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This is a supplement to my two published books, "Plotinus The Platonist: A Comparative Account of Plato and Plotinus’ Metaphysics" (Bloomsbury, 2014), and "Plato and Plotinus on Mysticism, Epistemology, and Ethics" (Bloomsbury, 2017), wherein I argue that the philosophies of Plato and Plotinus do not essentially differ on more than 100 philosophical claims (for the complete list of 180 philosophical claims, including the Supplement, see Appendix II for where I address them in my two books and this supplement). However, since Bloomsbury Publishing gave me word count restrictions for each book, I needed to cut out portions of my original research in order to get the manuscripts down to size. Thus, I have put the material together that I was not able to publish, in order to show even more areas in which Plato and Plotinus do not essentially differ, and to cite the passages to leave the accuracy of my claims to the readers’ judgments.
Many students from the Archetypal Psychology Class at Southwestern College contributed to the evolution that resulted in this work. I especially want to thank those students whose work I incorporated into this writing, because they were able to articulate a level of understanding as participants that went to the heart of the message in a way that nothing else could.
Taking the view that all true spirituality is inherently Anarchist at it's core, this pdf book is a comprehensive examination of the many links between Anarchism, the Occult and Mysticism. It is presented within the broad framework of a modern myth and poetry and tells the story of a young punk Anarchist writer, who discovers the magickal nature of reality and so decides to write a book to spread awareness and spiritual anarchism. However it also heavily researched and like so many spiritualities, it uses this mythology as a vehicle for transmitting the mysteries, with the majority of the book being the prosaic teachings of the protagonist. It assumes no knowledge on the part of the reader and provides introductions to the topics discussed, before going on to more original and in depth ideas. While a history of spiritual anarchists and the theocratic black magicians that oppose them is given to provide context, this book focuses more on integrating mystical and magickal teachings from around the world and creating a detailed and modern Anarchist spirituality that suits the individual. It also provides a variety of practical ritual meditative techniques for creating an Anarchist consciousness, as well as using magick for activist and Anarchist purposes. If you were ever looking for an Anarchist grimoire, this is it! One of the main themes of the book is the global use of psychedelics or “entheogens” for spiritual purposes and how they can be utilized for overcoming the counter-revolutionary aspects of the mind. The book also explains how Occult techniques can be used to help direct the trips for expanding consciousness and performing magick. (especially DMT and Salvia Divinorum) Another primary theme is how language and “memes” apply to fractals, how Noam Chomsky's notion of “universal grammar” was actually discovered by Occultists along with the scientific method, but also how language shapes human consciousness, politics and the world around us. Other topics include an Occult interpretation of the historical origins of the monetary and legal systems, as well as the origins of Judaism, Christianity and governments through theocracy. Inside you will find explanations for how art and “memes” can be used for Anarchist propaganda, how ritual and magick apply to “neuroplasticity” and how all these things can literally shape our brains either to create free will, or as a form of brainwashing. This book explains theocracy as the root of all hierarchy which is itself the result of a kind of Obsessive compulsive memetic brain virus created by "black magicians." All this and much more is found within, while the epilogue explains groundbreaking political interpretations of “The Cube of Space,” Solomonic magick, Enoch and the Watchers, Gnosticism and world mythology in general. Here the author shows how this mythology relates to a meteorite death cult and ancient astronomical events, atomic theory, numerology and sacred geometry. It also gives advanced ideas on reconstructing an old world form of Alchemical Tantric Shamanism and how magick squares can be utilized with set theory to create the philosopher's stone in your brain! A chapter by chapter synopsis is given in the table of contents
