How can we make research more inclusive of the voices of people who are affected by the issues
we are researching? Although a simple question, this is one that is often not considered or is quickly
dismissed. This guideline has therefore been written for anyone conducting, commissioning or
managing research who thinks it would benefit from being more participatory but is unsure how to
do this. As one of Oxfam’s Research Guidelines, it focuses on people working to reduce poverty
reduction and inequalities. We recommend reading it together with others in the series, including
our guideline on Integrating Gender in Research Planning.
Participatory research typically means research in which the people whose lives are the focus of
the research are involved in specific aspects of the research process. Such research is often based
on principles of empowerment and accountability. However, even where such principles do not
underpin the research process, it can still be relevant and possible to use participatory research
approaches or methods. We therefore use the phrase participation in research to refer to
research with varying degrees of participation by people who are the focus of the research. Being
clear about what you mean by ‘participation in research’ –- and being precise about what is involved
–- will help align expectations and practice.
‘Participation in research’ comprises a wide range of approaches and methods. They share the
common purpose of involving stakeholders, particularly those affected by the research issue, in
specific aspects of the research process.
This differs from other research approaches that emphasize the need for ‘objective’ or ‘professional’
researchers to be in control. In practice, objectivity and participation are compatible: it is possible to
conduct rigorous and ‘objective’ participatory research through careful sequencing of the research
process and management of researcher bias.
Common reasons for, and benefits from, involving stakeholders and affected people in the research
process are:
Representational – to ensure research findings take into account the priorities and
experiences of people affected by the research issue, for example by giving them a say in
the research process.
Instrumental – to (a) increase research use and impact by involving people affected by the
issue and other relevant stakeholders in the research process, or (b) improve the accuracy
and relevance of research findings, for example by testing findings with direct
understanding of the research issue, or by triangulating with other stakeholders.
Ethical – to ensure benefits to people affected by the research issue, for example, by
verifying findings with workers who are labouring under poor conditions and consulting
them about how the research is used. At a minimum, an ethical approach should ensure
that it does not harm to communities and that they are informed about the findings and use
of the research (see our guideline on Undertaking Research with Ethics).
Transformational – to (a) help increase understanding and strengthen the agency and
action of people affected by the research issue – in line with Oxfam’s commitment to
strengthen the voices of poor and marginalized groups, or (b) to help change underlying
power relations and structural factors that perpetuate poverty, marginalization and injustice.
Many decisions are needed to design and undertake an appropriate and useful participatory
research process. You will need to think carefully about (1) purpose and timeframe, (2) degree and
nature of participation, (3) feasibility, (4) power issues, and (5) ethics.
Purpose, approach and timescale
Be clear about of the research purpose. Think through systematically who and why different
stakeholders should be involved in the research process, so an appropriate and context-specific
research approach can be developed (see Box 1).
Be clear about the time scale of your research. Some participatory research may involve a discrete
time period in which participants are consulted on research questions and then asked to comment.
In contrast, action research involves a cycle of research, action, reflection and further research, and
could last over a period of a few years.
Box 1. Some well-known versions of participation in knowledge production research
Participatory research – an umbrella term for research in which the people affected by the
research issue are involved as co-researchers. It comprises a range of approaches and
methodologies some of which are outlined below.
Participatory learning and action (PLA) - PLA grew from participatory rural appraisal
(PRA) - an approach for learning about and engaging with communities that incorporates the
knowledge, experiences and views of people in planning and managing policy or programme
interventions (Chambers 1997; IIED 1990-2013).
Cooperative or collaborative inquiry aims to involve people affected by the research issue in
research decisions as co-researchers. This is sometimes characterized as research with rather
than on people. It creates a research cycle among four different types of knowledge:
propositional knowing (such as scientific knowledge), practical knowing (from action and
experience), experiential knowing (the feedback from interaction with others) and
presentational knowing (developing new images and practices). The research process moves
between these four stages with deepening experience and knowledge through each
Participatory Action Research values participation and action equally and therefore tries to
understand and change the world through cycles of collective action, reflection and action over
time. It requires more time than other forms of participatory research (Freire 1972; Kemmis
and McTaggart 2005; Reason and Bradbury 2008).
Who to involve
An initial stakeholder analysis can help you think through who to involve, why, in what way and at
what stage of the research (see Table 1). Three groups of people matter:
those who are directly affected by the issue you are researching, e.g. at community level;
those who can affect or influence the issue, e.g. policy-makers or other target audiences;
those with relevant know-how or interests, e.g. experts, staff, allies, donors.
