Muhammad Usama
Department of Electronics
Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6 Canada
[email protected]
Tad A. Kwasniewski
Department of Electronics
Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6 Canada
[email protected]
This paper presents a detailed analysis of metastable
behavior in CMOS Current Mode Logic (CML) latches. The
variation of the latch delay is primarily caused by the finite
current transition time, which in fact depends on the rise/fall
times of the clock signal. In this analysis a relation is defined
between the latch characteristic parameters and the signal
slew rates. The presented analysis is specific for CML latches,
but it still gives insight of such behavior in other latch and flipflop structures. 0.18Pm CMOS technology examples are
Keywords: Metastability analysis, CMOS Current Mode
Logic, CML Latches, signal slew-rate.
1. Introduction
A latch is a level-sensitive clocked storage element. It
usually contains clock (CLK), data (D) as an input and an
output (Q). During one phase of the clock the latch is
transparent, this phase is called a transparent phase. The other
clock phase is known as a latching phase, during which the
output holds the previous data value and is not affected by any
change at the data input. The clock edge between the
transparent and the latching phase is called the isolating or
triggering edge. The timing parameters for the latch are defined
with respect to this triggering edge. Setup time is the minimum
time the data can change before the triggering edge of the
clock, such that a correct output value is produced. Hold time
is the minimum time the data can change after the triggering
edge of the clock.
The failure of a latch due to setup and hold time violations
is not an abrupt process [1]. During the transparent phase of the
clock, there is a certain delay between the last change in the
data and the corresponding change at the output, denoted by
TDQ. This delay is not always constant; it depends on the
relative position of the data with respect to the triggering edge
of the clock, denoted by TDC. For smaller TDC, an increase in
the TDQ can be seen before the latch fails to capture the data.
Setup and hold times can be defined as the TDC time at which
the latch delay TDQ increases by a certain amount (usually an
arbitrary number around 5% to 10%) from its stable value [1].
0-7803-8886-0/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE
CCECE/CCGEI, Saskatoon, May 2005
Fig. 1. Operating regions of a latch.
This variation in the delay is due to the metastable behavior of
the latch. Fig. 1 illustrates the regions of stability in the latch.
A similar curve can be obtained for negative TDC, showing the
hold time.
This delay variation directly translates into jitter when these
latches are used in circuits, like frequency prescalers. The main
cause of metastable behavior is the finite rise/fall time of the
clock and data. At multi-gigahertz frequencies the rise/fall
times of these signals are a significant fraction of the clock
period. The waveform often resembles a sinusoidal wave, so
the metastability is unavoidable.
This paper presents a detailed analysis of the metastable
behavior in the CML latches. Section-2 briefly describes the
operation of the CML latch. In Section-3 metastability
dependence on the rise/fall time of the clock signal is derived.
Section-4 presents 0.18 Pm CMOS technology simulation
results to verify the correctness of the presented analysis.
2. CML Latches
A conventional current mode logic latch consists of a
sample and a hold stage, as shown in the Fig. 2 [2]. The
current switching between the pairs takes place by the
complementary signals of the clock. The sampling pair works
as a CML buffer and when it is activated by the clock signal, it
keeps track of the input data and transforms it to the outputs.
This is known as the sampling mode of the latch. When the
clock polarity changes the hold pair becomes active. The crosscoupled transistors in the hold pair form a regenerative positive
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Table 1. Total output capacitance
(5/3)Cox*W*L + 4Cox*W*LD + 2Cox*DW*L + 2Cj
2Cox*W*L + 4Cox*W*LD + 2Cox*DW*L + 2Cj
(4/3)Cox*W*L + 4Cox*W*LD + 2Cox*DW*L + 2Cj
2Cox*W*L + 4Cox*W*LD + 2Cox*DW*L + 2Cj
Cox = İox/Tox, LD = Lateral Diffusion, DW = 2LD, W = Width, L = Length
3. CML Latch Delay Analysis
Fig. 2. A conventional CML latch.
feedback structure and keep the output data at the current state.
This is known as the hold mode because the output is isolated
from any changes in the input data, as no current is flowing
through the sampling pair.
Any change in a signal with a finite slew rate will take
some time for the input charging to threshold and internal
device turning on, denoted by Ti, which depends on the size
and biasing conditions of the device. After this delay the
current flowing through the device changes immediately and
charging or discharging of output capacitance starts. Ti delay is
usually small as compared to the output charging time.
