theta solvent at
the same concentration in the slit. We compared all these
profiles at two concentrations bI = 0.050 and 0.327 in a
slit-only simulation. The order of the profiles at higher
concentration in the order of increasing depletion at the
walls is: good solvent semiflexible, flexible, theta solvent
semiflexible and flexible chains. Both theta solutions
have deeper and broader depletion layers. At lower concentration, this differentiation is not so clear and profiles
of flexible chains in the good solvent and semiflexible
chains in theta solvent are tumbling.
An investigation of semiflexible coil-like macromolecules in the process of partitioning with a slit in a solvent
of variable thermodynamic quality has shown the complex behavior of these systems.
While for athermal (with respect to interactions) semiflexible systems, the effect of chain stiffness plays a role
only at low concentrations, the picture is different for
interacting chains. The effect of stiffness is also apparent
at higher concentrations. For theta chains, we can conclude that partitioning into a slit in dilute solutions is
lower for semiflexible than for flexible chains, while for
higher concentrations this order is reversed. The packing
ability of semiflexible chains at higher concentrations is
Partitioning of Semiflexible Macromolecules into a Slit in Theta Solvent
enhanced in the theta system, as seen from the partitioning coefficient and from concentration profiles. At higher
concentration, a surprising stretching of chains on penetration into the slit is observed.
Decomposition of the free energy change on partitioning into entropy and energy contributions shed more light
on details of partitioning of these systems, especially on
the differentiation between regimes of dilute and moderate concentration. A positive change of entropy on penetration into the slit in the theta solvent in the semidilute
regime for both flexible and semiflexible chains, which is
related to breaking of favorable interactions between
chains, is noteworthy.
Partitioning of semiflexible macromolecules for
separations in liquid chromatography is possible in poor
solvent but should be performed above the theta condition for the more rigid chains.
Acknowledgement: Financial support from Slovak Academy of
Sciences (SAS) under 2/7076/21 is acknowledged. Authors wish
to thank I. Teraoka and T. Bleha for valuable discussion. Usage
of computational resources of Computer Center of SAS is
Received: November 26, 2001
Revised: February 21, 2002
[1] T. Odijk, Macromolecules 1983, 16, 1340.
[2] P. Cifra, T. Bleha, Y. Wang, I. Teraoka, J. Chem. Phys.
2000, 113, 8313.
[3] P. Cifra, T. Bleha, Macromol. Theory Simul. 2000, 9, 555.
[4] P. Cifra, T. Bleha, Macromolecules 2001, 34, 605.
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