Estimation of longitudinal resolution in optical
coherence imaging
Ceyhun Akcay, Pascale Parrein, and Jannick P. Rolland
The spectral shape of a source is of prime importance in optical coherence imaging because it determines
several aspects of image quality, especially longitudinal resolution. Wide spectral bandwidth, which
provides short coherence length, is sought to obtain high-resolution imaging. To estimate longitudinal
resolution, the spectral shape of a source is usually assumed to be Gaussian, although the spectra of real
sources are typically non-Gaussian. We discuss the limit of this assumption regarding the estimation
of longitudinal resolution. To this end, we also investigate how coherence length is related to longitudinal resolution through the evaluation of different definitions of the coherence length. To demonstrate
our purpose, the coherence length for several theoretical and real spectral shapes of sources having the
same spectral bandwidth and central wavelength is computed. The reliability of coherence length
computations toward the estimation of longitudinal resolution is discussed. © 2002 Optical Society of
OCIS codes: 030.1640, 110.4500, 350.5730.
1. Introduction
Optical coherence imaging is a biomedical imaging
technique based on low-coherence interferometry,
which operates on the basic principle that two broadband fields interfere only if the optical path difference
of the interferometer arms is within the coherence
length of the source.1–5 Thus the coherence length
sets the temporal width of the interferometric signal
formed by the low-coherence interferometer and consequently sets an upper bound on the longitudinal
resolution of the imaging system. The impact of
noise in optical coherence imaging is voluntarily disregarded in the present investigation, given that
noise will decrease longitudinal resolution. We focus here on the choice of the source to estimate an
upper bound on resolution.
The power spectral density 共PSD兲 of the source,
which is fully characterized by its shape, its spectral
bandwidth, and its center wavelength, is at the base
of coherence length computing and has a critical im-
The authors are with the School of Optics, Center for Research
and Education in Optics and Lasers, University of Central Florida,
P.O. Box 162700, 4000 Central Florida Boulevard, Orlando, Florida 32816-2700. J. P. Rolland’s e-mail address is
[email protected].
Received 22 October 2001; revised manuscript received 20 February 2002.
© 2002 Optical Society of America
APPLIED OPTICS 兾 Vol. 41, No. 25 兾 1 September 2002
portance for the ability to resolve small structures in
optical coherence imaging such as optical coherence
tomography1 and optical coherence microscopy.4 In
this paper we investigate optical coherence imaging
cases in which the self-coherence function is the determining factor of longitudinal resolution. The impact on longitudinal resolution of high-numericalaperture focusing of light in the sample, when it has
to be taken into account, is discussed in detail in the
In coherence imaging, the coherence length appears in the detected signal through the selfcoherence function, which can be regarded as the
point-spread function 共PSF兲 of the imaging system.6
There are various metrics for the measurement of
coherence length from the self-coherence function:
full width at half-maximum 共FWHM兲, the width at
e⫺1 of the maximum, and the equivalent width.7
The coherence length has also been defined as the
product of the speed of light c with the coherence time
c computed from the normalized self-coherence function as reviewed in Subsection 2.A.
In this paper we first review two common metrics
for computing the coherence length. We then define
the longitudinal resolution and its relation to the
coherence length of a source in optical coherence imaging. Theoretical results of computed coherence
lengths for two theoretical PSDs, the Gaussian and
the Lorentzian, and a real PSD of a superluminescent
diode 共SLD兲, all centered at 950 nm and having a
62-nm bandwidth, are then presented. Importantly
for practical trends in coherence imaging, we finally
present a theoretical estimation of coherence length
for sources of extended spectral bandwidths, yet with
bumpy spectral profiles, and discuss the validity of
the relationship between coherence length and longitudinal resolution.
2. Computing Coherence Length and Defining
Resolution in Coherence Imaging
After reviewing two common definitions of coherence
length, we model the detected signal issued from two
layers and evaluate whether either one of these formulas can be used consistently to predict resolution.
Computing Coherence Length
The coherence length defined as the FWHM of the
self-coherence function has been used most extensively
to predict the longitudinal resolution in optical coherence imaging. Several groups have carried out experimental assessments showing a good agreement
between the self-coherence width predicted from the
source spectrum and the measured PSF.8 –10 The two
last examples 共Refs. 9 and 10兲, which employ, respectively, a SLD and a Ti:Al2O3 laser, underline the need
to take into account the fact that their sources were not
Gaussian to evaluate the coherence length.
