Roster Management System


Innovative Project Proposal for the course EC423 Internet & Web Technologies

Delhi Technological University Internet & Web Technologies EC 423 Automated Roster Management System Submitted By: Parangat Mittal 2K17/EC/121 Kartikeya Pandey 2K17/EC/79 Submitted To: Mr. Kaustubh Ranjan Singh Assistant Professor Department of ECE September 2020 PROJECT PROPOSAL Automated Roster Management System Parangat Mittal, Kartikeya Pandey September 10, 2020 Abstract With each and every industry expanding and diversifying, the need for automation of various tasks arises. One of the preliminary tasks for an operation-based company is automation of the shifts assigned to the employees in the operations. The proposed project aims to create an algorithm for automation of the rosters, i.e. the shifts assigned to the employees. The final outcome of the project is a dashboard for the shift allocation manager who can input the various parameters and get the shifts of the employees automatically. 1 Introduction Roster Management is important for organizations that work on multiple shifts. When there are employees working in different shifts in different time zones, there is a need to have a system with which it can be tracked who is in which shift. Employee scheduling software makes it easy to map employees to various shifts and to communicate to employees on time. Today, the need to automate trivial tasks in any conglomerate has increased a lot. With expanding businesses and consequently the number of employees and workers, tasks such as scheduling of shifts and alerting the employees for the same can be automated. Scenarios such as emergency shifts and temporary changes can be left for the Shift Manager to allocate manually, regular one can be automated. This project aims to develop such an automated system which can allocate shifts to the employees and alert them timely. The Roster Management System is proposed to contain the following features: • User Login • Dashboard • Shift Request Screen • Shift Screen • Shift Allocation for employees • Shift Assign Screen 1 • Publish Screen • Admin Screen • Reports Screen 2 Objective To develop: • an algorithm to automate the shift allocation of employees • a Python-based implementation of the algorithm • a web-based interface in HTML to display the allocated shifts • an automated e-mail scheduler to send the mails to the employees Figure 1: A sample shift allocation requirement input format 3 Methodology The proposed project will be carried out in Python scripting language and employing the use of HTML markup language. The back-end of the project would be based in the Flask Web Development Framework of Python. The database of employees would be used to randomly allot them shifts based on some input parameters set by the shift allocation manager. For manipulating the database, Pandas and Numpy libraries of Python would be used. The following input parameters are to be considered: • Women employees are not to be allocated night shifts (based on the practical aspect of safety of women at workplace). • An employee must not be allocated more than one shifts in a day, and there must be at least 8 hours gap between subsequent shifts. • The employees must be informed about the shifts through email every weekend, and about every sudden change at least a day before. 2 Figure 2: A sample employee database format 3