Technologies for Sharing and Collaborating on the Net
David Barkai
Technology Research Labs, Intel Corporation
[email protected]
online communities. Nonetheless, there are some
promising activities around the industry--working
groups and initiatives, and a great opportunity.
This paper is an overview of the technologies that are
neededfor Peer-to-Peer (P2P) computing. It represent a
high level overview ofmaterial covered in much greater
detail in [I]. P2P means different things to different
people, and we start by defining P2P and categorizing
applications that use P2P. Server-mediated P2P is included as a legitimate P2P architecture. The applications space is divided into three types: distributing computing, content sharing, and collaboration.
A,jter a discussion of what is required from an infrastructure f o r P2P we describe some solutions that address a class of applications each, but also include a
start towards a general-purpose architecture. The same
basic services are needed by each platform and application, and all will benefit .from common middleware.
This is one way, though not the only one, to achieve
interoperability - that will be useful to users and application developers; in particular, when we reach the integrated applications stage.
Regardless of how the infrastructure is constructed, the
technical topics which need to be addressed are the
same: communication through gatewa-vs and firewalls;
naming and discovery ofpeers and resources when DNS
is not enough; availability and persistence of resources
in spite of intermittent connectivity and dvnamic presence; security in a distrusgul environment and locally
managed systems: and, management of distributed resources in a heterogeneous setting.
There are a number of interesting ways in which people
have applied P2P technologies. We give an example in
each ofthe three application categories.
The.fina1 segment of the talk summarizes the challenges
that need to be overcome f P 2 P is to be widely adopted.
The major technical challenges are direct communication, security, naming and interoperability. There are
also social and cultural barriers. These are the result of
decentralization, and loss of direct control over resources. They also have to do with trust, reputation, and
1. The scope of peer-to-peer computing
Peer-to-peer (P2P) is not a new invention. It is based on
technologies and techniques that have existed since the
early days of the Internet. In this sense, the idea that
nodes on the network communicate directly with each
other, is just going back to those early days in the 70’s
when the Internet was limited to researchers in a few
selected laboratories. The term P2P was coined more as
a way to say what P2P isn’t, then to clearly define P2P.
P2P, as a computing model, is different from the clientserver model, though the two models can certainly coexist within a single usage model.
1.1 What is P2P
P2P computing, for the purpose of this paper, is a computing model. We will discuss later what kinds of computing, or processing, can be done using this model.
So far, there is no agreement on a succinct definition of
P2P. People also disagree on the scope of applications
that may be ‘‘true” P2P applications. Because this new
computing model is rapidly evolving, it is healthy and
desirable not to be locked down by a rigid definition.
The introduction of any new technology introduces
surprises, and we need to accommodate them.
Instead of a formal definition it is useful to articulate
the basic elements that are characteristic of P2P computing:
The “action” - computing, file sharing, communication, etc., is taking place at the edge of the Net,
where the users and their devices are.
Resources are being shared. They might be computing cycles, storage, network bandwidth, content,
and more.
* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property
of others.
0-7695-1503-7102 $17.00 0 2002 IEEE
Collaboration involves humans. In these applications
people interact with each other in a near real-time manner. In this category we find instant messaging, audio
and visual communications, concurrent updates to
shared objects (documents), and so on.
Direct communication between peers - PCs or other
devices at the edge of the Net, is almost always present.
Though, it seems that direct communication between
peers is the first requirement of P2P, there is an application that presents a notable exception. Distributed computing, as done by SETI@home for example, involves
no communication between peers whatsoever. We would
still like to include it in the P2P space, since PCs offer
service and share a resource with others.
Each of the three P2P application categories has its
own requirements for features and capabilities. They
share different resources and operate in different environments. We will see that some fundamental services
are needed for any P2P application, though not always
in the same manner.
Another approach that avoids the need for a formal definition of P2P is the following simple litmus test: When
your application utilizes resources on other systems that
are located at the outer edges of the network, then you
are performing P2P computing. This will also entails
using specific P2P services for operations such as naming, direct exchanges, resource management, etc.
2. Architecture
The architecture we refer to here is that of the infrastructure of the P2P computing environment. There are
several advantages to having a common P2P middleware, though it is not clear such will emerge. A common set of services will offer interoperability (but there
are other ways to achieve interoperability). The main
advantage of a common, and open, middleware is that
application developers do not have to create their own
basic services. They can focus on the unique features
and capabilities of their own application.
1.2 P2P applications
There are many types and variants of applications that
employ P2P technologies, and some examples are presented in Section 4 of this paper. Here, I describe my
choice for categorizing such applications. This is needed
in order to provide context for the architecture discussion that follows. Any P2P application that I can think of
falls into one of these three categories.
Distributed Computing
Content Sharing
Unfortunately, there is no such common infrastructure
at present. There is no single implementation of an architecture that developers of P2P applications rally behind. Some application developers created the P2P
services needed for their application. Others, however,
set out to create an infrastructure, or a platform, on
which P2P can be developed. So far, all of these platform developers address a specific type of P2P application. Essentially, they offer a partial solution to the
general problem of a general-purpose P2P middleware.
Most, but not all, will belong to exactly one category.
In distributed computing the compute power, or ‘cycles’
is the resource that is being shared. Direct exchanges
between peers are, typically, limited or non-existent. The
shared computation is, generally, managed by a central
system. Some of the larger computations are being carried on PCs scattered throughout the Internet. But, more
and more, we see businesses using idle cycles of desktops within the enterprise local network.
This section presents infrastructure designs that target
the specific areas of applications described in section
1.2. Each of the classes of application has more than
one solution, though only one is given here (others are
described in [I]). There is no single “right” architecture, not even for any one segment of the P2P computing space. It is also true that no one solution is a complete and finished product. The new era of P2P computing is too young for definitive products. The platforms described here are still evolving.
The content sharing category includes several different
application types. The most common one is file sharing-a term that really means passing on a copy of a file.
Content can be shared through access to files on other
systems. Storage is shared when jointly-owned files
(documents) reside on a peer system. File distribution is
another form of content sharing. P2P content distribution
will employ peers to decentralize the distribution process.