An interferometric signal is the correlation between
the fields issued from the reference arm ER共r, zR兲 and
the sample arm ES共r, zS兲 of the interferometer, where
r is the transverse position at the detector, and zR and
zS are the optical path length in the reference and
sample arms, respectively. The optical path-length
difference ⌬z ⫽ 共zS ⫺ zR兲 between both of the arms can
be translated into a temporal term ⫽ 2 ⌬z兾c. The
interferometric signal I共兲 given by
I共兲 ⬀ Re
E R共r, t ⫹ 兲 E S*共r, t兲dr ,
where the spatial integration is over the detector area
A and the angle brackets correspond to the temporal
integration over the detection time that is greater
than the coherence time of the source. When the
fields in both arms are the same, the right-hand term
in relation 1 simply represents the autocorrelation of
the fields.
The PSD of a signal is the Fourier transform of its
autocorrelation function, also called the self-coherence
function, as stated by the Wiener–Khintchine theorem.11 The inverse Fourier transform of a PSD S共兲,
where is the wavelength, is the self-coherence function ⌫共兲 兵i.e., ⌫共兲 ⫽ Ᏺ⫺1关S共兲兴其, where denotes the
time delay. The complex temporal coherence function 共or complex degree of temporal coherence function兲 ␥共兲 is defined as the normalized self-coherence
function and given by ⌫共兲兾⌫共0兲.
A first, most commonly employed metric for the
coherence length is the FWHM of the modulus of the
complex temporal coherence function 兩␥共兲兩:
l cFWHM ⫽ c共⬘ ⫺ ⬙兲 ⫽ c FWHM,
Fig. 1. Two-layer model to determine the longitudinal resolution.
where 兩␥共⬘兲兩 ⫽ 兩␥共⬙兲兩 ⫽ 兩␥共0兲兩兾2.
Another metric for the coherence length is that
defined as the product of the speed of light c and the
coherence time c given by6,12
lc ⫽ c
兩␥共兲兩 2d.
Coherence Length and Resolution
A general definition of longitudinal resolution accepted in optical coherence imaging is half of the
coherence length of the source 共i.e., lcFWHM兾2 or lc兾
2兲.3,13 The choice of the FWHM of 兩␥共兲兩 for coherence
length, most commonly chosen as mentioned above, is
historical in nature and derived from the Rayleigh
resolution criterion, which states that two equally
bright point sources are barely resolved when the
first zero of the Airy disk of the image of one point
共which is the PSF of the imaging system for a circular
aperture兲 is at the center of the Airy disk of the image
of the other point. In this configuration, the resulting image intensity at the center corresponds to
73.5% of the intensity at the peaks.6 It is important
to note that the shape of the PSF is critical to the
value of the composed image intensity at the center,
as we show in this paper. Therefore a criterion for
Airy-disk-shaped PSFs may not necessarily apply
generally to other shaped functions.
If we return to fundamentals, the longitudinal resolution of an optical coherence imaging system is the
minimum longitudinal separation detectable in two
successive distinct locations 共or layers兲 in the sample
with different optical characteristics, where backreflections occur. If we denote ⌬z the minimal distance between two layers that can be detected, E1 the
field reflected from the first layer at position zS, E2
the field reflected from the second layer at position
zS ⫹ ⌬z, and n the average index of refraction separating the layers as shown in Fig. 1, the interferometric signal becomes
I共兲 ⬀ Re
⫹ Re
E R共r, t ⫹ 兲 E 1*共r, t兲dr
E R共r, t ⫹ 兲 E 2* r, t ⫺
dr .
1 September 2002 兾 Vol. 41, No. 25 兾 APPLIED OPTICS
the coherence lengths computed with the two metrics
given by Eqs. 共2兲 and 共3兲, respectively, are
I共兲 ⬀ Re关␥共兲兴 ⫹ ␣ Re ␥ ⫺
In establishing an upper bound for longitudinal
resolution, we assume that the displacement between
two layers ⌬z is an integer multiple of the center
wavelength of the source in the material of propagation. Hence the temporal coherence functions are
assumed to be in phase. In this case, the envelope of
the detected signal is proportional to the summation
of the modulus of the two temporal coherence functions with a time delay in between them. If a phase
mismatch exists, the resulting signal will also depend
on the phase of the complex temporal coherence functions. The assumption of phase matching leads to
the worst result in terms of resolution. However, we
use this assumption to be able to compare the metrics. Experimental assessments may reveal enhanced resolution that could be predicted on the basis
of the subsampling of ⌬z.
