Chem. Senses 23: 433-441, 1998
Olfactory Memory: the Long and Short of It
Theresa L. White
SUNY Health Science Center at Syracuse, Syracuse, NY, USA
Correspondence to be sent to: Theresa L White, SUNY Health Science Center, Room 3232 Weiskotten Hall, 766 Irving Avenue,
Syracuse, NY 13210, USA. e-mail
[email protected]
Although the systematic psychological study of olfactory
memory began near the turn of the last century (e.g.
Gamble, 1898; Hey wood and Vortriede, 1905), most models
of memory have ignored findings from these non-verbal,
non-visual stimuli. In order for general models of memory
to represent human cognition more fully, however, evidence
from memory for olfactory stimuli should be considered.
Recently, several papers have been published which integrate
the literature on olfactory memory with mainstream
memory theories (Richardson and Zucco, 1989; Schab,
1991; Schab and Crowder, 1995; Herz and Engen, 1996).
The purpose of the present discussion is not to re-iterate
points already well made in those papers, such as the
distinctiveness of olfaction as a memory system (Herz and
Engen, 1996), the role of verbal mediation in the coding of
olfactory information (Schab, 1991; Crowder and Schab,
1995) or semantic factors in the episodic recognition of
odors (Larsson, 1997); rather, the present paper examines an
issue which has not previously been directly addressed in
respect to olfactory memory, namely, the architecture of the
olfactory memory system.
Olfactory memory has been described as consisting of
only a long-term component (Engen, 1982, 1991; Gabassi
and Zanuttini, 1983), rather than the long- and short-term
components usually assumed to accompany memory for
other types of stimuli. (In an effort to focus on the general
© Oxford University Press
architecture of olfactory memory, attempts to designate
between various models of temporary memory will not be
made, nor will distinctions between aspects of long-term
memory be elaborated.) Note that for the purposes of the
present paper, short-term memory and long-term memory
refer to retention over brief and long time intervals,
respectively (after Healy and McNamara, 1996). The shortterm component of memory has been described as the
cognitive system responsible for the temporary maintenance
and manipulation of information, and is essential for
complex cognitive activities such as comprehension and
reasoning (Baddeley, 1994). The view that cognition for
odors could function without a short-term memory is in vast
contrast to most of the current cognitive views of memory
organization (e.g. Baddeley, 1994; Goldman-Rakic, 1995;
Nyberg and Tulving, 1996). Although there are memory
theorists who view differences in memory over short time
intervals as resulting from process differences within a single
memory system (e.g. Blaxton, 1995), there are few who
would posit the absence of any short-term component.
Therefore, the unitary viewpoint proposed for olfaction
implies a memory system which is qualitatively different
from memory for other types of stimuli.
Many well-known psychological theories on the architecture of memory distinguish between short- and long-term
systems (e.g. James, 1890; Broadbent, 1958; Waugh and
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It has been proposed that memory for odors does not have a short-term (or working) memory system. The distinction between
short- and long-term memory in other sensory modalities has been generally supported by three main lines of evidence:
capacity differences between the proposed systems, evidence of differential coding, and differential memory losses in
neuropsychological patients. The present paper examines these issues in an effort to establish a similar distinction for the
memory of olfactory stimuli. Each of these lines of evidence is examined in relation to the literature on olfactory memory. Based
on this examination, it seems that there is at least preliminary support from each of these lines of evidence to advocate a
distinction between a long- and short-term memory for olfactory stimuli. Emphasis is placed upon the qualitative similarity of
olfactory memory to other memory systems. This similarity is further highlighted through an examination of the literature
pertinent to serial position effects in memory for olfactory stimuli.