We can think of the infrastructure for P2P as a middleware layer. This layer sits on top of the local operating
system, which, in turn interfaces to the underlying
hardware platform. Above the P2P middleware there
To create viable P2P applications, we need to resolve
several fimdamental issues. These are the significant
requirements for general-purpose middleware:
might be a P2P application interface layer, on top of
which are the applications themselves.
2.1 Basic requirements
Cross platform. This is a multiple facets requirement:
device, hardware, and software. In support of heterogeneity, the P2P infrastructure must provide a consistent
set of middleware services on a multitude of devices.
These devices range from a handheld wireless device or
an appliance, to a laptop and a PC, to a server farm or
What are the realities and fundamental challenges that
must be overcome to make meaningful P2P applications
possible? Here are some of the important ones:
Lack of trust: Sharing of resources and access must
be granted between peers who are unknown to each
Hardware heterogeneity: The whole environment
is made up of heterogeneous components. The processors can be from different architectures or generations; with varying sizes of memory, and different peripherals. The computers may range from
handheld devices to a supercomputer.
Softwace heterogeneity: P2P applications are expectedl to incorporate peers running on any of the
commercially available operating systems.
Network heterogeneity: The networks connecting
the peers differ in bandwidth and latency by orders
of magnitude.
Scale: The number of peers, or nodes, participating
in the application can be as few as two or in the
millions, and any number in between.
Intermittency: The systems, and configuration, are
not fixed and static. Nodes may come and go, not as
defined by the P2P application, but due to external
interests. The presence of peers is assumed to be
Location: Resources, such as files, storage, contributing: peers, or executing programs, may move
around during the session.
Autonomy: Peers agree to share resources and collaborate while maintaining autonomy and being a
final authority over their local system.
Local, policies: The application usually spans nodes
with different security measures and administrative
policies. At times collaborative peers belong to organizations that want to protect information from
each other.
Distance: The peers are expected to be geographically separated.
An implementation that does not comply with the full
range of platforms limits the environments where it is
Interoperability. At the very basic level, a P2P application must interoperate between, at least, two computers. But this is not enough. Once the P2P middleware
runs on multiple hardware and software platforms,
these different peers (and servers) must cooperate in
running the same application. In fact, when the reservoir of resources for the application is out there all over
the net, it is inconceivable that any popular application
not support interoperation between peers. Flexibility in
choosing APIs contributes to the need for another aspect of interoperability. The use of shared middleware
can provide a mechanism for integrated applications.
Interoperability may also provide the desirable feature
of migrating a P2P application from one peer to another.
Security. To make it possible and safe for users to join
such a P2P application, a layer of security needs to envelop the exchanges. The security requirement covers
several functions: Authentication for validating visitors
to your system, authorization for allowing access to
your computer, and measures for assuring data integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. Security is fundamental to establishing trust between peers. Security affects any communication and access the application
performs. Also, security mechanisms and policies must
not overwrite and compromise those policies that exist
on each peer computer.
Local autonomy. Any service offered by the P2P middleware has to respect the autonomy of the peer. The
user determines how, when, and to what extent resources are available to P2P applications. The user also
determines who can access the peer computer. There
are times when the conditions that are set render the
peer not suitable for the P2P application. The services
need a way to check and handle this finding.
There are environments where some of these issues
don’t come into play. A P2P application running on dis,persed resources within a single facility of an enterprise,
for example, does not face a number of the challenges
i listed above. But, in general, the P2P infrastructure must
be resilient in the face of these realities.
Persistence. One serious difficulty with P2P computing
is the intermittent presence of peers. The services must
assume that peers may not be available until a task or a
session is done. Yet, the application is expected to continue and complete reliably. To deal with intermittent
peer presence we need a transparent migration or replication of resources. When a peer disconnects from the
application another one may or may not join. It is essential that data that was on the disconnecting peer be available. The capability to move or recreate that data makes
it persistent as far as the application is concerned.
Sharabla Resources
Naming, Disoovery, Directory
Administration, Monitoring
Identity, Presence, Community Q
Scalability. The scope of P2P applications is spread
across the Internet. The number of possible peers continues to grow. The design of the architecture must allow
for scaling up. All the services must be designed so the
load on any one node does not increase indefinitely with
the number of participating peers.
I /I
Figure 1. Components of a middleware layer
2.2 Infrastructures by application category
Extensibility. High-volume P2P is still at its infancy.
New devices will be introduced, and new features will
be added in existing devices. We can’t tell what new
services will be needed in the future, nor what features
will prove missing in near-term services. A few years
from now we may refer to the middleware described
here as merely “first generation P2P.” It is for these reasons that the architecture and the middleware implementation must be modular and extensible.
In this section we look at a representative example from
each of the three application categories:
Distributed computing. This category focuses on
applications where peers cooperate in solving
computational problems. The cooperation is also
referred to as cycle-sharing. Grid computing is
closely related to P2P cycle-sharing, but its origins
are different. Though cooperative computation is
the impetus for solutions in this space, you will see
examples of ideas and services that have far wider
Content sharing. This category includes P2P platforms that offer tools and services for applications
that enable sharing and delivering of content, and
sharing and distributing storage.
Collaboration. This category includes platforms
that support applications where peer collaborate
online. What differentiates collaboration from the
two other classes is the need for synchronous presence of the peers. The peers work together on
some shared resource, such as a document. Or,
they engage in a real-time exchange.
There are other attributes of the infrastructure without
which P2P adoption will be seriously hampered. They
include Fault-tolerance, Transparency, Reliability, Small
footprint, Performance, and Development tools.
In summary, Figure 1 below depicts one way to stack the
elements that the middleware services need to address.
This is not a diagram of a proposed set of services, only
a convenient way to list areas the middleware needs to
handle. Once an architecture is defined it may be appropriate to have more than one service for some of the layers. For example, the “Naming, Discovery, Directory”
layer may be implemented as three or more separate
services. Similarly, the architectural solution may dictate
that a layer may not have a single service associated with
it at all. Security and Monitoring, for instance, may have
functions associated with them integrated into other
services as needed.
