Between the Sarmatians and the Gepids. The problems of identifying Hun/Nomadic relics through the... more Between the Sarmatians and the Gepids. The problems of identifying Hun/Nomadic relics through the example of partial horse burials
The case of the partial horse burials is another excellent illustration of the fact that in the fifth century the Hun Empire's leading stratum was probably made up of very different nomadic communities. This may have been a general nomadic custom spreading across the steppe with the arrival of the Huns, which was not standardised and thus did not develop into a uniform practice in the former Hun Empire. This process may also be partly similar to that of the formation of the representation of the warrior elite, where the first initial steps were also taken by the elite of the empire. At the same time, however, the nomadic "entity" is certainly capable of being detected, as far as we know at present. The use of ritual is not an expression of ethnic identity, but rather of cultural identity. Their low number may be partly related to the short presence of the centre of the Hun Empire in the Carpathian Basin (or close to it). At the same time, it is important to stress that the material of the period does not include a large number of graves with elite representation.
"From nothing I created a new, different world". Gyula László, the archaeological researcher of ... more "From nothing I created a new, different world". Gyula László, the archaeological researcher of the society of the Migration Period.
This paper presents Gyula László's research and concepts of social archaeology of the Migration Period, drawing attention to the new trends and theorys that have emerged in archaeological literature since then.
Huns, Avars, and conquering Hungarians were migration-period nomadic tribal confederations thatar... more Huns, Avars, and conquering Hungarians were migration-period nomadic tribal confederations thatarrived in three successive waves in the Carpathian Basin between the 5th and 9th centuries. Basedon the historical data, each of these groups are thought to have arrived from Asia, although their exact origin and relation to other ancient and modern populations have been debated. Recently,hundreds of ancient genomes were analyzed from Central Asia, Mongolia, and China, from whichwe aimed to identify putative source populations for the above-mentioned groups. In this study,we have sequenced 9 Hun, 143 Avar, and 113 Hungarian conquest period samples and identifiedthree core populations, representing immigrants from each period with no recent European ancestry.Our results reveal that this ‘‘immigrant core’’ of both Huns and Avars likely originated in present dayMongolia, and their origin can be traced back to Xiongnus (Asian Huns), as suggested by severalhistorians. On the other hand, the ‘‘immigrant core’’ of the conquering Hungarians derived from anearlier admixture of Mansis, early Sarmatians, and descendants of late Xiongnus. We have alsoshown that a common ‘‘proto-Ugric’’ gene pool appeared in the Bronze Age from the admixtureof Mezhovskaya and Nganasan people, supporting genetic and linguistic data. In addition, we de-tected shared Hun-related ancestry in numerous Avar and Hungarian conquest period genetic out-liers, indicating a genetic link between these successive nomadic groups. Aside from the immigrantcore groups, we identified that the majority of the individuals from each period were local residentsharboring ‘‘native European’’ ancestry.
According to the written historical sources, the Gepids were a Germanic tribe that settled in the... more According to the written historical sources, the Gepids were a Germanic tribe that settled in the Carpathian Basin during the Migration Period. They were allies of the Huns, and an independent Gepid Kingdom arose after the collapse of the Hun Empire. In this period, the Carpathian Basin was characterized by so-called row-grave cemeteries. Due to the scarcity of historical and archaeological data, we have a poor knowledge of the origin and composition of these barbarian populations, and this is still a subject of debate. To better understand the genetic legacy of migration period societies, we obtained 46 full mitogenome sequences from three Gepid cemeteries located in Transylvania, Romania. The studied samples represent the Classical Gepidic period and illustrate the genetic make-up of this group from the late 5th and early 6th centuries AD, which is characterized by cultural markers associated with the Gepid culture in Transylvania. The genetic structure of the Gepid people is expl...
The archaeological concepts on the location of the Gepids in the 4th–5th centuries AD greatly inf... more The archaeological concepts on the location of the Gepids in the 4th–5th centuries AD greatly influenced the ethnic interpretation of the hoards of Șimleu Silvaniei / Szilágysomlyó. Earlier research, after the works of István Bóna, placed the territory of the Gepids in the Upper Tisza Region in this period, including the northwestern part of present-day Romania due to the ethnic interpretation of the hoards. A highly diverse culture flourished in the Upper Tisza region in the 4th–5th centuries (Sarmatian, Przseworks, Chernyahov and Hun-period cultures), thus, the separation of particular ethnic groups is impossible, even relying on the most recent methodologies. By taking a closer look at the earlier preconceptions about the territories of various ethnic groups, the connection of the famous Szilágysomlyó hoards to the Gepids also seems to be questionable so far. Based on the value and quality of the objects (insignia), it is impossible, that such an aspiring aristocratic group as the Gepids could own them. This may be reinforced also by the fact that the Gepids did not operate along the borders of the Roman Empire before the Hun period.