T.L. White
Capacity differences
It has been suggested that whereas long-term memory has a
large capacity for storage of information, short-term
memory is relatively limited in capacity. Although estimates
vary somewhat, it is believed that short-term memory can
hold ~2-4 items at a time (e.g. Waugh and Norman, 1965;
Martin and Jones, 1979; Raaijmakers, 1982). Additional
studies suggest that word duration, rather than the number
of words, may be the crucial variable in defining the limits
of short-term memory capacity (e.g. Ellis and Hennelly,
1980). This view is consistent with a trace decay model of
short-term memory, rather than an interference model,
which necessitates a store with a limited number of slots.
However, there is experimental evidence (Cowan et al,
1997) which demonstrates that in addition to word
duration, the complexity of the words to be recalled may
also be important to successful recall from short-term
memory. These results are interpreted in favor of interference theory, although it is recognized that decay may play
some role. Regardless of the sources of limitations on the
capacity of short-term memory, fewer stimuli tend to be
remembered better in this memory system. Thus, some
evidence for an olfactory short-term system could be
inferred in experimental results which demonstrate that a
smaller number of odors are remembered better than a
greater number of odors.
If there is an olfactory short-term memory, performance
on tasks that tap into this system should be limited by
the number of odors in the memory set, with fewer odors
being remembered better. Thus far, at least two studies have
demonstrated this phenomenon. In the first study, Engen
et al. (1973) examined recognition memory for briefly
presented olfactory stimuli in humans with a task analogous
to the Peterson-Peterson (1959) procedure. Subjects were
presented with either one or five odors to be remembered.
After a delay interval, subjects were asked to recognize
whether a probe was a member of the original list or a
distractor. Short-term recognition was better for the
one-odor condition than the five-odor condition, which
seems to support some type of limited capacity for olfactory
memory. The phenomenon of better memory for fewer
odors was more fully explored in another study (F.N. Jones
et al., 1978), in which subjects were asked to remember one,
three or five odorants. Results indicated that one odor was
remembered better than either three or five odors, and that
three odors were remembered better than five odors. These
results echo earlier findings with verbal material (Murdock,
1961), which showed that memory performance for three
words was poorer than for a single word. In addition, these
results confirmed and extended those of Engen et al. (1973)
by showing that fewer odors are remembered better than a
larger number of odors.
Experiments on long-term memory for odors demonstrated that a large number of smells can be remembered
over time, although there is generally some loss due to
poor initial encoding. As Schab (1991) points out, the
olfactory system is slow to process information, so that even
immediate memory performance is generally less than
perfect. However, subjects were able to recognize accurately
(on average) 70% of 48 odors after a period of 30 days
(Engen and Ross, 1973). Similarly, a set of 22 odors was
recognized to 75% accuracy after 28 days (Lawless and Cain,
1975) had elapsed since presentation, and a set of 24 odors
was recognized to the 75% level after a delay of 4 months
between presentation and testing (Lawless, 1978). The large
number of odors retained over long time periods is seemingly independent of set size, and suggests that (as in other
sensory systems) olfaction has a long-term memory with a
rather large capacity.
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Norman, 1965; Atkinson and Shiffrin 1968; Baddeley and
Hitch, 1974; Nyberg and Tulving, 1996). Although William
James proposed the idea of two memory systems as early as
1890, theoretical discussion of the framework of memory
has continued to the current day (e.g. Crowder, 1993;
Blaxton, 1995; Baddeley, 1996). Traditionally, the concept
of multiple memory systems has been largely supported by
four lines of experimental evidence: (i) capacity differences
between the proposed systems (e.g. Miller, 1956); (ii)
evidence of differential coding (e.g. Conrad, 1964); (iii)
differential memory losses in neuropsychological patients
(e.g. Shallice and Warrington, 1970; Warrington and
Shallice, 1972); (iv) serial position effects (Glanzer, 1972).
An examination of the issues that were important in
discriminating a short-term memory system from a longterm system in other sensory modalities may be valuable in
understanding the nature of memory for olfactory stimuli.
In essence, is olfactory memory qualitatively different to
memory for other types of sensory information?