2.2.1 Distributed Computing
In a P2P infrastructure, the distributed computing category includes the tools and services needed to manage
resources shared across peers. The activities needed for
cooperative computation include resource discovery,
requesting and granting access to peer systems, naming
of objects and entities, assuring data integrity, and
dealing with intermittent presence of resources. When
these tools are available, data can be distributed for
storage or delivery. We can expect commonality in
services between those provided for distributed computing and those that are content-focused. Indeed, there
are applications that incorporate elements from both cycle-sharing and content-sharing. Note that a P2P search
involves gaining access to peer computers, performing
processing to look for items specified by the search criteria, and sending results back. The results in this case
are synthesized content.
MP sewer
We can see that the basic services needed for different
types of P2P applications do have a lot in common.
Figure 2. Distributed computing architecture
from United Devices*
Distributed computing comes in a number of flavors,
depending on the application and the context in which it
is run. The more common, and practical, network-based
computations are those where the whole application runs
on each peer, and there is no need for any communication between the peers. For example, if there are many
sets of data that are to be processed independent of each
other, each peer can get one set, process it, then get another one, and so on. SETI@home is such an application. Another type of computation, called a parametric
study computation, occurs when the same computation is
performed for each of a predefined set of values. Think
of a fluid dynamics simulation of an aircraft that has to
be checked against every possible angle of attack. Each
peer receives the whole application and a value of the
angle to which it applies the computation.
Distributed computing involves using PCs on the network to participate in a computation. These PCs may
be in the Internet or within an intranet - a local network
of an enterprise. Or, the computations may be performed by PCs in both environments. Grid computing
used to be another form of such distributed computation - one where a number of data centers, with multiple systems, collaborate in a large scale computation.
The distinction between network distributed computing
and Grid computing are getting blurred as this discipline evolves.
2.2.2 Content Sharing
The term content encapsulates messages and files of all
types-text, music, graphics, video, source and binary
software, and any other content that can be digitized.
Content sharing encompasses several types of activities:
In figure 2 we see how United Devices* designed their
computing network for distributed computations. The
platform is called the MetaProcessor* and is managed by
the MP Server. The platform consists of a specialized
scheduling and distribution server; a database storing
and tracking all work performed by devices on the network; and the UD Agent, which resides on each desktop
and workstation on the network. The UD Agent is a
small software program that runs on the peer. The UD
Agent enables the MetaProcessor platform to work with
the participating device for downloading applications,
processing work units, and returning results and device
information. The web console, also on the peer system,
is the user interface for managing the platform, testing,
scheduling, receiving new data, and sending results. The
other components of the architecture are a central
MetaProcessor (MP) server, and the database attached to
it. The server manages intelligent scheduling, secure
communications, workload distribution, collection of
statistics, and other infrastructure management functions.
The database contains information about both the application and its work units, and about the users and their
UD Agents (see also [ 2 ] ) .
Messaging, file delivery, also known as file sharing,
distributed storage and distributed shared file systems,
caching and edge services, content distribution, knowledge management, and content management.
What does this mean in terms of the requirements
placed on the infrastructure for content sharing? Content sharing applications require all of the services that
are needed for distributed computing, with the exception of managing CPU cycles. The services also become more complex. Every peer must establish, with
confidence, the identity of everyone else. Unified
names are needed not just for the computer systems and
the users, but for all files. Presence of peers, in the
content sharing context, involves not just availability of
computational results, but availability of files and storage locations as well. Finding and managing content
involves more complex and ever-present discovery and
monitoring capabilities. And, whereas in distributed
computing all the participating peers make up a single
group, content sharing environments need to manage
multiple groups, or communities.
Party Portal
I Third
There are a number of content sharing P2P implementations, and they share some basic functionality but differ
in approach. Let’s look at an example from Nextpage*.
The technical issues addressed by NextPage include discovery and search techniques, authentication and trust,
persistence of content and its relevance.
The heart of the NextPage framework is the NXT* eContent Platform. This consists of several modules that
provide the different features and services of the platform, as illustrated in Figure 3. We look here at the NXT
3 version (a more recent product will be launched by the
time this paper is printed). Let’s look at the main modules of NXT 3.
The Content Server is the piece that aggregates and
maintains content from various data sources on the
Internet, intranet, or extranet.
The next piece is the Content Syndicator. The syndication model enables real-time access to distributed information through a protocol that allows users to search all available information in the network.
The Content Syndicator works with the Content
Adapters, that provide real-time access to disparate
types of data.
Finding the content in the first place is the responsibility of the search engine. It provides distributed
search functionality that spans the NextPage network of peers. The user can provide feedback on
relevance of the results for further refinement.
The final component of the Content Platform provides Security Services. NXT Security Services has
three parts: authentication, authorization, and metering. Metering is the process whereby the user is
further authorized based on some usage-based criteria such as number of page views, users
concurrency, or resource usage.
u u umrn
Figure 3. The NextPage architecture for content sharing
2.2.3 Collaboration Frameworks
The collaborative class of P2P applications is characterized by ongoing interactions and exchanges between
peers. A collaborative application may involve several
users reviewing and modifying a file simultaneously. It
assumes an immediate response. The collaborative applications also must respond in real-time. The immediacy of the interactions exposes the environment to possible human error and misjudgment. Thus, assuring security and integrity of content becomes a greater challenge, compared with the two other classes we looked
at before.
This area of direct collaboration between peers is where
new applications, not yet conceived, may appear.
Where distributed computing and content sharing make
great use of the resource sharing capability of the P2P
computing model, collaborative applications add strong
emphasis to taking advantage of the direct exchange
feature enabled by the P2P model. Direct exchanges
provide the immediacy that cultivates person-to-person
interactions, that are the essence of collaboration.
Let us now look at one example of a P2P collaborative
platform - this one is from Endeavors*. This type of infrastructure provides for interaction between humans
and not just resource sharing. Direct exchanges between people are central to this platform.