Shield bosses and their development in the Carpathian Basin of the 5th century
This s... more Shield bosses and their development in the Carpathian Basin of the 5th century (Abstract)
This study presents the 5th century shield bosses types known from the material of burials in the Carpathian Basin and their development. A wide range of objects spread throughout the area during the late Roman Imperial and the early migration periods (Type of Dobrodzień/Zieling T Varianten, Csongrad/Zieling L, Misery/Zieling H1, Vermand, Horgos/Libenau; Kiszombor). It is typical that the graves in which shields were placed are known mainly from the eastern part of the Carpathian Basin (we do not know any such burials from Transdanubia). Among the conical shield bosses, specimens ending in a spike also appear during the middle third of the 5th century, evoking earlier forms (ancient Germanic traditions). Unfortunately, previous research has often classified certain types into one type based only on similar characteristics (form of the cone). In the present writing, in order to avoid this, I tried to separate the pieces previously classificed only for the Horgos/Libenau type. In the case of the latest pieces (second half and end of the 5th century), the spike should be hammered (Grave Kiszombor-B 308). In the latest pieces, which appear in the earliest graves of the row-grave cemeteries, the spike was hammered. At the end of the 5th century, pieces of Merovingian culture known in the west appear, which spread very rapidly in the area and in the local material of row-grave cemeteries.
A sutton hooi előkelő sírjából előkerült 7. századi sisak másolata, melyen Wodan kultuszával össz... more A sutton hooi előkelő sírjából előkerült 7. századi sisak másolata, melyen Wodan kultuszával összefüggésbe hozható jelenetek láthatóak EHatártalan Régészet -Archeológiai magazin
The present research has focused on the comparative history of the Gepidic Kingdom in the Carpath... more The present research has focused on the comparative history of the Gepidic Kingdom in the Carpathian Basin from the early migration period till the disintegration of its political structures. The Gepids, who spoke an Eastern-Germanic language, ruled the eastern part of the Carpathian Basin between the Hunnic and Avaric periods. Moreover, they controlled such formerly great cities as the imperial capital, Sirmium. The research into the German ethnicities in the early medieval Carpathian Basin relied on the simultaneous examination of written sources and archaeological findings. Hence, this predominantly interdisciplinary approach enabled to transfer the thus far hypothetical elements of each discipline as paradigms into related co-disciplines. Although some scholars (Herwig Wolfram, Walter Pohl) had already identified the problematic inherent in this phenomenon, as expressed in the terminus technicus (“gemischte Argumentation”; mixed argumentation) of German works, the “mixed argumentation” often appears in other international studies as well. Therefore, during my work I endeavoured to avoid creating further preconceptions and to examine the results of the two disciplines separately. Moreover, I analysed only those results comparatively which were gained in due accordance with the proper methods of particular disciplines in order to avoid the contradictions between the argumentations of various fields.
Szójátékkal élve, a páratlan évek páratlan várakozással megélt eseménye a szegedi doktori képzés ... more Szójátékkal élve, a páratlan évek páratlan várakozással megélt eseménye a szegedi doktori képzés körül buzgólkodó szegedi medievisták táborában a mindig nyárkezdet idején sorra kerülő Medievisztikai PhD-konferencia. A kezdetek még 1999-re nyúlnak vissza, s azóta szabályos kétéves ritmusban újabb és újabb konferenciák követték egymást, sorozatban immár nyolc alkalommal. Híre kelt a rendezvénynek, s míg a konferencia a kezdetekkor csak az első 5 év képzésében részvevők számára teremtett fórumot és bemutatkozás i lehetőséget, a későbbiekben a lebonyolítás keretei több irányban is kiszélesedtek. Természetszerűleg az újabb és újabb évfolyamok egymásutánjában folyamatosan duzzadt a programhoz kötődő medievista doktoranduszok száma, ám a képzés aktuális részesei mellett a régiek is a megszólalás igényével térnek vissza alma materükhöz egy-egy konferenciaalkalommal. Más képző helyek ifjú középkorászai szintén rendszeres látogatói lettek a rendezvénynek, eleinte a közönség sorait gyarapítva, majd mind többen előadásokkal is jelentkeztek. A fellépő vendégek sorában olykor határon túli magyar, néha külföldi fiatal kolléga megszólalásának örvendhettünk. A konferenciák tartalma tovább színesedett azáltal, hogyaközépkorászok mellett a társtudományok -például a nyelvtudomány és a jogtörténet -ifjú képviselői esetenként ugyancsak megszólatIak dolgozataikat bemutatva a közönség előtt. Néhány utóbbi alkalom során az is előfordult, hogy a vendégként Szegedre látogató hivatásos középkorkutatók előadást vállalva gazdagították a rendezvény tartaImát. Így az elmúlt másfél évtized alatt a Szegedi Medievisztikai PhD-konferencia nagy várakozással övezett, sokoldalú és több funkciót betöltő rangos szakmai eseménnyé emelkedett.