A classic problem surrounding olfactory memory theory
is the degree to which verbal or visual mediation of
olfactory information may have influenced memory
performance. This problem has been discussed at length
elsewhere (Schab, 1991; Crowder and Schab, 1995). For the
purposes of the present discussion, it is recognized that this
type of verbal or visual translation of olfactory information
can (and likely does) occur (e.g. Murphy et al., 1991),
although perhaps with some level of difficulty (Lawless and
Engen, 1977). It is also recognized that there is now
reasonable evidence (e.g. Zucco and Tressoldi, 1988; White
et al., 1998) that suggests verbal coding plays a minimal role
in olfactory memory processing. It should also be noted that
most of the experiments in the present discussion did not
require the overt labeling of olfactory stimuli and most were
based on recognition paradigms. However, the performance
reported below is likely the result of some combination of
memory for perceptual olfactory information and the
memory for covertly generated visual or verbal translations
of that information.
Olfactory Memory: the Long and Short of It 435
Although relatively few studies address the problem of
limited olfactory memory capacity, when taken together, the
experiments presented above support the possibility of an
olfactory memory system which is divided into long- and
short-term components. Few would dispute that the
long-term memory for odors is suggested by the evidence
that a large number of odors may be retained over a lengthy
amount of time. The concept of a short-term olfactory
memory system is given some support through the findings
that fewer odors are remembered better than larger
quantities over short periods of time.
Coding differences
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In addition to capacity differences, several experiments (e.g.
Conrad, 1964; Conrad and Hull, 1964; Baddeley, 1966a,b)
indicate that representational differences exist between
short- and long-term verbal memory systems. That is, verbal
material demonstrates different properties when tested with
short-term memory tasks rather than with long-term
memory tasks. In 1964, Conrad suggested that the method
of coding in short-term memory was articulatory-acoustic
in nature. He based this argument on an experiment in
which he visually presented a list of six letters, some of
which sounded quite similar to each other (e.g. B and C),
and some of which did not (e.g. N and F). When subjects
performed a written serial recall of the list of letters, Conrad
(1964) found that their errors often involved substituting a
letter which sounded similar, rather than looked similar, for
the correct list item. Thus, he concluded that the primary
type of coding in short-term memory was phonological.
These results were in contrast to the type of coding
observed in long-term verbal memory experiments. In these
types of experiments, Baddeley (1966a) found that meaning
seemed to determine encoding in long-term memory when
short-term memory strategies, such as rehearsal, were
prevented. The different types of coding supported the concept of short- and long-term memory systems. It is likely
that this distinction is an oversimplification of the coding
problem, since phonological coding is necessary (to some
degree) in long-term memory in order to learn language
(Baddeley and Levy, 1971). However, coding differences
remain as a source of distinction between short- and longterm verbal memory.
Several investigators have examined coding in short-term
olfactory memory. In one experiment, subjects were asked to
judge the pair-wise similarity of 11 odors on a nine-point
scale (F.N. Jones et al., 1978), while another group of
subjects participated in an odor recognition task. A
significant correlation was observed between the similarity
judgements and the errors on the recognition task. Thus, the
qualitative similarity of the odorants was important in
determining performance on this short-term memory task.
In a later experiment, Jehl et al. (1994) gave subjects an odor
and asked them to determine whether a probe odor was the
same as or different from the initial odor. The probe varied
in similarity from the first odor, based on judgements by the
authors of either qualitative similarity or high dissimilarity.
The similar odor probes were more likely to result in
confusions with the initial odor than were the very dissimilar
pairs, thus indicating a dependence of the short-term
recognition score on the similarity between odorants. In an
effort to delineate the contributions of perceptual and
non-perceptual (verbal) representations in short-duration
olfactory memory, White et al. (1998) performed two
experiments which featured odorant triads as stimuli. Each
triad consisted of a target odor, a verbal foil odor and an
olfactory foil odor. An examination of the type of error,
produced in a subject's attempt to remember the target odor,
indicated that a substantial proportion of short-duration
olfactory memory coding was perceptual (i.e. olfactory),
although a verbal component was also observed. Essentially,
all three of these experiments suggest that the perceptual
quality of an odor is important in determining performance
on a short-duration memory task.