The Application Framework resides above the content
platform. The framework provides a means for incorporating existing or new applications into the services and
capabilities embedded in the NXT content platform. You
can read more about NextPage technologies in the Products tab in [3].
paper describes only Avaki. Avaki, the commercial
successor to Legion, is built as a complete system with
inter-related services and capabilities. It is a bottom-up,
integrated solution. The Globus project provides a set
of tools, based on common and standard protocols, that
work on multiple platforms. Think of this approach as a
top-down design. The necessary services are provided,
and application developers decide how to couple them
and which ones to use (for more on Grid computing and
P2P see [6]).
Describing the Avaki approach to P2P infrastructure is
an appropriate conclusion to this short survey of P2P
platform solutions.
Figure.4. Architecture of the Endeavors Magi
“canonical peer”
Figure 4 describes the architecture of the node, or what
Endeavors calls the “canonical peer.” The presence of
the web server on the client side, or the edge of the net,
creates the client-server combination that, in Magi parlance, is called the “Magi servlet.”
The P2P infrastructure is run through the servlet engine.
These two layers comprise the “web server foundation.”
Above the foundation are the core components: the Request Manager that directs all requests to the appropriate
service, the Event Service that handles the communications between peers, the Access Controller that manages
the access by other peers, and the Module Container that
dynamically loads other services and provides access to
APls used by applications built upon the core services.
File Sharing
Policy Managemern
sysiem Blanegernwrl
Distributed FiteSvsternI
Job Distnbutan
Remon Monioring
Laad Balancing
I MeterinarPlocountina I
P r o g m Registration
I Utilization Management
Dstnbutd Directory S e w m
Authentrarion. Encrypan. Accss Conral
Pmmml Maptws
The vertical columns in Figure 4 are examples of services that can be built with the help of the core components. With the inclusion of APIs these tools are a part
of applications that the end user can invoke. The services, at that level, offer such capabilities as chat, meta
search through WebDAV, presence information, web
interfaces, and more. The user model that fosters the
collaborative aspect of Magi is based on “buddy” lists
and groups. See [4] and [ I ] for more details.
Figure 5. Avaki’s distributed middleware architecture
The middleware platform is organized as three separate
layers: a Core Services layer, a Systems Management
Services layer, and an Applications Services layer.
The Core Services layer provides a set of primitives for
building P2P and distributed computing applications:
Protocol adapters enable the middleware to work
seamlessly over a wide variety of different networking environments. This service layer also includes the interfaces for interoperability with platforms such as .NET from Microsoft and JXTA
from Sun Microsystems.
The security capabilities offer public key authentication, SSL data encryption, and group-based access control.
The Distributed Directory Services provides a secure three-tier naming system that is used for each
2.3 Towards general-purpose architectures
There is no comprehensive infrastructure that encompasses all the usage models and application types that we
associate with peer computing. That said, there are architectures that attempt to provide a more generic, or
general-purpose, P2P platform.
Two architectures worth mentioning are the middleware
from Avaki*, previously known as Applied Meta, and
Globus* from the Global Grid Forum community. They
have common historical roots, and though different, this
placed by the server-based network for finding the IP
addresses of devices at the edge of networks. The solutions are vaned, but all use TCP or UDP over IP,
though some get to these transport protocols via HTTP.
resource. The three tiers are: a human-readable
name, a location-independent identifier, and a
physical address. Each location-independent identifier includes an embedded public key.
Metadata repositories and resource discovery services enable users and applications to find files or
other resources.
Event notification service enables publish and subscribe messaging between networked resources.
There are two main issues related to communication:
First, the use of dynamic or private IP addresses makes
it difficult to establish direct communication with another peer. It makes it difficult for a peer to offer a
service, a capability central to P2P computing. Network
Address Translators (NATs) are used for traversing
between the publicly known IP addresses and those that
are private or unknown externally.
The System Management Services layer includes the
services that help organizations implement and manage
distributed resources and solutions. The purpose of each
of the services is identified in Figure 5.
The Application Services layer provides higher level
services to construct P2P applications.
The Distributed File System enables the virtual collection of storage across a wide variety of platforms
and devices.
File Sharing provides capabilities for access control
to files that includes strong authentication.
Job Scheduling is priority-based, and is used for
distributed computations.
Job Distribution services automate the process of
moving application binaries to different hardware
Second, most networks employ firewalls, for security
reasons, that impede direct communication by filtering
packets and limiting the port numbers open to bidirectional traffic.
A general case solution to traversing NATs and firewalls is eluding us, so far. The problem has multiple
faces, as illustrated in figure 6, and applications have
multitude of requirements.
Singk NAT
You can find out more technical information in [5] and
Double NAT
3. Technical issues of P2P
This section provides a high level overview of the main
technical topics that need to be addressed by any infrastructure for P2P applications. It is convenient to group
these topics into these five areas:
Naming and Discovery
Resource Management
Nested NATs
Private = Private IP address
Public = Pubhc IP address
Figure 6. NAT network topologies
A transparent and general solution for P2P connectivity
requires agreement on gateway conventions (NATs,
firewalls) that may become standards.
Most P2P applications need access to the same fundamental services that support the issues listed above. The
following subsections offer more details on each of these
IPv6, the new standard for IP addresses, by itself will
not be the solution. Dynamic and private IP addresses
will continue to be present on the Internet.
3.1 Communication
The Internet has developed into a non-P2P network, in
the sense that most exchanges rely on mediation through
gateways and servers. All P2P platforms need to create
communication schemes that overcome the obstacles
The common means for traversing the gateways involve
a third party. The solutions work well, but scaling them
to many thousands or millions of users may be difficult.
Presence. Who is connected? Who is a member
(even if not connected)?
Content. What are the topics discussed by this
There is a noticeable convergent to a set of protocols.
The common. denominator is HTTP. It provides the interface to calls to TCP and UDP. The trend is to use
XML, with more and more SOAP included, running on
top of HTTP.
In particular, resource discovery is fundamental to P2P.
The resources peers are looking for vary by the application, the group, or the community to which they belong.