Some groups that are directly affected by the issue being researched may be difficult or impossible
to involve, for example young children or people with mental health problems. For research on
issues that affect such groups, other ways will be needed to ensure their needs are heard, for
example by involving representative individuals and groups.
Table 1: Example of stakeholder analysis for research
List all stakeholders
who are affected by, or
can affect, the research
Degree to which
stakeholders are affected
by, or can affect, the
research issue – low,
medium, high
Purpose of involving
stakeholders in the research, i.e.
representational, instrumental,
ethical, transformational
Those directly affected by the research issues (example below)
Men and women living
Gain perceptions
with HIV/AIDS in X area
Support them to influence services
Those that can affect (or influence) the research issues (example below)
National policy-makers
Influence their attitudes and
Government & NGO
Influence their attitudes and
service deliverers
Other relevant stakeholders (example below)
Medium (via funding)
Ensure robust research
Degree and nature of participation
Confusion and misunderstandings commonly occur when there is no agreement about the degree
and nature of participation at design stage. Are you seeking to inform research participants about
the research, consult them via data collection, involve them in joint decision-making or give them
control over aspects of the research process? In some forms of participatory research, they have
full control. When undertaking community-driven data collection, for example. grassroots
organizations collect relevant data to help address their needs (Satterthwaite and Barrett 2017).
Be clear about the extent to which you want, and are able, to share power (see Box 2). Lack of
clarity about who has the power and is making the decisions at different research stages can
result in tokenism, tensions with, or harm to research participants. Discuss with participants how
they want to be involved. You might want it but they might not.
Box 2. Ladders of participation
There are a number of different models – or ladders – of participation which outline different
degrees of possible participation. Some are either explicitly or implicitly normative assuming
that the highest levels of participation and delegation of control are the most desirable. This is
somewhat different to the approach taken in this guide which suggests that the desirable
degree of participation will depend on your purpose and task.
Perhaps the best-known is the ‘ladder’ of participation (proposed by Arnstein 1969). It was
developed with reference to citizen participation in democracies. But it has been applied to
research projects as well. It starts with non-participation (manipulation, therapy), moves to
tokenism (informing, consultation and placation) and ends with citizens’ control
(partnership, delegation to citizen control).
Sarah White (1996) distinguishes between different forms and functions of participation:
Nominal participation is often used by more powerful actors to give legitimacy to
development plans. Less powerful people become involved in it through a desire for
inclusion. But it is little more than a display, and does not result in change.
Instrumental participation sees community participation being used as a means
towards a stated end – often the efficient use of the skills and knowledge of community
members in project implementation.
Representative participation involves giving community members a voice in the
decision-making and implementation process of projects or policies that affect them. For
the more powerful, representative participation increases the chances of their intervention
being sustainable; for the less powerful, it may offer a chance for leverage.
Transformative participation results in the empowerment of those involved, and as a
result alters the structures and institutions that lead to marginalization and exclusion.
Participatory research can be time-consuming and costly. This should not be an excuse for not
doing it – as the consequences of not doing this may be costlier or create harm. If resources are
scarce, use your purpose to identify the level of participation that is needed rather than desirable
and adapt your research approach to available time, resources and skills.
The time burden on people can be reduced in creative ways, for example by holding focus groups
before or after existing normal gatherings, such as community or programme meetings. You could
consider financial compensation for research participants’ time – either individually or to their
organizations – particularly if they are time or income poor. However, this needs careful thought as
financial incentives may create perverse incentives, or crowd out people’s intrinsic motivations to
Sensitivity to power imbalances
A key element of participatory research is ensuring that different voices are heard through a safe
process. Participants in research should always be able to participate free of fear of judgement or
reprisal. This means research leads must be sensitive to and know how to manage power
imbalances including:
Addressing possible barriers to participation relating to time and availability, language;
Identifying appropriate diversity of respondents and collecting in ways that can disaggregate
voices by gender, class, ethnicity and so on;
Not assuming research respondents represent the views of others like them;
Interviewing different categories of stakeholders separately where necessary, e.g. interviewing
women separately from men, or older women separately from younger women;
Employing good negotiation and facilitation skills to manage power imbalances in group
discussions, encouraging sharing and reducing dominance of some voices;
Being clear about and documenting their own power and positionality, and the methods they
have used; for example, being clear about who has been involved in the analysis and design.
As with any research, the highest standards of ethics also apply to participatory researching,
including informed consent, confidentially and anonymity, safeguards to protect vulnerable people
and children, and recognizing and benefiting research participants for their time. (See our guideline
on Undertaking Research with Ethics.)