A few studies have examined the role of olfactory memory
coding in both a short time duration and a relatively long
one. Jehl et al. (1997) examined the ability of verbal labels to
enhance memory for odors after either 20 min or 24 h. It was
found that long-term memory for odors was most enhanced
by the labels, although both memory delays demonstrated
some benefit from the semantic information. This suggests
that the ability to label (thus providing meaning and
context) can be important in long-term olfactory memory
tasks. Annett and Leslie (1996) found that there was no
difference in the degree of olfactory memory disruption by
suppression (both verbal and visual) whether subjects were
tested after 5 min or after 7 days. This study would seem to
suggest that semantic information was equally important
in short- or long-term memory. Olfactory memory over
several, albeit much shorter, time periods was also investigated in a study by Schab et al. (1991). In this experiment,
subjects were asked to remember familiar and unfamiliar
odors over retention intervals of 2, 20, 40 and 100 s. The
results showed better memory for familiar odors than
unfamiliar ones, particularly at the longer retention intervals. These results are congruent with the results of Jehl
et al. (1997), in that semantic information (in this case,
familiarity) enhanced both types of memory, but was most
important in long-term memory.
Most other experiments investigating coding in olfactory
memory have studied memory over long time intervals. For
example, subjects in an experiment performed by Rabin and
Cain (1984) rated familiarity and attempted to name 20
target odorants. After a retention interval, the subjects
attempted to recognize the target odors from a group of 40
odors. Those odors that were initially rated as familiar
and/or identifiable were remembered better than those that
were rated as novel and unidentifiable. Additional studies
(Lyman and McDaniel, 1986, 1990) have demonstrated that
T.L. White
Neuropsychological differences
Some of the strongest sources of evidence for dichotomous
memory systems are neuropsychological studies of braindamaged patients (Baddeley, 1986). Several investigators
(e.g. Milner, 1966; Shallice and Warrington, 1970) have
studied amnesic patients who seem to have lost a portion of,
rather than their entire, memory. These studies give evidence
of a memory double dissociation, in that some patients are
able to perform normally on task 'A' and abnormally on
task 'B', while the other patients perform normally on task
'B' and abnormally on task 'A'. Such a pattern of results
suggests that different cognitive components are involved in
performing the two memory tasks (Schacter, 1989).
Milner (1966) presented a study involving an amnesic
patient, H.M., who had normal memory prior to an operation to relieve his severe epilepsy. The surgery rendered H.M.
unable to experience most new learning, although he has
been able to acquire certain motor, perceptual and cognitive
skills (Corkin, 1968; Cohen and Corkin, 1981). In general,
H.M. is impaired on tasks that involve consolida- tion of
new memories into long-term memory. In contrast, H.M.
can perform normally on tasks which rely mainly upon
immediate memory, such as the memory span (Milner,
In 1970, Shallice and Warrington reported the case of
K.F., a patient with very different memory impairments
from H.M. While K.F.'s long-term memory seemed
relatively normal, he was unable to perform well on tasks
requiring immediate memory. His digit span was limited to
roughly two items when presentation was auditory, although
his span was slightly better when stimuli were presented
visually (Shallice and Warrington, 1970).
Taken together, the memory performances of K.F. and
H.M. demonstrate a double dissociation as referred to by
Schacter (1989). Although neither patient is a perfect
example, the pattern of double dissociation (absence of one
type of memory with the other type intact) is apparent. This
pattern gives strength to the psychological distinction
between short- and long-term memory. To date, there have
been few studies that address this issue in olfaction, and
none which have been specifically designed to explore this
type of dissociation in relation to memory.
