Statistics of optic flow for self-motion through natural scenes
Dirk Calow1, Norbert Krüger3, Florentin Wörgötter2 and Markus Lappe1
1 Dept. of Psychology, Westf.- Wilhelms University, Fliednerstr. 21, 48149 Münster, Germany
[email protected],
[email protected]
2 Institute for Neuronal Computational Intelligence and Technology, Stirling, Scotland, UK
[email protected]
3 Dep. of Computer Science and Engineering, Aalborg University Esbjerg, Denmark
[email protected]
Abstract Image analysis in the visual system is well adapted to the statistics of natural scenes.
Investigations of natural image statistics have so far mainly focused on static features. We present a method
to investigate the statistics of natural optic flow fields related to self-motion within natural scenes and
present first results of a statistical analysis.
1 Introduction
In many situations the brain has to analyze ambiguous sensory signals. In such cases it
may (re)construct perception by using statistically plausible predictions and/or statistical
models of the signal-sending environment. For the sake of efficiency, adaptations of the
signal processing system to the statistics of natural environments are very likely. Effects
of such adaptations are often seen in Gestalt laws [5]. In the visual modality, several
researchers invested effort to reveal the statistics of natural environments and to link
them with the neural representation of the sceneries [13, 1, 12, 15, 17, 4, 14, 2]. However,
their investigations were largely restricted to static attributes of natural scenes, even when
the stimulus material contained dynamic visual scenes [15, 2]. The resulting statistics are
treated as invariant with respect to position in the view field. In contrast the properties of
motion signals elicited on motion detectors by self-motion within natural sceneries
strongly depend on position in the view field. Such motion signals form global patterns of
optic flow and there is convincing evidence that these motion patterns are processed in
higher visual areas, specifically areas MT and MST [10, 9]. We hypothesize that the
motion-processing pathway of the brain may also use statistical properties of natural flow
fields to construct optic flow from the motion signals obtained from early motion
detectors. An investigation of the statistical properties of optic flow can be the starting
point to reveal some interrelations between natural statistics and biological
implementations along the motion-processing pathway.
Why is the construction of optic flow from early motion signals important? The pattern of
optic flow generated by self-motion encodes behaviorally relevant information about the
direction and velocity of self-motion, the distances of potential obstacles, and more [10,
9]. Animals use this information for path planning, obstacle avoidance, ego-motion
control and foreground-background segregation to recognize moving objects. Early
motion signals are estimated from the spatiotemporal intensity changes of light falling
onto the retina and are affected by the aperture problem, noise in the processing pathway,
spatial luminance fluctuations, etc. Models of early motion detection have
U. Ilg et al. (eds.), Dynamic Perception, Infix Verlag, St. Augustin. pp. 133-138
Figure 1 Panoramic projection of the 3D data of a range-image, brightness encodes the intensity of the
reflected laser beam, i.e. white: high intensity, black: vanishing intensity.
demonstrated that these motion signals are ambiguous and often simply wrong [3, 7]. Use
of statistical relationships may help to disambiguate and regularize the flow field.
Statistical analyses of optic flow may be undertaken on the true motion signals, or the
signals from early motion detectors, or the correlation of both. An investigation of the
properties of motion fields estimated from elementary motion detectors of the fly can be
found in [16]. An analysis of the relation between the flow fields estimated by several
flow algorithms and the actual optic flow can be found in [7]. The present investigation is
dedicated to the statistics of the true motion signals. For such an analysis a large set of
correct optic flow fields obtained from various self-motions through natural environments
are required. In the following we introduce a method to generate correct optic flow fields
for self-motion through natural sceneries in sufficient number. We then present the first
results of a first order statistics of optic flow fields for natural self-motion.
2 Methods
Database. We use the Brown Range Image Database, a database of 197 range images
collected by Ann Lee, Jinggang Huang and David Mumford at Brown University [6]. The
range images are recorded with a laser range finder with high spatial resolution. Each
image contains 444×1440 measurements with an angular separation of 0.18°. The field of
view is 80° vertically and 259° horizontally. The distance of each point is calculated from
the time of flight of the laser beam, where the operational range of the sensor is 2-200m.