Véleménye szerint Berig az egyik nagyobb törzsnek volt a vezetıje, akinek nevét valamilyen véletl... more Véleménye szerint Berig az egyik nagyobb törzsnek volt a vezetıje, akinek nevét valamilyen véletlen folyamán megırizte a gót emlékezet. 102 GOFFART 1988, 87. 103 GOFFART 1988, 89-90. A minél nagyobb hitelesség biztosításának érdekében Goffart számos korai auctort felsorakoztat, akik alátámasztják leírásának pontosságát, valamint elıveszi az akkoriban közkedvelt britanniai gót származás toposzát is, melyet ezek segítségével cáfol meg. 104 GOFFART 1988, 88-91; PROKOPIOS, DE BELLO GOTHICO, II, 15, 1 105 CASSIODORUS, VARIAE, IX, 24-25; XI, 1; XII, 20. Christiansen munkája is alapvetıen ebben a kicsengésben íródott. CHRISTIANSEN 2002. 106 A gót történet mellett feltételezhetıen több ponton is megfigyelhetı az érintkezés a Cassiodorus-féle hagyományok és az elsı lejegyzett langobard eredetmítoszok között. ORIGO GENTIS LANGOBARDORUM, 1-2.
Between the Sarmatians and the Gepids. The problems of identifying Hun/Nomadic relics through the... more Between the Sarmatians and the Gepids. The problems of identifying Hun/Nomadic relics through the example of partial horse burials
The case of the partial horse burials is another excellent illustration of the fact that in the fifth century the Hun Empire's leading stratum was probably made up of very different nomadic communities. This may have been a general nomadic custom spreading across the steppe with the arrival of the Huns, which was not standardised and thus did not develop into a uniform practice in the former Hun Empire. This process may also be partly similar to that of the formation of the representation of the warrior elite, where the first initial steps were also taken by the elite of the empire. At the same time, however, the nomadic "entity" is certainly capable of being detected, as far as we know at present. The use of ritual is not an expression of ethnic identity, but rather of cultural identity. Their low number may be partly related to the short presence of the centre of the Hun Empire in the Carpathian Basin (or close to it). At the same time, it is important to stress that the material of the period does not include a large number of graves with elite representation.
"From nothing I created a new, different world". Gyula László, the archaeological researcher of ... more "From nothing I created a new, different world". Gyula László, the archaeological researcher of the society of the Migration Period.
This paper presents Gyula László's research and concepts of social archaeology of the Migration Period, drawing attention to the new trends and theorys that have emerged in archaeological literature since then.
Huns, Avars, and conquering Hungarians were migration-period nomadic tribal confederations thatar... more Huns, Avars, and conquering Hungarians were migration-period nomadic tribal confederations thatarrived in three successive waves in the Carpathian Basin between the 5th and 9th centuries. Basedon the historical data, each of these groups are thought to have arrived from Asia, although their exact origin and relation to other ancient and modern populations have been debated. Recently,hundreds of ancient genomes were analyzed from Central Asia, Mongolia, and China, from whichwe aimed to identify putative source populations for the above-mentioned groups. In this study,we have sequenced 9 Hun, 143 Avar, and 113 Hungarian conquest period samples and identifiedthree core populations, representing immigrants from each period with no recent European ancestry.Our results reveal that this ‘‘immigrant core’’ of both Huns and Avars likely originated in present dayMongolia, and their origin can be traced back to Xiongnus (Asian Huns), as suggested by severalhistorians. On the other hand, the ‘‘immigrant core’’ of the conquering Hungarians derived from anearlier admixture of Mansis, early Sarmatians, and descendants of late Xiongnus. We have alsoshown that a common ‘‘proto-Ugric’’ gene pool appeared in the Bronze Age from the admixtureof Mezhovskaya and Nganasan people, supporting genetic and linguistic data. In addition, we de-tected shared Hun-related ancestry in numerous Avar and Hungarian conquest period genetic out-liers, indicating a genetic link between these successive nomadic groups. Aside from the immigrantcore groups, we identified that the majority of the individuals from each period were local residentsharboring ‘‘native European’’ ancestry.
