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AI-generated Abstract
The paper presents a novel triangular model for Adaptive Hypermedia Systems (AHS) to enhance the adaptability of e-learning courseware. This model refines the traditional AHAM reference model by separating the learner, content, and adaptation models into three distinct sub-models, facilitating flexible and personalized content delivery based on individual learner characteristics. The architecture supports various adaptation techniques and emphasizes metadata-driven approaches, aiming to improve interoperability and consistency in adaptive learning environments.
Authoring Tools for Advanced Technology Learning …, 2003
Proceedings of ED-MEDIA, 1995
Journal of Computing and Information Technology, 2005
Adaptive hypermedia courseware systems resolve the problem of users' disorientation in hyperspace through the adaptive navigation and presentation support. We describe the AHyCo (Adaptive Hypermedia Courseware)-an adaptive Web-based educational system for creation and reuse of adaptive courseware with emphasis on adaptive navigation support and lessons sequencing. The proposed model consists of the domain model, the student model, and the adaptive model. The system is composed of two environments: the authoring environment and the learning environment.
International Journal of …, 2010
The domain of traditional hypermedia is revolutionized by the arrival of the concept of adaptation. Currently the domain of Adaptive Hypermedia Systems (AHS) is constantly growing. A major goal of current research is to provide a personalized educational experience that meets the needs specific to each learner (knowledge level, goals, motivation etc...). In this article we have studied the possibility of implementing traditional features of adaptive hypermedia in an open environment, and discussed the standards for describing learning objects and architectural models based on the use of ontologies as a prerequisite for such an adaptation.
Proc. of IADATe-2004, Bilbao, Spain, 2004
The e-learning systems can adapt courseware contents in a way based on a model of goals, preferences and knowledge of each individual user, which he/she demonstrates during the overall learning process. While goals and preferences can use adaptation forms such as a questionnaire for determining the user stereotype, more advanced Learning Management Systems (LMS) can also adapt the learning process based on the behaviour of the user during the course. All this information about user preferences, knowledge and behaviour is accumulated and treated in a user model which is a kind of repository about the user and forms the hearth of a learner centric and adaptable system. Adaptive hypertext provides authors of LMS with a powerful solution of the problems of selecting information that is appropriate to the diverse needs of users, and it is most commonly implemented in e-learning systems. The most important adaptive techniques are adaptive navigation support, adaptive presentation and adaptive content selection. They are included in two modern approaches for selecting courseware material to be presented to learners: Adaptive Hypermedia (AH) and IMS Simple Sequencing (SS). The paper describes the differences between these two approaches and tries to select the best features of each one in order to create a common and powerful model for adaptive e-learning system. As a result of our comparison, we propose a model providing dynamic course generation techniques in order to generate appropriate course sequences for adaptive user understanding of the subject domain. Next, we show how this model can be applied in the ARCADE (Architecture for Reusable Courseware Authoring and Delivery) platform, which has been developed and is currently widely used in Sofia University.
Adaptive hypermedia is a new area of research at the crossroads of hypermedia, adaptive systems, and intelligent tutoring systems. Educational hypermedia systems is cirrently the most popular kind of adaptive hypermedia. The goal of this paper is to uncover the secrets of authoring adaptive educational hypermedia. The paper provides a clear structured view on the process of adaptive hypermedia authoring starting from the early design stage. It also reviews a few modern adaptive hypermedia authoring systems that are oriented to educational practitioners.
Advanced Methodologies and Technologies in Modern Education Delivery, 2019
The purpose of adaptive educational hypermedia systems (AEHS) is to provide each learner with learning experiences that have been specially tailored to their specific learning requirements. While the concept of AEHS appears promising, AEHS are very complex systems to design and develop. This chapter reviews a few of the challenges encountered in the design and development of these complex systems and some of the challenges encountered by educators who propose to use AEHS with their students. A number of the skills required by educators to develop positive learning experiences are discussed. In order to successfully use AEHS, educators must decide on what student characteristics to base the adaptive elements of the course. Educators may feel challenged to show the impact that AEHS can have on the learning experience. Educators may have a dilemma in deciding to allow or not to allow (1) student access to their user model and (2) students to edit their user model. Further research is r...
Adaptive Technologies for Training and Education, 2012
Adaptive hypermedia is a relatively new direction in research at the crossroads of hypermedia and user modeling. Adaptive hypermedia systems build a model of the goals, preferences and knowledge of each individual user and use this model throughout the interaction with the user, in order to adapt to the needs of that user. Educational hypermedia was one of the first application areas for adaptive hypermedia and is currently one of the most popular and well-investigated. The goal of this presentation is to explain the nature and the mechanism of adaptation in educational adaptive hypermedia and to provide several examples of using adaptive hypermedia in educational and training applications of different natures and complexity.
Acta Paedagogica Volynienses
У статті розглядається проблема використання ігрових технологій у освітньому процесі початкової школи, спрямованих на активізацію пізнавальної діяльності учнів. Акцентується увага на ігрових технологіях навчання як важливій складовій повноцінного розвитку молодшого школяра. Автор досліджує використання ігрових технологій як ефективної форми педагогічної взаємодії з учнями з ООП у початковій школі. У статті автор розкриває переваги ігрових технологій, такі як покращення мотивації та зацікавленості учнів, розвиток креативності та проблемно-орієнтованого мислення, покращення ставлення до самого процесу навчання та сприяння комунікації. Також розглядаються питання використання ігрових технологій у контексті нових вимог до освіти та підготовки учнів до життя у сучасному світі, як найприроднішого і найпривабливішого прийому, який сприяє кращому засвоєнню нового матеріалу та активації пізнавальної діяльності. Автор доводить, що використання ігор, під час проведення уроків, дає можливість п...
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