The laser wavelength is 0.9µm in the near infrared region. Thus the data of each point
consist of 4 values, the horizontal angle φ, the vertical angle θ and the distance R(φ,θ) in
spherical coordinates and a value for the reflected intensity of the laser beam. The
location of the source of the laser beam is 1.5m above the ground. The 197 data sets can
be categorized as ”forest”, ”residential”, and ”interior” sceneries. Figure 1 shows a
typical range-image of the category ”residential” projected onto the φ-θ plane. Note that
the horizon is located at θ=90°. It can be seen, that the intensity of the reflected laser
beam characterizes the properties of the reflecting surfaces sufficiently well. The objects
in the scene are clearly visible and the image resembles a grey level picture of a fully
illuminated scene at night.
Retinal projection. The knowledge of the 3D coordinates of each image point allows
calculation of the true motion of the corresponding projected point for any given
combination of translation and rotation of the projection surface. As we are interested in
the statistics of retinal projections we consider a spherical projection surface. To describe
optic flow vectors on the sphere we use the following notation: Let ε be the angle of
eccentricity describing the meridians of the sphere and σ the rotation angle describing the
circles of latitude rotating counterclockwise. Note that the focal point is defined by ε=0.
The meridians and the circles of latitude are coordinate lines and every vector v on the
sphere has the components v=(vε,vσ) in the respective local orthonormal coordinate
system. The velocity of a point moving over the sphere described in terms of the temporal
derivations of ε and σ is given by v=(dε/dt, sin(ε)dσ/dt). Thus one obtains
vε = cos(ε)sin(ε)Tz/Z - (cos(σ)Tx + sin(σ)Ty)cos2(ε)/Z+ sin(σ)Ωx - cos(σ)Ωy,
vσ = (sin(σ)Tx - cos(σ)Ty)cos(ε)/Z - sin(ε)Ωz + cos(ε)(cos(σ)Ωx + sin(σ)Ωy),
where T=(Tx,Ty,Tz), Ω=(Ω x,Ωy,Ωz), and Z=R(φ,θ)sin(φ)sin(θ)=R(ε,σ)cos(ε) denote the
translation and rotation of the projection surface, and the depth at position (ε,σ).
Ego-motion parameters. To calculate the flow field from the scene structure we need
the motion parameters of the projection surface. These involve movement directions
within the scenes, and rotations that stabilize gaze on environmental objects as the
observer moves through the scene [8, 9, 11]. Because of gaze stabilization reflexes we
assume that the rotation depends on the translation by Ω=1/Zf(Ty,-Tx, 0). Zf denotes the
depth of the point at which gaze is directed.
To determine possible movement direction within a range image scene we search for
areas in the scene, which are free of obstacles in a depth of at least 3m and a width of
0.7m. This criterion gives us a set of possible moving direction for each scene. To obtain
gaze directions that we can use to generate gaze stabilization movements we measured
eye movements of observers who viewed the scenes on a 17-inch computer monitor.
Segments of the range images (white frame in figure 1) that were centered on possible
movement directions and projected on a 36.5cm×27.5cm plane with a focal length of
30cm were used for the presentations. Six subjects viewed these images with the head
stabilized on a chin rest 30cm in front of the monitor. Gaze fixation points were measured
by an eye tracking system (Eye Link II). Pictures were shown for 1 second in immediate
succession. The first fixation for each picture was rejected because it might be partially
driven from the preceding picture. The subsequent fixations were used as gaze directions
for the later analysis. Figure 2 shows gaze directions while viewing ”residential”
sceneries. The points are plotted in spherical coordinates (φ,θ) and centered on the
direction of motion used for the flow field calculations.
Optic flow fields. To calculate the flow fields, we assume that the subjects are moving
through the sceneries with a velocity of 1m/s in a certain direction as described above.
The field of view for each flow field is set to 90° horizontally and 58° vertically. This
field of view is subdivided in pixels of 0.36°×0.36° yielding a grid of 250×160 pixels. As
the angular separation of the range images is 0.18 one pixel covers up to 4 data points.
The depth values Z from these data points are averaged. The mean depth value is
Figure 2: Measured gaze directions plotted in
spherical coordinates (φ,θ).
Figure 3: Retinal flow field of the
scene in the white frame in figure 1
for a particular ego-motion.
assigned to the pixel in question. The flow vector of a pixel depends on the depth value,
the translation and rotation components of the ego-motion and the visual field position of
the center of the pixel. The flow vectors of all pixels of an image provide the correct flow
field for this gaze direction, ego-motion, and scene. Figure 3 shows an example of a true
retinal flow field.