According to the written historical sources, the Gepids were a Germanic tribe that settled in the... more According to the written historical sources, the Gepids were a Germanic tribe that settled in the Carpathian Basin during the Migration Period. They were allies of the Huns, and an independent Gepid Kingdom arose after the collapse of the Hun Empire. In this period, the Carpathian Basin was characterized by so-called row-grave cemeteries. Due to the scarcity of historical and archaeological data, we have a poor knowledge of the origin and composition of these barbarian populations, and this is still a subject of debate. To better understand the genetic legacy of migration period societies, we obtained 46 full mitogenome sequences from three Gepid cemeteries located in Transylvania, Romania. The studied samples represent the Classical Gepidic period and illustrate the genetic make-up of this group from the late 5th and early 6th centuries AD, which is characterized by cultural markers associated with the Gepid culture in Transylvania. The genetic structure of the Gepid people is expl...
The archaeological concepts on the location of the Gepids in the 4th–5th centuries AD greatly inf... more The archaeological concepts on the location of the Gepids in the 4th–5th centuries AD greatly influenced the ethnic interpretation of the hoards of Șimleu Silvaniei / Szilágysomlyó. Earlier research, after the works of István Bóna, placed the territory of the Gepids in the Upper Tisza Region in this period, including the northwestern part of present-day Romania due to the ethnic interpretation of the hoards. A highly diverse culture flourished in the Upper Tisza region in the 4th–5th centuries (Sarmatian, Przseworks, Chernyahov and Hun-period cultures), thus, the separation of particular ethnic groups is impossible, even relying on the most recent methodologies. By taking a closer look at the earlier preconceptions about the territories of various ethnic groups, the connection of the famous Szilágysomlyó hoards to the Gepids also seems to be questionable so far. Based on the value and quality of the objects (insignia), it is impossible, that such an aspiring aristocratic group as the Gepids could own them. This may be reinforced also by the fact that the Gepids did not operate along the borders of the Roman Empire before the Hun period.
Shield bosses and their development in the Carpathian Basin of the 5th century
This s... more Shield bosses and their development in the Carpathian Basin of the 5th century (Abstract)
This study presents the 5th century shield bosses types known from the material of burials in the Carpathian Basin and their development. A wide range of objects spread throughout the area during the late Roman Imperial and the early migration periods (Type of Dobrodzień/Zieling T Varianten, Csongrad/Zieling L, Misery/Zieling H1, Vermand, Horgos/Libenau; Kiszombor). It is typical that the graves in which shields were placed are known mainly from the eastern part of the Carpathian Basin (we do not know any such burials from Transdanubia). Among the conical shield bosses, specimens ending in a spike also appear during the middle third of the 5th century, evoking earlier forms (ancient Germanic traditions). Unfortunately, previous research has often classified certain types into one type based only on similar characteristics (form of the cone). In the present writing, in order to avoid this, I tried to separate the pieces previously classificed only for the Horgos/Libenau type. In the case of the latest pieces (second half and end of the 5th century), the spike should be hammered (Grave Kiszombor-B 308). In the latest pieces, which appear in the earliest graves of the row-grave cemeteries, the spike was hammered. At the end of the 5th century, pieces of Merovingian culture known in the west appear, which spread very rapidly in the area and in the local material of row-grave cemeteries.