The different light sources are defined in Subsections
3.A and 3.B where we present computational results
of coherence length for the PSD of a real source and
equivalent 共i.e., same bandwidth and central wavelength兲 Gaussian and Lorentzian PSDs. We further
investigate how spectral dips in a Gaussian PSD affect coherence length. To obtain further insight into
the relationship between resolution and coherence
length, in Subsection 3.C we present simulations
demonstrating the ability of different light sources
with the specified PSDs of Subsections 3.A and 3.B to
resolve the location of two layers.
A. Coherence Length Computation of a Real Source and
Equivalent Power Spectral Densities
Light sources employed in optical coherence imaging
systems usually have PSDs S共兲 approximated to a
Gaussian function to estimate resolution.3,4,9,10,14 A
general expression for a normalized Gaussian PSD
关i.e., 兰 S共兲d ⫽ 1兴 and its inverse Fourier transform
⌫共兲 is given by
冉 冊
冦 冤 冉 冊 冥冧
冋 冉 冑 冊 册 冋 冉 冊册
2 冑ln 2 02
⌫共兲 ⫽ exp ⫺
exp ⫺ 2 冑ln 2
0 2 ln 2
exp ⫺j
where 0 is the center wavelength and ⌬ is the
⫺3-dB spectral bandwidth. ⌫共兲 is by definition normalized to one. For the normalized Gaussian PSD,
lc ⫽
APPLIED OPTICS 兾 Vol. 41, No. 25 兾 1 September 2002
4 ln 2 02
2 ln 2 02
If the PSD of the source is Lorentzian instead of
Gaussian, S共兲 and ⌫共兲 are given by
S lzn共兲 ⫽ 2
冢冉 冊 冦
⌫ lzn共兲 ⫽ exp ⫺
冉 冊
1⫹ 2
冥 冧冣
冊 冋 冉 冊册
兩兩 exp ⫺j
The coherence lengths of the source become
l cFWHM ⫽
3. Simulation Results
S共兲 ⫽
l cFWHM ⫽
lc ⫽
2 ln共2兲 02
The real light source we considered is a SLD 共Superlum SLD-471兲. It is a broadband, low-coherence
source centered at 950 nm with a ⫺3-dB spectral
bandwidth of 62 nm. In Fig. 2共a兲 we present the
PSD of the real source, as well as the normalized
Gaussian and Lorentzian PSDs given by Eqs. 共6兲 and
共10兲, where the center wavelength and bandwidth
were set to match that of the SLD-471. The presented PSDs are normalized to unity for comparison.
Figure 2共b兲 shows the computed modulus of the complex temporal coherence functions 兩␥共兲兩 associated to
each PSD in Fig. 2共a兲.
The spectrum analyzer, which is employed to measure the PSD of the SLD, provides a discrete data set
of 1001 samples 共N兲 with 0.4-nm resolution 共␦兲.
The domain of the time delay depends on the center
wavelength 0 and ␦ as 关⫺02兾共2c␦兲, 02兾共2c␦兲兴,
such that the time-delay resolution ␦ will be 02兾
关共N ⫺ 1兲c␦兴, which equals 7.513 fs. The complex
temporal coherence function is estimated with an inverse fast Fourier transform.
Table 1 presents the computed coherence lengths of
the SLD-471 and the two theoretical sources. As
shown in Table 1, different spectral shapes present
different coherence lengths, thus longitudinal resolutions for an optical coherence image, although they
have the same bandwidth and center wavelength.
Approximating the PSD of the SLD to a Gaussian
function results in an error of approximately 10% for
coherence lengths evaluated through both of the metrics. The results show that the coherence lengths
computed from the Lorentzian PSD are approxi-
Fig. 3. Gaussian PSD with a 100-nm ⫺3-dB bandwidth centered
at 940 nm 共dashed curve兲 and PSDs of the same bandwidth and
center wavelength with different spectral dip amplitudes.
Fig. 2. 共a兲 Measured PSD of the SLD: the normalized Gaussian
PSD and the normalized Lorentzian PSD 共0 ⫽ 950 nm, ⌬ ⫽ 62
nm for each兲. 共b兲 Modulus of the corresponding complex degree of
temporal coherence functions.
mately half of that of the coherence lengths of the
Gaussian PSD and the SLD.