Statistical analysis. In this way, we obtain 2558 flow fields for the ”residential”
category, 1017 flow fields for the ”forest” category and 408 for the ”indoor” category. To
examine the first order statistics of these flow fields the two dimensional velocity space
(vε,vσ) is subdivided in bins of 0.286479degree/s × 0.286479degree/s. Each flow vector
falling into a velocity bin increases the frequency of occurrence for the bin by 1. The first
order statistics we obtain comprise the relative frequencies in velocity space as a function
of the position in the visual field.
3 Results
Figure 4, left panel, shows the frequency distributions of velocities as density plots for six
positions in the left visual hemifield. The distributions in the right hemifield are
essentially mirror-symmetric. To better visualize the distributions, the grey scale shows
the third root of the relative frequencies. Thus the maximum value 0.19 pictured as black
points is equivalent to a relative frequency of 0.0068. Note that the horizontal meridian is
defined by θ= 90° and the vertical meridian by φ= 90°.
Figure 4 (left panel) reveals clear differences between the upper and the lower field of
view. In the lower field (here presented by the positions φ=126°, θ =112° and φ= 90°,
θ=112°) the distributions are rather broad and spread out in the positive vε half space. At
φ=90°, θ=112° there is a symmetric deviation from the radial direction in the positive and
negative vσ direction. For position φ=126°, θ=112° this distribution is asymmetric. There
is a correlation between radial velocity vε and tangential velocity vσ such that for smaller
vε values (vε<0.2rad/s) the distribution is spread in the positive vσ half space and
Figure 4: Relative frequencies for 6 different view field positions. Left: natural scenes, middle: random
scenes, right: natural scenes without gaze stabilization. The axis’s are labeled in rad/s. Positions: Top left:
φ=126°, θ=68°, top right; φ=90°, θ=68°, middle left: φ=126°, θ=90°, middle right: φ=90°, θ=90°, down
left: φ=126°, θ=112°, down right: φ=90°, θ=112°
conversely for higher vε values in the negative vσ half space.
In general, caused by the smaller depth values in the lower visual field, the velocity
values are higher and the distribution is broader than in the upper visual field. Since the
depth values in the upper visual field are generally larger the distributions are less broad
and values of vε>0.17rad/s are rare. But like in the lower view field the distributions are
skewed towards the positive vε half space. At φ=126°, θ=90°, i.e. along the horizontal
meridian, the velocities are largely radial. Because any deviations from the radial
direction at this position can only be caused by the rotation component Ωx from the gaze
stabilization, this distribution reflects the effects of the largely horizontal distribution of
gaze positions (Figure 2).
It is interesting to see to what degree the properties of these distributions depend on the
structure of the environment or on the ego-motion parameters. To reveal the influence of
scene structure we compare the respective distributions (left panel in figure 4) with
frequency distributions obtained with the same ego-motion parameters in a completely
unstructured environment (middle panel in figure 4). In this unstructured environment
depth is random and uniformly distributed between 2m and 50m. In the unstructured
environment the distributions are symmetric between the upper and lower visual field of
view. The kernels (black regions) have the shape of slightly distorted triangles and are
more peaked than in the natural environment. Furthermore the distributions in natural
environments are shifted towards higher vε values.
To reveal the influence of the ego-motion parameters, particularly gaze direction and
gaze stabilization movements, we compare the distributions of natural scenes (left panel
in figure 4) with frequency distributions obtained with the same scenes but without gaze
stabilization (right panel in figure 4). It can be seen that respective distributions become
broader without gaze stabilization. Especially at position φ=90°, θ= 90° the missing gaze
stabilization leads to motion signals also in the central field of view.
4 Conclusions
The first order statistics of retinal optic flow reveal a clear influence of both the structure
of natural scenes and the ego-motion parameters. Large differences between natural and
completely unstructured environments show the influence of scene statistics. The
existence of the ground in natural environments leads to clear differences between the
optic flow statistics of the upper and the lower field of view. Differences between egomotion with and without gaze stabilization show the importance of gaze stabilization
reflexes. Because of gaze stabilization, flow fields become more stereotyped and the
velocity distributions become sharper.
Acknowledgements: ML is supported by the German Science Foundation, the German Federal Ministry of
Education and Research BioFuture Prize, the Human Frontier Science Program, and the EC Projects
ECoVision and Eurokinesis.
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