CPE 675_Wastewater Engineering_Test_Mohd Wishal


References. Can be used for further discussion.

CONFIDENTIAL EH/MAY 2021/CPE675 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA MID TERM ASSESSMENT COURSE : WASTEWATER ENGINEERING COURSE CODE : CPE675 EXAMINATION : 20 MAY 2021 TIME : 24 HOURS Name : MOHAMAD WISHAL KURNIA BIN AZMY ___________________________________________________ Student ID : 2018437792 ______________________________ Group: Lecturer’s Name : EH2208C ______ __ (MDM.) NUR AIN BINTI MOHD ZAINUDDIN ___________________________________________________ Question Number PO CO a PO1 CO1 b&c PO2 CO2 d PO2 CO3 Total Total (%) © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA Marks 12 68 20 100 INSTRUCTION TO CANDIDATES 1. This question paper consists of ONE (1) question. 2. Answer ALL questions in the question’s booklet. 3. Submit your answer in Google Classroom in PDF format before 4 PM, 21 MAY 2021. 4. Save your PDF file as follow: MTACPE675-Nur Ain Mohd Zainuddin_2014424779_8F 5. Submit plagiarism form, together with the answer script. CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL EH/MAY 2021/CPE675 QUESTION 1 You are the design engineer in an environmental consultant company that providing services for Industrial Effluent Treatment System (IETS) design. Your company was awarded to evaluate the current design of an IETS of company X. Company X is involved in manufacturing of gloves for industrial and commercial used. The factory is operating daily for 2 shifts in 24 hours/day. The source of wastewater generation is mainly from the washing process during gloves manufacturing process and cleaning of the equipment. The current IETS was designed by consultant company A. Company A had submitted written notification document for IETS but it was rejected by Department of Environment (DOE). The IETS was built before company X obtained written notification approval from DOE. Currently, wastewater treated via current IETS process is not comply with Environmental Quality, Industrial Effluent Regulation 2009 (Standard B). The information for currents IETS design can be referred as below; 1) Current design only caters for 5 m3/hr for 2 unit of production line. Additional for 3 unit of production line is estimated to operate in Jan 2022. 2) Only physical and chemical process involved. 3) Figure 1 shows the process flow diagram (PFD) submitted together with written notification to DOE by consultant company A. 4) Figure 2 shows as built block flow diagram for actual IETS. 5) Sludge interceptor tank is functioned as sedimentation tank. 6) pH sensor in pH adjustment tank did not connect with dosing pump. 7) Liquid Sodium hydroxide (48%) and liquid coagulant are dosed simultaneously in the pH adjustment tank. 8) Liquid anionic polymer is dosed in PAM reaction tank. Table 1 shows the summary of the Industrial Effluent Characterization Study (IECS) for Company X. The IECS data only cater for 2 unit of production line. As a design engineer, your task is to verify the design of the current IETS and propose new IETS design focusing only on physical chemical process to ensure the final discharge compliance to according to Environmental Quality, Industrial Effluent Regulation 2009 (Standard B) for company X. © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL EH/MAY 2021/CPE675 pH adjustment tank PAM reaction tank Sludge interceptor tank Sedimentation tank 1 Sedimentation tank 2 Influent pump level controlled Sludge Thickening tank H2SO4 Filter press NaOH Polymer 48% Activated carbon column FeCl3 Treated water to river Residual water to sump Figure 1: Submitted process flow diagram for written notification by consultant company A NaOH 48% Sludge interceptor tank , 3 2.25 m Coagulant pH adjustment 3 tank , 1.2 m Polymer PAM reaction 3 tank, 1.2 m Sedimentation 3 tank 1, 4.5 m sludge Filter water 3 tank , 5 m sludge Open sand bed 3 filter, 2m Sludge thickening 3 tank , 3 m Sedimentation tank 3 2, 4.5 m sludge Filter press, 300 L Equalization tank , 8 m3 Raw Wastewater Filtrate Bag water filter , 2 m3/hr Sand filter 2 m3/hr SW 204 Final discharge point Final discharge 3 holding tank, 0.5 m Activated carbon column 2 m3/hr Figure 2: Block flow diagram for actual IETS built in Company X. © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL EH/MAY 2021/CPE675 Table 1: IECS data for company X Parameter Value DOE Std. B Flowrate, m3/hr 7 pH 4 5.5 to 9.0 Biological Oxygen Demand, mg/l 800 <50 Chemical Oxygen Demand, mg/l 5000 <200 Total Suspended Solids, mg/l 3000 <100 Oil & Grease, mg/l 150 <10 Ammoniacal Nitrogen, mg/l 120 <20 Aluminium, mg/l 200 <15 QUESTION 1 (A) (PO1, CO1, C2) Based on explanation, Figure 1 and Figure 2, state at least four (4) violation of Environmental Quality (Industrial Effluent) Regulation 2009 with details justification and specific regulation that have been committed by consultant company A and Company X. (12 Marks) QUESTION 1 (B) (PO2, CO2, C4) Based on Figure 1,Figure 2 and the IECS data; i) Identify at least three (3) faulty in the current design of IETS. (9 Marks) ii) By referring to Table 2, evaluate at least seven (7) treatment units either need to be maintain, remove, modified, or replace with other suitable treatment unit based on the fundamental design of IETS. Treatment unit Table 2: The evaluation of current IETS Purpose of the Parameter to be Remain / removed/ treatment unit removed or treated modified / replace Justification (21 Marks) iii) By referring to Table 3, propose new IETS design to comply Standard B under Environmental Quality (Industrial Effluent) Regulation 2009 by considering the expansion of production line. The proposed design should include the detail of item as stated below; Treatment unit Purpose of the treatment unit Table 3: The new IETS design Parameter to be Primary or removed or treated Tertiary treatment Justification (18 Marks) iv) Sketch an appropriate process flow diagram (PFD) for the proposed IETS. (6 Marks) © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL v) EH/MAY 2021/CPE675 Identify the suitable IETS treatment unit if you are required to modify the proposed IETS design (Question B (iii)) to comply with Standard A. (6 Marks) QUESTION 1 (C) (PO2, CO2, C4) Based on your proposed IETS design in Question B (iii), either for a clarifier/ sedimentation/DAF, calculate: i) The required surface area (in m2). (2 Marks) ii) The dimension (width, length, depth, diameter in m) and tank volume (m3). (4 Marks) iii) The retention time (in hr). (2 Marks) QUESTION 1 (D) (PO2, CO3, C6) The jar test experiment has been conducted to calculate the suitable amount of ferric chloride as a coagulant in coagulation process. The results obtain from the jar test experiment will be used to evaluate the adequate amount of chemical required for the proposed IETS design (Question B(iii)). The jar test results are presented as below; % of coagulant used in jar test = 50%, Volume of optimum coagulant dosage from jar test= 1.2 ml Volume of influent used in jar test = 500 ml. As a design engineer you are required to determine: i) The daily amount (L/day) of ferric chloride required from the coagulant dosing tank. Assume liquid coagulant with concentration of 100% was prepared in the dosing tank. (4 Marks) ii) The daily amount (in kg/day) of lime or sodium hydroxide and oxygen (mg/L) required to form insoluble hydroxide. (10 Marks) iii) The amount of sludge produced daily in kg/day. (6 Marks) END OF QUESTION PAPER © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL MOHAMAD WISHAL KURNIA BIN AZMY 2018437792 CPE 675: WASTEWATER ENGINEERING (MDM.) NUR AIN BINTI MOHD ZAINUDDIN 21 MAY 2021 21 MAY 2021