B. Computation of Coherence Lengths of Sources with
Extended Power Spectral Densities
PSDs of real sources usually include spectral bumps
and dips in their shapes, which lead to sidelobes in
the interferometric signal. The sidelobes may significantly affect the resolution of the system. However, longitudinal resolution can always be estimated
Table 1. Coherence Length of Sources with Different-Shaped PSDsa
lcFWHM 共m兲
lc 共m兲
Normalized Gaussian PSD
Normalized Lorentzian PSD
As presented in Fig. 2共a兲, computed according to two metrics.
from the measured PSD of the light source following
the same metrics presented here.
The deformation 共i.e., dips兲 of spectral shape of
sources employed in optical coherence imaging is
usually observed for high-power 共⬃101 to ⬃102 mW兲
broadband sources 共⬃102 nm兲, such as the Superlum
SLD-47-HP with a Gaussian dip in its spectrum as
shown in the specification sheet of the product, modelocked Ti:Al2O3 laser source with multiple dips and
bumps in its spectrum10,15 and the SLD-370 as presented in a partial coherence interferometry experiment.9
We investigated the effect of a dip in the PSD of
virtual sources on coherence lengths and associated
longitudinal resolution. A Gaussian PSD with
100-nm ⫺3-dB bandwidth centered at 940 nm was
generated. We introduced spectral dips into the
Gaussian PSD by subtracting Gaussian functions of a
⫺3-dB 45-nm bandwidth centered at 940 nm of different magnitudes. Each resulting normalized PSD
has a ⫺3-dB 100-nm bandwidth with different levels
of spectral dip. Figure 3 shows the Gaussian PSD
共dashed curve兲 and the generated PSDs with spectral
Power spectral analyses of these PSDs were performed. Figure 4 presents the plot of the numerical
results for the coherence length of each PSD as a
function of the percentage of the level difference between the dip minimum and the peaks of the PSD,
where a zero percentage of the spectral dip refers to
the Gaussian PSD. In Fig. 5 the simulated modulus
of the temporal coherence functions of the PSDs with
49.13%, 5.1%, and no spectral dips is presented as
examples. For all the Gaussian with dips, we estimated the coherence length using Eqs. 共2兲 and 共3兲.
To validate the accuracy of these computations, we
compared the values for the coherence length of the
Gaussian with no dips obtained from Eqs. 共2兲 and 共3兲
with those obtained using Eqs. 共8兲 and 共9兲. Numerical computational errors of 0.3% and 0.8% were
computed for the FWHM metric and the other metric, respectively. These numerical errors, which
occur because of the discrete form of the PSD and
1 September 2002 兾 Vol. 41, No. 25 兾 APPLIED OPTICS
employed two of the PSDs, specifically with the 8.04%
and the 49.13% spectral dips, presented in Subsection 3.B. The results are presented in Figs. 6共d兲 and
4. Discussion
Fig. 4. Computed coherence length is presented as a function of
the amplitude percentage of the spectral dip with metric 1 共FWHM
criterion兲 and metric 2 共from integration兲. The circle and the
triangle on the vertical axis represent, respectively, the coherence
length of the Gaussian PSD, where Gaussian 1 corresponds to the
FWHM and Gaussian 2 corresponds to the integration.
the temporal coherence functions, are small enough
to neglect.
Ability to Resolve Two Layers
We predict here the ability to resolve two layers separated by ⌬z for selected sources presented in this
paper. Referring to Fig. 1, we assume as detailed
above that the phases of the complex temporal coherence functions are the same, and the index of refraction n⬘ is chosen such that ␣, given by relation 共5兲,
equals one. We set the separation of these layers ⌬z
to half of lcFWHM given by Eq. 共2兲 and half of lc given by
Eq. 共3兲, both presented in Table 1 and Fig. 4. We
first considered the normalized Gaussian, Lorentzian, and SLD-471 PSDs, which were described in
Subsection 3.A. The ability to resolve two layers is
presented in Figs. 6共a兲– 6共c兲, respectively. Then we
Fig. 5. 兩␥共兲兩 of the PSDs of the 100-nm bandwidth centered at a
940-nm source with a selected percentage of spectral dip.
APPLIED OPTICS 兾 Vol. 41, No. 25 兾 1 September 2002
Significant differences in computed longitudinal resolution and coherence length for real and theoretical
sources with the same bandwidth and center wavelength but with different spectral functions were presented. Such results demonstrate that it is
important to take into account the shape of the source
PSD in predicting resolution. A source with a
slightly narrower spectral bandwidth than another
source could possibly lead to higher resolution than
the latter, simply based on its superior shape. Such
findings are further strengthened by the analysis of
coherence lengths from PSDs of the same spectral
width, yet having varying amplitudes of spectral
dips. Results show that, when a PSD with a spectral
dip is approximated to a Gaussian PSD of the same
center wavelength and bandwidth, it leads to incorrect values of coherence length obtained with either
of the metrics considered.