3.2 Naming and Discovery
The Internet is not a static entity. Communication messages are going from place to place as content migrates
through distribution and downloading. Content can be
reproduced through replication and caching. Computers,
or nodes on the net, are connected one moment and gone
in next. Users move around between a desktop system, a
mobile laptop, or a wireless device. And with all this activity, the P2P services need to keep track of where everything is, how to find it, and what to call it.
Why do we need search capabilities that are specific to
P2P? The current search method we all use employs a
massive collection of servers that store all the information they have indexed from all over the Internet. These
static engines that send crawlers do not revise data fast
enough, and, more importantly, don’t even reach the
peer systems. The well-known search engines search
web servers. They are not likely to poke around our
desktops (nor are they permitted to).
First, there is the namespace issue. The traditional tool
for naming and namespaces on the Internet, the domain
name system (DNS), is not adequate for P2P applications. If you get assigned an IP address dynamically, it
might take days before your name-address mapping is
known across the vast array of DNS servers. It simply
does not work when a peer is looking for another peer.
Even when we have a way of finding a peer’s current
address, and a method to start the communication between the two peers, the DNS is still not the right tool
for mapping names to addresses. DNS is not responsive
enough to the dynamic and intermittent presence of
peers engaged in P2P computing. But no standard exists
(other than DNS), and so developers came up with their
own (see [ I ] for some examples). The use of XML for
describing namespaces and names appears to be a common thread in current solutions. Perhaps, the trend will
lead to a level of standardization in P2P naming
So, one reason for P2P search techniques is that peers
need to search within the P2P network. Peer network
and P2P search can also assist the traditional search engines. The peers are able to find information the large
search engines’ crawlers cannot reach.
There are two aspects of searching where P2P can be
useful. First, peers may conduct the search itself. There
are circumstances when this method is more accurate
and practical. Second, the servers containing the search
engine database can communicate as peers. The database is distributed and replicated in a way that will
eliminate the single-point-of-failure risk.
There are well accepted protocols in existence that can
be used for P2P-style discovery and registry. UDDl
(Universal Description, Discovery and Integration),
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), and
even WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning) are all used by P2P platforms today.
Next, we need to find out about things. P2P frameworks
need to search, discover, and register findings in directo-
Most significantly, peer computing opens up new opportunities in which to enhance the scope of discovery
and meaningful searches on the web. For example,
P2P-based search can go beyond searching web pages
only - it can get to other types of shared files. Search
can be bounded to communities of shared interest. And,
within a P2P community, it may be easier to conduct
searched by context.
Discovery, in the P2P context, includes the protocols
and the mechanisms by which peers and P2P applications become aware of the resources and services they
need. Directories are where the findings of the discovery
are placed.
What are the things that need to be discovered in a P2P
Resources. What i s out there that my application
3.3 Availability
And even though a P2P network is a fairly loose organization, the issues of fault-tolerance and availability
require a system-wide view. The interplay between the
peers’ local autonomy and the desire to offer a reliable
setting for applications will continue to be challenging.
And it will certainly require more attention.
One of the least glamorous aspects of software projects
is maintenance: what needs to be in place and the tasks
that need to be done to keep things going. This is particularly important for P2P computing, given the premise
of the concept.
3.4 Security
P2P networks harness resources at the edges of the net,
relying on components over which the application has
little or no control. The participants exercise local
autonomy over their own systems, and in many circumstances the peers join and leave the network at will.
Communications are carried over external networks,
which are sometimes unreliable. Often, the systems on
which computations are run are unknown. Content that is
found may disappear or move the next time it is sought.
And the list goes on.
Security issues and lack of trust are the highest ranked
concerns with regard to P2P computing. Opening up
your system for access by others can be disconcerting.
The security that users demand boils down to these
I need to be sure that the person I am communicating with is who he or she claims to be.
I need to control when and how people access resources on my system.
1 need to have confidence that my messages are not
read or modified en route.
So, the issues are those of intermittent connectivity,
availability of resources, and fault-tolerance in the face
of a very dynamic setting. More specifically, the P2P infrastructure, or the P2P application, needs to address and
resolve Managing intermittent presence
Maintaining content coherency
Availability of resources
Availability of content
Fault-tolerant use of servers
System Management
Security has become a major concern on the Internet,
with or without P2P. Users are connected for long periods of time -- some are always connected, as is common with users of broadband. This makes them more
vulnerable to attacks. Web browsers make it very easy
to download and execute applications that cannot be
trusted. Online commerce involves transmissions of
confidential and private information.
Peer-to-peer computing adds other risk factors:
Peers act as servers, and their systems offer services. They are available to requests made by other
entities, which aren’t always known.
Peers offer resources on their systems for use by
others. They need to shield that which isn’t shared.
They need to manage the level and mode of access.
Most of the owners of the peer systems have no
prior experience in managing a server or a service.
Servers on the web have full-time administrators
who monitor security advisories, so they can immediately patch their servers when new vulnerabilities are discovered.
The manner in which solution providers address the issue of changing presence and availability is more dependent on the application’s setting than on the application itself. It is prudent to take preventive action. Content is being replicated and cached. And a number of
solutions establish a third-party presence, which will always be connected, and where messages can be queued.
Most P2P networks, if not all of them, share the issue of
keeping content persistent. They share the issue of
gracefully continuing when peers disconnect, and updating their states when they rejoin.
It is interesting to note that a few solutions to the intermittent presence of peers have led to setups that improve
performance. When data is replicated, network traffic
can be further optimized by selecting alternate routes.
Multiple copies allow for load balancing of processing
and communications.
The P2P infrastructure or application must address
these issues to create a secure computing environment
for the participating peers.
The potential risk is very real--here are some of the actions that can occur around P2P:
Direct communications that include general file
sharing may result in peers installing new applications on their host machines. When you get an ap-
plication from another domain, you don’t know
what side.effects this new application may have on
your system, nor whether it may damage your local
P2P communication schemes often provide a way to
tunnel through a firewall. Once a port is open to direct communication, the content that’s passing
through may not be monitored by the organization’s
firewall software.