As discussed above, H.M. is reputed to have a decrement
in the consolidation of long-term memory without
impairment in short-term memory (Milner et al., 1968).
When given a battery of tests for olfactory function
(Eichenbaum et al, 1983), H.M. demonstrated a normal
adaptation rate, as well as a normal ability to detect odors
and discriminate intensity. His ability to discriminate odor
quality, however, was severely impaired. This is in keeping
with findings from other patients with temporal lobe
damage (Eskenazi et al, 1983) which demonstrate a
decreased ability to discriminate odor quality as well as poor
olfactory memory performance. H.M. was unable to identify
odors and also unable to determine whether odors were
identical or different in tasks which had relatively little
memory involvement (triangle match-to-sample, odor
quality discrimination). One must therefore ask whether
odor naming and/or quality discrimination are functions of
long-term memory, or whether H.M.'s surgery damaged
olfactory pathways responsible for odor quality (or shortterm memory for quality) in addition to his long-term
memory. Since the medial temporal lobe resection probably
destroyed a substantial portion of the inputs to the olfactory
frontal cortex and thalamus (Eichenbaum et al., 1983), both
situations are possible as the underlying cause of H.M.'s
olfactory deficit.
Korsakoff patients suffer from a similar memory disorder
to H.M., in that they are unable to form new long-term
memories but have an intact short-term memory (Kolb and
Whishaw, 1990, p. 552), and have also been observed to have
olfactory difficulties (B.P. Jones et al., 1978; Mair et al.,
1980). Korsakoff patients were tested for both olfactory
sensitivity and odor recognition memory (Mair et al., 1980).
In the recognition experiment, the Korsakoff's patients were
asked to smell an odor, then wait for either 5, 15 or 30 s.
After the delay, the patients were presented with a probe
odor that was either the same as, similar to, or dissimilar
from the initial odor. Although there was no effect of time
interval for either the patients or the controls, results
indicated that Korsakoff's patients exhibited a normal
threshold ability, coupled with an impaired ability to
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long-term memory for odors can be enhanced through
verbal or visual elaboration. Based on these results, it would
seem that the familiarity of the odor, along with the ability
to identify it, are aspects of coding in long-term olfactory
As in verbal memory, it would seem that subjects code
memory for odors in the short term differently than in the
long term. However, few experiments have directly explored
olfactory memory coding over both short and long time
intervals, and more evidence is needed in this area. However,
there is some evidence that perceptual similarity may be
important in olfactory memory over short time periods,
while familiarity and the ability to identify or label an
odorant may influence long-term memory. This is similar
to the coding differences observed with verbal material
in which phonological (perceptual) similarity influences
short-term memory, but semantic (meaning) similarity
is critical to long-term memory. These results generally
support the distinction between a long- and short-term
memory system. Note, however, that it has been demonstrated that identification performance, which draws on
long-term memory, can be influenced by stimulus similarity,
a perceptual factor (Engen, 1987). This suggests that, as in
verbal short-term memory, the distinctions between types of
coding reflect the general tendency, rather than the absolute
ability, of the putative systems.
Olfactory Memory: the Long and Short of It 437
Serial position effects
The serial position effect is a normally robust phenomenon
in which the items at the beginning (primacy) and/or the end
(recency) of a list of items are remembered better than those
in the middle. Traditionally, the recency portion of the serial
position effect has been generally associated with short-term
memory (Glanzer, 1972), although some recent theories
suggest that a temporal or ordinal explanation of recency
which is independent of type of memory is more appropriate (e.g. Greene, 1986; Baddeley and Hitch, 1993).