To help decide who to involve – and why and how – it is useful to think through the different
stages of the research process (see Table 2). You may pass through these stages more than
once, so you will need to revise and revisit them during the research process. For example, if you
are seeking to strengthen policy, programme or strategy design, or develop solutions, you may
need to collect and analyse some initial data to inform the design stage and then collect again
after piloting or testing.
Table 2: Involving people at different stages of research
Research Stage Who to involve
and Tasks
Consultation on research topic
Selecting and
e.g. relevant staff from
organizations involved,
research topic
key stakeholders
affected by, affecting or
investing in the
research issue
Control/manage research process
Decision-making e.g. relevant staff from
about research
organizations involved
and researcher; key
resourcing and
stakeholders who are
selection of
investing in the
research including
those affected by the
research issue
Prioritize research
Informal consultation
Structured workshop or
Ensure smooth
Direct research yourself.
Establish an advisory group
Establish a steering group
with decision-making power
for members
Consult individually with
relevant stakeholders
Decide research
purpose, define
e.g. people affected by
the issue;
Help ensure
Establish an advisory group
questions and
select research
organizations; donors
relevance and
Empowerment of
key stakeholders
Establish a steering group
with decision making power.
Consult individually with
relevant stakeholders
Interactive research design
workshop with key people
Vet plans with people who are
affected but did not design the
Literature and desk review
Identify search
e.g. people who know
topics, terms
about the issue and
and literature
prior initiatives:
Issues specialists
Programme staff
Data collection
Identify sampling
method, sizes
e.g. researcher;
experts and key
Ensure relevance
and diversity of
literature review
Ensure you are
building your
research on
experiences and
adding to those
Ensure rigorous
Systematic review
Snowballing method – asking
key stakeholders to nominate
top 5 relevant research items
and 5 top people to ask about
possible sources
Crowd source – ask a wide
audience to nominate their 1-3
top research papers
Researcher decides
Consult with relevant experts
(See different methods below)
Identify data
e.g. researcher;
Ensure robust
Interactive research design
workshop with key people,
particularly people doing the
data collection
Vet plans with people who are
affected but did not design the
Field test proposed methods
Store and
manage data
e.g. researcher,
relevant staff person
Analyse, interpret and validate data
Code data
e.g. researcher; staff
(where needed)
Keep secure and
be conscious of
who has access
to what data
(See above)
Ensure robust
Researcher decides
Researcher proposes and
codes are vetted by relevant
stakeholders who will be
involved in data analysis
Jointly design in workshop
Test coding with all
stakeholders who will be
involved in data analysis
Initial analysis of
e.g. researchers; data
collectors; staff of
organizations involved
Ensure robust
Researchers analyse.
Interactive analysis workshop
with key stakeholders
Consult with research experts
and/or other key stakeholders
Validate data
and interpret
Use findings to
inform future
action (if
e.g. researcher; staff;
people affected
e.g. relevant staff from
organizations involved,
key stakeholders
affected by, affecting or
investing in the
research issue
Ensure accuracy
and relevance of
Participatory workshops with
research participants and/or
other key stakeholders
Comments or feedback on
research use and
Peer review
Design future
design, strategy
or solutions
Participatory workshops with
research participants and/or
other key stakeholders.
Promote research
use and impact
Participatory workshops with
research participants and/or
key stakeholders
Other people who
know about the issue
and prior initiatives
Communicate findings
e.g. people affected by
the issue; allies; target
audiences; influential
and trusted individuals
who can help deliver
the messages
Jointly create short briefs or
infographics in appropriate
Develop social media
dissemination strategy
Your ‘choices for voices’ research strategy needs to be fit for purpose. Ask your colleagues to give
feedback on your draft research strategy, checking if it:
has clarity of purpose;
is appropriate (given the issue, time and resources available);
is ethical;
is likely to be reliable and useful, and
will provide the insights needed.
Piloting participatory research in the field is also important. Don’t plan a complex process of
research without building in time and resources for a research pilot, after which you can adjust and
improve your approach, methods, and training of researchers accordingly.
Last, but not least, here are some methods for data collection and analysis. Remember though that
just because a method is undertaken with a group or involves some drawing or drama, this does not
make it participatory in the transformative sense. That can only happen if research participations
are in control of the research process.
Table 3: methods for data collection and analysis
Stage of
Data collection
Survey and
Possible research methods
Participatory survey approach – uses visualization generated through group
discussion to show quantitative changes.
Transect walks – are a type of mapping activity, but they involve actually
walking across an area with a community member/group of community
members, observing, asking questions and listening as you go. This information
is then represented visually in a transect sketch/diagram.