A sutton hooi előkelő sírjából előkerült 7. századi sisak másolata, melyen Wodan kultuszával össz... more A sutton hooi előkelő sírjából előkerült 7. századi sisak másolata, melyen Wodan kultuszával összefüggésbe hozható jelenetek láthatóak EHatártalan Régészet -Archeológiai magazin
The present research has focused on the comparative history of the Gepidic Kingdom in the Carpath... more The present research has focused on the comparative history of the Gepidic Kingdom in the Carpathian Basin from the early migration period till the disintegration of its political structures. The Gepids, who spoke an Eastern-Germanic language, ruled the eastern part of the Carpathian Basin between the Hunnic and Avaric periods. Moreover, they controlled such formerly great cities as the imperial capital, Sirmium. The research into the German ethnicities in the early medieval Carpathian Basin relied on the simultaneous examination of written sources and archaeological findings. Hence, this predominantly interdisciplinary approach enabled to transfer the thus far hypothetical elements of each discipline as paradigms into related co-disciplines. Although some scholars (Herwig Wolfram, Walter Pohl) had already identified the problematic inherent in this phenomenon, as expressed in the terminus technicus (“gemischte Argumentation”; mixed argumentation) of German works, the “mixed argumentation” often appears in other international studies as well. Therefore, during my work I endeavoured to avoid creating further preconceptions and to examine the results of the two disciplines separately. Moreover, I analysed only those results comparatively which were gained in due accordance with the proper methods of particular disciplines in order to avoid the contradictions between the argumentations of various fields.
Szójátékkal élve, a páratlan évek páratlan várakozással megélt eseménye a szegedi doktori képzés ... more Szójátékkal élve, a páratlan évek páratlan várakozással megélt eseménye a szegedi doktori képzés körül buzgólkodó szegedi medievisták táborában a mindig nyárkezdet idején sorra kerülő Medievisztikai PhD-konferencia. A kezdetek még 1999-re nyúlnak vissza, s azóta szabályos kétéves ritmusban újabb és újabb konferenciák követték egymást, sorozatban immár nyolc alkalommal. Híre kelt a rendezvénynek, s míg a konferencia a kezdetekkor csak az első 5 év képzésében részvevők számára teremtett fórumot és bemutatkozás i lehetőséget, a későbbiekben a lebonyolítás keretei több irányban is kiszélesedtek. Természetszerűleg az újabb és újabb évfolyamok egymásutánjában folyamatosan duzzadt a programhoz kötődő medievista doktoranduszok száma, ám a képzés aktuális részesei mellett a régiek is a megszólalás igényével térnek vissza alma materükhöz egy-egy konferenciaalkalommal. Más képző helyek ifjú középkorászai szintén rendszeres látogatói lettek a rendezvénynek, eleinte a közönség sorait gyarapítva, majd mind többen előadásokkal is jelentkeztek. A fellépő vendégek sorában olykor határon túli magyar, néha külföldi fiatal kolléga megszólalásának örvendhettünk. A konferenciák tartalma tovább színesedett azáltal, hogyaközépkorászok mellett a társtudományok -például a nyelvtudomány és a jogtörténet -ifjú képviselői esetenként ugyancsak megszólatIak dolgozataikat bemutatva a közönség előtt. Néhány utóbbi alkalom során az is előfordult, hogy a vendégként Szegedre látogató hivatásos középkorkutatók előadást vállalva gazdagították a rendezvény tartaImát. Így az elmúlt másfél évtized alatt a Szegedi Medievisztikai PhD-konferencia nagy várakozással övezett, sokoldalú és több funkciót betöltő rangos szakmai eseménnyé emelkedett.
Véleménye szerint Berig az egyik nagyobb törzsnek volt a vezetıje, akinek nevét valamilyen véletl... more Véleménye szerint Berig az egyik nagyobb törzsnek volt a vezetıje, akinek nevét valamilyen véletlen folyamán megırizte a gót emlékezet. 102 GOFFART 1988, 87. 103 GOFFART 1988, 89-90. A minél nagyobb hitelesség biztosításának érdekében Goffart számos korai auctort felsorakoztat, akik alátámasztják leírásának pontosságát, valamint elıveszi az akkoriban közkedvelt britanniai gót származás toposzát is, melyet ezek segítségével cáfol meg. 104 GOFFART 1988, 88-91; PROKOPIOS, DE BELLO GOTHICO, II, 15, 1 105 CASSIODORUS, VARIAE, IX, 24-25; XI, 1; XII, 20. Christiansen munkája is alapvetıen ebben a kicsengésben íródott. CHRISTIANSEN 2002. 106 A gót történet mellett feltételezhetıen több ponton is megfigyelhetı az érintkezés a Cassiodorus-féle hagyományok és az elsı lejegyzett langobard eredetmítoszok között. ORIGO GENTIS LANGOBARDORUM, 1-2.