This theoretical shift is based in part on the observance of
serial position effects in long-term memory (e.g. Pinto and
Baddeley, 1991). It is possible, however, that long-term serial
position effects are due to different underlying causes than
those observed in short-term memory experiments (Healy
and McNamara, 1996). At any rate, the serial position effect
is so closely allied with short-term memory that it would be
remiss not to include this phenomenon in the present
discussion. Although generally associated with free recall
(e.g. Murdock, 1962), serial position effects may also be
observed in recognition tasks (e.g. Donaldson, 1971). The
serial position effect has been demonstrated with verbal
material (Calkins, 1898), visual material (Phillips
and Christie, 1977; Broadbent and Broadbent, 1981), sign
language (Shand and Klima, 1981) and tactile stimuli
(Watkins and Watkins, 1974; Millar, 1978). The results of
experiments concerned with olfactory serial position effects,
however, have been less clear than those associated with
other stimulus modalities.
Much of the work on olfactory serial position has been
performed in animal models. Although some difficulties
exist in extrapolating information regarding cognitive
performance from animals to that which might be expected
from humans, these studies are relevant in directing the
focus of human studies. For example, given the salience of
odors in the lives of most animals, one might expect that the
order in which odors are perceived would be more relevant
to those species. Indeed, experiments with non-human
species indicate that order can be a factor in olfactory
memory. An initial experiment (Reed et al., 1991)
demonstrated both primacy and recency in memory for
odors by rats. However, this experiment was criticized
(Gaffan and Gaffan, 1992) statistically because the variance
of the data was less than expected. This criticism raised the
possibility that some unknown confounding variable may
have influenced the results. In an attempt to replicate the
experiment, Deacon and Rawlins (1995) tested the olfactory
memory of rats with a non-matching-to-sample task. Rats
were presented withfivesmells, followed by a blank. The rats
were then given the opportunity to choose between two
odor-containing boxes, one of which was novel, the other of
which was a member of the original set of five smells. Rats
were more likely to choose correctly the novel odor when the
other odor was from the last few serial positions in the
original set, demonstrating an effect of recency, but not
primacy. Thus, the earlier experimental results (Reed et al.,
1991) were partially replicated, with only the recency effect
demonstrated in both experiments. It is worth noting that
further investigation by Reed (Reed et al., 1996) demonstrated a serial position curve comprised of both primacy
and recency effects with flavors. Which pattern of results
for the serial position curve accurately describes odors,
however, remains unclear.
A similar pattern of serial position effects, that of reliable
demonstration of recency, has been observed in insects. An
investigation of serial order effects in Leptopilina boulardi (a
parasitic wasp of Drosophila larvae) was conducted with
three odorants: banana, strawberry and violet. The wasp
was able to demonstrate the order of learning through
preference for particular odors. The third learned odor was
preferred to the second learned odor, thus indicating that it
was more familiar and remembered better than the other
odors (Kaiser and De Jong, 1993). The animal models, taken
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discriminate odor quality. However, it is interesting to note
that these patients performed similarly to normal subjects in
terms of difficulty of discrimination; the similar odorants
were more difficult to discriminate than the dissimilar ones
(Mair et al, 1980). Thus, although there was an overall level
of impairment compared with normal controls, the degree
of similarity did play a role in odor quality discrimination
for the Korsakoff patients, which was not the case with
In contrast to the performance of H.M. and Korsakoff's
patients, some patients with epilepsy have demonstrated
deficits in olfactory short-term memory. Although patients
with focal cerebral lesions are generally unimpaired in odor
detection (e.g. Jones-Gotman and Zatorre, 1988), patients
with right temporal lobe epilepsy have demonstrated a
specific deficit in immediate recognition memory for
nameable odors (Carroll et al, 1993). These patients were
able to identify odors normally, and thus provided evidence
of a short-term olfactory memory disorder. However, this
short-term impairment has not been compared with performance on long-term memory tasks, something that
would be necessary in discerning a double dissociation.
