Hypotensive effect in the rat after oral prostacyclin (PGI2)

1985, Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Medicine

Prostaglandins HYPOTENSIVE Leukotrienes EFFECT IN and Medicine THE RAT 18: 53-57, 1985 AFTER ORAL PROSTACYCLIN (PGI2) Roberto Ceserani, Mauro Grossoni, Giorgio Ukmar and Nicola Mongelli. Ricerca e Sviluppo Farmitalia Carlo Erba.Via Imbonati 24,Milano,Italia. (reprint requests to R.C.) ABSTRACT PGI dose pressu?e in hypertensive dependently respectively 0.79 significantly to be due lowers mean systemic arterial conscious normotensive and spontaneously rats after oral administration. The ED30 to and 0.63 modified. The PGI itself mg/kg. hypotensive and 2 PGF which, administered bloi"d pressure. Heart not at to was effect its 2 mg/kg rate appears metabolite p.o., was not did 6-ketonot modify INTRODUCTION Many authors orally inactive chemical lated search chemically reported 2, stable 3, and for of the and ulcers after reported an gastric PGI on the to verify systemic normotensive whether arterial of are orally PGI related, rats stress gastrointestinal activity to test is active, However we 2' of ethanol-in- oralPG12 (unpublished data). oral effect of PGI2 on DNA mucosa to (PGI2) together with (5), has stimu- than not dose submitted conscious which longer-lasting or effects prostacyclin this fact short half-life derivatives indomethacin any2data on oral This prompted us that 4); amodestinhibition, duced rat gastric Recently, Balint contents (1, instability the observed have treated with from these (6). Apart tract, wehave not found of PGI orally and on other systems. GI first of all in F 2 spontaneously hypertensive PG12 displays pressure, 53 any lowering effect rats on mean MATERIALS Male weight, (S.H.It.('harles w'ere used thiopental (PE 60) carotid artery brought outside the for a Bell to an Beckman). ing by eight Heart means with 0.3 tered) PGI at 5, five (maximum 1, 2 mg/kg and 10, p.o. at 30 and p.o. measured minutes drugs were ran- were adminis- administered group 5 was treat. systemic arterial before after tracForty 1 was treated 4 were Mean later R 411, rats respectively; were 60 3, was in con- pressure group the 2, hours Beckman). groups: which 2 mg/kg heartlrdate 15, in 24 the hypertensive groups cannula tunnel (Dynograph from poly,common transducer (9857B treatment volume left The recorded polygraph buffer: 6-keto-PGF pressure was calculated spontaneously to glycine 0.5, ?ith and ml of was the I pressur? sodium a small a subcutaneous Pressure channel into g average i.p. recording. through a cardiotachometer and assigned inserted mod.4-327 rate of normotensive domly area. & Howell 300 mg/kg anaesthesia, pressure body :lrld spont,sneoI>s- rats, !Jnder 30 was blood the retroscapular nected ed throughout. cannula Caw' K~verj (Farmotal-Farmitalia) ethylene using METHODS 1OFA-I W::;Di iops normotenslvc< ly hypertensive AND (basal treatment. value) Freeze- salt dissolved in glycine buffer PGI (PGI2 sodium was diluted with saline. E-keto= 10.5 7 stored at -20°C PGF dissolved in absolute ethanol and stored at -20°C was dried pH dili?ed with glycine buffer pH = 10.5. STATISTICAL raw data analysis Using (7) was pressure values temic arterial of mean done, at ANALYSIS arterial covarying each pressure pressure, the a covariance mean systemic experimental time on basal (before values the arterial mean sys- treatmerit).This by Dunnett's test to evalucovariance analysis was followed ate possible differences between the control group (glycine buffer) and treatment groups Furthermore the pressure minutes after treatments ing to tained drop a regression after of mean dose-related. the dose which arterial on 3 doses model (71, pretreatment pressure hypotensive reduces at raw dzta measured were statistically analysis treatment The (PGI mean maximum effect systemic 54 and 6-keto-PGF before and fiv? analyzed accord- covarying values, induced was ). to by expressed arterial data test PGI obif the was as*ED pressure 30' by 10 r 0 -10 .’ \\\ \\’ - \\\ I ,’ it* \’ -40 _ -50 _ -60 0 I\/ \ 1 \/ / / J ,’ ?? ’ / Ii / i // 20I I 10 30I 40I I 50 minutes figure 1. Effect rial pressure PGI 2 , of PCI 2 g-keto-PGFth and glycine on conscious normotensive - 1 - 0.54 PGF;&2 mg/kg - - +; p.o. - - - rats - ..........; ; glycine buffer (n=6 21) from on mean 2. Effect of PGI 2 rial pressure , 6-keto-PGF j& On COnSCiOUS and glycine SpOntaneOUSly treatment systemic arte- for each treatment). - buffer - - ??mg/kg buffer hypertensive p.0.; 6.keto- 0.3 ml. p.o. minutes Figure I 60 from on meon rats systemic (n=8 treatment arte- for each treatment). PGt2 G.S$---+; PGf&Z mg/kg I-----; p.o.. 2W---¤mg/kgp.o.;&keto- .........; glycine 55 buffer 0.3 ml. p.o. -. 30 per cent relative Statistical tests to the were basal done value. wLth a c~-itl(~a. valll~ of a =O.O5. RESULTS PGI 2 lowers ently sive in systemic (Fig. rats (Fig. observed sive ly mean normotensive rats is lo( ’ p.o. 2 mg/kg not (Fig. PGI increases and modify heart ml p.o. rate is more at 30 and - 0.84) of of hypertenpressure PGI normoten- in spontaneous- (81, glyci$e OS. administered buffer pressure (pH=10.5) in normoten- rats (Fig. dose-dependently pronounced in rats; and 2). the than normotensive 6-keto-PGF1% all. was in rng/kg hypertensive not hypertensive rate ED OS arterial but dose-depend- blood The (0.36 spontaneously effect in mg/kg metabolite systemic heart spontaneously 0.63 0.3 mean 1) tacgycardic in and modify sive is a known fall - 0.97) pressure spontaneously treatment. (0.59 rats and maximum after 0.79 hypertensive did the 5 minutes 6-keto-PGF at 2); arter-Lal 1) did not CONCLUSIONS Oral ure in is PG12 able conscious to lower rats though the doses are which must be administered degree of rats was sive rats fect is hypotension. 5.61 (4.07 was 3.64 probably 6-keto-PGF lti mean normotensive is and systemic arterial spontaneously press- hypertensive about 150 times higher than those intravenously to obtain the same in conscious normotensive hypertenpg39 kg and in conscious - 4.12) pg/kg. The hypotensive ef- The ED - 8.02) (3.26 due to PGI2 completely itself as its metabolite inactive. REFERENCES 1) Adaikan Karim and P.G., S.M.M. Kottegoda 1982. reversal of carboprostacyclin Prostaglandins, 2) Mitchell it 3) useful? Anonymus. J.R.A. Br. 1982. S.R., Inhibition Lau of L.C., vasopressin-induced analogue, ON0 Leukotrienes 1983. Med. The J. and Tai platelet ECG 41483, Medicine 56 Lancet and changes by in primates. 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