A spectral dip in a PSD introduces sidelobes in the
temporal coherence function. When computing the
coherence length through the first metric, we measure the FWHM of the mainlobe disregarding the
sidelobes. If the sidelobes are located close to the
mainlobe, the overall FWHM of the temporal coherence function could be larger than the FWHM of the
mainlobe. When we use the second metric to compute the coherence length, the integration process
extends through the mainlobe and the sidelobes
共e.g., Fig. 5兲. Integrating the sidelobes will result
in a larger value of the coherence length and thus
worse longitudinal resolution. However, if the sidelobes are far from the mainlobe, the effect on image
quality will be ghost images, rather than a decrease
in resolution.
In the simulations conducted on the basis of the
separation of two layers and various PSDs, results
show that two layers, with a separation of half of the
FWHM of the modulus of the temporal coherence
function, cannot always be resolved depending on the
shape of the PSD of the source, as shown in Fig. 6共d兲.
Also, the half of the coherence length derived through
the integration does not provide a detectable separation of the layers except in the case of a source with
Lorentzian PSD. Moreover, the plots in Fig. 6 indicate that the center of the resulting signal is not as
low as 73.5% of the amplitude of the peak, which is
required by the Rayleigh criterion for resolution.
For the simulations that we carried out, it may be
worthwhile to change the distance between the layers
to the point where the signals can be separated according to the Rayleigh criterion.
The simulations presented in this paper will be
limited in their ability to precisely predict experimental results. The first one is the phase mismatch discussed in Subsection 2.B, which could lead to a higher
resolution than predicted. The second is the refrac-
Fig. 6. Envelopes of the interferometric signals I1 and I2 that are due to backreflections from two successive layers 共left column, ⌬z ⫽
lcFWHM兾2; right column, ⌬z ⫽ lc兾2兲 and the resulting signal I for a source with 共a兲 Gaussian PSD, 共b兲 Lorentzian PSD, 共c兲 SLD-471 presented
in Fig. 2共a兲, 共d兲 PSD with 8.04% spectral dip amplitude, 共e兲 PSD with 49.13% spectral dip amplitude presented in Fig. 3.
1 September 2002 兾 Vol. 41, No. 25 兾 APPLIED OPTICS
tive index n, which has to be taken into account in the
resolution prediction, given that the media could affect significantly the resolution by dispersive and
multiscattering effects. Finally, the setup, including the detection scheme, is also a source of decrease
in resolution, given the group-velocity dispersion in
the fiber, polarization mismatch between the two
arms, unsuitable coating for the optical elements
across the entire spectrum of the source, and noise.
However, because an optimized setup can show good
agreement between the self-coherence function derived from the PSD and the PSF measurement,8 –10
researchers can hope to overcome these experimental
Two additional remarks are necessary to end the
discussion. The first one concerns the other aspects
of the sources that are also important for the quality
of optical coherence imaging, such as the dynamic
range16 and the temporal fluctuations.15 The second
one underscores the fact that the longitudinal resolution we have set is not the last limit we could
achieve if we take into account image processing.
Indeed, knowing the self-coherence function, the
noise, and some optical properties of the media, an
appropriate deconvolution operation may lead to improved longitudinal resolution.17,18 Future researches will investigate such aspects.
5. Conclusion
A main purpose of this paper was to show that the
shape of the spectrum of a source has a tremendous
impact on the longitudinal resolution in optical coherence imaging and that the commonly made assumption of Gaussian-shaped PSDs may not provide
an accurate prediction. A second purpose was to
find a most appropriate metric to predict resolution
from coherence length. Results show that neither of
the metrics used in this paper is reliable to predict
resolution as defined in Subsection 2.B for all cases of
spectrum shapes. An upper bound on resolution,
however, is best computed by means of finding the
temporal separation between two delayed complex
temporal coherence functions that leads to a fixed
value in the center of the composed function, e.g., as
defined in Rayleigh resolution criterion, obtained by a
sum of the two delayed functions.
We thank Haocheng Zheng for stimulating discussions on optical coherence tomography and microscopy related to instrumentation. This research was
funded by the Florida Hospital Gala Endowed Program for Oncological Research, ELF-Productions
Corporation, the University of Central Florida Division of Sponsored Research, and the National Science
APPLIED OPTICS 兾 Vol. 41, No. 25 兾 1 September 2002
Foundation Information Technology Research grant
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