Although the olfactory ability of many groups of
neuropsychological patients has been tested, most were
either impaired in both basic olfactory detection and quality
discrimination (e.g. Alzheimer's disease: Doty et al, 1987;
Morgan et al, 1995), or impaired only in quality discrimination (Mair et al., 1980; Eichenbaum et al., 1983). Thus, the
most frequently demonstrated dissociation seems to be
primarily between detection and discrimination (Mair et al.,
1995); hence, the evidence for the distinction between shortand long-term memory is rather slim. The evidence from
patients with right temporal lobe epilepsy, however, suggests
that short-duration olfactory memory may be specifically
438 T.L White
directly addressed olfactory serial position effects in humans
(Annett and Lorimer, 1995; White and Treisman, 1997).
Annett and Lorimer (1995) designed their study of
olfactory serial position effects with two types of instruction
(no verbal elaboration; verbal elaboration) and two types
of memory task (recall and recognition). Although an
olfactory recency effect was demonstrated under all conditions, a primacy effect was only seen in the conditions that
required verbal elaboration. Since verbal elaboration
enhances the opportunity for encoding of a verbal trace in
addition to an olfactory trace, it is impossible to discern
whether the observed primacy was the result of olfactory
memory or verbal memory.
In a series of experiments that compared memory for
olfactory and verbal material, White and Treisman (1997)
examined memory for serial position in two recognition
tasks: one which tested item information and one which
examined the retention of order information. In general,
memory performance levels were much higher with verbal
stimuli than with olfactory stimuli. For both verbal and
olfactory stimuli, the memory scores in the order task
were lower than that of the item task at most serial
positions, with the exception that the recency effect from the
order task tended to be steeper than that of the item task.
Both a memory set of five odors and a memory set of 10
consonants demonstrated an effect of recency without
primacy. However, the olfactory recency effect extended over
only the final one (order) or two (item) positions, whereas
for verbal stimuli it extended over four or five positions.
The two types of stimuli also differed in terms of the slope
of the recency effect, with olfactory stimuli demonstrating a
sharper increase than the verbal stimuli. Taken together,
these results suggested that memory for olfactory stimuli
demonstrates an effect of serial position that may be unique
from the effects associated with the free recall of verbal
These human experiments provide significant evidence
for recency in olfactory memory. However, the evidence
for the primacy effect in olfactory memory is less strong.
This is in keeping with the assumption that primacy arises
from differential rehearsal (Waugh and Norman, 1965), a
cognitive process which may be unavailable for olfactory
stimuli. Given that this is a pattern quite similar to that
demonstrated in non-human species, there is reasonable
evidence to indicate that serial position affects olfactory
memory, and that recency is a considerably more salient
feature than primacy. Although the shape of the olfactory
serial position curve is somewhat different from the shape
which is observed in free recall paradigms with verbal
stimuli (Glanzer, 1972), it is in agreement with results
obtained through verbal recognition paradigms (Murdock,
1968; Donaldson and Glathe, 1969; Donaldson, 1971).
These verbal recognition paradigms are methodologically
similar to the recognition techniques used with the olfactory stimuli. It can therefore be inferred that memory for
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as a whole, indicate that non-human subjects demonstrate
the memory effects of recency, although effects of primacy
have not been reliably observed.
In spite of the studies with non-humans, it was initially
thought that humans were not subject to the effects of serial
position with odors. This concept was based on the results
of two early studies (Lawless and Cain, 1975; Gabassi and
Zanuttini, 1983), neither of which were primarily concerned
with an investigation of serial position.
In the first study, Lawless and Cain (1975) had subjects
inspect a set of 11 odorants. Although recognition was
tested at a variety of time intervals following initial inspection of the set, only the data from the group tested after
an interval of 10 min were submitted to analysis. The results
of the analysis indicated that there was no significant effect
of an odor's serial position at input or output. There are
three possible interpretations of this result. Firstly, since the
exact details of the recognition task are missing, it is difficult
to ascertain the appropriateness of the experimental result.
No means or other details of serial position were published,
since this aspect of memory was not the focus of the article.