Without carefully constructed safeguards, you risk
exposing content and files to others outside your local network and external to your organization.
When you request and download a file from another
peer, you often do it based on blind faith -- you are
simply assuming that the file that you receive really
is thefile you want.
Some. of the popular file-swapping networks don’t
offer sufficient protection against “guests” snooping
aroundyour system. When someone can access your
browser’s cookies, then they can steal your online
Instant messaging applications are, in general, an insecure communication mechanism. Despite this risk,
people often use IM to exchange sensitive information. Of course, the same security risk exists in our
regular email system, but IM gives us the illusion
the exchange is a private conversation.
Do not expose information on identities and data
of others to unauthorized users. Delegation of tasks
and authority has to respect the rules set by the
owners of the identities involved. Secure data has
to be protected on-the-wire if sent to another location.
Details of security solutions are outside the scope of
this paper (but see chapter 9 in [I]). We can state, however, that solutions do exist. There are well understood
procedures for two-part and mutual authentication.
There are implementations for authorization followed
by mechanisms for access control, sometimes with
sandboxing. And there are readily available processes
for data encryption, digital signatures, and techniques
for validation of computations.
What we do not have is an agreed upon standard
method for each of the security-related operations.
3.5 Resource Management
Peer-to-peer computing is about two things - direct
communications between peers, and sharing resources
at the edges of the net. This is a very brief overview
about managing these resources, which are scattered all
over, come in many shapes and forms, and are owned
by thousands of different individuals and institutions.
These scenarios, among others, raise concerns and alarm
within the IT ranks, and justifiably so. The security risks
should be a concern to the home user, too, and for the
same reasons.
What are these resources that we can share through the
magic of P2P technologies?
Computational power. This is the resource that is
central to distributed computing. It is also referred
to as cycle sharing.
Storage and files. Peers store files that are shared
with others -- envision an application where unused storage is used to store files that are not
shared with the owner of host system. An IT organization may use such space for backup or the
replication of files belonging to members of the
Network bandwidth. P2P infrastructure can be
applied to route network traffic of messages and
file transfers. The peers then share the bandwidth
of connections emanating from their systems.
So, what are the basic security features that will make us
feel safe, in the P2P world? The bare minimum a peer
needs is:.
Authentication: Be certain of the identity of the
peer communicating with you
Authorization: Control what others can do on your
Data Integrity: Have confidence that data you send
or receive was not tampered with
Along with the technical aspects listed above, there are
social factors that can add to, or detract from, our sense
of security. Trust and reputation are central to building
online relationships, just as they are in our “real” world.
What is expected of a P2P security solution?
Integrate with local security measures, and adapt to
local policies. Do not compromise what’s there.
Provide a framework for access control. This is the
utility through which authorization policies are exercised.
These three items represent shared hardware elements.
But there are two other resources that are shared in the
P2P world. They are:
Content. Content uses storage. But sharing storage
does not necessarily imply that the content of these
files is shared although that might be the case.
Similarly, you can share content with your peers in
plications people are developing for use in P2P computing; this is certainly not meant to be an in-depth survey of P2P applications.
a way that does not involve sharing storage. The
shared content may be somewhere on a server, or it
might be moving between locations. The item that is
shared is the content, not the physical medium.
People. Well, we don't share people. But the direct
exchanges and real-time interaction with people in a
collaborative setting is a shared resource.
4.1 Interactive Collaborations
Collaboration happens between people. At least, this is
how we differentiate the P2P collaborative application
from others. But, collaborative applications may well
include sharing of content and (perhaps) joint computations, too.
Not all P2P implementations deal with every resource
type listed above. Some focus entirely on cycle sharing,
with the run-time files needed, of course. Others focus
on content sharing and manage file sharing. And those
solutions that address all the aspects of P2P need to create mechanisms for managing all the resource types.
P2P collaborations include application as diverse as
Creation of online communities
Development projects
Gaming communities
Computing communities
Joint virus protection
There are a few steps in using resources in P2P computing that are independent of the type of resource:
The peer or the application needs to be able to discover the resource. The discovery includes learning
about the resource's state and structure.
The P2P application needs to establish access to the
resource. This includes ensuring it can abide by the
resource's local policies. And, for some applications, scheduling is also necessary.
The host where the resource resides has the ability
to authenticate the requesting entity. And it can enforce its local policies on the application that asks
for use of the resource.
The first item is more general in nature compared to the
others. The latter types of communities are more specific. Here are some examples:
Firstpeer* (http://www.firstpeer.cod) created an
online marketplace that enables sellers, suppliers,
and vendors to be integrated into the Firstpeer
framework with their existing technologies and
business models. The application employs a P2P
architecture to distribute the marketplace hnctions
to its participants, eliminating the need to replace
the tools they currently use.
One of the early corporations to try the Groove
collaborative platform is GlaxoSmithKline, a
pharmaceutical company. They started with a pilot
program, and asked their employees to suggest
ways in which Groove could be used for online
collaboration. The range of ideas and opportunities
is impressive. Staff members from the Legal department wanted to review and edit documents
with other parties. A development team suggested
a test of new software. Scientists and Researchers
wished to exchange information with external colleagues. The Operations department wished to
share documents with contractors and suppliers.
Oculus Technologies Corporation focuses on integration between applications. The Ford Motor
Company has plans for COT", the Oculus application. The Ford team will utilize Oculus CO to connect members of a geographically-dispersed design
team working with different software applications
on different operating systems. The company chose
Oculus CO because the P2P collaboration promises to improve the design process. It will allow
Resource management 'is an area where each implementation does something different. The tools for managing
the resources are specific to the application and the settings in which it runs. This is certainly an area where
more work can be done to find commonalities, and perhaps recycle existing capabilities.
4. Success Stories
We cannot do justice, in the space we have here, to the
wealth of possibilities and actual application of P2P
technologies to real-life cases. All I hope to achieve here
is to provide a taste of some of the innovative usages of
P2P computing.