Different transition time for the data and the clock will have
different impact on the latch propagation delay. For the
following analysis it is assumed that the rise/fall time of the
data and clock signals are the same and denoted by Tr.
A properly biased CML circuit has all the biasing current IS
flowing through either one of the two branches. Due to a
voltage drop across the load RL the low output voltage becomes
VL = VDD – ISRL. The other output of the branch with no current
remains at the high voltage VH = VDD. The output voltage
swing ǻV is therefore VH – VL = ISRL. Ideally all the input and
output signals have the same voltage swing ǻV with a common
mode voltage VM = VDD – ǻV/2.
Let I1 and I2 be the currents flowing through the two loads,
and Isample and Ihold be the currents flowing through the sample
and the hold pairs respectively. The total capacitance at the
output of the latch is given by
CL C j CHold
where CL is the load capacitance, Cj is the drain to bulk
junction capacitance and CHold is the parasitic capacitance of
the cross-coupled hold pair. It is interesting to note that both
outputs see different output capacitances during the sample and
the hold mode, because of the change in the operating region of
active devices [3]. Let CS+, CS , CH+ and CH be the output
capacitances of the positive and negative outputs during the
sample and hold modes respectively. Table 1 summarizes the
total capacitance at the output terminals in both modes of latch
operation. These unequal output capacitances result in unequal
rise and fall times. It is assumed that the CML latch is driving
the same size CML latch or buffer. The load capacitance CL
will also vary depending on the biasing conditions of the
following stage.
Fig. 3. Signal waveforms to illustrate the terminologies used.
3.1. Delay in the Stable Region
If the last change in the data is during the transparent mode
of the latch well before the triggering edge of the clock, the
output will change accordingly after a certain delay TDQ(Stable).
If the data changes from a low input voltage VL to a high input
voltage VH in time Tr, consequently after Ti delay the flow of
current will switch in the branches from I1 to I2 in time Tr. Still
all the current is flowing through the sample pair, because
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there is no change in the clock signal. Once the current
transition starts, the output starts charging and during the
current transition it will be charged up to a final value VO
³ i dt
1 I S Tr
2 C S
At this point the current reaches a stable value of IS and the
charging process continues. Time required to charge the output
to the mid-swing voltage level VM is given by
1 I S Tr
2 C S
· C S
¹ IS
1 C S
'V Tr
2 IS
so the propagation delay in the stable region is given by
1 C S
'V Tr
TDQ ( Stable) Ti Tr
2 IS
1 C S
2 IS
Depending on the level to which the output was previously
charged, it is possible that the output will be charged up to VM
during the time Tr/2. The hold pair would then regenerate it
correctly. This would result in a longer delay and a longer rise
time. This is known as the metastable region where the latch’s
delay TDQ increases exponentially with smaller TDC.
3.4. Limit of the Metastable/Failure Region
If the output fails to charge to VM during the first half of
current transition the hold pair regenerates to a wrong value
and the latch operation fails. The metastable region is limited
by TDC(min) for which the output is charged to VM just before the
current through the hold pair exceeds from that of the sample
pair. Using (6), the output charging to VM during the half
current transition is
3 I S Tr 1 I S Tr
8 C S 8 C S
and the initial charging during the data transition, from (2), is
Note that the delay is taken as the time from 50% input to
the 50% output charging.
3.2. Limit of the Stable Region
Limit of the stable region is TDC(Stable), (see Fig.1), for which
there is no increase in the latch delay from its stable value
TDQ(Stable). It is only possible if the outputs are already charged
to VM, just before the current starts to switch from the sample
to the hold pair. Current transition starts 1 Tr Ti time
1 C S
'V Tr
2 IS
Output Charging = Charging (Sample) – Discharging (Hold)
1 C S
Ti Tr
'V Tr Tr
2 IS
If the data changes after TDC(Stable), the output will not be
charged to VM before the current switching starts. Isample will
decrease gradually and Ihold will increase at the same time. The
hold pair will try to regenerate the data, opposing the sampling
pair. During the first half of current transition (Tr /2), the
current flowing through the sampling pair is larger than the
current flowing through the hold pair. Therefore,
now the total time taken for output charging to VM, is given by
3.3. Delay in the Metastable Region
1 I S Tr
2 C S
1 C S
'V Tr
2 IS
TDQ (max)
Although the total bias current will split between Isample and
Ihold, still all the current will be flowing through the same branch
(I1 or I2). But there will be some change in the output rise time
due to the decrease in the output capacitance, CH+, as the hold
pair is now in active region. It is clear from (5) that the setup
time increases with Tr.
so the time used for charging with stable current IS , is
1 I S Tr 1 I S Tr · C S
T ¨¨VM V L
2 C S
4 C S ¸¹ I S
earlier than the clock edge.