Papers by Attila P Kiss
The case of the partial horse burials is another excellent illustration of the fact that in the fifth century the Hun Empire's leading stratum was probably made up of very different nomadic communities. This may have been a general nomadic custom spreading across the steppe with the arrival of the Huns, which was not standardised and thus did not develop into a uniform practice in the former Hun Empire. This process may also be partly similar to that of the formation of the representation of the warrior elite, where the first initial steps were also taken by the elite of the empire. At the same time, however, the nomadic "entity" is certainly capable of being detected, as far as we know at present. The use of ritual is not an expression of ethnic identity, but rather of cultural identity. Their low number may be partly related to the short presence of the centre of the Hun Empire in the Carpathian Basin (or close to it). At the same time, it is important to stress that the material of the period does not include a large number of graves with elite representation.
This paper presents Gyula László's research and concepts of social archaeology of the Migration Period, drawing attention to the new trends and theorys that have emerged in archaeological literature since then.
This study presents the 5th century shield bosses types known from the material of burials in the Carpathian Basin and their development. A wide range of objects spread throughout the area during the late Roman Imperial and the early migration periods (Type of Dobrodzień/Zieling T Varianten, Csongrad/Zieling L, Misery/Zieling H1, Vermand, Horgos/Libenau; Kiszombor). It is typical that the graves in which shields were placed are known mainly from the eastern part of the Carpathian Basin (we do not know any such burials from Transdanubia). Among the conical shield bosses, specimens ending in a spike also appear during the middle third of the 5th century, evoking earlier forms (ancient Germanic traditions). Unfortunately, previous research has often classified certain types into one type based only on similar characteristics (form of the cone). In the present writing, in order to avoid this, I tried to separate the pieces previously classificed only for the Horgos/Libenau type. In the case of the latest pieces (second half and end of the 5th century), the spike should be hammered (Grave Kiszombor-B 308). In the latest pieces, which appear in the earliest graves of the row-grave cemeteries, the spike was hammered. At the end of the 5th century, pieces of Merovingian culture known in the west appear, which spread very rapidly in the area and in the local material of row-grave cemeteries.
The case of the partial horse burials is another excellent illustration of the fact that in the fifth century the Hun Empire's leading stratum was probably made up of very different nomadic communities. This may have been a general nomadic custom spreading across the steppe with the arrival of the Huns, which was not standardised and thus did not develop into a uniform practice in the former Hun Empire. This process may also be partly similar to that of the formation of the representation of the warrior elite, where the first initial steps were also taken by the elite of the empire. At the same time, however, the nomadic "entity" is certainly capable of being detected, as far as we know at present. The use of ritual is not an expression of ethnic identity, but rather of cultural identity. Their low number may be partly related to the short presence of the centre of the Hun Empire in the Carpathian Basin (or close to it). At the same time, it is important to stress that the material of the period does not include a large number of graves with elite representation.
This paper presents Gyula László's research and concepts of social archaeology of the Migration Period, drawing attention to the new trends and theorys that have emerged in archaeological literature since then.
This study presents the 5th century shield bosses types known from the material of burials in the Carpathian Basin and their development. A wide range of objects spread throughout the area during the late Roman Imperial and the early migration periods (Type of Dobrodzień/Zieling T Varianten, Csongrad/Zieling L, Misery/Zieling H1, Vermand, Horgos/Libenau; Kiszombor). It is typical that the graves in which shields were placed are known mainly from the eastern part of the Carpathian Basin (we do not know any such burials from Transdanubia). Among the conical shield bosses, specimens ending in a spike also appear during the middle third of the 5th century, evoking earlier forms (ancient Germanic traditions). Unfortunately, previous research has often classified certain types into one type based only on similar characteristics (form of the cone). In the present writing, in order to avoid this, I tried to separate the pieces previously classificed only for the Horgos/Libenau type. In the case of the latest pieces (second half and end of the 5th century), the spike should be hammered (Grave Kiszombor-B 308). In the latest pieces, which appear in the earliest graves of the row-grave cemeteries, the spike was hammered. At the end of the 5th century, pieces of Merovingian culture known in the west appear, which spread very rapidly in the area and in the local material of row-grave cemeteries.