The P2P architectures described here are grouped into
three categories (in addition to general-purpose ones):
Content sharing
Distributed computing
The same categories are applied here to examples of applications and usages of P2P technologies. The purpose
of this section is to give an impression of the kind of ap-
pieces of a requested file. A prime example of Swarmcast in action occurred when Mandrake 8 was recently
released. The Mandrake community became aware of
the beta Swarmcast demo and people started downloading with Swarmcast. There were between 20 and
60 people in the mesh of the files at all times. That
means 20 to 60 computers available to serve the next
download request simultaneously. In a three-day period, Swarmcast helped serve up over 200 Mandrake
images, which is over 130 GB of data!
Ford engineers to evaluate many more design iterations in a much shorter period of time.
Communities of collaborators have been formed
around a variety of Grid computing projects. They
are numerous and, in addition to computations, also
include managing and analyzing data from highenergy physics, earth observations, and biology applications; virtual laboratory for earthquake engineering; communities of developers of software
tools and technologies; communities for development of application for nuclear and for high-energy
physics; data analysis from astronomical observations; and many other grid-related communities.
Another kind of a community can be set up for protection against digital virus attacks. A coalition of
software agents at the Sandia National Laboratory
successfully protected five network-linked computers over two full working days of concentrated attack by a four-person hacker force.
Mangosoft* and BlueFalcon* have products used for
sharing files by taking advantage of peer communities
to utilize bandwidth and replication for efficient delivery.
And this is only the tip of the iceberg.
4.3 Real Computations
And there are more such fascinating examples (see [l],
for example).
Distributed computing is a very active area in P2P
computing. There are quite a number of companies that
are engaged in some form of distributed computations.
Here are examples in three flavors of computations:
Distributed computing on the Internet
Distributed computing within the intranet
Grid computing applications
4.2 Relevant Content
Sharing content in the P2P context deals with the techniques and technologies for effective ways to discover
content’s existence, its locations, and to get it delivered.
When it comes to usages and applications that rely on
content sharing, you cannot avoid getting involved with
information- and knowledge-management. The filtering
of data so that only meaningful data comes to you, and
associating it with related information, becomes an integral part of the application. The power of direct exchanges and discovery searches between peers can be
used to enhance the effectiveness of content management. Here are a couple of examples.
Two examples of large scale computations on the Internet:
Intel and United Devices joined forces with the American Cancer Society, the National Foundation for Cancer Research (NFCR), and the University of Oxford to
advance cancer research with the help of distributed
Internet computing. The first application involves leukemia drug-optimization research. Researchers at the
University of Oxford are already using findings from
early results in the project; they are refining later parts
of the study and suggesting further experiments. With
the overwhelming member response to this project, the
University of Oxford is in the fortunate position of being able to expand the scope of their research project.
They are taking the opportunity to further investigate
promising discoveries almost as soon as they are uncovered in the course of this virtual drug-screening
Baker & McKenzie chose NXT from NextPage for
nearly 2,800 of its attorneys. Attorneys at Baker &
McKenzie can use NextPage to search throughout the
firm‘s network for a document containing a certain word
or name. With peer-to-peer technology, computers can
share information without going through a central repository. This helps in getting most recent information,
and reduces the burden of keeping a central repository.
Baker & McKenzie attorneys using NextPage will have
access to all relevant documents residing on the firm’s
computers around the world, as well as those of select
Opencola* has a product called Swarmcast* that makes
use of network bandwidth. It uses many peers to deliver
Another distributed computing project that is looking
for a cure is a joint cause-computing project between
Entropia and the Olson Laboratory at the Scripps Research Institute, called “Fight AIDS at Home”.
Here are some details reported by the researchers of the
Olson Lab at the Scripps Research Institute in a recent
volume of the FightAIDSatHome members newsletter:
At the end of July 2001 there were 32,000 machines
computing on behalf of the FightAIDSatHome project,
with a combined power of almost 15 Tera-Flops. This
virtual supercomputer has about 4.5 million MB of
RAM and about 50 million MB of disk space. FightAlDSatHome has already clocked up a staggering total
of about 2,000 years of computation, as measured by
what a fast workstation can compute in a year, making it
probably the biggest anti-HIV drug-design calculation
performed in history.
5. Challenges facing P2P
The preceding sections provided an overview of the
technical issues facing wide spread adoption of P2P.
There are challenges, and there are some impressive
successes. There are certainly many opportunities.
5.1 Technical challenges
First, the technical challenges. We saw that there are
solutions that, in general, address a specific computing
environment or application. A couple of challenges
were not addressed directly, but they should be mentioned here. 1 break down the technical challenges of
P2P into these areas:
Connectivity. The consequences of the current environment is that P2P services need to include
mechanisms for locating peers that don’t have
public IP addresses. And they need to include
mechanisms for communicating through firewalls.
The problem is aggravated by the fact that there
different types of NATs and firewalls. There is no
universal solution to naming and mapping of
names to network addresses. There is no generalpurpose solution to the traversal of firewalls.
Security and Privacy. In many ways, the security
issues for P2P are similar to those of any Internet
user. The commonality applies to what happens
while the messages move between locations. The
added risks to the P2P user arise from allowing access to the peer’s system. Users are looking for
strong security on their devices. A consistent security measures should apply across namespaces created by different P2P applications or platforms.
Fault-tolerance and availability. The two main
challenges here are the intermittent connectivity of
resources, and how to discover these resources.
This issues will continue to add complexity to P2P
Performance and Bandwidth. This is an issue that
needs to get more attention after the basic P2P
services are in place. The topics, which have been
barely mentioned in this paper, are latency and
Scalability. Scalability is assumed to be a problem
whenever we talk about the Internet and connecting peers. Clearly, we expect a general-purpose
P2P infrastructure to scale with the growth of the
number of participating peers. In general, any architecture with a flat structure is susceptible to
stalling when it reaches certain size, in terms of
number of peers. Either hierarchies or “neighbor”
More and more we observe distributed computing within
the enterprise, on the local network. The corporate environment is easier to mange than resources on the Internet, and sensitive data can be secured. Datasynapse provides us with one of a number of such examples. DataSynapse focuses on financial institutions and their applications. The computational needs of a financial institution offer a number of computationally-intensive applications that can be parsed out into smaller tasks, which
can be executed in parallel. In other words, the large
computation can be divided among underutilized PCs
scattered around the organization.