TDC ( Stable ) t TDQ ( Stable ) Tr Ti
1 I S Tr
4 C S
1 C S
'V Tr
2 IS
since the current switching takes place Ti delay after the clock
edge, the corresponding TDC(min) can be obtained as follows
TDC (min)
TDQ (max) Ti
1 C S
'V Tr
2 IS
Any change in the data after this time will not be captured
by the latch. And the hold pair will regenerate the output to its
previous value. An unwanted bump at the output will appear,
as shown in Fig. 4. Equations (5) and (9) define the boundaries
of the metastable region, which is clearly dependent on Tr.
4. Simulation Verification
The presented analysis is based on an assumption that the
biasing current IS remains constant during the switching of data
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Fig. 6. CML latch delay with different rise/fall times.
Fig. 4. Effect of late data arrival.
and clock signals. However, in reality, as it could easily be
observed in simulation, the current IS varies during switching.
The first effect is that during the current commutation between
the sampling and holding branches the instantaneous
conductance of both branches can be low, causing the total
current to drop. This can be prevented by careful selection of
DC biasing of clock and data signals. The second effect is
caused by the CDS parasitic capacitance of the current sourcing
transistor. This effect is difficult to avoid especially in a lowvoltage design where the VDS voltage drop is minimized by
increasing the W/L ratio of current biasing transistor.
Interestingly, the resulting current peaking effect may improve
the performance of the latch circuit. The results of this
investigation will be reported in a separate publication.
5. Conclusion
This paper addressed the issue of metastable behavior in
CML latches. A detailed analysis was presented to show the
dependence of characteristic latch parameters on the rise/fall
time of the clock signal. In fact the latch/flip-flop timing
parameters are the issue of reliability of the system. This
analysis would allow the designers to find the optimum setup
time for the latches/flip-flops, in order to use every fraction of
the clock period. The optimum setup time lies within the
metastable region [4], whose boundaries are determined by the
current switching time. Hence the rise and fall times of the
clock signal strongly affect the performance of a latch or flipflop. Based on this analysis, the circuit re-optimization will
result in increased speed and reliability of the system.
The authors would like to thank NSERC for supporting this
research work.
Fig. 5. Simulation test bench.
A test bench is set-up as shown in Fig. 5 to simulate the
effect of Tr on the latch timing parameters. TSMC 0.18Pm
CMOS technology was used as an example. Series input
resistors Rin are used to realize the input charging time Ti,
using ideal sources. TDC is swept from the stable region to the
failure region and the corresponding latch delay TDQ is plotted.
Fig. 6 shows the simulation results, with different values of Tr.
It can be observed that during the stable region the delay does
not depend on Tr, as predicted by (4). The setup time and the
width of metastable region are also proportional to the rise/fall
time. The latch delay before failure TDC(max) is found to be
much higher in simulation than what was predicted in (8). This
is due to the drop in total bias current IS, as explained earlier in
this section.
[1] Vojin G. Oklobdzija, Vladimir M. Stojanovic, Dejan M.
Markovic, and Nikola M. Nedovic, DIGITAL SYSTEM
CLOCKING: High-Performance and Low-Power Aspects,
IEEE Press: Piscataway, NJ, USA, 2003, Pages: 47-50.
[2] Muhammad Usama and Tad Kwasniewski, “Design and
comparison of CMOS current mode logic latches,”
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits
and Systems, Volume: 4, May 2004 Pages: 353 - 356
[3] David A. Johns and Ken Martin, ANALOG INTEGRATED
CIRCUIT DESIGN, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997, Pages:
[4] N. Nedovic, W. W. Walker and V. G. Oklobdzija, “A test
circuit for measurement of clocked storage element
characteristics,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits,
Volume: 39, Issue: 8, Aug. 2004 Pages: 1294 – 1304.
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