Therefore, it is possible that methodology played some role
in Lawless and Cain's (1975) findings. Secondly, since
recognition was tested after a relatively long retention
interval in this experiment, it is possible that the lack of
serial position effect reflected only the contents of a
long-term system. Although serial position effects may be
observed in long-term memory (e.g. Pinto and Baddeley,
1991), they are more often demonstrated in short-term
memory. A third possibility is that serial position effects do
not occur with olfactory stimuli.
In the second study that examined olfactory serial
position effects, Gabassi and Zanuttini (1983) performed
two experiments. Each of these experiments had a target set
of 12 odorants, as well as a set of 12 distractor odors. Both
experiments began with an initial presentation of the target
set, followed by an unspecified time interval. Recognition
memory was then assessed with the presentation of the
odorants and distractors, either in pairs of one target and
one distractor (experiment 1) or in a shuffled list 24
odorants long (experiment 2). Neither of these experiments
showed any effect of serial position, as illustrated by the
percentage of correct responses. Since there was no systematic variation of serial position across order of testing, the
possibility that testing procedures may have influenced
results (by presenting items in one serial position more often
than others, thus making it more salient) exists. However,
these experiments confirmed the results of Lawless and Cain
(1975) and raised the same hypothesis: that there are no
olfactory serial position effects.
It is important to note, however, that the hypothesis that
primacy and recency are not major features of human
olfactory memory was based on the results of two experiments which were not designed to observe the effects of
serial position specifically. Two recent experiments have
Olfactory Memory: the Long and Short of It
olfactory stimuli in a series functions in a way that is
qualitatively similar to memory for verbal material, in that
both types of stimuli evidence a recency effect without
primacy in certain recognition paradigms.
reviewer for many helpful comments on earlier versions of
this article. The preparation of this article was supported in
part by NIH grant number 9-PO1 DC00220.
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Toller, Michel Treisman, Judith Annett and an anonymous
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Olfactory memory has been referred to as 'unique' (Engen,
1982), and considered to be different from other types
of memory systems. Specifically, it has been proposed that
olfactory memory has only a long-term memory store
(Engen, 1987, 1989). The present paper has examined olfactory memory against the backdrop of general memory
theory by evaluating the concepts of coding, capacity and
neurological dissociation. Based on the experiments elaborated in this paper, it is proposed that the rules that govern
the memory systems of other senses are similar to those
that govern olfaction. In essence, it is proposed that the
architecture of olfactory memory is at least qualitatively
similar to memory for other types of stimuli. The experimental evidence presented here indicates that (like memory
for other sensory systems) olfactory memory is composed
of at least two components which differ from each other in
terms of capacity at short time intervals, coding which is
characterized by perceptual aspects in the short term, and
neuropsychological evidence. Further, olfactory short-term
memory demonstrates effects of serial position, and thus it
responds to perturbations in a way that is somewhat similar
to short-term memory for other sensory modality inputs.
In the light of the above evidence indicating that memory
for olfactory information may be comprised of both a shortand a long-term memory, the question becomes the way in
which olfactory memory relates to memory for other types
of information. Essentially, the question of whether an
olfactory short-term memory system is distinct from the
short-term memory systems for other types of stimuli still
remains. Herz and Engen (1996) put forward a number of
strong arguments using a multiple memory systems analysis
(Schacter and Tulving, 1994) to support the position that
olfactory memory should be considered a separate memory
system which is governed by distinct rules and underlying
mechanisms. The concept of a separate olfactory memory
subsystem as part of a modified dual coding theory was also
put forward by Annett and Leslie (1996). The concept of a
distinct olfactory memory system is not at variance with the
suggestion that differences in the architecture of olfactory
memory and that of other sensory systems are quantitative
rather than qualitative. Future work must further address
the integration of olfaction into existing models of memory
by focusing on the similarities, as well as the uniqueness, to
other sensory systems.
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