Grid computing claims many projects, some of them
were described above. There are two important differences between Grid computing and the examples above
of Internet distributed computing. First, Grid computing
offers a more comprehensive set of services. It supports
collaborations between nodes at different locations, distributed storage, data visualization, and more. Its scope
is broader than that which we associate with distributed
computing on the Internet or on intranets. Architecturally, traditional Grid computing projects are about connecting and distributing computations and storage
among a relatively small number of powerful data centers. Contrast this with Internet distributed computing
that may involve millions of PCs.
“Web testing” is an interesting by-product of platforms
for network-based computations. They provide the ability to test performance aspects on the web in ways that
are not otherwise possible. Distributed computing companies, such as United Devices* and Entropia*, have realized the opportunity and the need, and will be offering
tools for measurements on the net. The beneficiaries
from web testing are likely to be various network service
providers and IT organizations within the enterprise.
relationships may be necessary for the environment
to scale.
Self-management of systems. In P2P, individual users provide services to others. They act in a limited
capacity of servers. Many of these users do not have
the experience or the tools to manage a server. Users are not comfortable in making their resources
available to others without a sense of control and
monitoring. IT managers are nervous about loss of
control over the network and exposing enterprise resources.
Interoperability. The P2P infrastructures described
here, and all others, are not interoperable with each
other. They share a small set of communication
protocols, and most use XML and SOAP. Yet, the
end result is that we don’t have the interoperability
or the bridges for crossing over from one P2P
framework to another.
Complexity. Complexity is a good term to wrap
aroundthe technical challenges that are barriers to a
wide acceptance of P2P. Complexity, and the technical issues that bring it about, are a result of taking
the computing action to the edges of the net. We
now have multiple autonomous entities, multiple
points of entry into a network, and distributed resources. Security, monitoring, and administration
seem much more complex. At least, they will as
long as we examine the new environment from the
centralized mindset vantage point.
managing distributed resources, and integration with
existing applications and environment.
There is a cultural challenge of creating atmosphere
that will be welcoming to non-expert users who wish to
step forward and start an online forum with others.
A big part of the challenge above is how to create trust
between remote and unknown users. This is related to
ways in which we can develop meaningful reputation
metrics associated with the peers.
Users also wish to be protected from unwanted and undesirable content. This problem, though true for the
Internet in general, can be aggravated by P2P services.
And, of course, there is much talk about the business
viability and business models for P2P. This becomes a
non-issue if we think of P2P as a compute model and a
set of technologies that will eventually be adopted by
mainstream computing community.
6 . Looking Ahead
The P2P story is still unfolding. Not only is the story
not finished, but we are probably only in the very early
phase of learning what can be done with P2P technologies. Even the technologies themselves are still evolving.
There are numerous industry-wide projects and initiatives that aim at promoting and advancing P2P computing. Some are major product developments by companies such as Microsoft* and Sun Microsystems*.
Other activities are performed jointly as Industry
working groups and consortia (see [7] through [I 11).
5.2 Social and mindset challenges
There are certain behavioral and social types of challenges that P2P evokes. I will list here some of them.
The concept of self-organized online communities is
central to quite a few P2P applications. We saw that intermittent presence and moving the control of resources
to the edges cause a number of technical challenges. The
loss of central control is also difficult for IT organizations, where the administration and monitoring of resources is centralized. Indeed, all shared resources are
central or controlled by a central authority. Changing a
mindset from a static center providing resources to the
nodes on the edge, to that of a dynamically changing
reservoir of resources at the edge is a difficult one. First,
one needs to think “distributed.” Then, one needs to be
comfortable, with resources moving around and switching irregularly from being connected to being disconnected.
There is much relevant research and development that
does not carry the label pf P2P, yet is instrumental to its
success. This includes research into distributed storage
systems over the Internet, and development of techniques and products using intelligent agents and standardization of metadata schemes.
P2P came on the (mainstream) scene with a bang. Now
the dust has settled, and we can clearly see all the work
that is still to be done. There are technical and social
challenges that need to be overcome. And there is great
promise of the wonderful ideas people have for applications, which, in many ways, bridge the gap between
the real world and the cyber-world. They are about interacting and sharing at the edges, where the people are.
IT managers have concerns that contribute to reluctance
to embracing of P2P. The concerns focus on security,
possibility of introduction of unknown components,
What we have now are the pieces. The early P2P pioneers showed us what could be done, and they will tell
us what else they can do. Startup developers and corporate architects are getting together, finding unifying
principles, common standards, and fundamental services
on which to build a P2P structure. It is a comprehensive
and complete model for computing; a model that coexists with, and enhances, the Internet models of today.
What can we expect to see when P2P is used as casually
as “client-server” is used today?
P2P will become an integral part of the solution to
security on the Internet, an issue that exists independently of the arrival of P2P.
P2P will present new ways to address the growing
issue of extracting meaning and relevance from the
information glut presented by the Web.
We will witness huge populations of users participating in solving computational problems too large
to solve before: problems that will advance our understanding of diseases, our environment, and our
climate changes.
We will witness an acceleration of breaking down
geographical and cultural boundaries through the
formation of online communities based on shared
values and shared interests.
And, there will probably be much more.
[ I ] Barkai, D., Peer-to-Peer Computing: Technologies
for Sharing and Collaborating on the Net, Intel Press,
Hillsboro, OR (2001).
[2] The MetaProcessor* Platform,
[3] NextPage,
[4]Endeavors Technology, Technical Papers,
[5] Avaki, Literature,
[6] Foster, I., Kesselman, C., Tuecke, S . , The Anatomy of
the Grid. To be published Intl. J. Supercomputer Applications, 2001.
[7] P2P Working Group,
[8] The New Productivity Initiative,
[9] Global Grid Forum,
[IO] Microsoft .NET, http://www.gotdotnet.comlp2p
[ 1 I] Sun Microsystems JXTA,