ABSTRAK Penelitian bertujuan meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran IPA tentang benda-benda yang bergerak menggunakan batu baterai. Desain penelitian ini menggunagakan model Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang terdiri dari dua siklus. Siklusnya meliputi tahapan perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SD negeri Kulur I, sebagai sampel penelitian adalah kelas I berjumlah 20 orang siswa terdiri dari 12 laki-laki dan 8 orang perempuan. Uji coba pelaksanaan perbaiakan pembelajaran di mulai tanggal 29 Maret 2015 dan tanggal 9 April 2015. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif. Metode tersebut digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan pengaruh penggunaan media gambar terhadap hasil belajar siswa di kelas I SD Negeri Kulur I tahun 2015. Penelitian menunjukan bahwa penggunaan metode deomnstrasi mampu meningkatkan pemahaman siswa sekaligus meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada siswa kelas I SD Negeri Kulur I Kecamatan Majalengka Kabupaten Majalengka. Hal itu dikeranakan metode demontrasi mampu meningkatkan minat dan hasil evaluasi dalam pembelajaran IPA. Dengan demikian, kesimpulan dari penelitian adalah pelaksanaaan perbaiakan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode demontrasi, dapat meingkatkan hasil belajar siswa, minat siswa kelas I SDN Kulur I Kecamatan Majalengka Kabupaten Majalengka setelah mengikuti pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode demontrasi meningkat secara signifikan dan realistis. Peningkatan hasil belajar tersebut diketahui dari hasil tindakan Siklus I dan Siklus II. Nilai rata-rata Pra Siklus sebesar 72. Pada tindakan siklus I diperoleh nilai rata-rata sebesar 81 dan persentase keberhasilan 70% termasuk dalam kategori rendah. Pada tindakan siklus II nilai rata-rata yang dicapai sebesar 92 dengan persentase keberhailan 100% termasuk dalam katagori tinggi. Dengan melihat data keberhasilan tersebut maka, didindikasi bahwa perbaikan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode demontrasi berhasil dengan baik. Kata Kunci : Pemahaman Siswa, Metode Demontrasi
Studien zur spätägyptischen Religion 42, 2024
The Repit temple is located at the ancient site of Athribis in the 9th Upper Egyptian Panopolite nome, to the west of modern Sohag near the village Sheik Hamed. Built by Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (ca. 80–58 and 55–51 BCE) the temple is one of the last great monuments of the Ptolemies, and it has only recently been fully excavated and published. The temple is dedicated to the relatively little-known leonine goddess Repit along with her consort, the preeminent regional god Min-Re and their divine child Kolanthes. The temple has a unique architecture and decorative program, leaving many questions about its function and the motivations of its local designers unanswered. Margaret Swaney offers the first art historical analysis of the Ptolemaic-era Repit temple, exploring how the collective decisions of priests, scribes, sculptors, plasterers, painters, and gilders came together to craft a complex mythological reality in stone. She combines a more traditional approach to the study of Ptolemaic temple art, which aims to identify the framework of semantic linkages between symmetrically paired and neighboring scenes known as the “temple grammar” with a technical study of the temple production, considering general trends in art production and visual meaning-making as well as the specific, context-dependent meanings of individual images and scenes and their means of production within each architectural space. Swaney provides in-depth analyses of royal and divine iconography, offering scene types and compositional structures as well as the technical strategies of the artists who materialized the local theology of the Repit temple.
How is it that rural South Africans ended up with a "reform" policy whose main claim to fame is that it foreshadowed the neo-liberal policies of GEAR, applied to the urban working class and poor since June 1996? This paper examines the processes that led to the adoption o f the ANC's land reform policy, and argues that the acute imbalances in power on the land were mirrored in the processes o f land policy formulation. It argues that policies are not fundamentally determined and shaped by well meaning interventions by progressive thinkers, but first and foremost by relations o f social power. It is in the balance offerees between different classes, both national and international, that the key to understanding the outcome o f policy is to be found. It is in the struggles o f the oppressed classes that the potential for challenging capitalist and government policy lies. THE LAND AND AGRARIAN QUESTION It is important to go back into history and uncover the roots of the present land system in South Africa while gaining insight into the luture (Wilson and Ramphele. 1989:191). This uneven capacity to expand production for the market was partly a residual effect o f the lineage mode o f production, in which a small number o f wealthy, polygamous elders, owning or controlling access to most land and cattle, were able to attach a clientele o f poorer, usually monogamous households to their own homesteads, the basic unit o f production (1984: 4-8). These inequalities were deepened by massive colonial seizures o f land and cattle (Lewis 1984: 7). Most households, lacking the means to expand their total product, were only able to raise the cash needed for taxation, purchases from traders, and levies on land and other services by chiefs and headmen, through sacrificing part o f their consumption requirements (Lewis 1984: 10-19).
35 anos de Constituição: uma nação em evolução, 2023
Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal
Arte Trentina a. V - N. 20 - luglio, 2024
Istituto Nazionale Tostiano: 40 anni insieme, 2023
Veterinární Medicína, 2010
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2019
Journal of Food Science, 1988