Wealth ranking – is a tool to identify and understand differences in wealth in a
community members by soliciting community members’ perceptions or
indicators of wealth and getting them to rank people in the community
Social mapping – is a visual method of showing the relative location of
households. and the distribution of different types of people (such as male,
female, adult, child, landed, landless, literate, and illiterate) together with
the social structure and. institutions of an area.
Focus group discussions – are a form of qualitative research consisting of
interviews with a small but diverse group of people are asked about their
perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes towards a product, service, concept,
advertisement, idea, or packaging. Questions are asked in an interactive group
setting where participants are also free to talk with other group members.
Semi-structured interviews – based on a framework of themes but which
allow new ideas to be brought up during the interview as a result of what the
interviewee says.
group mapping
Data Analysis
analysis of
Venn/chapati diagrams – these diagrams can be used to explore the roles and
relationships of individuals, groups and individuals and the links between them.
Group ranking/scoring – provide a way for community members to weigh up,
rate, prioritise items or issues either relative to one another or according to
criteria. Tools may include matrix rankings, ladders, spider diagrams.
Time lines – help to record changes in a community/household/life of an
individual over time; noting the important historical markers and milestones of a
community or individual, giving a wider historical context.
Most significant change analysis – a participatory process involving the
collection of stories of change and systematically selecting the most significant
of those.
Collaborative outcomes reporting – a participatory approach to impact
evaluation based around a set of performance stories that present evidence of
how a project or programme has contributed to outcomes and impacts, that is
then critically reviewed by technical experts and other stakeholders, which may
include community members
Participatory group workshops
Citizens’ juries – to allow a wider range of people to deliberate on findings.
Two excellent websites with tools, examples and ideas about putting participation into action are
ActionAid’s Networked Toolbox and the IDS Participatory Methods website.
You might also want to check out the Oxfam Research Guidelines on different research methods,
including Reviewing the Existing Literature, Researching Human Interest Stories, and Planning
Survey Research.
Arnstein, S. R. (1969) A ladder of citizen participation. Journal of the American Planning
Association 35 (4): 216–22.
Chambers, R. (1997) Whose Reality Counts? Putting the First Last. London: Intermediate
Technology Publications.
Freire, P. (1972) Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Penguin, Harmondsworth.
Heron, J. 1996. Cooperative Inquiry: Research into the human condition. London: Sage.
IIED Participatory Learning and Action series:
Kemmis, S. and R. McTaggart (2005) Participatory action research: communicative action and
the public sphere. In: N. Denzin, and Y. Lincoln (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Qualitative
Research (3rd Edition). Thousand Oaks: Sage. 559-603.
Reason, P. and H. Bradbury (eds.) (2008) The Sage Handbook of Action Research. Participative
Inquiry and Practice (2nd edition). London: Sage.
Satterthwaite, D and S. Barrett (2017) Community-driven Data Collection in Informal Settlements.
Better Evidence in Action Toolkit, IIED.
White, S. (1996) Depoliticizing development: the uses and abuses of participation. Development
in Practice 6 (1), 6–15.
All links last accessed March 2019.
Oxfam Research Guidelines:
Integrating Gender in Research Planning:
Undertaking Research with Ethics:
Conducting Focus Groups:
Conducting Semi-structured Interviews:
Networked Toolbox (ActionAid):
Participatory Methods website (Institute of Development Studies, IDS):
Reviewing the Existing Literature:
Researching Human Interest Stories:
Planning Survey Research:
© Oxfam International March 2019.
This guideline has been prepared by the Oxfam Research Network (ORN) for use by development
practitioners and researchers, including Oxfam staff and partners. It was written by Irene Guijt and
Ruth Mayne, and edited by Martin Walsh.
The text may be used free of charge for the purposes of education and research, provided that the
source is acknowledged in full. The copyright holder requests that all such use be registered with
them for impact assessment purposes. For copying in any other circumstances, or for re-use in
other publications, or for translation or adaptation, permission must be secured and a fee may be
charged. Email
[email protected]
Oxfam welcomes comments and feedback on its Research Guidelines. If you would like to discuss
any aspect of this document, please contact
[email protected]. For further information on
Oxfam’s research and publications, please visit
The information in this publication is correct at the time of going to press.
Published by Oxfam GB for Oxfam International under ISBN 978-1-78748-430-6
in March 2019.
Oxfam GB, Oxfam House, John Smith Drive, Cowley, Oxford, OX4 2JY, UK. Oxfam is a registered
charity in England and Wales (no 202918) and Scotland (SC039042).
Oxfam is an international confederation of 20 organizations networked together in more than 90
countries, as part of a global movement for change, to build a future free from the injustice of